
17Mar20: Manual URL Link Types: Add "(HTML)" or "(PDF)" to Title

I've seen a number of failed analysis attempts due to the URL type not being identified. This is a test that is done to avoid wasting time and credits converting a URL that cannot be read. Clearly this test is not consistently working, so there is a workaround.

To bypass the automatic detection, add "(HTML)" or "(PDF)" to the HYPERLINK string in Column D; for example:

=HYPERLINK("https://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?documentId=090000168007cf98","Oviedo Convention (PDF)")

(In this case, the string specifies this should be treated like a PDF file, and not to bother trying to detect what content type the URL points to). Therefore, when you receive a notice that type could not be determined, but YOU are confident you know what it is, you can manually plug the type into the Title.
Please note that ONLY "(HTML)" and "(PDF)" will be recognized.

17Mar20: Translations allowed!

OK folks, Dr Findley allowed ongoing translations...but please do be judicious. He's set a cost cap (which I'm not sharing with you) and if costs exceed that cap...I turn translations off...

1Mar20: Code refactoring and patching

The code is getting complex enough that I've been refactoring it and adding testing components, which means nothing to people who are not Computer Science geeks. So if something doesn't work like it should, email me at chip@jmlowe.net.

I've updated the emails to be more explicit about errors that occur, so you're not left with a "no response" scenario after running an "analyze" request.

21Feb20: Automatic document language detection and translation is active

Thanks to Google, after documents are converted from PDF or HTML to text, they are examined to determine what language they're in. If they are not English...they're translated to English. Thus the indicator and trigger word searches now work on documents that are originally not in English.

21Feb20: Recommendations are automatically added

Recommendations will automatically be added in the appropropriate Vulnerability column in the Master sheet - you'll see these in brackets, e.g. [0:4] or [1:7]. The first number is the recommendation ('0' or '1'), which right now is solely based on the number of matches found for all indicator words associated with that particular vulnerability (the 2nd number). Any user-entered classification is untouched. If any classification existed before the row was processed, it remains and precedes the bracketed recommendations, e.g. 1[1:12] or 0[1:8]. If the app doesn't find any matches for any indicator associated with the vulnerability, nothing is added to that column.

21Feb20: AND...those recommendations are clickable...

The recommendations are hyperlinks; if you click on one, it will open the synopsis and take you to the context for that particular vulnerability.

21Feb20: Analyze by row is now the way to go

The days of using anything OTHER than by-row conversion are probably over. With the addition of automatic language detection and translation, it's essentially impossible to process a document in the small time window (30 seconds) before the client browser disconnects. So forget about hitting the 'reload' button to restart interrupted processes, because that will no longer be presented as an option. First...just 'Analyze' using the 'row(s)' option at the top of the page. You'll be informed that the work is running in the background, and you'll get informed by email when it's done. (And...the synopsis and recommendations are added automatically to the Vulnerability Master).

21Feb20: Synopsis reports now include...

An Indicator 'hash' is a small code at the top of the report that uniquely identifies the specific combination of indicators, vulnerabilities and vulnerability types that existed when the report was generated. When any of those words are changed, the hash value is different - thus every prior synopsis (generated with a different combination of indicators etc.) can be automatically re-generated with the new ones.

A hyperlink to the English text version of the file is included near the top of the report.