
Law of the Republic of Armenia of May 4, 1996: About Medical Aid, The Maintenance of the Population, Article 21


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Indicators in focus are typically shown highlighted in yellow; Peer Indicators (that share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in pink; "Outside" Indicators (those that do NOT share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in green; Trigger Words/Phrases are shown highlighted in gray.

Link to Orphaned Trigger Words (Appendix (Indicator List, Indicator Peers, Trigger Words, Type/Vulnerability/Indicator Overlay)

Applicable Type / Vulnerability / Indicator Overlay for this Input

Vulnerability TypeVulnerabilityIndicator# Matches
Politicalpolitical affiliationpolitical1
Politicalstateless personsstateless1
HealthMentally Disableddisability3
HealthMentally Incapacitatedincapable2
HealthPhysically Disabledillness4
Healthpatients in emergency situationsemergencies2
SocialAccess to Social Goodsaccess1
SocialLinguistic Proficiencylanguage1
SocialPolice Officerpolice1
SocialProperty Ownershipproperty1
SocialRacial Minorityrace1
General/OtherNatural Hazardshazard1
General/OtherPublic Emergencyemergency2
General/OtherRelationship to Authorityauthority1

Political / political affiliation

Searching for indicator political:

(return to top)
p.(None): 4. Privileged medical care and services by citizens
p.(None): medical received under state targeted health programs
p.(None): partial reimbursement for services, drugs, and / or medical supplies
p.(None): at the expense of the state budget.
p.(None): (Article 1 edited by HO-43 of 21.03.00, amended by HO-435-N of 23.10.02, amended by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 2. Basic Types of Medical Assistance and Services
p.(None): The main types of medical care and services are:
p.(None): a) Primary medical care as free for every person, more
p.(None): available medical care and services based on available methods and technologies
p.(None): a species that is guaranteed by the state;
p.(None): b) specialized medical care as diagnostic and medical
p.(None): medical based on specific methods and sophisticated medical technologies
p.(None): type of assistance and service.
p.(None): The list and structure of the types of medical care and services are defined
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 3. Forms of Organizing Medical Assistance and Services
p.(None): Medical care and services are organized by:
p.(None): In hospital form, when it is necessary to use complex medical measures:
p.(None): Diagnosis, treatment, long-term control and special care.
p.(None): out-of-hospital form when not required for its implementation
p.(None): hospital conditions.
p.(None): CHAPTER 2:
p.(None): IN THE FIELD:
p.(None): Article 4 The human right to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Everyone, regardless of nationality, race, sex, language, creed, age,
p.(None): health status, political or other views, social origin, property or
p.(None): Otherwise, the Republic of Armenia has medical care and services
p.(None): the right to receive.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to receive free medical care or care
p.(None): with a state-of-the-art health guarantee
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to medical care outside of these programs
p.(None): receive medical insurance benefits, personal payments,
p.(None): At the expense of other sources provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Medical assistance to citizens of the Republic of Armenia in other countries
p.(None): and the service is provided by the laws of that country as well as Armenia
p.(None): According to the international treaties of the Republic.
p.(None): (Article 4 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 5. Human rights in receiving medical care and services
p.(None): When applying for medical care, as well as receiving medical care and services
p.(None): everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) choose the provider of medical care and service;
p.(None): (b) receive medical care and care in accordance with the requirements of hygiene
p.(None): in appropriate conditions:
p.(None): (c) to require the doctor to seek medical attention, health status, examination;
p.(None): ensuring the confidentiality of information found during diagnosis and treatment;
p.(None): except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (d) Be aware of his or her illness and consent to medical intervention
p.(None): for.
p.(None): e) to refuse medical intervention, except as provided for by this Law;
p.(None): (f) To be treated with respect - medical care and service

Political / stateless persons

Searching for indicator stateless:

(return to top)
p.(None): help and service.
p.(None): (Article 10 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): A person suffering from a life-threatening illness
p.(None): Article 11
p.(None): right
p.(None): A person suffering from a disease that is dangerous to the environment has the right
p.(None): get free medical care guaranteed by the state and
p.(None): service and treatment specialized for this purpose
p.(None): in institutions providing medical care and services.
p.(None): The list of environmental hazards is set out
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): the right to receive medical care and services of persons
p.(None): Persons arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): have the right to receive medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the legislation:
p.(None): Medical care and service of servicemen and conscripts
p.(None): Article 13
p.(None): the right to receive
p.(None): Military servicemen and conscripts have the right to receive and receive medical care
p.(None): service according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Emergency and medical care for people affected by emergencies
p.(None): Article 14
p.(None): rights to receive service
p.(None): People affected by emergencies receive medical care and care
p.(None): get free of charge in a state guaranteed manner.
p.(None): Medical of foreign nationals, stateless persons
p.(None): Article 15
p.(None): the right to receive assistance and service
p.(None): Foreign Citizens in the Republic of Armenia, citizenship
p.(None): Persons with disabilities have the right to receive medical care and services in Armenia
p.(None): International legislation of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the agreements.
p.(None): Providing medical care and services without a human being
p.(None): Article 16
p.(None): by agreement
p.(None): It is permitted without the consent of the person or his or her legal representative
p.(None): provide medical care and services to endanger life,
p.(None): as well as in cases of environmental hazards:
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 17. Refusal of medical intervention
p.(None): Everyone or his or her legal representative has the right to refuse medical treatment
p.(None): or request an interruption, except as provided for in Article 16 of this Law
p.(None): of cases.
p.(None): Refusal of medical intervention with indication of possible consequences,
p.(None): is recorded in medical records and certified by the patient or his legal representative
p.(None): by the representative.
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Health care providers and their providers
p.(None): Article 18
p.(None): rights:
p.(None): Providers of medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): have the right to receive appropriate medical care and care in the selected country
p.(None): within the species established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in case of getting a license.
p.(None): Have the right to practice medical activity in the Republic of Armenia

Health / Mentally Disabled

Searching for indicator disability:

(return to top)
p.(None): Mandatory for people with particular types of activities
p.(None): Article 20
p.(None): medical examination
p.(None): Separate professions, as well as separate enterprises, institutions and
p.(None): employees of organizations for human health, infectious and
p.(None): for the prevention of occupational diseases prior to their employment
p.(None): During the admission and work period, they are obliged to undergo regular medical examinations
p.(None): examination in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Employers are obliged to reimburse their employees for compulsory medical care
p.(None): costs of conducting research.
p.(None): When providing medical care and services, new drugs, methods,
p.(None): Article 21. Application of Forms, Means and Biomedical Research
p.(None): holding
p.(None): While providing medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): use of new drugs, methods, forms, remedies, and biomedical
p.(None): Conducting research by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Application of new drugs, methods, forms, and remedies for the treatment of people,
p.(None): any biomedical examination can only be performed by those who are aware of it
p.(None): written consent.
p.(None): A person has the right to refuse to participate in research at any stage.
p.(None): Article 22. Medical Examination
p.(None): In order to determine people's health, illness, injury,
p.(None): medical examination is performed in cases of loss of functionality and in other cases.
p.(None): The forms of medical examination are:
p.(None): - temporary disability,
p.(None): - medical and social,
p.(None): - military-medical,
p.(None): - forensic medicine,
p.(None): - Pathologic-anatomical.
p.(None): Temporary disability testing determines a person's job
p.(None): the necessity and timing of temporary release depending on the employee
p.(None): health status, temporary or permanent transfer to another job, such as:
p.(None): and the issue of referral to a person for medical and social expertise.
p.(None): Medical and social expertise determines loss of human capacity
p.(None): degree, disability group and cause, determine its medical, social,
p.(None): provides the types, scope and timing of the job rehabilitation
p.(None): job placement guarantee.
p.(None): Military medical expertise decides to undergo military service
p.(None): in the health condition of civilians, servicemen, and reservists
p.(None): Approved by the military and approved by the military and
p.(None): Diseases and injuries of those who were discharged from the military service
p.(None): causal link with military service, defines medical, social,
p.(None): types, scope and timing of work rehabilitation.
p.(None): The forensic medical examination shall be carried out by the competent authorities:
p.(None): In cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Medical examination, in case of disputes, additional, such as:
p.(None): also independent medical examination, medical examination
p.(None): The procedure for appealing the judgment is to be established in Armenia
p.(None): By the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): Pathological-anatomical examination is carried out accordingly
p.(None): with the participation of a qualified specialist and other medical professionals
p.(None): and comparing the results of pathological examinations and clinical data
p.(None): for the purpose of establishing a definitive diagnosis in accordance with the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Government order.

Health / Mentally Incapacitated

Searching for indicator incapable:

(return to top)
p.(None): in appropriate conditions:
p.(None): (c) to require the doctor to seek medical attention, health status, examination;
p.(None): ensuring the confidentiality of information found during diagnosis and treatment;
p.(None): except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (d) Be aware of his or her illness and consent to medical intervention
p.(None): for.
p.(None): e) to refuse medical intervention, except as provided for by this Law;
p.(None): (f) To be treated with respect - medical care and service
p.(None): by the implementers.
p.(None): Damage caused during medical care and service
p.(None): Article 6
p.(None): the human right to compensation
p.(None): Everyone has the right to organize and receive medical care and services
p.(None): receive compensation for damage to his health during implementation:
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 7. The Human Right to Get Information on Health
p.(None): Everyone has the right to access information about his or her health
p.(None): condition, results of research, diagnosis and treatment of the disease
p.(None): methods, risk, possible options for medical intervention,
p.(None): about the consequences and treatment outcomes.
p.(None): Information about a person's health cannot be contrary to his will
p.(None): communicate to him or to any person other than the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Patients under 18 years of age or considered legally incapable
p.(None): health information is provided to their legal representatives.
p.(None): Article 8. Consent for Medical Intervention
p.(None): Human consent is a necessary condition for medical intervention, except
p.(None): from the cases provided by this law.
p.(None): An agreement may also be in writing at the request of the doctor or the patient being treated.
p.(None): A patient who is under 18 years of age or has been declared incapable by law,
p.(None): and in cases where the patient's condition does not allow him to express his will,
p.(None): consent for medical intervention shall be given to his or her legal representative
p.(None): from:
p.(None): In the absence of a legal representative if medical intervention
p.(None): The decision on medical intervention is not subject to delay, depending on the patient
p.(None): in the interests of medical consultation (consilium) and its impossibility
p.(None): in the case of a doctor.
p.(None): Article 9. Human Reproductive Rights
p.(None): Every couple or everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) determine the number of his children and the dates of their birth;
p.(None): b) Avoid unwanted pregnancy and abortion
p.(None): make use of effective and harmless family planning tools and
p.(None): methods, get the necessary information about them.
p.(None): c) receive pregnancy and childbirth medical information during pregnancy
p.(None): Assistance and service: state-guaranteed annual health care
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Abortion and medical exhaustion are carried out
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Everyone, including a teenager, has the right to information about their sex
p.(None): health issues, sexually transmitted diseases,
p.(None): about their complications and consequences.
p.(None): (Article 9 amended 06.11.00 LA-110)
p.(None): Article 10 - The right of the child to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Every child in state targeted health programs

Health / Motherhood/Family

Searching for indicator family:

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p.(None): communicate to him or to any person other than the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Patients under 18 years of age or considered legally incapable
p.(None): health information is provided to their legal representatives.
p.(None): Article 8. Consent for Medical Intervention
p.(None): Human consent is a necessary condition for medical intervention, except
p.(None): from the cases provided by this law.
p.(None): An agreement may also be in writing at the request of the doctor or the patient being treated.
p.(None): A patient who is under 18 years of age or has been declared incapable by law,
p.(None): and in cases where the patient's condition does not allow him to express his will,
p.(None): consent for medical intervention shall be given to his or her legal representative
p.(None): from:
p.(None): In the absence of a legal representative if medical intervention
p.(None): The decision on medical intervention is not subject to delay, depending on the patient
p.(None): in the interests of medical consultation (consilium) and its impossibility
p.(None): in the case of a doctor.
p.(None): Article 9. Human Reproductive Rights
p.(None): Every couple or everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) determine the number of his children and the dates of their birth;
p.(None): b) Avoid unwanted pregnancy and abortion
p.(None): make use of effective and harmless family planning tools and
p.(None): methods, get the necessary information about them.
p.(None): c) receive pregnancy and childbirth medical information during pregnancy
p.(None): Assistance and service: state-guaranteed annual health care
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Abortion and medical exhaustion are carried out
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Everyone, including a teenager, has the right to information about their sex
p.(None): health issues, sexually transmitted diseases,
p.(None): about their complications and consequences.
p.(None): (Article 9 amended 06.11.00 LA-110)
p.(None): Article 10 - The right of the child to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Every child in state targeted health programs
p.(None): has the right to receive medical treatment free of charge or under privileged conditions
p.(None): help and service.
p.(None): (Article 10 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): A person suffering from a life-threatening illness
p.(None): Article 11
p.(None): right
p.(None): A person suffering from a disease that is dangerous to the environment has the right
p.(None): get free medical care guaranteed by the state and
p.(None): service and treatment specialized for this purpose
p.(None): in institutions providing medical care and services.
p.(None): The list of environmental hazards is set out
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): the right to receive medical care and services of persons
p.(None): Persons arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment

Health / Physically Disabled

Searching for indicator illness:

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p.(None): health status, political or other views, social origin, property or
p.(None): Otherwise, the Republic of Armenia has medical care and services
p.(None): the right to receive.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to receive free medical care or care
p.(None): with a state-of-the-art health guarantee
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to medical care outside of these programs
p.(None): receive medical insurance benefits, personal payments,
p.(None): At the expense of other sources provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Medical assistance to citizens of the Republic of Armenia in other countries
p.(None): and the service is provided by the laws of that country as well as Armenia
p.(None): According to the international treaties of the Republic.
p.(None): (Article 4 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 5. Human rights in receiving medical care and services
p.(None): When applying for medical care, as well as receiving medical care and services
p.(None): everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) choose the provider of medical care and service;
p.(None): (b) receive medical care and care in accordance with the requirements of hygiene
p.(None): in appropriate conditions:
p.(None): (c) to require the doctor to seek medical attention, health status, examination;
p.(None): ensuring the confidentiality of information found during diagnosis and treatment;
p.(None): except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (d) Be aware of his or her illness and consent to medical intervention
p.(None): for.
p.(None): e) to refuse medical intervention, except as provided for by this Law;
p.(None): (f) To be treated with respect - medical care and service
p.(None): by the implementers.
p.(None): Damage caused during medical care and service
p.(None): Article 6
p.(None): the human right to compensation
p.(None): Everyone has the right to organize and receive medical care and services
p.(None): receive compensation for damage to his health during implementation:
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 7. The Human Right to Get Information on Health
p.(None): Everyone has the right to access information about his or her health
p.(None): condition, results of research, diagnosis and treatment of the disease
p.(None): methods, risk, possible options for medical intervention,
p.(None): about the consequences and treatment outcomes.
p.(None): Information about a person's health cannot be contrary to his will
p.(None): communicate to him or to any person other than the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Patients under 18 years of age or considered legally incapable
p.(None): health information is provided to their legal representatives.
p.(None): Article 8. Consent for Medical Intervention
p.(None): Human consent is a necessary condition for medical intervention, except
p.(None): from the cases provided by this law.

p.(None): from:
p.(None): In the absence of a legal representative if medical intervention
p.(None): The decision on medical intervention is not subject to delay, depending on the patient
p.(None): in the interests of medical consultation (consilium) and its impossibility
p.(None): in the case of a doctor.
p.(None): Article 9. Human Reproductive Rights
p.(None): Every couple or everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) determine the number of his children and the dates of their birth;
p.(None): b) Avoid unwanted pregnancy and abortion
p.(None): make use of effective and harmless family planning tools and
p.(None): methods, get the necessary information about them.
p.(None): c) receive pregnancy and childbirth medical information during pregnancy
p.(None): Assistance and service: state-guaranteed annual health care
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Abortion and medical exhaustion are carried out
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Everyone, including a teenager, has the right to information about their sex
p.(None): health issues, sexually transmitted diseases,
p.(None): about their complications and consequences.
p.(None): (Article 9 amended 06.11.00 LA-110)
p.(None): Article 10 - The right of the child to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Every child in state targeted health programs
p.(None): has the right to receive medical treatment free of charge or under privileged conditions
p.(None): help and service.
p.(None): (Article 10 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): A person suffering from a life-threatening illness
p.(None): Article 11
p.(None): right
p.(None): A person suffering from a disease that is dangerous to the environment has the right
p.(None): get free medical care guaranteed by the state and
p.(None): service and treatment specialized for this purpose
p.(None): in institutions providing medical care and services.
p.(None): The list of environmental hazards is set out
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): the right to receive medical care and services of persons
p.(None): Persons arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): have the right to receive medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the legislation:
p.(None): Medical care and service of servicemen and conscripts
p.(None): Article 13
p.(None): the right to receive
p.(None): Military servicemen and conscripts have the right to receive and receive medical care
p.(None): service according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Emergency and medical care for people affected by emergencies
p.(None): Article 14
p.(None): rights to receive service
p.(None): People affected by emergencies receive medical care and care
p.(None): get free of charge in a state guaranteed manner.
p.(None): Medical of foreign nationals, stateless persons
p.(None): Article 15
p.(None): the right to receive assistance and service
p.(None): Foreign Citizens in the Republic of Armenia, citizenship
p.(None): Persons with disabilities have the right to receive medical care and services in Armenia

p.(None): shall be liable under the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in order.
p.(None): CHAPTER 4:
p.(None): Mandatory for people with particular types of activities
p.(None): Article 20
p.(None): medical examination
p.(None): Separate professions, as well as separate enterprises, institutions and
p.(None): employees of organizations for human health, infectious and
p.(None): for the prevention of occupational diseases prior to their employment
p.(None): During the admission and work period, they are obliged to undergo regular medical examinations
p.(None): examination in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Employers are obliged to reimburse their employees for compulsory medical care
p.(None): costs of conducting research.
p.(None): When providing medical care and services, new drugs, methods,
p.(None): Article 21. Application of Forms, Means and Biomedical Research
p.(None): holding
p.(None): While providing medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): use of new drugs, methods, forms, remedies, and biomedical
p.(None): Conducting research by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Application of new drugs, methods, forms, and remedies for the treatment of people,
p.(None): any biomedical examination can only be performed by those who are aware of it
p.(None): written consent.
p.(None): A person has the right to refuse to participate in research at any stage.
p.(None): Article 22. Medical Examination
p.(None): In order to determine people's health, illness, injury,
p.(None): medical examination is performed in cases of loss of functionality and in other cases.
p.(None): The forms of medical examination are:
p.(None): - temporary disability,
p.(None): - medical and social,
p.(None): - military-medical,
p.(None): - forensic medicine,
p.(None): - Pathologic-anatomical.
p.(None): Temporary disability testing determines a person's job
p.(None): the necessity and timing of temporary release depending on the employee
p.(None): health status, temporary or permanent transfer to another job, such as:
p.(None): and the issue of referral to a person for medical and social expertise.
p.(None): Medical and social expertise determines loss of human capacity
p.(None): degree, disability group and cause, determine its medical, social,
p.(None): provides the types, scope and timing of the job rehabilitation
p.(None): job placement guarantee.
p.(None): Military medical expertise decides to undergo military service
p.(None): in the health condition of civilians, servicemen, and reservists
p.(None): Approved by the military and approved by the military and
p.(None): Diseases and injuries of those who were discharged from the military service

p.(None): Persons who deliberately induce or administer euthanasia to the patient
p.(None): those who are liable under the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Article 24. Pathopathological activity
p.(None): (Title edited 03.10.11 HO-258-N)
p.(None): 1. Pathophysiological activities in medical care and care
p.(None): a type of pathological-anatomical examination,
p.(None): Pathological anatomical examination and pathological examination
p.(None): by:
p.(None): 2. Pathological-anatomical studies for the diagnosis of diseases
p.(None): for medical facilities with a relevant license
p.(None): Implemented by qualified specialists. Pathologic-anatomical
p.(None): The list and the procedure for conducting the research shall be defined by the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): the government.
p.(None): 3. To determine the cause of death of a deceased person and to determine the pathological and anatomical findings
p.(None): with the appropriate license to make a diagnosis of his disease
p.(None): in a medical institution by a qualified specialist-
p.(None): doctors: Pathologic anatomy can be performed if the death occurs
p.(None): is not a subject of forensic medical examination prescribed by law.
p.(None): The procedure for the implementation of pathogenetic abnormalities is approved by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.
p.(None): 4. Pathopathologic abnormalities may not be realized on the basis
p.(None): the will expressed by the deceased during the lifetime of the deceased or his relatives or legal representative
p.(None): written application, except as provided by law.
p.(None): 5. Pathopathological anatomies are mandatory:
p.(None): 1) Hazard to the environment approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): a person as a result of any illness included in the list of diseases
p.(None): in case of death.
p.(None): 2) In case of infectious diseases or justified suspicion of their existence;
p.(None): 3) In cases of death from tumors, when no diagnosis is available
p.(None): histological confirmation;
p.(None): 4) in case of perinatal death;
p.(None): 5) in case of deaths of pregnant women, mothers and stillbirths (maternal mortality);
p.(None): 6) in the case when the patient dies after being admitted to a medical facility - the first 24
p.(None): within hours.
p.(None): Compulsory pathological anatomical ablation
p.(None): The procedure is defined by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): 6. Pathologic-anatomical on the diagnosis of death or disease
p.(None): The conclusion of the examination is attached to the medical records of the deceased person
p.(None): if requested, it shall also be given to relatives, legal representatives,
p.(None): police, prosecutors, or the National Security Service or
p.(None): to the court in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): (Article 24 edited by HO-258-N of 03.10.11)
p.(None): CHAPTER 5:
p.(None): Financing medical assistance and services
p.(None): Article 25
p.(None): sources:
p.(None): Implementation of medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Financing sources are:
p.(None): a) allocations from the state budget of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (b) insurance benefits;
p.(None): c) direct payments to people;
p.(None): d) other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

Health / Pregnant

Searching for indicator pregnant:

(return to top)
p.(None): Pathological anatomical examination and pathological examination
p.(None): by:
p.(None): 2. Pathological-anatomical studies for the diagnosis of diseases
p.(None): for medical facilities with a relevant license
p.(None): Implemented by qualified specialists. Pathologic-anatomical
p.(None): The list and the procedure for conducting the research shall be defined by the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): the government.
p.(None): 3. To determine the cause of death of a deceased person and to determine the pathological and anatomical findings
p.(None): with the appropriate license to make a diagnosis of his disease
p.(None): in a medical institution by a qualified specialist-
p.(None): doctors: Pathologic anatomy can be performed if the death occurs
p.(None): is not a subject of forensic medical examination prescribed by law.
p.(None): The procedure for the implementation of pathogenetic abnormalities is approved by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.
p.(None): 4. Pathopathologic abnormalities may not be realized on the basis
p.(None): the will expressed by the deceased during the lifetime of the deceased or his relatives or legal representative
p.(None): written application, except as provided by law.
p.(None): 5. Pathopathological anatomies are mandatory:
p.(None): 1) Hazard to the environment approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): a person as a result of any illness included in the list of diseases
p.(None): in case of death.
p.(None): 2) In case of infectious diseases or justified suspicion of their existence;
p.(None): 3) In cases of death from tumors, when no diagnosis is available
p.(None): histological confirmation;
p.(None): 4) in case of perinatal death;
p.(None): 5) in case of deaths of pregnant women, mothers and stillbirths (maternal mortality);
p.(None): 6) in the case when the patient dies after being admitted to a medical facility - the first 24
p.(None): within hours.
p.(None): Compulsory pathological anatomical ablation
p.(None): The procedure is defined by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): 6. Pathologic-anatomical on the diagnosis of death or disease
p.(None): The conclusion of the examination is attached to the medical records of the deceased person
p.(None): if requested, it shall also be given to relatives, legal representatives,
p.(None): police, prosecutors, or the National Security Service or
p.(None): to the court in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): (Article 24 edited by HO-258-N of 03.10.11)
p.(None): CHAPTER 5:
p.(None): Financing medical assistance and services
p.(None): Article 25
p.(None): sources:
p.(None): Implementation of medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Financing sources are:
p.(None): a) allocations from the state budget of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (b) insurance benefits;
p.(None): c) direct payments to people;
p.(None): d) other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia stipulated by the state budget
p.(None): Implements state targeted health programs with allocations
p.(None): guaranteed funding for medical care and services
p.(None): medical and service providers, regardless of their organizational-
p.(None): legal type and form of ownership.
p.(None): Financing medical care and services with insurance benefits

Health / patients in emergency situations

Searching for indicator emergencies:

(return to top)
p.(None): (Article 9 amended 06.11.00 LA-110)
p.(None): Article 10 - The right of the child to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Every child in state targeted health programs
p.(None): has the right to receive medical treatment free of charge or under privileged conditions
p.(None): help and service.
p.(None): (Article 10 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): A person suffering from a life-threatening illness
p.(None): Article 11
p.(None): right
p.(None): A person suffering from a disease that is dangerous to the environment has the right
p.(None): get free medical care guaranteed by the state and
p.(None): service and treatment specialized for this purpose
p.(None): in institutions providing medical care and services.
p.(None): The list of environmental hazards is set out
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): the right to receive medical care and services of persons
p.(None): Persons arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): have the right to receive medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the legislation:
p.(None): Medical care and service of servicemen and conscripts
p.(None): Article 13
p.(None): the right to receive
p.(None): Military servicemen and conscripts have the right to receive and receive medical care
p.(None): service according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Emergency and medical care for people affected by emergencies
p.(None): Article 14
p.(None): rights to receive service
p.(None): People affected by emergencies receive medical care and care
p.(None): get free of charge in a state guaranteed manner.
p.(None): Medical of foreign nationals, stateless persons
p.(None): Article 15
p.(None): the right to receive assistance and service
p.(None): Foreign Citizens in the Republic of Armenia, citizenship
p.(None): Persons with disabilities have the right to receive medical care and services in Armenia
p.(None): International legislation of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the agreements.
p.(None): Providing medical care and services without a human being
p.(None): Article 16
p.(None): by agreement
p.(None): It is permitted without the consent of the person or his or her legal representative
p.(None): provide medical care and services to endanger life,
p.(None): as well as in cases of environmental hazards:
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 17. Refusal of medical intervention
p.(None): Everyone or his or her legal representative has the right to refuse medical treatment
p.(None): or request an interruption, except as provided for in Article 16 of this Law
p.(None): of cases.
p.(None): Refusal of medical intervention with indication of possible consequences,
p.(None): is recorded in medical records and certified by the patient or his legal representative
p.(None): by the representative.
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Health care providers and their providers
p.(None): Article 18
p.(None): rights:
p.(None): Providers of medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): have the right to receive appropriate medical care and care in the selected country

Social / Access to Social Goods

Searching for indicator access:

(return to top)
p.(None): Medical assistance to citizens of the Republic of Armenia in other countries
p.(None): and the service is provided by the laws of that country as well as Armenia
p.(None): According to the international treaties of the Republic.
p.(None): (Article 4 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 5. Human rights in receiving medical care and services
p.(None): When applying for medical care, as well as receiving medical care and services
p.(None): everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) choose the provider of medical care and service;
p.(None): (b) receive medical care and care in accordance with the requirements of hygiene
p.(None): in appropriate conditions:
p.(None): (c) to require the doctor to seek medical attention, health status, examination;
p.(None): ensuring the confidentiality of information found during diagnosis and treatment;
p.(None): except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (d) Be aware of his or her illness and consent to medical intervention
p.(None): for.
p.(None): e) to refuse medical intervention, except as provided for by this Law;
p.(None): (f) To be treated with respect - medical care and service
p.(None): by the implementers.
p.(None): Damage caused during medical care and service
p.(None): Article 6
p.(None): the human right to compensation
p.(None): Everyone has the right to organize and receive medical care and services
p.(None): receive compensation for damage to his health during implementation:
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 7. The Human Right to Get Information on Health
p.(None): Everyone has the right to access information about his or her health
p.(None): condition, results of research, diagnosis and treatment of the disease
p.(None): methods, risk, possible options for medical intervention,
p.(None): about the consequences and treatment outcomes.
p.(None): Information about a person's health cannot be contrary to his will
p.(None): communicate to him or to any person other than the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Patients under 18 years of age or considered legally incapable
p.(None): health information is provided to their legal representatives.
p.(None): Article 8. Consent for Medical Intervention
p.(None): Human consent is a necessary condition for medical intervention, except
p.(None): from the cases provided by this law.
p.(None): An agreement may also be in writing at the request of the doctor or the patient being treated.
p.(None): A patient who is under 18 years of age or has been declared incapable by law,
p.(None): and in cases where the patient's condition does not allow him to express his will,
p.(None): consent for medical intervention shall be given to his or her legal representative
p.(None): from:
p.(None): In the absence of a legal representative if medical intervention
p.(None): The decision on medical intervention is not subject to delay, depending on the patient
p.(None): in the interests of medical consultation (consilium) and its impossibility
p.(None): in the case of a doctor.

Social / Age

Searching for indicator age:

(return to top)
p.(None): in line with state targeted health programs.
p.(None): 4. Privileged medical care and services by citizens
p.(None): medical received under state targeted health programs
p.(None): partial reimbursement for services, drugs, and / or medical supplies
p.(None): at the expense of the state budget.
p.(None): (Article 1 edited by HO-43 of 21.03.00, amended by HO-435-N of 23.10.02, amended by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 2. Basic Types of Medical Assistance and Services
p.(None): The main types of medical care and services are:
p.(None): a) Primary medical care as free for every person, more
p.(None): available medical care and services based on available methods and technologies
p.(None): a species that is guaranteed by the state;
p.(None): b) specialized medical care as diagnostic and medical
p.(None): medical based on specific methods and sophisticated medical technologies
p.(None): type of assistance and service.
p.(None): The list and structure of the types of medical care and services are defined
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 3. Forms of Organizing Medical Assistance and Services
p.(None): Medical care and services are organized by:
p.(None): In hospital form, when it is necessary to use complex medical measures:
p.(None): Diagnosis, treatment, long-term control and special care.
p.(None): out-of-hospital form when not required for its implementation
p.(None): hospital conditions.
p.(None): CHAPTER 2:
p.(None): IN THE FIELD:
p.(None): Article 4 The human right to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Everyone, regardless of nationality, race, sex, language, creed, age,
p.(None): health status, political or other views, social origin, property or
p.(None): Otherwise, the Republic of Armenia has medical care and services
p.(None): the right to receive.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to receive free medical care or care
p.(None): with a state-of-the-art health guarantee
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to medical care outside of these programs
p.(None): receive medical insurance benefits, personal payments,
p.(None): At the expense of other sources provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Medical assistance to citizens of the Republic of Armenia in other countries
p.(None): and the service is provided by the laws of that country as well as Armenia
p.(None): According to the international treaties of the Republic.
p.(None): (Article 4 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 5. Human rights in receiving medical care and services
p.(None): When applying for medical care, as well as receiving medical care and services
p.(None): everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) choose the provider of medical care and service;
p.(None): (b) receive medical care and care in accordance with the requirements of hygiene
p.(None): in appropriate conditions:
p.(None): (c) to require the doctor to seek medical attention, health status, examination;
p.(None): ensuring the confidentiality of information found during diagnosis and treatment;
p.(None): except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (d) Be aware of his or her illness and consent to medical intervention
p.(None): for.
p.(None): e) to refuse medical intervention, except as provided for by this Law;
p.(None): (f) To be treated with respect - medical care and service
p.(None): by the implementers.
p.(None): Damage caused during medical care and service
p.(None): Article 6
p.(None): the human right to compensation
p.(None): Everyone has the right to organize and receive medical care and services
p.(None): receive compensation for damage to his health during implementation:
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 7. The Human Right to Get Information on Health
p.(None): Everyone has the right to access information about his or her health
p.(None): condition, results of research, diagnosis and treatment of the disease
p.(None): methods, risk, possible options for medical intervention,
p.(None): about the consequences and treatment outcomes.
p.(None): Information about a person's health cannot be contrary to his will
p.(None): communicate to him or to any person other than the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Patients under 18 years of age or considered legally incapable
p.(None): health information is provided to their legal representatives.
p.(None): Article 8. Consent for Medical Intervention
p.(None): Human consent is a necessary condition for medical intervention, except
p.(None): from the cases provided by this law.
p.(None): An agreement may also be in writing at the request of the doctor or the patient being treated.
p.(None): A patient who is under 18 years of age or has been declared incapable by law,
p.(None): and in cases where the patient's condition does not allow him to express his will,
p.(None): consent for medical intervention shall be given to his or her legal representative
p.(None): from:
p.(None): In the absence of a legal representative if medical intervention
p.(None): The decision on medical intervention is not subject to delay, depending on the patient
p.(None): in the interests of medical consultation (consilium) and its impossibility
p.(None): in the case of a doctor.
p.(None): Article 9. Human Reproductive Rights
p.(None): Every couple or everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) determine the number of his children and the dates of their birth;
p.(None): b) Avoid unwanted pregnancy and abortion
p.(None): make use of effective and harmless family planning tools and
p.(None): methods, get the necessary information about them.
p.(None): c) receive pregnancy and childbirth medical information during pregnancy
p.(None): Assistance and service: state-guaranteed annual health care
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Abortion and medical exhaustion are carried out
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Everyone, including a teenager, has the right to information about their sex
p.(None): health issues, sexually transmitted diseases,
p.(None): about their complications and consequences.
p.(None): (Article 9 amended 06.11.00 LA-110)
p.(None): Article 10 - The right of the child to receive medical care and services

Social / Child

Searching for indicator child:

(return to top)
p.(None): and in cases where the patient's condition does not allow him to express his will,
p.(None): consent for medical intervention shall be given to his or her legal representative
p.(None): from:
p.(None): In the absence of a legal representative if medical intervention
p.(None): The decision on medical intervention is not subject to delay, depending on the patient
p.(None): in the interests of medical consultation (consilium) and its impossibility
p.(None): in the case of a doctor.
p.(None): Article 9. Human Reproductive Rights
p.(None): Every couple or everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) determine the number of his children and the dates of their birth;
p.(None): b) Avoid unwanted pregnancy and abortion
p.(None): make use of effective and harmless family planning tools and
p.(None): methods, get the necessary information about them.
p.(None): c) receive pregnancy and childbirth medical information during pregnancy
p.(None): Assistance and service: state-guaranteed annual health care
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Abortion and medical exhaustion are carried out
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Everyone, including a teenager, has the right to information about their sex
p.(None): health issues, sexually transmitted diseases,
p.(None): about their complications and consequences.
p.(None): (Article 9 amended 06.11.00 LA-110)
p.(None): Article 10 - The right of the child to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Every child in state targeted health programs
p.(None): has the right to receive medical treatment free of charge or under privileged conditions
p.(None): help and service.
p.(None): (Article 10 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): A person suffering from a life-threatening illness
p.(None): Article 11
p.(None): right
p.(None): A person suffering from a disease that is dangerous to the environment has the right
p.(None): get free medical care guaranteed by the state and
p.(None): service and treatment specialized for this purpose
p.(None): in institutions providing medical care and services.
p.(None): The list of environmental hazards is set out
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): the right to receive medical care and services of persons
p.(None): Persons arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): have the right to receive medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the legislation:
p.(None): Medical care and service of servicemen and conscripts
p.(None): Article 13
p.(None): the right to receive
p.(None): Military servicemen and conscripts have the right to receive and receive medical care
p.(None): service according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Emergency and medical care for people affected by emergencies
p.(None): Article 14
p.(None): rights to receive service
p.(None): People affected by emergencies receive medical care and care
p.(None): get free of charge in a state guaranteed manner.

Searching for indicator children:

(return to top)
p.(None): about the consequences and treatment outcomes.
p.(None): Information about a person's health cannot be contrary to his will
p.(None): communicate to him or to any person other than the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Patients under 18 years of age or considered legally incapable
p.(None): health information is provided to their legal representatives.
p.(None): Article 8. Consent for Medical Intervention
p.(None): Human consent is a necessary condition for medical intervention, except
p.(None): from the cases provided by this law.
p.(None): An agreement may also be in writing at the request of the doctor or the patient being treated.
p.(None): A patient who is under 18 years of age or has been declared incapable by law,
p.(None): and in cases where the patient's condition does not allow him to express his will,
p.(None): consent for medical intervention shall be given to his or her legal representative
p.(None): from:
p.(None): In the absence of a legal representative if medical intervention
p.(None): The decision on medical intervention is not subject to delay, depending on the patient
p.(None): in the interests of medical consultation (consilium) and its impossibility
p.(None): in the case of a doctor.
p.(None): Article 9. Human Reproductive Rights
p.(None): Every couple or everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) determine the number of his children and the dates of their birth;
p.(None): b) Avoid unwanted pregnancy and abortion
p.(None): make use of effective and harmless family planning tools and
p.(None): methods, get the necessary information about them.
p.(None): c) receive pregnancy and childbirth medical information during pregnancy
p.(None): Assistance and service: state-guaranteed annual health care
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Abortion and medical exhaustion are carried out
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Everyone, including a teenager, has the right to information about their sex
p.(None): health issues, sexually transmitted diseases,
p.(None): about their complications and consequences.
p.(None): (Article 9 amended 06.11.00 LA-110)
p.(None): Article 10 - The right of the child to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Every child in state targeted health programs
p.(None): has the right to receive medical treatment free of charge or under privileged conditions
p.(None): help and service.
p.(None): (Article 10 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): A person suffering from a life-threatening illness
p.(None): Article 11
p.(None): right
p.(None): A person suffering from a disease that is dangerous to the environment has the right
p.(None): get free medical care guaranteed by the state and
p.(None): service and treatment specialized for this purpose
p.(None): in institutions providing medical care and services.
p.(None): The list of environmental hazards is set out

Social / Linguistic Proficiency

Searching for indicator language:

(return to top)
p.(None): the maintenance and development of the health sector, the volumes of which are determined
p.(None): in line with state targeted health programs.
p.(None): 4. Privileged medical care and services by citizens
p.(None): medical received under state targeted health programs
p.(None): partial reimbursement for services, drugs, and / or medical supplies
p.(None): at the expense of the state budget.
p.(None): (Article 1 edited by HO-43 of 21.03.00, amended by HO-435-N of 23.10.02, amended by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 2. Basic Types of Medical Assistance and Services
p.(None): The main types of medical care and services are:
p.(None): a) Primary medical care as free for every person, more
p.(None): available medical care and services based on available methods and technologies
p.(None): a species that is guaranteed by the state;
p.(None): b) specialized medical care as diagnostic and medical
p.(None): medical based on specific methods and sophisticated medical technologies
p.(None): type of assistance and service.
p.(None): The list and structure of the types of medical care and services are defined
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 3. Forms of Organizing Medical Assistance and Services
p.(None): Medical care and services are organized by:
p.(None): In hospital form, when it is necessary to use complex medical measures:
p.(None): Diagnosis, treatment, long-term control and special care.
p.(None): out-of-hospital form when not required for its implementation
p.(None): hospital conditions.
p.(None): CHAPTER 2:
p.(None): IN THE FIELD:
p.(None): Article 4 The human right to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Everyone, regardless of nationality, race, sex, language, creed, age,
p.(None): health status, political or other views, social origin, property or
p.(None): Otherwise, the Republic of Armenia has medical care and services
p.(None): the right to receive.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to receive free medical care or care
p.(None): with a state-of-the-art health guarantee
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to medical care outside of these programs
p.(None): receive medical insurance benefits, personal payments,
p.(None): At the expense of other sources provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Medical assistance to citizens of the Republic of Armenia in other countries
p.(None): and the service is provided by the laws of that country as well as Armenia
p.(None): According to the international treaties of the Republic.
p.(None): (Article 4 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 5. Human rights in receiving medical care and services
p.(None): When applying for medical care, as well as receiving medical care and services
p.(None): everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) choose the provider of medical care and service;
p.(None): (b) receive medical care and care in accordance with the requirements of hygiene
p.(None): in appropriate conditions:
p.(None): (c) to require the doctor to seek medical attention, health status, examination;
p.(None): ensuring the confidentiality of information found during diagnosis and treatment;
p.(None): except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (d) Be aware of his or her illness and consent to medical intervention
p.(None): for.

Social / Mothers

Searching for indicator mothers:

(return to top)
p.(None): for medical facilities with a relevant license
p.(None): Implemented by qualified specialists. Pathologic-anatomical
p.(None): The list and the procedure for conducting the research shall be defined by the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): the government.
p.(None): 3. To determine the cause of death of a deceased person and to determine the pathological and anatomical findings
p.(None): with the appropriate license to make a diagnosis of his disease
p.(None): in a medical institution by a qualified specialist-
p.(None): doctors: Pathologic anatomy can be performed if the death occurs
p.(None): is not a subject of forensic medical examination prescribed by law.
p.(None): The procedure for the implementation of pathogenetic abnormalities is approved by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.
p.(None): 4. Pathopathologic abnormalities may not be realized on the basis
p.(None): the will expressed by the deceased during the lifetime of the deceased or his relatives or legal representative
p.(None): written application, except as provided by law.
p.(None): 5. Pathopathological anatomies are mandatory:
p.(None): 1) Hazard to the environment approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): a person as a result of any illness included in the list of diseases
p.(None): in case of death.
p.(None): 2) In case of infectious diseases or justified suspicion of their existence;
p.(None): 3) In cases of death from tumors, when no diagnosis is available
p.(None): histological confirmation;
p.(None): 4) in case of perinatal death;
p.(None): 5) in case of deaths of pregnant women, mothers and stillbirths (maternal mortality);
p.(None): 6) in the case when the patient dies after being admitted to a medical facility - the first 24
p.(None): within hours.
p.(None): Compulsory pathological anatomical ablation
p.(None): The procedure is defined by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): 6. Pathologic-anatomical on the diagnosis of death or disease
p.(None): The conclusion of the examination is attached to the medical records of the deceased person
p.(None): if requested, it shall also be given to relatives, legal representatives,
p.(None): police, prosecutors, or the National Security Service or
p.(None): to the court in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): (Article 24 edited by HO-258-N of 03.10.11)
p.(None): CHAPTER 5:
p.(None): Financing medical assistance and services
p.(None): Article 25
p.(None): sources:
p.(None): Implementation of medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Financing sources are:
p.(None): a) allocations from the state budget of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (b) insurance benefits;
p.(None): c) direct payments to people;
p.(None): d) other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia stipulated by the state budget
p.(None): Implements state targeted health programs with allocations
p.(None): guaranteed funding for medical care and services
p.(None): medical and service providers, regardless of their organizational-
p.(None): legal type and form of ownership.
p.(None): Financing medical care and services with insurance benefits
p.(None): is executed in accordance with the concluded insurance contracts.
p.(None): People make direct payments if provided medically

Social / Occupation

Searching for indicator job:

(return to top)
p.(None): During the admission and work period, they are obliged to undergo regular medical examinations
p.(None): examination in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Employers are obliged to reimburse their employees for compulsory medical care
p.(None): costs of conducting research.
p.(None): When providing medical care and services, new drugs, methods,
p.(None): Article 21. Application of Forms, Means and Biomedical Research
p.(None): holding
p.(None): While providing medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): use of new drugs, methods, forms, remedies, and biomedical
p.(None): Conducting research by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Application of new drugs, methods, forms, and remedies for the treatment of people,
p.(None): any biomedical examination can only be performed by those who are aware of it
p.(None): written consent.
p.(None): A person has the right to refuse to participate in research at any stage.
p.(None): Article 22. Medical Examination
p.(None): In order to determine people's health, illness, injury,
p.(None): medical examination is performed in cases of loss of functionality and in other cases.
p.(None): The forms of medical examination are:
p.(None): - temporary disability,
p.(None): - medical and social,
p.(None): - military-medical,
p.(None): - forensic medicine,
p.(None): - Pathologic-anatomical.
p.(None): Temporary disability testing determines a person's job
p.(None): the necessity and timing of temporary release depending on the employee
p.(None): health status, temporary or permanent transfer to another job, such as:
p.(None): and the issue of referral to a person for medical and social expertise.
p.(None): Medical and social expertise determines loss of human capacity
p.(None): degree, disability group and cause, determine its medical, social,
p.(None): provides the types, scope and timing of the job rehabilitation
p.(None): job placement guarantee.
p.(None): Military medical expertise decides to undergo military service
p.(None): in the health condition of civilians, servicemen, and reservists
p.(None): Approved by the military and approved by the military and
p.(None): Diseases and injuries of those who were discharged from the military service
p.(None): causal link with military service, defines medical, social,
p.(None): types, scope and timing of work rehabilitation.
p.(None): The forensic medical examination shall be carried out by the competent authorities:
p.(None): In cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Medical examination, in case of disputes, additional, such as:
p.(None): also independent medical examination, medical examination
p.(None): The procedure for appealing the judgment is to be established in Armenia
p.(None): By the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): Pathological-anatomical examination is carried out accordingly
p.(None): with the participation of a qualified specialist and other medical professionals
p.(None): and comparing the results of pathological examinations and clinical data
p.(None): for the purpose of establishing a definitive diagnosis in accordance with the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Government order.
p.(None): (Article 22 amended by HO-90 of 11.10.00, supplemented by HO-258-N of 03.10.11)
p.(None): Article 23. Prohibition of euthanasia
p.(None): Euthanasia is prohibited in the Republic of Armenia at the patient's request
p.(None): acceleration of death by any action or means.

Social / Police Officer

Searching for indicator police:

(return to top)
p.(None): is not a subject of forensic medical examination prescribed by law.
p.(None): The procedure for the implementation of pathogenetic abnormalities is approved by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.
p.(None): 4. Pathopathologic abnormalities may not be realized on the basis
p.(None): the will expressed by the deceased during the lifetime of the deceased or his relatives or legal representative
p.(None): written application, except as provided by law.
p.(None): 5. Pathopathological anatomies are mandatory:
p.(None): 1) Hazard to the environment approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): a person as a result of any illness included in the list of diseases
p.(None): in case of death.
p.(None): 2) In case of infectious diseases or justified suspicion of their existence;
p.(None): 3) In cases of death from tumors, when no diagnosis is available
p.(None): histological confirmation;
p.(None): 4) in case of perinatal death;
p.(None): 5) in case of deaths of pregnant women, mothers and stillbirths (maternal mortality);
p.(None): 6) in the case when the patient dies after being admitted to a medical facility - the first 24
p.(None): within hours.
p.(None): Compulsory pathological anatomical ablation
p.(None): The procedure is defined by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): 6. Pathologic-anatomical on the diagnosis of death or disease
p.(None): The conclusion of the examination is attached to the medical records of the deceased person
p.(None): if requested, it shall also be given to relatives, legal representatives,
p.(None): police, prosecutors, or the National Security Service or
p.(None): to the court in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): (Article 24 edited by HO-258-N of 03.10.11)
p.(None): CHAPTER 5:
p.(None): Financing medical assistance and services
p.(None): Article 25
p.(None): sources:
p.(None): Implementation of medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Financing sources are:
p.(None): a) allocations from the state budget of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (b) insurance benefits;
p.(None): c) direct payments to people;
p.(None): d) other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia stipulated by the state budget
p.(None): Implements state targeted health programs with allocations
p.(None): guaranteed funding for medical care and services
p.(None): medical and service providers, regardless of their organizational-
p.(None): legal type and form of ownership.
p.(None): Financing medical care and services with insurance benefits
p.(None): is executed in accordance with the concluded insurance contracts.
p.(None): People make direct payments if provided medically
p.(None): financing of the types and volumes of assistance and services in full or
p.(None): does not apply in part to points (a), (b) and (d) of paragraph 1 of this Article
p.(None): From sources:
p.(None): Within the state targeted health programs of the state budget
p.(None): free of charge and at the expense of the medical services, drugs and
p.(None): (or) The procedure for reimbursement of medical supplies is approved by the Government.
p.(None): (Article 25 amended by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): CHAPTER 6:
p.(None): Article 26. Entry into force of the Law

Social / Property Ownership

Searching for indicator property:

(return to top)
p.(None): partial reimbursement for services, drugs, and / or medical supplies
p.(None): at the expense of the state budget.
p.(None): (Article 1 edited by HO-43 of 21.03.00, amended by HO-435-N of 23.10.02, amended by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 2. Basic Types of Medical Assistance and Services
p.(None): The main types of medical care and services are:
p.(None): a) Primary medical care as free for every person, more
p.(None): available medical care and services based on available methods and technologies
p.(None): a species that is guaranteed by the state;
p.(None): b) specialized medical care as diagnostic and medical
p.(None): medical based on specific methods and sophisticated medical technologies
p.(None): type of assistance and service.
p.(None): The list and structure of the types of medical care and services are defined
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 3. Forms of Organizing Medical Assistance and Services
p.(None): Medical care and services are organized by:
p.(None): In hospital form, when it is necessary to use complex medical measures:
p.(None): Diagnosis, treatment, long-term control and special care.
p.(None): out-of-hospital form when not required for its implementation
p.(None): hospital conditions.
p.(None): CHAPTER 2:
p.(None): IN THE FIELD:
p.(None): Article 4 The human right to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Everyone, regardless of nationality, race, sex, language, creed, age,
p.(None): health status, political or other views, social origin, property or
p.(None): Otherwise, the Republic of Armenia has medical care and services
p.(None): the right to receive.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to receive free medical care or care
p.(None): with a state-of-the-art health guarantee
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to medical care outside of these programs
p.(None): receive medical insurance benefits, personal payments,
p.(None): At the expense of other sources provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Medical assistance to citizens of the Republic of Armenia in other countries
p.(None): and the service is provided by the laws of that country as well as Armenia
p.(None): According to the international treaties of the Republic.
p.(None): (Article 4 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 5. Human rights in receiving medical care and services
p.(None): When applying for medical care, as well as receiving medical care and services
p.(None): everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) choose the provider of medical care and service;
p.(None): (b) receive medical care and care in accordance with the requirements of hygiene
p.(None): in appropriate conditions:
p.(None): (c) to require the doctor to seek medical attention, health status, examination;
p.(None): ensuring the confidentiality of information found during diagnosis and treatment;
p.(None): except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (d) Be aware of his or her illness and consent to medical intervention
p.(None): for.
p.(None): e) to refuse medical intervention, except as provided for by this Law;
p.(None): (f) To be treated with respect - medical care and service
p.(None): by the implementers.
p.(None): Damage caused during medical care and service
p.(None): Article 6

Social / Racial Minority

Searching for indicator race:

(return to top)
p.(None): congregation: The state provides through targeted budget financing
p.(None): the maintenance and development of the health sector, the volumes of which are determined
p.(None): in line with state targeted health programs.
p.(None): 4. Privileged medical care and services by citizens
p.(None): medical received under state targeted health programs
p.(None): partial reimbursement for services, drugs, and / or medical supplies
p.(None): at the expense of the state budget.
p.(None): (Article 1 edited by HO-43 of 21.03.00, amended by HO-435-N of 23.10.02, amended by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 2. Basic Types of Medical Assistance and Services
p.(None): The main types of medical care and services are:
p.(None): a) Primary medical care as free for every person, more
p.(None): available medical care and services based on available methods and technologies
p.(None): a species that is guaranteed by the state;
p.(None): b) specialized medical care as diagnostic and medical
p.(None): medical based on specific methods and sophisticated medical technologies
p.(None): type of assistance and service.
p.(None): The list and structure of the types of medical care and services are defined
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 3. Forms of Organizing Medical Assistance and Services
p.(None): Medical care and services are organized by:
p.(None): In hospital form, when it is necessary to use complex medical measures:
p.(None): Diagnosis, treatment, long-term control and special care.
p.(None): out-of-hospital form when not required for its implementation
p.(None): hospital conditions.
p.(None): CHAPTER 2:
p.(None): IN THE FIELD:
p.(None): Article 4 The human right to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Everyone, regardless of nationality, race, sex, language, creed, age,
p.(None): health status, political or other views, social origin, property or
p.(None): Otherwise, the Republic of Armenia has medical care and services
p.(None): the right to receive.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to receive free medical care or care
p.(None): with a state-of-the-art health guarantee
p.(None): within targeted programs.
p.(None): Everyone has the right to medical care outside of these programs
p.(None): receive medical insurance benefits, personal payments,
p.(None): At the expense of other sources provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Medical assistance to citizens of the Republic of Armenia in other countries
p.(None): and the service is provided by the laws of that country as well as Armenia
p.(None): According to the international treaties of the Republic.
p.(None): (Article 4 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): Article 5. Human rights in receiving medical care and services
p.(None): When applying for medical care, as well as receiving medical care and services
p.(None): everyone has the right to:
p.(None): a) choose the provider of medical care and service;
p.(None): (b) receive medical care and care in accordance with the requirements of hygiene
p.(None): in appropriate conditions:
p.(None): (c) to require the doctor to seek medical attention, health status, examination;
p.(None): ensuring the confidentiality of information found during diagnosis and treatment;
p.(None): except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;

Social / Soldier

Searching for indicator military:

(return to top)
p.(None): Abortion and medical exhaustion are carried out
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Everyone, including a teenager, has the right to information about their sex
p.(None): health issues, sexually transmitted diseases,
p.(None): about their complications and consequences.
p.(None): (Article 9 amended 06.11.00 LA-110)
p.(None): Article 10 - The right of the child to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Every child in state targeted health programs
p.(None): has the right to receive medical treatment free of charge or under privileged conditions
p.(None): help and service.
p.(None): (Article 10 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): A person suffering from a life-threatening illness
p.(None): Article 11
p.(None): right
p.(None): A person suffering from a disease that is dangerous to the environment has the right
p.(None): get free medical care guaranteed by the state and
p.(None): service and treatment specialized for this purpose
p.(None): in institutions providing medical care and services.
p.(None): The list of environmental hazards is set out
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): the right to receive medical care and services of persons
p.(None): Persons arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): have the right to receive medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the legislation:
p.(None): Medical care and service of servicemen and conscripts
p.(None): Article 13
p.(None): the right to receive
p.(None): Military servicemen and conscripts have the right to receive and receive medical care
p.(None): service according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Emergency and medical care for people affected by emergencies
p.(None): Article 14
p.(None): rights to receive service
p.(None): People affected by emergencies receive medical care and care
p.(None): get free of charge in a state guaranteed manner.
p.(None): Medical of foreign nationals, stateless persons
p.(None): Article 15
p.(None): the right to receive assistance and service
p.(None): Foreign Citizens in the Republic of Armenia, citizenship
p.(None): Persons with disabilities have the right to receive medical care and services in Armenia
p.(None): International legislation of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the agreements.
p.(None): Providing medical care and services without a human being
p.(None): Article 16
p.(None): by agreement
p.(None): It is permitted without the consent of the person or his or her legal representative
p.(None): provide medical care and services to endanger life,
p.(None): as well as in cases of environmental hazards:
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 17. Refusal of medical intervention
p.(None): Everyone or his or her legal representative has the right to refuse medical treatment
p.(None): or request an interruption, except as provided for in Article 16 of this Law
p.(None): of cases.
p.(None): Refusal of medical intervention with indication of possible consequences,

p.(None): Separate professions, as well as separate enterprises, institutions and
p.(None): employees of organizations for human health, infectious and
p.(None): for the prevention of occupational diseases prior to their employment
p.(None): During the admission and work period, they are obliged to undergo regular medical examinations
p.(None): examination in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Employers are obliged to reimburse their employees for compulsory medical care
p.(None): costs of conducting research.
p.(None): When providing medical care and services, new drugs, methods,
p.(None): Article 21. Application of Forms, Means and Biomedical Research
p.(None): holding
p.(None): While providing medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): use of new drugs, methods, forms, remedies, and biomedical
p.(None): Conducting research by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Application of new drugs, methods, forms, and remedies for the treatment of people,
p.(None): any biomedical examination can only be performed by those who are aware of it
p.(None): written consent.
p.(None): A person has the right to refuse to participate in research at any stage.
p.(None): Article 22. Medical Examination
p.(None): In order to determine people's health, illness, injury,
p.(None): medical examination is performed in cases of loss of functionality and in other cases.
p.(None): The forms of medical examination are:
p.(None): - temporary disability,
p.(None): - medical and social,
p.(None): - military-medical,
p.(None): - forensic medicine,
p.(None): - Pathologic-anatomical.
p.(None): Temporary disability testing determines a person's job
p.(None): the necessity and timing of temporary release depending on the employee
p.(None): health status, temporary or permanent transfer to another job, such as:
p.(None): and the issue of referral to a person for medical and social expertise.
p.(None): Medical and social expertise determines loss of human capacity
p.(None): degree, disability group and cause, determine its medical, social,
p.(None): provides the types, scope and timing of the job rehabilitation
p.(None): job placement guarantee.
p.(None): Military medical expertise decides to undergo military service
p.(None): in the health condition of civilians, servicemen, and reservists
p.(None): Approved by the military and approved by the military and
p.(None): Diseases and injuries of those who were discharged from the military service
p.(None): causal link with military service, defines medical, social,
p.(None): types, scope and timing of work rehabilitation.
p.(None): The forensic medical examination shall be carried out by the competent authorities:
p.(None): In cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Medical examination, in case of disputes, additional, such as:
p.(None): also independent medical examination, medical examination
p.(None): The procedure for appealing the judgment is to be established in Armenia
p.(None): By the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): Pathological-anatomical examination is carried out accordingly
p.(None): with the participation of a qualified specialist and other medical professionals
p.(None): and comparing the results of pathological examinations and clinical data
p.(None): for the purpose of establishing a definitive diagnosis in accordance with the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Government order.
p.(None): (Article 22 amended by HO-90 of 11.10.00, supplemented by HO-258-N of 03.10.11)
p.(None): Article 23. Prohibition of euthanasia
p.(None): Euthanasia is prohibited in the Republic of Armenia at the patient's request
p.(None): acceleration of death by any action or means.
p.(None): Persons who deliberately induce or administer euthanasia to the patient
p.(None): those who are liable under the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Article 24. Pathopathological activity
p.(None): (Title edited 03.10.11 HO-258-N)
p.(None): 1. Pathophysiological activities in medical care and care
p.(None): a type of pathological-anatomical examination,
p.(None): Pathological anatomical examination and pathological examination
p.(None): by:
p.(None): 2. Pathological-anatomical studies for the diagnosis of diseases
p.(None): for medical facilities with a relevant license
p.(None): Implemented by qualified specialists. Pathologic-anatomical

Social / Women

Searching for indicator women:

(return to top)
p.(None): by:
p.(None): 2. Pathological-anatomical studies for the diagnosis of diseases
p.(None): for medical facilities with a relevant license
p.(None): Implemented by qualified specialists. Pathologic-anatomical
p.(None): The list and the procedure for conducting the research shall be defined by the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): the government.
p.(None): 3. To determine the cause of death of a deceased person and to determine the pathological and anatomical findings
p.(None): with the appropriate license to make a diagnosis of his disease
p.(None): in a medical institution by a qualified specialist-
p.(None): doctors: Pathologic anatomy can be performed if the death occurs
p.(None): is not a subject of forensic medical examination prescribed by law.
p.(None): The procedure for the implementation of pathogenetic abnormalities is approved by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.
p.(None): 4. Pathopathologic abnormalities may not be realized on the basis
p.(None): the will expressed by the deceased during the lifetime of the deceased or his relatives or legal representative
p.(None): written application, except as provided by law.
p.(None): 5. Pathopathological anatomies are mandatory:
p.(None): 1) Hazard to the environment approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): a person as a result of any illness included in the list of diseases
p.(None): in case of death.
p.(None): 2) In case of infectious diseases or justified suspicion of their existence;
p.(None): 3) In cases of death from tumors, when no diagnosis is available
p.(None): histological confirmation;
p.(None): 4) in case of perinatal death;
p.(None): 5) in case of deaths of pregnant women, mothers and stillbirths (maternal mortality);
p.(None): 6) in the case when the patient dies after being admitted to a medical facility - the first 24
p.(None): within hours.
p.(None): Compulsory pathological anatomical ablation
p.(None): The procedure is defined by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): 6. Pathologic-anatomical on the diagnosis of death or disease
p.(None): The conclusion of the examination is attached to the medical records of the deceased person
p.(None): if requested, it shall also be given to relatives, legal representatives,
p.(None): police, prosecutors, or the National Security Service or
p.(None): to the court in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): (Article 24 edited by HO-258-N of 03.10.11)
p.(None): CHAPTER 5:
p.(None): Financing medical assistance and services
p.(None): Article 25
p.(None): sources:
p.(None): Implementation of medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Financing sources are:
p.(None): a) allocations from the state budget of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): (b) insurance benefits;
p.(None): c) direct payments to people;
p.(None): d) other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia stipulated by the state budget
p.(None): Implements state targeted health programs with allocations
p.(None): guaranteed funding for medical care and services
p.(None): medical and service providers, regardless of their organizational-
p.(None): legal type and form of ownership.
p.(None): Financing medical care and services with insurance benefits
p.(None): is executed in accordance with the concluded insurance contracts.

Social / education

Searching for indicator education:

(return to top)
p.(None): Foreign Citizens in the Republic of Armenia, citizenship
p.(None): Persons with disabilities have the right to receive medical care and services in Armenia
p.(None): International legislation of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the agreements.
p.(None): Providing medical care and services without a human being
p.(None): Article 16
p.(None): by agreement
p.(None): It is permitted without the consent of the person or his or her legal representative
p.(None): provide medical care and services to endanger life,
p.(None): as well as in cases of environmental hazards:
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 17. Refusal of medical intervention
p.(None): Everyone or his or her legal representative has the right to refuse medical treatment
p.(None): or request an interruption, except as provided for in Article 16 of this Law
p.(None): of cases.
p.(None): Refusal of medical intervention with indication of possible consequences,
p.(None): is recorded in medical records and certified by the patient or his legal representative
p.(None): by the representative.
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Health care providers and their providers
p.(None): Article 18
p.(None): rights:
p.(None): Providers of medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): have the right to receive appropriate medical care and care in the selected country
p.(None): within the species established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in case of getting a license.
p.(None): Have the right to practice medical activity in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Appropriate education, specialization, Republic of Armenia
p.(None): certain types of medical practice as prescribed by law
p.(None): persons licensed to practice.
p.(None): Persons who have received medical education in other countries are allowed in Armenia
p.(None): To carry out medical activity in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): According to the international treaties of the Republic.
p.(None): Providers of medical care and services of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): The following shall have the right, in the manner prescribed by the legislation:
p.(None): a) to unite and participate in trade unions
p.(None): development of state targeted health and insurance plans,
p.(None): licensing of medical practice, protection of their rights and union
p.(None): implementation of other tasks stipulated by the Charter;
p.(None): b) to protect their professional honor and dignity;
p.(None): c) insure their professional activities.
p.(None): Providers of medical care and services
p.(None): Article 19
p.(None): responsibilities and responsibilities
p.(None): The providers of medical care and services are obliged to:
p.(None): a) Provide emergency, first aid to every person, independently
p.(None): grounds and other circumstances guaranteeing remuneration for such assistance
p.(None): from availability.
p.(None): b) to provide quantitative and qualitative medical care and services
p.(None): compliance of the specifications with the established standards;
p.(None): (c) to inform everyone of the medical care and services available to them
p.(None): type, methods, volumes, terms and conditions of service
p.(None): about.
p.(None): d) at the request of every person or other payer for medical care
p.(None): Provide necessary information on medical care and services provided to the patient

Social / employees

Searching for indicator employees:

(return to top)
p.(None): grounds and other circumstances guaranteeing remuneration for such assistance
p.(None): from availability.
p.(None): b) to provide quantitative and qualitative medical care and services
p.(None): compliance of the specifications with the established standards;
p.(None): (c) to inform everyone of the medical care and services available to them
p.(None): type, methods, volumes, terms and conditions of service
p.(None): about.
p.(None): d) at the request of every person or other payer for medical care
p.(None): Provide necessary information on medical care and services provided to the patient
p.(None): on quantitative and qualitative characteristics and costs incurred for that purpose;
p.(None): e) To ensure that the person seeking medical attention is informed of his or her state of health
p.(None): information found during examination, diagnosis and treatment
p.(None): confidentiality, except as provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): f) to submit statistical and other information to the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the legislation.
p.(None): g) To treat patients with care and respect.
p.(None): By their fault for the harm to human health, as well as to the human being
p.(None): medical assistance and information if health information is reported
p.(None): service providers, persons engaged in illicit medical activities
p.(None): shall be liable under the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in order.
p.(None): CHAPTER 4:
p.(None): Mandatory for people with particular types of activities
p.(None): Article 20
p.(None): medical examination
p.(None): Separate professions, as well as separate enterprises, institutions and
p.(None): employees of organizations for human health, infectious and
p.(None): for the prevention of occupational diseases prior to their employment
p.(None): During the admission and work period, they are obliged to undergo regular medical examinations
p.(None): examination in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Employers are obliged to reimburse their employees for compulsory medical care
p.(None): costs of conducting research.
p.(None): When providing medical care and services, new drugs, methods,
p.(None): Article 21. Application of Forms, Means and Biomedical Research
p.(None): holding
p.(None): While providing medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): use of new drugs, methods, forms, remedies, and biomedical
p.(None): Conducting research by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Application of new drugs, methods, forms, and remedies for the treatment of people,
p.(None): any biomedical examination can only be performed by those who are aware of it
p.(None): written consent.
p.(None): A person has the right to refuse to participate in research at any stage.
p.(None): Article 22. Medical Examination
p.(None): In order to determine people's health, illness, injury,
p.(None): medical examination is performed in cases of loss of functionality and in other cases.
p.(None): The forms of medical examination are:
p.(None): - temporary disability,
p.(None): - medical and social,
p.(None): - military-medical,
p.(None): - forensic medicine,
p.(None): - Pathologic-anatomical.
p.(None): Temporary disability testing determines a person's job
p.(None): the necessity and timing of temporary release depending on the employee
p.(None): health status, temporary or permanent transfer to another job, such as:
p.(None): and the issue of referral to a person for medical and social expertise.

General/Other / Natural Hazards

Searching for indicator hazard:

(return to top)
p.(None): Euthanasia is prohibited in the Republic of Armenia at the patient's request
p.(None): acceleration of death by any action or means.
p.(None): Persons who deliberately induce or administer euthanasia to the patient
p.(None): those who are liable under the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): as prescribed.
p.(None): Article 24. Pathopathological activity
p.(None): (Title edited 03.10.11 HO-258-N)
p.(None): 1. Pathophysiological activities in medical care and care
p.(None): a type of pathological-anatomical examination,
p.(None): Pathological anatomical examination and pathological examination
p.(None): by:
p.(None): 2. Pathological-anatomical studies for the diagnosis of diseases
p.(None): for medical facilities with a relevant license
p.(None): Implemented by qualified specialists. Pathologic-anatomical
p.(None): The list and the procedure for conducting the research shall be defined by the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): the government.
p.(None): 3. To determine the cause of death of a deceased person and to determine the pathological and anatomical findings
p.(None): with the appropriate license to make a diagnosis of his disease
p.(None): in a medical institution by a qualified specialist-
p.(None): doctors: Pathologic anatomy can be performed if the death occurs
p.(None): is not a subject of forensic medical examination prescribed by law.
p.(None): The procedure for the implementation of pathogenetic abnormalities is approved by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.
p.(None): 4. Pathopathologic abnormalities may not be realized on the basis
p.(None): the will expressed by the deceased during the lifetime of the deceased or his relatives or legal representative
p.(None): written application, except as provided by law.
p.(None): 5. Pathopathological anatomies are mandatory:
p.(None): 1) Hazard to the environment approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): a person as a result of any illness included in the list of diseases
p.(None): in case of death.
p.(None): 2) In case of infectious diseases or justified suspicion of their existence;
p.(None): 3) In cases of death from tumors, when no diagnosis is available
p.(None): histological confirmation;
p.(None): 4) in case of perinatal death;
p.(None): 5) in case of deaths of pregnant women, mothers and stillbirths (maternal mortality);
p.(None): 6) in the case when the patient dies after being admitted to a medical facility - the first 24
p.(None): within hours.
p.(None): Compulsory pathological anatomical ablation
p.(None): The procedure is defined by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): 6. Pathologic-anatomical on the diagnosis of death or disease
p.(None): The conclusion of the examination is attached to the medical records of the deceased person
p.(None): if requested, it shall also be given to relatives, legal representatives,
p.(None): police, prosecutors, or the National Security Service or
p.(None): to the court in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): (Article 24 edited by HO-258-N of 03.10.11)
p.(None): CHAPTER 5:
p.(None): Financing medical assistance and services
p.(None): Article 25
p.(None): sources:
p.(None): Implementation of medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Financing sources are:
p.(None): a) allocations from the state budget of the Republic of Armenia;

General/Other / Public Emergency

Searching for indicator emergency:

(return to top)
p.(None): health issues, sexually transmitted diseases,
p.(None): about their complications and consequences.
p.(None): (Article 9 amended 06.11.00 LA-110)
p.(None): Article 10 - The right of the child to receive medical care and services
p.(None): Every child in state targeted health programs
p.(None): has the right to receive medical treatment free of charge or under privileged conditions
p.(None): help and service.
p.(None): (Article 10 supplemented by HO-155-N of 25.10.10)
p.(None): A person suffering from a life-threatening illness
p.(None): Article 11
p.(None): right
p.(None): A person suffering from a disease that is dangerous to the environment has the right
p.(None): get free medical care guaranteed by the state and
p.(None): service and treatment specialized for this purpose
p.(None): in institutions providing medical care and services.
p.(None): The list of environmental hazards is set out
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): the right to receive medical care and services of persons
p.(None): Persons arrested, detained and sentenced to imprisonment
p.(None): have the right to receive medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the legislation:
p.(None): Medical care and service of servicemen and conscripts
p.(None): Article 13
p.(None): the right to receive
p.(None): Military servicemen and conscripts have the right to receive and receive medical care
p.(None): service according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Emergency and medical care for people affected by emergencies
p.(None): Article 14
p.(None): rights to receive service
p.(None): People affected by emergencies receive medical care and care
p.(None): get free of charge in a state guaranteed manner.
p.(None): Medical of foreign nationals, stateless persons
p.(None): Article 15
p.(None): the right to receive assistance and service
p.(None): Foreign Citizens in the Republic of Armenia, citizenship
p.(None): Persons with disabilities have the right to receive medical care and services in Armenia
p.(None): International legislation of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the agreements.
p.(None): Providing medical care and services without a human being
p.(None): Article 16
p.(None): by agreement
p.(None): It is permitted without the consent of the person or his or her legal representative
p.(None): provide medical care and services to endanger life,
p.(None): as well as in cases of environmental hazards:
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): Article 17. Refusal of medical intervention
p.(None): Everyone or his or her legal representative has the right to refuse medical treatment
p.(None): or request an interruption, except as provided for in Article 16 of this Law
p.(None): of cases.
p.(None): Refusal of medical intervention with indication of possible consequences,
p.(None): is recorded in medical records and certified by the patient or his legal representative
p.(None): by the representative.
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:

p.(None): rights:
p.(None): Providers of medical care and services in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): have the right to receive appropriate medical care and care in the selected country
p.(None): within the species established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in case of getting a license.
p.(None): Have the right to practice medical activity in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Appropriate education, specialization, Republic of Armenia
p.(None): certain types of medical practice as prescribed by law
p.(None): persons licensed to practice.
p.(None): Persons who have received medical education in other countries are allowed in Armenia
p.(None): To carry out medical activity in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): According to the international treaties of the Republic.
p.(None): Providers of medical care and services of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): The following shall have the right, in the manner prescribed by the legislation:
p.(None): a) to unite and participate in trade unions
p.(None): development of state targeted health and insurance plans,
p.(None): licensing of medical practice, protection of their rights and union
p.(None): implementation of other tasks stipulated by the Charter;
p.(None): b) to protect their professional honor and dignity;
p.(None): c) insure their professional activities.
p.(None): Providers of medical care and services
p.(None): Article 19
p.(None): responsibilities and responsibilities
p.(None): The providers of medical care and services are obliged to:
p.(None): a) Provide emergency, first aid to every person, independently
p.(None): grounds and other circumstances guaranteeing remuneration for such assistance
p.(None): from availability.
p.(None): b) to provide quantitative and qualitative medical care and services
p.(None): compliance of the specifications with the established standards;
p.(None): (c) to inform everyone of the medical care and services available to them
p.(None): type, methods, volumes, terms and conditions of service
p.(None): about.
p.(None): d) at the request of every person or other payer for medical care
p.(None): Provide necessary information on medical care and services provided to the patient
p.(None): on quantitative and qualitative characteristics and costs incurred for that purpose;
p.(None): e) To ensure that the person seeking medical attention is informed of his or her state of health
p.(None): information found during examination, diagnosis and treatment
p.(None): confidentiality, except as provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia;
p.(None): f) to submit statistical and other information to the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the legislation.
p.(None): g) To treat patients with care and respect.
p.(None): By their fault for the harm to human health, as well as to the human being
p.(None): medical assistance and information if health information is reported
p.(None): service providers, persons engaged in illicit medical activities
p.(None): shall be liable under the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in order.
p.(None): CHAPTER 4:
p.(None): Mandatory for people with particular types of activities
p.(None): Article 20
p.(None): medical examination
p.(None): Separate professions, as well as separate enterprises, institutions and

General/Other / Relationship to Authority

Searching for indicator authority:

(return to top)
p.(None): Issue HO-42 Type Incorporation
p.(None): Type Law Status Available:
p.(None): Source HAFTA 1996 / 7-8 Place of Reception Yerevan
p.(None): Adopting body National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Date of adoption 04.03.1996
p.(None): Signing body President of the Republic of Armenia Date of signature 04.04.1996
p.(None): Certifying Authority Date of ratification
p.(None): Effective Date 16.05.1996 Effective Date
p.(None): Links to other documents
p.(None): Modifiers and incorporations
p.(None): LAW:
p.(None): Adopted by the National Assembly
p.(None): March 04, 1996
p.(None): This law establishes a constitutional right to the protection of human health
p.(None): organization of medical care and service provision, legal,
p.(None): economic and financial basics.
p.(None): CHAPTER 1
p.(None): Article 1. Basic Concepts
p.(None): 1. Medical care and services - preventive medical treatment for the population;
p.(None): Providing medication, diagnostic examinations, rehabilitation
p.(None): treatment, medical expertise, medical and non-medical
p.(None): service delivery.
p.(None): 2. The Republic of Armenia providing medical care and services
p.(None): licensed in accordance with the legislation, medical assistance to the population and
p.(None): a natural or legal person providing certain types of service, an individual
p.(None): an enterprise that does not have the status of an entrepreneur or a legal entity, independently
p.(None): organizational-legal type and form of ownership.
p.(None): 3. State Targeted Health Plans: annual programs aimed at
p.(None): are for the protection of the health of the population and the financing of which is expressed
p.(None): In the state budget of the Republic of Armenia.
p.(None): State Targeted Health Care Annual State Budget Program
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia represents the National in the draft
p.(None): congregation: The state provides through targeted budget financing

Orphaned Trigger Words


Indicator List

accessAccess to Social Goods
authorityRelationship to Authority
disabilityMentally Disabled
emergenciespatients in emergency situations
emergencyPublic Emergency
hazardNatural Hazards
illnessPhysically Disabled
incapableMentally Incapacitated
languageLinguistic Proficiency
policePolice Officer
politicalpolitical affiliation
propertyProperty Ownership
raceRacial Minority
statelessstateless persons

Indicator Peers (Indicators in Same Vulnerability)


Trigger Words






Applicable Type / Vulnerability / Indicator Overlay for this Input

Vulnerability TypeVulnerabilityIndicator# Matches
Politicalpolitical affiliationpolitical1
Politicalstateless personsstateless1
HealthMentally Disableddisability3
HealthMentally Incapacitatedincapable2
HealthPhysically Disabledillness4
Healthpatients in emergency situationsemergencies2
SocialAccess to Social Goodsaccess1
SocialLinguistic Proficiencylanguage1
SocialPolice Officerpolice1
SocialProperty Ownershipproperty1
SocialRacial Minorityrace1
General/OtherNatural Hazardshazard1
General/OtherPublic Emergencyemergency2
General/OtherRelationship to Authorityauthority1