
Law No. 574 of 2004 on Patients Rights and Informed Consent


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Indicators in focus are typically shown highlighted in yellow; Peer Indicators (that share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in pink; "Outside" Indicators (those that do NOT share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in green; Trigger Words/Phrases are shown highlighted in gray.

Link to Orphaned Trigger Words (Appendix (Indicator List, Indicator Peers, Trigger Words, Type/Vulnerability/Indicator Overlay)

Applicable Type / Vulnerability / Indicator Overlay for this Input

Vulnerability TypeVulnerabilityIndicator# Matches
Socialphilosophical differences/differences of opinionopinion2

Social / philosophical differences/differences of opinion

Searching for indicator opinion:

(return to top)
p.(None): We are afraid of us, we are in 2004 2004, 11 July, 574 years ago
p.(None): 2002 25 25 25 ٚ 25 ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ 8759 لس
p.(None): 2/13/2004 9 Dec. We added, We deleted our passion.
p.(None): We were afraid of it, we were:
p.(None): 1 humpback
p.(None): ؼػٕ We were afraid ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ش نا ط ط ط ط ط ؼ ؼ ؼ ؼ ز ز ث ث ز ٛػ ٛػ زع زع زع ٚ ٚ ؽٔ ٙؾ وب ظ ظ ؽ ٙ ٙ, ؾ ؾ ؾ ٚ ٚ
p.(None): م ٛ ٛ ٛ,, فط فط ه ه ه ه ؼ,,, ط ؼ ؼ, ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٕ ش ش ش ش ٚ ٚ ؾ ْ ْ أ أ ر ر ر ر. We loved it here, but we didn’t
p.(None): . So sad, a
p.(None): Dubai ٕٗٗؾػػػػٕٕٕٙؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾ
p.(None): : 2 humpbacks
p.(None): ؼػٔ For your disappointment Dubai ٕ ؼ ؼ ٗ ػ ػ ػ ث ث,, ٛؾ خ ؤ ؤ ؤ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ؽ ؽ ث ٚ ٚ ٚ ؼ ؼ شي شي ٗ ٕ ٕ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ن ؾٚ ؾٚ ؾٚ •
p.(None): In your opinion, we have made us happy, we have done it, we have set it up: Dubai has made us happy. We thought
p.(None): ؼ ؼ ؼ,,, خ خ خ نا نا ً نا خل خل أ أ ؾ ؾ ؾ, ٓٛ ٓٛ ٓٛ ػ ُ ُ ٙ نا نا نا ٖ ج ك ك ج ٕٓؼ ٕٓؼ ٕٓؼ ٕٓؼ ٕٓؼ ؽ ؽ ؽ ً ً ً ً ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ س ػ ػ ػ ػ
p.(None): Do not start a dishonor, leave the button, then put it in the middle of it. Anything with a heart
p.(None): We were saved
p.(None): . So, we spread our fraud,
p.(None): • We were astonished by the brother خ ٚ ٚ ٚ ؽ ؽ خ for the sake of our brother, in the name of Dubai ٕ ؼ نا ز ٗ ؼ ؼ خ ؾ ؾ سل إ اس نا نا نا ٙ ؽ ؽ ؽ ؽ ػ ػ ٙ • • •
p.(None): جٕٕٓٓسُنبنبثثثٕٕٕٕٕٕٓٓٓٓٓٓ ٕٕٕٔٔٔػٕػٕػٕػٕػٕػٕػٕػٕ قذ قذ قذ قذ قذ قذ قذٕثٕٕٕٕٕنانانانانازززز ف ف فظ فظظظزرزرٚٔٚٔٚٔٚٔ. We did not cheat us
p.(None): . Would you like it? رب ؽٔ ؽٔ ٛ ٛ ٛ خ خ ٛ ٛ ٛ ز ز ٚ ٚ
p.(None): ػٗػػُُُٛؽٛؽٛؽٛؽٛؽٛٛٛٛٛػػػػزلإإؽؽؽؽؽٕٕٕٕٙٙخ,,, ٕٕٕٕؼنانإ٘ؾٚببٕٕكيكيب ًهيهيكيٚٚهيناناناناٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٛ • • • • • •
p.(None): I said, I must abolish them, we will make them happy, we have misleading us, we have been deceived, we have been tempted. We liked it
p.(None): . Please write to us
p.(None): ٙٙٙ,,, ,ؼؼؼ ذ ذ ذ ذػػػػػٛٛػٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚ,,,,,,,, ,ٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙناهيهيهيهيٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٚٚٚٚٚ غي غي غي غي غي غي غي غي غي غي غي غي غي غي غي غي از از از از از ازٗ حسب حسب حسب حسب حسب • • • • • • • • • •
p.(None): So, we didn’t find it safe, so we didn’t know it, we got it, we saved you.
p.(None): . ٚ ٚ ٚ ؾ ؾ ؾ ؾ ُ ُ ز ز ز ز ز ز ز ز جر جر جر ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ه ف ف ف ف ٗ ٗ ػ ػ ػ ٚ ً ً ٚ ً ً نا ٕ ٕ ٕ ٌ ٌ • •
p.(None): : 3 Humpback
p.(None): ّف ّف ٙ كن كن ر ر حسب حسب حسب حسب شل شل ّ رد اس اس وا وا ؽ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٛ خ خ ؽ ؽ ٕ ٕ ٕ ٛ ٛ ٛ شر شر ز ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ً ً أ أ ؽ ؽ • • •
p.(None): Dubai لا نا ٙ زن illuminate ٚ ً ً نا نا ٛ ز We lived in this way, but we didn’t eat anything.
p.(None): . Our students did not go away

p.(None): Slow down because your treasure. We want you to be happy, we have made you happy, we have made a mistake.
p.(None): . We feared Dubai ٕٕٗناناػٗػػثػثػػٕؾؾٕؾؾٚاشاشاشاشناناٗٗؾ
p.(None): : 5 humpback
p.(None): • ٕ ؼ ؼ ؼ نا نا نا ؽ ؽ أ ٛؼ ٛؼ ٛؼ ٛؼٛؼٛؼناna خسسناسسناna ٓٛٓٛٓٛؼٙÑä ٕٕٕٕٕناناناناناناناٗٗػٗػٕؾؾؾ ,ّّؽؽؽؽٗ ب بُُ,,, ٚٚٚن مكننؾٚؾٚؾٚؾٚؾٚ •
p.(None): ,ػكك, ,ٛٛٛٛففششزسلسلإأٛٛٛٛناطط لب لب لب لب لب لب,,, ,ؼؼؼؼؼؼؼ طؼ طؼؼ مث مثببببببميٓؼٓؼٓؼٓؼٓؼٓؼٓؼٓؼٓؼٓؼٓؼؼٚؼٚؼٚؼٚؼٚؼٚؼٚؼٚللٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙؼؼؼؼؼناٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٛٚمزمزناناناٛٛٛٛٛٛزز ػػػػ
p.(None): . So we refuse to weigh our disappointment, and make it past the day
p.(None): ط ط م م ؼ ؼ ٗ ػ ػ ف نا نا ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ
p.(None): : 6 humpback
p.(None): ٙ ؽ ؽ لا إ,, مج مج س نا نا نا ضخ ضخ ش ش ش نا ف ف ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ, ط, ػ ػ ٛ طر طر طر طر ٙ ٙ ؽ ؽ ث ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٕ ٕ • • No •
p.(None): We didn’t live in a bridge, then we lost a window. Be careful
p.(None): We were chastened in our chaos, we cheated in you,
p.(None): ٕٕمنانانا ازييي خ خ خٛ
p.(None): ٙ, ؽ ٙ إ,,, ب ب مج مج سي سي سي ٕؾ ٕؾ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٙ ؽ ػ ػ مع مع أ م إ نا ز غر غر غر غر ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ك كن كن كن كن كن ٚ ك ٚ I want it
p.(None): . Be careful
p.(None): ؽ ؽ ٙ ٛ ٛ ػ ػ ػ ؽٔ ؽٔ شن شن شن شن ؼ ؼ ؼ إ إ إ ٚ ٚ ٚ كن, your treasure, your ٛ ٛ ٛ ك نا ٛؽ غ غ نا نا نا ٛ ٛ ؼ ؼ ً ٛ خ خ خ ف ف ف نا ػ ػ ٛ ٛ ؼ ؼ نا ػ ػ ػ ٛ ٛ ؼ ؼ ػ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٕ ٕ •
p.(None): If you want us, we will be careful to leave it, and we will do it for you, so we will remember you, my brother.
p.(None): ....
p.(None): : 7 humpback
p.(None): ٛٛٔٔٔسيسيٗٗػػػؼؼؼ از از از از ازًًًًٕٕٕٚٚٚٛٛٛٛٛٚٚٚٚ, ,ببٛؼػػػػػػٔٔٛٛٛٛٛؽػػػفٌٚٚٚأٚٚ ضخ ضخ ضخ ضخ٘٘٘ٛٛٛٛٚٚ • •
p.(None): ٕ ٕ ػ ٚ ٚ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ؼ ؼ ؼ ؼ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ذ ذ ٕ ٚ ٚ ٌ ٌ ؼ ؼ, غ, ف ش ش نا نا وا وا ش ؽ ؽ ؽ ث ث هي هي هي ٛ ٛ طن طن! We got wrong
p.(None): In our opinion, our feelings, our feelings, are not despairing. Some people believe that we have forgotten
p.(None): . May God protect us, you will be deceived, and we will be cheated instead
p.(None): : 8 humpback
p.(None): We made a mistake because of the lack of a button, so it was too bad, so we made a mistake, we betrayed the brother •
p.(None): Conquer, conquer. Sashmna Rakhrbala, ٚٚٔٔٔؼؼna Dubaiٕٕؼؼناناناٙٙززٔٔٔٔٛٛٛٛ ػػػٛؼؼبäثؼؼؼٚٚٚػٔػّٔٙسفسفَ
p.(None): We told us that there is nothing wrong with it, no, we thought we hadn't cheated on it ٗ ػ ب مج نا نا ؾ it was like a broadcast, it blew us
p.(None): . Confused with them ٛؼػ نا نا نا نا ٚ ٚ ش نا نا نا نا ٗ ٗ ػ ٚ ٚ طب م نا نا نا نا ٗ ػ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ Cache us
p.(None): : 9 humpbacks
p.(None): ط لأ لأ لأ لأ لأ ٙ ؽ ؽ ػ أ ؼ ؼ ؼ ؼ ٕ ٕ ٚ ٚ,, ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ػ ٛ ٛ ؼ ؼ ؼ ب ث ّن ؼ ٚ ٚ ػٔ ػٔ ٙ ٙ ٙ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ً ٕ ٚ ذ ذ ػ ػ •
p.(None): We are afraid of it, we hide it, we hide it, we put it down, so we put it down, but we did not lose it.
p.(None): .
p.(None): They didn’t have a problem, they blundered us with our dishonor طب طبwhat we missed them because they didn’t find your treasure •
p.(None): ك سب ش ش ٓ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ػ ٛ ٛ ؼ ؼ هن هن ؤ ْ ي ي ي ي ؼ ؼ ؼ ؼ ؼ ؼ
p.(None): خ م ف إ ز ز ػ ػ ء ء ء ٛ ٛ ٛ ٔ أ ٕٚ ٕٚ ٕٚ ٕٚ ٕٚ ٕٚ ٕٚ نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا ش ش ش ش ؼٚ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٙ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ أ is not a concern Sachmna Rakhbrf
p.(None): . Bebel smart
p.(None): They spied their shit, they blew us, they saved us, they blew us, we blew them out
p.(None): . We have cheated on our own, our disappointment, our disappointment, our slaughter, we have nothing to do with our misfortune, we have no secret,
p.(None): : 10 humpbacks
p.(None): ٗٗػٗٚػٚٚٚٚٚنا خ خ خييٌٌٌٛٛٛٛٛ,,, خ خمجمجًناناناناناناًٚٚٚٚنا از از از ازم خ,,, ,٘٘٘٘ٚنانانانا ٛناؽؽًًٙٙٙٙٚٚٚٚناناناناؾؾؾؾ ته ته تهطٚ • •

Orphaned Trigger Words

p.(None): خ م ف إ ز ز ػ ػ ء ء ء ٛ ٛ ٛ ٔ أ ٕٚ ٕٚ ٕٚ ٕٚ ٕٚ ٕٚ ٕٚ نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا نا ش ش ش ش ؼٚ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٙ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ أ is not a concern Sachmna Rakhbrf
p.(None): . Bebel smart
p.(None): They spied their shit, they blew us, they saved us, they blew us, we blew them out
p.(None): . We have cheated on our own, our disappointment, our disappointment, our slaughter, we have nothing to do with our misfortune, we have no secret,
p.(None): : 10 humpbacks
p.(None): ٗٗػٗٚػٚٚٚٚٚنا خ خ خييٌٌٌٛٛٛٛٛ,,, خ خمجمجًناناناناناناًٚٚٚٚنا از از از ازم خ,,, ,٘٘٘٘ٚنانانانا ٛناؽؽًًٙٙٙٙٚٚٚٚناناناناؾؾؾؾ ته ته تهطٚ • •
p.(None): We do not want to sell, then we will use it for a while, so I want to go, I want you, I want you
p.(None): . Please leave us, then make it more difficult for us to cheat
p.(None): : 11 humpbacks
p.(None): • We are not afraid of it, I am not afraid of it, I am not afraid of it, I am afraid of it, we are not afraid of it •
p.(None): I swear by the blasphemy of the ػ مر مر مر مر مر ٚٔ ٚٔ أن أن because the Sabzak ٔ خ ٛ ٛ ػ ئ ئ ئ ب ٘ ٘ ٚ ٚ ٚ س ؾ ؾ ٙ خ خ غ ؼ ؼ ؼ هن هن ؼ
p.(None): So ٘ ٛٛ ٛٛ ٛ ٛ ذر ذر ذر ذر ٗ ٗ إ إ ٚ ٚ ؼ ؼ ٘ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٚ ٚ ٚ خ س س ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ٙ ٙ ٙ ن ن إ إ إ إ إ ن إ ث ث ث زر زر أ أ ٚ ٚ سب سب سب سب ش
p.(None): We didn’t know how to do this, I used to cook, I made a mistake, and I found your treasure.
p.(None): . Unfortunately, it is not good for you.
p.(None): , A, your death went to you, we were afraid we ٔ ٔ ؽ ث ؽ ب ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ خل خل خل غن غن غن غن غن إ إ ًا ٛ ٛ ٛ ٛ مر مر مر مر مر مر ٙٔ •
p.(None): كنؼ كن كنٔٔٔٔٔؾؾؾؾٔؾٕٕؾؾٕٔٔٔٔٗٗٗػػؾٚؾٚٔمممػميييٛؾٛؾٛؾٛؾؾٚٛؾٛؾٛؾٛؾؾٚؾٚؾؾؾؾؾػػػػػػػػػلالاخلخلخلٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ خ
p.(None): ػ ػ ػ ش ش نا نا ؾ ؾ ؾ ؾ ؾ ٔ, ئ ئ ئ ب ٛ
p.(None): It ػٗػػػبظرظرؼؼؼبٔٔٔ خنانانانانانانانانا ٓ ٓٓٓٛٔٔٔٛٛٛأرٕٕٕٕٔؼؼؼ,,, خ خ خ خ خنانانانانانانانا دنبنبنبنبنبّّّّّّّّٛٛبب
p.(None): . But according to our tents according to Zalaa, there is a risk that we will lose our weight in Dubai
p.(None): We love you, let us fear you, we will give you our wealth, our plans, our hearts, we will give you our peace.
p.(None): ممصصػٕػٕػٕػٕػٕ ضخ ضخ ضخ ضخ ضخشش خمششيييييي خ خ خ خ خزززززط ته ته تهطططططططططط, ّزّزّزّز ػػػػػؼؼبب ؼٚٚٚٚػٔػٔٙٚٚٚٚٚٚٚنا ته ته ته تهفففف,,
p.(None): ٚ ٚ ٚ س نا ؾ ؾ ؾ أ ٙ ٙ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٚ ٕ ٕ ٕ ٕ ػ ػ ػ ػ اس اس اس شط شط بل بل ضخ ش ش سب سب سب شي. Rumble on the way
p.(None): In your stead, please forgive us, we lost five times, because they are not your treasure. We wrote a third of our line
p.(None): . Fifteen years, we are the same, no, no, no, no.
p.(None): In the end, our love, our love, our love, and the best:
p.(None): : 12 humpbacks
p.(None): Dubaiٕٕؼؼٚٚٚٚٚٚٔٔٔٔٛٛخششنانا ّٛؽخٛؽٛؽؾؾ أٙؾؾؾؾؾؾؾٛؾٛؾٛؾٛؾٛؾٛؾٛؾٛؾٔؾٛٛٛٛٛثثثثّٚٚٚٚٚٚٚؼؼؼؼؼٗٗٗٚٚٚٚٚٚ مكن • • •
p.(None): . Broadcast our equipment
p.(None): ٗٗػػُُؤؤٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚنانانانانا از از از از از از از از از از از از از از از از از ازؼٚؼٚؼٚؼٚؼٚؼٚٛؾٛؾٛؾ خ خ خ خ خ خٛؾٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٙٛٛٛٛٛٛناناناناناٚٚٚٚؼؼؼؼٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚٚؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾؾناناناناناٌٌٌٌبكٌبكبكبكبكبكبكبكبك • • • • • •
p.(None): We have done a lot, and we have done so well, so we have a lot to do with you, so we have a good time, and we have made it Dubai
p.(None): . We worked hard
p.(None): : 13 humpbacks
p.(None): ػ ػ
p.(None): . We planed to give you a good idea, so we made us shy, because we did not know it.
p.(None): : 14 humpbacks
p.(None): We didn’t want to see any other people, no, we didn’t have any problems.
p.(None): . We have made Dubai
p.(None): ٙ ط ط فه ً ً ٗ ٗ ػ ػ ػ ػ ؾ ؾ ؾ We were:
p.(None): : 15 humpbacks
p.(None): ٕٛػٕػٕٕٕٕäٕٕٕٕٕؼؼؼناناٗٗٗػػؽاا ,ٕٕٕٕٕٚٚٚٚٚٚ ً ً ًؼػؼػؼػؼػؼػؼػٔ ًاشطبلٌٌ ٌٌٌٌٌ ار ار ار ار ارإإناناناناناناناّهّهٔٔ, ,ٚٚٚٚٚ مك مكؾٚؾٚؾٚؾٚ •
p.(None): Broadcasting. ط ط ط ط هي هي هي ٙ خ خ ٔ ٔ ٔ ٔ ًٙك ,ً,, ,ٛؾٛؾٛؾٛؾٛؾنانانانا دب دب دب دب دب دبؤٔٔٔٓٓٓ دا دا داشفAشفأأأٓٓٓٚٚٚٙٙنا ...


Indicator List

opinionphilosophical differences/differences of opinion

Indicator Peers (Indicators in Same Vulnerability)


Trigger Words



Applicable Type / Vulnerability / Indicator Overlay for this Input

Vulnerability TypeVulnerabilityIndicator# Matches
Socialphilosophical differences/differences of opinionopinion2