
Resolution RDC No. 29, 12 May 2008


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Indicators in focus are typically shown highlighted in yellow; Peer Indicators (that share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in pink; "Outside" Indicators (those that do NOT share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in green; Trigger Words/Phrases are shown highlighted in gray.

Link to Orphaned Trigger Words (Appendix (Indicator List, Indicator Peers, Trigger Words, Type/Vulnerability/Indicator Overlay)

Applicable Type / Vulnerability / Indicator Overlay for this Input

Vulnerability TypeVulnerabilityIndicator# Matches
Healthstem cellsstem cells3
SocialMarital Statussingle1
SocialPolice Officerofficer1

Health / stem cells

Searching for indicator stem cells:

(return to top)
p.(None): WARNING
p.(None): This text does not replace the one published in the Federal Official Gazette
p.(None): Ministry of Health
p.(None): National Health Surveillance Agency
p.(None): RESOLUTION - RDC No. 29, OF MAY 12, 2008
p.(None): Approves the technical regulation for national registration
p.(None): Germ Cell and Tissue Banks (BCTG) and the
p.(None): sending human embryo production information
p.(None): produced by in vitro fertilization and not used in
p.(None): respective procedure
p.(None): The Collegiate Board of the National Health Surveillance Agency, using the powers conferred on it by item IV of art. 11 of
p.(None): Regulation approved by Decree no. 3.029, of April 16, 1999, and in view of the provisions of item II and of §§ 1 - and 3 - of
p.(None): art. 54 of the Internal Regulations approved pursuant to Annex I of Ordinance No. 354 of ANVISA, of August 11, 2006, republished in
p.(None): DOU of August 21, 2006, in a meeting held on May 6, 2008, and
p.(None): considering the competence attributed to this Agency, pursuant to art. 8, paragraph 1, VIII of Law No. 9,782, of January 26, 1999;
p.(None): considering the provisions of § 4 of Article 199 of the 1988 Federal Constitution, which prohibits all types of commercialization of
p.(None): human organs, tissues and substances for the purposes of transplantation, research and treatment;
p.(None): considering art. 5 - of Law No. 11,105, of March 24, 2005, which allows, for research and therapy purposes, the use of
p.(None): embryonic stem cells obtained from human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and not used in the respective
p.(None): procedure;
p.(None): considering articles 63, 64 and 65 of Decree no 5,591, of November 22, 2005, which regulate the provisions of Law
p.(None): No. 11,105, of March 24, 2005;
p.(None): considering Ordinance No. 2,526, of December 21, 2005, which provides for the data information necessary for the
p.(None): identification of human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and attributes competence to ANVISA to prepare and maintain the
p.(None): registration of embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and not used in the respective procedure;
p.(None): considering RDC / ANVISA No. 33, of February 17, 2006, which approves the technical regulation for the operation of the
p.(None): germ cell and tissue banks;
p.(None): considering the need to regulate the functioning of the national human embryo production system
p.(None): available and human embryos;
p.(None): adopts the following Resolution of the Collegiate Board and I,
p.(None): Chief Executive Officer, I order its publication:
p.(None): Art. 1 - To institute procedures related to the National Registry of Germ Cell and Tissue Banks (BCTG) and
p.(None): Human Embryo Production Information produced by in vitro fertilization techniques and not used in the respective
p.(None): procedure.
p.(None): Art. 2 - To determine that the sending of information about the production of human embryos produced by fertilization techniques
p.(None): in vitro must be performed by BCTG.
p.(None): Single paragraph. BCTG, a service legally constituted and linked to a specialized health care establishment

p.(None): Union No. 36, of February 20, 2006, section 1, p. 39 and in supplement page. 1.
p.(None): ANNEX 1
p.(None): 1 The identification and storage of human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization techniques and not used in
p.(None): the respective procedure is the responsibility of the Germ Cell and Tissue Bank (BCTG).
p.(None): 1.1 The BCTG must meet the legal requirements for its installation and operation, including those described in RDC / ANVISA
p.(None): No. 33, of February 17, 2006, which determines the Technical Regulation for its operation, or whatever replaces it.
p.(None): 2 The creation and maintenance of the National Embryo Production System - SisEmbrio is the responsibility of the Agency
p.(None): National Health Surveillance Agency - ANVISA.
p.(None): 3 The filling and updating of the SisEmbrio is the responsibility of BCTG.
p.(None): 4 BCTG will have a period of 60 (sixty days) to provide the data described in Annex 2 to ANVISA.
p.(None): 5 For the purposes of this RDC, the following terminology and definitions will be considered, including those already adopted by Law
p.(None): No. 11,105, of March 24, 2005, and by Decree No. 5,591, of November 22, 2005:
p.(None): a) Bank of germ cells and tissues - BCTG: service designed to select donor (s), collect, transport, record,
p.(None): process, store, discard and release germ cells and tissues, for the therapeutic use of third parties or their own
p.(None): donor.
p.(None): b) Embryonic stem cells: embryo cells that have the ability to transform into cells of any kind
p.(None): tissue of an organism.
p.(None): c) In vitro fertilization: the fusion of gametes performed by any extracorporeal fertilization technique.
p.(None): d) Frozen embryos available: those frozen until March 28, 2005, after three years
p.(None): counted from the date of its freezing.
p.(None): e) unviable embryos: those with genetic alterations confirmed by preimplantation diagnosis, according to norms
p.(None): specifications established by the Ministry of Health, whose development was interrupted due to the spontaneous
p.(None): cleavage after more than twenty-four hours from in vitro fertilization, or with morphological changes that compromise
p.(None): the full development of the embryo;
p.(None): f) SisEmbrio: National Embryo Production System.
p.(None): 6 For use in research and therapy with embryonic stem cells, the embryo can only be released as long as it is respected
p.(None): the specific legislation in force.
p.(None): 7 For electronic completion of the SisEmbrio forms, the BCTG must register in the registration system of
p.(None): ANVISA institutions, available on the ANVISA website, area of ​​activity "blood, tissues and organs".
p.(None): 7.1 After confirming the registration, the forms must be completed in the computerized program available on the website
p.(None): of ANVISA.
p.(None): 8 The SisEmbrio must be filled in with the information contained in Annex 2 of this RDC.
p.(None): 9 BCTG, when filling in SisEmbrio, must send the forms according to the following deadlines:
p.(None): 9.1 The BCTG will have a period of 60 (sixty) days from the date of publication of this RDC, to send data referring to
p.(None): all embryos produced by in vitro fertilization until December 31, 2007, and which have not been used in the respective
p.(None): procedure.
p.(None): 9.2 From January 1, 2008, the BCTG must update the SisEmbrio annually, sending data referring to all
p.(None): embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and which have not been used in the respective procedure.
p.(None): 9.3 The BCTG will have until January 31 of the following year to send data referring to all embryos produced
p.(None): per
p.(None): IVF and that have not been used in the respective procedure in the previous year.
p.(None): 10 ANVISA will make its consolidated data by State available on its website, within a period of up to 30 days after the
p.(None): receipt of information from banks.
p.(None): ANNEX 2
p.(None): 1 The SisEmbrio forms for each BCTG must be filled in with the following information:

Social / Marital Status

Searching for indicator single:

(return to top)
p.(None): embryonic stem cells obtained from human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and not used in the respective
p.(None): procedure;
p.(None): considering articles 63, 64 and 65 of Decree no 5,591, of November 22, 2005, which regulate the provisions of Law
p.(None): No. 11,105, of March 24, 2005;
p.(None): considering Ordinance No. 2,526, of December 21, 2005, which provides for the data information necessary for the
p.(None): identification of human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and attributes competence to ANVISA to prepare and maintain the
p.(None): registration of embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and not used in the respective procedure;
p.(None): considering RDC / ANVISA No. 33, of February 17, 2006, which approves the technical regulation for the operation of the
p.(None): germ cell and tissue banks;
p.(None): considering the need to regulate the functioning of the national human embryo production system
p.(None): available and human embryos;
p.(None): adopts the following Resolution of the Collegiate Board and I,
p.(None): Chief Executive Officer, I order its publication:
p.(None): Art. 1 - To institute procedures related to the National Registry of Germ Cell and Tissue Banks (BCTG) and
p.(None): Human Embryo Production Information produced by in vitro fertilization techniques and not used in the respective
p.(None): procedure.
p.(None): Art. 2 - To determine that the sending of information about the production of human embryos produced by fertilization techniques
p.(None): in vitro must be performed by BCTG.
p.(None): Single paragraph. BCTG, a service legally constituted and linked to a specialized health care establishment
p.(None): in assisted human reproduction, must follow this Regulation and the one described in RDC / ANVISA No. 33, of February 17, 2006, or
p.(None): to replace it.
p.(None): Art. 3 - Instituting the National Embryo Production System - SisEmbrio.
p.(None): Art. 4 - To approve, in the form of the Annexes of this RDC, the Technical Regulation for the registration of BCTG and sending information
p.(None): on the production of human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization techniques and not used in the respective procedure.
p.(None): Art. 5 - Failure to comply with the provisions of this RDC will set up a sanitary infraction, subjecting the infringer to the penalties provided for.
p.(None): in Law No. 6,437, of August 20, 1977, or whatever replaces it.
p.(None): Art. 6 This Collegiate Board Resolution and its Annex must be revised, at least, every three years.
p.(None): Art. 7 - This Resolution enters into force on the date of its publication.
p.(None): Art. 8 - Items 5.j.9 and 5.j.10 of RDC / ANVISA No. 33, of February 17, 2006, published in the Official Gazette of the
p.(None): Union No. 36, of February 20, 2006, section 1, p. 39 and in supplement page. 1.
p.(None): ANNEX 1
p.(None): 1 The identification and storage of human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization techniques and not used in
p.(None): the respective procedure is the responsibility of the Germ Cell and Tissue Bank (BCTG).

Social / Police Officer

Searching for indicator officer:

(return to top)
p.(None): DOU of August 21, 2006, in a meeting held on May 6, 2008, and
p.(None): considering the competence attributed to this Agency, pursuant to art. 8, paragraph 1, VIII of Law No. 9,782, of January 26, 1999;
p.(None): considering the provisions of § 4 of Article 199 of the 1988 Federal Constitution, which prohibits all types of commercialization of
p.(None): human organs, tissues and substances for the purposes of transplantation, research and treatment;
p.(None): considering art. 5 - of Law No. 11,105, of March 24, 2005, which allows, for research and therapy purposes, the use of
p.(None): embryonic stem cells obtained from human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and not used in the respective
p.(None): procedure;
p.(None): considering articles 63, 64 and 65 of Decree no 5,591, of November 22, 2005, which regulate the provisions of Law
p.(None): No. 11,105, of March 24, 2005;
p.(None): considering Ordinance No. 2,526, of December 21, 2005, which provides for the data information necessary for the
p.(None): identification of human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and attributes competence to ANVISA to prepare and maintain the
p.(None): registration of embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and not used in the respective procedure;
p.(None): considering RDC / ANVISA No. 33, of February 17, 2006, which approves the technical regulation for the operation of the
p.(None): germ cell and tissue banks;
p.(None): considering the need to regulate the functioning of the national human embryo production system
p.(None): available and human embryos;
p.(None): adopts the following Resolution of the Collegiate Board and I,
p.(None): Chief Executive Officer, I order its publication:
p.(None): Art. 1 - To institute procedures related to the National Registry of Germ Cell and Tissue Banks (BCTG) and
p.(None): Human Embryo Production Information produced by in vitro fertilization techniques and not used in the respective
p.(None): procedure.
p.(None): Art. 2 - To determine that the sending of information about the production of human embryos produced by fertilization techniques
p.(None): in vitro must be performed by BCTG.
p.(None): Single paragraph. BCTG, a service legally constituted and linked to a specialized health care establishment
p.(None): in assisted human reproduction, must follow this Regulation and the one described in RDC / ANVISA No. 33, of February 17, 2006, or
p.(None): to replace it.
p.(None): Art. 3 - Instituting the National Embryo Production System - SisEmbrio.
p.(None): Art. 4 - To approve, in the form of the Annexes of this RDC, the Technical Regulation for the registration of BCTG and sending information
p.(None): on the production of human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization techniques and not used in the respective procedure.
p.(None): Art. 5 - Failure to comply with the provisions of this RDC will set up a sanitary infraction, subjecting the infringer to the penalties provided for.
p.(None): in Law No. 6,437, of August 20, 1977, or whatever replaces it.
p.(None): Art. 6 This Collegiate Board Resolution and its Annex must be revised, at least, every three years.
p.(None): Art. 7 - This Resolution enters into force on the date of its publication.
p.(None): Art. 8 - Items 5.j.9 and 5.j.10 of RDC / ANVISA No. 33, of February 17, 2006, published in the Official Gazette of the
p.(None): Union No. 36, of February 20, 2006, section 1, p. 39 and in supplement page. 1.

Social / embryo

Searching for indicator embryo:

(return to top)
p.(None): WARNING
p.(None): This text does not replace the one published in the Federal Official Gazette
p.(None): Ministry of Health
p.(None): National Health Surveillance Agency
p.(None): RESOLUTION - RDC No. 29, OF MAY 12, 2008
p.(None): Approves the technical regulation for national registration
p.(None): Germ Cell and Tissue Banks (BCTG) and the
p.(None): sending human embryo production information
p.(None): produced by in vitro fertilization and not used in
p.(None): respective procedure
p.(None): The Collegiate Board of the National Health Surveillance Agency, using the powers conferred on it by item IV of art. 11 of
p.(None): Regulation approved by Decree no. 3.029, of April 16, 1999, and in view of the provisions of item II and of §§ 1 - and 3 - of
p.(None): art. 54 of the Internal Regulations approved pursuant to Annex I of Ordinance No. 354 of ANVISA, of August 11, 2006, republished in
p.(None): DOU of August 21, 2006, in a meeting held on May 6, 2008, and
p.(None): considering the competence attributed to this Agency, pursuant to art. 8, paragraph 1, VIII of Law No. 9,782, of January 26, 1999;
p.(None): considering the provisions of § 4 of Article 199 of the 1988 Federal Constitution, which prohibits all types of commercialization of
p.(None): human organs, tissues and substances for the purposes of transplantation, research and treatment;
p.(None): considering art. 5 - of Law No. 11,105, of March 24, 2005, which allows, for research and therapy purposes, the use of
p.(None): embryonic stem cells obtained from human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and not used in the respective
p.(None): procedure;
p.(None): considering articles 63, 64 and 65 of Decree no 5,591, of November 22, 2005, which regulate the provisions of Law
p.(None): No. 11,105, of March 24, 2005;
p.(None): considering Ordinance No. 2,526, of December 21, 2005, which provides for the data information necessary for the
p.(None): identification of human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and attributes competence to ANVISA to prepare and maintain the
p.(None): registration of embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and not used in the respective procedure;
p.(None): considering RDC / ANVISA No. 33, of February 17, 2006, which approves the technical regulation for the operation of the
p.(None): germ cell and tissue banks;
p.(None): considering the need to regulate the functioning of the national human embryo production system
p.(None): available and human embryos;
p.(None): adopts the following Resolution of the Collegiate Board and I,
p.(None): Chief Executive Officer, I order its publication:
p.(None): Art. 1 - To institute procedures related to the National Registry of Germ Cell and Tissue Banks (BCTG) and
p.(None): Human Embryo Production Information produced by in vitro fertilization techniques and not used in the respective
p.(None): procedure.
p.(None): Art. 2 - To determine that the sending of information about the production of human embryos produced by fertilization techniques
p.(None): in vitro must be performed by BCTG.
p.(None): Single paragraph. BCTG, a service legally constituted and linked to a specialized health care establishment
p.(None): in assisted human reproduction, must follow this Regulation and the one described in RDC / ANVISA No. 33, of February 17, 2006, or
p.(None): to replace it.
p.(None): Art. 3 - Instituting the National Embryo Production System - SisEmbrio.
p.(None): Art. 4 - To approve, in the form of the Annexes of this RDC, the Technical Regulation for the registration of BCTG and sending information
p.(None): on the production of human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization techniques and not used in the respective procedure.
p.(None): Art. 5 - Failure to comply with the provisions of this RDC will set up a sanitary infraction, subjecting the infringer to the penalties provided for.
p.(None): in Law No. 6,437, of August 20, 1977, or whatever replaces it.
p.(None): Art. 6 This Collegiate Board Resolution and its Annex must be revised, at least, every three years.
p.(None): Art. 7 - This Resolution enters into force on the date of its publication.
p.(None): Art. 8 - Items 5.j.9 and 5.j.10 of RDC / ANVISA No. 33, of February 17, 2006, published in the Official Gazette of the
p.(None): Union No. 36, of February 20, 2006, section 1, p. 39 and in supplement page. 1.
p.(None): ANNEX 1
p.(None): 1 The identification and storage of human embryos produced by in vitro fertilization techniques and not used in
p.(None): the respective procedure is the responsibility of the Germ Cell and Tissue Bank (BCTG).
p.(None): 1.1 The BCTG must meet the legal requirements for its installation and operation, including those described in RDC / ANVISA
p.(None): No. 33, of February 17, 2006, which determines the Technical Regulation for its operation, or whatever replaces it.
p.(None): 2 The creation and maintenance of the National Embryo Production System - SisEmbrio is the responsibility of the Agency
p.(None): National Health Surveillance Agency - ANVISA.
p.(None): 3 The filling and updating of the SisEmbrio is the responsibility of BCTG.
p.(None): 4 BCTG will have a period of 60 (sixty days) to provide the data described in Annex 2 to ANVISA.
p.(None): 5 For the purposes of this RDC, the following terminology and definitions will be considered, including those already adopted by Law
p.(None): No. 11,105, of March 24, 2005, and by Decree No. 5,591, of November 22, 2005:
p.(None): a) Bank of germ cells and tissues - BCTG: service designed to select donor (s), collect, transport, record,
p.(None): process, store, discard and release germ cells and tissues, for the therapeutic use of third parties or their own
p.(None): donor.
p.(None): b) Embryonic stem cells: embryo cells that have the ability to transform into cells of any kind
p.(None): tissue of an organism.
p.(None): c) In vitro fertilization: the fusion of gametes performed by any extracorporeal fertilization technique.
p.(None): d) Frozen embryos available: those frozen until March 28, 2005, after three years
p.(None): counted from the date of its freezing.
p.(None): e) unviable embryos: those with genetic alterations confirmed by preimplantation diagnosis, according to norms
p.(None): specifications established by the Ministry of Health, whose development was interrupted due to the spontaneous
p.(None): cleavage after more than twenty-four hours from in vitro fertilization, or with morphological changes that compromise
p.(None): the full development of the embryo;
p.(None): f) SisEmbrio: National Embryo Production System.
p.(None): 6 For use in research and therapy with embryonic stem cells, the embryo can only be released as long as it is respected
p.(None): the specific legislation in force.
p.(None): 7 For electronic completion of the SisEmbrio forms, the BCTG must register in the registration system of
p.(None): ANVISA institutions, available on the ANVISA website, area of ​​activity "blood, tissues and organs".
p.(None): 7.1 After confirming the registration, the forms must be completed in the computerized program available on the website
p.(None): of ANVISA.
p.(None): 8 The SisEmbrio must be filled in with the information contained in Annex 2 of this RDC.
p.(None): 9 BCTG, when filling in SisEmbrio, must send the forms according to the following deadlines:
p.(None): 9.1 The BCTG will have a period of 60 (sixty) days from the date of publication of this RDC, to send data referring to
p.(None): all embryos produced by in vitro fertilization until December 31, 2007, and which have not been used in the respective
p.(None): procedure.
p.(None): 9.2 From January 1, 2008, the BCTG must update the SisEmbrio annually, sending data referring to all
p.(None): embryos produced by in vitro fertilization and which have not been used in the respective procedure.
p.(None): 9.3 The BCTG will have until January 31 of the following year to send data referring to all embryos produced
p.(None): per
p.(None): IVF and that have not been used in the respective procedure in the previous year.
p.(None): 10 ANVISA will make its consolidated data by State available on its website, within a period of up to 30 days after the
p.(None): receipt of information from banks.
p.(None): ANNEX 2
p.(None): 1 The SisEmbrio forms for each BCTG must be filled in with the following information:
p.(None): 1.1 For BCTGs that have frozen embryos until 2004:
p.(None): The. Reference year, being considered the year of beginning of embryo freezing: numerical filling.
p.(None): B. Number of embryos frozen in the year: numerical filling.
p.(None): 1.2 For BCTGs that froze embryos in 2005:
p.(None): Reference year: numeric completion;
p.(None): B. Number of embryos that were frozen until 03/28/2005: numerical filling;
p.(None): ç. Number of embryos NOT classified as unfeasible that were frozen after 03/28/2005: numerical filling;
p.(None): d. Total frozen embryos in the year: numerical filling;
p.(None): and. Number of embryos donated for research classified as unfeasible and that were frozen after 03/28/2005:
p.(None): numeric filling;
p.(None): f. Number of embryos donated for research that completed, in 2005, more than 3 (three) years of freezing:
p.(None): numeric filling;
p.(None): g. Number of embryos donated fresh for research, which were classified as unfeasible after 03/28/2005: filling
p.(None): numeric;
p.(None): 1.3 For BCTGs that froze embryos after 2005
p.(None): The. Reference year: numeric completion;
p.(None): B. Number of embryos NOT classified as non-viable that were frozen in the reference year: numerical filling;
p.(None): ç. Total embryos frozen in the reference year: numerical filling;
p.(None): d. Number of embryos donated for research, classified as non-viable and that were frozen: numerical filling;
p.(None): and. Number of embryos donated for research that completed more than 3 years of freezing in the reference year:
p.(None): numeric filling;
p.(None): f. Number of freshly donated embryos for research that were classified as numerical infeasibility;
p.(None): 2 The responsibility for the data provided in the form is of the BCTG that is filling it out.

Orphaned Trigger Words


Indicator List

officerPolice Officer
singleMarital Status
stem cellsstem cells

Indicator Peers (Indicators in Same Vulnerability)


Trigger Words

Applicable Type / Vulnerability / Indicator Overlay for this Input

Vulnerability TypeVulnerabilityIndicator# Matches
Healthstem cellsstem cells3
SocialMarital Statussingle1
SocialPolice Officerofficer1