
Scientific, Technical, and Administrative Regulations for Health Research, Resolution No. 008430, Title II, Chapter VI (1993)


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Indicators in focus are typically shown highlighted in yellow; Peer Indicators (that share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in pink; "Outside" Indicators (those that do NOT share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in green; Trigger Words/Phrases are shown highlighted in gray.

Link to Orphaned Trigger Words (Appendix (Indicator List, Indicator Peers, Trigger Words, Type/Vulnerability/Indicator Overlay)

Applicable Type / Vulnerability / Indicator Overlay for this Input

Vulnerability TypeVulnerabilityIndicator# Matches
HealthDrug Dependencedependency1
HealthDrug Usagedrug8
HealthMentally Disabledmentally3
HealthMentally Disableddisabled11
HealthMentally Disableddisability2
HealthPhysically Disabledillness3
HealthPhysically Disabledphysically3
HealthPhysically Illsick2
Healthhealthy volunteershealthy volunteers1
Healthhospitalized patientshospitalized2
SocialMarital Statussingle2
SocialSoldierarmed forces1
Socialphilosophical differences/differences of opinionopinion2
General/OtherPublic Emergencyemergency1
General/OtherRelationship to Authorityauthority7

Health / Drug Dependence

Searching for indicator dependency:

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p.(None): with the following requirements:
p.(None): a) It will be prepared by the principal investigator, with the information indicated in the article
p.(None): 15 of this resolution.
p.(None): b) It will be reviewed by the Research Ethics Committee of the institution where the
p.(None): investigation.
p.(None): c) Indicate the names and addresses of two witnesses and their relationship with the subject of investigation.
p.(None): d) It must be signed by two witnesses and by the investigation subject or his representative
p.(None): legal, failing that. If the research subject does not know how to sign, he will print his fingerprint and his
p.(None): name will sign another person he designates.
p.(None): e) It will be prepared in duplicate, leaving a copy in the possession of the research subject or his legal representative.
p.(None): FIRST PARAGRAPH. In the case of investigations with minimal risk, the Research Ethics Committee of the
p.(None): The research institution, for justified reasons, may authorize that the Informed Consent be
p.(None): obtain without formulating in writing and
p.(None): Sheet 5 of 5
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): in the case of risk-free investigations, the investigator may be excused from obtaining it.
p.(None): SECOND PARAGRAPH. If there is any kind of dependency, ancestry or subordination of the subject of
p.(None): investigation towards the researcher that prevents him from freely granting his consent, this must be obtained
p.(None): by another member of the research team, or of the institution where the investigation will be conducted,
p.(None): completely independent of the researcher-subject relationship.
p.(None): THIRD PARAGRAPH. When it is necessary to determine the mental capacity of an individual to grant his
p.(None): consent, the principal investigator must go to a neurologist, psychiatrist or psychologist so that
p.(None): evaluate the capacity of understanding, reasoning and logic of the subject, according to the parameters
p.(None): approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the research institution.
p.(None): FOURTH PARAGRAPH. When it is presumed that the mental capacity of a subject has varied over time, the
p.(None): Informed Consent of this or, failing that, of your legal representative, must be endorsed by a professional
p.(None): (neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist) of recognized scientific and moral capacity in the specific field, as well as
p.(None): of an observer who has no relation to the investigation, to ensure the suitability of the mechanism of
p.(None): obtaining consent, as well as its validity during the course of the investigation.
p.(None): FIFTH PARAGRAPH. When the research subject is a psychiatric patient admitted to a hospital

Health / Drug Usage

Searching for indicator drug:

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p.(None): d) d.The research institution will render to the Research Ethics Committee and the Ministry of Health, when so
p.(None): a report is required within fifteen (15) business days following the suspension of the
p.(None): investigation, which specifies the warned effect, the measures adopted and the consequences produced.
p.(None): CHAPTER II.
p.(None): ARTICLE 53. For the purposes of this regulation, pharmacological research is understood as the
p.(None): scientific activities aimed at the study of drugs and biological products for human use on
p.(None): which do not have previous experience in the country, which are not contemplated in the Pharmacological Standards in this
p.(None): Ministry and therefore, are not distributed commercially, as well as registered medications
p.(None): and approved for sale, when its use is investigated with modalities, indications, doses or routes of administration
p.(None): different from those established, including its use in combinations.
p.(None): ARTICLE 54. Investigations of medications in clinical pharmacology include
p.(None): Sheet 11 of 11
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): the sequence of studies that are carried out from when it is first administered to the human being, until it is
p.(None): They obtain data on their efficacy and therapeutic safety in large population groups. For this purpose, they are considered
p.(None): The following phases:
p.(None): to. PHASE I: It is the administration for the first time of a research drug to the healthy human being, in single doses
p.(None): or multiple, in small hospitalized groups, to establish initial pharmacological parameters in man.
p.(None): b. PHASE II: It is the administration, to the sick human being, of a research medicine, in doses
p.(None): single or multiple, in small hospitalized groups, to establish pharmacological parameters in the organism
p.(None): sick.
p.(None): c. PHASE III It is the administration, to large groups of patients, of a research drug, usually
p.(None): external, to define its therapeutic utility and identify adverse reactions, interactions and factors
p.(None): external, that can alter the pharmacological effect.
p.(None): d. PHASE IV: These are studies that are carried out after the medicine is granted, health record for sale
p.(None): and aims to generate new information on the safety of the drug during its widespread use and
p.(None): dragged on.
p.(None): ARTICLE 55. All the investigations in clinical pharmacology that are carried out must be preceded by
p.(None): complete preclinical studies that include physicochemical characteristics pharmacological activity, toxicity,
p.(None): pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the drug in different animal species;
p.(None): frequencies, routes of administration and duration of the doses studied that can serve as a basis for the safety of
p.(None): its administration in the human being; studies on mutagenesis, teratogenesis and carcinogenesis are also required.
p.(None): ARTICLE 56. The preclinical toxicology studies required for each drug will depend on it.
p.(None): in particular, of the known potential toxicology of others with similar chemical structure and of the route and time of
p.(None): administration that is intended to be used in humans.
p.(None): ARTICLE 57. The use of research drugs in humans during their assessment through Phases I
p.(None): to IV of clinical pharmacological research, it will be done with the authorization of the Research Ethics Committee, to which
p.(None): the documentation indicated in article 50 of these regulations must be submitted, in addition to the following:
p.(None): a) The basic and preclinical pharmacological information of the medicine.
p.(None): b) Information previously obtained on clinical pharmacology in cases of phases II, III and IV and evidence of
p.(None): bioavailability when required.
p.(None): ARTICLE 58. Studies of Phase I clinical pharmacology, new antineoplastic drugs and others with index
p.(None): Very reduced therapeutic, will be allowed when:
p.(None): a) They are based on preclinical studies that demonstrate the pharmacological activity of
p.(None): medication and clearly indicate the characteristics of its toxicity.
p.(None): b) They are performed only in voluntary subjects with the specific disease, confirmed by diagnostic means
p.(None): additional, that have not presented therapeutic response to any other available treatment and in whom the
p.(None): New medication could offer a therapeutic benefit.
p.(None): c) Do not incur expenses to the patient.
p.(None): ARTICLE 59. In the treatment of emergencies, in conditions that threaten the life of
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p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): a person when it is considered necessary to use a research drug or a known medication using
p.(None): indications, doses and routes of administration different from those established, the doctor must obtain the opinion
p.(None): favorable of the Research Ethics Committee of the research institutions and the Informed Consent of the
p.(None): subject of investigation or its legal representative, as permitted by circumstances in accordance with the following
p.(None): bases:
p.(None): a) The Research Ethics Committee will be informed of the use of the investigational drug in advance,
p.(None): if the investigator can foresee the need for its use in urgent cases, or in retrospect, if the
p.(None): use of the drug, the indication, doses or new routes of administration arose as needs not
p.(None): provided. In both cases, the Research Ethics Committee will issue an opinion in favor or against approving the
p.(None): planned use or repetition of the unforeseen use of the medication.
p.(None): b) Informed Consent will be obtained from the subject of investigation, or failing that, from
p.(None): legal representative or the closest relative in bond, except when: the condition of the subject incapacitates or
p.(None): prevent granting it, the legal representative or family member is unavailable or when you stop using the medication in
p.(None): investigation represents an absolute risk of death.
p.(None): ARTICLE 60. For the purposes of this regulation, it is understood by investigation of other new resources or
p.(None): different modalities from those established, the scientific activities tending to the study of
p.(None): materials, grafts, transplants, prostheses, physical, chemical and surgical procedures,
p.(None): instruments, devices, artificial organs and other methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and
p.(None): rehabilitation carried out in humans or in their biological products, except pharmacological ones.
p.(None): ARTICLE 61. Any investigation referred to in this chapter must have the authorization of the Committee of
p.(None): Research Ethics. For this purpose, the research institutions must present the documentation

Health / Health

Searching for indicator health:

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p.(None): Sheet 1 of 1
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): (October 4)
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): In exercise of its legal attributions especially those conferred by Decree 2164 of 1992 and Law 10 of 1990
p.(None): - That Article 8 of Law 10 of 1990, which organizes the National Health System and dictates other
p.(None): provisions, determines that it is up to the Ministry of Health to formulate the policies and dictate all the norms
p.(None): scientific-administrative, mandatory by the entities that make up the System,
p.(None): - That Article 2 of Decree 2164 of 1992, which restructures the Ministry of Health and determines the
p.(None): functions of its dependencies, it establishes that it will formulate the pertinent scientific and administrative norms that
p.(None): Orient the resources and actions of the System,
p.(None): RESOLVES:
p.(None): TITLE 1
p.(None): ARTICLE 1. The provisions of these scientific standards are intended to establish the requirements for the
p.(None): development of the research activity in health.
p.(None): ARTICLE 2. The institutions that are going to carry out research in humans must have an Ethics Committee in
p.(None): Research, responsible for resolving all issues related to the subject.
p.(None): ARTICLE 3. The institutions, referred to in the previous article, because of their regulations and
p.(None): internal policies, will elaborate their internal procedures manual in order to support the application of these
p.(None): rules
p.(None): ARTICLE 4. Research for health includes the development of actions that contribute:
p.(None): to. To the knowledge of the biological and psychological processes in human beings.
p.(None): b. To the knowledge of the links between the causes of illness, medical practice and social structure.
p.(None): c. To the prevention and control of health problems.
p.(None): Sheet 2 of 2
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): d. To the knowledge and evaluation of the harmful effects of the environment on health.
p.(None): and. To the study of the techniques and methods that are recommended or used for the provision of health services.
p.(None): F. To the production of health supplies.
p.(None): TITLE II
p.(None): CHAPTER 1.
p.(None): ARTICLE 5. In any investigation in which the human being is the subject of study, the
p.(None): criterion of respect for their dignity and protection of their rights and well-being.
p.(None): ARTICLE 6. Research carried out in human beings shall be carried out according to the following criteria:
p.(None): to. It will conform to the scientific and ethical principles that justify it.
p.(None): b. It will be based on previous experimentation performed on animals, in laboratories or on other scientific facts.
p.(None): c. It will be done only when the knowledge that is intended to be produced cannot be obtained by other suitable means.
p.(None): d. The safety of the beneficiaries must prevail and clearly express the (minimum) risks, which do not
p.(None): they must, at no time, contradict article 11 of this resolution.
p.(None): and. You will have the Informed Consent and in writing of the research subject or his legal representative with the
p.(None): exceptions provided in this resolution.
p.(None): F. It must be carried out by professionals with knowledge and experience to take care of the integrity of the human being under
p.(None): the responsibility of a health entity, supervised by health authorities, provided they have
p.(None): the necessary human and material resources that guarantee the well-being of the research subject.
p.(None): g. It will be carried out when authorization is obtained: from the legal representative of the institution
p.(None): researcher and the institution where the research is carried out; Informed Consent of
p.(None): participants; and the approval of the project by the Research Ethics Committee of the institution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 7. When the experimental design of an investigation carried out in human beings includes
p.(None): several groups, random selection methods will be used to obtain an impartial allocation of participants in
p.(None): each group, and other technical standards determined for this type of research, and measures will be taken
p.(None): relevant to avoid any risk or harm to the research subjects.
p.(None): ARTICLE 8. In investigations in human beings, the privacy of the individual, subject of investigation, shall be protected.
p.(None): Identifying it only when the results require it and it authorizes it.
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p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 9. The probability that the subject of
p.(None): investigation suffers some damage as an immediate or late consequence of the study.
p.(None): ARTICLE 10. The group of researchers or the principal investigator shall identify the type or types of risk at which
p.(None): Research subjects will be exposed.
p.(None): ARTICLE 11. For purposes of this regulation, investigations are classified into the following categories:
p.(None): to. Risk-free research: These are studies that use research techniques and methods.
p.(None): Restrospective documentary and those in which no intervention or modification is made
p.(None): intentional of the biological, physiological, psychological or social variables of the individuals that
p.(None): participate in the study, among which are considered: review of medical records, interviews, questionnaires and
p.(None): others in which he is not identified or sensitive aspects of his behavior are treated
p.(None): b. Research with minimal risk: These are prospective studies that use data recording through
p.(None): Common procedures consisting of: physical or psychological diagnostic tests or treatments
p.(None): routine, among which are considered: weighing the subject, electrocardiograms, hearing acuity tests,
p.(None): thermographies, collection of excreta and external secretions, obtaining placenta during childbirth, collection of
p.(None): amniotic fluid when the membranes rupture, obtaining saliva, deciduous teeth and permanent teeth extracted
p.(None): by therapeutic indication, dental plaque and stones removed by non-invasive prophylactic procedures,
p.(None): hair and nail cutting without causing disfigurement, blood collection by venous puncture in adults in good condition
p.(None): health, with a maximum frequency of twice a week and a maximum volume of 450 ml in two months except during the
p.(None): pregnancy, moderate exercise in healthy volunteers, psychological tests to groups or individuals in whom
p.(None): will manipulate the subject's behavior, research with commonly used medications, wide therapeutic range and
p.(None): Registered in this Ministry or its delegated authority, using the indications, dosage and routes of administration
p.(None): established and other than the medications defined in article 55 of this resolution.
p.(None): c. Investigations with risk greater than the minimum: Are those in which the probabilities of
p.(None): affect the subject are significant, among which are considered: radiological and microwave studies,
p.(None): studies with medications and modalities defined in titles III and IV of this resolution, trials with
p.(None): new devices, studies that include surgical procedures, blood collection greater than 2% of the volume
p.(None): circulating in neonates, amniocentesis and other invasive techniques or major procedures, which
p.(None): use random methods of allocation to therapeutic schemes and those that have control with placebos, among others.
p.(None): ARTICLE 12. The principal investigator shall suspend the investigation immediately, upon warning of any risk or
p.(None): damage to the health of the subject in whom the investigation is conducted. Likewise, it will be immediately suspended for
p.(None): those research subjects that manifest it.
p.(None): ARTICLE 13. It is the responsibility of the research or sponsoring institution to provide care.
p.(None): medical to the subject that suffers any damage, if directly related to the investigation, without
p.(None): damage of the compensation that legally corresponds to him.
p.(None): ARTICLE 14. Informed Consent means the agreement in writing, whereby the subject of
p.(None): investigation or, where appropriate, your legal representative, authorizes your participation in the investigation, with full
p.(None): knowledge of the nature of the procedures, benefits and risks to be submitted, with the
p.(None): capacity of free choice and without coercion.
p.(None): Sheet 4 of 4
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 15. The Informed Consent must present the following information, which will be explained, in
p.(None): complete and clear form to the subject of investigation or, failing that, to his legal representative, in such form
p.(None): That they can understand.
p.(None): to. The justification and the objectives of the investigation.
p.(None): b. The procedures to be used and their purpose including the identification of those that are
p.(None): Experimental
p.(None): c. The inconvenience or the expected risks.
p.(None): d. The benefits that can be obtained.
p.(None): and. Alternative procedures that could be advantageous for the subject.
p.(None): F. The guarantee of receiving an answer to any question and clarification of any doubt about the
p.(None): procedures, risks, benefits and other matters related to the investigation and treatment of
p.(None): subject.
p.(None): g. The freedom to withdraw your consent at any time and stop participating in the study without it
p.(None): damages are created to continue their care and treatment.
p.(None): h. The security that the subject will not be identified and that the confidentiality of related information will be maintained
p.(None): With your privacy.
p.(None): i. The commitment to provide updated information obtained during the study, although this could affect the
p.(None): Will of the subject to continue participating.
p.(None): j. The availability of medical treatment and the compensation to which he would legally be entitled, by the
p.(None): institution responsible for the investigation, in the case of damages that directly affect it, caused by the
p.(None): investigation.
p.(None): k. In case there are additional expenses, these will be covered by the research budget or the
p.(None): institution responsible for it.
p.(None): ARTICLE 16. The Informed Consent of the taxpayer of the investigation, to be valid, must comply
p.(None): with the following requirements:
p.(None): a) It will be prepared by the principal investigator, with the information indicated in the article
p.(None): 15 of this resolution.
p.(None): b) It will be reviewed by the Research Ethics Committee of the institution where the
p.(None): investigation.
p.(None): c) Indicate the names and addresses of two witnesses and their relationship with the subject of investigation.
p.(None): d) It must be signed by two witnesses and by the investigation subject or his representative
p.(None): legal, failing that. If the research subject does not know how to sign, he will print his fingerprint and his
p.(None): name will sign another person he designates.
p.(None): e) It will be prepared in duplicate, leaving a copy in the possession of the research subject or his legal representative.
p.(None): FIRST PARAGRAPH. In the case of investigations with minimal risk, the Research Ethics Committee of the
p.(None): The research institution, for justified reasons, may authorize that the Informed Consent be
p.(None): obtain without formulating in writing and
p.(None): Sheet 5 of 5
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): in the case of risk-free investigations, the investigator may be excused from obtaining it.
p.(None): SECOND PARAGRAPH. If there is any kind of dependency, ancestry or subordination of the subject of
p.(None): investigation towards the researcher that prevents him from freely granting his consent, this must be obtained
p.(None): by another member of the research team, or of the institution where the investigation will be conducted,
p.(None): completely independent of the researcher-subject relationship.
p.(None): THIRD PARAGRAPH. When it is necessary to determine the mental capacity of an individual to grant his
p.(None): consent, the principal investigator must go to a neurologist, psychiatrist or psychologist so that
p.(None): evaluate the capacity of understanding, reasoning and logic of the subject, according to the parameters
p.(None): approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the research institution.
p.(None): FOURTH PARAGRAPH. When it is presumed that the mental capacity of a subject has varied over time, the
p.(None): Informed Consent of this or, failing that, of your legal representative, must be endorsed by a professional
p.(None): (neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist) of recognized scientific and moral capacity in the specific field, as well as
p.(None): of an observer who has no relation to the investigation, to ensure the suitability of the mechanism of
p.(None): obtaining consent, as well as its validity during the course of the investigation.
p.(None): FIFTH PARAGRAPH. When the research subject is a psychiatric patient admitted to a hospital
p.(None): In addition to complying with the provisions of the preceding articles, it will be necessary to obtain the
p.(None): prior approval of the authority that knows about the case.
p.(None): CHAPTER II.
p.(None): ARTICLE 17. Investigations, referring to human health, in communities, shall be admissible when the benefit
p.(None): expected for these to be reasonably insured and when previous studies conducted on a small scale
p.(None): Determine the absence of risks.
p.(None): ARTICLE 18. In investigations in communities, the principal investigator must obtain the approval of the
p.(None): health authorities and other civil authorities of the community to study, in addition to obtaining the letter of
p.(None): Informed Consent of the individuals included in the study, informing them of the information to
p.(None): referred to in articles 14, 15 and 16 of this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 19. When the individuals that make up the community do not have the capacity to understand the
p.(None): implications of participating in an investigation, the Research Ethics Committee of the entity to the
p.(None): that the principal investigator belongs, or of the Entity where the investigation will be carried out, may authorize or
p.(None): not that the Informed Consent of the subjects is obtained through a reliable person with
p.(None): moral authority over the community.
p.(None): In case of not obtaining authorization from the Research Ethics Committee, the Research is not
p.(None): will perform.
p.(None): On the other hand, the participation of individuals will be entirely voluntary.
p.(None): ARTICLE 20. Experimental research in communities may only be carried out by establishments.
p.(None): that have Research Ethics Committees and the prior authorization of this Ministry to take it
p.(None): out, notwithstanding the
p.(None): Sheet 6 of 6
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): attributions that correspond to other dependencies of the State, and would have complied in any case with the studies
p.(None): prior toxicity and other tests according to the characteristics of the products and the risk involved
p.(None): For human health.
p.(None): ARTICLE 21. In all community research, research designs must offer the measures
p.(None): protection practices of individuals and ensure the obtaining of valid results in accordance with the
p.(None): established guidelines for the development of these models.
p.(None): ARTICLE 22. In any community investigation, the ethical considerations applicable to research
p.(None): in humans, they must be extrapolated to the communal context in the pertinent aspects.
p.(None): ARTICLE 23. In addition to the general provisions of ethics that must be complied with in all research in human beings,
p.(None): that which is carried out in minors or physically and mentally disabled, must fully satisfy all
p.(None): the requirements set out in this chapter.
p.(None): ARTICLE 24. When it is intended to conduct investigations in minors, it must be ensured that
p.(None): similar studies have previously been done in adults and immature animals;
p.(None): except in the case of studies of conditions that are characteristic of the neonatal stage or conditions
p.(None): specific of certain ages.
p.(None): ARTICLE 25. To carry out investigations in minors or in physically and mentally disabled persons, in
p.(None): In any case, obtain, in addition to the Informed Consent of those exercising parental authority or
p.(None): legal representation of the minor or the person concerned, certification of a neurologist, psychiatrist or
p.(None): psychologist, about the capacity of understanding, reasoning and logic of the subject.
p.(None): ARTICLE 26. When the mental capacity and the psychological state of the minor or disabled person allow it,
p.(None): you must also obtain your acceptance to be the subject of investigation after explaining what
p.(None): pretend to do The Research Ethics Committee of the respective health entity must ensure the
p.(None): Compliance with these requirements.
p.(None): ARTICLE 27. Investigations classified with risk and with probabilities of direct benefit for the
p.(None): minor or disabled, will be admissible when:
p.(None): a) The risk is justified by the importance of the benefit that the minor or the disabled will receive.
p.(None): b) The benefit is equal to or greater than other alternatives already established for diagnosis and treatment.
p.(None): ARTICLE 28. Investigations classified as risk and without direct benefit to the minor or the
p.(None): disabled, will be admissible according to the following considerations:
p.(None): a) The intervention or procedure must represent for the minor or the disabled a reasonable experience and
p.(None): comparable to those inherent in your current medical, psychological, social or educational situation.
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p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 30. To carry out investigations in pregnant women, during labor, postpartum and
p.(None): lactation; in live or dead births; of the use of embryos, deaths or fetuses; and for the
p.(None): artificial fertilization, it is required to obtain the Informed Consent of the woman and her spouse or
p.(None): partner in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 16 of this regulation, prior information of the risks
p.(None): possible for the embryo, fetus or newborn in your case.
p.(None): The Informed Consent of the spouse or partner may only be waived in case of disability or impossibility
p.(None): reliable or manifest to provide it; because the partner does not take care of the woman or, well, when
p.(None): there is imminent risk to the health or life of the woman, embryo, fetus or newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 31. Research carried out on pregnant women must be preceded by studies.
p.(None): performed on non-pregnant women who demonstrate safety, except for specific studies that require
p.(None): such condition.
p.(None): ARTICLE 32. Research without therapeutic benefit in pregnant women whose objective is to obtain
p.(None): generalizable knowledge about pregnancy should not represent a risk greater than the minimum for women, the
p.(None): embryo or fetus
p.(None): ARTICLE 33. Investigations in pregnant women that involve an intervention or
p.(None): experimental procedure not related to pregnancy, but with therapeutic benefit for women, such as
p.(None): it would be in cases of toxemia gravidarum, diabetes, hypertension and neoplasms, among others, should not expose to
p.(None): embryo or fetus at a greater than minimum risk, except when the use of the intervention or procedure is
p.(None): Sheet 8 of 8
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): justify to save the woman's life.
p.(None): ARTICLE 34. Research in pregnant women, with therapeutic benefit related to pregnancy, is
p.(None): will allow when:
p.(None): a) Aim to improve the health of the pregnant woman with a minimal risk to the embryo or the fetus.
p.(None): b) Are aimed at increasing the viability of the fetus, with a minimal risk to the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 35. During the execution of investigations in pregnant women:
p.(None): a) Investigators will not have the authority to decide on the time, method or procedure used
p.(None): to terminate the pregnancy, nor participation in decisions about the viability of the fetus.
p.(None): b) It is strictly forbidden to grant stimuli, monetary or otherwise, to terminate the pregnancy,
p.(None): for the interest of the investigation or for other reasons.
p.(None): ARTICLE 36. Informed Consent for investigations during labor shall be obtained in agreement.
p.(None): with what is stipulated in articles 14, 15 and 16 of this regulation, before it is initiated and indicating
p.(None): expressly that it can be withdrawn at any time during labor.
p.(None): ARTICLE 37. Research on women during the puerperium will be allowed when they do not interfere with the health of the
p.(None): mother or with the newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 38. Research on women during breastfeeding will be authorized when there is no risk to
p.(None): the infant or when the mother decides not to breastfeed; your food is secured by another method and you get the
p.(None): Informed Consent in accordance with the provisions of articles 14, 15 and 16 of this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 39. Fetuses will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 40. Newborns will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the mother.
p.(None): ARTICLE 41. Newborns shall not be subject to investigation, except when it is intended to:
p.(None): increase its probability of survival until the feasibility phase; the procedures do not cause the
p.(None): cessation of vital functions, or when, without adding any risk, generalized knowledge is sought
p.(None): important that cannot be obtained otherwise.
p.(None): ARTICLE 42. Live births may be subject to investigation if the provisions on
p.(None): investigation in minors, indicated in this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 43. Investigations with embryos, deaths, fetuses, dead births, macerated fecal matter, cells,
p.(None): tissues and organs extracted from them, will be made in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 44. Research on artificial fertilization shall only be admissible when applied to the solution of
p.(None): sterility problems that cannot be solved in any other way, respecting the moral point of view,
p.(None): cultural and social of the couple.
p.(None): CHAPTER V.
p.(None): Sheet 9 of 9
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 45. Subordinated groups are understood as the following: students, workers of the
p.(None): laboratories and hospitals, employees and members of the armed forces, interns in prisons or centers
p.(None): of social rehabilitation and other special groups of the population, in which the Consent
p.(None): Informed may be influenced by some authority.
p.(None): ARTICLE 46. When investigations are conducted in subordinate groups, in the Ethics Committee in
p.(None): Research, one or more members of the study population, capable of representing the values ​​must participate
p.(None): moral, cultural and social group in question and monitor:
p.(None): a) That the participation, the rejection of the subjects to intervene or withdrawal of their consent during the study, does not
p.(None): affect their school, employment, military situation or related to the judicial process to which they were subject and the
p.(None): conditions of compliance with the judgment of the case.
p.(None): b) That the results of the investigation are not used to the detriment of the participating individuals.
p.(None): c) That the research institution and the sponsors are responsible for the medical treatment of the damages
p.(None): caused and, where appropriate, the compensation that legally corresponds for the harmful consequences of
p.(None): the investigation.
p.(None): CHAPTER VI
p.(None): ARTICLE 47. The investigation referred to in this chapter includes that which includes the use of organs,
p.(None): tissues and their derivatives, products and corpses of human beings, as well as the set of activities
p.(None): relative to its obtaining, conservation, use, preparation and final destination.
p.(None): ARTICLE 48. This investigation must observe in addition to due respect to the human corpse, the
p.(None): applicable provisions of these regulations and other regulations related to the disposition of organs, tissues and
p.(None): corpses of human beings.
p.(None): TITLE III
p.(None): ARTICLE 49. When research is conducted on human beings, on new prophylactic resources, of
p.(None): diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation, or it is intended to modify those already known, should be observed
p.(None): as applicable, the provisions of the preceding articles and satisfy the provisions of this title.
p.(None): ARTICLE 50. The Research Ethics Committee of the health entity shall be responsible for studying and
p.(None): Approve research projects and request the following documents:
p.(None): a) Research project that must contain an objective and complete analysis of the
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p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): risks involved, compared to the risks of established diagnostic and treatment methods
p.(None): and the expectation of living conditions with and without the proposed procedure or treatment and others
p.(None): Information relevant to a research proposal.
p.(None): b) Letter from the legal representative of the research and executing institution, when appropriate, authorizing the
p.(None): Conduct of the investigation.
p.(None): c) Description of available resources, including areas, equipment, and auxiliary laboratory services
p.(None): which will be used for research development.
p.(None): d) Description of the resources available for the management of medical emergencies.
p.(None): e) Researchers' resume that includes their academic preparation, experience and production
p.(None): scientific in the area of ​​the proposed research.
p.(None): f) The requirements indicated in articles 57 and 61 of this resolution, as the case may be.
p.(None): ARTICLE 51. When there is sponsorship or other forms of remuneration, the measures shall be established.
p.(None): necessary to prevent these from causing conflicts of interest to the researcher in the protection of the rights of
p.(None): subjects of investigation, although they have given their consent in the preservation of the truth of the results and in
p.(None): The allocation of resources.
p.(None): ARTICLE 52. In the development of the investigations contemplated in this title, the
p.(None): following obligations:
p.(None): a) The principal investigator will inform the Research Ethics Committee of the research institution or
p.(None): the executing institution, of any probable adverse effect or directly related to the
p.(None): investigation.
p.(None): b) The director of the research institution shall notify the Research Ethics Committee, when required,
p.(None): of the presence of any adverse effect, within a maximum period of 15 business days following its presentation.
p.(None): c) The Research Ethics Committee shall suspend or cancel the investigation in the presence of any
p.(None): adverse effect that is an ethical or technical impediment to continue the study.
p.(None): d) d.The research institution will render to the Research Ethics Committee and the Ministry of Health, when so
p.(None): a report is required within fifteen (15) business days following the suspension of the
p.(None): investigation, which specifies the warned effect, the measures adopted and the consequences produced.
p.(None): CHAPTER II.
p.(None): ARTICLE 53. For the purposes of this regulation, pharmacological research is understood as the
p.(None): scientific activities aimed at the study of drugs and biological products for human use on
p.(None): which do not have previous experience in the country, which are not contemplated in the Pharmacological Standards in this
p.(None): Ministry and therefore, are not distributed commercially, as well as registered medications
p.(None): and approved for sale, when its use is investigated with modalities, indications, doses or routes of administration
p.(None): different from those established, including its use in combinations.
p.(None): ARTICLE 54. Investigations of medications in clinical pharmacology include
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p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): the sequence of studies that are carried out from when it is first administered to the human being, until it is
p.(None): They obtain data on their efficacy and therapeutic safety in large population groups. For this purpose, they are considered
p.(None): The following phases:
p.(None): to. PHASE I: It is the administration for the first time of a research drug to the healthy human being, in single doses
p.(None): or multiple, in small hospitalized groups, to establish initial pharmacological parameters in man.
p.(None): b. PHASE II: It is the administration, to the sick human being, of a research medicine, in doses
p.(None): single or multiple, in small hospitalized groups, to establish pharmacological parameters in the organism
p.(None): sick.
p.(None): c. PHASE III It is the administration, to large groups of patients, of a research drug, usually
p.(None): external, to define its therapeutic utility and identify adverse reactions, interactions and factors
p.(None): external, that can alter the pharmacological effect.
p.(None): d. PHASE IV: These are studies that are carried out after the medicine is granted, health record for sale
p.(None): and aims to generate new information on the safety of the drug during its widespread use and
p.(None): dragged on.
p.(None): ARTICLE 55. All the investigations in clinical pharmacology that are carried out must be preceded by
p.(None): complete preclinical studies that include physicochemical characteristics pharmacological activity, toxicity,
p.(None): pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the drug in different animal species;
p.(None): frequencies, routes of administration and duration of the doses studied that can serve as a basis for the safety of
p.(None): its administration in the human being; studies on mutagenesis, teratogenesis and carcinogenesis are also required.
p.(None): ARTICLE 56. The preclinical toxicology studies required for each drug will depend on it.
p.(None): in particular, of the known potential toxicology of others with similar chemical structure and of the route and time of
p.(None): administration that is intended to be used in humans.
p.(None): ARTICLE 57. The use of research drugs in humans during their assessment through Phases I
p.(None): to IV of clinical pharmacological research, it will be done with the authorization of the Research Ethics Committee, to which
p.(None): the documentation indicated in article 50 of these regulations must be submitted, in addition to the following:
p.(None): a) The basic and preclinical pharmacological information of the medicine.
p.(None): b) Information previously obtained on clinical pharmacology in cases of phases II, III and IV and evidence of
p.(None): bioavailability when required.
p.(None): ARTICLE 58. Studies of Phase I clinical pharmacology, new antineoplastic drugs and others with index
p.(None): Very reduced therapeutic, will be allowed when:
p.(None): a) They are based on preclinical studies that demonstrate the pharmacological activity of
p.(None): medication and clearly indicate the characteristics of its toxicity.
p.(None): b) They are performed only in voluntary subjects with the specific disease, confirmed by diagnostic means
p.(None): additional, that have not presented therapeutic response to any other available treatment and in whom the
p.(None): New medication could offer a therapeutic benefit.
p.(None): c) Do not incur expenses to the patient.
p.(None): ARTICLE 59. In the treatment of emergencies, in conditions that threaten the life of
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p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): a person when it is considered necessary to use a research drug or a known medication using
p.(None): indications, doses and routes of administration different from those established, the doctor must obtain the opinion
p.(None): favorable of the Research Ethics Committee of the research institutions and the Informed Consent of the
p.(None): subject of investigation or its legal representative, as permitted by circumstances in accordance with the following
p.(None): bases:
p.(None): a) The Research Ethics Committee will be informed of the use of the investigational drug in advance,
p.(None): if the investigator can foresee the need for its use in urgent cases, or in retrospect, if the
p.(None): use of the drug, the indication, doses or new routes of administration arose as needs not
p.(None): provided. In both cases, the Research Ethics Committee will issue an opinion in favor or against approving the
p.(None): planned use or repetition of the unforeseen use of the medication.
p.(None): b) Informed Consent will be obtained from the subject of investigation, or failing that, from
p.(None): legal representative or the closest relative in bond, except when: the condition of the subject incapacitates or

p.(None): ARTICLE 60. For the purposes of this regulation, it is understood by investigation of other new resources or
p.(None): different modalities from those established, the scientific activities tending to the study of
p.(None): materials, grafts, transplants, prostheses, physical, chemical and surgical procedures,
p.(None): instruments, devices, artificial organs and other methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and
p.(None): rehabilitation carried out in humans or in their biological products, except pharmacological ones.
p.(None): ARTICLE 61. Any investigation referred to in this chapter must have the authorization of the Committee of
p.(None): Research Ethics. For this purpose, the research institutions must present the documentation
p.(None): which is indicated in article 50 of this resolution, in addition to the following:
p.(None): a) The scientific foundations, information on previous experimentation carried out in animals or in the laboratory.
p.(None): b) Previous clinical research studies when there are any.
p.(None): ARTICLE 62. All research on grafts and transplants must observe, in addition to the
p.(None): applicable provisions of this regulation, what is stipulated in terms of sanitary control of the provision of
p.(None): organs, tissues and bodies of human beings.
p.(None): TITLE IV.
p.(None): CHAPTER I.
p.(None): ARTICLE 63. The research institutions in which research is carried out with pathogenic microorganisms or
p.(None): Biological material that may contain them should:
p.(None): Sheet 13 of 13
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p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): a) Have the facilities and laboratory equipment in accordance with the technical standards, which for this purpose
p.(None): Issue this Ministry, to ensure the safe handling of such germs.
p.(None): b) Develop a manual of procedures for microbiology laboratories and make it available to staff
p.(None): Professional, technical, service and maintenance.
p.(None): c) Train personnel on the handling, transport, use, decontamination and disposal of waste.
p.(None): d) Determine the need for medical surveillance of personnel involved in investigations and in their
p.(None): case, implement it.
p.(None): e) Establish a safety supervision and monitoring program in microbiology laboratories.
p.(None): f) Have an updated bibliography and an archive on equipment safety, system availability
p.(None): of containment, rules and regulations, risks involved and other related aspects.
p.(None): g) Comply with the other provisions determined by this Ministry.
p.(None): ARTICLE 64. In the research institutions mentioned in the previous article, the laboratories of
p.(None): Microbiology will comply with the requirements established by the technical standards issued by this Ministry and
p.(None): They will classify into three types like this:
p.(None): a) Basic microbiology laboratory.
p.(None): b) Microbiological safety laboratory.
p.(None): c) Laboratory of maximum microbiological safety.
p.(None): ARTICLE 65. The manual of procedures referred to in letter b of article 63
p.(None): of this regulation, will describe the following aspects:
p.(None): a) Laboratory practices.
p.(None): b) Personal security of employees.
p.(None): c) Management and maintenance of facilities and equipment.
p.(None): d) Urgent situations.
p.(None): e) Entry and transit restrictions.
p.(None): f) Reception and transportation of biological materials.
p.(None): g) Waste disposal.
p.(None): h) Decontamination.
p.(None): i) The others deemed necessary to achieve microbiological safety.
p.(None): ARTICLE 66. The principal investigator in agreement with the Hospital Ethics Committee, or the Ethics Committee in
p.(None): Research, and the legal representative of the research institution, will determine according to the
p.(None): existing technical standards, the type of laboratory in which the investigations will be conducted
p.(None): proposals; as well as the
p.(None): Sheet 14 of 14
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): respective procedures taking into account the degree of risk of infection presented by the
p.(None): microorganisms to use.
p.(None): ARTICLE 67. To evaluate the degree of risk referred to in the previous article, this Ministry will issue the norm.
p.(None): corresponding technique and will classify the microorganisms into four groups, according to the following criteria:
p.(None): a) RISK GROUP I: Microorganisms that represent little risk for the individual and for the community.
p.(None): b) RISK GROUP II: Microorganisms that represent moderate risk for the individual and limited for the community.
p.(None): c) RISK GROUP III: Microorganisms that represent high risk for the individual and low for the
p.(None): community.
p.(None): d) RISK GROUP IV: Microorganisms that represent high risk for the individual and for the community.
p.(None): ARTICLE 68. Microorganisms classified in risk groups I and II must be managed in
p.(None): Basic microbiology laboratories, using safety cabinets when deemed necessary.
p.(None): ARTICLE 69. Microorganisms classified in risk group III must be managed in laboratories of
p.(None): microbiological safety
p.(None): ARTICLE 70. Microorganisms that are classified in risk group IV shall be handled in laboratories of
p.(None): maximum microbiological safety, under the authorization and control of the corresponding health authorities.
p.(None): ARTICLE 71. During the development of the investigations referred to in this chapter, the
p.(None): Principal investigator will be responsible:
p.(None): a) Determine the real and potential risks of the proposed investigations and, if approved by
p.(None): part of the Committees of the research institution, make them known to the other researchers that make up the
p.(None): group and technical and auxiliary personnel involved in the investigation.
p.(None): b) Determine the appropriate level of physical containment, select microbiological practices
p.(None): suitable and design procedures to deal with possible accidents during the investigation and instruct the
p.(None): Participating staff on these aspects.
p.(None): c) Ensure that the participating personnel comply with the requirements of medical prophylaxis, vaccines or tests
p.(None): serological
p.(None): d) Supervise that the transport of infectious materials is done quickly, in accordance with the regulations
p.(None): techniques issued by this Ministry.
p.(None): e) Inform the Biosafety Commission about the occurrence of illness among the personnel participating in the
p.(None): research that could be attributed to transcutaneous inoculation, ingestion or inhalation of materials
p.(None): infectious, as well as accidents that cause contamination that may affect personnel or the environment.
p.(None): f) Report to the Biosafety Commission the difficulties or failures in the implementation of the procedures for
p.(None): safety, correct work errors that could cause the release of infectious material and ensure
p.(None): integrity of physical containment measures.
p.(None): Sheet 15 of 15
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 72. The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution must make periodic visits
p.(None): to assess compliance with the measures and recommend modifications to laboratory practices,
p.(None): including the temporary or permanent suspension of investigations that represent an uncontrolled risk of
p.(None): infection or contamination for laboratory workers, the community or the environment.
p.(None): CHAPTER II.
p.(None): ARTICLE 73. For the purposes of this regulation, recombinant nucleic acids shall be understood as new
p.(None): combinations of genetic material obtained outside a living cell, through the insertion of segments
p.(None): natural or synthetic deoxyribonucleic acid in a virus, bacterial plasmid or other molecules
p.(None): of deoxyribonucleic acid that serve as a vector system to allow incorporation into a host cell,
p.(None): in which they are not found naturally, but in which they will be able to replicate. Equally
p.(None): deoxyribonucleic acid molecules resulting from such replication are included.
p.(None): ARTICLE 74. Investigations with recombinant nucleic acids shall be designed in such a way.
p.(None): so that the maximum level of biological containment is achieved, selecting the host systems and
p.(None): suitable vectors, which decrease the probability of dissemination of recombinant molecules outside the
p.(None): laboratory, taking into account the origin of the genetic material and the technical standards issued by this Ministry.
p.(None): ARTICLE 75. The principal investigator in agreement with: his hierarchical superior, the Research Ethics Committee,

p.(None): they will carry out the experiments referred to in this chapter, taking into account the genetic material that is intended
p.(None): replicate
p.(None): ARTICLE 76. Authorization of this Ministry is required to initiate the following types of
p.(None): experimentation:
p.(None): a) Formation of recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid derived from microorganisms
p.(None): pathogens that are classified in risk groups III and IV referred to in article 71 of this
p.(None): resolution, as well as the formation of recombinant genetic material derived from cells that are
p.(None): infected by such agents, regardless of the host and vector system used.
p.(None): b) Intentional construction of recombinant nucleic acids to induce the biosynthesis of potent toxins for
p.(None): vertebrates
p.(None): c) Intentional release to the environment of any microorganism that carries nucleic acids
p.(None): recombinant
p.(None): d) Transfer of antibiotic resistance of microorganisms that do not acquire it in nature, if such
p.(None): Transfer could adversely affect the use of the antibiotic in human medicine.
p.(None): e) Experiment with microorganisms or recombinant nucleic acids in cultures larger than ten (10) liters due
p.(None): because their physical and biological containment is more difficult unless the recombinant molecules have
p.(None): rigorously characterized and demonstrated the absence of dangerous genes in them. Those are excluded
p.(None): industrial and agricultural processes not directly and specifically related to activities
p.(None): established in article 1 of this resolution.
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p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 77. Medical research that involves the use in humans of radioactive isotopes and
p.(None): Ionizing and electromagnetic radiation generating devices must be carried out in accordance
p.(None): with the laws, regulations and norms on radiological safety, that govern in the national territory.
p.(None): ARTICLE 78. In the institutions where these investigations are carried out, the Biosafety Commission shall ensure that
p.(None): for each study, the person responsible for the
p.(None): radiological and physical safety of these institutions, for the fulfillment of the requirements and
p.(None): obligations, as responsible for radiological safety.
p.(None): ARTICLE 79. The responsible person referred to in the previous article shall:
p.(None): a) Have the training, qualification and certification legally required for said function.
p.(None): b) Prepare a manual of procedures in accordance with the laws, regulations and regulations in force and with the
p.(None): characteristics of the installation or equipment, which must be available to all personnel, in which
p.(None): Describe: the identification and control of radiation sources, controlled and monitored areas, monitoring
p.(None): Dosimetric staff, emergency plan, waste management plan and training
p.(None): personnel involved in procedures and radiological safety.
p.(None): c) Define, implement and monitor compliance with radiological and physical safety measures.
p.(None): d) Inform the personnel involved in the investigation about these standards and train them on
p.(None): Work procedures and the characteristics of the laboratory and equipment.

p.(None): unduly exposed to ionizing radiation. Legally established Equivalent Dose limits
p.(None): they should be considered as upper limits and not design or control. Protection measures against
p.(None): ionizing radiation should be optimized, so that the number of people exposed and the Equivalent Dose received
p.(None): by the investigator or the patient undergoing the investigation, be as low as reasonably possible,
p.(None): taking into account the socio-economic factors of the environment in which it works.
p.(None): ARTICLE 81. In the examination or treatment that is part of a medical research program and that
p.(None): entails a net benefit for the patient, the justification of the procedure will be done with them
p.(None): Justification criteria for a routine medical exposure. However, given the character
p.(None): experimental, said justification will be subject to a thorough scrutiny individually, discarding
p.(None): other diagnostic or therapeutic methods that can be evaluated comparatively.
p.(None): ARTICLE 82. The deliberate irradiation of personnel during procedures for research purposes
p.(None): that does not pursue a direct benefit to irradiated persons, will be carried out only by persons adequately
p.(None): qualified and trained, and with the respective permission of the institution where the
p.(None): irradiation, under the advice of the National Entity responsible for radiological protection in harmony with the standards
p.(None): current surveillance and radiological control.
p.(None): Sheet 17 of 17
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 83. Occupationally exposed personnel must be over 18 years of age, and limits will be taken into account
p.(None): of occupational exposure determined by the authorized national entity, with special consideration in the case of
p.(None): Women of childbearing age and pregnant.
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not work in places of high risk of
p.(None): incorporation of radioactive materials.
p.(None): ARTICLE 84. The persons, included in the procedure, must be informed about the risk of irradiation to which
p.(None): submit, so that their participation is under their free will and with knowledge of cause. It is necessary the
p.(None): Informed Consent of family members or legal guardian when the subject of the investigation does not
p.(None): Be in a position to decide on your acceptance.
p.(None): ARTICLE 85. These investigations must be subject to individual evaluation, followed by a plan of procedures and a
p.(None): final protocol approved by the competent authority in the field, to analyze them thoroughly from
p.(None): the point of view of radiation protection and the condition of true volunteers of people who do not
p.(None): they will receive a net benefit from the procedure, since no special dose limits can be set in these
p.(None): cases.
p.(None): ARTICLE 86. The use of ionizing radiation for research in pregnant women and forbidden is prohibited.
p.(None): minors, and is restricted to specific studies prior to research in women of age
p.(None): reproductive
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. In the previous cases, reconsideration may be made in the case of procedures
p.(None): Therapeutics in pathological processes considered special by their prognosis or by their characteristics,
p.(None): with the prior written authorization of the person involved, or the relative, or legally responsible person.
p.(None): TITLE V.
p.(None): ARTICLE 87. In any investigation in which the animals are subject to study, they must be kept in
p.(None): Account, in addition to the provisions determined in Law 84 of 1989, the following:
p.(None): a) Whenever appropriate, methods such as mathematical models, simulation in
p.(None): In vitro computer and biological systems.
p.(None): b) Animal testing should only be done after studying its importance to human health or
p.(None): animal and for the advancement of biological knowledge.
p.(None): c) The animals selected for experimentation must be of an appropriate species and quality, and
p.(None): use the minimum number required to obtain scientifically valid results.
p.(None): d) Only legally acquired animals will be used and kept in proper condition and that
p.(None): comply with current sanitary regulations.
p.(None): e) Researchers and other staff should never stop treating animals as sentient beings and should
p.(None): consider proper care and use as an ethical imperative and avoid or minimize discomfort, anguish and
p.(None): pain.
p.(None): f) Researchers should presume, which procedures that would cause pain in humans also cause pain in
p.(None): other vertebrate species, even when it is still missing
p.(None): Sheet 18 of 18
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): Much to know about the perception of pain in animals.
p.(None): g) Any procedure that may cause animals more than pain or momentary anguish or
p.(None): minimum, should be performed with sedation, analgesia or appropriate anesthesia and in accordance with veterinary practice
p.(None): accepted. No surgical or painful procedures should be performed on non-anesthetized animals,
p.(None): paralyzed by chemical agents.
p.(None): Euthanasia of the animals will be carried out with appropriate anesthetics, approved by the veterinary association.
p.(None): h) When it is required to depart from the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the decision should not be taken only by
p.(None): the researcher directly involved, but must be taken by the Ethics Committee, established by law 84 of
p.(None): 1989. These exceptions should not be made solely for demonstration or teaching purposes.
p.(None): i) At the end of the experiment, or when appropriate during the experiment, animals that may suffer chronic pain or
p.(None): severe, anguish, discomfort or disability that cannot be mitigated, must be sacrificed without pain.
p.(None): j) Animals maintained for biomedical purposes must be kept in the best conditions of life, of
p.(None): be possible under the supervision of veterinarians with experience in laboratory animals. In any case it is due
p.(None): have veterinary care when required.
p.(None): k) The director of the institute, department or unit where animals are used is responsible for ensuring
p.(None): that researchers and other staff have appropriate qualification or experience to perform
p.(None): Animal procedures You must provide adequate in-service training opportunities that include the
p.(None): Concern for a humane and appropriate treatment for the animals under their care.
p.(None): ARTICLE 88. The use of animals in research, teaching and testing is accepted only when
p.(None): promises to contribute to the understanding and advancement of knowledge of the fundamental principles
p.(None): biological or the development of better means for the protection of health and well-being of both man and
p.(None): of the animal
p.(None): ARTICLE 89. Animals must be used, in case the researcher has discarded other


Health / Mentally Disabled

Searching for indicator mentally:

(return to top)
p.(None): that have Research Ethics Committees and the prior authorization of this Ministry to take it
p.(None): out, notwithstanding the
p.(None): Sheet 6 of 6
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): attributions that correspond to other dependencies of the State, and would have complied in any case with the studies
p.(None): prior toxicity and other tests according to the characteristics of the products and the risk involved
p.(None): For human health.
p.(None): ARTICLE 21. In all community research, research designs must offer the measures
p.(None): protection practices of individuals and ensure the obtaining of valid results in accordance with the
p.(None): established guidelines for the development of these models.
p.(None): ARTICLE 22. In any community investigation, the ethical considerations applicable to research
p.(None): in humans, they must be extrapolated to the communal context in the pertinent aspects.
p.(None): ARTICLE 23. In addition to the general provisions of ethics that must be complied with in all research in human beings,
p.(None): that which is carried out in minors or physically and mentally disabled, must fully satisfy all
p.(None): the requirements set out in this chapter.
p.(None): ARTICLE 24. When it is intended to conduct investigations in minors, it must be ensured that
p.(None): similar studies have previously been done in adults and immature animals;
p.(None): except in the case of studies of conditions that are characteristic of the neonatal stage or conditions
p.(None): specific of certain ages.
p.(None): ARTICLE 25. To carry out investigations in minors or in physically and mentally disabled persons, in
p.(None): In any case, obtain, in addition to the Informed Consent of those exercising parental authority or
p.(None): legal representation of the minor or the person concerned, certification of a neurologist, psychiatrist or
p.(None): psychologist, about the capacity of understanding, reasoning and logic of the subject.
p.(None): ARTICLE 26. When the mental capacity and the psychological state of the minor or disabled person allow it,
p.(None): you must also obtain your acceptance to be the subject of investigation after explaining what
p.(None): pretend to do The Research Ethics Committee of the respective health entity must ensure the
p.(None): Compliance with these requirements.
p.(None): ARTICLE 27. Investigations classified with risk and with probabilities of direct benefit for the
p.(None): minor or disabled, will be admissible when:

p.(None): a) The intervention or procedure must represent for the minor or the disabled a reasonable experience and
p.(None): comparable to those inherent in your current medical, psychological, social or educational situation.
p.(None): Sheet 7 of 7
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.

Searching for indicator disabled:

(return to top)
p.(None): moral authority over the community.
p.(None): In case of not obtaining authorization from the Research Ethics Committee, the Research is not
p.(None): will perform.
p.(None): On the other hand, the participation of individuals will be entirely voluntary.
p.(None): ARTICLE 20. Experimental research in communities may only be carried out by establishments.
p.(None): that have Research Ethics Committees and the prior authorization of this Ministry to take it
p.(None): out, notwithstanding the
p.(None): Sheet 6 of 6
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): attributions that correspond to other dependencies of the State, and would have complied in any case with the studies
p.(None): prior toxicity and other tests according to the characteristics of the products and the risk involved
p.(None): For human health.
p.(None): ARTICLE 21. In all community research, research designs must offer the measures
p.(None): protection practices of individuals and ensure the obtaining of valid results in accordance with the
p.(None): established guidelines for the development of these models.
p.(None): ARTICLE 22. In any community investigation, the ethical considerations applicable to research
p.(None): in humans, they must be extrapolated to the communal context in the pertinent aspects.
p.(None): ARTICLE 23. In addition to the general provisions of ethics that must be complied with in all research in human beings,
p.(None): that which is carried out in minors or physically and mentally disabled, must fully satisfy all
p.(None): the requirements set out in this chapter.
p.(None): ARTICLE 24. When it is intended to conduct investigations in minors, it must be ensured that
p.(None): similar studies have previously been done in adults and immature animals;
p.(None): except in the case of studies of conditions that are characteristic of the neonatal stage or conditions
p.(None): specific of certain ages.
p.(None): ARTICLE 25. To carry out investigations in minors or in physically and mentally disabled persons, in
p.(None): In any case, obtain, in addition to the Informed Consent of those exercising parental authority or
p.(None): legal representation of the minor or the person concerned, certification of a neurologist, psychiatrist or
p.(None): psychologist, about the capacity of understanding, reasoning and logic of the subject.
p.(None): ARTICLE 26. When the mental capacity and the psychological state of the minor or disabled person allow it,
p.(None): you must also obtain your acceptance to be the subject of investigation after explaining what
p.(None): pretend to do The Research Ethics Committee of the respective health entity must ensure the
p.(None): Compliance with these requirements.
p.(None): ARTICLE 27. Investigations classified with risk and with probabilities of direct benefit for the
p.(None): minor or disabled, will be admissible when:
p.(None): a) The risk is justified by the importance of the benefit that the minor or the disabled will receive.
p.(None): b) The benefit is equal to or greater than other alternatives already established for diagnosis and treatment.
p.(None): ARTICLE 28. Investigations classified as risk and without direct benefit to the minor or the
p.(None): disabled, will be admissible according to the following considerations:
p.(None): a) The intervention or procedure must represent for the minor or the disabled a reasonable experience and
p.(None): comparable to those inherent in your current medical, psychological, social or educational situation.
p.(None): Sheet 7 of 7
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 30. To carry out investigations in pregnant women, during labor, postpartum and
p.(None): lactation; in live or dead births; of the use of embryos, deaths or fetuses; and for the
p.(None): artificial fertilization, it is required to obtain the Informed Consent of the woman and her spouse or
p.(None): partner in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 16 of this regulation, prior information of the risks
p.(None): possible for the embryo, fetus or newborn in your case.

Searching for indicator disability:

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p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 30. To carry out investigations in pregnant women, during labor, postpartum and
p.(None): lactation; in live or dead births; of the use of embryos, deaths or fetuses; and for the
p.(None): artificial fertilization, it is required to obtain the Informed Consent of the woman and her spouse or
p.(None): partner in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 16 of this regulation, prior information of the risks
p.(None): possible for the embryo, fetus or newborn in your case.
p.(None): The Informed Consent of the spouse or partner may only be waived in case of disability or impossibility
p.(None): reliable or manifest to provide it; because the partner does not take care of the woman or, well, when
p.(None): there is imminent risk to the health or life of the woman, embryo, fetus or newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 31. Research carried out on pregnant women must be preceded by studies.
p.(None): performed on non-pregnant women who demonstrate safety, except for specific studies that require
p.(None): such condition.
p.(None): ARTICLE 32. Research without therapeutic benefit in pregnant women whose objective is to obtain
p.(None): generalizable knowledge about pregnancy should not represent a risk greater than the minimum for women, the
p.(None): embryo or fetus
p.(None): ARTICLE 33. Investigations in pregnant women that involve an intervention or
p.(None): experimental procedure not related to pregnancy, but with therapeutic benefit for women, such as

p.(None): comply with current sanitary regulations.
p.(None): e) Researchers and other staff should never stop treating animals as sentient beings and should
p.(None): consider proper care and use as an ethical imperative and avoid or minimize discomfort, anguish and
p.(None): pain.
p.(None): f) Researchers should presume, which procedures that would cause pain in humans also cause pain in
p.(None): other vertebrate species, even when it is still missing
p.(None): Sheet 18 of 18
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): Much to know about the perception of pain in animals.
p.(None): g) Any procedure that may cause animals more than pain or momentary anguish or
p.(None): minimum, should be performed with sedation, analgesia or appropriate anesthesia and in accordance with veterinary practice
p.(None): accepted. No surgical or painful procedures should be performed on non-anesthetized animals,
p.(None): paralyzed by chemical agents.
p.(None): Euthanasia of the animals will be carried out with appropriate anesthetics, approved by the veterinary association.
p.(None): h) When it is required to depart from the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the decision should not be taken only by
p.(None): the researcher directly involved, but must be taken by the Ethics Committee, established by law 84 of
p.(None): 1989. These exceptions should not be made solely for demonstration or teaching purposes.
p.(None): i) At the end of the experiment, or when appropriate during the experiment, animals that may suffer chronic pain or
p.(None): severe, anguish, discomfort or disability that cannot be mitigated, must be sacrificed without pain.
p.(None): j) Animals maintained for biomedical purposes must be kept in the best conditions of life, of
p.(None): be possible under the supervision of veterinarians with experience in laboratory animals. In any case it is due
p.(None): have veterinary care when required.
p.(None): k) The director of the institute, department or unit where animals are used is responsible for ensuring
p.(None): that researchers and other staff have appropriate qualification or experience to perform
p.(None): Animal procedures You must provide adequate in-service training opportunities that include the
p.(None): Concern for a humane and appropriate treatment for the animals under their care.
p.(None): ARTICLE 88. The use of animals in research, teaching and testing is accepted only when
p.(None): promises to contribute to the understanding and advancement of knowledge of the fundamental principles
p.(None): biological or the development of better means for the protection of health and well-being of both man and
p.(None): of the animal
p.(None): ARTICLE 89. Animals must be used, in case the researcher has discarded other
p.(None): alternatives, to this end the Russell Burch principle "3R", replacement, reduction and refinement is followed.
p.(None): ARTICLE 90. Bioterios must agree with the species, body conformation, habits,
p.(None): Postural preferences and locomotive characteristics of animals, to provide comfort, except when
p.(None): Experimental variables justify other situations.
p.(None): ARTICLE 91. The bioterios of production or chronic maintenance will be supervised by the professional personnel
p.(None): qualified and competent in the field and should allow growth, maturation, reproduction and behavior

Health / Motherhood/Family

Searching for indicator family:

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p.(None): a person when it is considered necessary to use a research drug or a known medication using
p.(None): indications, doses and routes of administration different from those established, the doctor must obtain the opinion
p.(None): favorable of the Research Ethics Committee of the research institutions and the Informed Consent of the
p.(None): subject of investigation or its legal representative, as permitted by circumstances in accordance with the following
p.(None): bases:
p.(None): a) The Research Ethics Committee will be informed of the use of the investigational drug in advance,
p.(None): if the investigator can foresee the need for its use in urgent cases, or in retrospect, if the
p.(None): use of the drug, the indication, doses or new routes of administration arose as needs not
p.(None): provided. In both cases, the Research Ethics Committee will issue an opinion in favor or against approving the
p.(None): planned use or repetition of the unforeseen use of the medication.
p.(None): b) Informed Consent will be obtained from the subject of investigation, or failing that, from
p.(None): legal representative or the closest relative in bond, except when: the condition of the subject incapacitates or
p.(None): prevent granting it, the legal representative or family member is unavailable or when you stop using the medication in
p.(None): investigation represents an absolute risk of death.
p.(None): ARTICLE 60. For the purposes of this regulation, it is understood by investigation of other new resources or
p.(None): different modalities from those established, the scientific activities tending to the study of
p.(None): materials, grafts, transplants, prostheses, physical, chemical and surgical procedures,
p.(None): instruments, devices, artificial organs and other methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and
p.(None): rehabilitation carried out in humans or in their biological products, except pharmacological ones.
p.(None): ARTICLE 61. Any investigation referred to in this chapter must have the authorization of the Committee of
p.(None): Research Ethics. For this purpose, the research institutions must present the documentation
p.(None): which is indicated in article 50 of this resolution, in addition to the following:
p.(None): a) The scientific foundations, information on previous experimentation carried out in animals or in the laboratory.
p.(None): b) Previous clinical research studies when there are any.
p.(None): ARTICLE 62. All research on grafts and transplants must observe, in addition to the
p.(None): applicable provisions of this regulation, what is stipulated in terms of sanitary control of the provision of
p.(None): organs, tissues and bodies of human beings.
p.(None): TITLE IV.
p.(None): CHAPTER I.
p.(None): ARTICLE 63. The research institutions in which research is carried out with pathogenic microorganisms or

p.(None): qualified and trained, and with the respective permission of the institution where the
p.(None): irradiation, under the advice of the National Entity responsible for radiological protection in harmony with the standards
p.(None): current surveillance and radiological control.
p.(None): Sheet 17 of 17
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 83. Occupationally exposed personnel must be over 18 years of age, and limits will be taken into account
p.(None): of occupational exposure determined by the authorized national entity, with special consideration in the case of
p.(None): Women of childbearing age and pregnant.
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not work in places of high risk of
p.(None): incorporation of radioactive materials.
p.(None): ARTICLE 84. The persons, included in the procedure, must be informed about the risk of irradiation to which
p.(None): submit, so that their participation is under their free will and with knowledge of cause. It is necessary the
p.(None): Informed Consent of family members or legal guardian when the subject of the investigation does not
p.(None): Be in a position to decide on your acceptance.
p.(None): ARTICLE 85. These investigations must be subject to individual evaluation, followed by a plan of procedures and a
p.(None): final protocol approved by the competent authority in the field, to analyze them thoroughly from
p.(None): the point of view of radiation protection and the condition of true volunteers of people who do not
p.(None): they will receive a net benefit from the procedure, since no special dose limits can be set in these
p.(None): cases.
p.(None): ARTICLE 86. The use of ionizing radiation for research in pregnant women and forbidden is prohibited.
p.(None): minors, and is restricted to specific studies prior to research in women of age
p.(None): reproductive
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. In the previous cases, reconsideration may be made in the case of procedures
p.(None): Therapeutics in pathological processes considered special by their prognosis or by their characteristics,
p.(None): with the prior written authorization of the person involved, or the relative, or legally responsible person.
p.(None): TITLE V.
p.(None): ARTICLE 87. In any investigation in which the animals are subject to study, they must be kept in
p.(None): Account, in addition to the provisions determined in Law 84 of 1989, the following:

Health / Physically Disabled

Searching for indicator illness:

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p.(None): provisions, determines that it is up to the Ministry of Health to formulate the policies and dictate all the norms
p.(None): scientific-administrative, mandatory by the entities that make up the System,
p.(None): - That Article 2 of Decree 2164 of 1992, which restructures the Ministry of Health and determines the
p.(None): functions of its dependencies, it establishes that it will formulate the pertinent scientific and administrative norms that
p.(None): Orient the resources and actions of the System,
p.(None): RESOLVES:
p.(None): TITLE 1
p.(None): ARTICLE 1. The provisions of these scientific standards are intended to establish the requirements for the
p.(None): development of the research activity in health.
p.(None): ARTICLE 2. The institutions that are going to carry out research in humans must have an Ethics Committee in
p.(None): Research, responsible for resolving all issues related to the subject.
p.(None): ARTICLE 3. The institutions, referred to in the previous article, because of their regulations and
p.(None): internal policies, will elaborate their internal procedures manual in order to support the application of these
p.(None): rules
p.(None): ARTICLE 4. Research for health includes the development of actions that contribute:
p.(None): to. To the knowledge of the biological and psychological processes in human beings.
p.(None): b. To the knowledge of the links between the causes of illness, medical practice and social structure.
p.(None): c. To the prevention and control of health problems.
p.(None): Sheet 2 of 2
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): d. To the knowledge and evaluation of the harmful effects of the environment on health.
p.(None): and. To the study of the techniques and methods that are recommended or used for the provision of health services.
p.(None): F. To the production of health supplies.
p.(None): TITLE II
p.(None): CHAPTER 1.
p.(None): ARTICLE 5. In any investigation in which the human being is the subject of study, the
p.(None): criterion of respect for their dignity and protection of their rights and well-being.
p.(None): ARTICLE 6. Research carried out in human beings shall be carried out according to the following criteria:
p.(None): to. It will conform to the scientific and ethical principles that justify it.
p.(None): b. It will be based on previous experimentation performed on animals, in laboratories or on other scientific facts.
p.(None): c. It will be done only when the knowledge that is intended to be produced cannot be obtained by other suitable means.
p.(None): d. The safety of the beneficiaries must prevail and clearly express the (minimum) risks, which do not
p.(None): they must, at no time, contradict article 11 of this resolution.

p.(None): minor or disabled, will be admissible when:
p.(None): a) The risk is justified by the importance of the benefit that the minor or the disabled will receive.
p.(None): b) The benefit is equal to or greater than other alternatives already established for diagnosis and treatment.
p.(None): ARTICLE 28. Investigations classified as risk and without direct benefit to the minor or the
p.(None): disabled, will be admissible according to the following considerations:
p.(None): a) The intervention or procedure must represent for the minor or the disabled a reasonable experience and
p.(None): comparable to those inherent in your current medical, psychological, social or educational situation.
p.(None): Sheet 7 of 7
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV

p.(None): ARTICLE 68. Microorganisms classified in risk groups I and II must be managed in
p.(None): Basic microbiology laboratories, using safety cabinets when deemed necessary.
p.(None): ARTICLE 69. Microorganisms classified in risk group III must be managed in laboratories of
p.(None): microbiological safety
p.(None): ARTICLE 70. Microorganisms that are classified in risk group IV shall be handled in laboratories of
p.(None): maximum microbiological safety, under the authorization and control of the corresponding health authorities.
p.(None): ARTICLE 71. During the development of the investigations referred to in this chapter, the
p.(None): Principal investigator will be responsible:
p.(None): a) Determine the real and potential risks of the proposed investigations and, if approved by
p.(None): part of the Committees of the research institution, make them known to the other researchers that make up the
p.(None): group and technical and auxiliary personnel involved in the investigation.
p.(None): b) Determine the appropriate level of physical containment, select microbiological practices
p.(None): suitable and design procedures to deal with possible accidents during the investigation and instruct the
p.(None): Participating staff on these aspects.
p.(None): c) Ensure that the participating personnel comply with the requirements of medical prophylaxis, vaccines or tests
p.(None): serological
p.(None): d) Supervise that the transport of infectious materials is done quickly, in accordance with the regulations
p.(None): techniques issued by this Ministry.
p.(None): e) Inform the Biosafety Commission about the occurrence of illness among the personnel participating in the
p.(None): research that could be attributed to transcutaneous inoculation, ingestion or inhalation of materials
p.(None): infectious, as well as accidents that cause contamination that may affect personnel or the environment.
p.(None): f) Report to the Biosafety Commission the difficulties or failures in the implementation of the procedures for
p.(None): safety, correct work errors that could cause the release of infectious material and ensure
p.(None): integrity of physical containment measures.
p.(None): Sheet 15 of 15
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 72. The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution must make periodic visits
p.(None): to assess compliance with the measures and recommend modifications to laboratory practices,
p.(None): including the temporary or permanent suspension of investigations that represent an uncontrolled risk of
p.(None): infection or contamination for laboratory workers, the community or the environment.
p.(None): CHAPTER II.
p.(None): ARTICLE 73. For the purposes of this regulation, recombinant nucleic acids shall be understood as new
p.(None): combinations of genetic material obtained outside a living cell, through the insertion of segments
p.(None): natural or synthetic deoxyribonucleic acid in a virus, bacterial plasmid or other molecules
p.(None): of deoxyribonucleic acid that serve as a vector system to allow incorporation into a host cell,

Searching for indicator physically:

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p.(None): On the other hand, the participation of individuals will be entirely voluntary.
p.(None): ARTICLE 20. Experimental research in communities may only be carried out by establishments.
p.(None): that have Research Ethics Committees and the prior authorization of this Ministry to take it
p.(None): out, notwithstanding the
p.(None): Sheet 6 of 6
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): attributions that correspond to other dependencies of the State, and would have complied in any case with the studies
p.(None): prior toxicity and other tests according to the characteristics of the products and the risk involved
p.(None): For human health.
p.(None): ARTICLE 21. In all community research, research designs must offer the measures
p.(None): protection practices of individuals and ensure the obtaining of valid results in accordance with the
p.(None): established guidelines for the development of these models.
p.(None): ARTICLE 22. In any community investigation, the ethical considerations applicable to research
p.(None): in humans, they must be extrapolated to the communal context in the pertinent aspects.
p.(None): ARTICLE 23. In addition to the general provisions of ethics that must be complied with in all research in human beings,
p.(None): that which is carried out in minors or physically and mentally disabled, must fully satisfy all
p.(None): the requirements set out in this chapter.
p.(None): ARTICLE 24. When it is intended to conduct investigations in minors, it must be ensured that
p.(None): similar studies have previously been done in adults and immature animals;
p.(None): except in the case of studies of conditions that are characteristic of the neonatal stage or conditions
p.(None): specific of certain ages.
p.(None): ARTICLE 25. To carry out investigations in minors or in physically and mentally disabled persons, in
p.(None): In any case, obtain, in addition to the Informed Consent of those exercising parental authority or
p.(None): legal representation of the minor or the person concerned, certification of a neurologist, psychiatrist or
p.(None): psychologist, about the capacity of understanding, reasoning and logic of the subject.
p.(None): ARTICLE 26. When the mental capacity and the psychological state of the minor or disabled person allow it,
p.(None): you must also obtain your acceptance to be the subject of investigation after explaining what
p.(None): pretend to do The Research Ethics Committee of the respective health entity must ensure the
p.(None): Compliance with these requirements.
p.(None): ARTICLE 27. Investigations classified with risk and with probabilities of direct benefit for the
p.(None): minor or disabled, will be admissible when:

p.(None): disabled, will be admissible according to the following considerations:
p.(None): a) The intervention or procedure must represent for the minor or the disabled a reasonable experience and
p.(None): comparable to those inherent in your current medical, psychological, social or educational situation.
p.(None): Sheet 7 of 7
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.

Health / Physically Ill

Searching for indicator sick:

(return to top)
p.(None): investigation, which specifies the warned effect, the measures adopted and the consequences produced.
p.(None): CHAPTER II.
p.(None): ARTICLE 53. For the purposes of this regulation, pharmacological research is understood as the
p.(None): scientific activities aimed at the study of drugs and biological products for human use on
p.(None): which do not have previous experience in the country, which are not contemplated in the Pharmacological Standards in this
p.(None): Ministry and therefore, are not distributed commercially, as well as registered medications
p.(None): and approved for sale, when its use is investigated with modalities, indications, doses or routes of administration
p.(None): different from those established, including its use in combinations.
p.(None): ARTICLE 54. Investigations of medications in clinical pharmacology include
p.(None): Sheet 11 of 11
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): the sequence of studies that are carried out from when it is first administered to the human being, until it is
p.(None): They obtain data on their efficacy and therapeutic safety in large population groups. For this purpose, they are considered
p.(None): The following phases:
p.(None): to. PHASE I: It is the administration for the first time of a research drug to the healthy human being, in single doses
p.(None): or multiple, in small hospitalized groups, to establish initial pharmacological parameters in man.
p.(None): b. PHASE II: It is the administration, to the sick human being, of a research medicine, in doses
p.(None): single or multiple, in small hospitalized groups, to establish pharmacological parameters in the organism
p.(None): sick.
p.(None): c. PHASE III It is the administration, to large groups of patients, of a research drug, usually
p.(None): external, to define its therapeutic utility and identify adverse reactions, interactions and factors
p.(None): external, that can alter the pharmacological effect.
p.(None): d. PHASE IV: These are studies that are carried out after the medicine is granted, health record for sale
p.(None): and aims to generate new information on the safety of the drug during its widespread use and
p.(None): dragged on.
p.(None): ARTICLE 55. All the investigations in clinical pharmacology that are carried out must be preceded by
p.(None): complete preclinical studies that include physicochemical characteristics pharmacological activity, toxicity,
p.(None): pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the drug in different animal species;
p.(None): frequencies, routes of administration and duration of the doses studied that can serve as a basis for the safety of
p.(None): its administration in the human being; studies on mutagenesis, teratogenesis and carcinogenesis are also required.
p.(None): ARTICLE 56. The preclinical toxicology studies required for each drug will depend on it.
p.(None): in particular, of the known potential toxicology of others with similar chemical structure and of the route and time of
p.(None): administration that is intended to be used in humans.
p.(None): ARTICLE 57. The use of research drugs in humans during their assessment through Phases I

Health / Pregnant

Searching for indicator pregnant:

(return to top)
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 30. To carry out investigations in pregnant women, during labor, postpartum and
p.(None): lactation; in live or dead births; of the use of embryos, deaths or fetuses; and for the
p.(None): artificial fertilization, it is required to obtain the Informed Consent of the woman and her spouse or
p.(None): partner in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 16 of this regulation, prior information of the risks
p.(None): possible for the embryo, fetus or newborn in your case.
p.(None): The Informed Consent of the spouse or partner may only be waived in case of disability or impossibility
p.(None): reliable or manifest to provide it; because the partner does not take care of the woman or, well, when
p.(None): there is imminent risk to the health or life of the woman, embryo, fetus or newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 31. Research carried out on pregnant women must be preceded by studies.
p.(None): performed on non-pregnant women who demonstrate safety, except for specific studies that require
p.(None): such condition.
p.(None): ARTICLE 32. Research without therapeutic benefit in pregnant women whose objective is to obtain
p.(None): generalizable knowledge about pregnancy should not represent a risk greater than the minimum for women, the
p.(None): embryo or fetus
p.(None): ARTICLE 33. Investigations in pregnant women that involve an intervention or
p.(None): experimental procedure not related to pregnancy, but with therapeutic benefit for women, such as
p.(None): it would be in cases of toxemia gravidarum, diabetes, hypertension and neoplasms, among others, should not expose to
p.(None): embryo or fetus at a greater than minimum risk, except when the use of the intervention or procedure is
p.(None): Sheet 8 of 8
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): justify to save the woman's life.
p.(None): ARTICLE 34. Research in pregnant women, with therapeutic benefit related to pregnancy, is
p.(None): will allow when:
p.(None): a) Aim to improve the health of the pregnant woman with a minimal risk to the embryo or the fetus.
p.(None): b) Are aimed at increasing the viability of the fetus, with a minimal risk to the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 35. During the execution of investigations in pregnant women:
p.(None): a) Investigators will not have the authority to decide on the time, method or procedure used
p.(None): to terminate the pregnancy, nor participation in decisions about the viability of the fetus.
p.(None): b) It is strictly forbidden to grant stimuli, monetary or otherwise, to terminate the pregnancy,
p.(None): for the interest of the investigation or for other reasons.
p.(None): ARTICLE 36. Informed Consent for investigations during labor shall be obtained in agreement.
p.(None): with what is stipulated in articles 14, 15 and 16 of this regulation, before it is initiated and indicating
p.(None): expressly that it can be withdrawn at any time during labor.
p.(None): ARTICLE 37. Research on women during the puerperium will be allowed when they do not interfere with the health of the
p.(None): mother or with the newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 38. Research on women during breastfeeding will be authorized when there is no risk to
p.(None): the infant or when the mother decides not to breastfeed; your food is secured by another method and you get the
p.(None): Informed Consent in accordance with the provisions of articles 14, 15 and 16 of this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 39. Fetuses will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 40. Newborns will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the mother.
p.(None): ARTICLE 41. Newborns shall not be subject to investigation, except when it is intended to:
p.(None): increase its probability of survival until the feasibility phase; the procedures do not cause the
p.(None): cessation of vital functions, or when, without adding any risk, generalized knowledge is sought
p.(None): important that cannot be obtained otherwise.
p.(None): ARTICLE 42. Live births may be subject to investigation if the provisions on
p.(None): investigation in minors, indicated in this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 43. Investigations with embryos, deaths, fetuses, dead births, macerated fecal matter, cells,
p.(None): tissues and organs extracted from them, will be made in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 44. Research on artificial fertilization shall only be admissible when applied to the solution of
p.(None): sterility problems that cannot be solved in any other way, respecting the moral point of view,
p.(None): cultural and social of the couple.
p.(None): CHAPTER V.
p.(None): Sheet 9 of 9
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 45. Subordinated groups are understood as the following: students, workers of the

p.(None): ARTICLE 81. In the examination or treatment that is part of a medical research program and that
p.(None): entails a net benefit for the patient, the justification of the procedure will be done with them
p.(None): Justification criteria for a routine medical exposure. However, given the character
p.(None): experimental, said justification will be subject to a thorough scrutiny individually, discarding
p.(None): other diagnostic or therapeutic methods that can be evaluated comparatively.
p.(None): ARTICLE 82. The deliberate irradiation of personnel during procedures for research purposes
p.(None): that does not pursue a direct benefit to irradiated persons, will be carried out only by persons adequately
p.(None): qualified and trained, and with the respective permission of the institution where the
p.(None): irradiation, under the advice of the National Entity responsible for radiological protection in harmony with the standards
p.(None): current surveillance and radiological control.
p.(None): Sheet 17 of 17
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 83. Occupationally exposed personnel must be over 18 years of age, and limits will be taken into account
p.(None): of occupational exposure determined by the authorized national entity, with special consideration in the case of
p.(None): Women of childbearing age and pregnant.
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not work in places of high risk of
p.(None): incorporation of radioactive materials.
p.(None): ARTICLE 84. The persons, included in the procedure, must be informed about the risk of irradiation to which
p.(None): submit, so that their participation is under their free will and with knowledge of cause. It is necessary the
p.(None): Informed Consent of family members or legal guardian when the subject of the investigation does not
p.(None): Be in a position to decide on your acceptance.
p.(None): ARTICLE 85. These investigations must be subject to individual evaluation, followed by a plan of procedures and a
p.(None): final protocol approved by the competent authority in the field, to analyze them thoroughly from
p.(None): the point of view of radiation protection and the condition of true volunteers of people who do not
p.(None): they will receive a net benefit from the procedure, since no special dose limits can be set in these
p.(None): cases.
p.(None): ARTICLE 86. The use of ionizing radiation for research in pregnant women and forbidden is prohibited.
p.(None): minors, and is restricted to specific studies prior to research in women of age
p.(None): reproductive
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. In the previous cases, reconsideration may be made in the case of procedures
p.(None): Therapeutics in pathological processes considered special by their prognosis or by their characteristics,
p.(None): with the prior written authorization of the person involved, or the relative, or legally responsible person.
p.(None): TITLE V.
p.(None): ARTICLE 87. In any investigation in which the animals are subject to study, they must be kept in
p.(None): Account, in addition to the provisions determined in Law 84 of 1989, the following:
p.(None): a) Whenever appropriate, methods such as mathematical models, simulation in
p.(None): In vitro computer and biological systems.
p.(None): b) Animal testing should only be done after studying its importance to human health or
p.(None): animal and for the advancement of biological knowledge.
p.(None): c) The animals selected for experimentation must be of an appropriate species and quality, and
p.(None): use the minimum number required to obtain scientifically valid results.
p.(None): d) Only legally acquired animals will be used and kept in proper condition and that
p.(None): comply with current sanitary regulations.
p.(None): e) Researchers and other staff should never stop treating animals as sentient beings and should
p.(None): consider proper care and use as an ethical imperative and avoid or minimize discomfort, anguish and
p.(None): pain.

Health / healthy volunteers

Searching for indicator healthy volunteers:

(return to top)
p.(None): ARTICLE 11. For purposes of this regulation, investigations are classified into the following categories:
p.(None): to. Risk-free research: These are studies that use research techniques and methods.
p.(None): Restrospective documentary and those in which no intervention or modification is made
p.(None): intentional of the biological, physiological, psychological or social variables of the individuals that
p.(None): participate in the study, among which are considered: review of medical records, interviews, questionnaires and
p.(None): others in which he is not identified or sensitive aspects of his behavior are treated
p.(None): b. Research with minimal risk: These are prospective studies that use data recording through
p.(None): Common procedures consisting of: physical or psychological diagnostic tests or treatments
p.(None): routine, among which are considered: weighing the subject, electrocardiograms, hearing acuity tests,
p.(None): thermographies, collection of excreta and external secretions, obtaining placenta during childbirth, collection of
p.(None): amniotic fluid when the membranes rupture, obtaining saliva, deciduous teeth and permanent teeth extracted
p.(None): by therapeutic indication, dental plaque and stones removed by non-invasive prophylactic procedures,
p.(None): hair and nail cutting without causing disfigurement, blood collection by venous puncture in adults in good condition
p.(None): health, with a maximum frequency of twice a week and a maximum volume of 450 ml in two months except during the
p.(None): pregnancy, moderate exercise in healthy volunteers, psychological tests to groups or individuals in whom
p.(None): will manipulate the subject's behavior, research with commonly used medications, wide therapeutic range and
p.(None): Registered in this Ministry or its delegated authority, using the indications, dosage and routes of administration
p.(None): established and other than the medications defined in article 55 of this resolution.
p.(None): c. Investigations with risk greater than the minimum: Are those in which the probabilities of
p.(None): affect the subject are significant, among which are considered: radiological and microwave studies,
p.(None): studies with medications and modalities defined in titles III and IV of this resolution, trials with
p.(None): new devices, studies that include surgical procedures, blood collection greater than 2% of the volume
p.(None): circulating in neonates, amniocentesis and other invasive techniques or major procedures, which
p.(None): use random methods of allocation to therapeutic schemes and those that have control with placebos, among others.
p.(None): ARTICLE 12. The principal investigator shall suspend the investigation immediately, upon warning of any risk or
p.(None): damage to the health of the subject in whom the investigation is conducted. Likewise, it will be immediately suspended for
p.(None): those research subjects that manifest it.
p.(None): ARTICLE 13. It is the responsibility of the research or sponsoring institution to provide care.
p.(None): medical to the subject that suffers any damage, if directly related to the investigation, without

Health / hospitalized patients

Searching for indicator hospitalized:

(return to top)
p.(None): a report is required within fifteen (15) business days following the suspension of the
p.(None): investigation, which specifies the warned effect, the measures adopted and the consequences produced.
p.(None): CHAPTER II.
p.(None): ARTICLE 53. For the purposes of this regulation, pharmacological research is understood as the
p.(None): scientific activities aimed at the study of drugs and biological products for human use on
p.(None): which do not have previous experience in the country, which are not contemplated in the Pharmacological Standards in this
p.(None): Ministry and therefore, are not distributed commercially, as well as registered medications
p.(None): and approved for sale, when its use is investigated with modalities, indications, doses or routes of administration
p.(None): different from those established, including its use in combinations.
p.(None): ARTICLE 54. Investigations of medications in clinical pharmacology include
p.(None): Sheet 11 of 11
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): the sequence of studies that are carried out from when it is first administered to the human being, until it is
p.(None): They obtain data on their efficacy and therapeutic safety in large population groups. For this purpose, they are considered
p.(None): The following phases:
p.(None): to. PHASE I: It is the administration for the first time of a research drug to the healthy human being, in single doses
p.(None): or multiple, in small hospitalized groups, to establish initial pharmacological parameters in man.
p.(None): b. PHASE II: It is the administration, to the sick human being, of a research medicine, in doses
p.(None): single or multiple, in small hospitalized groups, to establish pharmacological parameters in the organism
p.(None): sick.
p.(None): c. PHASE III It is the administration, to large groups of patients, of a research drug, usually
p.(None): external, to define its therapeutic utility and identify adverse reactions, interactions and factors
p.(None): external, that can alter the pharmacological effect.
p.(None): d. PHASE IV: These are studies that are carried out after the medicine is granted, health record for sale
p.(None): and aims to generate new information on the safety of the drug during its widespread use and
p.(None): dragged on.
p.(None): ARTICLE 55. All the investigations in clinical pharmacology that are carried out must be preceded by
p.(None): complete preclinical studies that include physicochemical characteristics pharmacological activity, toxicity,
p.(None): pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the drug in different animal species;
p.(None): frequencies, routes of administration and duration of the doses studied that can serve as a basis for the safety of
p.(None): its administration in the human being; studies on mutagenesis, teratogenesis and carcinogenesis are also required.
p.(None): ARTICLE 56. The preclinical toxicology studies required for each drug will depend on it.
p.(None): in particular, of the known potential toxicology of others with similar chemical structure and of the route and time of
p.(None): administration that is intended to be used in humans.
p.(None): ARTICLE 57. The use of research drugs in humans during their assessment through Phases I

Health / volunteers

Searching for indicator volunteers:

(return to top)
p.(None): ARTICLE 83. Occupationally exposed personnel must be over 18 years of age, and limits will be taken into account
p.(None): of occupational exposure determined by the authorized national entity, with special consideration in the case of
p.(None): Women of childbearing age and pregnant.
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not work in places of high risk of
p.(None): incorporation of radioactive materials.
p.(None): ARTICLE 84. The persons, included in the procedure, must be informed about the risk of irradiation to which
p.(None): submit, so that their participation is under their free will and with knowledge of cause. It is necessary the
p.(None): Informed Consent of family members or legal guardian when the subject of the investigation does not
p.(None): Be in a position to decide on your acceptance.
p.(None): ARTICLE 85. These investigations must be subject to individual evaluation, followed by a plan of procedures and a
p.(None): final protocol approved by the competent authority in the field, to analyze them thoroughly from
p.(None): the point of view of radiation protection and the condition of true volunteers of people who do not
p.(None): they will receive a net benefit from the procedure, since no special dose limits can be set in these
p.(None): cases.
p.(None): ARTICLE 86. The use of ionizing radiation for research in pregnant women and forbidden is prohibited.
p.(None): minors, and is restricted to specific studies prior to research in women of age
p.(None): reproductive
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. In the previous cases, reconsideration may be made in the case of procedures
p.(None): Therapeutics in pathological processes considered special by their prognosis or by their characteristics,
p.(None): with the prior written authorization of the person involved, or the relative, or legally responsible person.
p.(None): TITLE V.
p.(None): ARTICLE 87. In any investigation in which the animals are subject to study, they must be kept in
p.(None): Account, in addition to the provisions determined in Law 84 of 1989, the following:
p.(None): a) Whenever appropriate, methods such as mathematical models, simulation in
p.(None): In vitro computer and biological systems.
p.(None): b) Animal testing should only be done after studying its importance to human health or
p.(None): animal and for the advancement of biological knowledge.
p.(None): c) The animals selected for experimentation must be of an appropriate species and quality, and
p.(None): use the minimum number required to obtain scientifically valid results.
p.(None): d) Only legally acquired animals will be used and kept in proper condition and that
p.(None): comply with current sanitary regulations.

Social / Age

Searching for indicator age:

(return to top)
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 30. To carry out investigations in pregnant women, during labor, postpartum and
p.(None): lactation; in live or dead births; of the use of embryos, deaths or fetuses; and for the
p.(None): artificial fertilization, it is required to obtain the Informed Consent of the woman and her spouse or
p.(None): partner in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 16 of this regulation, prior information of the risks
p.(None): possible for the embryo, fetus or newborn in your case.
p.(None): The Informed Consent of the spouse or partner may only be waived in case of disability or impossibility
p.(None): reliable or manifest to provide it; because the partner does not take care of the woman or, well, when
p.(None): there is imminent risk to the health or life of the woman, embryo, fetus or newborn.

p.(None): ionizing radiation should be optimized, so that the number of people exposed and the Equivalent Dose received
p.(None): by the investigator or the patient undergoing the investigation, be as low as reasonably possible,
p.(None): taking into account the socio-economic factors of the environment in which it works.
p.(None): ARTICLE 81. In the examination or treatment that is part of a medical research program and that
p.(None): entails a net benefit for the patient, the justification of the procedure will be done with them
p.(None): Justification criteria for a routine medical exposure. However, given the character
p.(None): experimental, said justification will be subject to a thorough scrutiny individually, discarding
p.(None): other diagnostic or therapeutic methods that can be evaluated comparatively.
p.(None): ARTICLE 82. The deliberate irradiation of personnel during procedures for research purposes
p.(None): that does not pursue a direct benefit to irradiated persons, will be carried out only by persons adequately
p.(None): qualified and trained, and with the respective permission of the institution where the
p.(None): irradiation, under the advice of the National Entity responsible for radiological protection in harmony with the standards
p.(None): current surveillance and radiological control.
p.(None): Sheet 17 of 17
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 83. Occupationally exposed personnel must be over 18 years of age, and limits will be taken into account
p.(None): of occupational exposure determined by the authorized national entity, with special consideration in the case of
p.(None): Women of childbearing age and pregnant.
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not work in places of high risk of
p.(None): incorporation of radioactive materials.
p.(None): ARTICLE 84. The persons, included in the procedure, must be informed about the risk of irradiation to which
p.(None): submit, so that their participation is under their free will and with knowledge of cause. It is necessary the
p.(None): Informed Consent of family members or legal guardian when the subject of the investigation does not
p.(None): Be in a position to decide on your acceptance.
p.(None): ARTICLE 85. These investigations must be subject to individual evaluation, followed by a plan of procedures and a
p.(None): final protocol approved by the competent authority in the field, to analyze them thoroughly from
p.(None): the point of view of radiation protection and the condition of true volunteers of people who do not
p.(None): they will receive a net benefit from the procedure, since no special dose limits can be set in these
p.(None): cases.
p.(None): ARTICLE 86. The use of ionizing radiation for research in pregnant women and forbidden is prohibited.
p.(None): minors, and is restricted to specific studies prior to research in women of age
p.(None): reproductive
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. In the previous cases, reconsideration may be made in the case of procedures
p.(None): Therapeutics in pathological processes considered special by their prognosis or by their characteristics,
p.(None): with the prior written authorization of the person involved, or the relative, or legally responsible person.
p.(None): TITLE V.
p.(None): ARTICLE 87. In any investigation in which the animals are subject to study, they must be kept in
p.(None): Account, in addition to the provisions determined in Law 84 of 1989, the following:
p.(None): a) Whenever appropriate, methods such as mathematical models, simulation in
p.(None): In vitro computer and biological systems.
p.(None): b) Animal testing should only be done after studying its importance to human health or
p.(None): animal and for the advancement of biological knowledge.
p.(None): c) The animals selected for experimentation must be of an appropriate species and quality, and
p.(None): use the minimum number required to obtain scientifically valid results.
p.(None): d) Only legally acquired animals will be used and kept in proper condition and that
p.(None): comply with current sanitary regulations.
p.(None): e) Researchers and other staff should never stop treating animals as sentient beings and should
p.(None): consider proper care and use as an ethical imperative and avoid or minimize discomfort, anguish and
p.(None): pain.
p.(None): f) Researchers should presume, which procedures that would cause pain in humans also cause pain in
p.(None): other vertebrate species, even when it is still missing
p.(None): Sheet 18 of 18
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993

Social / Child

Searching for indicator child:

(return to top)
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 30. To carry out investigations in pregnant women, during labor, postpartum and
p.(None): lactation; in live or dead births; of the use of embryos, deaths or fetuses; and for the
p.(None): artificial fertilization, it is required to obtain the Informed Consent of the woman and her spouse or
p.(None): partner in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 16 of this regulation, prior information of the risks

Searching for indicator children:

(return to top)
p.(None): disabled, will be admissible according to the following considerations:
p.(None): a) The intervention or procedure must represent for the minor or the disabled a reasonable experience and
p.(None): comparable to those inherent in your current medical, psychological, social or educational situation.
p.(None): Sheet 7 of 7
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.

Social / Educational

Searching for indicator educational:

(return to top)
p.(None): pretend to do The Research Ethics Committee of the respective health entity must ensure the
p.(None): Compliance with these requirements.
p.(None): ARTICLE 27. Investigations classified with risk and with probabilities of direct benefit for the
p.(None): minor or disabled, will be admissible when:
p.(None): a) The risk is justified by the importance of the benefit that the minor or the disabled will receive.
p.(None): b) The benefit is equal to or greater than other alternatives already established for diagnosis and treatment.
p.(None): ARTICLE 28. Investigations classified as risk and without direct benefit to the minor or the
p.(None): disabled, will be admissible according to the following considerations:
p.(None): a) The intervention or procedure must represent for the minor or the disabled a reasonable experience and
p.(None): comparable to those inherent in your current medical, psychological, social or educational situation.
p.(None): Sheet 7 of 7
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or

Social / Fetus/Neonate

Searching for indicator fetus:

(return to top)
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 30. To carry out investigations in pregnant women, during labor, postpartum and
p.(None): lactation; in live or dead births; of the use of embryos, deaths or fetuses; and for the
p.(None): artificial fertilization, it is required to obtain the Informed Consent of the woman and her spouse or
p.(None): partner in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 16 of this regulation, prior information of the risks
p.(None): possible for the embryo, fetus or newborn in your case.
p.(None): The Informed Consent of the spouse or partner may only be waived in case of disability or impossibility
p.(None): reliable or manifest to provide it; because the partner does not take care of the woman or, well, when
p.(None): there is imminent risk to the health or life of the woman, embryo, fetus or newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 31. Research carried out on pregnant women must be preceded by studies.
p.(None): performed on non-pregnant women who demonstrate safety, except for specific studies that require
p.(None): such condition.
p.(None): ARTICLE 32. Research without therapeutic benefit in pregnant women whose objective is to obtain
p.(None): generalizable knowledge about pregnancy should not represent a risk greater than the minimum for women, the
p.(None): embryo or fetus
p.(None): ARTICLE 33. Investigations in pregnant women that involve an intervention or
p.(None): experimental procedure not related to pregnancy, but with therapeutic benefit for women, such as
p.(None): it would be in cases of toxemia gravidarum, diabetes, hypertension and neoplasms, among others, should not expose to
p.(None): embryo or fetus at a greater than minimum risk, except when the use of the intervention or procedure is
p.(None): Sheet 8 of 8
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): justify to save the woman's life.
p.(None): ARTICLE 34. Research in pregnant women, with therapeutic benefit related to pregnancy, is
p.(None): will allow when:
p.(None): a) Aim to improve the health of the pregnant woman with a minimal risk to the embryo or the fetus.
p.(None): b) Are aimed at increasing the viability of the fetus, with a minimal risk to the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 35. During the execution of investigations in pregnant women:
p.(None): a) Investigators will not have the authority to decide on the time, method or procedure used
p.(None): to terminate the pregnancy, nor participation in decisions about the viability of the fetus.
p.(None): b) It is strictly forbidden to grant stimuli, monetary or otherwise, to terminate the pregnancy,
p.(None): for the interest of the investigation or for other reasons.
p.(None): ARTICLE 36. Informed Consent for investigations during labor shall be obtained in agreement.
p.(None): with what is stipulated in articles 14, 15 and 16 of this regulation, before it is initiated and indicating
p.(None): expressly that it can be withdrawn at any time during labor.
p.(None): ARTICLE 37. Research on women during the puerperium will be allowed when they do not interfere with the health of the
p.(None): mother or with the newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 38. Research on women during breastfeeding will be authorized when there is no risk to
p.(None): the infant or when the mother decides not to breastfeed; your food is secured by another method and you get the
p.(None): Informed Consent in accordance with the provisions of articles 14, 15 and 16 of this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 39. Fetuses will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 40. Newborns will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the mother.

Searching for indicator fetuses:

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p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 30. To carry out investigations in pregnant women, during labor, postpartum and
p.(None): lactation; in live or dead births; of the use of embryos, deaths or fetuses; and for the
p.(None): artificial fertilization, it is required to obtain the Informed Consent of the woman and her spouse or
p.(None): partner in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 16 of this regulation, prior information of the risks
p.(None): possible for the embryo, fetus or newborn in your case.
p.(None): The Informed Consent of the spouse or partner may only be waived in case of disability or impossibility
p.(None): reliable or manifest to provide it; because the partner does not take care of the woman or, well, when
p.(None): there is imminent risk to the health or life of the woman, embryo, fetus or newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 31. Research carried out on pregnant women must be preceded by studies.
p.(None): performed on non-pregnant women who demonstrate safety, except for specific studies that require
p.(None): such condition.
p.(None): ARTICLE 32. Research without therapeutic benefit in pregnant women whose objective is to obtain

p.(None): a) Investigators will not have the authority to decide on the time, method or procedure used
p.(None): to terminate the pregnancy, nor participation in decisions about the viability of the fetus.
p.(None): b) It is strictly forbidden to grant stimuli, monetary or otherwise, to terminate the pregnancy,
p.(None): for the interest of the investigation or for other reasons.
p.(None): ARTICLE 36. Informed Consent for investigations during labor shall be obtained in agreement.
p.(None): with what is stipulated in articles 14, 15 and 16 of this regulation, before it is initiated and indicating
p.(None): expressly that it can be withdrawn at any time during labor.
p.(None): ARTICLE 37. Research on women during the puerperium will be allowed when they do not interfere with the health of the
p.(None): mother or with the newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 38. Research on women during breastfeeding will be authorized when there is no risk to
p.(None): the infant or when the mother decides not to breastfeed; your food is secured by another method and you get the
p.(None): Informed Consent in accordance with the provisions of articles 14, 15 and 16 of this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 39. Fetuses will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 40. Newborns will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the mother.
p.(None): ARTICLE 41. Newborns shall not be subject to investigation, except when it is intended to:
p.(None): increase its probability of survival until the feasibility phase; the procedures do not cause the
p.(None): cessation of vital functions, or when, without adding any risk, generalized knowledge is sought
p.(None): important that cannot be obtained otherwise.
p.(None): ARTICLE 42. Live births may be subject to investigation if the provisions on
p.(None): investigation in minors, indicated in this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 43. Investigations with embryos, deaths, fetuses, dead births, macerated fecal matter, cells,
p.(None): tissues and organs extracted from them, will be made in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 44. Research on artificial fertilization shall only be admissible when applied to the solution of
p.(None): sterility problems that cannot be solved in any other way, respecting the moral point of view,
p.(None): cultural and social of the couple.
p.(None): CHAPTER V.
p.(None): Sheet 9 of 9
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 45. Subordinated groups are understood as the following: students, workers of the
p.(None): laboratories and hospitals, employees and members of the armed forces, interns in prisons or centers
p.(None): of social rehabilitation and other special groups of the population, in which the Consent
p.(None): Informed may be influenced by some authority.
p.(None): ARTICLE 46. When investigations are conducted in subordinate groups, in the Ethics Committee in
p.(None): Research, one or more members of the study population, capable of representing the values ​​must participate
p.(None): moral, cultural and social group in question and monitor:

Searching for indicator neonates:

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p.(None): thermographies, collection of excreta and external secretions, obtaining placenta during childbirth, collection of
p.(None): amniotic fluid when the membranes rupture, obtaining saliva, deciduous teeth and permanent teeth extracted
p.(None): by therapeutic indication, dental plaque and stones removed by non-invasive prophylactic procedures,
p.(None): hair and nail cutting without causing disfigurement, blood collection by venous puncture in adults in good condition
p.(None): health, with a maximum frequency of twice a week and a maximum volume of 450 ml in two months except during the
p.(None): pregnancy, moderate exercise in healthy volunteers, psychological tests to groups or individuals in whom
p.(None): will manipulate the subject's behavior, research with commonly used medications, wide therapeutic range and
p.(None): Registered in this Ministry or its delegated authority, using the indications, dosage and routes of administration
p.(None): established and other than the medications defined in article 55 of this resolution.
p.(None): c. Investigations with risk greater than the minimum: Are those in which the probabilities of
p.(None): affect the subject are significant, among which are considered: radiological and microwave studies,
p.(None): studies with medications and modalities defined in titles III and IV of this resolution, trials with
p.(None): new devices, studies that include surgical procedures, blood collection greater than 2% of the volume
p.(None): circulating in neonates, amniocentesis and other invasive techniques or major procedures, which
p.(None): use random methods of allocation to therapeutic schemes and those that have control with placebos, among others.
p.(None): ARTICLE 12. The principal investigator shall suspend the investigation immediately, upon warning of any risk or
p.(None): damage to the health of the subject in whom the investigation is conducted. Likewise, it will be immediately suspended for
p.(None): those research subjects that manifest it.
p.(None): ARTICLE 13. It is the responsibility of the research or sponsoring institution to provide care.
p.(None): medical to the subject that suffers any damage, if directly related to the investigation, without
p.(None): damage of the compensation that legally corresponds to him.
p.(None): ARTICLE 14. Informed Consent means the agreement in writing, whereby the subject of
p.(None): investigation or, where appropriate, your legal representative, authorizes your participation in the investigation, with full
p.(None): knowledge of the nature of the procedures, benefits and risks to be submitted, with the
p.(None): capacity of free choice and without coercion.
p.(None): Sheet 4 of 4
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 15. The Informed Consent must present the following information, which will be explained, in

Social / Incarcerated

Searching for indicator restricted:

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p.(None): PARAGRAPH. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not work in places of high risk of
p.(None): incorporation of radioactive materials.
p.(None): ARTICLE 84. The persons, included in the procedure, must be informed about the risk of irradiation to which
p.(None): submit, so that their participation is under their free will and with knowledge of cause. It is necessary the
p.(None): Informed Consent of family members or legal guardian when the subject of the investigation does not
p.(None): Be in a position to decide on your acceptance.
p.(None): ARTICLE 85. These investigations must be subject to individual evaluation, followed by a plan of procedures and a
p.(None): final protocol approved by the competent authority in the field, to analyze them thoroughly from
p.(None): the point of view of radiation protection and the condition of true volunteers of people who do not
p.(None): they will receive a net benefit from the procedure, since no special dose limits can be set in these
p.(None): cases.
p.(None): ARTICLE 86. The use of ionizing radiation for research in pregnant women and forbidden is prohibited.
p.(None): minors, and is restricted to specific studies prior to research in women of age
p.(None): reproductive
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. In the previous cases, reconsideration may be made in the case of procedures
p.(None): Therapeutics in pathological processes considered special by their prognosis or by their characteristics,
p.(None): with the prior written authorization of the person involved, or the relative, or legally responsible person.
p.(None): TITLE V.
p.(None): ARTICLE 87. In any investigation in which the animals are subject to study, they must be kept in
p.(None): Account, in addition to the provisions determined in Law 84 of 1989, the following:
p.(None): a) Whenever appropriate, methods such as mathematical models, simulation in
p.(None): In vitro computer and biological systems.
p.(None): b) Animal testing should only be done after studying its importance to human health or
p.(None): animal and for the advancement of biological knowledge.
p.(None): c) The animals selected for experimentation must be of an appropriate species and quality, and
p.(None): use the minimum number required to obtain scientifically valid results.
p.(None): d) Only legally acquired animals will be used and kept in proper condition and that
p.(None): comply with current sanitary regulations.
p.(None): e) Researchers and other staff should never stop treating animals as sentient beings and should
p.(None): consider proper care and use as an ethical imperative and avoid or minimize discomfort, anguish and
p.(None): pain.
p.(None): f) Researchers should presume, which procedures that would cause pain in humans also cause pain in
p.(None): other vertebrate species, even when it is still missing
p.(None): Sheet 18 of 18

Social / Infant

Searching for indicator infant:

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p.(None): b) Are aimed at increasing the viability of the fetus, with a minimal risk to the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 35. During the execution of investigations in pregnant women:
p.(None): a) Investigators will not have the authority to decide on the time, method or procedure used
p.(None): to terminate the pregnancy, nor participation in decisions about the viability of the fetus.
p.(None): b) It is strictly forbidden to grant stimuli, monetary or otherwise, to terminate the pregnancy,
p.(None): for the interest of the investigation or for other reasons.
p.(None): ARTICLE 36. Informed Consent for investigations during labor shall be obtained in agreement.
p.(None): with what is stipulated in articles 14, 15 and 16 of this regulation, before it is initiated and indicating
p.(None): expressly that it can be withdrawn at any time during labor.
p.(None): ARTICLE 37. Research on women during the puerperium will be allowed when they do not interfere with the health of the
p.(None): mother or with the newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 38. Research on women during breastfeeding will be authorized when there is no risk to
p.(None): the infant or when the mother decides not to breastfeed; your food is secured by another method and you get the
p.(None): Informed Consent in accordance with the provisions of articles 14, 15 and 16 of this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 39. Fetuses will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 40. Newborns will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the mother.
p.(None): ARTICLE 41. Newborns shall not be subject to investigation, except when it is intended to:
p.(None): increase its probability of survival until the feasibility phase; the procedures do not cause the
p.(None): cessation of vital functions, or when, without adding any risk, generalized knowledge is sought
p.(None): important that cannot be obtained otherwise.
p.(None): ARTICLE 42. Live births may be subject to investigation if the provisions on
p.(None): investigation in minors, indicated in this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 43. Investigations with embryos, deaths, fetuses, dead births, macerated fecal matter, cells,
p.(None): tissues and organs extracted from them, will be made in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 44. Research on artificial fertilization shall only be admissible when applied to the solution of
p.(None): sterility problems that cannot be solved in any other way, respecting the moral point of view,

Social / Marital Status

Searching for indicator single:

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p.(None): a report is required within fifteen (15) business days following the suspension of the
p.(None): investigation, which specifies the warned effect, the measures adopted and the consequences produced.
p.(None): CHAPTER II.
p.(None): ARTICLE 53. For the purposes of this regulation, pharmacological research is understood as the
p.(None): scientific activities aimed at the study of drugs and biological products for human use on
p.(None): which do not have previous experience in the country, which are not contemplated in the Pharmacological Standards in this
p.(None): Ministry and therefore, are not distributed commercially, as well as registered medications
p.(None): and approved for sale, when its use is investigated with modalities, indications, doses or routes of administration
p.(None): different from those established, including its use in combinations.
p.(None): ARTICLE 54. Investigations of medications in clinical pharmacology include
p.(None): Sheet 11 of 11
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): the sequence of studies that are carried out from when it is first administered to the human being, until it is
p.(None): They obtain data on their efficacy and therapeutic safety in large population groups. For this purpose, they are considered
p.(None): The following phases:
p.(None): to. PHASE I: It is the administration for the first time of a research drug to the healthy human being, in single doses
p.(None): or multiple, in small hospitalized groups, to establish initial pharmacological parameters in man.
p.(None): b. PHASE II: It is the administration, to the sick human being, of a research medicine, in doses
p.(None): single or multiple, in small hospitalized groups, to establish pharmacological parameters in the organism
p.(None): sick.
p.(None): c. PHASE III It is the administration, to large groups of patients, of a research drug, usually
p.(None): external, to define its therapeutic utility and identify adverse reactions, interactions and factors
p.(None): external, that can alter the pharmacological effect.
p.(None): d. PHASE IV: These are studies that are carried out after the medicine is granted, health record for sale
p.(None): and aims to generate new information on the safety of the drug during its widespread use and
p.(None): dragged on.
p.(None): ARTICLE 55. All the investigations in clinical pharmacology that are carried out must be preceded by
p.(None): complete preclinical studies that include physicochemical characteristics pharmacological activity, toxicity,
p.(None): pharmacokinetics, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the drug in different animal species;
p.(None): frequencies, routes of administration and duration of the doses studied that can serve as a basis for the safety of
p.(None): its administration in the human being; studies on mutagenesis, teratogenesis and carcinogenesis are also required.
p.(None): ARTICLE 56. The preclinical toxicology studies required for each drug will depend on it.
p.(None): in particular, of the known potential toxicology of others with similar chemical structure and of the route and time of
p.(None): administration that is intended to be used in humans.

Social / Social

Searching for indicator social:

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p.(None): provisions, determines that it is up to the Ministry of Health to formulate the policies and dictate all the norms
p.(None): scientific-administrative, mandatory by the entities that make up the System,
p.(None): - That Article 2 of Decree 2164 of 1992, which restructures the Ministry of Health and determines the
p.(None): functions of its dependencies, it establishes that it will formulate the pertinent scientific and administrative norms that
p.(None): Orient the resources and actions of the System,
p.(None): RESOLVES:
p.(None): TITLE 1
p.(None): ARTICLE 1. The provisions of these scientific standards are intended to establish the requirements for the
p.(None): development of the research activity in health.
p.(None): ARTICLE 2. The institutions that are going to carry out research in humans must have an Ethics Committee in
p.(None): Research, responsible for resolving all issues related to the subject.
p.(None): ARTICLE 3. The institutions, referred to in the previous article, because of their regulations and
p.(None): internal policies, will elaborate their internal procedures manual in order to support the application of these
p.(None): rules
p.(None): ARTICLE 4. Research for health includes the development of actions that contribute:
p.(None): to. To the knowledge of the biological and psychological processes in human beings.
p.(None): b. To the knowledge of the links between the causes of illness, medical practice and social structure.
p.(None): c. To the prevention and control of health problems.
p.(None): Sheet 2 of 2
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): d. To the knowledge and evaluation of the harmful effects of the environment on health.
p.(None): and. To the study of the techniques and methods that are recommended or used for the provision of health services.
p.(None): F. To the production of health supplies.
p.(None): TITLE II
p.(None): CHAPTER 1.
p.(None): ARTICLE 5. In any investigation in which the human being is the subject of study, the
p.(None): criterion of respect for their dignity and protection of their rights and well-being.
p.(None): ARTICLE 6. Research carried out in human beings shall be carried out according to the following criteria:
p.(None): to. It will conform to the scientific and ethical principles that justify it.
p.(None): b. It will be based on previous experimentation performed on animals, in laboratories or on other scientific facts.
p.(None): c. It will be done only when the knowledge that is intended to be produced cannot be obtained by other suitable means.
p.(None): d. The safety of the beneficiaries must prevail and clearly express the (minimum) risks, which do not
p.(None): they must, at no time, contradict article 11 of this resolution.

p.(None): ARTICLE 7. When the experimental design of an investigation carried out in human beings includes
p.(None): several groups, random selection methods will be used to obtain an impartial allocation of participants in
p.(None): each group, and other technical standards determined for this type of research, and measures will be taken
p.(None): relevant to avoid any risk or harm to the research subjects.
p.(None): ARTICLE 8. In investigations in human beings, the privacy of the individual, subject of investigation, shall be protected.
p.(None): Identifying it only when the results require it and it authorizes it.
p.(None): Sheet 3 of 3
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 9. The probability that the subject of
p.(None): investigation suffers some damage as an immediate or late consequence of the study.
p.(None): ARTICLE 10. The group of researchers or the principal investigator shall identify the type or types of risk at which
p.(None): Research subjects will be exposed.
p.(None): ARTICLE 11. For purposes of this regulation, investigations are classified into the following categories:
p.(None): to. Risk-free research: These are studies that use research techniques and methods.
p.(None): Restrospective documentary and those in which no intervention or modification is made
p.(None): intentional of the biological, physiological, psychological or social variables of the individuals that
p.(None): participate in the study, among which are considered: review of medical records, interviews, questionnaires and
p.(None): others in which he is not identified or sensitive aspects of his behavior are treated
p.(None): b. Research with minimal risk: These are prospective studies that use data recording through
p.(None): Common procedures consisting of: physical or psychological diagnostic tests or treatments
p.(None): routine, among which are considered: weighing the subject, electrocardiograms, hearing acuity tests,
p.(None): thermographies, collection of excreta and external secretions, obtaining placenta during childbirth, collection of
p.(None): amniotic fluid when the membranes rupture, obtaining saliva, deciduous teeth and permanent teeth extracted
p.(None): by therapeutic indication, dental plaque and stones removed by non-invasive prophylactic procedures,
p.(None): hair and nail cutting without causing disfigurement, blood collection by venous puncture in adults in good condition
p.(None): health, with a maximum frequency of twice a week and a maximum volume of 450 ml in two months except during the
p.(None): pregnancy, moderate exercise in healthy volunteers, psychological tests to groups or individuals in whom
p.(None): will manipulate the subject's behavior, research with commonly used medications, wide therapeutic range and
p.(None): Registered in this Ministry or its delegated authority, using the indications, dosage and routes of administration

p.(None): you must also obtain your acceptance to be the subject of investigation after explaining what
p.(None): pretend to do The Research Ethics Committee of the respective health entity must ensure the
p.(None): Compliance with these requirements.
p.(None): ARTICLE 27. Investigations classified with risk and with probabilities of direct benefit for the
p.(None): minor or disabled, will be admissible when:
p.(None): a) The risk is justified by the importance of the benefit that the minor or the disabled will receive.
p.(None): b) The benefit is equal to or greater than other alternatives already established for diagnosis and treatment.
p.(None): ARTICLE 28. Investigations classified as risk and without direct benefit to the minor or the
p.(None): disabled, will be admissible according to the following considerations:
p.(None): a) The intervention or procedure must represent for the minor or the disabled a reasonable experience and
p.(None): comparable to those inherent in your current medical, psychological, social or educational situation.
p.(None): Sheet 7 of 7
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 30. To carry out investigations in pregnant women, during labor, postpartum and
p.(None): lactation; in live or dead births; of the use of embryos, deaths or fetuses; and for the
p.(None): artificial fertilization, it is required to obtain the Informed Consent of the woman and her spouse or
p.(None): partner in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 16 of this regulation, prior information of the risks

p.(None): Informed Consent in accordance with the provisions of articles 14, 15 and 16 of this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 39. Fetuses will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 40. Newborns will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the mother.
p.(None): ARTICLE 41. Newborns shall not be subject to investigation, except when it is intended to:
p.(None): increase its probability of survival until the feasibility phase; the procedures do not cause the
p.(None): cessation of vital functions, or when, without adding any risk, generalized knowledge is sought
p.(None): important that cannot be obtained otherwise.
p.(None): ARTICLE 42. Live births may be subject to investigation if the provisions on
p.(None): investigation in minors, indicated in this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 43. Investigations with embryos, deaths, fetuses, dead births, macerated fecal matter, cells,
p.(None): tissues and organs extracted from them, will be made in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 44. Research on artificial fertilization shall only be admissible when applied to the solution of
p.(None): sterility problems that cannot be solved in any other way, respecting the moral point of view,
p.(None): cultural and social of the couple.
p.(None): CHAPTER V.
p.(None): Sheet 9 of 9
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 45. Subordinated groups are understood as the following: students, workers of the
p.(None): laboratories and hospitals, employees and members of the armed forces, interns in prisons or centers
p.(None): of social rehabilitation and other special groups of the population, in which the Consent
p.(None): Informed may be influenced by some authority.
p.(None): ARTICLE 46. When investigations are conducted in subordinate groups, in the Ethics Committee in
p.(None): Research, one or more members of the study population, capable of representing the values ​​must participate
p.(None): moral, cultural and social group in question and monitor:
p.(None): a) That the participation, the rejection of the subjects to intervene or withdrawal of their consent during the study, does not
p.(None): affect their school, employment, military situation or related to the judicial process to which they were subject and the
p.(None): conditions of compliance with the judgment of the case.
p.(None): b) That the results of the investigation are not used to the detriment of the participating individuals.
p.(None): c) That the research institution and the sponsors are responsible for the medical treatment of the damages
p.(None): caused and, where appropriate, the compensation that legally corresponds for the harmful consequences of
p.(None): the investigation.
p.(None): CHAPTER VI
p.(None): ARTICLE 47. The investigation referred to in this chapter includes that which includes the use of organs,
p.(None): tissues and their derivatives, products and corpses of human beings, as well as the set of activities
p.(None): relative to its obtaining, conservation, use, preparation and final destination.
p.(None): ARTICLE 48. This investigation must observe in addition to due respect to the human corpse, the
p.(None): applicable provisions of these regulations and other regulations related to the disposition of organs, tissues and
p.(None): corpses of human beings.
p.(None): TITLE III
p.(None): ARTICLE 49. When research is conducted on human beings, on new prophylactic resources, of

Social / Soldier

Searching for indicator military:

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p.(None): cultural and social of the couple.
p.(None): CHAPTER V.
p.(None): Sheet 9 of 9
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 45. Subordinated groups are understood as the following: students, workers of the
p.(None): laboratories and hospitals, employees and members of the armed forces, interns in prisons or centers
p.(None): of social rehabilitation and other special groups of the population, in which the Consent
p.(None): Informed may be influenced by some authority.
p.(None): ARTICLE 46. When investigations are conducted in subordinate groups, in the Ethics Committee in
p.(None): Research, one or more members of the study population, capable of representing the values ​​must participate
p.(None): moral, cultural and social group in question and monitor:
p.(None): a) That the participation, the rejection of the subjects to intervene or withdrawal of their consent during the study, does not
p.(None): affect their school, employment, military situation or related to the judicial process to which they were subject and the
p.(None): conditions of compliance with the judgment of the case.
p.(None): b) That the results of the investigation are not used to the detriment of the participating individuals.
p.(None): c) That the research institution and the sponsors are responsible for the medical treatment of the damages
p.(None): caused and, where appropriate, the compensation that legally corresponds for the harmful consequences of
p.(None): the investigation.
p.(None): CHAPTER VI
p.(None): ARTICLE 47. The investigation referred to in this chapter includes that which includes the use of organs,
p.(None): tissues and their derivatives, products and corpses of human beings, as well as the set of activities
p.(None): relative to its obtaining, conservation, use, preparation and final destination.
p.(None): ARTICLE 48. This investigation must observe in addition to due respect to the human corpse, the
p.(None): applicable provisions of these regulations and other regulations related to the disposition of organs, tissues and
p.(None): corpses of human beings.
p.(None): TITLE III
p.(None): ARTICLE 49. When research is conducted on human beings, on new prophylactic resources, of
p.(None): diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation, or it is intended to modify those already known, should be observed
p.(None): as applicable, the provisions of the preceding articles and satisfy the provisions of this title.

Searching for indicator armed forces:

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p.(None): ARTICLE 40. Newborns will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the mother.
p.(None): ARTICLE 41. Newborns shall not be subject to investigation, except when it is intended to:
p.(None): increase its probability of survival until the feasibility phase; the procedures do not cause the
p.(None): cessation of vital functions, or when, without adding any risk, generalized knowledge is sought
p.(None): important that cannot be obtained otherwise.
p.(None): ARTICLE 42. Live births may be subject to investigation if the provisions on
p.(None): investigation in minors, indicated in this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 43. Investigations with embryos, deaths, fetuses, dead births, macerated fecal matter, cells,
p.(None): tissues and organs extracted from them, will be made in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 44. Research on artificial fertilization shall only be admissible when applied to the solution of
p.(None): sterility problems that cannot be solved in any other way, respecting the moral point of view,
p.(None): cultural and social of the couple.
p.(None): CHAPTER V.
p.(None): Sheet 9 of 9
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 45. Subordinated groups are understood as the following: students, workers of the
p.(None): laboratories and hospitals, employees and members of the armed forces, interns in prisons or centers
p.(None): of social rehabilitation and other special groups of the population, in which the Consent
p.(None): Informed may be influenced by some authority.
p.(None): ARTICLE 46. When investigations are conducted in subordinate groups, in the Ethics Committee in
p.(None): Research, one or more members of the study population, capable of representing the values ​​must participate
p.(None): moral, cultural and social group in question and monitor:
p.(None): a) That the participation, the rejection of the subjects to intervene or withdrawal of their consent during the study, does not
p.(None): affect their school, employment, military situation or related to the judicial process to which they were subject and the
p.(None): conditions of compliance with the judgment of the case.
p.(None): b) That the results of the investigation are not used to the detriment of the participating individuals.
p.(None): c) That the research institution and the sponsors are responsible for the medical treatment of the damages
p.(None): caused and, where appropriate, the compensation that legally corresponds for the harmful consequences of
p.(None): the investigation.
p.(None): CHAPTER VI
p.(None): ARTICLE 47. The investigation referred to in this chapter includes that which includes the use of organs,

Social / Women

Searching for indicator women:

(return to top)
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 30. To carry out investigations in pregnant women, during labor, postpartum and
p.(None): lactation; in live or dead births; of the use of embryos, deaths or fetuses; and for the
p.(None): artificial fertilization, it is required to obtain the Informed Consent of the woman and her spouse or
p.(None): partner in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 16 of this regulation, prior information of the risks
p.(None): possible for the embryo, fetus or newborn in your case.
p.(None): The Informed Consent of the spouse or partner may only be waived in case of disability or impossibility
p.(None): reliable or manifest to provide it; because the partner does not take care of the woman or, well, when
p.(None): there is imminent risk to the health or life of the woman, embryo, fetus or newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 31. Research carried out on pregnant women must be preceded by studies.
p.(None): performed on non-pregnant women who demonstrate safety, except for specific studies that require
p.(None): such condition.
p.(None): ARTICLE 32. Research without therapeutic benefit in pregnant women whose objective is to obtain
p.(None): generalizable knowledge about pregnancy should not represent a risk greater than the minimum for women, the
p.(None): embryo or fetus
p.(None): ARTICLE 33. Investigations in pregnant women that involve an intervention or
p.(None): experimental procedure not related to pregnancy, but with therapeutic benefit for women, such as
p.(None): it would be in cases of toxemia gravidarum, diabetes, hypertension and neoplasms, among others, should not expose to
p.(None): embryo or fetus at a greater than minimum risk, except when the use of the intervention or procedure is
p.(None): Sheet 8 of 8
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): justify to save the woman's life.
p.(None): ARTICLE 34. Research in pregnant women, with therapeutic benefit related to pregnancy, is
p.(None): will allow when:
p.(None): a) Aim to improve the health of the pregnant woman with a minimal risk to the embryo or the fetus.
p.(None): b) Are aimed at increasing the viability of the fetus, with a minimal risk to the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 35. During the execution of investigations in pregnant women:
p.(None): a) Investigators will not have the authority to decide on the time, method or procedure used
p.(None): to terminate the pregnancy, nor participation in decisions about the viability of the fetus.
p.(None): b) It is strictly forbidden to grant stimuli, monetary or otherwise, to terminate the pregnancy,
p.(None): for the interest of the investigation or for other reasons.
p.(None): ARTICLE 36. Informed Consent for investigations during labor shall be obtained in agreement.
p.(None): with what is stipulated in articles 14, 15 and 16 of this regulation, before it is initiated and indicating
p.(None): expressly that it can be withdrawn at any time during labor.
p.(None): ARTICLE 37. Research on women during the puerperium will be allowed when they do not interfere with the health of the
p.(None): mother or with the newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 38. Research on women during breastfeeding will be authorized when there is no risk to
p.(None): the infant or when the mother decides not to breastfeed; your food is secured by another method and you get the
p.(None): Informed Consent in accordance with the provisions of articles 14, 15 and 16 of this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 39. Fetuses will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 40. Newborns will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the mother.
p.(None): ARTICLE 41. Newborns shall not be subject to investigation, except when it is intended to:
p.(None): increase its probability of survival until the feasibility phase; the procedures do not cause the
p.(None): cessation of vital functions, or when, without adding any risk, generalized knowledge is sought
p.(None): important that cannot be obtained otherwise.
p.(None): ARTICLE 42. Live births may be subject to investigation if the provisions on
p.(None): investigation in minors, indicated in this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 43. Investigations with embryos, deaths, fetuses, dead births, macerated fecal matter, cells,
p.(None): tissues and organs extracted from them, will be made in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 44. Research on artificial fertilization shall only be admissible when applied to the solution of

p.(None): by the investigator or the patient undergoing the investigation, be as low as reasonably possible,
p.(None): taking into account the socio-economic factors of the environment in which it works.
p.(None): ARTICLE 81. In the examination or treatment that is part of a medical research program and that
p.(None): entails a net benefit for the patient, the justification of the procedure will be done with them
p.(None): Justification criteria for a routine medical exposure. However, given the character
p.(None): experimental, said justification will be subject to a thorough scrutiny individually, discarding
p.(None): other diagnostic or therapeutic methods that can be evaluated comparatively.
p.(None): ARTICLE 82. The deliberate irradiation of personnel during procedures for research purposes
p.(None): that does not pursue a direct benefit to irradiated persons, will be carried out only by persons adequately
p.(None): qualified and trained, and with the respective permission of the institution where the
p.(None): irradiation, under the advice of the National Entity responsible for radiological protection in harmony with the standards
p.(None): current surveillance and radiological control.
p.(None): Sheet 17 of 17
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 83. Occupationally exposed personnel must be over 18 years of age, and limits will be taken into account
p.(None): of occupational exposure determined by the authorized national entity, with special consideration in the case of
p.(None): Women of childbearing age and pregnant.
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not work in places of high risk of
p.(None): incorporation of radioactive materials.
p.(None): ARTICLE 84. The persons, included in the procedure, must be informed about the risk of irradiation to which
p.(None): submit, so that their participation is under their free will and with knowledge of cause. It is necessary the
p.(None): Informed Consent of family members or legal guardian when the subject of the investigation does not
p.(None): Be in a position to decide on your acceptance.
p.(None): ARTICLE 85. These investigations must be subject to individual evaluation, followed by a plan of procedures and a
p.(None): final protocol approved by the competent authority in the field, to analyze them thoroughly from
p.(None): the point of view of radiation protection and the condition of true volunteers of people who do not
p.(None): they will receive a net benefit from the procedure, since no special dose limits can be set in these
p.(None): cases.
p.(None): ARTICLE 86. The use of ionizing radiation for research in pregnant women and forbidden is prohibited.
p.(None): minors, and is restricted to specific studies prior to research in women of age
p.(None): reproductive
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. In the previous cases, reconsideration may be made in the case of procedures
p.(None): Therapeutics in pathological processes considered special by their prognosis or by their characteristics,
p.(None): with the prior written authorization of the person involved, or the relative, or legally responsible person.
p.(None): TITLE V.
p.(None): ARTICLE 87. In any investigation in which the animals are subject to study, they must be kept in
p.(None): Account, in addition to the provisions determined in Law 84 of 1989, the following:
p.(None): a) Whenever appropriate, methods such as mathematical models, simulation in
p.(None): In vitro computer and biological systems.
p.(None): b) Animal testing should only be done after studying its importance to human health or
p.(None): animal and for the advancement of biological knowledge.
p.(None): c) The animals selected for experimentation must be of an appropriate species and quality, and
p.(None): use the minimum number required to obtain scientifically valid results.
p.(None): d) Only legally acquired animals will be used and kept in proper condition and that
p.(None): comply with current sanitary regulations.
p.(None): e) Researchers and other staff should never stop treating animals as sentient beings and should
p.(None): consider proper care and use as an ethical imperative and avoid or minimize discomfort, anguish and
p.(None): pain.
p.(None): f) Researchers should presume, which procedures that would cause pain in humans also cause pain in
p.(None): other vertebrate species, even when it is still missing
p.(None): Sheet 18 of 18
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993

Social / Youth/Minors

Searching for indicator minor:

(return to top)
p.(None): established guidelines for the development of these models.
p.(None): ARTICLE 22. In any community investigation, the ethical considerations applicable to research
p.(None): in humans, they must be extrapolated to the communal context in the pertinent aspects.
p.(None): ARTICLE 23. In addition to the general provisions of ethics that must be complied with in all research in human beings,
p.(None): that which is carried out in minors or physically and mentally disabled, must fully satisfy all
p.(None): the requirements set out in this chapter.
p.(None): ARTICLE 24. When it is intended to conduct investigations in minors, it must be ensured that
p.(None): similar studies have previously been done in adults and immature animals;
p.(None): except in the case of studies of conditions that are characteristic of the neonatal stage or conditions
p.(None): specific of certain ages.
p.(None): ARTICLE 25. To carry out investigations in minors or in physically and mentally disabled persons, in
p.(None): In any case, obtain, in addition to the Informed Consent of those exercising parental authority or
p.(None): legal representation of the minor or the person concerned, certification of a neurologist, psychiatrist or
p.(None): psychologist, about the capacity of understanding, reasoning and logic of the subject.
p.(None): ARTICLE 26. When the mental capacity and the psychological state of the minor or disabled person allow it,
p.(None): you must also obtain your acceptance to be the subject of investigation after explaining what
p.(None): pretend to do The Research Ethics Committee of the respective health entity must ensure the
p.(None): Compliance with these requirements.
p.(None): ARTICLE 27. Investigations classified with risk and with probabilities of direct benefit for the
p.(None): minor or disabled, will be admissible when:
p.(None): a) The risk is justified by the importance of the benefit that the minor or the disabled will receive.
p.(None): b) The benefit is equal to or greater than other alternatives already established for diagnosis and treatment.
p.(None): ARTICLE 28. Investigations classified as risk and without direct benefit to the minor or the
p.(None): disabled, will be admissible according to the following considerations:
p.(None): a) The intervention or procedure must represent for the minor or the disabled a reasonable experience and
p.(None): comparable to those inherent in your current medical, psychological, social or educational situation.
p.(None): Sheet 7 of 7
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): b) The intervention or procedure should have a high probability of obtaining positive results or knowledge
p.(None): generalizable about the condition or illness of the minor or the disabled that are of great importance for
p.(None): Understand the disorder or to achieve improvement in other subjects.
p.(None): a) The investigation should have a high probability of attending, preventing or alleviating a serious problem that
p.(None): affect the health and well-being of children or the physically or mentally disabled.
p.(None): b) The Research Ethics Committee of the research institution will establish strict supervision
p.(None): to determine if the magnitude of the anticipated risks increases or others arise and will suspend the investigation in
p.(None): the moment when the risk could affect the biological, psychological or social well-being of the child or
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV

Social / embryo

Searching for indicator embryo:

(return to top)
p.(None): disabled.
p.(None): CHAPTER IV
p.(None): ARTICLE 29. In the investigations classified as of risk greater than the minimum, that are carried out in women in
p.(None): Old age, they must meet the following requirements:
p.(None): a) Certify that women are not pregnant prior to acceptance as research subjects.
p.(None): b) Decrease as much as possible the chances of pregnancy during the development of the investigation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 30. To carry out investigations in pregnant women, during labor, postpartum and
p.(None): lactation; in live or dead births; of the use of embryos, deaths or fetuses; and for the
p.(None): artificial fertilization, it is required to obtain the Informed Consent of the woman and her spouse or
p.(None): partner in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 16 of this regulation, prior information of the risks
p.(None): possible for the embryo, fetus or newborn in your case.
p.(None): The Informed Consent of the spouse or partner may only be waived in case of disability or impossibility
p.(None): reliable or manifest to provide it; because the partner does not take care of the woman or, well, when
p.(None): there is imminent risk to the health or life of the woman, embryo, fetus or newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 31. Research carried out on pregnant women must be preceded by studies.
p.(None): performed on non-pregnant women who demonstrate safety, except for specific studies that require
p.(None): such condition.
p.(None): ARTICLE 32. Research without therapeutic benefit in pregnant women whose objective is to obtain
p.(None): generalizable knowledge about pregnancy should not represent a risk greater than the minimum for women, the
p.(None): embryo or fetus
p.(None): ARTICLE 33. Investigations in pregnant women that involve an intervention or
p.(None): experimental procedure not related to pregnancy, but with therapeutic benefit for women, such as
p.(None): it would be in cases of toxemia gravidarum, diabetes, hypertension and neoplasms, among others, should not expose to
p.(None): embryo or fetus at a greater than minimum risk, except when the use of the intervention or procedure is
p.(None): Sheet 8 of 8
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): justify to save the woman's life.
p.(None): ARTICLE 34. Research in pregnant women, with therapeutic benefit related to pregnancy, is
p.(None): will allow when:
p.(None): a) Aim to improve the health of the pregnant woman with a minimal risk to the embryo or the fetus.
p.(None): b) Are aimed at increasing the viability of the fetus, with a minimal risk to the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 35. During the execution of investigations in pregnant women:
p.(None): a) Investigators will not have the authority to decide on the time, method or procedure used
p.(None): to terminate the pregnancy, nor participation in decisions about the viability of the fetus.
p.(None): b) It is strictly forbidden to grant stimuli, monetary or otherwise, to terminate the pregnancy,
p.(None): for the interest of the investigation or for other reasons.
p.(None): ARTICLE 36. Informed Consent for investigations during labor shall be obtained in agreement.
p.(None): with what is stipulated in articles 14, 15 and 16 of this regulation, before it is initiated and indicating
p.(None): expressly that it can be withdrawn at any time during labor.
p.(None): ARTICLE 37. Research on women during the puerperium will be allowed when they do not interfere with the health of the
p.(None): mother or with the newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 38. Research on women during breastfeeding will be authorized when there is no risk to

Social / philosophical differences/differences of opinion

Searching for indicator opinion:

(return to top)
p.(None): to IV of clinical pharmacological research, it will be done with the authorization of the Research Ethics Committee, to which
p.(None): the documentation indicated in article 50 of these regulations must be submitted, in addition to the following:
p.(None): a) The basic and preclinical pharmacological information of the medicine.
p.(None): b) Information previously obtained on clinical pharmacology in cases of phases II, III and IV and evidence of
p.(None): bioavailability when required.
p.(None): ARTICLE 58. Studies of Phase I clinical pharmacology, new antineoplastic drugs and others with index
p.(None): Very reduced therapeutic, will be allowed when:
p.(None): a) They are based on preclinical studies that demonstrate the pharmacological activity of
p.(None): medication and clearly indicate the characteristics of its toxicity.
p.(None): b) They are performed only in voluntary subjects with the specific disease, confirmed by diagnostic means
p.(None): additional, that have not presented therapeutic response to any other available treatment and in whom the
p.(None): New medication could offer a therapeutic benefit.
p.(None): c) Do not incur expenses to the patient.
p.(None): ARTICLE 59. In the treatment of emergencies, in conditions that threaten the life of
p.(None): Sheet 12 of 12
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): a person when it is considered necessary to use a research drug or a known medication using
p.(None): indications, doses and routes of administration different from those established, the doctor must obtain the opinion
p.(None): favorable of the Research Ethics Committee of the research institutions and the Informed Consent of the
p.(None): subject of investigation or its legal representative, as permitted by circumstances in accordance with the following
p.(None): bases:
p.(None): a) The Research Ethics Committee will be informed of the use of the investigational drug in advance,
p.(None): if the investigator can foresee the need for its use in urgent cases, or in retrospect, if the
p.(None): use of the drug, the indication, doses or new routes of administration arose as needs not
p.(None): provided. In both cases, the Research Ethics Committee will issue an opinion in favor or against approving the
p.(None): planned use or repetition of the unforeseen use of the medication.
p.(None): b) Informed Consent will be obtained from the subject of investigation, or failing that, from
p.(None): legal representative or the closest relative in bond, except when: the condition of the subject incapacitates or
p.(None): prevent granting it, the legal representative or family member is unavailable or when you stop using the medication in
p.(None): investigation represents an absolute risk of death.
p.(None): ARTICLE 60. For the purposes of this regulation, it is understood by investigation of other new resources or
p.(None): different modalities from those established, the scientific activities tending to the study of
p.(None): materials, grafts, transplants, prostheses, physical, chemical and surgical procedures,
p.(None): instruments, devices, artificial organs and other methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and
p.(None): rehabilitation carried out in humans or in their biological products, except pharmacological ones.
p.(None): ARTICLE 61. Any investigation referred to in this chapter must have the authorization of the Committee of
p.(None): Research Ethics. For this purpose, the research institutions must present the documentation
p.(None): which is indicated in article 50 of this resolution, in addition to the following:
p.(None): a) The scientific foundations, information on previous experimentation carried out in animals or in the laboratory.
p.(None): b) Previous clinical research studies when there are any.

Social / property

Searching for indicator property:

(return to top)
p.(None): Experimental variables justify other situations.
p.(None): ARTICLE 91. The bioterios of production or chronic maintenance will be supervised by the professional personnel
p.(None): qualified and competent in the field and should allow growth, maturation, reproduction and behavior
p.(None): normal of animals, in accordance with the standards that the institution itself issues.
p.(None): ARTICLE 92. The director of the institution where animal research is conducted, shall establish and monitor the
p.(None): compliance with safety measures for the care and management of animals, as well as prophylaxis measures and
p.(None): vaccination necessary for the protection of occupationally exposed personnel.
p.(None): ARTICLE 93. The director of the institution where animal research is carried out, must monitor, order or
p.(None): execute, the following security measures are taken into account, as appropriate:
p.(None): Sheet 19 of 19
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): a) Isolation.
p.(None): b) The quarantine.
p.(None): c) Personal observation.
p.(None): d) Vaccination of people.
p.(None): e) The vaccination of animals, as soon as it refers to human health.
p.(None): f) The destruction or control of insects and other fauna, transmitting and harmful, as long as it refers to human health.
p.(None): g) The suspension of work or services.
p.(None): h) The assurance and destruction of objects or products or substances.
p.(None): i) Eviction of houses, buildings, establishments and in general from any property.
p.(None): j) The prohibition of the use of certain species, and
p.(None): k) The others of a sanitary nature determined by this Ministry or competent entity of its level, which may prevent
p.(None): are caused or continue to cause risks or damage to health.
p.(None): ARTICLE 94. This resolution is effective as of the date of its publication.

Economic / Economic/Poverty

Searching for indicator economic:

(return to top)
p.(None): radiological and physical safety of these institutions, for the fulfillment of the requirements and
p.(None): obligations, as responsible for radiological safety.
p.(None): ARTICLE 79. The responsible person referred to in the previous article shall:
p.(None): a) Have the training, qualification and certification legally required for said function.
p.(None): b) Prepare a manual of procedures in accordance with the laws, regulations and regulations in force and with the
p.(None): characteristics of the installation or equipment, which must be available to all personnel, in which
p.(None): Describe: the identification and control of radiation sources, controlled and monitored areas, monitoring
p.(None): Dosimetric staff, emergency plan, waste management plan and training
p.(None): personnel involved in procedures and radiological safety.
p.(None): c) Define, implement and monitor compliance with radiological and physical safety measures.
p.(None): d) Inform the personnel involved in the investigation about these standards and train them on
p.(None): Work procedures and the characteristics of the laboratory and equipment.
p.(None): ARTICLE 80. Given that each exposure involves a risk, it is strictly prohibited.
p.(None): unduly exposed to ionizing radiation. Legally established Equivalent Dose limits
p.(None): they should be considered as upper limits and not design or control. Protection measures against
p.(None): ionizing radiation should be optimized, so that the number of people exposed and the Equivalent Dose received
p.(None): by the investigator or the patient undergoing the investigation, be as low as reasonably possible,
p.(None): taking into account the socio-economic factors of the environment in which it works.
p.(None): ARTICLE 81. In the examination or treatment that is part of a medical research program and that
p.(None): entails a net benefit for the patient, the justification of the procedure will be done with them
p.(None): Justification criteria for a routine medical exposure. However, given the character
p.(None): experimental, said justification will be subject to a thorough scrutiny individually, discarding
p.(None): other diagnostic or therapeutic methods that can be evaluated comparatively.
p.(None): ARTICLE 82. The deliberate irradiation of personnel during procedures for research purposes
p.(None): that does not pursue a direct benefit to irradiated persons, will be carried out only by persons adequately
p.(None): qualified and trained, and with the respective permission of the institution where the
p.(None): irradiation, under the advice of the National Entity responsible for radiological protection in harmony with the standards
p.(None): current surveillance and radiological control.
p.(None): Sheet 17 of 17
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 83. Occupationally exposed personnel must be over 18 years of age, and limits will be taken into account
p.(None): of occupational exposure determined by the authorized national entity, with special consideration in the case of
p.(None): Women of childbearing age and pregnant.

General/Other / Manipulable

Searching for indicator manipulate:

(return to top)
p.(None): Restrospective documentary and those in which no intervention or modification is made
p.(None): intentional of the biological, physiological, psychological or social variables of the individuals that
p.(None): participate in the study, among which are considered: review of medical records, interviews, questionnaires and
p.(None): others in which he is not identified or sensitive aspects of his behavior are treated
p.(None): b. Research with minimal risk: These are prospective studies that use data recording through
p.(None): Common procedures consisting of: physical or psychological diagnostic tests or treatments
p.(None): routine, among which are considered: weighing the subject, electrocardiograms, hearing acuity tests,
p.(None): thermographies, collection of excreta and external secretions, obtaining placenta during childbirth, collection of
p.(None): amniotic fluid when the membranes rupture, obtaining saliva, deciduous teeth and permanent teeth extracted
p.(None): by therapeutic indication, dental plaque and stones removed by non-invasive prophylactic procedures,
p.(None): hair and nail cutting without causing disfigurement, blood collection by venous puncture in adults in good condition
p.(None): health, with a maximum frequency of twice a week and a maximum volume of 450 ml in two months except during the
p.(None): pregnancy, moderate exercise in healthy volunteers, psychological tests to groups or individuals in whom
p.(None): will manipulate the subject's behavior, research with commonly used medications, wide therapeutic range and
p.(None): Registered in this Ministry or its delegated authority, using the indications, dosage and routes of administration
p.(None): established and other than the medications defined in article 55 of this resolution.
p.(None): c. Investigations with risk greater than the minimum: Are those in which the probabilities of
p.(None): affect the subject are significant, among which are considered: radiological and microwave studies,
p.(None): studies with medications and modalities defined in titles III and IV of this resolution, trials with
p.(None): new devices, studies that include surgical procedures, blood collection greater than 2% of the volume
p.(None): circulating in neonates, amniocentesis and other invasive techniques or major procedures, which
p.(None): use random methods of allocation to therapeutic schemes and those that have control with placebos, among others.
p.(None): ARTICLE 12. The principal investigator shall suspend the investigation immediately, upon warning of any risk or
p.(None): damage to the health of the subject in whom the investigation is conducted. Likewise, it will be immediately suspended for
p.(None): those research subjects that manifest it.
p.(None): ARTICLE 13. It is the responsibility of the research or sponsoring institution to provide care.
p.(None): medical to the subject that suffers any damage, if directly related to the investigation, without
p.(None): damage of the compensation that legally corresponds to him.

General/Other / Public Emergency

Searching for indicator emergency:

(return to top)
p.(None): rigorously characterized and demonstrated the absence of dangerous genes in them. Those are excluded
p.(None): industrial and agricultural processes not directly and specifically related to activities
p.(None): established in article 1 of this resolution.
p.(None): Sheet 16 of 16
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 77. Medical research that involves the use in humans of radioactive isotopes and
p.(None): Ionizing and electromagnetic radiation generating devices must be carried out in accordance
p.(None): with the laws, regulations and norms on radiological safety, that govern in the national territory.
p.(None): ARTICLE 78. In the institutions where these investigations are carried out, the Biosafety Commission shall ensure that
p.(None): for each study, the person responsible for the
p.(None): radiological and physical safety of these institutions, for the fulfillment of the requirements and
p.(None): obligations, as responsible for radiological safety.
p.(None): ARTICLE 79. The responsible person referred to in the previous article shall:
p.(None): a) Have the training, qualification and certification legally required for said function.
p.(None): b) Prepare a manual of procedures in accordance with the laws, regulations and regulations in force and with the
p.(None): characteristics of the installation or equipment, which must be available to all personnel, in which
p.(None): Describe: the identification and control of radiation sources, controlled and monitored areas, monitoring
p.(None): Dosimetric staff, emergency plan, waste management plan and training
p.(None): personnel involved in procedures and radiological safety.
p.(None): c) Define, implement and monitor compliance with radiological and physical safety measures.
p.(None): d) Inform the personnel involved in the investigation about these standards and train them on
p.(None): Work procedures and the characteristics of the laboratory and equipment.
p.(None): ARTICLE 80. Given that each exposure involves a risk, it is strictly prohibited.
p.(None): unduly exposed to ionizing radiation. Legally established Equivalent Dose limits
p.(None): they should be considered as upper limits and not design or control. Protection measures against
p.(None): ionizing radiation should be optimized, so that the number of people exposed and the Equivalent Dose received
p.(None): by the investigator or the patient undergoing the investigation, be as low as reasonably possible,
p.(None): taking into account the socio-economic factors of the environment in which it works.
p.(None): ARTICLE 81. In the examination or treatment that is part of a medical research program and that
p.(None): entails a net benefit for the patient, the justification of the procedure will be done with them
p.(None): Justification criteria for a routine medical exposure. However, given the character
p.(None): experimental, said justification will be subject to a thorough scrutiny individually, discarding
p.(None): other diagnostic or therapeutic methods that can be evaluated comparatively.
p.(None): ARTICLE 82. The deliberate irradiation of personnel during procedures for research purposes
p.(None): that does not pursue a direct benefit to irradiated persons, will be carried out only by persons adequately

General/Other / Relationship to Authority

Searching for indicator authority:

(return to top)
p.(None): intentional of the biological, physiological, psychological or social variables of the individuals that
p.(None): participate in the study, among which are considered: review of medical records, interviews, questionnaires and
p.(None): others in which he is not identified or sensitive aspects of his behavior are treated
p.(None): b. Research with minimal risk: These are prospective studies that use data recording through
p.(None): Common procedures consisting of: physical or psychological diagnostic tests or treatments
p.(None): routine, among which are considered: weighing the subject, electrocardiograms, hearing acuity tests,
p.(None): thermographies, collection of excreta and external secretions, obtaining placenta during childbirth, collection of
p.(None): amniotic fluid when the membranes rupture, obtaining saliva, deciduous teeth and permanent teeth extracted
p.(None): by therapeutic indication, dental plaque and stones removed by non-invasive prophylactic procedures,
p.(None): hair and nail cutting without causing disfigurement, blood collection by venous puncture in adults in good condition
p.(None): health, with a maximum frequency of twice a week and a maximum volume of 450 ml in two months except during the
p.(None): pregnancy, moderate exercise in healthy volunteers, psychological tests to groups or individuals in whom
p.(None): will manipulate the subject's behavior, research with commonly used medications, wide therapeutic range and
p.(None): Registered in this Ministry or its delegated authority, using the indications, dosage and routes of administration
p.(None): established and other than the medications defined in article 55 of this resolution.
p.(None): c. Investigations with risk greater than the minimum: Are those in which the probabilities of
p.(None): affect the subject are significant, among which are considered: radiological and microwave studies,
p.(None): studies with medications and modalities defined in titles III and IV of this resolution, trials with
p.(None): new devices, studies that include surgical procedures, blood collection greater than 2% of the volume
p.(None): circulating in neonates, amniocentesis and other invasive techniques or major procedures, which
p.(None): use random methods of allocation to therapeutic schemes and those that have control with placebos, among others.
p.(None): ARTICLE 12. The principal investigator shall suspend the investigation immediately, upon warning of any risk or
p.(None): damage to the health of the subject in whom the investigation is conducted. Likewise, it will be immediately suspended for
p.(None): those research subjects that manifest it.
p.(None): ARTICLE 13. It is the responsibility of the research or sponsoring institution to provide care.
p.(None): medical to the subject that suffers any damage, if directly related to the investigation, without
p.(None): damage of the compensation that legally corresponds to him.
p.(None): ARTICLE 14. Informed Consent means the agreement in writing, whereby the subject of
p.(None): investigation or, where appropriate, your legal representative, authorizes your participation in the investigation, with full

p.(None): by another member of the research team, or of the institution where the investigation will be conducted,
p.(None): completely independent of the researcher-subject relationship.
p.(None): THIRD PARAGRAPH. When it is necessary to determine the mental capacity of an individual to grant his
p.(None): consent, the principal investigator must go to a neurologist, psychiatrist or psychologist so that
p.(None): evaluate the capacity of understanding, reasoning and logic of the subject, according to the parameters
p.(None): approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the research institution.
p.(None): FOURTH PARAGRAPH. When it is presumed that the mental capacity of a subject has varied over time, the
p.(None): Informed Consent of this or, failing that, of your legal representative, must be endorsed by a professional
p.(None): (neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist) of recognized scientific and moral capacity in the specific field, as well as
p.(None): of an observer who has no relation to the investigation, to ensure the suitability of the mechanism of
p.(None): obtaining consent, as well as its validity during the course of the investigation.
p.(None): FIFTH PARAGRAPH. When the research subject is a psychiatric patient admitted to a hospital
p.(None): In addition to complying with the provisions of the preceding articles, it will be necessary to obtain the
p.(None): prior approval of the authority that knows about the case.
p.(None): CHAPTER II.
p.(None): ARTICLE 17. Investigations, referring to human health, in communities, shall be admissible when the benefit
p.(None): expected for these to be reasonably insured and when previous studies conducted on a small scale
p.(None): Determine the absence of risks.
p.(None): ARTICLE 18. In investigations in communities, the principal investigator must obtain the approval of the
p.(None): health authorities and other civil authorities of the community to study, in addition to obtaining the letter of
p.(None): Informed Consent of the individuals included in the study, informing them of the information to
p.(None): referred to in articles 14, 15 and 16 of this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 19. When the individuals that make up the community do not have the capacity to understand the
p.(None): implications of participating in an investigation, the Research Ethics Committee of the entity to the
p.(None): that the principal investigator belongs, or of the Entity where the investigation will be carried out, may authorize or
p.(None): not that the Informed Consent of the subjects is obtained through a reliable person with
p.(None): moral authority over the community.
p.(None): In case of not obtaining authorization from the Research Ethics Committee, the Research is not
p.(None): will perform.
p.(None): On the other hand, the participation of individuals will be entirely voluntary.
p.(None): ARTICLE 20. Experimental research in communities may only be carried out by establishments.
p.(None): that have Research Ethics Committees and the prior authorization of this Ministry to take it
p.(None): out, notwithstanding the
p.(None): Sheet 6 of 6
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): attributions that correspond to other dependencies of the State, and would have complied in any case with the studies
p.(None): prior toxicity and other tests according to the characteristics of the products and the risk involved
p.(None): For human health.
p.(None): ARTICLE 21. In all community research, research designs must offer the measures
p.(None): protection practices of individuals and ensure the obtaining of valid results in accordance with the
p.(None): established guidelines for the development of these models.
p.(None): ARTICLE 22. In any community investigation, the ethical considerations applicable to research
p.(None): in humans, they must be extrapolated to the communal context in the pertinent aspects.
p.(None): ARTICLE 23. In addition to the general provisions of ethics that must be complied with in all research in human beings,
p.(None): that which is carried out in minors or physically and mentally disabled, must fully satisfy all
p.(None): the requirements set out in this chapter.
p.(None): ARTICLE 24. When it is intended to conduct investigations in minors, it must be ensured that
p.(None): similar studies have previously been done in adults and immature animals;
p.(None): except in the case of studies of conditions that are characteristic of the neonatal stage or conditions
p.(None): specific of certain ages.
p.(None): ARTICLE 25. To carry out investigations in minors or in physically and mentally disabled persons, in
p.(None): In any case, obtain, in addition to the Informed Consent of those exercising parental authority or
p.(None): legal representation of the minor or the person concerned, certification of a neurologist, psychiatrist or
p.(None): psychologist, about the capacity of understanding, reasoning and logic of the subject.
p.(None): ARTICLE 26. When the mental capacity and the psychological state of the minor or disabled person allow it,
p.(None): you must also obtain your acceptance to be the subject of investigation after explaining what
p.(None): pretend to do The Research Ethics Committee of the respective health entity must ensure the
p.(None): Compliance with these requirements.
p.(None): ARTICLE 27. Investigations classified with risk and with probabilities of direct benefit for the
p.(None): minor or disabled, will be admissible when:
p.(None): a) The risk is justified by the importance of the benefit that the minor or the disabled will receive.
p.(None): b) The benefit is equal to or greater than other alternatives already established for diagnosis and treatment.
p.(None): ARTICLE 28. Investigations classified as risk and without direct benefit to the minor or the

p.(None): it would be in cases of toxemia gravidarum, diabetes, hypertension and neoplasms, among others, should not expose to
p.(None): embryo or fetus at a greater than minimum risk, except when the use of the intervention or procedure is
p.(None): Sheet 8 of 8
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): justify to save the woman's life.
p.(None): ARTICLE 34. Research in pregnant women, with therapeutic benefit related to pregnancy, is
p.(None): will allow when:
p.(None): a) Aim to improve the health of the pregnant woman with a minimal risk to the embryo or the fetus.
p.(None): b) Are aimed at increasing the viability of the fetus, with a minimal risk to the pregnant woman.
p.(None): ARTICLE 35. During the execution of investigations in pregnant women:
p.(None): a) Investigators will not have the authority to decide on the time, method or procedure used
p.(None): to terminate the pregnancy, nor participation in decisions about the viability of the fetus.
p.(None): b) It is strictly forbidden to grant stimuli, monetary or otherwise, to terminate the pregnancy,
p.(None): for the interest of the investigation or for other reasons.
p.(None): ARTICLE 36. Informed Consent for investigations during labor shall be obtained in agreement.
p.(None): with what is stipulated in articles 14, 15 and 16 of this regulation, before it is initiated and indicating
p.(None): expressly that it can be withdrawn at any time during labor.
p.(None): ARTICLE 37. Research on women during the puerperium will be allowed when they do not interfere with the health of the
p.(None): mother or with the newborn.
p.(None): ARTICLE 38. Research on women during breastfeeding will be authorized when there is no risk to
p.(None): the infant or when the mother decides not to breastfeed; your food is secured by another method and you get the
p.(None): Informed Consent in accordance with the provisions of articles 14, 15 and 16 of this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 39. Fetuses will be subject to investigation only if the techniques and means used
p.(None): They provide maximum security for them and the pregnant woman.

p.(None): cessation of vital functions, or when, without adding any risk, generalized knowledge is sought
p.(None): important that cannot be obtained otherwise.
p.(None): ARTICLE 42. Live births may be subject to investigation if the provisions on
p.(None): investigation in minors, indicated in this resolution.
p.(None): ARTICLE 43. Investigations with embryos, deaths, fetuses, dead births, macerated fecal matter, cells,
p.(None): tissues and organs extracted from them, will be made in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.
p.(None): ARTICLE 44. Research on artificial fertilization shall only be admissible when applied to the solution of
p.(None): sterility problems that cannot be solved in any other way, respecting the moral point of view,
p.(None): cultural and social of the couple.
p.(None): CHAPTER V.
p.(None): Sheet 9 of 9
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 45. Subordinated groups are understood as the following: students, workers of the
p.(None): laboratories and hospitals, employees and members of the armed forces, interns in prisons or centers
p.(None): of social rehabilitation and other special groups of the population, in which the Consent
p.(None): Informed may be influenced by some authority.
p.(None): ARTICLE 46. When investigations are conducted in subordinate groups, in the Ethics Committee in
p.(None): Research, one or more members of the study population, capable of representing the values ​​must participate
p.(None): moral, cultural and social group in question and monitor:
p.(None): a) That the participation, the rejection of the subjects to intervene or withdrawal of their consent during the study, does not
p.(None): affect their school, employment, military situation or related to the judicial process to which they were subject and the
p.(None): conditions of compliance with the judgment of the case.
p.(None): b) That the results of the investigation are not used to the detriment of the participating individuals.
p.(None): c) That the research institution and the sponsors are responsible for the medical treatment of the damages
p.(None): caused and, where appropriate, the compensation that legally corresponds for the harmful consequences of
p.(None): the investigation.
p.(None): CHAPTER VI
p.(None): ARTICLE 47. The investigation referred to in this chapter includes that which includes the use of organs,
p.(None): tissues and their derivatives, products and corpses of human beings, as well as the set of activities
p.(None): relative to its obtaining, conservation, use, preparation and final destination.
p.(None): ARTICLE 48. This investigation must observe in addition to due respect to the human corpse, the

p.(None): current surveillance and radiological control.
p.(None): Sheet 17 of 17
p.(None): RESOLUTION NUMBER 8430 OF 1993
p.(None): By which the scientific, technical and administrative standards for health research are established.
p.(None): ARTICLE 83. Occupationally exposed personnel must be over 18 years of age, and limits will be taken into account
p.(None): of occupational exposure determined by the authorized national entity, with special consideration in the case of
p.(None): Women of childbearing age and pregnant.
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not work in places of high risk of
p.(None): incorporation of radioactive materials.
p.(None): ARTICLE 84. The persons, included in the procedure, must be informed about the risk of irradiation to which
p.(None): submit, so that their participation is under their free will and with knowledge of cause. It is necessary the
p.(None): Informed Consent of family members or legal guardian when the subject of the investigation does not
p.(None): Be in a position to decide on your acceptance.
p.(None): ARTICLE 85. These investigations must be subject to individual evaluation, followed by a plan of procedures and a
p.(None): final protocol approved by the competent authority in the field, to analyze them thoroughly from
p.(None): the point of view of radiation protection and the condition of true volunteers of people who do not
p.(None): they will receive a net benefit from the procedure, since no special dose limits can be set in these
p.(None): cases.
p.(None): ARTICLE 86. The use of ionizing radiation for research in pregnant women and forbidden is prohibited.
p.(None): minors, and is restricted to specific studies prior to research in women of age
p.(None): reproductive
p.(None): PARAGRAPH. In the previous cases, reconsideration may be made in the case of procedures
p.(None): Therapeutics in pathological processes considered special by their prognosis or by their characteristics,
p.(None): with the prior written authorization of the person involved, or the relative, or legally responsible person.
p.(None): TITLE V.
p.(None): ARTICLE 87. In any investigation in which the animals are subject to study, they must be kept in
p.(None): Account, in addition to the provisions determined in Law 84 of 1989, the following:
p.(None): a) Whenever appropriate, methods such as mathematical models, simulation in
p.(None): In vitro computer and biological systems.
p.(None): b) Animal testing should only be done after studying its importance to human health or
p.(None): animal and for the advancement of biological knowledge.

Orphaned Trigger Words


Indicator List

armed forcesSoldier
authorityRelationship to Authority
dependencyDrug Dependence
disabilityMentally Disabled
disabledMentally Disabled
drugDrug Usage
emergencyPublic Emergency
healthy volunteershealthy volunteers
hospitalizedhospitalized patients
illnessPhysically Disabled
mentallyMentally Disabled
opinionphilosophical differences/differences of opinion
physicallyPhysically Disabled
sickPhysically Ill
singleMarital Status

Indicator Peers (Indicators in Same Vulnerability)

armed forces['military']
disability['mentally', 'disabled']
disabled['mentally', 'disability']
fetus['fetuses', 'neonates']
fetuses['fetus', 'neonates']
mentally['disabled', 'disability']
neonates['fetus', 'fetuses']

Trigger Words










Applicable Type / Vulnerability / Indicator Overlay for this Input

Vulnerability TypeVulnerabilityIndicator# Matches
HealthDrug Dependencedependency1
HealthDrug Usagedrug8
HealthMentally Disabledmentally3
HealthMentally Disableddisabled11
HealthMentally Disableddisability2
HealthPhysically Disabledillness3
HealthPhysically Disabledphysically3
HealthPhysically Illsick2
Healthhealthy volunteershealthy volunteers1
Healthhospitalized patientshospitalized2
SocialMarital Statussingle2
SocialSoldierarmed forces1
Socialphilosophical differences/differences of opinionopinion2
General/OtherPublic Emergencyemergency1
General/OtherRelationship to Authorityauthority7