
RA Law on Prevention of Disease Caused by HIV (2012)


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Indicators in focus are typically shown highlighted in yellow; Peer Indicators (that share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in pink; "Outside" Indicators (those that do NOT share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in green; Trigger Words/Phrases are shown highlighted in gray.

Link to Orphaned Trigger Words (Appendix (Indicator List, Indicator Peers, Trigger Words, Type/Vulnerability/Indicator Overlay)

Applicable Type / Vulnerability / Indicator Overlay for this Input

Vulnerability TypeVulnerabilityIndicator# Matches
PoliticalCriminal Convictionsconvicts2
Politicalstateless personsstateless5
HealthCognitive Impairmentimpaired1
HealthDrug Usagedrug1
General/OtherRelationship to Authorityauthority1

Political / Criminal Convictions

Searching for indicator convicts:

(return to top)
p.(None): Targeted quality specialized medical care and services for patients
p.(None): programs:
p.(None): d) Provides conditions for scientific and practical AIDS research;
p.(None): e) Conduct moral and sexual upbringing of adolescents
p.(None): activities, including thematic issues related to HIV / AIDS prevention
p.(None): through inclusion in educational programs;
p.(None): f) Creates conditions for training of staff in the field of AIDS prevention
p.(None): for.
p.(None): g) in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): exchanges information on HIV and AIDS prevalence.
p.(None): h) Approves the treatment of foreign citizens infected with HIV
p.(None): Procedure of Entering the Republic of Armenia:
p.(None): i) Develops and implements HIV / AIDS in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): interdepartmental measures to prevent HIV infection
p.(None): within the state targeted program:
p.(None): j) Provides medical services for the detection of HIV infection
p.(None): access to research, including anonymous HIV
p.(None): research combined with pre-test and post-test counseling
p.(None): with provision. Procedure for providing pre-post and post-post consultation
p.(None): designated by the authorized state body;
p.(None): k) Establishes HIV / AIDS detainees and convicts
p.(None): pre-test and post-test counseling by health care providers;
p.(None): procedure for conducting the research.
p.(None): (Article 4 supplemented by HO-32 on 09.02.00 HO-63-N, 19.03.09 HO-181-N, 11.09.12
p.(None): Article 5. Financing AIDS Prevention and Treatment Programs
p.(None): State funding for AIDS prevention and treatment programs is seen as
p.(None): priority given to the life and health of society as well as individuals
p.(None): the need to ensure security.
p.(None): HIV / AIDS prevention, HIV treatment and social
p.(None): Financing of defense is financed from the state budget
p.(None): within state target programs, as well as others not prohibited by law
p.(None): at the expense of funds.
p.(None): (Article 5 added 11.10.00 HO-92, edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): The rights and freedoms of people living with HIV
p.(None): Article 6
p.(None): safeguards
p.(None): The fact that a person is infected with HIV cannot be the basis for his or her rights and rights
p.(None): for the restriction of freedoms, except as provided for by law.
p.(None): Foreign nationals and stateless persons:
p.(None): Article 7
p.(None): Conditions for entering the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): (Article 7 became effective 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): HIV / AIDS Citizens and Citizenship
p.(None): Article 8
p.(None): treatment of persons without
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Foreign citizens and foreigners located in the Republic of Armenia

p.(None): Laboratory research on HIV is combined with pre-test and
p.(None): with post-treatment counseling.
p.(None): Examination of children under 14 years of age shall be performed by law
p.(None): by the request or consent of their legal representatives, and 14-18
p.(None): children under the age of one upon their request or consent, except by law
p.(None): foreseen cases.
p.(None): (Article 10 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 11. Groups to be tested for HIV
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Mandatory medical consultation and research are subject to:
p.(None): (a) donors of blood, biological fluids, tissues and organs;
p.(None): b) Children born to mothers with HIV.
p.(None): HIV counseling and research by health care providers
p.(None): is provided,
p.(None): a) pregnant women;
p.(None): b) sexually transmitted infections;
p.(None): c) drug addicts;
p.(None): (d) detainees and convicts.
p.(None): All population groups have the right to volunteer for HIV
p.(None): consulting and research.
p.(None): The state body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia shall determine
p.(None): consultation and research as set forth in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Article
p.(None): categories except paragraph 2 (d).
p.(None): (Article 11 amended by HO-92 of 11.10.00, edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09, amended by HO-181-N of 11 September 12)
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Social of persons at risk of HIV infection
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): protection in the field of work
p.(None): Persons infected with HIV from businesses, institutions and organizations
p.(None): for employees providing diagnostics and treatment, as well as for those workers,
p.(None): whose work relates to HIV-containing substances is defined
p.(None): a) salary surplus;
p.(None): b) shortened working day;
p.(None): c) additional remuneration;
p.(None): d) additional leave.
p.(None): The conditions and procedure for granting the above-mentioned privileges are set by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.
p.(None): Health care organizations are obliged to provide information on HIV

Political / stateless persons

Searching for indicator stateless:

(return to top)
p.(None): A person infected with HIV - a person whose body has been found immune to humans
p.(None): malaria virus or antibodies to the virus. With HIV
p.(None): The infected person, having no external symptoms of the syndrome, is considered to be the source of the infection;
p.(None): AIDS patient - a person who has a human immunodeficiency virus
p.(None): due to profound disruption of the immune system and its consequence
p.(None): pathological manifestations.
p.(None): (Article 1 edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 2. AIDS Prevention Service
p.(None): HIV / AIDS prevention is implemented in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): state and local self-government bodies in accordance with the law
p.(None): as well as health, education, and so on
p.(None): other organizations (regardless of organizational-legal form) of Armenia
p.(None): Within the limits of the powers vested in them by the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): HIV / AIDS prevention and monitoring of the population of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): AIDS prevention is in place in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): the Republican Center (hereinafter referred to as AIDS CSO).
p.(None): Funding for HIV prevention and allocation
p.(None): the state body authorized for effective use shall develop the state
p.(None): a targeted program approved by the government.
p.(None): Physical and legal persons may participate in the fight against HIV / AIDS
p.(None): persons (including foreign nationals, stateless persons,
p.(None): foreign and international organizations), benefactors (physical and
p.(None): legal entities, including foreign nationals, stateless
p.(None): persons, foreign and international charities).
p.(None): (Article 2 edited 11.10.00 HO-92, 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Article 3. Scope of this Law
p.(None): This law applies to the citizens of the Republic of Armenia, Armenia
p.(None): Foreign Citizens and Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): non-persons (hereinafter referred to as persons), as well as in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): operating enterprises, institutions and organizations (independent of ownership)
p.(None): form).
p.(None): Authorities of the Government of the Republic of Armenia for AIDS
p.(None): Article 4
p.(None): in the field of prevention
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia:
p.(None): a) Regularly informs the population about AIDS prevention measures
p.(None): about.
p.(None): b) Implements AIDS epidemic control in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): through authorized state bodies in the area;
p.(None): c) Approves HIV and AIDS infected persons in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Targeted quality specialized medical care and services for patients
p.(None): programs:
p.(None): d) Provides conditions for scientific and practical AIDS research;
p.(None): e) Conduct moral and sexual upbringing of adolescents
p.(None): activities, including thematic issues related to HIV / AIDS prevention
p.(None): through inclusion in educational programs;
p.(None): f) Creates conditions for training of staff in the field of AIDS prevention
p.(None): for.
p.(None): g) in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): exchanges information on HIV and AIDS prevalence.

p.(None): access to research, including anonymous HIV
p.(None): research combined with pre-test and post-test counseling
p.(None): with provision. Procedure for providing pre-post and post-post consultation
p.(None): designated by the authorized state body;
p.(None): k) Establishes HIV / AIDS detainees and convicts
p.(None): pre-test and post-test counseling by health care providers;
p.(None): procedure for conducting the research.
p.(None): (Article 4 supplemented by HO-32 on 09.02.00 HO-63-N, 19.03.09 HO-181-N, 11.09.12
p.(None): Article 5. Financing AIDS Prevention and Treatment Programs
p.(None): State funding for AIDS prevention and treatment programs is seen as
p.(None): priority given to the life and health of society as well as individuals
p.(None): the need to ensure security.
p.(None): HIV / AIDS prevention, HIV treatment and social
p.(None): Financing of defense is financed from the state budget
p.(None): within state target programs, as well as others not prohibited by law
p.(None): at the expense of funds.
p.(None): (Article 5 added 11.10.00 HO-92, edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): The rights and freedoms of people living with HIV
p.(None): Article 6
p.(None): safeguards
p.(None): The fact that a person is infected with HIV cannot be the basis for his or her rights and rights
p.(None): for the restriction of freedoms, except as provided for by law.
p.(None): Foreign nationals and stateless persons:
p.(None): Article 7
p.(None): Conditions for entering the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): (Article 7 became effective 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): HIV / AIDS Citizens and Citizenship
p.(None): Article 8
p.(None): treatment of persons without
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Foreign citizens and foreigners located in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): stateless persons in the body when HIV is detected
p.(None): Treatment is organized by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in order.
p.(None): Foreign citizens infected with HIV, as well as stateless persons
p.(None): persons enter the Republic of Armenia for treatment in accordance with
p.(None): in the order established by law.
p.(None): (Article 8 supplemented by HO-32, 09.02.00, edited HO-63-N, 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 9. International Treaties
p.(None): Unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Republic of Armenia,
p.(None): The provisions of international treaties shall apply as provided by this Law.
p.(None): CHAPTER 2:
p.(None): Medical examinations conducted for HIV detection
p.(None): Article 10. Laboratory research
p.(None): Laboratory tests for HIV are being conducted
p.(None): Licensed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in health care companies (regardless of form of ownership).
p.(None): HIV AIDS WHO Positive Results of Laboratory Testing
p.(None): Repeated examination is mandatory.
p.(None): Laboratory HIV testing is voluntary and anonymous
p.(None): except as provided for in Article 11 of this Law.
p.(None): Persons who should inject blood, blood components or biologics
p.(None): fluids, transplanted organs and tissues, may require twice as much
p.(None): laboratory testing to detect HIV.
p.(None): Laboratory research on HIV is combined with pre-test and
p.(None): with post-treatment counseling.
p.(None): Examination of children under 14 years of age shall be performed by law

Health / Cognitive Impairment

Searching for indicator impaired:

(return to top)
p.(None): Signing body President of the Republic of Armenia Date of signature 15.02.1997
p.(None): Certifying Authority Date of ratification
p.(None): Effective Date 28.02.1997 Effective Date
p.(None): Modifiers and incorporations
p.(None): LAW:
p.(None): Adopted by the National Assembly
p.(None): To the President of the Republic
p.(None): with objections and suggestions
p.(None): February 3, 1997
p.(None): HUMAN Immune Deficiency Virus - Disease
p.(None): This law defines a human immunodeficiency virus
p.(None): procedures for disease prevention, diagnosis and control, such as:
p.(None): as well as the prevention of disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus
p.(None): organizational, legal, economic and financial basis.
p.(None): CHAPTER 1
p.(None): Article 1. Basic Concepts Used in this Law
p.(None): The following basic concepts are used in this law:
p.(None): human immunodeficiency virus (hereinafter referred to as HIV) - a virus that infects
p.(None): human immune system and leads to the syndrome of immune deficiency
p.(None): emergence and development;
p.(None): HIV - a long-term chronic infectious disease that causes HIV
p.(None): g.
p.(None): Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - Disease,
p.(None): which develops in people infected with HIV is considered to be the last of HIV infection
p.(None): stage, characterized by impaired immune system activity, as a result of which
p.(None): the body becomes immune to various infectious and oncological diseases
p.(None): towards.
p.(None): A person infected with HIV - a person whose body has been found immune to humans
p.(None): malaria virus or antibodies to the virus. With HIV
p.(None): The infected person, having no external symptoms of the syndrome, is considered to be the source of the infection;
p.(None): AIDS patient - a person who has a human immunodeficiency virus
p.(None): due to profound disruption of the immune system and its consequence
p.(None): pathological manifestations.
p.(None): (Article 1 edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 2. AIDS Prevention Service
p.(None): HIV / AIDS prevention is implemented in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): state and local self-government bodies in accordance with the law
p.(None): as well as health, education, and so on
p.(None): other organizations (regardless of organizational-legal form) of Armenia
p.(None): Within the limits of the powers vested in them by the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): HIV / AIDS prevention and monitoring of the population of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): AIDS prevention is in place in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): the Republican Center (hereinafter referred to as AIDS CSO).
p.(None): Funding for HIV prevention and allocation
p.(None): the state body authorized for effective use shall develop the state
p.(None): a targeted program approved by the government.

Health / Drug Usage

Searching for indicator drug:

(return to top)
p.(None): fluids, transplanted organs and tissues, may require twice as much
p.(None): laboratory testing to detect HIV.
p.(None): Laboratory research on HIV is combined with pre-test and
p.(None): with post-treatment counseling.
p.(None): Examination of children under 14 years of age shall be performed by law
p.(None): by the request or consent of their legal representatives, and 14-18
p.(None): children under the age of one upon their request or consent, except by law
p.(None): foreseen cases.
p.(None): (Article 10 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 11. Groups to be tested for HIV
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Mandatory medical consultation and research are subject to:
p.(None): (a) donors of blood, biological fluids, tissues and organs;
p.(None): b) Children born to mothers with HIV.
p.(None): HIV counseling and research by health care providers
p.(None): is provided,
p.(None): a) pregnant women;
p.(None): b) sexually transmitted infections;
p.(None): c) drug addicts;
p.(None): (d) detainees and convicts.
p.(None): All population groups have the right to volunteer for HIV
p.(None): consulting and research.
p.(None): The state body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia shall determine
p.(None): consultation and research as set forth in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Article
p.(None): categories except paragraph 2 (d).
p.(None): (Article 11 amended by HO-92 of 11.10.00, edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09, amended by HO-181-N of 11 September 12)
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Social of persons at risk of HIV infection
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): protection in the field of work
p.(None): Persons infected with HIV from businesses, institutions and organizations
p.(None): for employees providing diagnostics and treatment, as well as for those workers,
p.(None): whose work relates to HIV-containing substances is defined
p.(None): a) salary surplus;
p.(None): b) shortened working day;
p.(None): c) additional remuneration;
p.(None): d) additional leave.
p.(None): The conditions and procedure for granting the above-mentioned privileges are set by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.

Health / HIV/AIDS

Searching for indicator HIV:

(return to top)
p.(None): Issue HO-103 Type Incorporation
p.(None): Type Law Status Available:
p.(None): Source ASA 1997.02.28 / 3 Place of Reception Yerevan
p.(None): Adoption body Date of adoption: 03.02.1997
p.(None): Signing body President of the Republic of Armenia Date of signature 15.02.1997
p.(None): Certifying Authority Date of ratification
p.(None): Effective Date 28.02.1997 Effective Date
p.(None): Modifiers and incorporations
p.(None): LAW:
p.(None): Adopted by the National Assembly
p.(None): To the President of the Republic
p.(None): with objections and suggestions
p.(None): February 3, 1997
p.(None): HUMAN Immune Deficiency Virus - Disease
p.(None): This law defines a human immunodeficiency virus
p.(None): procedures for disease prevention, diagnosis and control, such as:
p.(None): as well as the prevention of disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus
p.(None): organizational, legal, economic and financial basis.
p.(None): CHAPTER 1
p.(None): Article 1. Basic Concepts Used in this Law
p.(None): The following basic concepts are used in this law:
p.(None): human immunodeficiency virus (hereinafter referred to as HIV) - a virus that infects
p.(None): human immune system and leads to the syndrome of immune deficiency
p.(None): emergence and development;
p.(None): HIV - a long-term chronic infectious disease that causes HIV
p.(None): g.
p.(None): Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - Disease,
p.(None): which develops in people infected with HIV is considered to be the last of HIV infection
p.(None): stage, characterized by impaired immune system activity, as a result of which
p.(None): the body becomes immune to various infectious and oncological diseases
p.(None): towards.
p.(None): A person infected with HIV - a person whose body has been found immune to humans
p.(None): malaria virus or antibodies to the virus. With HIV
p.(None): The infected person, having no external symptoms of the syndrome, is considered to be the source of the infection;
p.(None): AIDS patient - a person who has a human immunodeficiency virus
p.(None): due to profound disruption of the immune system and its consequence
p.(None): pathological manifestations.
p.(None): (Article 1 edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 2. AIDS Prevention Service
p.(None): HIV / AIDS prevention is implemented in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): state and local self-government bodies in accordance with the law
p.(None): as well as health, education, and so on
p.(None): other organizations (regardless of organizational-legal form) of Armenia
p.(None): Within the limits of the powers vested in them by the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): HIV / AIDS prevention and monitoring of the population of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): AIDS prevention is in place in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): the Republican Center (hereinafter referred to as AIDS CSO).
p.(None): Funding for HIV prevention and allocation
p.(None): the state body authorized for effective use shall develop the state
p.(None): a targeted program approved by the government.
p.(None): Physical and legal persons may participate in the fight against HIV / AIDS
p.(None): persons (including foreign nationals, stateless persons,
p.(None): foreign and international organizations), benefactors (physical and
p.(None): legal entities, including foreign nationals, stateless
p.(None): persons, foreign and international charities).
p.(None): (Article 2 edited 11.10.00 HO-92, 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Article 3. Scope of this Law
p.(None): This law applies to the citizens of the Republic of Armenia, Armenia
p.(None): Foreign Citizens and Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): non-persons (hereinafter referred to as persons), as well as in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): operating enterprises, institutions and organizations (independent of ownership)
p.(None): form).
p.(None): Authorities of the Government of the Republic of Armenia for AIDS
p.(None): Article 4
p.(None): in the field of prevention
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia:
p.(None): a) Regularly informs the population about AIDS prevention measures
p.(None): about.
p.(None): b) Implements AIDS epidemic control in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): through authorized state bodies in the area;
p.(None): c) Approves HIV and AIDS infected persons in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Targeted quality specialized medical care and services for patients
p.(None): programs:
p.(None): d) Provides conditions for scientific and practical AIDS research;
p.(None): e) Conduct moral and sexual upbringing of adolescents
p.(None): activities, including thematic issues related to HIV / AIDS prevention
p.(None): through inclusion in educational programs;
p.(None): f) Creates conditions for training of staff in the field of AIDS prevention
p.(None): for.
p.(None): g) in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): exchanges information on HIV and AIDS prevalence.
p.(None): h) Approves the treatment of foreign citizens infected with HIV
p.(None): Procedure of Entering the Republic of Armenia:
p.(None): i) Develops and implements HIV / AIDS in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): interdepartmental measures to prevent HIV infection
p.(None): within the state targeted program:
p.(None): j) Provides medical services for the detection of HIV infection
p.(None): access to research, including anonymous HIV
p.(None): research combined with pre-test and post-test counseling
p.(None): with provision. Procedure for providing pre-post and post-post consultation
p.(None): designated by the authorized state body;
p.(None): k) Establishes HIV / AIDS detainees and convicts
p.(None): pre-test and post-test counseling by health care providers;
p.(None): procedure for conducting the research.
p.(None): (Article 4 supplemented by HO-32 on 09.02.00 HO-63-N, 19.03.09 HO-181-N, 11.09.12
p.(None): Article 5. Financing AIDS Prevention and Treatment Programs
p.(None): State funding for AIDS prevention and treatment programs is seen as
p.(None): priority given to the life and health of society as well as individuals
p.(None): the need to ensure security.
p.(None): HIV / AIDS prevention, HIV treatment and social
p.(None): Financing of defense is financed from the state budget
p.(None): within state target programs, as well as others not prohibited by law
p.(None): at the expense of funds.
p.(None): (Article 5 added 11.10.00 HO-92, edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): The rights and freedoms of people living with HIV
p.(None): Article 6
p.(None): safeguards
p.(None): The fact that a person is infected with HIV cannot be the basis for his or her rights and rights
p.(None): for the restriction of freedoms, except as provided for by law.
p.(None): Foreign nationals and stateless persons:
p.(None): Article 7
p.(None): Conditions for entering the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): (Article 7 became effective 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): HIV / AIDS Citizens and Citizenship
p.(None): Article 8
p.(None): treatment of persons without
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Foreign citizens and foreigners located in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): stateless persons in the body when HIV is detected
p.(None): Treatment is organized by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in order.
p.(None): Foreign citizens infected with HIV, as well as stateless persons
p.(None): persons enter the Republic of Armenia for treatment in accordance with
p.(None): in the order established by law.
p.(None): (Article 8 supplemented by HO-32, 09.02.00, edited HO-63-N, 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 9. International Treaties
p.(None): Unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Republic of Armenia,
p.(None): The provisions of international treaties shall apply as provided by this Law.
p.(None): CHAPTER 2:
p.(None): Medical examinations conducted for HIV detection
p.(None): Article 10. Laboratory research
p.(None): Laboratory tests for HIV are being conducted
p.(None): Licensed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in health care companies (regardless of form of ownership).
p.(None): HIV AIDS WHO Positive Results of Laboratory Testing
p.(None): Repeated examination is mandatory.
p.(None): Laboratory HIV testing is voluntary and anonymous
p.(None): except as provided for in Article 11 of this Law.
p.(None): Persons who should inject blood, blood components or biologics
p.(None): fluids, transplanted organs and tissues, may require twice as much
p.(None): laboratory testing to detect HIV.
p.(None): Laboratory research on HIV is combined with pre-test and
p.(None): with post-treatment counseling.
p.(None): Examination of children under 14 years of age shall be performed by law
p.(None): by the request or consent of their legal representatives, and 14-18
p.(None): children under the age of one upon their request or consent, except by law
p.(None): foreseen cases.
p.(None): (Article 10 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 11. Groups to be tested for HIV
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Mandatory medical consultation and research are subject to:
p.(None): (a) donors of blood, biological fluids, tissues and organs;
p.(None): b) Children born to mothers with HIV.
p.(None): HIV counseling and research by health care providers
p.(None): is provided,
p.(None): a) pregnant women;
p.(None): b) sexually transmitted infections;
p.(None): c) drug addicts;
p.(None): (d) detainees and convicts.
p.(None): All population groups have the right to volunteer for HIV
p.(None): consulting and research.
p.(None): The state body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia shall determine
p.(None): consultation and research as set forth in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Article
p.(None): categories except paragraph 2 (d).
p.(None): (Article 11 amended by HO-92 of 11.10.00, edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09, amended by HO-181-N of 11 September 12)
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Social of persons at risk of HIV infection
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): protection in the field of work
p.(None): Persons infected with HIV from businesses, institutions and organizations
p.(None): for employees providing diagnostics and treatment, as well as for those workers,
p.(None): whose work relates to HIV-containing substances is defined
p.(None): a) salary surplus;
p.(None): b) shortened working day;
p.(None): c) additional remuneration;
p.(None): d) additional leave.
p.(None): The conditions and procedure for granting the above-mentioned privileges are set by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.
p.(None): Health care organizations are obliged to provide information on HIV
p.(None): researchers, HIV-infected persons, as well as health care providers
p.(None): security measures necessary for the performance of duties and
p.(None): conditions, as prescribed by the authorized state body.
p.(None): (Article 12 edited 11.10.00 by HO-92, 19.03.09 by HO-63-N, amended by 03.10.11 by HO-257-N)
p.(None): When receiving or providing medical care and services with HIV
p.(None): Article 13
p.(None): the right to compensation for harm caused to infected persons
p.(None): HIV infection when receiving or providing medical care and services
p.(None): in this case, the persons have the right to compensation for the damage caused to Armenia
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): CHAPTER 4:
p.(None): AND DUTIES
p.(None): Article 14. The rights of persons infected with HIV
p.(None): HIV-infected persons have the right to:
p.(None): a) obtain written information on the results of the research;
p.(None): b) to receive non-discriminatory treatment;
p.(None): c) Request medical confidentiality except for Armenia
p.(None): Cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic:
p.(None): d) continue working except for the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): cases specified by:
p.(None): e) Get appropriate counseling, get acquainted with HIV prevention
p.(None): for precautionary measures.


Health / Motherhood/Family

Searching for indicator family:

(return to top)
p.(None): for employees providing diagnostics and treatment, as well as for those workers,
p.(None): whose work relates to HIV-containing substances is defined
p.(None): a) salary surplus;
p.(None): b) shortened working day;
p.(None): c) additional remuneration;
p.(None): d) additional leave.
p.(None): The conditions and procedure for granting the above-mentioned privileges are set by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.
p.(None): Health care organizations are obliged to provide information on HIV
p.(None): researchers, HIV-infected persons, as well as health care providers
p.(None): security measures necessary for the performance of duties and
p.(None): conditions, as prescribed by the authorized state body.
p.(None): (Article 12 edited 11.10.00 by HO-92, 19.03.09 by HO-63-N, amended by 03.10.11 by HO-257-N)
p.(None): When receiving or providing medical care and services with HIV
p.(None): Article 13
p.(None): the right to compensation for harm caused to infected persons
p.(None): HIV infection when receiving or providing medical care and services
p.(None): in this case, the persons have the right to compensation for the damage caused to Armenia
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): CHAPTER 4:
p.(None): AND DUTIES
p.(None): Article 14. The rights of persons infected with HIV
p.(None): HIV-infected persons have the right to:
p.(None): a) obtain written information on the results of the research;
p.(None): b) to receive non-discriminatory treatment;
p.(None): c) Request medical confidentiality except for Armenia
p.(None): Cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic:
p.(None): d) continue working except for the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): cases specified by:
p.(None): e) Get appropriate counseling, get acquainted with HIV prevention
p.(None): for precautionary measures.
p.(None): HIV-infected persons cannot be without their written consent
p.(None): The object of scientific experiments and research.
p.(None): HIV-infected children and their parents (legal)
p.(None): Article 15
p.(None): Representatives) rights
p.(None): Children under the age of 18 with HIV use up to 18 years of age
p.(None): for children with disabilities established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): rights.

Health / Pregnant

Searching for indicator pregnant:

(return to top)
p.(None): except as provided for in Article 11 of this Law.
p.(None): Persons who should inject blood, blood components or biologics
p.(None): fluids, transplanted organs and tissues, may require twice as much
p.(None): laboratory testing to detect HIV.
p.(None): Laboratory research on HIV is combined with pre-test and
p.(None): with post-treatment counseling.
p.(None): Examination of children under 14 years of age shall be performed by law
p.(None): by the request or consent of their legal representatives, and 14-18
p.(None): children under the age of one upon their request or consent, except by law
p.(None): foreseen cases.
p.(None): (Article 10 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 11. Groups to be tested for HIV
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Mandatory medical consultation and research are subject to:
p.(None): (a) donors of blood, biological fluids, tissues and organs;
p.(None): b) Children born to mothers with HIV.
p.(None): HIV counseling and research by health care providers
p.(None): is provided,
p.(None): a) pregnant women;
p.(None): b) sexually transmitted infections;
p.(None): c) drug addicts;
p.(None): (d) detainees and convicts.
p.(None): All population groups have the right to volunteer for HIV
p.(None): consulting and research.
p.(None): The state body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia shall determine
p.(None): consultation and research as set forth in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Article
p.(None): categories except paragraph 2 (d).
p.(None): (Article 11 amended by HO-92 of 11.10.00, edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09, amended by HO-181-N of 11 September 12)
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Social of persons at risk of HIV infection
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): protection in the field of work
p.(None): Persons infected with HIV from businesses, institutions and organizations
p.(None): for employees providing diagnostics and treatment, as well as for those workers,
p.(None): whose work relates to HIV-containing substances is defined
p.(None): a) salary surplus;
p.(None): b) shortened working day;
p.(None): c) additional remuneration;

Health / addiction

Searching for indicator addicts:

(return to top)
p.(None): laboratory testing to detect HIV.
p.(None): Laboratory research on HIV is combined with pre-test and
p.(None): with post-treatment counseling.
p.(None): Examination of children under 14 years of age shall be performed by law
p.(None): by the request or consent of their legal representatives, and 14-18
p.(None): children under the age of one upon their request or consent, except by law
p.(None): foreseen cases.
p.(None): (Article 10 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 11. Groups to be tested for HIV
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Mandatory medical consultation and research are subject to:
p.(None): (a) donors of blood, biological fluids, tissues and organs;
p.(None): b) Children born to mothers with HIV.
p.(None): HIV counseling and research by health care providers
p.(None): is provided,
p.(None): a) pregnant women;
p.(None): b) sexually transmitted infections;
p.(None): c) drug addicts;
p.(None): (d) detainees and convicts.
p.(None): All population groups have the right to volunteer for HIV
p.(None): consulting and research.
p.(None): The state body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia shall determine
p.(None): consultation and research as set forth in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Article
p.(None): categories except paragraph 2 (d).
p.(None): (Article 11 amended by HO-92 of 11.10.00, edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09, amended by HO-181-N of 11 September 12)
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Social of persons at risk of HIV infection
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): protection in the field of work
p.(None): Persons infected with HIV from businesses, institutions and organizations
p.(None): for employees providing diagnostics and treatment, as well as for those workers,
p.(None): whose work relates to HIV-containing substances is defined
p.(None): a) salary surplus;
p.(None): b) shortened working day;
p.(None): c) additional remuneration;
p.(None): d) additional leave.
p.(None): The conditions and procedure for granting the above-mentioned privileges are set by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.

Social / Age

Searching for indicator age:

(return to top)
p.(None): persons enter the Republic of Armenia for treatment in accordance with
p.(None): in the order established by law.
p.(None): (Article 8 supplemented by HO-32, 09.02.00, edited HO-63-N, 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 9. International Treaties
p.(None): Unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Republic of Armenia,
p.(None): The provisions of international treaties shall apply as provided by this Law.
p.(None): CHAPTER 2:
p.(None): Medical examinations conducted for HIV detection
p.(None): Article 10. Laboratory research
p.(None): Laboratory tests for HIV are being conducted
p.(None): Licensed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in health care companies (regardless of form of ownership).
p.(None): HIV AIDS WHO Positive Results of Laboratory Testing
p.(None): Repeated examination is mandatory.
p.(None): Laboratory HIV testing is voluntary and anonymous
p.(None): except as provided for in Article 11 of this Law.
p.(None): Persons who should inject blood, blood components or biologics
p.(None): fluids, transplanted organs and tissues, may require twice as much
p.(None): laboratory testing to detect HIV.
p.(None): Laboratory research on HIV is combined with pre-test and
p.(None): with post-treatment counseling.
p.(None): Examination of children under 14 years of age shall be performed by law
p.(None): by the request or consent of their legal representatives, and 14-18
p.(None): children under the age of one upon their request or consent, except by law
p.(None): foreseen cases.
p.(None): (Article 10 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 11. Groups to be tested for HIV
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Mandatory medical consultation and research are subject to:
p.(None): (a) donors of blood, biological fluids, tissues and organs;
p.(None): b) Children born to mothers with HIV.
p.(None): HIV counseling and research by health care providers
p.(None): is provided,
p.(None): a) pregnant women;
p.(None): b) sexually transmitted infections;
p.(None): c) drug addicts;
p.(None): (d) detainees and convicts.
p.(None): All population groups have the right to volunteer for HIV
p.(None): consulting and research.
p.(None): The state body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia shall determine
p.(None): consultation and research as set forth in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Article
p.(None): categories except paragraph 2 (d).
p.(None): (Article 11 amended by HO-92 of 11.10.00, edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09, amended by HO-181-N of 11 September 12)
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:

p.(None): in this case, the persons have the right to compensation for the damage caused to Armenia
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): CHAPTER 4:
p.(None): AND DUTIES
p.(None): Article 14. The rights of persons infected with HIV
p.(None): HIV-infected persons have the right to:
p.(None): a) obtain written information on the results of the research;
p.(None): b) to receive non-discriminatory treatment;
p.(None): c) Request medical confidentiality except for Armenia
p.(None): Cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic:
p.(None): d) continue working except for the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): cases specified by:
p.(None): e) Get appropriate counseling, get acquainted with HIV prevention
p.(None): for precautionary measures.
p.(None): HIV-infected persons cannot be without their written consent
p.(None): The object of scientific experiments and research.
p.(None): HIV-infected children and their parents (legal)
p.(None): Article 15
p.(None): Representatives) rights
p.(None): Children under the age of 18 with HIV use up to 18 years of age
p.(None): for children with disabilities established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): rights.
p.(None): The parents (legal representatives) of a child infected with HIV have the right to:
p.(None): a) stay with the child in the hospital during that time off, and
p.(None): receive benefits for the child and for them;
p.(None): (b) to take an annual leave at their convenient time.
p.(None): Getting rid of HIV to care for a child infected with HIV
p.(None): period is recorded as work experience.
p.(None): (Article 15 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 16. Obligations of a person infected with HIV
p.(None): A person infected with HIV or its legal representative is obliged to do so
p.(None): Approved by the authorized state body excluding HIV
p.(None): precautionary measures.
p.(None): (Article 16 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): CHAPTER 5:
p.(None): Article 17. Liability for Violation of this Law
p.(None): Persons violating this law, as well as businesses, institutions and others
p.(None): The organizations are responsible for the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the legislation:
p.(None): Article 18. Entry into Force of the Law

Social / Child

Searching for indicator child:

(return to top)
p.(None): a) obtain written information on the results of the research;
p.(None): b) to receive non-discriminatory treatment;
p.(None): c) Request medical confidentiality except for Armenia
p.(None): Cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic:


Searching for indicator children:

(return to top)
p.(None): Foreign citizens infected with HIV, as well as stateless persons
p.(None): persons enter the Republic of Armenia for treatment in accordance with
p.(None): in the order established by law.
p.(None): (Article 8 supplemented by HO-32, 09.02.00, edited HO-63-N, 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 9. International Treaties
p.(None): Unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Republic of Armenia,
p.(None): The provisions of international treaties shall apply as provided by this Law.
p.(None): CHAPTER 2:
p.(None): Medical examinations conducted for HIV detection
p.(None): Article 10. Laboratory research
p.(None): Laboratory tests for HIV are being conducted
p.(None): Licensed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): in health care companies (regardless of form of ownership).
p.(None): HIV AIDS WHO Positive Results of Laboratory Testing
p.(None): Repeated examination is mandatory.
p.(None): Laboratory HIV testing is voluntary and anonymous
p.(None): except as provided for in Article 11 of this Law.
p.(None): Persons who should inject blood, blood components or biologics
p.(None): fluids, transplanted organs and tissues, may require twice as much
p.(None): laboratory testing to detect HIV.
p.(None): Laboratory research on HIV is combined with pre-test and
p.(None): with post-treatment counseling.
p.(None): Examination of children under 14 years of age shall be performed by law
p.(None): by the request or consent of their legal representatives, and 14-18
p.(None): children under the age of one upon their request or consent, except by law
p.(None): foreseen cases.
p.(None): (Article 10 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 11. Groups to be tested for HIV
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Mandatory medical consultation and research are subject to:
p.(None): (a) donors of blood, biological fluids, tissues and organs;
p.(None): b) Children born to mothers with HIV.
p.(None): HIV counseling and research by health care providers
p.(None): is provided,
p.(None): a) pregnant women;
p.(None): b) sexually transmitted infections;
p.(None): c) drug addicts;
p.(None): (d) detainees and convicts.
p.(None): All population groups have the right to volunteer for HIV
p.(None): consulting and research.
p.(None): The state body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia shall determine
p.(None): consultation and research as set forth in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Article
p.(None): categories except paragraph 2 (d).
p.(None): (Article 11 amended by HO-92 of 11.10.00, edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09, amended by HO-181-N of 11 September 12)
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Social of persons at risk of HIV infection
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): protection in the field of work
p.(None): Persons infected with HIV from businesses, institutions and organizations

p.(None): Article 13
p.(None): the right to compensation for harm caused to infected persons
p.(None): HIV infection when receiving or providing medical care and services
p.(None): in this case, the persons have the right to compensation for the damage caused to Armenia
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): CHAPTER 4:
p.(None): AND DUTIES
p.(None): Article 14. The rights of persons infected with HIV
p.(None): HIV-infected persons have the right to:
p.(None): a) obtain written information on the results of the research;
p.(None): b) to receive non-discriminatory treatment;
p.(None): c) Request medical confidentiality except for Armenia
p.(None): Cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic:
p.(None): d) continue working except for the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): cases specified by:
p.(None): e) Get appropriate counseling, get acquainted with HIV prevention
p.(None): for precautionary measures.
p.(None): HIV-infected persons cannot be without their written consent
p.(None): The object of scientific experiments and research.
p.(None): HIV-infected children and their parents (legal)
p.(None): Article 15
p.(None): Representatives) rights
p.(None): Children under the age of 18 with HIV use up to 18 years of age
p.(None): for children with disabilities established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): rights.
p.(None): The parents (legal representatives) of a child infected with HIV have the right to:
p.(None): a) stay with the child in the hospital during that time off, and
p.(None): receive benefits for the child and for them;
p.(None): (b) to take an annual leave at their convenient time.
p.(None): Getting rid of HIV to care for a child infected with HIV
p.(None): period is recorded as work experience.
p.(None): (Article 15 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 16. Obligations of a person infected with HIV
p.(None): A person infected with HIV or its legal representative is obliged to do so
p.(None): Approved by the authorized state body excluding HIV
p.(None): precautionary measures.
p.(None): (Article 16 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): CHAPTER 5:
p.(None): Article 17. Liability for Violation of this Law
p.(None): Persons violating this law, as well as businesses, institutions and others
p.(None): The organizations are responsible for the Republic of Armenia

Social / Mothers

Searching for indicator mothers:

(return to top)
p.(None): in health care companies (regardless of form of ownership).
p.(None): HIV AIDS WHO Positive Results of Laboratory Testing
p.(None): Repeated examination is mandatory.
p.(None): Laboratory HIV testing is voluntary and anonymous
p.(None): except as provided for in Article 11 of this Law.
p.(None): Persons who should inject blood, blood components or biologics
p.(None): fluids, transplanted organs and tissues, may require twice as much
p.(None): laboratory testing to detect HIV.
p.(None): Laboratory research on HIV is combined with pre-test and
p.(None): with post-treatment counseling.
p.(None): Examination of children under 14 years of age shall be performed by law
p.(None): by the request or consent of their legal representatives, and 14-18
p.(None): children under the age of one upon their request or consent, except by law
p.(None): foreseen cases.
p.(None): (Article 10 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 11. Groups to be tested for HIV
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Mandatory medical consultation and research are subject to:
p.(None): (a) donors of blood, biological fluids, tissues and organs;
p.(None): b) Children born to mothers with HIV.
p.(None): HIV counseling and research by health care providers
p.(None): is provided,
p.(None): a) pregnant women;
p.(None): b) sexually transmitted infections;
p.(None): c) drug addicts;
p.(None): (d) detainees and convicts.
p.(None): All population groups have the right to volunteer for HIV
p.(None): consulting and research.
p.(None): The state body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia shall determine
p.(None): consultation and research as set forth in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Article
p.(None): categories except paragraph 2 (d).
p.(None): (Article 11 amended by HO-92 of 11.10.00, edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09, amended by HO-181-N of 11 September 12)
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Social of persons at risk of HIV infection
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): protection in the field of work
p.(None): Persons infected with HIV from businesses, institutions and organizations

Social / Women

Searching for indicator women:

(return to top)
p.(None): except as provided for in Article 11 of this Law.
p.(None): Persons who should inject blood, blood components or biologics
p.(None): fluids, transplanted organs and tissues, may require twice as much
p.(None): laboratory testing to detect HIV.
p.(None): Laboratory research on HIV is combined with pre-test and
p.(None): with post-treatment counseling.
p.(None): Examination of children under 14 years of age shall be performed by law
p.(None): by the request or consent of their legal representatives, and 14-18
p.(None): children under the age of one upon their request or consent, except by law
p.(None): foreseen cases.
p.(None): (Article 10 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 11. Groups to be tested for HIV
p.(None): (title edited 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Mandatory medical consultation and research are subject to:
p.(None): (a) donors of blood, biological fluids, tissues and organs;
p.(None): b) Children born to mothers with HIV.
p.(None): HIV counseling and research by health care providers
p.(None): is provided,
p.(None): a) pregnant women;
p.(None): b) sexually transmitted infections;
p.(None): c) drug addicts;
p.(None): (d) detainees and convicts.
p.(None): All population groups have the right to volunteer for HIV
p.(None): consulting and research.
p.(None): The state body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia shall determine
p.(None): consultation and research as set forth in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Article
p.(None): categories except paragraph 2 (d).
p.(None): (Article 11 amended by HO-92 of 11.10.00, edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09, amended by HO-181-N of 11 September 12)
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Social of persons at risk of HIV infection
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): protection in the field of work
p.(None): Persons infected with HIV from businesses, institutions and organizations
p.(None): for employees providing diagnostics and treatment, as well as for those workers,
p.(None): whose work relates to HIV-containing substances is defined
p.(None): a) salary surplus;
p.(None): b) shortened working day;
p.(None): c) additional remuneration;
p.(None): d) additional leave.

Social / education

Searching for indicator education:

(return to top)
p.(None): human immune system and leads to the syndrome of immune deficiency
p.(None): emergence and development;
p.(None): HIV - a long-term chronic infectious disease that causes HIV
p.(None): g.
p.(None): Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - Disease,
p.(None): which develops in people infected with HIV is considered to be the last of HIV infection
p.(None): stage, characterized by impaired immune system activity, as a result of which
p.(None): the body becomes immune to various infectious and oncological diseases
p.(None): towards.
p.(None): A person infected with HIV - a person whose body has been found immune to humans
p.(None): malaria virus or antibodies to the virus. With HIV
p.(None): The infected person, having no external symptoms of the syndrome, is considered to be the source of the infection;
p.(None): AIDS patient - a person who has a human immunodeficiency virus
p.(None): due to profound disruption of the immune system and its consequence
p.(None): pathological manifestations.
p.(None): (Article 1 edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 2. AIDS Prevention Service
p.(None): HIV / AIDS prevention is implemented in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): state and local self-government bodies in accordance with the law
p.(None): as well as health, education, and so on
p.(None): other organizations (regardless of organizational-legal form) of Armenia
p.(None): Within the limits of the powers vested in them by the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): HIV / AIDS prevention and monitoring of the population of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): AIDS prevention is in place in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): the Republican Center (hereinafter referred to as AIDS CSO).
p.(None): Funding for HIV prevention and allocation
p.(None): the state body authorized for effective use shall develop the state
p.(None): a targeted program approved by the government.
p.(None): Physical and legal persons may participate in the fight against HIV / AIDS
p.(None): persons (including foreign nationals, stateless persons,
p.(None): foreign and international organizations), benefactors (physical and
p.(None): legal entities, including foreign nationals, stateless
p.(None): persons, foreign and international charities).
p.(None): (Article 2 edited 11.10.00 HO-92, 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Article 3. Scope of this Law
p.(None): This law applies to the citizens of the Republic of Armenia, Armenia
p.(None): Foreign Citizens and Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): non-persons (hereinafter referred to as persons), as well as in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): operating enterprises, institutions and organizations (independent of ownership)
p.(None): form).
p.(None): Authorities of the Government of the Republic of Armenia for AIDS
p.(None): Article 4
p.(None): in the field of prevention
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia:

Searching for indicator educational:

(return to top)
p.(None): persons (including foreign nationals, stateless persons,
p.(None): foreign and international organizations), benefactors (physical and
p.(None): legal entities, including foreign nationals, stateless
p.(None): persons, foreign and international charities).
p.(None): (Article 2 edited 11.10.00 HO-92, 19.03.09 HO-63-N)
p.(None): Article 3. Scope of this Law
p.(None): This law applies to the citizens of the Republic of Armenia, Armenia
p.(None): Foreign Citizens and Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): non-persons (hereinafter referred to as persons), as well as in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): operating enterprises, institutions and organizations (independent of ownership)
p.(None): form).
p.(None): Authorities of the Government of the Republic of Armenia for AIDS
p.(None): Article 4
p.(None): in the field of prevention
p.(None): The Government of the Republic of Armenia:
p.(None): a) Regularly informs the population about AIDS prevention measures
p.(None): about.
p.(None): b) Implements AIDS epidemic control in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): through authorized state bodies in the area;
p.(None): c) Approves HIV and AIDS infected persons in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): Targeted quality specialized medical care and services for patients
p.(None): programs:
p.(None): d) Provides conditions for scientific and practical AIDS research;
p.(None): e) Conduct moral and sexual upbringing of adolescents
p.(None): activities, including thematic issues related to HIV / AIDS prevention
p.(None): through inclusion in educational programs;
p.(None): f) Creates conditions for training of staff in the field of AIDS prevention
p.(None): for.
p.(None): g) in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): exchanges information on HIV and AIDS prevalence.
p.(None): h) Approves the treatment of foreign citizens infected with HIV
p.(None): Procedure of Entering the Republic of Armenia:
p.(None): i) Develops and implements HIV / AIDS in the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): interdepartmental measures to prevent HIV infection
p.(None): within the state targeted program:
p.(None): j) Provides medical services for the detection of HIV infection
p.(None): access to research, including anonymous HIV
p.(None): research combined with pre-test and post-test counseling
p.(None): with provision. Procedure for providing pre-post and post-post consultation
p.(None): designated by the authorized state body;
p.(None): k) Establishes HIV / AIDS detainees and convicts
p.(None): pre-test and post-test counseling by health care providers;
p.(None): procedure for conducting the research.
p.(None): (Article 4 supplemented by HO-32 on 09.02.00 HO-63-N, 19.03.09 HO-181-N, 11.09.12
p.(None): Article 5. Financing AIDS Prevention and Treatment Programs
p.(None): State funding for AIDS prevention and treatment programs is seen as
p.(None): priority given to the life and health of society as well as individuals
p.(None): the need to ensure security.

Social / employees

Searching for indicator employees:

(return to top)
p.(None): HIV counseling and research by health care providers
p.(None): is provided,
p.(None): a) pregnant women;
p.(None): b) sexually transmitted infections;
p.(None): c) drug addicts;
p.(None): (d) detainees and convicts.
p.(None): All population groups have the right to volunteer for HIV
p.(None): consulting and research.
p.(None): The state body authorized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia shall determine
p.(None): consultation and research as set forth in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Article
p.(None): categories except paragraph 2 (d).
p.(None): (Article 11 amended by HO-92 of 11.10.00, edited by HO-63-N of 19.03.09, amended by HO-181-N of 11 September 12)
p.(None): CHAPTER 3:
p.(None): Social of persons at risk of HIV infection
p.(None): Article 12
p.(None): protection in the field of work
p.(None): Persons infected with HIV from businesses, institutions and organizations
p.(None): for employees providing diagnostics and treatment, as well as for those workers,
p.(None): whose work relates to HIV-containing substances is defined
p.(None): a) salary surplus;
p.(None): b) shortened working day;
p.(None): c) additional remuneration;
p.(None): d) additional leave.
p.(None): The conditions and procedure for granting the above-mentioned privileges are set by Armenia
p.(None): Government of the Republic.
p.(None): Health care organizations are obliged to provide information on HIV
p.(None): researchers, HIV-infected persons, as well as health care providers
p.(None): security measures necessary for the performance of duties and
p.(None): conditions, as prescribed by the authorized state body.
p.(None): (Article 12 edited 11.10.00 by HO-92, 19.03.09 by HO-63-N, amended by 03.10.11 by HO-257-N)
p.(None): When receiving or providing medical care and services with HIV
p.(None): Article 13
p.(None): the right to compensation for harm caused to infected persons
p.(None): HIV infection when receiving or providing medical care and services
p.(None): in this case, the persons have the right to compensation for the damage caused to Armenia
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): CHAPTER 4:
p.(None): AND DUTIES
p.(None): Article 14. The rights of persons infected with HIV

Social / parents

Searching for indicator parents:

(return to top)
p.(None): Article 13
p.(None): the right to compensation for harm caused to infected persons
p.(None): HIV infection when receiving or providing medical care and services
p.(None): in this case, the persons have the right to compensation for the damage caused to Armenia
p.(None): In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic.
p.(None): CHAPTER 4:
p.(None): AND DUTIES
p.(None): Article 14. The rights of persons infected with HIV
p.(None): HIV-infected persons have the right to:
p.(None): a) obtain written information on the results of the research;
p.(None): b) to receive non-discriminatory treatment;
p.(None): c) Request medical confidentiality except for Armenia
p.(None): Cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic:
p.(None): d) continue working except for the Government of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): cases specified by:
p.(None): e) Get appropriate counseling, get acquainted with HIV prevention
p.(None): for precautionary measures.
p.(None): HIV-infected persons cannot be without their written consent
p.(None): The object of scientific experiments and research.
p.(None): HIV-infected children and their parents (legal)
p.(None): Article 15
p.(None): Representatives) rights
p.(None): Children under the age of 18 with HIV use up to 18 years of age
p.(None): for children with disabilities established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): rights.
p.(None): The parents (legal representatives) of a child infected with HIV have the right to:
p.(None): a) stay with the child in the hospital during that time off, and
p.(None): receive benefits for the child and for them;
p.(None): (b) to take an annual leave at their convenient time.
p.(None): Getting rid of HIV to care for a child infected with HIV
p.(None): period is recorded as work experience.
p.(None): (Article 15 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): Article 16. Obligations of a person infected with HIV
p.(None): A person infected with HIV or its legal representative is obliged to do so
p.(None): Approved by the authorized state body excluding HIV
p.(None): precautionary measures.
p.(None): (Article 16 amended by HO-63-N of 19.03.09)
p.(None): CHAPTER 5:
p.(None): Article 17. Liability for Violation of this Law
p.(None): Persons violating this law, as well as businesses, institutions and others
p.(None): The organizations are responsible for the Republic of Armenia
p.(None): according to the legislation:
p.(None): Article 18. Entry into Force of the Law
p.(None): This law shall enter into force upon its promulgation.
p.(None): Republic of Armenia
p.(None): President:
p.(None): L. Ter-Petrosyan
p.(None): Yerevan:
p.(None): February 15, 1997

General/Other / Relationship to Authority

Searching for indicator authority:

(return to top)
p.(None): Issue HO-103 Type Incorporation
p.(None): Type Law Status Available:
p.(None): Source ASA 1997.02.28 / 3 Place of Reception Yerevan
p.(None): Adoption body Date of adoption: 03.02.1997
p.(None): Signing body President of the Republic of Armenia Date of signature 15.02.1997
p.(None): Certifying Authority Date of ratification
p.(None): Effective Date 28.02.1997 Effective Date
p.(None): Modifiers and incorporations
p.(None): LAW:
p.(None): Adopted by the National Assembly
p.(None): To the President of the Republic
p.(None): with objections and suggestions
p.(None): February 3, 1997
p.(None): HUMAN Immune Deficiency Virus - Disease
p.(None): This law defines a human immunodeficiency virus
p.(None): procedures for disease prevention, diagnosis and control, such as:
p.(None): as well as the prevention of disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus
p.(None): organizational, legal, economic and financial basis.
p.(None): CHAPTER 1
p.(None): Article 1. Basic Concepts Used in this Law
p.(None): The following basic concepts are used in this law:
p.(None): human immunodeficiency virus (hereinafter referred to as HIV) - a virus that infects
p.(None): human immune system and leads to the syndrome of immune deficiency
p.(None): emergence and development;
p.(None): HIV - a long-term chronic infectious disease that causes HIV
p.(None): g.
p.(None): Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - Disease,
p.(None): which develops in people infected with HIV is considered to be the last of HIV infection
p.(None): stage, characterized by impaired immune system activity, as a result of which
p.(None): the body becomes immune to various infectious and oncological diseases
p.(None): towards.

Orphaned Trigger Words


Indicator List

authorityRelationship to Authority
convictsCriminal Convictions
drugDrug Usage
impairedCognitive Impairment
statelessstateless persons

Indicator Peers (Indicators in Same Vulnerability)


Trigger Words






Applicable Type / Vulnerability / Indicator Overlay for this Input

Vulnerability TypeVulnerabilityIndicator# Matches
PoliticalCriminal Convictionsconvicts2
Politicalstateless personsstateless5
HealthCognitive Impairmentimpaired1
HealthDrug Usagedrug1
General/OtherRelationship to Authorityauthority1