Medical Profession Act, Articles 21-29
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Peer Indicators (that share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in pink; |
"Outside" Indicators (those that do NOT share the same Vulnerability association) are shown highlighted in green; |
Trigger Words/Phrases are shown highlighted in gray. |
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Political / Illegal Activity
Searching for indicator crime:
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p.(None): Medical-Dental Final Exam with a positive result - in the case of persons referred to in art. 5 paragraph 3, 4
p.(None): and 6, or
p.(None): 2) referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 and 2 - in the case of persons referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and point
p.(None): 2 lit. c, or
p.(None): 3) specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and points 3-5 and in para. 2 and in art. 5a item 1 or item 2 or item 3 - in
p.(None): in the case of persons referred to in art. 5a, or
p.(None): 4) specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and points 3-5 and in para. 2 and in art. 5b paragraph 1 point 1 or point 2 or point
p.(None): 3 or point 4 or point 4a or point 5 - in the case of persons referred to in art. 5b, or
p.(None): 5) specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and points 3-5 and in para. 2 and in art. 5c paragraph 1 - in the case of persons,
p.(None): referred to in art. 5c.
p.(None): 2. To be sufficient to meet the requirements:
p.(None): 04/10/2020
p.(None): © Chancellery of the Sejm
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p.(None): 1) referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 3 - submitting the following statement is considered:
p.(None): "Aware of criminal liability for submitting a false statement, I certify that I have full
p.(None): legal capacity. " The statement should also include the surname and first name of the doctor or physician
p.(None): dentist, placement and date of the declaration and signature of the doctor or dentist;
p.(None): 2) referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 5 - submitting the following statement is considered:
p.(None): "Aware of criminal liability for submitting a false statement, I declare that I have not been
p.(None): punished for intentional crime or intentional tax offense and that no proceedings are pending against me
p.(None): criminal in a case of intentionally committed crime or tax offense, and that they do not occur
p.(None): circumstances that, in accordance with the Code of Medical Ethics and other legal provisions, within the meaning of the requirement
p.(None): specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 5 of the Act of December 5, 1996 on the professions of physician and dentist,
p.(None): could affect the exercise of the profession of doctor or dentist in the territory of the Republic of Poland. "
p.(None): The statement should also include the surname and first name of the doctor, place marking and date of submitting the statement and
p.(None): doctor's signature.
p.(None): 3) (repealed)
p.(None): 2a. Confirmation of compliance with the requirement referred to in art. 5 paragraph 2, is submission with a positive result
p.(None): Polish language exam, referred to in art. 7 item 3. The requirement to pass the Polish language exam does not apply
p.(None): persons who completed medical studies in Polish, as well as persons who have citizenship
p.(None): Polish or citizenship of a Member State of the European Union and present a document confirming the knowledge
p.(None): Polish language, listed in the list referred to in paragraph 2b.
p.(None): 2b. The minister competent for health will announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', a list of documents confirming knowledge of the Polish language.
p.(None): 3. In the case of a physician or dentist of a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, the District Council
p.(None): medical, to meet the requirement referred to in Article. 5 paragraph 1 point 5, considers it sufficient
p.(None): presentation of documents issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
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p.(None): European Union other than the Republic of Poland, confirming that the attitude requirements are met
p.(None): ethical physician and that he is not punished and has not been suspended or deprived of his right
p.(None): practicing a profession due to serious professional misconduct or crime. If the competent state authorities
p.(None): of a European Union Member State other than the Republic of Poland do not issue such documents, shall apply
p.(None): the provision of paragraph 2 point 2.
p.(None): 4. Document confirming the fulfillment of the requirement specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 4 is the decision on
p.(None): health condition allowing the practicing of the profession of doctor or dentist within the scope specified in art. 2, issued
p.(None): by a doctor authorized under the provisions of the medical examination of employees in the field of
p.(None): preventive healthcare for employees and decisions issued for the purposes provided for in the Code
p.(None): work.
p.(None): 5. In the case of a citizen of a European Union Member State, it is sufficient to the extent
p.(None): meeting the requirement specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 4 documents referring to
p.(None): physical or mental health required for the medical profession or dental practitioner in the country concerned
p.(None): member states of the European Union. Where such documents are not issued by the country from which
p.(None): the doctor or dentist arrives, the relevant certificate issued by the competent authorities is sufficient
p.(None): this country.
p.(None): 6. In order to obtain the right to practice the profession referred to in art. 5 paragraph 7, doctor or physician
p.(None): the dentist presents the regional medical council in which he intends to do post-graduate internships, documents
p.(None): confirming compliance with the requirements referred to in:
p.(None): medical and dental practice, voivods and regional medical councils.
p.(None): 3. A person convicted by a final judgment of a court cannot be a member of the Examination Board
p.(None): intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional fiscal offense.
p.(None): 4. The chairman of the Examination Board is a person appointed by the director of CEM.
p.(None): 5. In order to conduct LEK and LDEK at agreed times and places, the director of CEM shall appoint from among
p.(None): members of the Examination Board Examination Teams.
p.(None): 6. A member of the Examination Team may not be a person in relation to whom the candidate to submit a LEK or
p.(None): LDEK in this Examination Team is:
p.(None): 1) his spouse;
p.(None): 2) a person in relation to him:
p.(None): a) relationship or affinity to the second degree,
p.(None): b) adoption;
p.(None): 3) a person living together with him;
p.(None): 4) a person in relation to him in a business relationship.
p.(None): 7. The reasons for exclusion referred to in par. 6 points 1 and 2 continue despite the termination of marriage or adoption.
p.(None): 8. Members of the Examination Team before the start of LEK or LDEK shall submit to the CEM director a written statement,
p.(None): under pain of criminal liability that they do not remain with any of the applicants for LEK or LDEK before that
p.(None): The Examination Team in the relation referred to in par. 6, and they did not stay
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): convicted by a final judgment of a court for a deliberate offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional crime
p.(None): Treasury. The person submitting the statement is obliged to include the following clause in it: "I am
p.(None): aware of the criminal liability for making a false declaration. " This clause replaces the instruction
p.(None): a criminal liability authority for making false statements.
p.(None): 9. The CEM Director shall dismiss a member of the Examination Board in the event of:
p.(None): 1) resignation;
p.(None): 2) illness preventing him from performing the function of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 3) failure to perform or improper performance of the duties of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 4) conviction by a final judgment of a court for an intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional
p.(None): tax offense;
p.(None): 5) submitting a false statement referred to in para. 8.
p.(None): 10. Members of the Examination Teams referred to in para. 5, and the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2
p.(None): entitled:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for participation in the works of this Team or committee, in an amount not exceeding PLN 500 for
p.(None): Chairman and not more than PLN 300 for a member;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1040, 1043 and 1495) entitled to employees from
p.(None): title of business trip within the country;
Political / Prosecuted
Searching for indicator prosecuted:
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p.(None): 9. In the event of failure to pay the fee referred to in para. 8, or to lodge it in an amount lower than due,
p.(None): the director of CEM calls on the applicant to fill the formal deficiencies by means of SMK or
p.(None): electronic means of communication, using the e-mail address provided by
p.(None): the applicant in the application referred to in paragraph 7 point 6. The provision of art. 64 of the Act of June 14, 1960 -
p.(None): The Code of Administrative Procedure does not apply. If the formal deficiencies are not completed on time
p.(None): 7 days from the date of the request, the affected application to LEK or LDEK is treated as not filed. ABOUT
p.(None): consequently, the director of CEM informs in the call to make up for formal deficiencies.
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p.(None): 10. The director of CEM shall notify the applicant of the place and time of the LEK or LDEK and
p.(None): given code number. The notification is sent via SMK or electronic means of communication to the address
p.(None): electronic mail indicated by the applicant in the application referred to in paragraph 7 point 6, no later than 14
p.(None): days before the date of the given LEK or LDEK.
p.(None): Art. 14b. 1. LEK and LDEK shall be submitted to the Examination Board.
p.(None): 2. The members of the Examination Board shall be appointed and dismissed by the director of CEM. Candidates for the Examination Board
p.(None): report by the director of CEM, rectors of universities providing medical education or
p.(None): medical and dental practice, voivods and regional medical councils.
p.(None): 3. A person convicted by a final judgment of a court cannot be a member of the Examination Board
p.(None): intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional fiscal offense.
p.(None): 4. The chairman of the Examination Board is a person appointed by the director of CEM.
p.(None): 5. In order to conduct LEK and LDEK at agreed times and places, the director of CEM shall appoint from among
p.(None): members of the Examination Board Examination Teams.
p.(None): 6. A member of the Examination Team may not be a person in relation to whom the candidate to submit a LEK or
p.(None): LDEK in this Examination Team is:
p.(None): 1) his spouse;
p.(None): 2) a person in relation to him:
p.(None): a) relationship or affinity to the second degree,
p.(None): b) adoption;
p.(None): 3) a person living together with him;
p.(None): 4) a person in relation to him in a business relationship.
p.(None): 7. The reasons for exclusion referred to in par. 6 points 1 and 2 continue despite the termination of marriage or adoption.
p.(None): 8. Members of the Examination Team before the start of LEK or LDEK shall submit to the CEM director a written statement,
p.(None): under pain of criminal liability that they do not remain with any of the applicants for LEK or LDEK before that
p.(None): The Examination Team in the relation referred to in par. 6, and they did not stay
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): convicted by a final judgment of a court for a deliberate offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional crime
p.(None): Treasury. The person submitting the statement is obliged to include the following clause in it: "I am
p.(None): aware of the criminal liability for making a false declaration. " This clause replaces the instruction
p.(None): a criminal liability authority for making false statements.
p.(None): 9. The CEM Director shall dismiss a member of the Examination Board in the event of:
p.(None): 1) resignation;
p.(None): 2) illness preventing him from performing the function of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 3) failure to perform or improper performance of the duties of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 4) conviction by a final judgment of a court for an intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional
p.(None): tax offense;
p.(None): 5) submitting a false statement referred to in para. 8.
p.(None): 10. Members of the Examination Teams referred to in para. 5, and the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2
p.(None): entitled:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for participation in the works of this Team or committee, in an amount not exceeding PLN 500 for
p.(None): Chairman and not more than PLN 300 for a member;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1040, 1043 and 1495) entitled to employees from
p.(None): title of business trip within the country;
p.(None): 3) dismissal from work on the day of performing the activities of the Examination Team referred to in par. 5, or
p.(None): the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2, without retaining the right to remuneration when organizing
p.(None): LEK or LDEK on a business day.
p.(None): 11. The detailed manner of payment of remuneration referred to in para. 10 point 1 and the reimbursement of costs referred to in para.
p.(None): 10 point 2, is determined by way of an ordinance, the director of CEM.
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p.(None): Art. 14c. 1. LEK and LDEK are submitted in the form of written tests, separate for the medical profession and the medical profession
p.(None): dentist, developed for each exam date by experts on issues covered by LEK and LDEK.
p.(None): 2. The LEK and LDEK test questions cover issues in the fields of medicine specified in regulations
p.(None): issued on the basis of art. 14f paragraph 1, with particular emphasis on diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Political / Refugee Status
Searching for indicator refugee:
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p.(None): providing healthcare services.
p.(None): 4. A doctor, dentist may perform the activities referred to in par. 1 and 2, also through systems
p.(None): ICT or communication systems.
p.(None): Art. 3. 1. Whenever the provisions of the Act refer to a physician without further specification, it shall be understood as meaning
p.(None): also a dentist.
p.(None): 1a. Whenever the provisions of the Act refer to a prescription, it should be understood as a prescription in electronic form or in
p.(None): paper form.
p.(None): 2. Whenever the law refers to a Member State of the European Union, it should also be understood
p.(None): Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) - parties to the European Area Agreement
p.(None): Economic and the Swiss Confederation.
p.(None): 3. Whenever the Act refers to citizens of the Member States of the European Union, this shall also mean:
p.(None): 1) their family members within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 14 July 2006 on entry into the territory
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland, stay and exit from this territory of citizens of the Member States of the Union
p.(None): Europejska and their family members (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 293);
p.(None): 2) third-country nationals who hold a long-term resident's Union residence permit
p.(None): European within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 35);
p.(None): 3) foreigners with refugee status or subsidiary protection;
p.(None): 4) foreigners who come to the territory of the Republic of Poland or stay in this territory in
p.(None): for the purpose of family reunification and are family members of a foreigner residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polska in connection with granting him refugee status or subsidiary protection;
p.(None): 2) Amendments to the consolidated text of the said Act have been announced in the Official Of Laws of 2019, item 1394, 1590, 1694, 1726,
p.(None): 1818, 1905, 2020 and 2473.
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p.(None): 5) third-country nationals who apply for admission to the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish in order to work in a profession requiring high qualifications, within the meaning of the provisions of the Act
p.(None): of December 12, 2013 on foreigners;
p.(None): 6) third-country nationals who have been admitted to the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish for purposes other than performing work in accordance with European Union law or national law
p.(None): and have the right to work and have a residence permit issued in accordance with the Regulation
p.(None): Council (EC) No 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 establishing a uniform format for residence permits for
p.(None): third-country nationals (Official Journal of the EU L 157 of 15.06.2002, p. 1, as amended), and third-country nationals who
p.(None): were admitted to the territory of the Republic of Poland for the purpose of performing work in accordance with Union law
p.(None): European or national law;
p.(None): 7) third-country nationals holding a temporary residence permit granted in connection with
p.(None): circumstance referred to in art. 151 section 1, art. 151b paragraph 1, art. 157a paragraph 1 or art. 157g paragraph 1 of the Act of
p.(None): on December 12, 2013 on foreigners;
p.(None): 8) third-country nationals who have a national visa for the purpose of undergoing first-degree studies
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p.(None): dentist in a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland, maybe temporarily
p.(None): and occasionally practice the profession of a doctor or dentist without having to obtain the right to practice
p.(None): doctor or the right to practice the profession of dentist or without having to obtain an entry in the register
p.(None): individual medical practices or a register of individual specialized practices
p.(None): medical, if he submits to the regional medical chamber competent for the place of intended performance
p.(None): profession:
p.(None): 1) a written statement of the intention to temporarily and occasionally pursue the profession of a doctor, dentist,
p.(None): providing the place and, if possible, the time of its performance on the territory of the Republic of Poland, and
p.(None): 2) a document confirming citizenship, and
p.(None): 3) a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the European Union stating that
p.(None): has the right to practice the medical profession or dentist in that country at the time the declaration is made
p.(None): is not suspended or restricted and that he carries out the medical profession, and
p.(None): 4) a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor or dentist. 2a. The provision of para. 2 shall not apply
p.(None): to a foreigner holding a permit
p.(None): temporary stay granted in connection with the circumstance referred to in art. 159 paragraph 1 point 1
p.(None): point c or d of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners and a foreigner who in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): granted refugee status or subsidiary protection.
p.(None): 3. The statement referred to in para. 2 point 1, is submitted before starting to practice for the first time
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and repeats each year in which the doctor or dentist intends to perform
p.(None): in a temporary and occasional occupation in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 4. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, the documents referred to in para. 2 points 2-4 present
p.(None): the competent regional medical council before starting the profession for the first time
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and each time a significant change in the information contained therein.
p.(None): 5. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, upon submission of the statement and documents,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2, shall be entered in the register of doctors temporarily and occasionally practicing the profession
p.(None): run by the appropriate regional medical council.
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p.(None): 6. The register referred to in par. 5, is kept in the form of information and IT and
p.(None): contains the following data:
p.(None): 1) entry number in the register;
p.(None): 2) professional title;
p.(None): 3) names and surname;
p.(None): 4) gender;
p.(None): 5) date of birth;
p.(None): 6) place of birth;
p.(None): 7) citizenship;
p.(None): 8) number of the identity document;
p.(None): 9) name and designation of the document confirming the right to practice medicine in the country
p.(None): a member of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 10) specializations held;
p.(None): diagnostic and therapeutic methods that pose an increased risk to the patient and jointly perform procedures with him
p.(None): operational, covered by the postgraduate internship program;
p.(None): 6) keeping a medical history and other medical documentation in cooperation with the caregiver;
p.(None): 7) providing information on the patient's state of health;
p.(None): 8) ordering care operations;
p.(None): 9) in emergencies for urgent administration or for medication to be administered to a patient, and if they are strongly or
p.(None): very strong - after seeking, if possible, the opinion of one doctor;
p.(None): 10) confirmation of death;
p.(None): 11) issuing prescriptions and issuing medical opinions and certificates after agreeing with the guardian of the content contained therein
p.(None): information.
p.(None): 3c. (Deleted)
p.(None): 3d. Doctor, dentist undergo post-graduate internship on the basis of an employment contract concluded on time
p.(None): determined for the purpose of vocational preparation including the implementation of the postgraduate internship program, with
p.(None): subject to paragraph 7a.
p.(None): 3e. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a European Union Member State takes a post-graduate internship
p.(None): on the terms applicable to Polish citizens, if it meets at least one of the following conditions:
p.(None): 1) has a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Poland or a long-term resident's residence permit
p.(None): The European Union;
p.(None): 2) has refugee status in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 3) has a valid Pole's Card.
p.(None): 3f. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a European Union Member State and does not comply
p.(None): the conditions referred to in paragraph 3e, takes a post-graduate internship under a civil law contract for a post-graduate internship,
p.(None): concluded with the unit referred to in art. 5 paragraph 9, in which the agreement defines the scope of mutual relations
p.(None): obligations for the duration of its serving.
p.(None): 3g. (Deleted)
p.(None): 4. Organization, financing and ensuring conditions for post-graduate internships for graduates
p.(None): medical and dental care
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): pp. 41/140
p.(None): who are Polish citizens intending to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland,
p.(None): having permanent residence in the voivodship, and in the case of persons who are citizens of another
p.(None): than the Republic of Poland of a Member State of the European Union intending to take a postgraduate internship at
p.(None): area of this province is the task of the province's marshal in the field of government administration. The cost of service
p.(None): this task amounts to PLN 123 for each intern financed by a doctor.
p.(None): 4a. In 2009, the funds allocated to finance the post-graduate internship referred to in para. 4, communicate
p.(None): Marshal of the voivodship, minister competent for health matters from the Labor Fund.
p.(None): 4b. In 2010, the funds allocated to finance the post-graduate internship referred to in para. 4, communicate
p.(None): Marshal of the voivodship, minister competent for health matters from the Labor Fund.
Political / criminal
Searching for indicator criminal:
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p.(None): skills referred to in art. 5c paragraph 2, the regional medical council shall grant the right to practice the profession on time
p.(None): required to complete this internship or to take this test.
p.(None): Art. 6. 1. In order to obtain the right to practice the profession referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1, doctor or physician
p.(None): the dentist presents the district medical council in which he intends to practice his profession appropriate documents
p.(None): confirming compliance with the requirements:
p.(None): 1) referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 and 2 and stating a post-graduate internship or
p.(None): obtaining a decision issued on the basis of art. 15 paragraph 8 or 9 and passing the Medical Final Exam or
p.(None): Medical-Dental Final Exam with a positive result - in the case of persons referred to in art. 5 paragraph 3, 4
p.(None): and 6, or
p.(None): 2) referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 and 2 - in the case of persons referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and point
p.(None): 2 lit. c, or
p.(None): 3) specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and points 3-5 and in para. 2 and in art. 5a item 1 or item 2 or item 3 - in
p.(None): in the case of persons referred to in art. 5a, or
p.(None): 4) specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and points 3-5 and in para. 2 and in art. 5b paragraph 1 point 1 or point 2 or point
p.(None): 3 or point 4 or point 4a or point 5 - in the case of persons referred to in art. 5b, or
p.(None): 5) specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and points 3-5 and in para. 2 and in art. 5c paragraph 1 - in the case of persons,
p.(None): referred to in art. 5c.
p.(None): 2. To be sufficient to meet the requirements:
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p.(None): 1) referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 3 - submitting the following statement is considered:
p.(None): "Aware of criminal liability for submitting a false statement, I certify that I have full
p.(None): legal capacity. " The statement should also include the surname and first name of the doctor or physician
p.(None): dentist, placement and date of the declaration and signature of the doctor or dentist;
p.(None): 2) referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 5 - submitting the following statement is considered:
p.(None): "Aware of criminal liability for submitting a false statement, I declare that I have not been
p.(None): punished for intentional crime or intentional tax offense and that no proceedings are pending against me
p.(None): criminal in a case of intentionally committed crime or tax offense, and that they do not occur
p.(None): circumstances that, in accordance with the Code of Medical Ethics and other legal provisions, within the meaning of the requirement
p.(None): specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 5 of the Act of December 5, 1996 on the professions of physician and dentist,
p.(None): could affect the exercise of the profession of doctor or dentist in the territory of the Republic of Poland. "
p.(None): The statement should also include the surname and first name of the doctor, place marking and date of submitting the statement and
p.(None): doctor's signature.
p.(None): 3) (repealed)
p.(None): 2a. Confirmation of compliance with the requirement referred to in art. 5 paragraph 2, is submission with a positive result
p.(None): Polish language exam, referred to in art. 7 item 3. The requirement to pass the Polish language exam does not apply
p.(None): persons who completed medical studies in Polish, as well as persons who have citizenship
p.(None): Polish or citizenship of a Member State of the European Union and present a document confirming the knowledge
p.(None): Polish language, listed in the list referred to in paragraph 2b.
p.(None): 2b. The minister competent for health will announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', a list of documents confirming knowledge of the Polish language.
p.(None): certificate. The fee shall be paid to the bank account of the council that issued the certificate.
p.(None): Art. 6a. 1. The regional medical council grants the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession
p.(None): dentist or refuses to grant this right immediately after submitting all documents specified by law,
p.(None): no later than within one month of the date of their submission.
p.(None): 1a. If there are formal deficiencies in the documents, the District Medical Council within 14 days of
p.(None): day of receipt of documents, calls for their completion.
p.(None): 2. If the regional medical council has information about an important event that occurred before
p.(None): taking up a business in the Republic of Poland by a citizen of another Member State of the European Union outside
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and which may affect the taking up or pursuit of the medical profession,
p.(None): inform the European Union Member State of this event,
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p.(None): whose citizenship the foreigner owns or comes from and applies for verification of these
p.(None): information and notification about actions that have been taken in relation to this event.
p.(None): 2a. The regional medical council cooperates with the competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union
p.(None): and provides the competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union with information on pending
p.(None): disciplinary or criminal proceedings and other serious circumstances,
p.(None): which may affect the practice of the profession of doctor or dentist, taking into account the provisions on
p.(None): protection of personal data and in the event of a request from these authorities regarding the transmission of this information
p.(None): verifies the factual circumstances and notifies these bodies of the findings made.
p.(None): 2b. The exchange of information referred to in paragraph 2 and 2a, takes place via the Exchange System
p.(None): Information on the IMI Internal Market referred to in Regulation (EU) No. 1024/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
p.(None): on 25 October 2012 on administrative cooperation through the information exchange system on
p.(None): internal market and repealing Commission Decision 2008/49 / EC ("IMI Regulation") (Official Journal EU L 316 of
p.(None): November 14, 2012, p. 1, as amended d.).
p.(None): 3. (repealed)
p.(None): 4. In case of justified doubts regarding the authenticity of diplomas or documents issued by
p.(None): competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union, the regional medical council asks the relevant competent authorities
p.(None): authorities of this country for confirmation of the authenticity of formal supporting documents
p.(None): qualifications, including those related to specializations, issued in that country, as well as certification of a doctor
p.(None): intending to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland obtained full education in accordance with
p.(None): regulations in force in a specific Member State of the European Union.
p.(None): days before the date of the given LEK or LDEK.
p.(None): Art. 14b. 1. LEK and LDEK shall be submitted to the Examination Board.
p.(None): 2. The members of the Examination Board shall be appointed and dismissed by the director of CEM. Candidates for the Examination Board
p.(None): report by the director of CEM, rectors of universities providing medical education or
p.(None): medical and dental practice, voivods and regional medical councils.
p.(None): 3. A person convicted by a final judgment of a court cannot be a member of the Examination Board
p.(None): intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional fiscal offense.
p.(None): 4. The chairman of the Examination Board is a person appointed by the director of CEM.
p.(None): 5. In order to conduct LEK and LDEK at agreed times and places, the director of CEM shall appoint from among
p.(None): members of the Examination Board Examination Teams.
p.(None): 6. A member of the Examination Team may not be a person in relation to whom the candidate to submit a LEK or
p.(None): LDEK in this Examination Team is:
p.(None): 1) his spouse;
p.(None): 2) a person in relation to him:
p.(None): a) relationship or affinity to the second degree,
p.(None): b) adoption;
p.(None): 3) a person living together with him;
p.(None): 4) a person in relation to him in a business relationship.
p.(None): 7. The reasons for exclusion referred to in par. 6 points 1 and 2 continue despite the termination of marriage or adoption.
p.(None): 8. Members of the Examination Team before the start of LEK or LDEK shall submit to the CEM director a written statement,
p.(None): under pain of criminal liability that they do not remain with any of the applicants for LEK or LDEK before that
p.(None): The Examination Team in the relation referred to in par. 6, and they did not stay
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p.(None): convicted by a final judgment of a court for a deliberate offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional crime
p.(None): Treasury. The person submitting the statement is obliged to include the following clause in it: "I am
p.(None): aware of the criminal liability for making a false declaration. " This clause replaces the instruction
p.(None): a criminal liability authority for making false statements.
p.(None): 9. The CEM Director shall dismiss a member of the Examination Board in the event of:
p.(None): 1) resignation;
p.(None): 2) illness preventing him from performing the function of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 3) failure to perform or improper performance of the duties of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 4) conviction by a final judgment of a court for an intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional
p.(None): tax offense;
p.(None): 5) submitting a false statement referred to in para. 8.
p.(None): 10. Members of the Examination Teams referred to in para. 5, and the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2
p.(None): entitled:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for participation in the works of this Team or committee, in an amount not exceeding PLN 500 for
p.(None): Chairman and not more than PLN 300 for a member;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1040, 1043 and 1495) entitled to employees from
p.(None): title of business trip within the country;
p.(None): 3) dismissal from work on the day of performing the activities of the Examination Team referred to in par. 5, or
p.(None): the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2, without retaining the right to remuneration when organizing
p.(None): LEK or LDEK on a business day.
Political / person under arrest
Searching for indicator arrest:
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p.(None): or order, and in the case of issuing a prescription in electronic form - a printout;
p.(None): 2) to a third party, if the patient declares to the healthcare provider that prescriptions or
p.(None): orders, and in the case of an electronic prescription - the printout can be picked up by people
p.(None): third without specifying these people in detail.
p.(None): 4. The authorization or statement referred to in para. 3 shall be recorded in the patient's medical records either
p.(None): attaches to this documentation.
p.(None): 5. Information on issuing a prescription or order referred to in para. 2 shall be included in the documentation
p.(None): medical patient. Information about the person whom
p.(None): 5) Amendments to the consolidated text of the said Act have been announced in the Official Of Laws of 2019, item 399, 959, 1495, 1542,
p.(None): 1556, 1590, 1818 and 1905.
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p.(None): such a prescription or order was provided, is noted in the patient's medical records or attached to this
p.(None): documentation.
p.(None): Art. 43. 1. A doctor may declare death on the basis of personally performed examinations and findings.
p.(None): 2. In justified cases, a physician, except for a dentist, may make the issuing of a death certificate dependent on
p.(None): autopsy.
p.(None): 3. The doctor, except for the dentist, may issue a death certificate based on the examination documentation
p.(None): post mortem carried out by another doctor or other authorized person, and also on the basis of documentation
p.(None): finding permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death) or irreversible
p.(None): cardiac arrest preceding the procurement of organs referred to in art. 43a.
p.(None): Art. 43a. 1. Statement:
p.(None): 1) permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death),
p.(None): 2) irreversible cardiac arrest preceding organ procurement
p.(None): - followed by specialists referred to in paragraph 5 or 6, proceedings in accordance with the current
p.(None): medical knowledge, including the method and criteria referred to in paragraph 3.
p.(None): 2. The method and criteria referred to in para. 3 shall be determined in accordance with current medical knowledge by
p.(None): specialists in relevant fields of medicine appointed and dismissed by the minister competent for matters
p.(None): health.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for health shall announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', method and criteria for establishing:
p.(None): 1) permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death);
p.(None): 2) irreversible cardiac arrest preceding organ procurement.
p.(None): 4. The minister competent for health, shall entrust specialists in relevant fields at least once every 5 years
p.(None): medicine appointed and dismissed by that minister, to assess the compliance of the manner and criteria referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 3, with current medical knowledge.
p.(None): 5. Permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death) is confirmed unanimously by two specialist doctors
p.(None): possessing the second degree of specialization or
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p.(None): specialist title, including one specialist in the field of anesthesiology and intensive care or neonatology,
p.(None): and the other in the field of neurology, pediatric neurology or neurosurgery.
p.(None): 6. Irreversible cardiac arrest prior to organ procurement states unanimously two
p.(None): specialist doctors with a second degree of specialization or specialist title, including one specialist in
p.(None): anesthesiology and intensive care or neonatology, and the other in emergency medicine,
p.(None): internal medicine, cardiology, pediatric cardiology or pediatrics.
p.(None): 7. Finding permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death) or irreversible
p.(None): cardiac arrest prior to organ procurement is synonymous with death.
p.(None): Art. 44. A doctor who:
p.(None): 1) performs activities as part of emergency relief services or in the case referred to in art. thirty,
p.(None): 2) performs the profession in an entity performing medical activity that has concluded a contract for the provision of benefits
p.(None): healthcare financed from public funds in connection with the provision of health services
p.(None): in this entity
p.(None): - entitled to legal protection due to a public official.
p.(None): Art. 45. 1. A doctor may prescribe medicines, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses, which
p.(None): are admitted to trading in the Republic of Poland on the principles set out in separate regulations, and products
p.(None): medical, equipment for medical devices, in vitro diagnostic medical devices, equipment for devices
p.(None): in vitro diagnostic medical devices and active implantable medical devices within the meaning of the provisions
p.(None): Act of 20 May 2010 on medical devices (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 186).
p.(None): 1a. The doctor issues prescriptions for medicines on the principles set out in art. 95b-96b of the Act of September 6, 2001 -
p.(None): Pharmaceutical Law.
p.(None): 2. The doctor may also issue prescriptions for drugs to persons referred to in art. 43-46 of the Act of 27
p.(None): August 2004 on healthcare services financed from public funds, under the principles set out in
p.(None): this Act and in the Act of May 12, 2011 on the reimbursement of medicines and foodstuffs
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p.(None): special nutritional uses and medical devices. The doctor is obliged to record
Political / political affiliation
Searching for indicator party:
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p.(None): financed from public funds, until the day of its withdrawal or expiry the authorized person is
p.(None): obliged to ensure data compliance
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p.(None): placed on these prescriptions and referrals with data contained in medical records.
p.(None): 5. Granting the authorizations referred to in para. 1 takes place via the Registry
p.(None): Medical Assistants referred to in art. 31b paragraph 1 of the Act of 28 April 2011 on the information system in
p.(None): health protection, on the principles set out in this Act.
p.(None): Art. 42. 1. A physician shall adjudicate upon the state of health of a given person after having been examined in person or in person
p.(None): examining it via ICT systems or communication systems, as well as after
p.(None): analysis of the person's available medical records.
p.(None): 2. The doctor may, without examining the patient, issue a prescription necessary to continue treatment and order
p.(None): for the supply of medical devices as a continuation of the supply of medical devices, if any
p.(None): justified by the patient's state of health reflected in the medical records.
p.(None): 3. In the case referred to in para. 2, prescriptions or orders, and in the case of an electronic prescription -
p.(None): printout referred to in art. 96b paragraph 2 point 3 of the Act of 6 September 2001 - Pharmaceutical Law (Journal of Laws of
p.(None): 2019 item 499, with later changes 5)), may be transferred:
p.(None): 1) the patient's legal representative or a person authorized by the patient to collect a prescription
p.(None): or order, and in the case of issuing a prescription in electronic form - a printout;
p.(None): 2) to a third party, if the patient declares to the healthcare provider that prescriptions or
p.(None): orders, and in the case of an electronic prescription - the printout can be picked up by people
p.(None): third without specifying these people in detail.
p.(None): 4. The authorization or statement referred to in para. 3 shall be recorded in the patient's medical records either
p.(None): attaches to this documentation.
p.(None): 5. Information on issuing a prescription or order referred to in para. 2 shall be included in the documentation
p.(None): medical patient. Information about the person whom
p.(None): 5) Amendments to the consolidated text of the said Act have been announced in the Official Of Laws of 2019, item 399, 959, 1495, 1542,
p.(None): 1556, 1590, 1818 and 1905.
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p.(None): such a prescription or order was provided, is noted in the patient's medical records or attached to this
p.(None): documentation.
p.(None): Art. 43. 1. A doctor may declare death on the basis of personally performed examinations and findings.
p.(None): 2. In justified cases, a physician, except for a dentist, may make the issuing of a death certificate dependent on
p.(None): autopsy.
p.(None): 3. The doctor, except for the dentist, may issue a death certificate based on the examination documentation
p.(None): post mortem carried out by another doctor or other authorized person, and also on the basis of documentation
p.(None): finding permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death) or irreversible
p.(None): cardiac arrest preceding the procurement of organs referred to in art. 43a.
p.(None): Art. 43a. 1. Statement:
p.(None): 1) permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death),
Health / Cognitive Impairment
Searching for indicator cognitive:
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p.(None): along with an indication of the name and seat of the institution which awarded the title.
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p.(None): pp. 119/140
p.(None): 3. If the title specifying the training of a doctor, a dentist who is a national of a Member State
p.(None): The European Union is the same as the title for which use is required in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): additional training that this doctor does not have, the District Medical Council may determine the wording of this
p.(None): title that the doctor may use on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): Chapter 4
p.(None): Medical experiment
p.(None): Art. 21. 1. A medical experiment conducted on humans may be a therapeutic or research experiment.
p.(None): 2. The therapeutic experiment is the introduction by the doctor of new or only partially tried
p.(None): diagnostic, therapeutic or prophylactic methods to achieve direct benefit
p.(None): for the health of the treated person. It can be carried out if the medical methods used so far
p.(None): they are not effective or if their effectiveness is not sufficient.
p.(None): 3. The research experiment is primarily aimed at expanding medical knowledge. It can be him
p.(None): carried out on both sick and healthy people. Conducting a research experiment
p.(None): acceptable when participation in it is not associated with risk or the risk is small and not
p.(None): it is disproportionate to the possible positive results of such an experiment.
p.(None): Art. 22. A medical experiment may be conducted if the expected therapeutic or cognitive benefit is significant
p.(None): significance, and the expected achievement of this benefit, and the purposefulness and manner of conducting the experiment
p.(None): reasonable in the light of current knowledge and in line with the principles of medical ethics.
p.(None): Art. 23. A medical experiment is managed by a physician with sufficiently high qualifications.
p.(None): Art. 24. 1. A person who is to undergo a medical experiment shall be previously informed of the purposes,
p.(None): methods and conditions for conducting the experiment, expected therapeutic or cognitive benefits,
p.(None): risk and the possibility of withdrawing from participation in the experiment at any stage.
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p.(None): 2. In the event that the immediate termination of the experiment could be dangerous
p.(None): the participant's life or health, the doctor is obliged to inform him.
p.(None): Art. 25. 1. Conducting a medical experiment requires the written consent of the person examined in it
p.(None): participate. If written consent cannot be expressed, oral consent shall be considered equivalent
p.(None): made in the presence of two witnesses. Such consent should be recorded in the medical records.
p.(None): 2. The participation of a minor in a medical experiment is only permitted with the written consent of his representative
p.(None): statutory. If the minor is at least 16 years old or under 16 years of age and is able to terminate with discernment
p.(None): opinion on your participation in the experiment, you must also agree in writing.
p.(None): 3. The participation of a minor in a research experiment is admissible if the expected benefits have
Health / Drug Usage
Searching for indicator drug:
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p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 6. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): of the regulation, the procedure for appointing and operating the committee referred to in para. 1, and the procedure for adjudicating
p.(None): inability to practice the medical profession or being restricted in performing specific activities
p.(None): medical, bearing in mind the need for a doctor to properly practice his profession.
p.(None): Art. 13. Proceedings in matters referred to in art. 11 and 12, is confidential.
p.(None): Art. 14. The doctor loses the right to practice a profession in the event of:
p.(None): 1) loss of Polish citizenship or another Member State of the European Union, if not
p.(None): acquired simultaneously the citizenship of another Member State of the European Union;
p.(None): 2) total or partial incapacitation;
p.(None): 3) elapse of time for which it was granted.
p.(None): Chapter 2a
p.(None): Medical Final Exam and Medical-Dental Final Exam Art. 14a. 1. Medical Final Exam (LEK)
p.(None): and Medical and Dental
p.(None): The Final Exam (LDEK) is organized and conducted by the Medical Examination Center, hereinafter referred to as "CEM". CEM
p.(None): is a state budget unit subordinated to the minister competent for health matters.
p.(None): 2. LEK and LDEK take place twice a year, simultaneously, in accordance with the order regulations of LEK and
p.(None): LDEK referred to in art. 14f paragraph 2, in places and dates fixed by the director of CEM.
p.(None): 3. A doctor may join the drug.
p.(None): 4. A dentist may join LDEK.
p.(None): 5. A person intending to join the LEK or LDEK shall submit to the director of CEM, via SMK, an application to the LEK or LDEK,
p.(None): until:
p.(None): 1) 15 July of the calendar year in which the given exam is carried out - in the case of examinations designated in
p.(None): the period from September 1 to September 30;
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p.(None): 2) November 30 of the calendar year preceding the year in which it is carried out
p.(None): exam - in the case of examinations scheduled in the period from February 1 to February 28.
p.(None): 5a. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status, the minister competent for health may
p.(None): change the dates referred to in paragraph 2 and 5. If the circumstances causing the change cease to exist
p.(None): deadlines, the minister competent for health shall change these deadlines again, but the total period
p.(None): postponing a given date cannot be longer than 5 months. Information on changing these dates the minister competent
p.(None): for health announces on its website.
p.(None): 6. By the dates referred to in para. 5 or 5a, the provisions of Art. 58-60 of the act of
p.(None): June 14, 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 256). In case of
p.(None): SMK failure lasting more than an hour, preventing the submission of a notification within a week before the expiry
p.(None): deadlines referred to in paragraph 5 or 5a, this period is extended by the duration of the failure. The extension is made with
p.(None): office by the system operator.
p.(None): 7. The notification to LEK or LDEK referred to in para. 5, contains the following data:
p.(None): 1) first name (names) and surname;
p.(None): 2) date of birth;
p.(None): 3) place of birth;
Health / Healthy People
Searching for indicator healthy people:
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p.(None): a title of education obtained in a country other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): member states of the European Union or its abbreviation.
p.(None): 2. The regional medical council may require that a title indicating the education of a physician or dentist be used
p.(None): along with an indication of the name and seat of the institution which awarded the title.
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): 3. If the title specifying the training of a doctor, a dentist who is a national of a Member State
p.(None): The European Union is the same as the title for which use is required in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): additional training that this doctor does not have, the District Medical Council may determine the wording of this
p.(None): title that the doctor may use on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): Chapter 4
p.(None): Medical experiment
p.(None): Art. 21. 1. A medical experiment conducted on humans may be a therapeutic or research experiment.
p.(None): 2. The therapeutic experiment is the introduction by the doctor of new or only partially tried
p.(None): diagnostic, therapeutic or prophylactic methods to achieve direct benefit
p.(None): for the health of the treated person. It can be carried out if the medical methods used so far
p.(None): they are not effective or if their effectiveness is not sufficient.
p.(None): 3. The research experiment is primarily aimed at expanding medical knowledge. It can be him
p.(None): carried out on both sick and healthy people. Conducting a research experiment
p.(None): acceptable when participation in it is not associated with risk or the risk is small and not
p.(None): it is disproportionate to the possible positive results of such an experiment.
p.(None): Art. 22. A medical experiment may be conducted if the expected therapeutic or cognitive benefit is significant
p.(None): significance, and the expected achievement of this benefit, and the purposefulness and manner of conducting the experiment
p.(None): reasonable in the light of current knowledge and in line with the principles of medical ethics.
p.(None): Art. 23. A medical experiment is managed by a physician with sufficiently high qualifications.
p.(None): Art. 24. 1. A person who is to undergo a medical experiment shall be previously informed of the purposes,
p.(None): methods and conditions for conducting the experiment, expected therapeutic or cognitive benefits,
p.(None): risk and the possibility of withdrawing from participation in the experiment at any stage.
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p.(None): 2. In the event that the immediate termination of the experiment could be dangerous
p.(None): the participant's life or health, the doctor is obliged to inform him.
p.(None): Art. 25. 1. Conducting a medical experiment requires the written consent of the person examined in it
Health / Mentally Disabled
Searching for indicator mentally:
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p.(None): meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 1 of the Act of November 6, 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman.
p.(None): Art. 32. 1. A physician may conduct an examination or provide other health services, subject to exceptions
p.(None): provided for in the Act, after the patient's consent.
p.(None): 2. If the patient is a minor or unable to give informed consent, his consent is required
p.(None): legal representative, and if the patient does not have a legal representative or communication with him is
p.(None): impossible - permission from the guardianship court.
p.(None): 3. If there is a need to examine a person referred to in para. 2, permission to carry out
p.(None): the actual guardian may also express the examination.
p.(None): 4. In the case of a totally incapacitated person, consent shall be given by the legal representative of that person.
p.(None): If such a person is able to discern an opinion on the examination, it is also necessary
p.(None): obtaining the consent of that person.
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p.(None): 5. If the patient is over 16 years old, his consent is also required.
p.(None): 6. However, if a minor who is at least 16 years old, incapacitated person or mentally ill patient
p.(None): or mentally retarded but with sufficient insight, he / she opposes medical activities,
p.(None): except with the consent of his legal representative or actual guardian or in the event of no expressing
p.(None): consent is required by their guardianship court.
p.(None): 7. Unless the Act provides otherwise, the consent of the persons mentioned in para. 1, 2 and 4 may be expressed orally
p.(None): or even through such behavior which clearly indicates the will to surrender
p.(None): medical activities suggested by the doctor.
p.(None): 8. If the patient referred to in par. 2, there is no legal representative or actual guardian either
p.(None): it is impossible to communicate with these people, the doctor after conducting the examination may proceed to giving
p.(None): further health services only after obtaining the consent of the guardianship court, unless otherwise stated in
p.(None): provisions of the Act.
p.(None): 9. The activities referred to in par. 1, the provisions of art. 34 section 7.
p.(None): 10. The guardianship court competent for granting consent to perform medical activities is
p.(None): the court in which district these activities are to be carried out.
p.(None): Art. 33. 1. Examination or providing a patient with another health service without his consent is admissible if
p.(None): it requires immediate medical attention, and due to health or age can not agree and does not have
p.(None): the possibility of communicating with his legal representative or actual guardian.
Searching for indicator disability:
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p.(None): vocational training, appoints a commission of physicians with appropriate professional qualifications, which
p.(None): gives an opinion on the professional preparation of this doctor.
p.(None): 2. The District Medical Council on the basis of the opinion of the commission referred to in par. 1 may oblige the physician to serve
p.(None): complementary training. The physician concerned is entitled to attend the district meeting
p.(None): medical council while examining his case.
p.(None): 3. The doctor is obliged to appear before the commission referred to in para. 1.
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p.(None): 4. In the event of an unjustified failure to appear before the commission referred to in para. 1, or
p.(None): evading participation in the training referred to in para. 2 and art. 10 paragraph 3, district council
p.(None): medical doctor adopts a resolution to suspend the doctor's right to practice the profession or to restrict him
p.(None): performing specific medical activities until the end of training.
p.(None): 5. The regional medical council shall determine the mode, place and training program referred to in par. 2 and in
p.(None): Art. 10 paragraph 3. The costs of this training shall be borne by the doctor.
p.(None): Art. 12. 1. If the regional medical council finds that there is a reasonable suspicion of inability
p.(None): a physician to practice or limit the performance of specific medical activities from
p.(None): due to the state of health making it impossible to practice the medical profession, he appoints a commission composed of specialist doctors
p.(None): from relevant fields of medicine. The commission issues a medical disability certificate
p.(None): to practice or limit any strictly defined medical activities.
p.(None): 2. The doctor is obliged to appear before the commission referred to in para. 1 and undergo the necessary examinations.
p.(None): 3. The District Medical Council, on the basis of the commission's ruling, may adopt a resolution to suspend the right to exercise
p.(None): profession for the duration of the incapacity or on limiting the performance of certain medical activities for a period
p.(None): duration of incapacity. The physician concerned is entitled to attend the district council meeting
p.(None): doctor while examining his case.
p.(None): 4. If the doctor refuses to undergo examination by the commission or if the district medical council based on the results
p.(None): the investigation will find that the continued pursuit of the profession or specific medical activities by
p.(None): a doctor is in danger of being treated by him, the district medical council adopts a resolution on
p.(None): suspension of a physician in the right to practice a profession or on limitation in performing certain activities
p.(None): medical pending the termination of the proceedings.
p.(None): 5. A doctor in respect of whom a resolution was adopted to suspend the right to practice a profession or
p.(None): limiting the performance of specific medical activities, may apply to the district medical board for waiver
p.(None): resolutions if
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p.(None): the reasons for suspension or limitation cease to exist, however not earlier than 6 months after the adoption of the resolution
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 6. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): which the doctor did not carry out the postgraduate internship program as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if
p.(None): at that time carried out the tasks assigned pursuant to paragraph 8a.
p.(None): 8d. The provisions of para. 8a-8c shall apply accordingly to an intern doctor appointed for professional military service.
p.(None): 9. Postgraduate internship in a Member State of the European Union by a national doctor
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland or another Member State of the European Union, minister competent for matters
p.(None): health is recognized as equivalent in whole or in part to the postgraduate internship completed in
p.(None): Polish Republic.
p.(None): 10. (repealed)
p.(None): 11. Marshal of the voivodship, Minister of National Defense and voivode, in order to perform tasks related to
p.(None): implementation of doctors' post-graduate internship
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): pp. 45/140
p.(None): and dentists, in accordance with their property, process the data of doctors and dentists including:
p.(None): 1) rank of soldier in active duty;
p.(None): 2) name and surname;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence thereof - the type and number of the document confirming identity;
p.(None): 4) date of birth;
p.(None): 5) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 6) professional license number;
p.(None): 7) specializations held;
p.(None): 8) reasons and periods of absence from work;
p.(None): 9) expected and actual date of delivery;
p.(None): 10) information about the disability certificate;
p.(None): 11) information on the procedure for terminating the employment contract.
p.(None): 12. The data referred to in par. 11 points 8-11, may not be processed for a purpose other than financing
p.(None): post-graduate internship, extension of post-graduate internship and supervision of post-graduate internship, and access to
p.(None): only persons with a written authorization to process these data issued by the marshal may have them
p.(None): voivodship, Minister of National Defense or voivode. Persons who have a written authorization are obliged to
p.(None): keep this data confidential.
p.(None): Art. 16. 1. A doctor may obtain the title of specialist in a specific field of medicine:
p.(None): 1) after undergoing specialist training and
p.(None): 2) after passing the State Specialization Examination, hereinafter referred to as "PES", or
p.(None): 3) after recognition as equivalent to a specialist title obtained abroad.
p.(None): 2. Specialist training in a specific field of medicine is a modular training and consists of:
p.(None): 1) the basic module, corresponding to the basic scope of theoretical knowledge and skills
p.(None): practical in a given field of medicine or common to related fields of medicine, and
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p.(None): 2) a specialized module corresponding to the profile of specialization in which the doctor can continue
p.(None): specialization training after completing a specific basic module, or
p.(None): 3) a uniform module appropriate for a given specialization.
p.(None): 3. A doctor undergoing specialization training may change after completing the basic module
p.(None): the field of medicine in which he wants to continue specialization training, subject to qualification
p.(None): specialization training specified by the Minister of Justice or bodies of the Prison Service
p.(None): in regulations issued on the basis of art. 16x paragraph 4.
p.(None): 7. (repealed)
p.(None): 8. A doctor who undergoes specialist training in residency mode may change the place of training
p.(None): specialization not earlier than after
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p.(None): one year from the date of qualifying for this specialist training, subject to paragraph 9.
p.(None): 9. The provision of para. 8 shall not apply if the organizational unit in which the doctor undergoes specialization training,
p.(None): has been liquidated or no longer meets the requirements referred to in art. 19f paragraph 2.
p.(None): 10. Voivode, minister competent for health, minister competent for internal affairs and Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): in order to perform tasks related to the implementation of specialized training for doctors and dentists,
p.(None): process, in accordance with their jurisdiction, the data of doctors and dentists including:
p.(None): 1) rank of active soldier or officer in relation to service;
p.(None): 2) name and surname;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence thereof - the type and number of the document confirming identity;
p.(None): 4) date of birth;
p.(None): 5) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 6) professional license number;
p.(None): 7) specializations held;
p.(None): 8) reasons and periods of absence from work;
p.(None): 9) expected and actual date of delivery;
p.(None): 10) information about the disability certificate;
p.(None): 11) information on the procedure for terminating the employment contract.
p.(None): 11. The data referred to in par. 10 points 8-11, cannot be processed for purposes other than financing the training
p.(None): specialization, extension of specialization training and supervision over specialization training, a
p.(None): they can only be accessed by persons who have a written authorization to process this data issued by
p.(None): voivode, minister competent for health, minister competent for internal affairs or Minister of Defense
p.(None): National. Persons with written authorization are required to keep this data confidential.
p.(None): Art. 16i. 1. The doctor undergoes specialist training throughout its duration
p.(None): equal working time of a doctor employed in a medical entity, as referred to in art. 93 of the Act of
p.(None): April 15, 2011 on medical activities, and is on call or working in shifts or
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p.(None): equivalent to the maximum working time allowed by law
p.(None): about medical activities.
p.(None): 2. Doctor:
p.(None): 1) being a soldier on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): 2) being an officer in relation to the service in organizational units subordinated or supervised
p.(None): by the minister competent for internal affairs,
p.(None): 3) being an officer of the Prison Service or employed in a therapeutic entity established by
Health / Motherhood/Family
Searching for indicator family:
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p.(None): entities obliged to finance healthcare services from public funds in
p.(None): meaning of the provisions of the Act of 27 August 2004 on healthcare services financed from
p.(None): funds
p.(None): Based on: i.e. Dz. Of Laws of 2020, item 514, 567.
p.(None): 1) This Act implements Parliament's Directive 2005/36 / EC within the scope of its regulation
p.(None): Of the European Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (Official Journal of the EU L 255 of
p.(None): September 30, 2005, page 22, as amended d.).
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p.(None): public (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1373, as amended2)) or offices of those operating entities, as part of
p.(None): which performs activities related to the preparation, organization or supervision of
p.(None): providing healthcare services.
p.(None): 4. A doctor, dentist may perform the activities referred to in par. 1 and 2, also through systems
p.(None): ICT or communication systems.
p.(None): Art. 3. 1. Whenever the provisions of the Act refer to a physician without further specification, it shall be understood as meaning
p.(None): also a dentist.
p.(None): 1a. Whenever the provisions of the Act refer to a prescription, it should be understood as a prescription in electronic form or in
p.(None): paper form.
p.(None): 2. Whenever the law refers to a Member State of the European Union, it should also be understood
p.(None): Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) - parties to the European Area Agreement
p.(None): Economic and the Swiss Confederation.
p.(None): 3. Whenever the Act refers to citizens of the Member States of the European Union, this shall also mean:
p.(None): 1) their family members within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 14 July 2006 on entry into the territory
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland, stay and exit from this territory of citizens of the Member States of the Union
p.(None): Europejska and their family members (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 293);
p.(None): 2) third-country nationals who hold a long-term resident's Union residence permit
p.(None): European within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 35);
p.(None): 3) foreigners with refugee status or subsidiary protection;
p.(None): 4) foreigners who come to the territory of the Republic of Poland or stay in this territory in
p.(None): for the purpose of family reunification and are family members of a foreigner residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polska in connection with granting him refugee status or subsidiary protection;
p.(None): 2) Amendments to the consolidated text of the said Act have been announced in the Official Of Laws of 2019, item 1394, 1590, 1694, 1726,
p.(None): 1818, 1905, 2020 and 2473.
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p.(None): 5) third-country nationals who apply for admission to the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish in order to work in a profession requiring high qualifications, within the meaning of the provisions of the Act
p.(None): of December 12, 2013 on foreigners;
p.(None): 6) third-country nationals who have been admitted to the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish for purposes other than performing work in accordance with European Union law or national law
p.(None): and have the right to work and have a residence permit issued in accordance with the Regulation
p.(None): Council (EC) No 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 establishing a uniform format for residence permits for
p.(None): third-country nationals (Official Journal of the EU L 157 of 15.06.2002, p. 1, as amended), and third-country nationals who
p.(None): were admitted to the territory of the Republic of Poland for the purpose of performing work in accordance with Union law
p.(None): European or national law;
p.(None): 7) third-country nationals holding a temporary residence permit granted in connection with
p.(None): circumstance referred to in art. 151 section 1, art. 151b paragraph 1, art. 157a paragraph 1 or art. 157g paragraph 1 of the Act of
p.(None): on December 12, 2013 on foreigners;
Health / Physically Disabled
Searching for indicator illness:
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p.(None): 6. A member of the Examination Team may not be a person in relation to whom the candidate to submit a LEK or
p.(None): LDEK in this Examination Team is:
p.(None): 1) his spouse;
p.(None): 2) a person in relation to him:
p.(None): a) relationship or affinity to the second degree,
p.(None): b) adoption;
p.(None): 3) a person living together with him;
p.(None): 4) a person in relation to him in a business relationship.
p.(None): 7. The reasons for exclusion referred to in par. 6 points 1 and 2 continue despite the termination of marriage or adoption.
p.(None): 8. Members of the Examination Team before the start of LEK or LDEK shall submit to the CEM director a written statement,
p.(None): under pain of criminal liability that they do not remain with any of the applicants for LEK or LDEK before that
p.(None): The Examination Team in the relation referred to in par. 6, and they did not stay
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p.(None): convicted by a final judgment of a court for a deliberate offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional crime
p.(None): Treasury. The person submitting the statement is obliged to include the following clause in it: "I am
p.(None): aware of the criminal liability for making a false declaration. " This clause replaces the instruction
p.(None): a criminal liability authority for making false statements.
p.(None): 9. The CEM Director shall dismiss a member of the Examination Board in the event of:
p.(None): 1) resignation;
p.(None): 2) illness preventing him from performing the function of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 3) failure to perform or improper performance of the duties of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 4) conviction by a final judgment of a court for an intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional
p.(None): tax offense;
p.(None): 5) submitting a false statement referred to in para. 8.
p.(None): 10. Members of the Examination Teams referred to in para. 5, and the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2
p.(None): entitled:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for participation in the works of this Team or committee, in an amount not exceeding PLN 500 for
p.(None): Chairman and not more than PLN 300 for a member;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1040, 1043 and 1495) entitled to employees from
p.(None): title of business trip within the country;
p.(None): 3) dismissal from work on the day of performing the activities of the Examination Team referred to in par. 5, or
p.(None): the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2, without retaining the right to remuneration when organizing
p.(None): LEK or LDEK on a business day.
p.(None): 11. The detailed manner of payment of remuneration referred to in para. 10 point 1 and the reimbursement of costs referred to in para.
p.(None): 10 point 2, is determined by way of an ordinance, the director of CEM.
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Health / Physically Ill
Searching for indicator sick:
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p.(None): has the right, subject to paragraph 2, use the original on the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): a title of education obtained in a country other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): member states of the European Union or its abbreviation.
p.(None): 2. The regional medical council may require that a title indicating the education of a physician or dentist be used
p.(None): along with an indication of the name and seat of the institution which awarded the title.
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p.(None): 3. If the title specifying the training of a doctor, a dentist who is a national of a Member State
p.(None): The European Union is the same as the title for which use is required in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): additional training that this doctor does not have, the District Medical Council may determine the wording of this
p.(None): title that the doctor may use on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): Chapter 4
p.(None): Medical experiment
p.(None): Art. 21. 1. A medical experiment conducted on humans may be a therapeutic or research experiment.
p.(None): 2. The therapeutic experiment is the introduction by the doctor of new or only partially tried
p.(None): diagnostic, therapeutic or prophylactic methods to achieve direct benefit
p.(None): for the health of the treated person. It can be carried out if the medical methods used so far
p.(None): they are not effective or if their effectiveness is not sufficient.
p.(None): 3. The research experiment is primarily aimed at expanding medical knowledge. It can be him
p.(None): carried out on both sick and healthy people. Conducting a research experiment
p.(None): acceptable when participation in it is not associated with risk or the risk is small and not
p.(None): it is disproportionate to the possible positive results of such an experiment.
p.(None): Art. 22. A medical experiment may be conducted if the expected therapeutic or cognitive benefit is significant
p.(None): significance, and the expected achievement of this benefit, and the purposefulness and manner of conducting the experiment
p.(None): reasonable in the light of current knowledge and in line with the principles of medical ethics.
p.(None): Art. 23. A medical experiment is managed by a physician with sufficiently high qualifications.
p.(None): Art. 24. 1. A person who is to undergo a medical experiment shall be previously informed of the purposes,
p.(None): methods and conditions for conducting the experiment, expected therapeutic or cognitive benefits,
p.(None): risk and the possibility of withdrawing from participation in the experiment at any stage.
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p.(None): 2. In the event that the immediate termination of the experiment could be dangerous
p.(None): the participant's life or health, the doctor is obliged to inform him.
p.(None): Art. 25. 1. Conducting a medical experiment requires the written consent of the person examined in it
Health / Pregnant
Searching for indicator pregnant:
(return to top)
p.(None): of participation in a therapeutic experiment, it is also necessary to obtain the written consent of that person.
p.(None): 5. In the case of a person who has full legal capacity but is not able to know
p.(None): express an opinion on your participation in the experiment, consent to the participation of that person in the experiment
p.(None): medical court expresses the guardianship court competent for the seat of the subject conducting the experiment.
p.(None): 6. If the statutory representative refuses to consent to the patient's participation in a therapeutic experiment, he can be returned
p.(None): to the guardianship court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the subject conducting the experiment, for expression
p.(None): consent.
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p.(None): 7. With the application for permission to participate in the medical experiment of the person about whom
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2-5, the entity conducting the experiment may appear to the court of guardianship competent
p.(None): due to the seat of this entity.
p.(None): 8. In urgent cases and due to imminent danger to life, obtaining consent, Fr.
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1-6 is not necessary.
p.(None): Art. 26. 1. Participation in the therapeutic experiment of pregnant women requires a particularly thorough assessment related to
p.(None): this risk to the mother and conceived child.
p.(None): 2. Pregnant and lactating women may participate only in risk-free research experiments or
p.(None): associated with low risk.
p.(None): 3. Conceived children, incapacitated persons, soldiers of the basic service and persons deprived of liberty may not
p.(None): participate in research experiments.
p.(None): Art. 27. 1. A person or other entity authorized to consent to a medical experiment may do so
p.(None): undo at every stage of the experiment. The doctor should then stop the experiment.
p.(None): 2. The physician conducting the therapeutic experiment is obliged to interrupt it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): risk to the patient's health exceeding the expected benefits for the patient.
p.(None): 3. The physician conducting the research experiment is obliged to stop it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): unforeseen danger to the health or life of the person participating in it.
p.(None): Art. 28. Information obtained in connection with a medical experiment may be used for scientific purposes,
p.(None): without the consent of the person subjected to this experiment in a way that prevents identification of that person.
p.(None): Art. 29. 1. A medical experiment may be carried out only after expressing a positive opinion on the project
Health / Unconscious People
Searching for indicator unconscious:
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p.(None): Chapter 5
p.(None): Rules for practicing the medical profession
p.(None): Art. 30. A physician is obliged to provide medical assistance whenever a delay in her treatment
p.(None): giving could cause danger of loss of life, serious injury or severe
p.(None): health disorder, and in other urgent cases.
p.(None): Art. 31. 1. The physician is obliged to provide the patient or his statutory representative with accessibility
p.(None): information about his state of health, diagnosis, proposed and possible diagnostic methods,
p.(None): medicinal, foreseeable consequences of their use or withdrawal, results of treatment and
p.(None): prognosis.
p.(None): 2. The doctor may provide the information referred to in para. 1 to other people with the consent of the patient or his representative
p.(None): statutory.
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p.(None): 3. At the patient's request, the physician is not obliged to provide the patient with the information referred to in para. 1.
p.(None): 4. In exceptional cases, if the prognosis is unfavorable for the patient, the physician may limit information about
p.(None): health condition and prognosis if, according to the physician's assessment, the patient's well-being speaks for it. In these
p.(None): cases, the physician informs the patient's legal representative or a person authorized by the patient.
p.(None): However, at the patient's request, the physician is obliged to provide him with the requested information.
p.(None): 5. The doctor's obligation referred to in para. 1 also applies to patients who are at least 16 years old.
p.(None): 6. If the patient is under 16 years of age or is unconscious or unable to understand the meaning
p.(None): information, the doctor provides information to a loved one within the meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 2 of the Act of 6
p.(None): November 2008 on patient rights and the Ombudsman for Patients' Rights (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1127, 1128, 1590, 1655 and 1696).
p.(None): 7. The patient who is under 16 years of age, the doctor provides information in the scope and form needed for
p.(None): the correct course of the diagnostic or therapeutic process and listens to his sentence.
p.(None): 8. Whenever the provisions of the Act refer to an actual guardian, it should be understood as an actual guardian in
p.(None): meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 1 of the Act of November 6, 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman.
p.(None): Art. 32. 1. A physician may conduct an examination or provide other health services, subject to exceptions
p.(None): provided for in the Act, after the patient's consent.
p.(None): 2. If the patient is a minor or unable to give informed consent, his consent is required
p.(None): legal representative, and if the patient does not have a legal representative or communication with him is
p.(None): impossible - permission from the guardianship court.
p.(None): 3. If there is a need to examine a person referred to in para. 2, permission to carry out
p.(None): the actual guardian may also express the examination.
p.(None): 4. In the case of a totally incapacitated person, consent shall be given by the legal representative of that person.
Health / hospitalized patients
Searching for indicator hospitalized:
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p.(None): postgraduate doctors or dentists;
p.(None): 4) ensure monitoring of specialist physician training documentation;
p.(None): 5) employ under an employment contract or under a civil law contract or have employees
p.(None): in the official position in hospital wards or in organizational units referred to in point 1:
p.(None): a) at least one doctor with the title of specialist or with a second degree of specialization in the relevant
p.(None): medicine or
p.(None): b) at least two doctors with the title of specialist or II degree of specialization in the field
p.(None): related, in the case of specialties for which the provisions in force before the date of entry into force
p.(None): the Act did not provide for obtaining the 2nd degree of specialization or specialist title, or
p.(None): c) at least one doctor with the title of specialist or II degree specialization in
p.(None): relevant field of dentistry, in the case of organizational units or organizational units
p.(None): implementing specialized training in the field of dentistry
p.(None): - who have agreed to be the head of specialization;
p.(None): 6) have the staff, medical equipment and apparatus necessary to carry out the tasks specified in the program
p.(None): specialization in accordance with the accreditation standards referred to in art. 16f paragraph 3 point 7;
p.(None): 7) provide health services of the appropriate type, scope and number,
p.(None): enabling the implementation of the specialization program to a certain number of doctors;
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p.(None): 8) provide round-the-clock health services to persons hospitalized or not requiring hospitalization, in
p.(None): health and life threatening situations and in other urgent cases, if it results from
p.(None): specialization program;
p.(None): 9) provide physicians undergoing specialization training with medical roster in the specified number
p.(None): specialization program or shift work or equivalent working time at maximum working time
p.(None): allowed in the provisions on medical activities;
p.(None): 10) conclude an agreement with entities to enable physicians to complete the specialization program, in
p.(None): including field internships referred to in para. 3, the implementation of which cannot be provided as part of its own
p.(None): organizational structure.
p.(None): 11) (repealed)
p.(None): 3. Directional internships may be conducted by:
p.(None): 1) organizational units referred to in para. 1, or
p.(None): 2) other organizational units meeting the conditions referred to in para. 2, after they obtain accreditation for
p.(None): conducting internships.
p.(None): 4. The organizational unit referred to in art. 19 paragraph 1 presents CMKP, by means of SMK, for an opinion
p.(None): a team of experts appointed by the director of CMKP to meet the conditions referred to in art
p.(None): paragraph. 2, information containing the data specified in para. 2 and data on entities referred to in para. 3.
p.(None): 5. The team of experts referred to in para. 4, the director of CMKP appoints five specialist doctors
p.(None): in a given field of medicine or in a related field:
p.(None): 1) team chair - a doctor proposed by a national consultant in a given field
p.(None): medicine;
p.(None): 2) four team members:
p.(None): a) one - from persons proposed by a national consultant in a given medical field,
p.(None): b) one - among persons proposed by the scientific society for the field of medicine,
Health / ill
Searching for indicator ill:
(return to top)
p.(None): Art. 32. 1. A physician may conduct an examination or provide other health services, subject to exceptions
p.(None): provided for in the Act, after the patient's consent.
p.(None): 2. If the patient is a minor or unable to give informed consent, his consent is required
p.(None): legal representative, and if the patient does not have a legal representative or communication with him is
p.(None): impossible - permission from the guardianship court.
p.(None): 3. If there is a need to examine a person referred to in para. 2, permission to carry out
p.(None): the actual guardian may also express the examination.
p.(None): 4. In the case of a totally incapacitated person, consent shall be given by the legal representative of that person.
p.(None): If such a person is able to discern an opinion on the examination, it is also necessary
p.(None): obtaining the consent of that person.
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p.(None): pp. 124/140
p.(None): 5. If the patient is over 16 years old, his consent is also required.
p.(None): 6. However, if a minor who is at least 16 years old, incapacitated person or mentally ill patient
p.(None): or mentally retarded but with sufficient insight, he / she opposes medical activities,
p.(None): except with the consent of his legal representative or actual guardian or in the event of no expressing
p.(None): consent is required by their guardianship court.
p.(None): 7. Unless the Act provides otherwise, the consent of the persons mentioned in para. 1, 2 and 4 may be expressed orally
p.(None): or even through such behavior which clearly indicates the will to surrender
p.(None): medical activities suggested by the doctor.
p.(None): 8. If the patient referred to in par. 2, there is no legal representative or actual guardian either
p.(None): it is impossible to communicate with these people, the doctor after conducting the examination may proceed to giving
p.(None): further health services only after obtaining the consent of the guardianship court, unless otherwise stated in
p.(None): provisions of the Act.
p.(None): 9. The activities referred to in par. 1, the provisions of art. 34 section 7.
p.(None): 10. The guardianship court competent for granting consent to perform medical activities is
p.(None): the court in which district these activities are to be carried out.
p.(None): Art. 33. 1. Examination or providing a patient with another health service without his consent is admissible if
p.(None): it requires immediate medical attention, and due to health or age can not agree and does not have
Health / patients in emergency situations
Searching for indicator emergencies:
(return to top)
p.(None): at least 5 years, hereinafter referred to as "guardian".
p.(None): 3b. The doctor referred to in paragraph 3a, is entitled to practice only in the place of the internship, from
p.(None): subject to art. 30, and in a situation where he conducts research in the field of medical sciences under the guidance of
p.(None): a doctor with the right to practice. The intern doctor is entitled in particular to:
p.(None): 1) subject and subjective examination of the patient and giving medical advice after consultation with
p.(None): guardian;
p.(None): 2) issuing medical orders after consulting the guardian;
p.(None): 3) issuing referrals for laboratory tests and other diagnostic tests, and after consulting a doctor
p.(None): having the right to practice the profession for an indefinite period of time for tests requiring diagnostic methods and
p.(None): medicinal products posing an increased risk for the patient;
p.(None): 4) independent use commissioned by a doctor authorized to practice the profession
p.(None): indefinite period of diagnostic and therapeutic methods whose practical skill has been
p.(None): ascertained by a guardian;
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p.(None): 5) jointly with the doctor possessing the right to practice the profession of indefinite use of methods
p.(None): diagnostic and therapeutic methods that pose an increased risk to the patient and jointly perform procedures with him
p.(None): operational, covered by the postgraduate internship program;
p.(None): 6) keeping a medical history and other medical documentation in cooperation with the caregiver;
p.(None): 7) providing information on the patient's state of health;
p.(None): 8) ordering care operations;
p.(None): 9) in emergencies for urgent administration or for medication to be administered to a patient, and if they are strongly or
p.(None): very strong - after seeking, if possible, the opinion of one doctor;
p.(None): 10) confirmation of death;
p.(None): 11) issuing prescriptions and issuing medical opinions and certificates after agreeing with the guardian of the content contained therein
p.(None): information.
p.(None): 3c. (Deleted)
p.(None): 3d. Doctor, dentist undergo post-graduate internship on the basis of an employment contract concluded on time
p.(None): determined for the purpose of vocational preparation including the implementation of the postgraduate internship program, with
p.(None): subject to paragraph 7a.
p.(None): 3e. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a European Union Member State takes a post-graduate internship
p.(None): on the terms applicable to Polish citizens, if it meets at least one of the following conditions:
p.(None): 1) has a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Poland or a long-term resident's residence permit
p.(None): The European Union;
p.(None): 2) has refugee status in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 3) has a valid Pole's Card.
p.(None): 3f. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a European Union Member State and does not comply
p.(None): the conditions referred to in paragraph 3e, takes a post-graduate internship under a civil law contract for a post-graduate internship,
p.(None): concluded with the unit referred to in art. 5 paragraph 9, in which the agreement defines the scope of mutual relations
p.(None): obligations for the duration of its serving.
p.(None): 3g. (Deleted)
Social / Access to Social Goods
Searching for indicator access:
(return to top)
p.(None): the examination board elects its chairman and secretary from among its members. The commission secretary prepares
p.(None): examination report, signed by members and chairman.
p.(None): 7. The fee for the exam referred to in par. 3, shall be borne by the applicant, and the proceeds from this title shall be the income of the Chief
p.(None): Medical Council.
p.(None): 8. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 7a. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): Regulation:
p.(None): 1) the scope of knowledge of the Polish language in speech and writing, necessary to practice the profession
p.(None): physician, dentist, in particular with regard to the scope of professional rights specified in
p.(None): Art. 2;
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p.(None): 2) the manner and procedure for conducting the exam, referred to in art. 7 item 3, the amount of the fee for this
p.(None): exam and sample certificate confirming successful passing of the exam, with a view to assurance
p.(None): the correct course of the exam and the cost of organizing the exam.
p.(None): Art. 7b. SMK contains information about the granted rights to practice the profession, referred to in art. 5–5c, art. 5f
p.(None): and art. 7.
p.(None): Art. 8. 1. A physician who obtained the right to practice the profession shall be subject to entry in the register kept by the competent authority
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 2. The Supreme Medical Council shall determine the detailed procedure for granting the right to practice the profession
p.(None): doctor, dentist and keeping a register of doctors.
p.(None): Art. 8a. Partial access to the professions of physician and dentist is not granted, both
p.(None): in the professional activities of a doctor or dentist without specialization, as well as a doctor or a physician
p.(None): specialist dentist.
p.(None): Art. 9. 1. A physician with sufficiently high qualifications, not having the right to practice in the territory
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland, but having this right in another state, may conduct theoretical and
p.(None): practical teaching of the medical profession or take part in a medical consultation and perform the treatments needed
p.(None): results from this consulium or the curriculum if:
p.(None): 1) was invited by a doctor who has the right to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish, each time after obtaining the consent of the appropriate regional medical council, or
p.(None): 2) was invited by a physician practicing the profession of a therapeutic entity within the meaning of the provisions on operations
p.(None): medical treatment, each time after obtaining the consent of the head of this entity and the appropriate regional medical council, or
p.(None): 3) was invited by a clinical hospital or entity referred to in art. 7 item 1 point 1, 2
p.(None): and 4-8 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science, leader
p.(None): activity in the field of medical sciences or health sciences, which informs the appropriate regional medical council.
p.(None): 2. Doctor, dentist who is a citizen of a Member State of the European Union who has the right
p.(None): to practice medicine or physician
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p.(None): entitled:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for participation in the works of this Team or committee, in an amount not exceeding PLN 500 for
p.(None): Chairman and not more than PLN 300 for a member;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1040, 1043 and 1495) entitled to employees from
p.(None): title of business trip within the country;
p.(None): 3) dismissal from work on the day of performing the activities of the Examination Team referred to in par. 5, or
p.(None): the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2, without retaining the right to remuneration when organizing
p.(None): LEK or LDEK on a business day.
p.(None): 11. The detailed manner of payment of remuneration referred to in para. 10 point 1 and the reimbursement of costs referred to in para.
p.(None): 10 point 2, is determined by way of an ordinance, the director of CEM.
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p.(None): Art. 14c. 1. LEK and LDEK are submitted in the form of written tests, separate for the medical profession and the medical profession
p.(None): dentist, developed for each exam date by experts on issues covered by LEK and LDEK.
p.(None): 2. The LEK and LDEK test questions cover issues in the fields of medicine specified in regulations
p.(None): issued on the basis of art. 14f paragraph 1, with particular emphasis on diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
p.(None): 3. LEK and LDEK tests and test questions are developed, processed, distributed and stored in
p.(None): a way preventing access to them by persons other than those participating in their development, processing,
p.(None): distribution and storage, performing or supervising LEK or LDEK.
p.(None): 4. LEK and LDEK tests and test questions may be made available only to the person taking the exam,
p.(None): at its request, after their use in LEK or LDEK. The director of CEM makes tests and test questions available through them
p.(None): presentations at the CEM headquarters. It is forbidden to take available tests and test questions outside the CEM headquarters
p.(None): and their reproduction, copying by any technique or transcription. In case of violation of this
p.(None): sharing is discontinued. The sharing process can be monitored using devices
p.(None): recording image and sound.
p.(None): 5. Release on the terms set out in the Act of September 6, 2001.
p.(None): only test questions with correct answers are subject to access to public information
p.(None): used for the needs of LEK or LDEK, after 5 years from the date of this exam.
p.(None): Art. 14d 1. Presents to the LEK or LDEK directly before the exam to the Examination Team,
p.(None): referred to in art. 14b paragraph 5, proof of identity. In case of lack
p.(None): a document confirming the applicant's identity cannot take the exam.
p.(None): 2. LEK and LDEK consists in solving an appropriate test consisting of 200 questions containing 5
p.(None): answers, of which only one is correct. One point is obtained for each correct answer. In case of
p.(None): no answer, the wrong answer was selected, or more than one answer was selected
p.(None): points are not awarded.
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p.(None): 3. The course of LEK and LDEK can be documented using image and sound recording devices, about which
p.(None): applicants for LEK or LDEK are informed in the exam notice or immediately before starting
p.(None): exam.
p.(None): 4. The test is solved by the applicant. During the passing of LEK and LDEK, the candidate may not use
p.(None): no teaching and teaching aids, and may not use copying devices and
p.(None): forwarding and receiving information. Violation of this ban or termination of test
p.(None): it constitutes the basis for disqualification of the applicant, which is equivalent to obtaining by
p.(None): negative result.
p.(None): 5. In the event of a breach of the prohibition referred to in para. 4, or solve the test
p.(None): dependent, the chairman of the Examination Team referred to in art. 14b paragraph 5, makes
p.(None): disqualification of the applicant and notes the fact of disqualification together with an indication of its reason and the time of interruption
p.(None): test exam in the examination report.
p.(None): 9. Postgraduate internship in a Member State of the European Union by a national doctor
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland or another Member State of the European Union, minister competent for matters
p.(None): health is recognized as equivalent in whole or in part to the postgraduate internship completed in
p.(None): Polish Republic.
p.(None): 10. (repealed)
p.(None): 11. Marshal of the voivodship, Minister of National Defense and voivode, in order to perform tasks related to
p.(None): implementation of doctors' post-graduate internship
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p.(None): and dentists, in accordance with their property, process the data of doctors and dentists including:
p.(None): 1) rank of soldier in active duty;
p.(None): 2) name and surname;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence thereof - the type and number of the document confirming identity;
p.(None): 4) date of birth;
p.(None): 5) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 6) professional license number;
p.(None): 7) specializations held;
p.(None): 8) reasons and periods of absence from work;
p.(None): 9) expected and actual date of delivery;
p.(None): 10) information about the disability certificate;
p.(None): 11) information on the procedure for terminating the employment contract.
p.(None): 12. The data referred to in par. 11 points 8-11, may not be processed for a purpose other than financing
p.(None): post-graduate internship, extension of post-graduate internship and supervision of post-graduate internship, and access to
p.(None): only persons with a written authorization to process these data issued by the marshal may have them
p.(None): voivodship, Minister of National Defense or voivode. Persons who have a written authorization are obliged to
p.(None): keep this data confidential.
p.(None): Art. 16. 1. A doctor may obtain the title of specialist in a specific field of medicine:
p.(None): 1) after undergoing specialist training and
p.(None): 2) after passing the State Specialization Examination, hereinafter referred to as "PES", or
p.(None): 3) after recognition as equivalent to a specialist title obtained abroad.
p.(None): 2. Specialist training in a specific field of medicine is a modular training and consists of:
p.(None): 1) the basic module, corresponding to the basic scope of theoretical knowledge and skills
p.(None): practical in a given field of medicine or common to related fields of medicine, and
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p.(None): 2) a specialized module corresponding to the profile of specialization in which the doctor can continue
p.(None): specialization training after completing a specific basic module, or
p.(None): 3) a uniform module appropriate for a given specialization.
p.(None): 3. A doctor undergoing specialization training may change after completing the basic module
p.(None): the field of medicine in which he wants to continue specialization training, subject to qualification
p.(None): for her under the qualification procedure referred to in art. 16c paragraph 7.
p.(None): 4. A doctor with a postdoctoral degree and having relevant professional achievements and
p.(None): scientific within the scope of the specialist module referred to in par. 2 point 2, and having the title of specialist
p.(None): or a 2nd degree specialization in the field corresponding to the basic module referred to in para. 2 point 1,
p.(None): authority and by means of SMK.
p.(None): 15. List of physicians not qualified to undergo specialized training in a specific one
p.(None): the medical field contains information on verification, referred to in par. 14.
p.(None): 16. The detailed manner and procedure for conducting the qualification procedure are set out in the regulations of the procedure
p.(None): qualification specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 16g paragraph 1 point 4.
p.(None): 16a. Detailed method and procedure for conducting qualification proceedings
p.(None): by the Minister of National Defense determines the regulations of the qualification procedure set out in the regulations issued on
p.(None): based on art. 16x paragraph 2.
p.(None): 17. Body conducting the qualification procedure, taking into account the result of the procedure
p.(None): qualifying, he directs the doctor, via SMK, to undergo specialist training in the entity referred to in
p.(None): Art. 19f paragraph 1, with a free training place. For doctors who are soldiers in active
p.(None): military service, as well as those on duty or employed in medical entities
p.(None): created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, body conducting the proceedings
p.(None): qualifying, taking into account the result of the qualification procedure, indicates to the doctor, for
p.(None): SMK help, a free training place and issues a referral for specialist training in
p.(None): the entity referred to in art. 19f paragraph 1, with a free training place.
p.(None): 17a. In order to enable specialist training in the entity referred to in art. 19f paragraph 1 after
p.(None): completed qualification procedure, the voivode may apply for free access
p.(None): a training place at the disposal of the Minister of National Defense or the minister competent for matters
p.(None): Interior.
p.(None): 17b. The Minister of National Defense may request the free training place remaining in
p.(None): instructions of the competent voivode or minister competent for internal affairs.
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p.(None): 17c. The minister competent for internal affairs may request free space
p.(None): training at the disposal of the competent voivode or the Minister of National Defense.
p.(None): 18. A doctor may be directed to undergo specialist training in a specific field of medicine after
p.(None): obtaining the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist.
p.(None): 19. In the case of a physician referred to in art. 16 clause 4, the provisions of para. 1a and 1b and para. 7-16 shall not apply. Recipe
p.(None): paragraph. 17 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): Art. 16d A doctor may undergo only one specialized training at a time.
p.(None): Art. 16e. 1. Prior to the qualification procedure, the minister competent for health shall define and announce on his own
p.(None): website and using SMK, the number of training places for doctors who will undergo training
p.(None): specialization based on an employment contract concluded with an entity conducting specialization training
p.(None): for the time specified in the specialization program, hereinafter referred to as
p.(None): "Residency", in individual fields of medicine, divided into voivodships, based on
p.(None): demand reported by province governors taking into account free training places, health needs
p.(None): citizens and the availability of health services in a given field of medicine in a given province.
p.(None): 2. Before the qualifying procedure, the voivode announces, on its website and via SMK,
p.(None): change the dates referred to in paragraph 5. If the circumstances causing the change of dates cease to exist
p.(None): the minister competent for health again changes these deadlines, however the total period of the shift in question
p.(None): the deadline cannot be longer than 5 months. The provisions of Art. 58-60 of the Act
p.(None): of June 14, 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure. Information on changing these dates
p.(None): the minister competent for health announces on his website.
p.(None): Article 16 1. CEM organizes PES twice a year in places determined by the director of CEM.
p.(None): 2. PES for each specialty is submitted in the form of a test and oral exam, in order
p.(None): these exams determined by the director of CEM, covering the scope of completed specialist training,
p.(None): with particular emphasis on diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, excluding performance
p.(None): invasive medical procedures and procedures.
p.(None): 3. In justified cases, the minister competent for health may, at the request of the director of CEM, agree to
p.(None): withdrawal from conducting the PES test exam for all doctors admitted to the PES in a given
p.(None): field in a specific exam session, with an oral exam, or decide about
p.(None): conducting PES once a year - with all its parts retained in one of the exam sessions.
p.(None): 4. Tests and test questions shall be developed and determined by CEM in consultation with the competent national consultant
p.(None): for a given field of medicine, and in the absence of such a consultant - in a related field or his
p.(None): representative separately for each field of medicine and for each examination session.
p.(None): 5. Tests, questions and exam tasks are developed, processed, distributed and stored in a manner
p.(None): preventing access to them by persons other than those participating in their development, processing,
p.(None): distribution and storage, conducting PES or supervising their conduct.
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p.(None): 6. Tests and test questions as well as tasks and questions of the PES oral exam may only be made available to a person
p.(None): taking this exam, at her request, after using them in PES. The director of CEM provides testing and
p.(None): test questions by presenting them at the CEM headquarters. It is forbidden to take it outside the CEM headquarters
p.(None): shared tests and test questions and their reproduction, copying by any technique or
p.(None): rewriting. If you violate this prohibition, sharing will stop. The sharing process can
p.(None): be monitored by means of image and sound recording devices.
p.(None): 7. Release on the terms set out in the Act of September 6, 2001.
p.(None): only test questions with correct answers are subject to access to public information
p.(None): used for PES purposes after 5 years from the date of this exam.
p.(None): Art. 16s. 1. (repealed)
p.(None): 2. The doctor is entitled to a training leave of 6 days for preparation and
p.(None): joining PES. During the training leave, the doctor retains the right to remuneration.
p.(None): 3. The test exam included in the PES consists of solving 120 questions containing five answer variants, from
p.(None): of which only one is valid. The doctor can choose only one answer. A doctor for every correct answer
p.(None): gets 1 point. If no answer or more than one answer is selected, no points will be awarded.
p.(None): 3a. A PES candidate within a given time limit may bring during the exam or immediately after its completion,
p.(None): before leaving the examination room, substantive reservation on the test question used during
p.(None): this PES. The reservation shall be submitted to the CEM director on the form, a template of which is prepared by CEM. In case of recognition
p.(None): of the objection, the test task covered by the objection is skipped when determining the result of the exam
p.(None): test in relation to all candidates, which reduces the number of points possible.
p.(None): Points for canceled tasks are not awarded.
p.(None): 4. The PES test part is considered passed with a positive result after the physician obtains at least 60%
p.(None): the maximum number of points that can be obtained.
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p.(None): 4a. The course of PES can be documented using video and audio recording devices, about which people
p.(None): participants taking the exam are informed in the notice of the exam or immediately before the start
p.(None): exam.
p.(None): 4b. The test is solved by the applicant. During the PES passing the candidate cannot use
p.(None): in the same scope of economic activity, the education organizer is also removed from these registers ex officio
p.(None): regulated activity.
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p.(None): 4. The organizer of education, which was removed from the register, pursuant to para. 2 points 1, 4 or 5 may obtain
p.(None): re-entry in this register not earlier than after 3 years from the date of adopting a resolution on removal from the register.
p.(None): 5. To resolutions of the regional medical council or the Supreme Medical Council regarding the entry, refusal to enter and
p.(None): deleting an entry from the register, the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure regarding decisions shall apply
p.(None): administration.
p.(None): Art. 19e. 1. The register keeping body is authorized to control education organizers in
p.(None): range:
p.(None): 1) compliance with the facts of the information referred to in art. 19c paragraph 5;
p.(None): 2) fulfilling the conditions specified in art. 19 paragraph 2;
p.(None): 3) the correctness of the documentation of the course of education;
p.(None): 4) ensuring the right quality of education.
p.(None): 2. The control is carried out by persons authorized by the authority keeping the register to perform
p.(None): control activities.
p.(None): 3. Persons referred to in para. 2, carrying out control activities, upon presentation of authorization, have the right to:
p.(None): 1) access to teaching rooms;
p.(None): 2) participate in the classes as an observer;
p.(None): 3) access to the documentation of the course of education kept by the training organizer;
p.(None): 4) demand from the organizer of oral and written explanations;
p.(None): 5) research on the opinions of education participants and teaching staff.
p.(None): 4. A report shall be made of the inspections carried out, which should contain:
p.(None): 1) name and address of the headquarters of the training organizer;
p.(None): 2) place of training;
p.(None): 3) date of commencement and completion of control activities;
p.(None): 4) names of persons performing these activities;
p.(None): 5) description of the actual state;
p.(None): 6) irregularities found;
p.(None): 7) applications of persons performing control activities;
p.(None): 8) date and place of the report;
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p.(None): 9) information about no objections or information about the refusal to sign the report by the training organizer, and
p.(None): about the reason for this refusal.
p.(None): 5. The protocol shall be signed by persons performing control activities and the training organizer.
p.(None): 6. If, after preparing the report and before signing, the training organizer submits a reasoned opinion
p.(None): objections to the facts found during the inspection and described in the report, executing persons
p.(None): control activities are required to examine these facts and complete the report.
p.(None): 7. The refusal to sign the report by the training organizer shall not prevent the signing of the report
p.(None): by persons performing control activities.
p.(None): 8. One copy of the report shall be handed over to the training organizer.
p.(None): specialization.
p.(None): 4. The activities referred to in par. 3, performed by the director of CMKP.
p.(None): 5. The CMKP Director based on the control activities carried out and the available forms of system monitoring
p.(None): specialization prepares a report on the state of implementation of specialization education in a given year and presents
p.(None): him competent for health matters.
p.(None): 6. CMKP conducts cyclical knowledge trainings about the specialization system, intended for
p.(None): specialization managers, managers of units conducting specialization trainings and
p.(None): representatives of the voivode financed from the state budget from the part managed by the minister competent for matters
p.(None): health.
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p.(None): Art. 19i. 1. Control of the implementation of specialization training is conducted by a control team appointed
p.(None): by the director of CMKP. The team may include, apart from CMKP employees:
p.(None): 1) a national or voivodship consultant in the relevant field of medicine or his representative or
p.(None): 2) a representative or representatives of a consultant or national consultants in the fields of medicine
p.(None): related to the implementation of state tasks related solely to the defense of the country during war and peace;
p.(None): 3) a representative of a scientific society competent for a given field of medicine and
p.(None): 4) a representative of the competent voivode.
p.(None): 2. The control team, composed of at least 3 members, performing control activities, subject to authorization, has
p.(None): right:
p.(None): 1) access to teaching rooms;
p.(None): 2) participate in the classes as an observer;
p.(None): 3) inspect the documentation of the course of training kept by the unit conducting the training
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 4) demand from the head of the unit conducting specialization training oral and written explanations;
p.(None): 5) research on the opinions of participants of specialization training and teaching staff.
p.(None): 3. A report shall be made of the inspections carried out, which shall contain:
p.(None): 1) name and address of the unit conducting the specialized training;
p.(None): 2) place of specialist training;
p.(None): 3) date of commencement and completion of control activities;
p.(None): 4) names of persons performing control activities;
p.(None): 5) description of the actual state;
p.(None): 6) irregularities found;
p.(None): 7) applications of persons performing control activities;
p.(None): 8) date and place of the report;
p.(None): 9) information about no objections or information about the refusal to sign the report by the head of the unit
p.(None): conducting specialized training.
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p.(None): 4. The protocol shall be signed by persons performing control activities and the head of the unit conducting the training
p.(None): Specialization.
p.(None): 5. If, after preparing the report and before signing, the head of the unit conducting the training
p.(None): specializations will raise reasoned objections to the facts found during the inspection and described in
p.(None): in the protocol, persons performing control activities are obliged to examine and supplement these facts
p.(None): protocol.
p.(None): 6. The refusal to sign the report by the head of the unit conducting specialization training does not constitute
p.(None): obstacles to signing the report by persons performing control activities.
p.(None): to combat the effects of disasters, epidemics and natural disasters for their duration.
p.(None): 2. The rules and procedure for appointing a doctor in the situation referred to in para. 1, are specified in separate provisions.
p.(None): Article 48a (Deleted)
p.(None): Article 48b (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 49. 1. A practicing physician is required to participate in the work of medical appointing committees
p.(None): ability of persons subject to military qualification to perform active military service, on the terms specified
p.(None): in separate regulations.
p.(None): 2. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 49a. (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 50 (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 50a. Group medical practice cannot be performed in a medical entity under a contract
p.(None): civil law for the provision of health services.
p.(None): Article 50b (repealed) Article 50c. (repealed) Article 51. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 52. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 52a. (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 52b 1. The regional medical chamber is entitled to visit in order to assess the profession of doctors
p.(None): practicing the profession as part of the professional practice entered in the register of entities performing activities
p.(None): therapeutic within the meaning of the provisions on medical activities.
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p.(None): 2. The visit is carried out by doctors authorized by the regional medical board.
p.(None): 3. Persons referred to in para. 2, performing inspection activities, upon presentation of authorization, have the right to:
p.(None): 1) request information and documentation;
p.(None): 2) access to the premises of the entity performing medical activities;
p.(None): 3) participation in activities related to the provision of health services;
p.(None): 4) inspect medical records;
p.(None): 5) request oral and written explanations.
p.(None): 4. After the inspection, a post-visit statement shall be made, which shall contain:
p.(None): 1) name and surname and address of the place of residence or name or company and address of the registered office;
p.(None): 2) place of providing health services;
p.(None): 3) date of commencement and termination of the visit;
p.(None): 4) names of persons performing inspection activities;
p.(None): 5) description of the actual state;
p.(None): 6) description of any irregularities;
p.(None): 7) applications of persons performing inspection activities;
p.(None): 8) date and place of making the post-visit statement.
p.(None): 5. If the post-visit statement found proceedings contrary to the principles of medical ethics or
p.(None): regulations related to the exercise of the medical profession, the district medical council notifies
p.(None): District Ombudsman.
p.(None): 6. If it is found during a visit that a physician practicing the profession within the entered professional practice
p.(None): to the register of entities performing medical activities within the meaning of the provisions on operations
p.(None): therapeutic grossly violates the conditions of the activity covered by the entry, the District Medical Council deletes this
p.(None): practice from the register of entities performing medical activities.
p.(None): Art. 53. 1. A physician performing an individual medical practice, an individual specialized medical practice,
p.(None): individual medical practice or individual specialized medical practice at the place of call may
p.(None): employ non-physicians to perform auxiliary activities (cooperation).
Social / Age
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p.(None): reasonable in the light of current knowledge and in line with the principles of medical ethics.
p.(None): Art. 23. A medical experiment is managed by a physician with sufficiently high qualifications.
p.(None): Art. 24. 1. A person who is to undergo a medical experiment shall be previously informed of the purposes,
p.(None): methods and conditions for conducting the experiment, expected therapeutic or cognitive benefits,
p.(None): risk and the possibility of withdrawing from participation in the experiment at any stage.
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p.(None): 2. In the event that the immediate termination of the experiment could be dangerous
p.(None): the participant's life or health, the doctor is obliged to inform him.
p.(None): Art. 25. 1. Conducting a medical experiment requires the written consent of the person examined in it
p.(None): participate. If written consent cannot be expressed, oral consent shall be considered equivalent
p.(None): made in the presence of two witnesses. Such consent should be recorded in the medical records.
p.(None): 2. The participation of a minor in a medical experiment is only permitted with the written consent of his representative
p.(None): statutory. If the minor is at least 16 years old or under 16 years of age and is able to terminate with discernment
p.(None): opinion on your participation in the experiment, you must also agree in writing.
p.(None): 3. The participation of a minor in a research experiment is admissible if the expected benefits have
p.(None): direct relevance to the health of the minor, and the risk is small and not disproportionate to
p.(None): possible positive results. A research experiment involving a minor is not allowed when it exists
p.(None): the possibility of conducting such an experiment with comparable effectiveness with the participation of a full person
p.(None): legal capacity.
p.(None): 4. In the case of a totally incapacitated person, he consents to his participation in a therapeutic experiment
p.(None): legal representative of that person. If such a person is able to discern an opinion on the matter
p.(None): of participation in a therapeutic experiment, it is also necessary to obtain the written consent of that person.
p.(None): 5. In the case of a person who has full legal capacity but is not able to know
p.(None): express an opinion on your participation in the experiment, consent to the participation of that person in the experiment
p.(None): regulations, detailed rules for appointing and financing as well as the mode of operation of bioethics commissions.
p.(None): Chapter 5
p.(None): Rules for practicing the medical profession
p.(None): Art. 30. A physician is obliged to provide medical assistance whenever a delay in her treatment
p.(None): giving could cause danger of loss of life, serious injury or severe
p.(None): health disorder, and in other urgent cases.
p.(None): Art. 31. 1. The physician is obliged to provide the patient or his statutory representative with accessibility
p.(None): information about his state of health, diagnosis, proposed and possible diagnostic methods,
p.(None): medicinal, foreseeable consequences of their use or withdrawal, results of treatment and
p.(None): prognosis.
p.(None): 2. The doctor may provide the information referred to in para. 1 to other people with the consent of the patient or his representative
p.(None): statutory.
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p.(None): 3. At the patient's request, the physician is not obliged to provide the patient with the information referred to in para. 1.
p.(None): 4. In exceptional cases, if the prognosis is unfavorable for the patient, the physician may limit information about
p.(None): health condition and prognosis if, according to the physician's assessment, the patient's well-being speaks for it. In these
p.(None): cases, the physician informs the patient's legal representative or a person authorized by the patient.
p.(None): However, at the patient's request, the physician is obliged to provide him with the requested information.
p.(None): 5. The doctor's obligation referred to in para. 1 also applies to patients who are at least 16 years old.
p.(None): 6. If the patient is under 16 years of age or is unconscious or unable to understand the meaning
p.(None): information, the doctor provides information to a loved one within the meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 2 of the Act of 6
p.(None): November 2008 on patient rights and the Ombudsman for Patients' Rights (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1127, 1128, 1590, 1655 and 1696).
p.(None): 7. The patient who is under 16 years of age, the doctor provides information in the scope and form needed for
p.(None): the correct course of the diagnostic or therapeutic process and listens to his sentence.
p.(None): 8. Whenever the provisions of the Act refer to an actual guardian, it should be understood as an actual guardian in
p.(None): meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 1 of the Act of November 6, 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman.
p.(None): Art. 32. 1. A physician may conduct an examination or provide other health services, subject to exceptions
p.(None): provided for in the Act, after the patient's consent.
p.(None): 2. If the patient is a minor or unable to give informed consent, his consent is required
p.(None): legal representative, and if the patient does not have a legal representative or communication with him is
p.(None): impossible - permission from the guardianship court.
p.(None): 3. If there is a need to examine a person referred to in para. 2, permission to carry out
p.(None): the actual guardian may also express the examination.
p.(None): 4. In the case of a totally incapacitated person, consent shall be given by the legal representative of that person.
p.(None): If such a person is able to discern an opinion on the examination, it is also necessary
p.(None): obtaining the consent of that person.
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p.(None): or mentally retarded but with sufficient insight, he / she opposes medical activities,
p.(None): except with the consent of his legal representative or actual guardian or in the event of no expressing
p.(None): consent is required by their guardianship court.
p.(None): 7. Unless the Act provides otherwise, the consent of the persons mentioned in para. 1, 2 and 4 may be expressed orally
p.(None): or even through such behavior which clearly indicates the will to surrender
p.(None): medical activities suggested by the doctor.
p.(None): 8. If the patient referred to in par. 2, there is no legal representative or actual guardian either
p.(None): it is impossible to communicate with these people, the doctor after conducting the examination may proceed to giving
p.(None): further health services only after obtaining the consent of the guardianship court, unless otherwise stated in
p.(None): provisions of the Act.
p.(None): 9. The activities referred to in par. 1, the provisions of art. 34 section 7.
p.(None): 10. The guardianship court competent for granting consent to perform medical activities is
p.(None): the court in which district these activities are to be carried out.
p.(None): Art. 33. 1. Examination or providing a patient with another health service without his consent is admissible if
p.(None): it requires immediate medical attention, and due to health or age can not agree and does not have
p.(None): the possibility of communicating with his legal representative or actual guardian.
p.(None): 2. The decision to undertake medical activities in the circumstances referred to in para. 1, the physician should
p.(None): consult with another physician if possible.
p.(None): 3. The circumstances referred to in par. 1 and 2, the physician records in the patient's medical records.
p.(None): Art. 34. 1. A physician may perform surgery or apply a treatment or diagnostic method
p.(None): increased risk to the patient after obtaining his written consent.
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p.(None): 2. Before the patient's consent in the situation referred to in para. 1, the doctor is required to give him
p.(None): information in accordance with art. 31.
p.(None): 3. The doctor may perform the procedure or apply the method referred to in par. 1, towards a minor patient,
p.(None): incapacitated or unable to knowingly consent in writing after obtaining his consent
p.(None): legal representative, and if the patient has no representative or when it is impossible to communicate with him - after
p.(None): obtaining a guardianship permit.
p.(None): 4. If the patient is over 16 years old, his written consent is also required.
p.(None): 5. In the situation referred to in para. 1, the provisions of art. 32 section 6.
Social / Child
Searching for indicator child:
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p.(None): 5. In the case of a person who has full legal capacity but is not able to know
p.(None): express an opinion on your participation in the experiment, consent to the participation of that person in the experiment
p.(None): medical court expresses the guardianship court competent for the seat of the subject conducting the experiment.
p.(None): 6. If the statutory representative refuses to consent to the patient's participation in a therapeutic experiment, he can be returned
p.(None): to the guardianship court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the subject conducting the experiment, for expression
p.(None): consent.
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p.(None): 7. With the application for permission to participate in the medical experiment of the person about whom
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2-5, the entity conducting the experiment may appear to the court of guardianship competent
p.(None): due to the seat of this entity.
p.(None): 8. In urgent cases and due to imminent danger to life, obtaining consent, Fr.
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1-6 is not necessary.
p.(None): Art. 26. 1. Participation in the therapeutic experiment of pregnant women requires a particularly thorough assessment related to
p.(None): this risk to the mother and conceived child.
p.(None): 2. Pregnant and lactating women may participate only in risk-free research experiments or
p.(None): associated with low risk.
p.(None): 3. Conceived children, incapacitated persons, soldiers of the basic service and persons deprived of liberty may not
p.(None): participate in research experiments.
p.(None): Art. 27. 1. A person or other entity authorized to consent to a medical experiment may do so
p.(None): undo at every stage of the experiment. The doctor should then stop the experiment.
p.(None): 2. The physician conducting the therapeutic experiment is obliged to interrupt it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): risk to the patient's health exceeding the expected benefits for the patient.
p.(None): 3. The physician conducting the research experiment is obliged to stop it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): unforeseen danger to the health or life of the person participating in it.
p.(None): Art. 28. Information obtained in connection with a medical experiment may be used for scientific purposes,
p.(None): without the consent of the person subjected to this experiment in a way that prevents identification of that person.
Searching for indicator children:
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p.(None): 6. If the statutory representative refuses to consent to the patient's participation in a therapeutic experiment, he can be returned
p.(None): to the guardianship court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the subject conducting the experiment, for expression
p.(None): consent.
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): 7. With the application for permission to participate in the medical experiment of the person about whom
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2-5, the entity conducting the experiment may appear to the court of guardianship competent
p.(None): due to the seat of this entity.
p.(None): 8. In urgent cases and due to imminent danger to life, obtaining consent, Fr.
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1-6 is not necessary.
p.(None): Art. 26. 1. Participation in the therapeutic experiment of pregnant women requires a particularly thorough assessment related to
p.(None): this risk to the mother and conceived child.
p.(None): 2. Pregnant and lactating women may participate only in risk-free research experiments or
p.(None): associated with low risk.
p.(None): 3. Conceived children, incapacitated persons, soldiers of the basic service and persons deprived of liberty may not
p.(None): participate in research experiments.
p.(None): Art. 27. 1. A person or other entity authorized to consent to a medical experiment may do so
p.(None): undo at every stage of the experiment. The doctor should then stop the experiment.
p.(None): 2. The physician conducting the therapeutic experiment is obliged to interrupt it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): risk to the patient's health exceeding the expected benefits for the patient.
p.(None): 3. The physician conducting the research experiment is obliged to stop it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): unforeseen danger to the health or life of the person participating in it.
p.(None): Art. 28. Information obtained in connection with a medical experiment may be used for scientific purposes,
p.(None): without the consent of the person subjected to this experiment in a way that prevents identification of that person.
p.(None): Art. 29. 1. A medical experiment may be carried out only after expressing a positive opinion on the project
p.(None): by an independent bioethics commission. Persons with high moral authority and are appointed to the commission
p.(None): high specialist qualifications.
p.(None): 2. The bioethical commission shall express an opinion on the design of the medical experiment, by way of a resolution, with
Social / Incarcerated
Searching for indicator liberty:
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p.(None): to the guardianship court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the subject conducting the experiment, for expression
p.(None): consent.
p.(None): 04/10/2020
p.(None): © Chancellery of the Sejm
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p.(None): 7. With the application for permission to participate in the medical experiment of the person about whom
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2-5, the entity conducting the experiment may appear to the court of guardianship competent
p.(None): due to the seat of this entity.
p.(None): 8. In urgent cases and due to imminent danger to life, obtaining consent, Fr.
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1-6 is not necessary.
p.(None): Art. 26. 1. Participation in the therapeutic experiment of pregnant women requires a particularly thorough assessment related to
p.(None): this risk to the mother and conceived child.
p.(None): 2. Pregnant and lactating women may participate only in risk-free research experiments or
p.(None): associated with low risk.
p.(None): 3. Conceived children, incapacitated persons, soldiers of the basic service and persons deprived of liberty may not
p.(None): participate in research experiments.
p.(None): Art. 27. 1. A person or other entity authorized to consent to a medical experiment may do so
p.(None): undo at every stage of the experiment. The doctor should then stop the experiment.
p.(None): 2. The physician conducting the therapeutic experiment is obliged to interrupt it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): risk to the patient's health exceeding the expected benefits for the patient.
p.(None): 3. The physician conducting the research experiment is obliged to stop it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): unforeseen danger to the health or life of the person participating in it.
p.(None): Art. 28. Information obtained in connection with a medical experiment may be used for scientific purposes,
p.(None): without the consent of the person subjected to this experiment in a way that prevents identification of that person.
p.(None): Art. 29. 1. A medical experiment may be carried out only after expressing a positive opinion on the project
p.(None): by an independent bioethics commission. Persons with high moral authority and are appointed to the commission
p.(None): high specialist qualifications.
p.(None): 2. The bioethical commission shall express an opinion on the design of the medical experiment, by way of a resolution, with
p.(None): taking into account ethical criteria as well as the purposefulness and feasibility of the project.
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p.(None): The Supreme Medical Council.
p.(None): 2. To resolutions of the self-government of doctors in matters referred to in para. 1, the provisions of the Code of Conduct shall apply
p.(None): administrative matters relating to administrative decisions.
p.(None): 3. On the resolution of the Supreme Medical Council referred to in para. 1, a complaint may be submitted to the court to the person concerned
p.(None): Administration.
p.(None): Art. 57a. 1. A doctor who is a citizen of a European Union Member State intending to perform
p.(None): medical or practicing profession
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): doctor permanently or temporarily in the territory of the Republic of Poland, necessary information in the field
p.(None): general principles of practicing the medical profession, including protection regulations
p.(None): health is provided by an entity authorized by the minister competent for health.
p.(None): 2. The minister competent for health matters shall, by regulation, specify the list of entities referred to in para. 1
p.(None): having regard to the detailed scope of information necessary to practice the medical profession in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish.
p.(None): Chapter 6
p.(None): Penal provisions
p.(None): Art. 58. 1. Whoever without authorization provides health services consisting in the diagnosis of diseases and their treatment,
p.(None): subject to a fine.
p.(None): 2. If the perpetrator of the act specified in para. 1 acts to achieve financial gain or is misleading as to
p.(None): having such permission,
p.(None): subject to a fine, restriction of liberty or imprisonment for a year.
p.(None): 3. Proceedings in matters referred to in para. 1, is pending according to the provisions of the Code of Conduct in
p.(None): misdemeanor cases.
p.(None): Chapter 7
p.(None): Amendments to binding provisions, transitional and final provisions Articles 59–62. (Omitted)
p.(None): Art. 63. 1. Certificates of the right to practice medicine and certificates of law
p.(None): practicing the profession of dentist, issued on the basis of existing regulations, expire on 31
p.(None): December 2002
p.(None): 2. A doctor who has obtained the right to practice the medical profession or the right under current regulations
p.(None): practicing the profession of dentist, he retains this right, except that until December 31, 2002.
p.(None): should obtain a document about which in the regional medical chamber competent for the place of profession
p.(None): referred to in art. 6 clause 7.
p.(None): Art. 63a. 1. The condition referred to in art. 5 paragraph 3 point 2 shall not apply to persons completing a post-graduate internship
p.(None): before October 1, 2004
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p.(None): 2. The state examination referred to in art. 15 paragraph 3 shall not be carried out until September 30, 2004.
p.(None): Art. 64. 1. A physician who has obtained the first or second specialization under current regulations
p.(None): degree in certain fields of medicine and medical specialties, retains the title and powers arising from
p.(None): obtaining these specializations.
p.(None): 2. A doctor who has started a specialization on the basis of existing regulations, takes it
p.(None): in accordance with these provisions.
p.(None): Art. 65 (omitted)
p.(None): Art. 66. For proceedings regarding obtaining, depriving or suspending the right to practice a profession
Searching for indicator prison:
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p.(None): respectively in the subject conducting the field internship;
p.(None): 4) on the basis of a civil law contract for specialization training concluded with the operator
p.(None): specialization training, which specifies the detailed mode of specialization training and scope
p.(None): mutual obligations for its duration;
p.(None): 5) as part of extending the postgraduate program curriculum with a specialization program in the same
p.(None): unit, in accordance with the scope of these studies, and as part of training leave or unpaid leave, and
p.(None): after completing these studies - according to the procedure specified in para. 1 or paragraph 2 points 1-4.
p.(None): 3. A foreign doctor referred to in art. 7 item 1 and 1a may undergo specialist training
p.(None): specified in the provisions on the pursuit of studies and participation in scientific research and training by persons
p.(None): who are not Polish citizens.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who is a soldier on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): healing and created by the Minister of National Defense, undergoes specialist training
p.(None): specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 16x paragraph 2.
p.(None): 5. A physician who is an officer in relation to the service in organizational units subordinate to or
p.(None): supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs or serving in a therapeutic entity established
p.(None): by this minister he is undergoing specialist training specified in the regulations issued under Art. 16x paragraph
p.(None): 3.
p.(None): 6. A doctor who is an officer of the Prison Service or employed in a therapeutic entity established
p.(None): specialization training specified by the Minister of Justice or bodies of the Prison Service
p.(None): in regulations issued on the basis of art. 16x paragraph 4.
p.(None): 7. (repealed)
p.(None): 8. A doctor who undergoes specialist training in residency mode may change the place of training
p.(None): specialization not earlier than after
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p.(None): one year from the date of qualifying for this specialist training, subject to paragraph 9.
p.(None): 9. The provision of para. 8 shall not apply if the organizational unit in which the doctor undergoes specialization training,
p.(None): has been liquidated or no longer meets the requirements referred to in art. 19f paragraph 2.
p.(None): 10. Voivode, minister competent for health, minister competent for internal affairs and Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): in order to perform tasks related to the implementation of specialized training for doctors and dentists,
p.(None): process, in accordance with their jurisdiction, the data of doctors and dentists including:
p.(None): 1) rank of active soldier or officer in relation to service;
p.(None): 2) name and surname;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence thereof - the type and number of the document confirming identity;
p.(None): 4) date of birth;
p.(None): 5) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 6) professional license number;
p.(None): 7) specializations held;
p.(None): 8) reasons and periods of absence from work;
p.(None): 9) expected and actual date of delivery;
p.(None): 10) information about the disability certificate;
p.(None): 11) information on the procedure for terminating the employment contract.
p.(None): 11. The data referred to in par. 10 points 8-11, cannot be processed for purposes other than financing the training
p.(None): specialization, extension of specialization training and supervision over specialization training, a
p.(None): they can only be accessed by persons who have a written authorization to process this data issued by
p.(None): voivode, minister competent for health, minister competent for internal affairs or Minister of Defense
p.(None): National. Persons with written authorization are required to keep this data confidential.
p.(None): Art. 16i. 1. The doctor undergoes specialist training throughout its duration
p.(None): equal working time of a doctor employed in a medical entity, as referred to in art. 93 of the Act of
p.(None): April 15, 2011 on medical activities, and is on call or working in shifts or
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p.(None): equivalent to the maximum working time allowed by law
p.(None): about medical activities.
p.(None): 2. Doctor:
p.(None): 1) being a soldier on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): 2) being an officer in relation to the service in organizational units subordinated or supervised
p.(None): by the minister competent for internal affairs,
p.(None): 3) being an officer of the Prison Service or employed in a therapeutic entity established by
p.(None): Minister of Justice or bodies of the Prison Service
p.(None): - may undergo specialist training in a different time dimension than that specified in para. 1, under the conditions specified
p.(None): by the competent authorities, which are obliged to ensure that the total duration, level and quality carried out
p.(None): by a physician specialization training were not lower than when undergoing the appropriate training
p.(None): specialized training in the amount of time referred to in paragraph 1.
p.(None): 3. A doctor on medical duty as part of a specialization program is entitled to remuneration
p.(None): on the basis of an on-call contract concluded with an entity conducting specialization training or field internship.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who undergoes specialist training in the course of residency, on medical duty, under
p.(None): implementation of the specialization program, entitled to remuneration based on the employment contract referred to in Art. 16h paragraph
p.(None): 1. The provision of art. 95 of the Act of 15 April 2011 on medical activities shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): Art. 16j. 1. Residency is granted and financed by the minister competent for health matters in
p.(None): as part of the state budget funds, which is at its disposal.
p.(None): 1a. In 2012, residency is financed by the minister competent for health from the Fund
p.(None): Work.
p.(None): 1b. In 2013, residency is financed by the minister competent for health from the Fund
p.(None): Work.
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p.(None): 1c. In 2014, residency is financed by the minister competent for health from the Fund
p.(None): Work.
p.(None): 1d. In 2015, residency is financed by the minister competent for health from the budget
p.(None): up to PLN 60.75 million and from the Labor Fund.
p.(None): 1e. In 2016, residency is financed by the minister competent for health from the budget
p.(None): the creation is the Minister of National Defense.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for internal affairs in consultation with the minister competent for health, after
p.(None): consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine, by regulation, the mode and manner
p.(None): undergoing specialist training by a physician who is an officer in relation to the service in
p.(None): organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): competent for internal affairs or employed under an employment contract or civil law contract, or
p.(None): serving in a therapeutic entity, established by the minister competent for internal affairs,
p.(None): and model documents referred to in paragraph 1 point 10, taking into account the need to ensure
p.(None): the correct course and specificity of the training of a specialist physician who is an officer in relation
p.(None): services in organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs
p.(None): either employed under a contract of employment or a civil law contract, or serving in a medical entity,
p.(None): created by the minister responsible for internal affairs.
p.(None): 4. The Minister of Justice in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): The Supreme Medical Council will determine, by regulation, the mode and manner of training
p.(None): specialization by a doctor who is an officer of the Prison Service or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, established by the Minister of Justice or the Prison Service, and designs
p.(None): documents referred to in paragraph 1 point 10, taking into account the need to ensure proper course
p.(None): and the specifics of the specialist training for a doctor who is an officer of the Prison Service or
p.(None): employed in a medical entity established by the Minister of Justice or the Prison Service authorities.
p.(None): Art. 17. 1. A physician may obtain a certificate confirming possession of narrower skills
p.(None): medical fields or the provision of specific health services, hereinafter referred to as "certificate".
p.(None): 2. The doctor obtains a certificate after undergoing training and passing a state examination after its completion.
p.(None): 3. The conditions of conducting the training, including the amount of training fees, are specified in the contract concluded between the entity
p.(None): training and doctor.
p.(None): 4. The training may be conducted by an entity entered on the list of entities authorized to train in
p.(None): obtaining skills in narrower fields of medicine or providing specific services
p.(None): health, hereinafter referred to as
p.(None): "List" kept by the minister competent for health who meets the following conditions:
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p.(None): 1) undertakes to conduct training in accordance with the program approved by the minister
p.(None): competent for health;
p.(None): 2) provides training for at least three doctors with a certificate of skill or title
p.(None): a specialist or second degree specialization in an appropriate or related field of medicine;
p.(None): 3) provides health services of the appropriate type, scope and number,
p.(None): enabling the implementation of the skills program to a certain number of doctors, or has entered into a contract in this regard with
p.(None): the entity that provides such benefits;
p.(None): 4) has the appropriate medical equipment and apparatus necessary to carry out specific teaching tasks
p.(None): skills program.
p.(None): 5. The minister competent for health shall refuse, by administrative decision, entry on
p.(None): a list, if the entity does not meet the conditions referred to in paragraph 4.
Searching for indicator restricted:
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p.(None): and 4-8 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science, leader
p.(None): activity in the field of medical sciences or health sciences, which informs the appropriate regional medical council.
p.(None): 2. Doctor, dentist who is a citizen of a Member State of the European Union who has the right
p.(None): to practice medicine or physician
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p.(None): dentist in a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland, maybe temporarily
p.(None): and occasionally practice the profession of a doctor or dentist without having to obtain the right to practice
p.(None): doctor or the right to practice the profession of dentist or without having to obtain an entry in the register
p.(None): individual medical practices or a register of individual specialized practices
p.(None): medical, if he submits to the regional medical chamber competent for the place of intended performance
p.(None): profession:
p.(None): 1) a written statement of the intention to temporarily and occasionally pursue the profession of a doctor, dentist,
p.(None): providing the place and, if possible, the time of its performance on the territory of the Republic of Poland, and
p.(None): 2) a document confirming citizenship, and
p.(None): 3) a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the European Union stating that
p.(None): has the right to practice the medical profession or dentist in that country at the time the declaration is made
p.(None): is not suspended or restricted and that he carries out the medical profession, and
p.(None): 4) a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor or dentist. 2a. The provision of para. 2 shall not apply
p.(None): to a foreigner holding a permit
p.(None): temporary stay granted in connection with the circumstance referred to in art. 159 paragraph 1 point 1
p.(None): point c or d of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners and a foreigner who in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): granted refugee status or subsidiary protection.
p.(None): 3. The statement referred to in para. 2 point 1, is submitted before starting to practice for the first time
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and repeats each year in which the doctor or dentist intends to perform
p.(None): in a temporary and occasional occupation in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 4. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, the documents referred to in para. 2 points 2-4 present
p.(None): the competent regional medical council before starting the profession for the first time
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and each time a significant change in the information contained therein.
p.(None): 5. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, upon submission of the statement and documents,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2, shall be entered in the register of doctors temporarily and occasionally practicing the profession
p.(None): run by the appropriate regional medical council.
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p.(None): 6. The register referred to in par. 5, is kept in the form of information and IT and
p.(None): contains the following data:
p.(None): 1) entry number in the register;
p.(None): 2) professional title;
p.(None): public - an indication of this register, the number under which it appears in the register, or other contained in it
p.(None): register of data allowing identification of a doctor, dentist;
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): 2) the name and address of the competent authority granting authorization to practice in the Member State
p.(None): office;
p.(None): 3) an indication of the professional association or similar institution in which the doctor, dentist is
p.(None): registered;
p.(None): 4) professional title;
p.(None): 5) if the doctor, dentist conducts business subject to VAT -
p.(None): VAT identification number;
p.(None): 6) details of the insurance policy or other individual measures or
p.(None): collective security in relation to professional liability.
p.(None): Art. 9b. 1. A doctor who permanently provides health services to members of the national team participating in the Games
p.(None): Olympic, Paralympic, Deaf Games, World or European Championships, hereinafter referred to as
p.(None): "Sporting event" organized on the territory of the Republic of Poland, maybe during this time
p.(None): a sporting event to pursue the medical profession without having to obtain the right to practice the profession if he submits
p.(None): Regional Medical Chamber in Warsaw:
p.(None): 1) a written declaration of intention to temporarily practice the medical profession in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): and
p.(None): 2) a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country in which he practices the medical profession that he has in it
p.(None): the right to practice medicine, which is not suspended or restricted at the time of making the declaration,
p.(None): and
p.(None): 3) a document confirming formal qualifications to practice the medical profession.
p.(None): 2. The statement and documents referred to in para. 1, the physician submits through the event organizer
p.(None): no later than 60 days before the start of this event.
p.(None): 3. The District Medical Chamber in Warsaw after receiving the statement and documents referred to in par. 1
p.(None): issues a doctor a certificate confirming the fulfillment of the obligation to submit a declaration and the documents referred to in par. 1.
p.(None): 4. The issue of the certificate referred to in para. 3, is subject to a fee of not more than
p.(None): 1.5% of the average monthly salary in the enterprise sector without payment of awards from profit for the previous year,
p.(None): published
p.(None): 04/10/2020
p.(None): © Chancellery of the Sejm
p.(None): pp. 28/140
p.(None): by the President of the Central Statistical Office in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): "Monitor Polski", by way of announcement, by January 15 each year.
p.(None): 5. The fee is the revenue of the Regional Medical Chamber in Warsaw.
p.(None): 6. The provisions of para. 1-5 do not apply to citizens of other European Union Member States providing services
p.(None): cross-border pursuant to Directive 2005/36 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on
p.(None): recognition of professional qualifications (Official Journal of the EU L 255 of 30.09.2005, p. 22, as amended).
p.(None): Art. 10. 1. A doctor who intends to take up the profession 5 years after obtaining a medical diploma or
p.(None): A dentist is obliged to undergo training before granting the right to practice the profession
p.(None): profession for the duration of the incapacity or on limiting the performance of certain medical activities for a period
p.(None): duration of incapacity. The physician concerned is entitled to attend the district council meeting
p.(None): doctor while examining his case.
p.(None): 4. If the doctor refuses to undergo examination by the commission or if the district medical council based on the results
p.(None): the investigation will find that the continued pursuit of the profession or specific medical activities by
p.(None): a doctor is in danger of being treated by him, the district medical council adopts a resolution on
p.(None): suspension of a physician in the right to practice a profession or on limitation in performing certain activities
p.(None): medical pending the termination of the proceedings.
p.(None): 5. A doctor in respect of whom a resolution was adopted to suspend the right to practice a profession or
p.(None): limiting the performance of specific medical activities, may apply to the district medical board for waiver
p.(None): resolutions if
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p.(None): the reasons for suspension or limitation cease to exist, however not earlier than 6 months after the adoption of the resolution
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 6. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): of the regulation, the procedure for appointing and operating the committee referred to in para. 1, and the procedure for adjudicating
p.(None): inability to practice the medical profession or being restricted in performing specific activities
p.(None): medical, bearing in mind the need for a doctor to properly practice his profession.
p.(None): Art. 13. Proceedings in matters referred to in art. 11 and 12, is confidential.
p.(None): Art. 14. The doctor loses the right to practice a profession in the event of:
p.(None): 1) loss of Polish citizenship or another Member State of the European Union, if not
p.(None): acquired simultaneously the citizenship of another Member State of the European Union;
p.(None): 2) total or partial incapacitation;
p.(None): 3) elapse of time for which it was granted.
p.(None): Chapter 2a
p.(None): Medical Final Exam and Medical-Dental Final Exam Art. 14a. 1. Medical Final Exam (LEK)
p.(None): and Medical and Dental
p.(None): The Final Exam (LDEK) is organized and conducted by the Medical Examination Center, hereinafter referred to as "CEM". CEM
p.(None): is a state budget unit subordinated to the minister competent for health matters.
p.(None): 2. LEK and LDEK take place twice a year, simultaneously, in accordance with the order regulations of LEK and
p.(None): LDEK referred to in art. 14f paragraph 2, in places and dates fixed by the director of CEM.
p.(None): 3. A doctor may join the drug.
p.(None): 4. A dentist may join LDEK.
p.(None): 5. A person intending to join the LEK or LDEK shall submit to the director of CEM, via SMK, an application to the LEK or LDEK,
p.(None): until:
p.(None): 1) 15 July of the calendar year in which the given exam is carried out - in the case of examinations designated in
p.(None): the period from September 1 to September 30;
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p.(None): pp. 31/140
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p.(None): regulations and that it meets the minimum training requirements specified in the provisions of European Union law;
p.(None): 3) has full legal capacity;
p.(None): 4) has a health condition allowing him to practice the profession of a physician or dentist;
p.(None): 5) has an impeccable ethical attitude.
p.(None): 2. A person who meets the conditions specified in para. 1 district medical council grants the right to exercise
p.(None): of the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist if he speaks Polish in speech and in
p.(None): writing to the extent necessary to practice the profession of a physician or dentist as specified in regulations
p.(None): issued on the basis of art. 7a point 1.
p.(None): 3. A person who meets the conditions specified in para. 1 point 1, point 2 lit. a, b or d, as well as points 3-5 and par. 2
p.(None): the District Medical Council grants the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist,
p.(None): if he completed post-graduate internship or received recognition of post-graduate internship completed outside the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polska for the equivalent of a postgraduate internship in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 4. A person who meets the conditions specified in para. 1 point 1, point 2 lit. a, b or d, as well as points 3-5 and par. 2
p.(None): the District Medical Council grants the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): dentist, if she passed the Medical Final Exam or Medical-Dental Examination
p.(None): Final in Polish or in the language in which the studies are conducted at Polish medical universities
p.(None): in the field of medicine or medicine
p.(None): -dentical, if she graduated in this language.
p.(None): 5. As equivalent to passing the examination referred to in para. 4, submission with a result is considered
p.(None): positive the State Medical Examination or the State Dental Medical Examination or the final exam
p.(None): post-graduate internship of a doctor or final exam completing a post-graduate internship of a dentist.
p.(None): 6. The requirement referred to in para. 3 and 4, also applies to a person who meets the conditions specified in para. 1 point 1 i
p.(None): 3-5 and par. 2 and has a document confirming the formal qualifications of the doctor or dentist about whom
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1 point 2
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p.(None): point c, but does not have an accompanying certificate listed in the list referred to in Art. 6b.
p.(None): 7. In order to undergo a post-graduate internship, the regional medical council shall grant the right to practice the medical profession or
p.(None): the right to practice the profession of dentist for the duration of this internship.
p.(None): 8. (repealed)
p.(None): 9. The practical teaching referred to in para. 1 point 2 lit. a, is done in:
p.(None): 1) universities providing medical and medical education
p.(None): -dentical in simulated clinical conditions;
p.(None): 2) medical entities that have concluded agreements with universities in this respect, as referred to in point 1.
p.(None): 10. Health care entities referred to in par. 9 point 2:
p.(None): 1) provide health services enabling the implementation of the framework program of practical classes;
p.(None): 2) employ doctors or dentists with professional qualifications corresponding to the type of classes
p.(None): theoretical and practical in the practical curriculum;
p.(None): "Aware of criminal liability for submitting a false statement, I certify that I have full
p.(None): legal capacity. " The statement should also include the surname and first name of the doctor or physician
p.(None): dentist, placement and date of the declaration and signature of the doctor or dentist;
p.(None): 2) referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 5 - submitting the following statement is considered:
p.(None): "Aware of criminal liability for submitting a false statement, I declare that I have not been
p.(None): punished for intentional crime or intentional tax offense and that no proceedings are pending against me
p.(None): criminal in a case of intentionally committed crime or tax offense, and that they do not occur
p.(None): circumstances that, in accordance with the Code of Medical Ethics and other legal provisions, within the meaning of the requirement
p.(None): specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 5 of the Act of December 5, 1996 on the professions of physician and dentist,
p.(None): could affect the exercise of the profession of doctor or dentist in the territory of the Republic of Poland. "
p.(None): The statement should also include the surname and first name of the doctor, place marking and date of submitting the statement and
p.(None): doctor's signature.
p.(None): 3) (repealed)
p.(None): 2a. Confirmation of compliance with the requirement referred to in art. 5 paragraph 2, is submission with a positive result
p.(None): Polish language exam, referred to in art. 7 item 3. The requirement to pass the Polish language exam does not apply
p.(None): persons who completed medical studies in Polish, as well as persons who have citizenship
p.(None): Polish or citizenship of a Member State of the European Union and present a document confirming the knowledge
p.(None): Polish language, listed in the list referred to in paragraph 2b.
p.(None): 2b. The minister competent for health will announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', a list of documents confirming knowledge of the Polish language.
p.(None): 3. In the case of a physician or dentist of a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, the District Council
p.(None): medical, to meet the requirement referred to in Article. 5 paragraph 1 point 5, considers it sufficient
p.(None): presentation of documents issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
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p.(None): European Union other than the Republic of Poland, confirming that the attitude requirements are met
p.(None): ethical physician and that he is not punished and has not been suspended or deprived of his right
p.(None): practicing a profession due to serious professional misconduct or crime. If the competent state authorities
p.(None): of a European Union Member State other than the Republic of Poland do not issue such documents, shall apply
p.(None): the provision of paragraph 2 point 2.
p.(None): 4. Document confirming the fulfillment of the requirement specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 4 is the decision on
p.(None): health condition allowing the practicing of the profession of doctor or dentist within the scope specified in art. 2, issued
p.(None): by a doctor authorized under the provisions of the medical examination of employees in the field of
p.(None): preventive healthcare for employees and decisions issued for the purposes provided for in the Code
p.(None): work.
p.(None): Polish "Monitor Polski" list
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p.(None): diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming formal qualifications to practice the medical profession or
p.(None): dentist by citizens of European Union member states.
p.(None): Art. 7. 1. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, a district council
p.(None): medical competent for the intended place of the profession grants the right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): or the right to practice the profession of dentist for an indefinite period or for a definite period if he meets
p.(None): the following conditions:
p.(None): 1) has a doctor's or dentist's diploma issued:
p.(None): a) by a Polish university or
p.(None): b) in a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland, or
p.(None): c) in a country other than a Member State of the European Union, provided that the diploma has been
p.(None): recognized in the Republic of Poland as equivalent in accordance with separate provisions and that it meets the minimum
p.(None): educational requirements set out in European Union legislation;
p.(None): 2) has full legal capacity;
p.(None): 3) has a health condition allowing him to practice the profession of a physician or dentist;
p.(None): 4) has an impeccable ethical attitude;
p.(None): 5) shows knowledge of the Polish language referred to in paragraph. 3;
p.(None): 6) completed post-graduate internship;
p.(None): 7) passed the Medical Final or Medical-Dental Examination
p.(None): Final exam; provision of art. 5 paragraph 5 shall apply accordingly;
p.(None): 8) obtained the right to stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland, in accordance with separate provisions.
p.(None): 1a. The foreigner referred to in par. 1, intending to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Poland solely for the purpose of undergoing postgraduate education in a specific form or undergoing education at school
p.(None): doctoral in order to obtain a degree or participate in scientific research and development works,
p.(None): the right to practice the profession for a specified period is granted if it meets the conditions set out in paragraph 1.
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p.(None): 1b. The right to practice the profession referred to in paragraph 1a, is granted only for the period of education
p.(None): postgraduate in a specific form or duration of study, or conduct of scientific research and development work in
p.(None): indicated place of education, studies or research.
p.(None): 2. The foreigner referred to in par. 1, shall be awarded for the post-graduate internship
p.(None): the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist for the duration of this internship,
p.(None): if it meets the conditions set out in paragraph 1 points 1-5 and 8.
p.(None): 3. The foreigner referred to in par. 1, the right to practice the profession referred to in para. 1, 1a and 2,
p.(None): if he graduated from medical studies in Polish or if he showed the knowledge of Polish necessary for
p.(None): practicing the profession of doctor or dentist confirmed by an exam in Polish.
p.(None): 3a. (Deleted)
p.(None): 4. (repealed)
p.(None): 5. The provisions of art. 6 clause 1-3 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 6. The exam referred to in par. 3, carried out by the Supreme Medical Council. 6a. In order to conduct the exam about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 3, the Supreme Council
p.(None): Lekarska appoints an examination board of six, which consists of physicians of sufficiently high levels
p.(None): qualifications, including at least two holders of a specialist title in a selected field
p.(None): medical, and at least one person with a university degree in Polish philology. Committee
p.(None): the examination board elects its chairman and secretary from among its members. The commission secretary prepares
p.(None): examination report, signed by members and chairman.
p.(None): 7. The fee for the exam referred to in par. 3, shall be borne by the applicant, and the proceeds from this title shall be the income of the Chief
p.(None): Medical Council.
p.(None): 8. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 7a. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): Regulation:
p.(None): 1) the scope of knowledge of the Polish language in speech and writing, necessary to practice the profession
p.(None): physician, dentist, in particular with regard to the scope of professional rights specified in
p.(None): Art. 2;
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p.(None): 2) the manner and procedure for conducting the exam, referred to in art. 7 item 3, the amount of the fee for this
p.(None): exam and sample certificate confirming successful passing of the exam, with a view to assurance
p.(None): the correct course of the exam and the cost of organizing the exam.
p.(None): Art. 7b. SMK contains information about the granted rights to practice the profession, referred to in art. 5–5c, art. 5f
p.(None): and art. 7.
p.(None): Art. 8. 1. A physician who obtained the right to practice the profession shall be subject to entry in the register kept by the competent authority
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 2. The Supreme Medical Council shall determine the detailed procedure for granting the right to practice the profession
p.(None): doctor, dentist and keeping a register of doctors.
p.(None): Art. 8a. Partial access to the professions of physician and dentist is not granted, both
p.(None): in the professional activities of a doctor or dentist without specialization, as well as a doctor or a physician
p.(None): specialist dentist.
p.(None): Art. 9. 1. A physician with sufficiently high qualifications, not having the right to practice in the territory
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland, but having this right in another state, may conduct theoretical and
p.(None): practical teaching of the medical profession or take part in a medical consultation and perform the treatments needed
p.(None): results from this consulium or the curriculum if:
p.(None): 1) first name (names) and surname;
p.(None): 2) date of birth;
p.(None): 3) place of birth;
p.(None): 4) PESEL number, and in the absence of it - the features of a document confirming identity: the name and number of the document and
p.(None): country of issuance;
p.(None): 5) citizenship (citizenship);
p.(None): 6) correspondence address and e-mail address and phone number, if available;
p.(None): 7) number of the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist, if he has one;
p.(None): 8) number and date of issue of the medical diploma or dentist diploma or certificate of graduation from
p.(None): medical or dental studies, if on the day of submitting the application he / she has such a document;
p.(None): 9) the name of the university at which the applicant graduated from medicine or medicine and dentistry, and
p.(None): date of their completion, and in the case of a doctor
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p.(None): or a dentist who completed his studies in medicine or medicine.
p.(None): - an tourist in a country other than a Member State of the European Union
p.(None): - the name of the Polish university which recognized the diploma of completion of these studies;
p.(None): 10) an indication of the regional medical council, which in the case of a doctor or a completed dentist
p.(None): a university in a Member State of the European Union, granted the applicant the right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): or the right to practice the profession of dentist;
p.(None): 11) an indication of the preferred place for submitting LEK or LDEK from among those indicated by CEM;
p.(None): 12) an indication of the language in which the applicant intends to submit LEK or LDEK.
p.(None): 8. In the event of submitting the application to the LEK or LDEK referred to in para. 5, for the second and subsequent time and for LEK
p.(None): or LDEK submitted in a foreign language referred to in art. 5 paragraph 4, the applicant shall pay a fee
p.(None): examination fee in an amount not exceeding 10% of the average monthly salary in the sector
p.(None): enterprises without payment of awards from profit for the previous year, announced by the President of the Central Office
p.(None): Statistical Report in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', on the way
p.(None): notice, by January 15 each year. The exam fee is collected by the CEM director and is income
p.(None): the state budget. The fee is paid to the bank account indicated by CEM, provided via SMK in the course of
p.(None): submitting the notification referred to in paragraph 5. The fee shall be paid immediately after submitting the application, no
p.(None): later than 5 days from the date of expiry of the deadline for submitting applications referred to in para. 5.
p.(None): 9. In the event of failure to pay the fee referred to in para. 8, or to lodge it in an amount lower than due,
p.(None): the director of CEM calls on the applicant to fill the formal deficiencies by means of SMK or
p.(None): electronic means of communication, using the e-mail address provided by
p.(None): the applicant in the application referred to in paragraph 7 point 6. The provision of art. 64 of the Act of June 14, 1960 -
p.(None): The Code of Administrative Procedure does not apply. If the formal deficiencies are not completed on time
p.(None): 7 days from the date of the request, the affected application to LEK or LDEK is treated as not filed. ABOUT
p.(None): consequently, the director of CEM informs in the call to make up for formal deficiencies.
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p.(None): 10. The director of CEM shall notify the applicant of the place and time of the LEK or LDEK and
Social / Occupation
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p.(None): acquisition, duration and manner of undergoing complementary training, and forms and methods of assessment
p.(None): knowledge and skills acquired by the doctor, as well as the way of completing the supplementary training, bearing in mind
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p.(None): the need for the physician to acquire additional knowledge for the provision of health services in a specified manner
p.(None): medicine, in the scope and conditions resulting from the specifics of military service and defense needs
p.(None): country.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the National Council of Laboratory Diagnosticians, shall determine, in
p.(None): by way of an ordinance, a list of specializations entitling a doctor to carry out activities independently
p.(None): laboratory diagnostics in the laboratory, taking into account the appropriate range of knowledge and skills
p.(None): specified in the specialization program necessary for independent performance of laboratory diagnostics.
p.(None): 4. The minister competent for health may determine, by regulation, priority fields of medicine,
p.(None): guided by the needs in the implementation of health services.
p.(None): 5. The Minister of National Defense may define, by regulation, priority fields of medicine for
p.(None): Of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, guided by the needs of the Armed Forces in the provision of benefits
p.(None): health.
p.(None): Art. 16h. 1. The doctor undergoes specialist training on the basis of a contract
p.(None): for a job concluded with an entity conducting specialist training for a specified period of time in the program
p.(None): specialization under residency.
p.(None): 2. The physician, at his / her request, may also undergo specialist training within free training places,
p.(None): in entities conducting specialized training:
p.(None): 1) on the basis of an employment contract or civil law contract in the dimension corresponding to the dimension
p.(None): full-time employment concluded with an entity conducting specialist training in a given job
p.(None): medicine in which the course of specialist training and mutual scope are defined
p.(None): commitments for the duration of the specialization training;
p.(None): 2) as part of paid training leave granted to the employee for the duration of the training
p.(None): specialization based on separate regulations;
p.(None): 3) on the basis of an employment contract concluded with an entity other than the entity conducting the training
p.(None): specialization, ensuring the implementation of part of the specialization program in the field of self-education and training
p.(None): and participating in the performance and performance of a fixed number of specific treatments or procedures
p.(None): medical, medical duty, which the doctor is
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p.(None): obliged to perform during the implementation of the specialization program during work allowed by the provisions of
p.(None): medical activity and as part of paid training leave granted to the employee on time
p.(None): necessary to implement the remaining part of the program in the entity conducting the specialist training or
p.(None): respectively in the subject conducting the field internship;
p.(None): 4) on the basis of a civil law contract for specialization training concluded with the operator
p.(None): specialization training, which specifies the detailed mode of specialization training and scope
p.(None): mutual obligations for its duration;
p.(None): 5) as part of extending the postgraduate program curriculum with a specialization program in the same
p.(None): unit, in accordance with the scope of these studies, and as part of training leave or unpaid leave, and
p.(None): after completing these studies - according to the procedure specified in para. 1 or paragraph 2 points 1-4.
p.(None): Work.
p.(None): 1h. In 2019, residency is financed by the minister competent for health from the Fund
p.(None): Guaranteed Employee Benefits.
p.(None): 1i. In 2020, residency is financed by the minister competent for health from the Fund
p.(None): Work.
p.(None): 2. Financial resources necessary for undergoing specialist training in the residency mode, including
p.(None): on-call time, as part of a specialization program up to an amount not exceeding the rate specified in
p.(None): Art. 1511 § 1 point 2 of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code, by doctors who stayed
p.(None): qualified for or held in this mode, the minister competent for health issues to
p.(None): based on the contract concluded with the entity conducting specialization training employing these doctors.
p.(None): This agreement specifies the amount of funds and their purpose and, if applicable, the entity's obligation
p.(None): specializing training to transfer funds for the remuneration of doctors undergoing internship
p.(None): area code outside this entity.
p.(None): 2a. Preparation and implementation of the contracts referred to in paragraph 2, takes place in SMK.
p.(None): 2b. A doctor undergoing specialist training in residency mode may undertake to perform
p.(None): the profession of a doctor in the territory of the Republic of Poland in an entity performing medical activity which it grants
p.(None): healthcare services financed from public funds, in a total of two years out of five consecutive
p.(None): years falling from the date of receipt of the confirmation
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p.(None): completion of specialization training referred to in art. 16r paragraph 6 point 1, in the total time
p.(None): equivalent to one full-time equivalent job and receive a higher basic salary in return
p.(None): than specified in the regulations issued on the basis of para. 5, for the amount of:
p.(None): 1) 700 PLN per month, in the case of specialized training in the priority field of medicine, about which
p.(None): referred to in provisions issued based on art. 16g paragraph 4;
p.(None): 2) PLN 600 per month, in the case of specialized training in medicine other than
p.(None): Priority.
p.(None): 2c. Declaration regarding the commitment referred to in paragraph 2b, the physician submits in writing to the leading entity
p.(None): specialized training of the employing doctor.
p.(None): 2d. The declaration referred to in paragraph 2c, contains:
p.(None): 1) first name (names) and surname of the doctor;
p.(None): 2) surname at birth;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence of it - the features of a document confirming identity: the name and number of the document and
p.(None): country of issuance;
p.(None): 4) name of the specialization;
p.(None): 5) professional license number;
p.(None): 6) physician's statement that he undertakes to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polska in the entity performing medical activity, which provides healthcare services financed from
p.(None): public funds, in the aggregate period of two out of five consecutive years falling from the date of receipt
p.(None): confirmation of completion of specialization training in the total working time
p.(None): at least equivalent to one full-time equivalent;
p.(None): 7) an obligation to pay the penalty specified in accordance with para. 2l;
p.(None): 8) date and signature of the physician making the declaration.
p.(None): 2e. Increased base salary is due from the first day of the month following the month in
p.(None): to which the doctor has made the declaration referred to in paragraph 2c.
p.(None): 2f. The entity referred to in par. 2c, within:
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p.(None): individual medical practices or a register of individual specialized practices
p.(None): medical, if he submits to the regional medical chamber competent for the place of intended performance
p.(None): profession:
p.(None): 1) a written statement of the intention to temporarily and occasionally pursue the profession of a doctor, dentist,
p.(None): providing the place and, if possible, the time of its performance on the territory of the Republic of Poland, and
p.(None): 2) a document confirming citizenship, and
p.(None): 3) a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the European Union stating that
p.(None): has the right to practice the medical profession or dentist in that country at the time the declaration is made
p.(None): is not suspended or restricted and that he carries out the medical profession, and
p.(None): 4) a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor or dentist. 2a. The provision of para. 2 shall not apply
p.(None): to a foreigner holding a permit
p.(None): temporary stay granted in connection with the circumstance referred to in art. 159 paragraph 1 point 1
p.(None): point c or d of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners and a foreigner who in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): granted refugee status or subsidiary protection.
p.(None): 3. The statement referred to in para. 2 point 1, is submitted before starting to practice for the first time
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and repeats each year in which the doctor or dentist intends to perform
p.(None): in a temporary and occasional occupation in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 4. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, the documents referred to in para. 2 points 2-4 present
p.(None): the competent regional medical council before starting the profession for the first time
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and each time a significant change in the information contained therein.
p.(None): 5. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, upon submission of the statement and documents,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2, shall be entered in the register of doctors temporarily and occasionally practicing the profession
p.(None): run by the appropriate regional medical council.
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p.(None): 6. The register referred to in par. 5, is kept in the form of information and IT and
p.(None): contains the following data:
p.(None): 1) entry number in the register;
p.(None): 2) professional title;
p.(None): 3) names and surname;
p.(None): 4) gender;
p.(None): 5) date of birth;
p.(None): 6) place of birth;
p.(None): 7) citizenship;
p.(None): 8) number of the identity document;
p.(None): 9) name and designation of the document confirming the right to practice medicine in the country
p.(None): a member of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 10) specializations held;
p.(None): 11) place, period, form and scope of health services provided on a temporary and occasional basis
p.(None): practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland, if their identification is possible;
p.(None): 12) date of issue of the certificate by the regional medical board on the fulfillment of its obligation to submit
p.(None): statements;
p.(None): 13) correspondence address.
Social / Police Officer
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p.(None): medical, medical duty, which the doctor is
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p.(None): obliged to perform during the implementation of the specialization program during work allowed by the provisions of
p.(None): medical activity and as part of paid training leave granted to the employee on time
p.(None): necessary to implement the remaining part of the program in the entity conducting the specialist training or
p.(None): respectively in the subject conducting the field internship;
p.(None): 4) on the basis of a civil law contract for specialization training concluded with the operator
p.(None): specialization training, which specifies the detailed mode of specialization training and scope
p.(None): mutual obligations for its duration;
p.(None): 5) as part of extending the postgraduate program curriculum with a specialization program in the same
p.(None): unit, in accordance with the scope of these studies, and as part of training leave or unpaid leave, and
p.(None): after completing these studies - according to the procedure specified in para. 1 or paragraph 2 points 1-4.
p.(None): 3. A foreign doctor referred to in art. 7 item 1 and 1a may undergo specialist training
p.(None): specified in the provisions on the pursuit of studies and participation in scientific research and training by persons
p.(None): who are not Polish citizens.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who is a soldier on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): healing and created by the Minister of National Defense, undergoes specialist training
p.(None): specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 16x paragraph 2.
p.(None): 5. A physician who is an officer in relation to the service in organizational units subordinate to or
p.(None): supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs or serving in a therapeutic entity established
p.(None): by this minister he is undergoing specialist training specified in the regulations issued under Art. 16x paragraph
p.(None): 3.
p.(None): 6. A doctor who is an officer of the Prison Service or employed in a therapeutic entity established
p.(None): specialization training specified by the Minister of Justice or bodies of the Prison Service
p.(None): in regulations issued on the basis of art. 16x paragraph 4.
p.(None): 7. (repealed)
p.(None): 8. A doctor who undergoes specialist training in residency mode may change the place of training
p.(None): specialization not earlier than after
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p.(None): one year from the date of qualifying for this specialist training, subject to paragraph 9.
p.(None): 9. The provision of para. 8 shall not apply if the organizational unit in which the doctor undergoes specialization training,
p.(None): has been liquidated or no longer meets the requirements referred to in art. 19f paragraph 2.
p.(None): 10. Voivode, minister competent for health, minister competent for internal affairs and Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): in order to perform tasks related to the implementation of specialized training for doctors and dentists,
p.(None): process, in accordance with their jurisdiction, the data of doctors and dentists including:
p.(None): 1) rank of active soldier or officer in relation to service;
p.(None): 2) name and surname;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence thereof - the type and number of the document confirming identity;
p.(None): 4) date of birth;
p.(None): 5) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 6) professional license number;
p.(None): 7) specializations held;
p.(None): 8) reasons and periods of absence from work;
p.(None): 9) expected and actual date of delivery;
p.(None): 10) information about the disability certificate;
p.(None): 11) information on the procedure for terminating the employment contract.
p.(None): 11. The data referred to in par. 10 points 8-11, cannot be processed for purposes other than financing the training
p.(None): specialization, extension of specialization training and supervision over specialization training, a
p.(None): they can only be accessed by persons who have a written authorization to process this data issued by
p.(None): voivode, minister competent for health, minister competent for internal affairs or Minister of Defense
p.(None): National. Persons with written authorization are required to keep this data confidential.
p.(None): Art. 16i. 1. The doctor undergoes specialist training throughout its duration
p.(None): equal working time of a doctor employed in a medical entity, as referred to in art. 93 of the Act of
p.(None): April 15, 2011 on medical activities, and is on call or working in shifts or
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p.(None): equivalent to the maximum working time allowed by law
p.(None): about medical activities.
p.(None): 2. Doctor:
p.(None): 1) being a soldier on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): 2) being an officer in relation to the service in organizational units subordinated or supervised
p.(None): by the minister competent for internal affairs,
p.(None): 3) being an officer of the Prison Service or employed in a therapeutic entity established by
p.(None): Minister of Justice or bodies of the Prison Service
p.(None): - may undergo specialist training in a different time dimension than that specified in para. 1, under the conditions specified
p.(None): by the competent authorities, which are obliged to ensure that the total duration, level and quality carried out
p.(None): by a physician specialization training were not lower than when undergoing the appropriate training
p.(None): specialized training in the amount of time referred to in paragraph 1.
p.(None): 3. A doctor on medical duty as part of a specialization program is entitled to remuneration
p.(None): on the basis of an on-call contract concluded with an entity conducting specialization training or field internship.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who undergoes specialist training in the course of residency, on medical duty, under
p.(None): implementation of the specialization program, entitled to remuneration based on the employment contract referred to in Art. 16h paragraph
p.(None): 1. The provision of art. 95 of the Act of 15 April 2011 on medical activities shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): Art. 16j. 1. Residency is granted and financed by the minister competent for health matters in
p.(None): as part of the state budget funds, which is at its disposal.
p.(None): 1a. In 2012, residency is financed by the minister competent for health from the Fund
p.(None): Work.
p.(None): 1b. In 2013, residency is financed by the minister competent for health from the Fund
p.(None): Work.
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p.(None): 1c. In 2014, residency is financed by the minister competent for health from the Fund
p.(None): Work.
p.(None): 16) the amount of remuneration for performing control activities referred to in art. 19i paragraph 12 point 1
p.(None): - aiming to ensure efficient implementation of tasks by CEM, ensuring document transparency, o
p.(None): referred to in art. 19g paragraph 7 and taking into account the workload associated with carrying out control activities.
p.(None): 2. The Minister of National Defense in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): Of the Military Medical Council, shall determine, by regulation, the regulations of the qualification procedure, procedure and manner
p.(None): undergoing specialist training by a physician who is a soldier in active military service, as well as
p.(None): performing service or employed in a medical entity, for which the entity creating and supervising is
p.(None): The Minister of National Defense, and sample documents referred to in para. 1 point 10, taking into account necessity
p.(None): ensuring the proper course and specificity of specialist training for a physician who is a soldier in active health
p.(None): military service and on duty or employed in a medical entity for which the subject
p.(None): the creation is the Minister of National Defense.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for internal affairs in consultation with the minister competent for health, after
p.(None): consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine, by regulation, the mode and manner
p.(None): undergoing specialist training by a physician who is an officer in relation to the service in
p.(None): organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister
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p.(None): competent for internal affairs or employed under an employment contract or civil law contract, or
p.(None): serving in a therapeutic entity, established by the minister competent for internal affairs,
p.(None): and model documents referred to in paragraph 1 point 10, taking into account the need to ensure
p.(None): the correct course and specificity of the training of a specialist physician who is an officer in relation
p.(None): services in organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs
p.(None): either employed under a contract of employment or a civil law contract, or serving in a medical entity,
p.(None): created by the minister responsible for internal affairs.
p.(None): 4. The Minister of Justice in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): The Supreme Medical Council will determine, by regulation, the mode and manner of training
p.(None): specialization by a doctor who is an officer of the Prison Service or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, established by the Minister of Justice or the Prison Service, and designs
p.(None): documents referred to in paragraph 1 point 10, taking into account the need to ensure proper course
p.(None): and the specifics of the specialist training for a doctor who is an officer of the Prison Service or
p.(None): employed in a medical entity established by the Minister of Justice or the Prison Service authorities.
p.(None): Art. 17. 1. A physician may obtain a certificate confirming possession of narrower skills
p.(None): medical fields or the provision of specific health services, hereinafter referred to as "certificate".
p.(None): 2. The doctor obtains a certificate after undergoing training and passing a state examination after its completion.
p.(None): 3. The conditions of conducting the training, including the amount of training fees, are specified in the contract concluded between the entity
p.(None): training and doctor.
p.(None): 4. The training may be conducted by an entity entered on the list of entities authorized to train in
p.(None): obtaining skills in narrower fields of medicine or providing specific services
p.(None): health, hereinafter referred to as
p.(None): "List" kept by the minister competent for health who meets the following conditions:
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p.(None): 1) undertakes to conduct training in accordance with the program approved by the minister
p.(None): competent for health;
p.(None): 2) provides training for at least three doctors with a certificate of skill or title
p.(None): a specialist or second degree specialization in an appropriate or related field of medicine;
p.(None): 3) provides health services of the appropriate type, scope and number,
p.(None): enabling the implementation of the skills program to a certain number of doctors, or has entered into a contract in this regard with
p.(None): the entity that provides such benefits;
Social / Property Ownership
Searching for indicator home:
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p.(None): training not covered by residency and took the next highest places on the ranking list, including data
p.(None): specified in art. 16c paragraph 2 and place on the ranking list.
p.(None): 3. Unused training places covered by residency, allocated for a given qualification procedure for a given one
p.(None): voivodships in a given field of medicine,
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p.(None): the minister competent for health may additionally grant the doctors referred to in para. 2a point 2, having regard to
p.(None): all areas in which residency training places were allocated.
p.(None): 4. Voivode, and in the case of training places covered by residency - the minister competent for matters
p.(None): health, may additionally grant training places, no later than within 2 months of the day
p.(None): the end of the qualifying procedure.
p.(None): 4a. The minister competent for health shall immediately inform, by means of SMK, of the allocation of a place
p.(None): training of the competent voivode who resides, who directs the doctor, via SMK, to
p.(None): undergoing specialist training.
p.(None): 5. Before the qualifying procedure, the Minister of National Defense shall define and publish on his website and
p.(None): using SMK, the number of free training places for physicians who are soldiers in active military service,
p.(None): as well as those serving or employed in medical entities established and supervised by the Minister of Defense
p.(None): Narodowa, taking into account the needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 6. Prior to the qualification procedure, the minister competent for home affairs announces his own
p.(None): website and using SMK the number of free training places for physicians being
p.(None): officers in the service relationship in organizational units subordinated to or supervised by it
p.(None): the minister or those on duty or employed in medical entities, created by the minister
p.(None): competent for internal affairs.
p.(None): Article 16ea 1. Residency may only take place without a doctor who does not have a first or second degree specialization or title
p.(None): specialist.
p.(None): 2. A doctor may not resubmit an application for resident status if he has obtained confirmation of program implementation.
p.(None): 3. A doctor who has been qualified to undergo residency may not submit another application for admission
p.(None): residency, except if he has a medical certificate on the existence of contraindications to
p.(None): continuing the current specialization.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who has been qualified for residency twice cannot submit another application for
p.(None): residency.
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p.(None): Art. 16f. 1. The doctor shall undergo specialization training on the basis of the specialization program established for
p.(None): given field of medicine, including the appropriate module.
p.(None): 2. A doctor who is a soldier in active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, as part of specialization training
p.(None): is required to undergo and complete supplementary training appropriate to the specific specialization in the field
p.(None): war and peace and the appropriate regional medical chamber.
p.(None): 5. The decision referred to in para. 4, shall be placed in SMK and additionally include in it:
p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 6. The decision referred to in para. 4, the provisions of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code shall apply
p.(None): administrative proceedings. On the decision, the entities referred to in paragraph 4, shall also notify the doctor in writing.
p.(None): Art. 16p. 1. The register is kept by CMKP, using SMK, using data
p.(None): immediately published in SMK directly by voivods, the Minister of National Defense and the minister
p.(None): competent for internal affairs.
p.(None): 2. The register is kept in the information and IT system according to a specific data system:
p.(None): 1) registration number consisting of a sequence of consecutive characters:
p.(None): a) a two-digit voivodship symbol being the first element of the division unit identifier
p.(None): territorial defined in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 49 of the Act of 29 June 1995 on
p.(None): public statistics (Journal of Laws of 2019, items 649, 730 and 2294),
p.(None): b) a four-character specialization code, in accordance with the list of specialization codes specified in the regulations issued on
p.(None): based on art. 8 clause 2
p.(None): c) the seven-digit number "The right to practice the profession of medicine" or "The right to practice the profession of dentist";
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the doctor;
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p.(None): 3) physician's home address;
p.(None): 4) place and date of birth in the case of a foreign doctor;
p.(None): 5) PESEL number, and in the absence of it - the features of a document confirming identity: the name and number of the document and
p.(None): country of issuance;
p.(None): 6) citizenship (citizenship);
p.(None): 7) number of the right to practice the profession;
p.(None): 8) serial number, date and entity issuing the right to practice a profession;
p.(None): 9) specializations held and year of obtaining them;
p.(None): 10) number and date of the decision of the minister competent for health regarding consent to specialization
p.(None): by a foreign doctor;
p.(None): 11) the procedure and financing rules for specialization training conducted by a foreign doctor;
p.(None): 12) date of the qualification procedure and result obtained in the qualification procedure;
p.(None): 13) date of referral for specialist training and the name of the governing body;
p.(None): 14) date and number of the specialization training card;
p.(None): 15) name and address of the organizational unit and the name of the organizational unit in which the training takes place
p.(None): specialization, and the registration book number in the register of entities performing medical activities;
p.(None): 16) first name (s) and surname of the head of specialization, specialization held and position held, and
p.(None): professional license number;
p.(None): 17) planned dates of start and end of specialization training and actual dates of start and end
p.(None): completion of specialization training;
p.(None): 18) date of extension or shortening of the specialized training and the period for which the training was held
p.(None): extended or shortened, and information on courses passed in connection with the decision referred to in art. 16
p.(None): paragraph. 7 or art. 16m paragraph 12 or 13;
Searching for indicator property:
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p.(None): 374) to the entity in which the internship takes place or to another entity, or
p.(None): 2) the employer to perform tasks other than those resulting from the contract referred to in paragraph 3d if he doesn't stay
p.(None): issued decision referred to in item 1.
p.(None): 8b. Tasks referred to in par. 8a, must be adapted to the level of knowledge and skills of the managed person
p.(None): an intern and be subject to the supervision and management of a specialist appointed by the manager
p.(None): the unit to which the intern doctor was referred.
p.(None): 8c. At the request of the trainee doctor, the minister competent for health may decide, by decision, the period in
p.(None): which the doctor did not carry out the postgraduate internship program as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if
p.(None): at that time carried out the tasks assigned pursuant to paragraph 8a.
p.(None): 8d. The provisions of para. 8a-8c shall apply accordingly to an intern doctor appointed for professional military service.
p.(None): 9. Postgraduate internship in a Member State of the European Union by a national doctor
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland or another Member State of the European Union, minister competent for matters
p.(None): health is recognized as equivalent in whole or in part to the postgraduate internship completed in
p.(None): Polish Republic.
p.(None): 10. (repealed)
p.(None): 11. Marshal of the voivodship, Minister of National Defense and voivode, in order to perform tasks related to
p.(None): implementation of doctors' post-graduate internship
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p.(None): and dentists, in accordance with their property, process the data of doctors and dentists including:
p.(None): 1) rank of soldier in active duty;
p.(None): 2) name and surname;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence thereof - the type and number of the document confirming identity;
p.(None): 4) date of birth;
p.(None): 5) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 6) professional license number;
p.(None): 7) specializations held;
p.(None): 8) reasons and periods of absence from work;
p.(None): 9) expected and actual date of delivery;
p.(None): 10) information about the disability certificate;
p.(None): 11) information on the procedure for terminating the employment contract.
p.(None): 12. The data referred to in par. 11 points 8-11, may not be processed for a purpose other than financing
p.(None): post-graduate internship, extension of post-graduate internship and supervision of post-graduate internship, and access to
p.(None): only persons with a written authorization to process these data issued by the marshal may have them
p.(None): voivodship, Minister of National Defense or voivode. Persons who have a written authorization are obliged to
p.(None): keep this data confidential.
p.(None): Art. 16. 1. A doctor may obtain the title of specialist in a specific field of medicine:
p.(None): 1) after undergoing specialist training and
p.(None): 2) after passing the State Specialization Examination, hereinafter referred to as "PES", or
p.(None): 3) after recognition as equivalent to a specialist title obtained abroad.
p.(None): 2. Specialist training in a specific field of medicine is a modular training and consists of:
p.(None): 1) the basic module, corresponding to the basic scope of theoretical knowledge and skills
Social / Religion
Searching for indicator conviction:
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p.(None): b) adoption;
p.(None): 3) a person living together with him;
p.(None): 4) a person in relation to him in a business relationship.
p.(None): 7. The reasons for exclusion referred to in par. 6 points 1 and 2 continue despite the termination of marriage or adoption.
p.(None): 8. Members of the Examination Team before the start of LEK or LDEK shall submit to the CEM director a written statement,
p.(None): under pain of criminal liability that they do not remain with any of the applicants for LEK or LDEK before that
p.(None): The Examination Team in the relation referred to in par. 6, and they did not stay
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p.(None): convicted by a final judgment of a court for a deliberate offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional crime
p.(None): Treasury. The person submitting the statement is obliged to include the following clause in it: "I am
p.(None): aware of the criminal liability for making a false declaration. " This clause replaces the instruction
p.(None): a criminal liability authority for making false statements.
p.(None): 9. The CEM Director shall dismiss a member of the Examination Board in the event of:
p.(None): 1) resignation;
p.(None): 2) illness preventing him from performing the function of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 3) failure to perform or improper performance of the duties of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 4) conviction by a final judgment of a court for an intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional
p.(None): tax offense;
p.(None): 5) submitting a false statement referred to in para. 8.
p.(None): 10. Members of the Examination Teams referred to in para. 5, and the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2
p.(None): entitled:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for participation in the works of this Team or committee, in an amount not exceeding PLN 500 for
p.(None): Chairman and not more than PLN 300 for a member;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1040, 1043 and 1495) entitled to employees from
p.(None): title of business trip within the country;
p.(None): 3) dismissal from work on the day of performing the activities of the Examination Team referred to in par. 5, or
p.(None): the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2, without retaining the right to remuneration when organizing
p.(None): LEK or LDEK on a business day.
p.(None): 11. The detailed manner of payment of remuneration referred to in para. 10 point 1 and the reimbursement of costs referred to in para.
p.(None): 10 point 2, is determined by way of an ordinance, the director of CEM.
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p.(None): Art. 14c. 1. LEK and LDEK are submitted in the form of written tests, separate for the medical profession and the medical profession
p.(None): dentist, developed for each exam date by experts on issues covered by LEK and LDEK.
p.(None): 2. The LEK and LDEK test questions cover issues in the fields of medicine specified in regulations
Social / Soldier
Searching for indicator armedXforces:
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p.(None): about:
p.(None): 1) unused training places covered by residency;
p.(None): 2) physicians who participated in the qualification procedure for these training places and places
p.(None): training not covered by residency and took the next highest places on the ranking list, including data
p.(None): specified in art. 16c paragraph 2 and place on the ranking list.
p.(None): 3. Unused training places covered by residency, allocated for a given qualification procedure for a given one
p.(None): voivodships in a given field of medicine,
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p.(None): the minister competent for health may additionally grant the doctors referred to in para. 2a point 2, having regard to
p.(None): all areas in which residency training places were allocated.
p.(None): 4. Voivode, and in the case of training places covered by residency - the minister competent for matters
p.(None): health, may additionally grant training places, no later than within 2 months of the day
p.(None): the end of the qualifying procedure.
p.(None): 4a. The minister competent for health shall immediately inform, by means of SMK, of the allocation of a place
p.(None): training of the competent voivode who resides, who directs the doctor, via SMK, to
p.(None): undergoing specialist training.
p.(None): 5. Before the qualifying procedure, the Minister of National Defense shall define and publish on his website and
p.(None): using SMK, the number of free training places for physicians who are soldiers in active military service,
p.(None): as well as those serving or employed in medical entities established and supervised by the Minister of Defense
p.(None): Narodowa, taking into account the needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 6. Prior to the qualification procedure, the minister competent for home affairs announces his own
p.(None): website and using SMK the number of free training places for physicians being
p.(None): officers in the service relationship in organizational units subordinated to or supervised by it
p.(None): the minister or those on duty or employed in medical entities, created by the minister
p.(None): competent for internal affairs.
p.(None): Article 16ea 1. Residency may only take place without a doctor who does not have a first or second degree specialization or title
p.(None): specialist.
p.(None): 2. A doctor may not resubmit an application for resident status if he has obtained confirmation of program implementation.
p.(None): 3. A doctor who has been qualified to undergo residency may not submit another application for admission
p.(None): residency, except if he has a medical certificate on the existence of contraindications to
p.(None): continuing the current specialization.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who has been qualified for residency twice cannot submit another application for
p.(None): residency.
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): pp. 60/140
p.(None): Art. 16f. 1. The doctor shall undergo specialization training on the basis of the specialization program established for
p.(None): given field of medicine, including the appropriate module.
p.(None): 2. A doctor who is a soldier in active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, as part of specialization training
p.(None): Military Medical Council, will determine, by regulation, supplementary programs for a specific specialization,
p.(None): containing the scope of theoretical knowledge required and the practical skills required, their forms and methods
p.(None): acquisition, duration and manner of undergoing complementary training, and forms and methods of assessment
p.(None): knowledge and skills acquired by the doctor, as well as the way of completing the supplementary training, bearing in mind
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p.(None): the need for the physician to acquire additional knowledge for the provision of health services in a specified manner
p.(None): medicine, in the scope and conditions resulting from the specifics of military service and defense needs
p.(None): country.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the National Council of Laboratory Diagnosticians, shall determine, in
p.(None): by way of an ordinance, a list of specializations entitling a doctor to carry out activities independently
p.(None): laboratory diagnostics in the laboratory, taking into account the appropriate range of knowledge and skills
p.(None): specified in the specialization program necessary for independent performance of laboratory diagnostics.
p.(None): 4. The minister competent for health may determine, by regulation, priority fields of medicine,
p.(None): guided by the needs in the implementation of health services.
p.(None): 5. The Minister of National Defense may define, by regulation, priority fields of medicine for
p.(None): Of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, guided by the needs of the Armed Forces in the provision of benefits
p.(None): health.
p.(None): Art. 16h. 1. The doctor undergoes specialist training on the basis of a contract
p.(None): for a job concluded with an entity conducting specialist training for a specified period of time in the program
p.(None): specialization under residency.
p.(None): 2. The physician, at his / her request, may also undergo specialist training within free training places,
p.(None): in entities conducting specialized training:
p.(None): 1) on the basis of an employment contract or civil law contract in the dimension corresponding to the dimension
p.(None): full-time employment concluded with an entity conducting specialist training in a given job
p.(None): medicine in which the course of specialist training and mutual scope are defined
p.(None): commitments for the duration of the specialization training;
p.(None): 2) as part of paid training leave granted to the employee for the duration of the training
p.(None): specialization based on separate regulations;
p.(None): 3) on the basis of an employment contract concluded with an entity other than the entity conducting the training
p.(None): specialization, ensuring the implementation of part of the specialization program in the field of self-education and training
p.(None): and participating in the performance and performance of a fixed number of specific treatments or procedures
p.(None): medical, medical duty, which the doctor is
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): obliged to perform during the implementation of the specialization program during work allowed by the provisions of
p.(None): medical activity and as part of paid training leave granted to the employee on time
Searching for indicator military:
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p.(None): and with due diligence.
p.(None): Art. 4a. Data published in SMK, pursuant to this Act, may be made available:
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): pp. 5/140
p.(None): 1) physician - in the scope of tracking the course of own education;
p.(None): 2) universities - within the scope of the tasks specified in this Act and monitoring the professional careers of graduates, about
p.(None): referred to in the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 85);
p.(None): 3) national consultants and voivodship consultants - to the extent that they participate in education
p.(None): doctors, in particular as regards the tasks specified in this Act and the Act of 6
p.(None): November 2008 on consultants in health care (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 886);
p.(None): 4) Medical Examinations Center - within the scope of tasks specified in this Act, in particular
p.(None): organizing and conducting state examinations and other examinations in the field of doctor training;
p.(None): 5) Medical Center of Postgraduate Education - within the scope of tasks specified in this Act,
p.(None): in particular, accreditation of organizational units, coordination of the organization of courses
p.(None): training and control and monitoring of the implementation of specialized training;
p.(None): 6) voivods - in the scope of tasks specified in this Act, in particular in the scope of the training process
p.(None): specialization doctors;
p.(None): 7) the Minister of National Defense - in the scope of tasks specified in this Act and the Act of 11 September
p.(None): 2003 on the military service of professional soldiers (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 330, 730 and 1726), in particular in
p.(None): specialization training process for physicians who are soldiers in active military service, as well as
p.(None): serving or employed in medical entities established and supervised by the Minister of Defense
p.(None): national;
p.(None): 8) the minister competent for internal affairs - in the scope of tasks specified in this Act, in
p.(None): in particular as regards the process of specialist training for doctors on duty or
p.(None): employed in medical entities, created by the minister competent for internal affairs;
p.(None): 9) entities referred to in art. 19 paragraph 1, within the scope of tasks specified in this Act;
p.(None): 10) district medical councils and the Supreme Medical Council - within the scope of tasks specified herein
p.(None): the Act and the Act of December 2, 2009 on Medical Chambers (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 965).
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p.(None): Chapter 2
p.(None): The right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): Art. 5. 1. The Regional Medical Council shall grant, subject to para. 2-6 and art. 5a-5c, the right to exercise
p.(None): the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of dentist for a person who:
p.(None): 1) is a Polish citizen or a citizen of a Member State of the Union other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): European Union;
p.(None): 2) has:
p.(None): a) a medical diploma issued by a Polish university confirming completion of at least
p.(None): six-year medical studies, including at least 5500 teaching hours
p.(None): theoretical and practical, including two-semester practical teaching in clinical fields for the 6th year of study,
p.(None): or a diploma of a dentist issued by a Polish university confirming the completion of at least five years
p.(None): studies in medicine and dentistry, covering at least two semesters practical teaching on 5.
p.(None): no teaching and teaching aids, and may not use copying devices and
p.(None): forwarding and receiving information. Violation of this ban or termination of test
p.(None): it constitutes the basis for disqualification of the applicant, which is equivalent to obtaining by
p.(None): negative result.
p.(None): 5. In the event of a breach of the prohibition referred to in para. 4, or solve the test
p.(None): dependent, the chairman of the Examination Team referred to in art. 14b paragraph 5, makes
p.(None): disqualification of the applicant and notes the fact of disqualification together with an indication of its reason and the time of interruption
p.(None): test exam in the examination report.
p.(None): 6. If it is found after the exam, based on image and sound analysis recorded for
p.(None): using video and sound recording devices referred to in paragraph 3 that the applicant has violated the prohibition, Fr.
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 4 or solved the test independently, the Chairman of the Committee
p.(None): Examination referred to in art. 14b paragraph 4, will disqualify the applicant. The fact of disqualification
p.(None): along with an indication of its causes are noted in the examination report.
p.(None): 7. On the disqualification referred to in para. 6, the director of CEM shall notify the disqualified person in writing.
p.(None): The director of CEM publishes information on disqualification in SMK.
p.(None): 8. The director of CEM notifies the competent regional ombudsman of professional liability about disqualification.
p.(None): if the doctor or dentist is a member of a regional medical chamber or a competent one
p.(None): District Ombudsman for professional liability of the military medical chamber, if the doctor or dentist
p.(None): is a member of the military medical chamber.
p.(None): 9. A disqualified person may not join LEK or LDEK at the next nearest date
p.(None): exam after the day of disqualification.
p.(None): Art. 14e. 1. Candidate LEK or LDEK in a given time may bring it during the examination or immediately after it
p.(None): finished before leaving the room
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p.(None): examination subject, substantive reservation on the test question used during this LEK or LDEK.
p.(None): The reservation shall be made to the director of CEM on the form, a template of which is prepared by CEM.
p.(None): 2. The reservation referred to in para. 1, examine within 3 days from the day on which the exam took place, the commission
p.(None): appointed by the director of CEM from persons whose knowledge, experience and authority guarantee the correct one
p.(None): consideration of objections. If the objection is accepted, the committee will cancel the test question
p.(None): subject to the reservation. This decision lowers the maximum number of points possible
p.(None): from the test. No points are awarded for an annulled question.
p.(None): 3. The decision referred to in para. 2, is inconsistent with the law.
p.(None): 4. A positive LEK or LDEK result is obtained by the applicant who obtained at least 56% of the maximum number
p.(None): points from the test. The result of the exam is not a decision within the meaning of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code
p.(None): administrative proceedings.
p.(None): 5. A person who submitted a LEK or LDEK with negative results, or who submitted a LEK or LDEK with unsatisfactory results
p.(None): result, he can take the exam again at another time.
p.(None): 6. To the person who submitted the LEK or LDEK, the CEM director issues the certificate of LEK or LDEK in
p.(None): postgraduate in your area
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p.(None): actions of doctors, dentists, whom she granted the right to practice and whom she entered on the list of members
p.(None): chambers.
p.(None): 6AA. The post-graduate internship is extended for the duration of this part of the internship program
p.(None): postgraduate study, which was not implemented, in consultation with the appropriate regional medical council. It doesn't last
p.(None): duration of post-graduate internship, if 5 years have elapsed from the date of obtaining the right to practice the profession.
p.(None): 6b. The voivode oversees the completion of post-graduate internships for doctors, dentists and in the field of
p.(None): compliance by the internship entities with the requirements and conditions referred to in paragraph 5 point 6.
p.(None): 6c. The voivode as part of the supervision referred to in para. 6b, is entitled to:
p.(None): 1) visitation of an entity entered on the list referred to in para. 6;
p.(None): 2) request documentation regarding the implementation of the internship program and financing;
p.(None): 3) demand explanations regarding the implementation of the internship program by a doctor;
p.(None): 4) issuing post-control recommendations;
p.(None): 5) providing information on the inspection carried out to the voivodship marshal and the regional chamber
p.(None): medical;
p.(None): 6) requesting the voivodship marshal to delete an entity entered on the list referred to in para. 6.
p.(None): 6d. The provisions of para. 1-3d and 4-6c shall apply mutatis mutandis to persons who are nationals of a Member State
p.(None): The European Union.
p.(None): 7. The Minister of National Defense, after consulting the Military Medical Council, shall establish the list
p.(None): subordinate health care entities authorized to conduct postgraduate internships for doctors and physicians
p.(None): dentists appointed to the professional military service and provides the funds necessary for these internships.
p.(None): 7a. The doctor, dentist referred to in paragraph 7, takes a postgraduate internship as an intern or
p.(None): trainee dentist, to whom he is appointed by the competent military authority in agreement with
p.(None): Military Medical Council.
p.(None): 7b. An intern doctor who has not completed or did not complete the post-graduate internship within 5 years from the date
p.(None): obtaining the right to practice the profession, may again undergo a post-graduate internship under a training contract
p.(None): concluded with the entity
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p.(None): conducting postgraduate internship. The competent district medical council again grants the doctor the right
p.(None): practicing the profession referred to in art. 5 paragraph 7.
p.(None): 8. In justified cases, the minister competent for health may recognize post-graduate internship
p.(None): abroad as equivalent to a postgraduate internship completed in the country, subject to paragraph 9.
p.(None): 8a. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status, the trainee physician may be referred
p.(None): through:
p.(None): 1) a voivode to work in combating an epidemic based on art. 47 of the Act of 5 December 2008 on prevention
p.(None): and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1239 and 1495 and of 2020, items 284, 322 and
p.(None): 374) to the entity in which the internship takes place or to another entity, or
p.(None): 2) the employer to perform tasks other than those resulting from the contract referred to in paragraph 3d if he doesn't stay
p.(None): issued decision referred to in item 1.
p.(None): 8b. Tasks referred to in par. 8a, must be adapted to the level of knowledge and skills of the managed person
p.(None): an intern and be subject to the supervision and management of a specialist appointed by the manager
p.(None): the unit to which the intern doctor was referred.
p.(None): 8c. At the request of the trainee doctor, the minister competent for health may decide, by decision, the period in
p.(None): which the doctor did not carry out the postgraduate internship program as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if
p.(None): at that time carried out the tasks assigned pursuant to paragraph 8a.
p.(None): 8d. The provisions of para. 8a-8c shall apply accordingly to an intern doctor appointed for professional military service.
p.(None): 9. Postgraduate internship in a Member State of the European Union by a national doctor
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland or another Member State of the European Union, minister competent for matters
p.(None): health is recognized as equivalent in whole or in part to the postgraduate internship completed in
p.(None): Polish Republic.
p.(None): 10. (repealed)
p.(None): 11. Marshal of the voivodship, Minister of National Defense and voivode, in order to perform tasks related to
p.(None): implementation of doctors' post-graduate internship
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p.(None): and dentists, in accordance with their property, process the data of doctors and dentists including:
p.(None): 1) rank of soldier in active duty;
p.(None): 2) name and surname;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence thereof - the type and number of the document confirming identity;
p.(None): 4) date of birth;
p.(None): 5) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 6) professional license number;
p.(None): 7) specializations held;
p.(None): 8) reasons and periods of absence from work;
p.(None): 9) expected and actual date of delivery;
p.(None): 10) information about the disability certificate;
p.(None): 11) information on the procedure for terminating the employment contract.
p.(None): 12. The data referred to in par. 11 points 8-11, may not be processed for a purpose other than financing
p.(None): 3) physician, dentist possessing a document confirming formal qualifications in the field
p.(None): medical specialties of a physician, dentist issued by a state other than a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European and who can provide a certificate that he has three years of professional experience
p.(None): as a specialist in a given field, obtained on the territory of a Member State of the European Union that has recognized it
p.(None): confirmation of professional qualifications in accordance with the internal regulations of that country, and
p.(None): confirmed the acquired professional experience
p.(None): - the minister competent for health matters applies the rules on the recognition of professional qualifications
p.(None): acquired in the Member States of the European Union, specified in separate provisions, subject to paragraph 2.
p.(None): 2. In the cases referred to in para. 1 permission to choose an adaptation period or aptitude test
p.(None): within the meaning of the provisions on recognition principles
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p.(None): professional qualifications acquired in the Member States of the European Union may be excluded.
p.(None): Art. 16c. 1. The physician submits, using SMK, an application for specialist training in a selected field
p.(None): medicine according to:
p.(None): 1) the voivode competent for the area of the voivodship in which he intends to undergo training
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 2) the Minister of National Defense - in the case of physicians who are soldiers in active military service, and
p.(None): also serving or employed in medical entities established and supervised by
p.(None): Minister of National Defense;
p.(None): 3) the minister competent for internal affairs - in the case of doctors on duty or employed in
p.(None): medical entities created by the minister responsible for internal affairs.
p.(None): 1a. The application referred to in para. 1 shall be submitted within the period from February 1 to February 28 - for the proceedings
p.(None): qualifying tests carried out from March 1 to March 31, or from September 1 to September 30 -
p.(None): for the qualification procedure carried out from October 1 to October 31. In case of
p.(None): SMK failure lasting more than an hour, preventing the submission of the application within a week before the expiry
p.(None): appropriate deadlines, these deadlines are extended by the duration of the failure from its removal. Extension of the deadline
p.(None): ex officio by the system operator.
p.(None): 1b. By the dates referred to in paragraph 1a, the provisions of art. 58-60 of the Act of June 14, 1960 -
p.(None): Code of Administrative Procedure.
p.(None): 1c. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status being announced, the minister competent for health
p.(None): may change the dates referred to in paragraph 1a. In the absence of circumstances being
p.(None): the reason for changing the deadlines, the minister competent for health shall change these deadlines again, however
p.(None): the total period of postponing a given date may not be longer than 5 months. For these terms shall not apply
p.(None): provisions of art. 58-60 of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure. Information about the change
p.(None): these terms are announced by the minister competent for health on his website.
p.(None): 2. The application referred to in para. 1, includes:
p.(None): scientific journals included in the list prepared in accordance with the provisions issued on the basis of art. 267 paragraph 2
p.(None): point 2 lit. b of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science;
p.(None): 3) in the case of a doctor who applies to start specialization in non-resident mode, if not
p.(None): has the appropriate specialization I or II degree or specialist title, LEK / LDEK result and additional points - for
p.(None): having a doctoral degree in medical sciences, appropriate period of employment in an accredited body
p.(None): in line with the direction of specialization, publications in scientific journals included in the list of journals
p.(None): scientific entities included in the list prepared in accordance with the regulations issued on the basis of art. 267 paragraph 2 point 2 lit. b of the act
p.(None): of July 20, 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science.
p.(None): 10a. If two or more doctors seek a training place in the same
p.(None): an identical result in the proceedings
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p.(None): competitive, average grade obtained in the period of studies counted to two decimal places with an indication of the scale of grades,
p.(None): which was in force at the university.
p.(None): 10b. If two or more doctors seek a training place in the same
p.(None): field, an identical result in the qualification procedure conducted by the Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): priority is given to the doctor who remains on the day of the qualification procedure
p.(None): in active service.
p.(None): 10c. In the case of doctors who are soldiers on active military service, as well as on duty or employed
p.(None): in medicinal entities established and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, are included
p.(None): additional points - for a period of at least 3 years of service in a military unit
p.(None): in connection with the appointment to this position or stay on the missions of Polish Military Contingents.
p.(None): 11. The result of the competition procedure is a percentage of the maximum number of points obtained for LEK / LDEK, o
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 10 points 1 or percentage of the maximum number of points obtained from the LEK / LDEK or exam in
p.(None): the scope of the relevant specialization I or II degree or PES and additional points referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 10 points 2 or a percentage of the maximum number of points obtained from LEK / LDEK and points
p.(None): additional ones referred to in para. 10 point 3.
p.(None): 12. In the case of persons having the result of the State Medical Examination or
p.(None): The Medical-Dental State Examination in the competitive procedure recognizes the result of these examinations
p.(None): is equivalent to the result of LEK or LDEK, respectively.
p.(None): 13. Physicians are qualified to undergo specialized training in a number corresponding to the number of free
p.(None): places allocated for a given qualification procedure in a given field of medicine in a given field
p.(None): voivodship or owned by a given entity, in order from the highest result obtained in the proceedings
p.(None): competition.
p.(None): 14. The doctor may request verification from the body conducting the qualification procedure
p.(None): qualifying procedure, within 7 days from the day of announcing the list of qualified doctors and
p.(None): not qualified for
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p.(None): start a given specialization training. The list shall be announced on the relevant website
p.(None): authority and by means of SMK.
p.(None): 15. List of physicians not qualified to undergo specialized training in a specific one
p.(None): the medical field contains information on verification, referred to in par. 14.
p.(None): 16. The detailed manner and procedure for conducting the qualification procedure are set out in the regulations of the procedure
p.(None): qualification specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 16g paragraph 1 point 4.
p.(None): 16a. Detailed method and procedure for conducting qualification proceedings
p.(None): by the Minister of National Defense determines the regulations of the qualification procedure set out in the regulations issued on
p.(None): based on art. 16x paragraph 2.
p.(None): 17. Body conducting the qualification procedure, taking into account the result of the procedure
p.(None): qualifying, he directs the doctor, via SMK, to undergo specialist training in the entity referred to in
p.(None): Art. 19f paragraph 1, with a free training place. For doctors who are soldiers in active
p.(None): military service, as well as those on duty or employed in medical entities
p.(None): created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, body conducting the proceedings
p.(None): qualifying, taking into account the result of the qualification procedure, indicates to the doctor, for
p.(None): SMK help, a free training place and issues a referral for specialist training in
p.(None): the entity referred to in art. 19f paragraph 1, with a free training place.
p.(None): 17a. In order to enable specialist training in the entity referred to in art. 19f paragraph 1 after
p.(None): completed qualification procedure, the voivode may apply for free access
p.(None): a training place at the disposal of the Minister of National Defense or the minister competent for matters
p.(None): Interior.
p.(None): 17b. The Minister of National Defense may request the free training place remaining in
p.(None): instructions of the competent voivode or minister competent for internal affairs.
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p.(None): 17c. The minister competent for internal affairs may request free space
p.(None): training at the disposal of the competent voivode or the Minister of National Defense.
p.(None): 18. A doctor may be directed to undergo specialist training in a specific field of medicine after
p.(None): obtaining the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist.
p.(None): 19. In the case of a physician referred to in art. 16 clause 4, the provisions of para. 1a and 1b and para. 7-16 shall not apply. Recipe
p.(None): paragraph. 17 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): Art. 16d A doctor may undergo only one specialized training at a time.
p.(None): Art. 16e. 1. Prior to the qualification procedure, the minister competent for health shall define and announce on his own
p.(None): 2. Before the qualifying procedure, the voivode announces, on its website and via SMK,
p.(None): the number of training places not covered by the residency for doctors in particular fields of medicine.
p.(None): 2a. The voivode immediately informs the minister competent for health with the help of SMK
p.(None): about:
p.(None): 1) unused training places covered by residency;
p.(None): 2) physicians who participated in the qualification procedure for these training places and places
p.(None): training not covered by residency and took the next highest places on the ranking list, including data
p.(None): specified in art. 16c paragraph 2 and place on the ranking list.
p.(None): 3. Unused training places covered by residency, allocated for a given qualification procedure for a given one
p.(None): voivodships in a given field of medicine,
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p.(None): the minister competent for health may additionally grant the doctors referred to in para. 2a point 2, having regard to
p.(None): all areas in which residency training places were allocated.
p.(None): 4. Voivode, and in the case of training places covered by residency - the minister competent for matters
p.(None): health, may additionally grant training places, no later than within 2 months of the day
p.(None): the end of the qualifying procedure.
p.(None): 4a. The minister competent for health shall immediately inform, by means of SMK, of the allocation of a place
p.(None): training of the competent voivode who resides, who directs the doctor, via SMK, to
p.(None): undergoing specialist training.
p.(None): 5. Before the qualifying procedure, the Minister of National Defense shall define and publish on his website and
p.(None): using SMK, the number of free training places for physicians who are soldiers in active military service,
p.(None): as well as those serving or employed in medical entities established and supervised by the Minister of Defense
p.(None): Narodowa, taking into account the needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 6. Prior to the qualification procedure, the minister competent for home affairs announces his own
p.(None): website and using SMK the number of free training places for physicians being
p.(None): officers in the service relationship in organizational units subordinated to or supervised by it
p.(None): the minister or those on duty or employed in medical entities, created by the minister
p.(None): competent for internal affairs.
p.(None): Article 16ea 1. Residency may only take place without a doctor who does not have a first or second degree specialization or title
p.(None): specialist.
p.(None): 2. A doctor may not resubmit an application for resident status if he has obtained confirmation of program implementation.
p.(None): 3. A doctor who has been qualified to undergo residency may not submit another application for admission
p.(None): residency, except if he has a medical certificate on the existence of contraindications to
p.(None): continuing the current specialization.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who has been qualified for residency twice cannot submit another application for
p.(None): residency.
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p.(None): Art. 16f. 1. The doctor shall undergo specialization training on the basis of the specialization program established for
p.(None): given field of medicine, including the appropriate module.
p.(None): 2. A doctor who is a soldier in active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, as part of specialization training
p.(None): is required to undergo and complete supplementary training appropriate to the specific specialization in the field
p.(None): resulting from the specifics of military service and national defense needs, based on a supplementary program
p.(None): specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 16g paragraph 2.
p.(None): 3. The specialization program includes:
p.(None): 1) the scope of required theoretical knowledge and required practical skills that the doctor
p.(None): is required to master during specialization training, including elements of a given field of medicine
p.(None): and related fields, in particular elements of clinical pharmacology, pharmacoeconomics, oncology,
p.(None): palliative medicine, emergency medicine, public health and public health promotion, medical certification and
p.(None): medical law;
p.(None): 2) forms and methods of deepening and supplementing theoretical knowledge as well as the acquisition and improvement of skills
p.(None): practical, in particular:
p.(None): a) introductory specialization course in the first year of specialist training,
p.(None): covering introduction to issues, goals and area of activity of a given specialty, as well as tasks and competences
p.(None): and the expected results of training a specialist in this field,
p.(None): b) necessary specialization courses covering a specific range of theoretical knowledge required in a given field
p.(None): medicine and related fields,
p.(None): c) emergency medical training course,
p.(None): d) a course in public health,
p.(None): e) course in medical law,
p.(None): f) training and participation in the performance and performance in a specified number of specific treatments or procedures
p.(None): medical,
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p.(None): g) field internships covering a specific range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills,
p.(None): 3) a representative or representatives of scientific societies competent in a given field of medicine, and in the case of
p.(None): absence - in a related field;
p.(None): 4) a representative of the Supreme Medical Council;
p.(None): 5) CMKP representative.
p.(None): 7. The chairman of the expert team shall be appointed by the CMKP director as the national consultant in the given
p.(None): the field of medicine for which a specialization program is to be developed and, if not appointed, in the field
p.(None): related.
p.(None): 8. CMKP publishes specialization programs approved by the minister competent for health matters on its own
p.(None): website and using SMK.
p.(None): Art. 16g. 1. The minister competent for health matters shall determine, by regulation:
p.(None): 1) list of basic modules appropriate for a given specialization training and list
p.(None): specializations with a common core module,
p.(None): 2) a list of uniform modules appropriate for a given specialization training
p.(None): - having regard to the links between the fields of medicine within modules and within the specialization, fields of medicine and
p.(None): minimum training periods in these fields, as defined in European Union legislation, as well as
p.(None): current state of medical knowledge;
p.(None): 3) templates of applications for the start of specialization training for Polish citizens and foreigners,
p.(None): 4) regulations of the qualification procedure
p.(None): - taking into account the need to ensure the objectivity and transparency of the selection procedure.
p.(None): 2. The Minister of National Defense in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): Military Medical Council, will determine, by regulation, supplementary programs for a specific specialization,
p.(None): containing the scope of theoretical knowledge required and the practical skills required, their forms and methods
p.(None): acquisition, duration and manner of undergoing complementary training, and forms and methods of assessment
p.(None): knowledge and skills acquired by the doctor, as well as the way of completing the supplementary training, bearing in mind
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p.(None): the need for the physician to acquire additional knowledge for the provision of health services in a specified manner
p.(None): medicine, in the scope and conditions resulting from the specifics of military service and defense needs
p.(None): country.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the National Council of Laboratory Diagnosticians, shall determine, in
p.(None): by way of an ordinance, a list of specializations entitling a doctor to carry out activities independently
p.(None): laboratory diagnostics in the laboratory, taking into account the appropriate range of knowledge and skills
p.(None): specified in the specialization program necessary for independent performance of laboratory diagnostics.
p.(None): 4. The minister competent for health may determine, by regulation, priority fields of medicine,
p.(None): guided by the needs in the implementation of health services.
p.(None): 5. The Minister of National Defense may define, by regulation, priority fields of medicine for
p.(None): Of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, guided by the needs of the Armed Forces in the provision of benefits
p.(None): health.
p.(None): Art. 16h. 1. The doctor undergoes specialist training on the basis of a contract
p.(None): for a job concluded with an entity conducting specialist training for a specified period of time in the program
p.(None): specialization under residency.
p.(None): 2. The physician, at his / her request, may also undergo specialist training within free training places,
p.(None): in entities conducting specialized training:
p.(None): 1) on the basis of an employment contract or civil law contract in the dimension corresponding to the dimension
p.(None): full-time employment concluded with an entity conducting specialist training in a given job
p.(None): specialization, ensuring the implementation of part of the specialization program in the field of self-education and training
p.(None): and participating in the performance and performance of a fixed number of specific treatments or procedures
p.(None): medical, medical duty, which the doctor is
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p.(None): obliged to perform during the implementation of the specialization program during work allowed by the provisions of
p.(None): medical activity and as part of paid training leave granted to the employee on time
p.(None): necessary to implement the remaining part of the program in the entity conducting the specialist training or
p.(None): respectively in the subject conducting the field internship;
p.(None): 4) on the basis of a civil law contract for specialization training concluded with the operator
p.(None): specialization training, which specifies the detailed mode of specialization training and scope
p.(None): mutual obligations for its duration;
p.(None): 5) as part of extending the postgraduate program curriculum with a specialization program in the same
p.(None): unit, in accordance with the scope of these studies, and as part of training leave or unpaid leave, and
p.(None): after completing these studies - according to the procedure specified in para. 1 or paragraph 2 points 1-4.
p.(None): 3. A foreign doctor referred to in art. 7 item 1 and 1a may undergo specialist training
p.(None): specified in the provisions on the pursuit of studies and participation in scientific research and training by persons
p.(None): who are not Polish citizens.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who is a soldier on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): healing and created by the Minister of National Defense, undergoes specialist training
p.(None): specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 16x paragraph 2.
p.(None): 5. A physician who is an officer in relation to the service in organizational units subordinate to or
p.(None): supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs or serving in a therapeutic entity established
p.(None): by this minister he is undergoing specialist training specified in the regulations issued under Art. 16x paragraph
p.(None): 3.
p.(None): 6. A doctor who is an officer of the Prison Service or employed in a therapeutic entity established
p.(None): specialization training specified by the Minister of Justice or bodies of the Prison Service
p.(None): in regulations issued on the basis of art. 16x paragraph 4.
p.(None): 7. (repealed)
p.(None): 8. A doctor who undergoes specialist training in residency mode may change the place of training
p.(None): specialization not earlier than after
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p.(None): one year from the date of qualifying for this specialist training, subject to paragraph 9.
p.(None): 9. The provision of para. 8 shall not apply if the organizational unit in which the doctor undergoes specialization training,
p.(None): has been liquidated or no longer meets the requirements referred to in art. 19f paragraph 2.
p.(None): 10. Voivode, minister competent for health, minister competent for internal affairs and Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): 2) name and surname;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence thereof - the type and number of the document confirming identity;
p.(None): 4) date of birth;
p.(None): 5) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 6) professional license number;
p.(None): 7) specializations held;
p.(None): 8) reasons and periods of absence from work;
p.(None): 9) expected and actual date of delivery;
p.(None): 10) information about the disability certificate;
p.(None): 11) information on the procedure for terminating the employment contract.
p.(None): 11. The data referred to in par. 10 points 8-11, cannot be processed for purposes other than financing the training
p.(None): specialization, extension of specialization training and supervision over specialization training, a
p.(None): they can only be accessed by persons who have a written authorization to process this data issued by
p.(None): voivode, minister competent for health, minister competent for internal affairs or Minister of Defense
p.(None): National. Persons with written authorization are required to keep this data confidential.
p.(None): Art. 16i. 1. The doctor undergoes specialist training throughout its duration
p.(None): equal working time of a doctor employed in a medical entity, as referred to in art. 93 of the Act of
p.(None): April 15, 2011 on medical activities, and is on call or working in shifts or
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p.(None): equivalent to the maximum working time allowed by law
p.(None): about medical activities.
p.(None): 2. Doctor:
p.(None): 1) being a soldier on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): 2) being an officer in relation to the service in organizational units subordinated or supervised
p.(None): by the minister competent for internal affairs,
p.(None): 3) being an officer of the Prison Service or employed in a therapeutic entity established by
p.(None): Minister of Justice or bodies of the Prison Service
p.(None): - may undergo specialist training in a different time dimension than that specified in para. 1, under the conditions specified
p.(None): by the competent authorities, which are obliged to ensure that the total duration, level and quality carried out
p.(None): by a physician specialization training were not lower than when undergoing the appropriate training
p.(None): specialized training in the amount of time referred to in paragraph 1.
p.(None): 3. A doctor on medical duty as part of a specialization program is entitled to remuneration
p.(None): on the basis of an on-call contract concluded with an entity conducting specialization training or field internship.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who undergoes specialist training in the course of residency, on medical duty, under
p.(None): implementation of the specialization program, entitled to remuneration based on the employment contract referred to in Art. 16h paragraph
p.(None): 1. The provision of art. 95 of the Act of 15 April 2011 on medical activities shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): Art. 16j. 1. Residency is granted and financed by the minister competent for health matters in
p.(None): 1d. In 2015, specialized training is co-financed by the minister competent for health with funds
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 1e. In 2016, specialist training is co-financed by the minister competent for health
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 1f. In 2017, specialist training is co-financed by the minister competent for health
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 1g. In 2018, specialized training is co-financed by the minister competent for health with funds
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 1h. In 2019, specialized training is co-financed by the minister competent for health matters from
p.(None): Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund resources.
p.(None): 1i. In 2020, specialization training is co-financed by the minister competent for health with funds
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 2. Financial resources for co-financing the costs related to specialization training shall be transferred to
p.(None): based on the contract concluded between the minister competent for health matters and the entity conducting the specialized training.
p.(None): 3. Where the measures referred to in para. 2 constitute for the entity conducting the training
p.(None): specialist, being an entrepreneur, public aid within the meaning of art. 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the Union
p.(None): European, it will be provided as de minimis aid in accordance with the conditions set out
p.(None): in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1998/2006 of 15 December 2006 on the application of Art. 87 and 88
p.(None): Of the Treaty to de minimis aid (Official Journal EU L 379 of 28.12.2006, p. 5).
p.(None): 4. The Minister of National Defense may, within the limits of the state budget, which he disposes of,
p.(None): co-finance the costs associated with the specialization training of physicians who are soldiers in active
p.(None): military service or those serving in medical entities established and supervised by the Minister
p.(None): National Defense.
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p.(None): Article 16l 1. The period of specialization training is extended by the doctor's absence from work:
p.(None): 1) in the cases provided for in art. 2 of the Act of June 25, 1999 on cash benefits from
p.(None): social security in the event of sickness and maternity (Journal of Laws of 2019, items 645 and 1590);
p.(None): 2) due to unpaid leave granted by the employer for a period not longer than 3 months during the period
p.(None): specialization training;
p.(None): 3) in cases specified in art. 92, 176-179, 1823, 185, 187 and 188 of the Labor Code;
p.(None): 4) due to unpaid leave, not exceeding 2 years, granted by the employer for the purpose of serving
p.(None): foreign internship in accordance with the program of specialization training, after obtaining permission
p.(None): head of specialization;
p.(None): 5) due to a break of not more than 14 days resulting from the procedures used to change the mode or place
p.(None): undergoing specialist training;
p.(None): 6) due to a break of not more than 12 months resulting from the implementation of the specialization held in
p.(None): the procedure referred to in art. 16h paragraph 2 point 5.
p.(None): 2. The period of specialization training is further extended by the period granted to the physician by
p.(None): an employer on parental leave on the terms set out in the provisions of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code.
p.(None): 3. In justified cases, the consent for an additional extension of the period of specialization training may
p.(None): express the voivode, and in relation to doctors who specialize in residency - the minister
p.(None): competent for health matters.
p.(None): 4. Duration of specialization training for physicians who are soldiers on active duty
p.(None): military, as well as those on duty or employed in medical entities established and
p.(None): supervised by the Minister of National Defense, may be extended additionally by the Minister of National Defense
p.(None): for the duration of service outside the territory of the Republic of Poland, secondment to perform service in another unit
p.(None): military or temporary performance of tasks that prevent the implementation of specialized training. 4a. IN
p.(None): justified cases, other than those referred to in para. 1, 2 and 4, consent to the additional extension of the duration
p.(None): specialization training in relation to
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p.(None): doctors who are soldiers on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in entities
p.(None): medicinal products created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense may be expressed by the Minister of National Defense.
p.(None): 5. Duration of specialization training for doctors who are officers in relation to the service in
p.(None): organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs may
p.(None): be extended additionally by the minister competent for internal affairs for the duration of service outside the territory
p.(None): Polish Republic.
p.(None): 5a. In justified cases, other than specified in par. 1, 2 and 5, consent to the additional extension of the duration
p.(None): specialization training in relation to physicians who are officers in relation to the service in
p.(None): organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs, or
p.(None): employed under an employment contract or civil law contract, or serving in the entity
p.(None): therapeutic, established by the minister competent for internal affairs, may be expressed by the minister competent for matters
p.(None): Interior.
p.(None): 5b. Information about the extension of the period of specialization training to the physician is placed in SMK by the competent
p.(None): entities with an additional indication:
p.(None): 1) extension period;
p.(None): 2) first name (s) and surname of the person to whom the extension applies;
p.(None): 3) subject of the settlement;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) extension body.
p.(None): 6. The doctor or competent entity is obliged to inform the competent authority referred to in art. 16c paragraph 1, st
p.(None): planned absence by the doctor, in particular for the reasons referred to in paragraph 1, 2, 4-5, ongoing
p.(None): 8) confirms, through SMK, that individual elements of the specialization program have been implemented and
p.(None): complete the specialization training in accordance with the specialization program.
p.(None): 8. A doctor undergoing specialization training may apply after obtaining a positive opinion of the head of specialization
p.(None): to the director of the CMKP with a request for recognition as equivalent to the implementation of elements of the specialization program
p.(None): training internship, including training and participation in the performance and implementation of procedures or
p.(None): medical procedures as well as major internships or
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p.(None): training courses completed abroad or in the country, in entities providing specialized training, and
p.(None): possible shortening of the period of specialized training, if the period from the day of their completion to
p.(None): the day on which the doctor commences specialized training is not longer than 5 years.
p.(None): 9. (repealed)
p.(None): 10. A doctor undergoing specialization training, after obtaining a positive opinion of the head of specialization, may
p.(None): apply to the director of the CMKP for recognition for the period of specialization training, internship
p.(None): training, including training and participation in the performance and implementation of medical procedures or procedures,
p.(None): as well as field internships or training courses completed abroad in the current period
p.(None): specialization training.
p.(None): 11. A doctor who is a soldier in active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, established and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, specializing,
p.(None): obtaining the opinion of a specialization manager and consultant in a given medical field or fields
p.(None): medicine related to the implementation of state tasks related solely to the defense of the country during war and peace,
p.(None): may apply to the director of the CMKP for recognition of part of the period of specialization in
p.(None): the scope of the relevant module if he was serving outside the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish, provided that the nature of this service, including participation in performance and performance
p.(None): medical procedures and procedures, corresponded to the relevant specialization program.
p.(None): 12. Based on the opinion of the team he appointed, the CMKP director may recognize, by way of a decision, internships and courses, about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 8, equivalent to the implementation of part of the specialization program and shorten the period of the doctor
p.(None): undergoing this training, but not more than by 1/2 the duration of the specialization training or modules about which
p.(None): referred to in art. 16 clause 2.
p.(None): 13. Based on the opinion of the team he appointed, the CMKP director may recognize, by way of decision, internships and courses, about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 8 and 10, equivalent to the implementation of part of the specialization program.
p.(None): 13a. The decisions referred to in paragraph 12 and 13, are placed in SMK and additionally include in it:
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p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): other entity, or
p.(None): 2) the employer to perform tasks other than those resulting from the contract under which the training takes place
p.(None): specialization, if the decision referred to in item 1 is not issued.
p.(None): 16. A doctor undergoing specialist training who was referred pursuant to para. 15 to perform
p.(None): work other than that resulting from the contract under which the specialist training takes place, performs work under
p.(None): supervision of a specialist appointed by the head of the unit to which he was referred. Medical specialist
p.(None): supervising the work of a doctor during specialization training acquires the appropriate qualifications of a manager
p.(None): specializations referred to in par. 7.
p.(None): 17. At the request of a doctor undergoing specialist training, the director of the CMKP may decide, by decision, the period of
p.(None): which the doctor did not implement the specialization program, as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if during the period
p.(None): he carried out the tasks referred to in paragraph 15.
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p.(None): 18. A doctor undergoing specialization training who has been canceled a specialization course because of his condition
p.(None): epidemic threat or epidemic status, is exempted from following this course if:
p.(None): 1) the implementation of this course requires the extension of specialization training for a period longer than 3 months and
p.(None): 2) completed all other courses covered by the specialization program.
p.(None): 19. The provisions of para. 15-18 shall apply accordingly to a physician who is a soldier in active military service.
p.(None): Art. 16 Shortening the period of specialist training that meets the minimum requirements
p.(None): education specified in European Union legislation may not cover more than 1/2 of the minimum time
p.(None): the duration of a given specialization program as defined in European Union legislation.
p.(None): Article 16n 1. A doctor who has the title of specialist obtained outside the territory of the Republic of Poland,
p.(None): not subject to recognition as equivalent on the basis of the provisions referred to in art. 16a and 16b, minister
p.(None): competent for health shall recognize the title of specialist as equivalent to the title of specialist in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Poland, if the following conditions have been jointly met:
p.(None): 1) the doctor has the right to practice the profession of the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 2) the duration of specialization training completed abroad corresponds to the duration
p.(None): specialization training specified in the specialization program in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 3) a specialization program in the field of theoretical knowledge and practical skills required,
p.(None): the method of confirming the acquired knowledge and skills corresponds in significant elements to the specified program
p.(None): specialization in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 4) the manner and procedure for passing the exam or other form of confirmation of acquired knowledge and skills are appropriate
p.(None): submission by a PES doctor in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 2. The doctor referred to in par. 1, applies for recognition of the title of specialist to the minister competent for
p.(None): health matters, through the director of the CMKP.
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p.(None): 3. Registry users are:
p.(None): 1) voivodes;
p.(None): 2) minister competent for health matters;
p.(None): 3) the Minister of National Defense;
p.(None): 4) minister competent for internal affairs;
p.(None): 5) Minister of Justice.
p.(None): 4. The register referred to in para. 1, is open to entities that demonstrate a legal interest.
p.(None): 5. The register referred to in para. 1, Art. 15 of the Act of 17 February 2005 on computerization
p.(None): activities of entities performing public tasks.
p.(None): 6. The minister competent for health matters in consultation with the Minister of National Defense and the competent minister
p.(None): for internal affairs shall determine, by regulation:
p.(None): 1) the manner and mode of transmission of data referred to in para. 2
p.(None): 2) the detailed manner of keeping the register and the method of sharing data entered in the register - bearing in mind
p.(None): regard to ensuring data security and the functionality of the register kept.
p.(None): Art. 16 1. The entities referred to in para. 2, perform formal verification of undergoing specialist training
p.(None): in accordance with the doctor's specialization program who received confirmation of the training
p.(None): specialization in accordance with the specialization program by the head of specialization.
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p.(None): 2. The entities verifying completion of the specialist training in accordance with the specialization program are:
p.(None): 1) the voivode competent for the area of the voivodship in which the applicant underwent training
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 2) Minister of National Defense - in the case of applicants who are soldiers on active duty
p.(None): military, as well as those on duty or employed in medical entities established by the Minister
p.(None): National Defense;
p.(None): 3) the minister competent for internal affairs or an organizational unit designated by him - in the case of
p.(None): applicants on duty or employed in medical entities set up by the minister
p.(None): competent for internal affairs.
p.(None): 3. Entities referred to in para. 2, carry out the verification referred to in para. 1, and they ask, using
p.(None): SMK, to competent national consultants
p.(None): for substantive verification whether the applicant has undergone specialization training in accordance with the specialization program,
p.(None): within 14 days from the day the doctor receives confirmation of completion of the specialist training in accordance with
p.(None): with a specialization program by a head of specialization. The national consultant verifies
p.(None): by means of SMK, within 14 days of receiving the occurrence of the given entity. In case of lack
p.(None): a national consultant in a given field is a national consultant in a related field.
p.(None): 4. In the case of applicants who are soldiers on active military service, as well as on duty or
p.(None): employed in medicinal entities created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): the competent national consultant before performing the verification referred to in para. 3 may apply to
p.(None): competent national defense consultant for an opinion.
p.(None): 5. If the applicant fails to complete the specialization program, the relevant national consultant will be charged
p.(None): SMK's help indicates missing elements of a specialization program.
p.(None): 6. The entities referred to in par. 2, immediately after obtaining information from a national consultant:
p.(None): 1) confirm the completion of specialization training;
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p.(None): 2) in the case referred to in para. 5, refuse to confirm the completion of specialization training and
p.(None): they direct to the missing element of the specialization program and extend the training period in the mode
p.(None): pozarezydenckim
p.(None): o the time necessary to implement this element, taking into account the period of interruption resulting from the verification procedure
p.(None): implementation of the specialization program.
p.(None): 7. The entities referred to in para. 2, notify the applicant of the decision about which
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 6, using SMK. On refusal to confirm the completion of specialization training
p.(None): entities referred to in par. 2 shall also notify the applicant in writing. For delivery
p.(None): written notification of the provisions of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure
p.(None): shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 8. In the event of refusal to confirm the completion of specialization training,
p.(None): 4b. The test is solved by the applicant. During the PES passing the candidate cannot use
p.(None): no teaching and teaching aids, and may not use copying devices and
p.(None): forwarding and receiving information. Violation of this ban or termination of test
p.(None): it constitutes the basis for disqualification of the applicant, which is equivalent to obtaining by
p.(None): negative result.
p.(None): 4c. If it is found, during the exam, that the prohibition referred to in para. 4b, or test solution
p.(None): dependent, the chairman of the examination team referred to in art. 16u paragraph 5, makes
p.(None): disqualification of the applicant and notes the disqualification together with an indication of its reason and the time of interruption
p.(None): test exam in the examination report.
p.(None): 4d. If it is found after the exam, based on the analysis of images recorded with
p.(None): image and sound recording devices referred to in paragraph 4a that the applicant has violated the prohibition referred to in para.
p.(None): 4b, or solved the test independently, chairman of the State Examination Board, Fr.
p.(None): referred to in art. 16u paragraph 1 disqualifies the applicant and notes the disqualification together with
p.(None): an indication of its reasons in the examination report.
p.(None): 4e. In the case referred to in paragraph. 4d, the director of CEM shall notify in writing about disqualification
p.(None): disqualified. The director of CEM also publishes information on disqualification in SMK.
p.(None): 4f. The director of CEM notifies the competent of the disqualification:
p.(None): 1) the district commissioner for professional liability if the doctor or dentist is a member
p.(None): regional medical chamber;
p.(None): 2) the regional spokesperson for professional liability of the military medical chamber, if a doctor or
p.(None): the dentist is a member of the military medical chamber.
p.(None): 4g. A disqualified person may not join the PES in the next nearest exam session from
p.(None): disqualification.
p.(None): 5. (repealed)
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p.(None): 6. The doctor may submit PES after presenting a document confirming his identity.
p.(None): 7. When the physician passes the oral examination, a specialization manager may be present as an observer.
p.(None): 8. The exam is conducted in the presence of at least three members of the commission referred to in Art. 16u paragraph 1.
p.(None): 9. PES is carried out in accordance with the order regulations established by the director of CEM and approved by the minister
p.(None): competent for health matters.
p.(None): 10. In the event of gross formal defects in conducting the PES or unforeseen situations having
p.(None): influence on the conduct of PES, the director of CEM may annul PES in whole or in part within a given time limit for a given one
p.(None): subjects for individual or all candidates.
p.(None): 11. Invalidation of PES or a part thereof means that PES or a part thereof is treated as non-PES, respectively.
p.(None): The annulled exam is repeated no later than three months from the day on which the decision on
p.(None): annulment has become final. In the event of annulment of the entire PES, all parts thereof shall take place in
p.(None): no later than three months from the date on which the decision
p.(None): annulment became final.
p.(None): 11a. PES annulment, in whole or in part, occurs when the person who took the exam was not
p.(None): authorized to do so. Annulment of PES or its part for reasons attributable to the applicant causes that
p.(None): PES or part of it is null and void accordingly. The provisions of para. 11 and art. 16 in paragraph 6 does not apply
p.(None): a.
p.(None): the need to ensure the proper conduct of the specialization program;
p.(None): 11) procedure for recognizing professional and scientific achievements in a new field of medicine not covered by the system
p.(None): specialization training as equivalent
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p.(None): with specialization training, including criteria for the evaluation of professional and scientific achievements,
p.(None): 12) the procedure for recognizing the professional and scientific achievements of doctors with a doctoral degree
p.(None): postdoctoral degree as equivalent to completed specialization training, including criteria for assessing professional and academic achievements
p.(None): - having regard to the scope of training completed in the country or abroad,
p.(None): 13) procedure for issuing by the CEM director of a duplicate or copy of a PES diploma and the manner of paying the fee for issuing
p.(None): duplicate or copy of a PES diploma,
p.(None): 14) the procedure for making the PES diploma by the CEM director and the method of paying the fee
p.(None): diploma corrections,
p.(None): 15) template of the document referred to in art. 19g paragraph 7, confirming completion of the course,
p.(None): 16) the amount of remuneration for performing control activities referred to in art. 19i paragraph 12 point 1
p.(None): - aiming to ensure efficient implementation of tasks by CEM, ensuring document transparency, o
p.(None): referred to in art. 19g paragraph 7 and taking into account the workload associated with carrying out control activities.
p.(None): 2. The Minister of National Defense in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): Of the Military Medical Council, shall determine, by regulation, the regulations of the qualification procedure, procedure and manner
p.(None): undergoing specialist training by a physician who is a soldier in active military service, as well as
p.(None): performing service or employed in a medical entity, for which the entity creating and supervising is
p.(None): The Minister of National Defense, and sample documents referred to in para. 1 point 10, taking into account necessity
p.(None): ensuring the proper course and specificity of specialist training for a physician who is a soldier in active health
p.(None): military service and on duty or employed in a medical entity for which the subject
p.(None): the creation is the Minister of National Defense.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for internal affairs in consultation with the minister competent for health, after
p.(None): consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine, by regulation, the mode and manner
p.(None): undergoing specialist training by a physician who is an officer in relation to the service in
p.(None): organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister
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p.(None): competent for internal affairs or employed under an employment contract or civil law contract, or
p.(None): serving in a therapeutic entity, established by the minister competent for internal affairs,
p.(None): and model documents referred to in paragraph 1 point 10, taking into account the need to ensure
p.(None): the correct course and specificity of the training of a specialist physician who is an officer in relation
p.(None): services in organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs
p.(None): either employed under a contract of employment or a civil law contract, or serving in a medical entity,
p.(None): created by the minister responsible for internal affairs.
p.(None): 4. The Minister of Justice in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): The Supreme Medical Council will determine, by regulation, the mode and manner of training
p.(None): in vitro, active implantable medical devices within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 20 May 2010 on
p.(None): medical devices and auxiliaries.
p.(None): 2. The provision of para. 1 shall not apply if the physician provides the patient with a medicinal product or device on an ad hoc basis
p.(None): medical, medical device equipment, in vitro diagnostic medical device, medical device equipment for
p.(None): in vitro diagnostics or active implantable medical device within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 20 May 2010.
p.(None): about medical devices in connection with emergency assistance.
p.(None): 3. The provision of para. 1 shall not apply to custom made products referred to in art. 2 clause 1 point 42
p.(None): Act of 20 May 2010 on medical devices.
p.(None): Art. 47. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, may determine in
p.(None): by regulation, rules of procedure
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p.(None): physicians in situations related to a particular threat to public health, taking into account in particular the type and
p.(None): scope of danger.
p.(None): Art. 48. 1. A practicing physician may be appointed by an authorized body to provide medical assistance in
p.(None): to combat the effects of disasters, epidemics and natural disasters for their duration.
p.(None): 2. The rules and procedure for appointing a doctor in the situation referred to in para. 1, are specified in separate provisions.
p.(None): Article 48a (Deleted)
p.(None): Article 48b (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 49. 1. A practicing physician is required to participate in the work of medical appointing committees
p.(None): ability of persons subject to military qualification to perform active military service, on the terms specified
p.(None): in separate regulations.
p.(None): 2. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 49a. (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 50 (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 50a. Group medical practice cannot be performed in a medical entity under a contract
p.(None): civil law for the provision of health services.
p.(None): Article 50b (repealed) Article 50c. (repealed) Article 51. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 52. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 52a. (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 52b 1. The regional medical chamber is entitled to visit in order to assess the profession of doctors
p.(None): practicing the profession as part of the professional practice entered in the register of entities performing activities
p.(None): therapeutic within the meaning of the provisions on medical activities.
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p.(None): 2. The visit is carried out by doctors authorized by the regional medical board.
p.(None): 3. Persons referred to in para. 2, performing inspection activities, upon presentation of authorization, have the right to:
p.(None): 1) request information and documentation;
p.(None): 2) access to the premises of the entity performing medical activities;
p.(None): 3) participation in activities related to the provision of health services;
p.(None): 4) inspect medical records;
p.(None): 5) request oral and written explanations.
p.(None): 4. After the inspection, a post-visit statement shall be made, which shall contain:
p.(None): 1) name and surname and address of the place of residence or name or company and address of the registered office;
p.(None): 2) place of providing health services;
p.(None): 3) date of commencement and termination of the visit;
p.(None): 4) names of persons performing inspection activities;
p.(None): 5) description of the actual state;
p.(None): 6) description of any irregularities;
p.(None): therapeutic grossly violates the conditions of the activity covered by the entry, the District Medical Council deletes this
p.(None): practice from the register of entities performing medical activities.
p.(None): Art. 53. 1. A physician performing an individual medical practice, an individual specialized medical practice,
p.(None): individual medical practice or individual specialized medical practice at the place of call may
p.(None): employ non-physicians to perform auxiliary activities (cooperation).
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p.(None): 2. Physician, dentist performing individual medical practice or individual specialist practice
p.(None): medical or group medical practice or specialist group medical practice, leading
p.(None): respectively post-graduate internship, specialization training or training to obtain skills in the field
p.(None): narrower fields of medicine or the provision of specific health services, may employ a doctor,
p.(None): a dentist for a post-graduate internship, specialization training or
p.(None): training to acquire skills in narrower fields of medicine or specific provision
p.(None): health benefit.
p.(None): 3. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, is obliged to inform the authority
p.(None): keeping a register on the employment of a physician, dentist.
p.(None): 4. The provisions of para. 1-3 shall not apply to individual medical and individual practice
p.(None): specialist medical practice carried out only at the place of call or only at the factory
p.(None): therapeutic entity.
p.(None): Art. 54. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 55. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 56 (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 57. 1. From resolutions of the regional medical councils or the Military Medical Council on matters referred to
p.(None): referred to in art. 5, 6, 7 paragraph 1-5, art. 8 clause 1
p.(None): Art. 9 item 1 points 1 and 2, art. 11 paragraph 1, 2 and 4, art. 12 paragraph 1 and 3-5 and art. 14, a doctor may appeal
p.(None): to the Supreme Medical Council. These resolutions are signed by the president or vice president and secretary of the regional medical council.
p.(None): 1a. Resolutions of the Supreme Medical Council referred to in para. 1 shall be signed by the president or vice president and secretary
p.(None): The Supreme Medical Council.
p.(None): 2. To resolutions of the self-government of doctors in matters referred to in para. 1, the provisions of the Code of Conduct shall apply
p.(None): administrative matters relating to administrative decisions.
p.(None): 3. On the resolution of the Supreme Medical Council referred to in para. 1, a complaint may be submitted to the court to the person concerned
p.(None): Administration.
p.(None): Art. 57a. 1. A doctor who is a citizen of a European Union Member State intending to perform
p.(None): medical or practicing profession
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p.(None): doctor permanently or temporarily in the territory of the Republic of Poland, necessary information in the field
p.(None): general principles of practicing the medical profession, including protection regulations
p.(None): health is provided by an entity authorized by the minister competent for health.
p.(None): 2. The minister competent for health matters shall, by regulation, specify the list of entities referred to in para. 1
p.(None): having regard to the detailed scope of information necessary to practice the medical profession in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish.
p.(None): Chapter 6
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p.(None): issued decision referred to in item 1.
p.(None): 8b. Tasks referred to in par. 8a, must be adapted to the level of knowledge and skills of the managed person
p.(None): an intern and be subject to the supervision and management of a specialist appointed by the manager
p.(None): the unit to which the intern doctor was referred.
p.(None): 8c. At the request of the trainee doctor, the minister competent for health may decide, by decision, the period in
p.(None): which the doctor did not carry out the postgraduate internship program as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if
p.(None): at that time carried out the tasks assigned pursuant to paragraph 8a.
p.(None): 8d. The provisions of para. 8a-8c shall apply accordingly to an intern doctor appointed for professional military service.
p.(None): 9. Postgraduate internship in a Member State of the European Union by a national doctor
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland or another Member State of the European Union, minister competent for matters
p.(None): health is recognized as equivalent in whole or in part to the postgraduate internship completed in
p.(None): Polish Republic.
p.(None): 10. (repealed)
p.(None): 11. Marshal of the voivodship, Minister of National Defense and voivode, in order to perform tasks related to
p.(None): implementation of doctors' post-graduate internship
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p.(None): and dentists, in accordance with their property, process the data of doctors and dentists including:
p.(None): 1) rank of soldier in active duty;
p.(None): 2) name and surname;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence thereof - the type and number of the document confirming identity;
p.(None): 4) date of birth;
p.(None): 5) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 6) professional license number;
p.(None): 7) specializations held;
p.(None): 8) reasons and periods of absence from work;
p.(None): 9) expected and actual date of delivery;
p.(None): 10) information about the disability certificate;
p.(None): 11) information on the procedure for terminating the employment contract.
p.(None): 12. The data referred to in par. 11 points 8-11, may not be processed for a purpose other than financing
p.(None): post-graduate internship, extension of post-graduate internship and supervision of post-graduate internship, and access to
p.(None): only persons with a written authorization to process these data issued by the marshal may have them
p.(None): voivodship, Minister of National Defense or voivode. Persons who have a written authorization are obliged to
p.(None): keep this data confidential.
p.(None): Art. 16. 1. A doctor may obtain the title of specialist in a specific field of medicine:
p.(None): 1) after undergoing specialist training and
p.(None): 2) after passing the State Specialization Examination, hereinafter referred to as "PES", or
p.(None): 3) after recognition as equivalent to a specialist title obtained abroad.
p.(None): 2. Specialist training in a specific field of medicine is a modular training and consists of:
p.(None): 1) the basic module, corresponding to the basic scope of theoretical knowledge and skills
p.(None): practical in a given field of medicine or common to related fields of medicine, and
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p.(None): as well as those serving or employed in medical entities established and supervised by the Minister of Defense
p.(None): Narodowa, taking into account the needs of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 6. Prior to the qualification procedure, the minister competent for home affairs announces his own
p.(None): website and using SMK the number of free training places for physicians being
p.(None): officers in the service relationship in organizational units subordinated to or supervised by it
p.(None): the minister or those on duty or employed in medical entities, created by the minister
p.(None): competent for internal affairs.
p.(None): Article 16ea 1. Residency may only take place without a doctor who does not have a first or second degree specialization or title
p.(None): specialist.
p.(None): 2. A doctor may not resubmit an application for resident status if he has obtained confirmation of program implementation.
p.(None): 3. A doctor who has been qualified to undergo residency may not submit another application for admission
p.(None): residency, except if he has a medical certificate on the existence of contraindications to
p.(None): continuing the current specialization.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who has been qualified for residency twice cannot submit another application for
p.(None): residency.
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p.(None): Art. 16f. 1. The doctor shall undergo specialization training on the basis of the specialization program established for
p.(None): given field of medicine, including the appropriate module.
p.(None): 2. A doctor who is a soldier in active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, as part of specialization training
p.(None): is required to undergo and complete supplementary training appropriate to the specific specialization in the field
p.(None): resulting from the specifics of military service and national defense needs, based on a supplementary program
p.(None): specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 16g paragraph 2.
p.(None): 3. The specialization program includes:
p.(None): 1) the scope of required theoretical knowledge and required practical skills that the doctor
p.(None): is required to master during specialization training, including elements of a given field of medicine
p.(None): and related fields, in particular elements of clinical pharmacology, pharmacoeconomics, oncology,
p.(None): palliative medicine, emergency medicine, public health and public health promotion, medical certification and
p.(None): medical law;
p.(None): 2) forms and methods of deepening and supplementing theoretical knowledge as well as the acquisition and improvement of skills
p.(None): practical, in particular:
p.(None): a) introductory specialization course in the first year of specialist training,
p.(None): covering introduction to issues, goals and area of activity of a given specialty, as well as tasks and competences
p.(None): and the expected results of training a specialist in this field,
p.(None): b) necessary specialization courses covering a specific range of theoretical knowledge required in a given field
p.(None): medicine and related fields,
p.(None): 3) on the basis of an employment contract concluded with an entity other than the entity conducting the training
p.(None): specialization, ensuring the implementation of part of the specialization program in the field of self-education and training
p.(None): and participating in the performance and performance of a fixed number of specific treatments or procedures
p.(None): medical, medical duty, which the doctor is
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p.(None): obliged to perform during the implementation of the specialization program during work allowed by the provisions of
p.(None): medical activity and as part of paid training leave granted to the employee on time
p.(None): necessary to implement the remaining part of the program in the entity conducting the specialist training or
p.(None): respectively in the subject conducting the field internship;
p.(None): 4) on the basis of a civil law contract for specialization training concluded with the operator
p.(None): specialization training, which specifies the detailed mode of specialization training and scope
p.(None): mutual obligations for its duration;
p.(None): 5) as part of extending the postgraduate program curriculum with a specialization program in the same
p.(None): unit, in accordance with the scope of these studies, and as part of training leave or unpaid leave, and
p.(None): after completing these studies - according to the procedure specified in para. 1 or paragraph 2 points 1-4.
p.(None): 3. A foreign doctor referred to in art. 7 item 1 and 1a may undergo specialist training
p.(None): specified in the provisions on the pursuit of studies and participation in scientific research and training by persons
p.(None): who are not Polish citizens.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who is a soldier on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): healing and created by the Minister of National Defense, undergoes specialist training
p.(None): specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 16x paragraph 2.
p.(None): 5. A physician who is an officer in relation to the service in organizational units subordinate to or
p.(None): supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs or serving in a therapeutic entity established
p.(None): by this minister he is undergoing specialist training specified in the regulations issued under Art. 16x paragraph
p.(None): 3.
p.(None): 6. A doctor who is an officer of the Prison Service or employed in a therapeutic entity established
p.(None): specialization training specified by the Minister of Justice or bodies of the Prison Service
p.(None): in regulations issued on the basis of art. 16x paragraph 4.
p.(None): 7. (repealed)
p.(None): 8. A doctor who undergoes specialist training in residency mode may change the place of training
p.(None): specialization not earlier than after
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p.(None): one year from the date of qualifying for this specialist training, subject to paragraph 9.
p.(None): 9. The provision of para. 8 shall not apply if the organizational unit in which the doctor undergoes specialization training,
p.(None): has been liquidated or no longer meets the requirements referred to in art. 19f paragraph 2.
p.(None): 10. Voivode, minister competent for health, minister competent for internal affairs and Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): in order to perform tasks related to the implementation of specialized training for doctors and dentists,
p.(None): process, in accordance with their jurisdiction, the data of doctors and dentists including:
p.(None): 1) rank of active soldier or officer in relation to service;
p.(None): 2) name and surname;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence thereof - the type and number of the document confirming identity;
p.(None): 4) date of birth;
p.(None): 5) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 6) professional license number;
p.(None): 7) specializations held;
p.(None): 8) reasons and periods of absence from work;
p.(None): 9) expected and actual date of delivery;
p.(None): 10) information about the disability certificate;
p.(None): 11) information on the procedure for terminating the employment contract.
p.(None): 11. The data referred to in par. 10 points 8-11, cannot be processed for purposes other than financing the training
p.(None): specialization, extension of specialization training and supervision over specialization training, a
p.(None): they can only be accessed by persons who have a written authorization to process this data issued by
p.(None): voivode, minister competent for health, minister competent for internal affairs or Minister of Defense
p.(None): National. Persons with written authorization are required to keep this data confidential.
p.(None): Art. 16i. 1. The doctor undergoes specialist training throughout its duration
p.(None): equal working time of a doctor employed in a medical entity, as referred to in art. 93 of the Act of
p.(None): April 15, 2011 on medical activities, and is on call or working in shifts or
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p.(None): equivalent to the maximum working time allowed by law
p.(None): about medical activities.
p.(None): 2. Doctor:
p.(None): 1) being a soldier on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): 2) being an officer in relation to the service in organizational units subordinated or supervised
p.(None): by the minister competent for internal affairs,
p.(None): 3) being an officer of the Prison Service or employed in a therapeutic entity established by
p.(None): Minister of Justice or bodies of the Prison Service
p.(None): - may undergo specialist training in a different time dimension than that specified in para. 1, under the conditions specified
p.(None): by the competent authorities, which are obliged to ensure that the total duration, level and quality carried out
p.(None): by a physician specialization training were not lower than when undergoing the appropriate training
p.(None): specialized training in the amount of time referred to in paragraph 1.
p.(None): 3. A doctor on medical duty as part of a specialization program is entitled to remuneration
p.(None): on the basis of an on-call contract concluded with an entity conducting specialization training or field internship.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who undergoes specialist training in the course of residency, on medical duty, under
p.(None): implementation of the specialization program, entitled to remuneration based on the employment contract referred to in Art. 16h paragraph
p.(None): 1. The provision of art. 95 of the Act of 15 April 2011 on medical activities shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): internal for extension of the duration of specialization training;
p.(None): 8) confirms, through SMK, that individual elements of the specialization program have been implemented and
p.(None): complete the specialization training in accordance with the specialization program.
p.(None): 8. A doctor undergoing specialization training may apply after obtaining a positive opinion of the head of specialization
p.(None): to the director of the CMKP with a request for recognition as equivalent to the implementation of elements of the specialization program
p.(None): training internship, including training and participation in the performance and implementation of procedures or
p.(None): medical procedures as well as major internships or
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p.(None): training courses completed abroad or in the country, in entities providing specialized training, and
p.(None): possible shortening of the period of specialized training, if the period from the day of their completion to
p.(None): the day on which the doctor commences specialized training is not longer than 5 years.
p.(None): 9. (repealed)
p.(None): 10. A doctor undergoing specialization training, after obtaining a positive opinion of the head of specialization, may
p.(None): apply to the director of the CMKP for recognition for the period of specialization training, internship
p.(None): training, including training and participation in the performance and implementation of medical procedures or procedures,
p.(None): as well as field internships or training courses completed abroad in the current period
p.(None): specialization training.
p.(None): 11. A doctor who is a soldier in active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, established and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, specializing,
p.(None): obtaining the opinion of a specialization manager and consultant in a given medical field or fields
p.(None): medicine related to the implementation of state tasks related solely to the defense of the country during war and peace,
p.(None): may apply to the director of the CMKP for recognition of part of the period of specialization in
p.(None): the scope of the relevant module if he was serving outside the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish, provided that the nature of this service, including participation in performance and performance
p.(None): medical procedures and procedures, corresponded to the relevant specialization program.
p.(None): 12. Based on the opinion of the team he appointed, the CMKP director may recognize, by way of a decision, internships and courses, about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 8, equivalent to the implementation of part of the specialization program and shorten the period of the doctor
p.(None): undergoing this training, but not more than by 1/2 the duration of the specialization training or modules about which
p.(None): referred to in art. 16 clause 2.
p.(None): 13. Based on the opinion of the team he appointed, the CMKP director may recognize, by way of decision, internships and courses, about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 8 and 10, equivalent to the implementation of part of the specialization program.
p.(None): other entity, or
p.(None): 2) the employer to perform tasks other than those resulting from the contract under which the training takes place
p.(None): specialization, if the decision referred to in item 1 is not issued.
p.(None): 16. A doctor undergoing specialist training who was referred pursuant to para. 15 to perform
p.(None): work other than that resulting from the contract under which the specialist training takes place, performs work under
p.(None): supervision of a specialist appointed by the head of the unit to which he was referred. Medical specialist
p.(None): supervising the work of a doctor during specialization training acquires the appropriate qualifications of a manager
p.(None): specializations referred to in par. 7.
p.(None): 17. At the request of a doctor undergoing specialist training, the director of the CMKP may decide, by decision, the period of
p.(None): which the doctor did not implement the specialization program, as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if during the period
p.(None): he carried out the tasks referred to in paragraph 15.
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p.(None): 18. A doctor undergoing specialization training who has been canceled a specialization course because of his condition
p.(None): epidemic threat or epidemic status, is exempted from following this course if:
p.(None): 1) the implementation of this course requires the extension of specialization training for a period longer than 3 months and
p.(None): 2) completed all other courses covered by the specialization program.
p.(None): 19. The provisions of para. 15-18 shall apply accordingly to a physician who is a soldier in active military service.
p.(None): Art. 16 Shortening the period of specialist training that meets the minimum requirements
p.(None): education specified in European Union legislation may not cover more than 1/2 of the minimum time
p.(None): the duration of a given specialization program as defined in European Union legislation.
p.(None): Article 16n 1. A doctor who has the title of specialist obtained outside the territory of the Republic of Poland,
p.(None): not subject to recognition as equivalent on the basis of the provisions referred to in art. 16a and 16b, minister
p.(None): competent for health shall recognize the title of specialist as equivalent to the title of specialist in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Poland, if the following conditions have been jointly met:
p.(None): 1) the doctor has the right to practice the profession of the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 2) the duration of specialization training completed abroad corresponds to the duration
p.(None): specialization training specified in the specialization program in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 3) a specialization program in the field of theoretical knowledge and practical skills required,
p.(None): the method of confirming the acquired knowledge and skills corresponds in significant elements to the specified program
p.(None): specialization in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 4) the manner and procedure for passing the exam or other form of confirmation of acquired knowledge and skills are appropriate
p.(None): submission by a PES doctor in the Republic of Poland.
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p.(None): with specialization training, including criteria for the evaluation of professional and scientific achievements,
p.(None): 12) the procedure for recognizing the professional and scientific achievements of doctors with a doctoral degree
p.(None): postdoctoral degree as equivalent to completed specialization training, including criteria for assessing professional and academic achievements
p.(None): - having regard to the scope of training completed in the country or abroad,
p.(None): 13) procedure for issuing by the CEM director of a duplicate or copy of a PES diploma and the manner of paying the fee for issuing
p.(None): duplicate or copy of a PES diploma,
p.(None): 14) the procedure for making the PES diploma by the CEM director and the method of paying the fee
p.(None): diploma corrections,
p.(None): 15) template of the document referred to in art. 19g paragraph 7, confirming completion of the course,
p.(None): 16) the amount of remuneration for performing control activities referred to in art. 19i paragraph 12 point 1
p.(None): - aiming to ensure efficient implementation of tasks by CEM, ensuring document transparency, o
p.(None): referred to in art. 19g paragraph 7 and taking into account the workload associated with carrying out control activities.
p.(None): 2. The Minister of National Defense in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): Of the Military Medical Council, shall determine, by regulation, the regulations of the qualification procedure, procedure and manner
p.(None): undergoing specialist training by a physician who is a soldier in active military service, as well as
p.(None): performing service or employed in a medical entity, for which the entity creating and supervising is
p.(None): The Minister of National Defense, and sample documents referred to in para. 1 point 10, taking into account necessity
p.(None): ensuring the proper course and specificity of specialist training for a physician who is a soldier in active health
p.(None): military service and on duty or employed in a medical entity for which the subject
p.(None): the creation is the Minister of National Defense.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for internal affairs in consultation with the minister competent for health, after
p.(None): consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine, by regulation, the mode and manner
p.(None): undergoing specialist training by a physician who is an officer in relation to the service in
p.(None): organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister
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p.(None): competent for internal affairs or employed under an employment contract or civil law contract, or
p.(None): serving in a therapeutic entity, established by the minister competent for internal affairs,
p.(None): and model documents referred to in paragraph 1 point 10, taking into account the need to ensure
p.(None): the correct course and specificity of the training of a specialist physician who is an officer in relation
p.(None): services in organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs
p.(None): either employed under a contract of employment or a civil law contract, or serving in a medical entity,
p.(None): created by the minister responsible for internal affairs.
p.(None): 4. The Minister of Justice in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): The Supreme Medical Council will determine, by regulation, the mode and manner of training
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p.(None): 1818, 1905, 2020 and 2473.
p.(None): 04/10/2020
p.(None): © Chancellery of the Sejm
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p.(None): 5) third-country nationals who apply for admission to the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish in order to work in a profession requiring high qualifications, within the meaning of the provisions of the Act
p.(None): of December 12, 2013 on foreigners;
p.(None): 6) third-country nationals who have been admitted to the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish for purposes other than performing work in accordance with European Union law or national law
p.(None): and have the right to work and have a residence permit issued in accordance with the Regulation
p.(None): Council (EC) No 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 establishing a uniform format for residence permits for
p.(None): third-country nationals (Official Journal of the EU L 157 of 15.06.2002, p. 1, as amended), and third-country nationals who
p.(None): were admitted to the territory of the Republic of Poland for the purpose of performing work in accordance with Union law
p.(None): European or national law;
p.(None): 7) third-country nationals holding a temporary residence permit granted in connection with
p.(None): circumstance referred to in art. 151 section 1, art. 151b paragraph 1, art. 157a paragraph 1 or art. 157g paragraph 1 of the Act of
p.(None): on December 12, 2013 on foreigners;
p.(None): 8) third-country nationals who have a national visa for the purpose of undergoing first-degree studies
p.(None): second degree or uniform master's studies or doctoral school education, with annotation
p.(None): "Student", national visa for the purpose of scientific research or development work, national visa for the internship
p.(None): or a national visa to participate in the European Voluntary Service program;
p.(None): 9) third-country nationals staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with the use
p.(None): on short-term mobility of the researcher under the conditions specified in art. 156b paragraph 1 of the Act of December 12, 2013
p.(None): on foreigners;
p.(None): 10) third-country nationals residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with
p.(None): making use of student mobility under the conditions specified in art. 149b paragraph 1 of the Act of
p.(None): December 12, 2013 about foreigners.
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p.(None): pp. 4/140
p.(None): 4. Whenever the act refers to an electronic specialization training card, called
p.(None): hereinafter "EKS", it means electronic representation of the specialization training card which
p.(None): the pattern is determined by the regulations issued on the basis of 16x paragraph 1 point 10 and par. 2–4 as confirmation
p.(None): implementation of the specialization program and its completion.
p.(None): 5. Account in the Monitoring System of the Training of Medical Workers referred to in art. 30 paragraph 1 of the Act
p.(None): of April 28, 2011 on the information system in healthcare (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 408, 730, 1590 and
p.(None): 1905), hereinafter referred to as "SMK", assumes in order to perform activities in this system:
p.(None): 1) doctor or dentist;
p.(None): 2) head of specialization.
p.(None): 6. A condition for making by the persons referred to in para. 5 steps using SMK is authentication
p.(None): the person who created the account, and verification of the person's permissions.
p.(None): 7. The authentication referred to in para. 6, is made on the basis of an application for authorization,
p.(None): through:
p.(None): 1) signing with a qualified electronic signature, trusted signature or personal signature or
p.(None): 2) confirmation by the appropriate regional medical chamber or the Supreme Medical Chamber of the identity of the person who
p.(None): she created the account.
p.(None): 8. Verification of the rights referred to in para. 6, shall perform in relation to:
p.(None): 1) the physician or dentist referred to in para. 5 point 1, the competent regional chamber
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p.(None): scientific habilitated doctor.
p.(None): 15. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status, a medical practitioner undergoing training
p.(None): specialization may be directed by:
p.(None): 1) a voivode to work in combating an epidemic based on art. 47 of the Act of 5 December 2008 on prevention
p.(None): and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans to the subject in which the specialist training takes place or to
p.(None): other entity, or
p.(None): 2) the employer to perform tasks other than those resulting from the contract under which the training takes place
p.(None): specialization, if the decision referred to in item 1 is not issued.
p.(None): 16. A doctor undergoing specialist training who was referred pursuant to para. 15 to perform
p.(None): work other than that resulting from the contract under which the specialist training takes place, performs work under
p.(None): supervision of a specialist appointed by the head of the unit to which he was referred. Medical specialist
p.(None): supervising the work of a doctor during specialization training acquires the appropriate qualifications of a manager
p.(None): specializations referred to in par. 7.
p.(None): 17. At the request of a doctor undergoing specialist training, the director of the CMKP may decide, by decision, the period of
p.(None): which the doctor did not implement the specialization program, as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if during the period
p.(None): he carried out the tasks referred to in paragraph 15.
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p.(None): 18. A doctor undergoing specialization training who has been canceled a specialization course because of his condition
p.(None): epidemic threat or epidemic status, is exempted from following this course if:
p.(None): 1) the implementation of this course requires the extension of specialization training for a period longer than 3 months and
p.(None): 2) completed all other courses covered by the specialization program.
p.(None): 19. The provisions of para. 15-18 shall apply accordingly to a physician who is a soldier in active military service.
p.(None): Art. 16 Shortening the period of specialist training that meets the minimum requirements
p.(None): education specified in European Union legislation may not cover more than 1/2 of the minimum time
p.(None): the duration of a given specialization program as defined in European Union legislation.
p.(None): Article 16n 1. A doctor who has the title of specialist obtained outside the territory of the Republic of Poland,
p.(None): not subject to recognition as equivalent on the basis of the provisions referred to in art. 16a and 16b, minister
p.(None): competent for health shall recognize the title of specialist as equivalent to the title of specialist in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Poland, if the following conditions have been jointly met:
p.(None): 1) the doctor has the right to practice the profession of the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 2) the duration of specialization training completed abroad corresponds to the duration
p.(None): specialization training specified in the specialization program in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 3) a specialization program in the field of theoretical knowledge and practical skills required,
p.(None): 5. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 45a. 1. The physician is obliged to notify the entity responsible for placing the medicinal product on
p.(None): market and the President of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, operation
p.(None): undesirable medicinal product.
p.(None): 2. The applications referred to in para. 1, the physician makes an action notification form
p.(None): an undesirable medicinal product submitted in paper or electronic form.
p.(None): Art. 45b. (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 46. 1. A doctor may not sell medicinal products, medical devices or equipment
p.(None): medical devices, in vitro diagnostic medical devices, accessories for diagnostic medical devices
p.(None): in vitro, active implantable medical devices within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 20 May 2010 on
p.(None): medical devices and auxiliaries.
p.(None): 2. The provision of para. 1 shall not apply if the physician provides the patient with a medicinal product or device on an ad hoc basis
p.(None): medical, medical device equipment, in vitro diagnostic medical device, medical device equipment for
p.(None): in vitro diagnostics or active implantable medical device within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 20 May 2010.
p.(None): about medical devices in connection with emergency assistance.
p.(None): 3. The provision of para. 1 shall not apply to custom made products referred to in art. 2 clause 1 point 42
p.(None): Act of 20 May 2010 on medical devices.
p.(None): Art. 47. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, may determine in
p.(None): by regulation, rules of procedure
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): pp. 136/140
p.(None): physicians in situations related to a particular threat to public health, taking into account in particular the type and
p.(None): scope of danger.
p.(None): Art. 48. 1. A practicing physician may be appointed by an authorized body to provide medical assistance in
p.(None): to combat the effects of disasters, epidemics and natural disasters for their duration.
p.(None): 2. The rules and procedure for appointing a doctor in the situation referred to in para. 1, are specified in separate provisions.
p.(None): Article 48a (Deleted)
p.(None): Article 48b (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 49. 1. A practicing physician is required to participate in the work of medical appointing committees
p.(None): ability of persons subject to military qualification to perform active military service, on the terms specified
p.(None): in separate regulations.
p.(None): 2. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 49a. (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 50 (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 50a. Group medical practice cannot be performed in a medical entity under a contract
p.(None): civil law for the provision of health services.
p.(None): Article 50b (repealed) Article 50c. (repealed) Article 51. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 52. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 52a. (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 52b 1. The regional medical chamber is entitled to visit in order to assess the profession of doctors
p.(None): practicing the profession as part of the professional practice entered in the register of entities performing activities
p.(None): therapeutic within the meaning of the provisions on medical activities.
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p.(None): pp. 137/140
p.(None): 2. The visit is carried out by doctors authorized by the regional medical board.
p.(None): 3. Persons referred to in para. 2, performing inspection activities, upon presentation of authorization, have the right to:
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p.(None): the facial part of the skull and adjacent areas.
p.(None): 2a. (Deleted)
p.(None): 3. The physician's work is also considered to include research work in the field of science
p.(None): medical or health promotion, teaching the medical profession, managing a medical entity referred to in art. 4
p.(None): Act of 15 April 2011 on medical activities (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 295) or employment in
p.(None): entities obliged to finance healthcare services from public funds in
p.(None): meaning of the provisions of the Act of 27 August 2004 on healthcare services financed from
p.(None): funds
p.(None): Based on: i.e. Dz. Of Laws of 2020, item 514, 567.
p.(None): 1) This Act implements Parliament's Directive 2005/36 / EC within the scope of its regulation
p.(None): Of the European Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (Official Journal of the EU L 255 of
p.(None): September 30, 2005, page 22, as amended d.).
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p.(None): p. 2/140
p.(None): public (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1373, as amended2)) or offices of those operating entities, as part of
p.(None): which performs activities related to the preparation, organization or supervision of
p.(None): providing healthcare services.
p.(None): 4. A doctor, dentist may perform the activities referred to in par. 1 and 2, also through systems
p.(None): ICT or communication systems.
p.(None): Art. 3. 1. Whenever the provisions of the Act refer to a physician without further specification, it shall be understood as meaning
p.(None): also a dentist.
p.(None): 1a. Whenever the provisions of the Act refer to a prescription, it should be understood as a prescription in electronic form or in
p.(None): paper form.
p.(None): 2. Whenever the law refers to a Member State of the European Union, it should also be understood
p.(None): Member State of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA) - parties to the European Area Agreement
p.(None): Economic and the Swiss Confederation.
p.(None): 3. Whenever the Act refers to citizens of the Member States of the European Union, this shall also mean:
p.(None): 1) their family members within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 14 July 2006 on entry into the territory
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland, stay and exit from this territory of citizens of the Member States of the Union
p.(None): Europejska and their family members (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 293);
p.(None): 2) third-country nationals who hold a long-term resident's Union residence permit
p.(None): European within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 35);
p.(None): 3) foreigners with refugee status or subsidiary protection;
p.(None): 4) foreigners who come to the territory of the Republic of Poland or stay in this territory in
p.(None): for the purpose of family reunification and are family members of a foreigner residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polska in connection with granting him refugee status or subsidiary protection;
p.(None): 2) Amendments to the consolidated text of the said Act have been announced in the Official Of Laws of 2019, item 1394, 1590, 1694, 1726,
p.(None): 1818, 1905, 2020 and 2473.
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p.(None): 5) third-country nationals who apply for admission to the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish in order to work in a profession requiring high qualifications, within the meaning of the provisions of the Act
p.(None): of December 12, 2013 on foreigners;
p.(None): 6) third-country nationals who have been admitted to the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish for purposes other than performing work in accordance with European Union law or national law
p.(None): and have the right to work and have a residence permit issued in accordance with the Regulation
p.(None): Council (EC) No 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 establishing a uniform format for residence permits for
p.(None): third-country nationals (Official Journal of the EU L 157 of 15.06.2002, p. 1, as amended), and third-country nationals who
p.(None): were admitted to the territory of the Republic of Poland for the purpose of performing work in accordance with Union law
p.(None): European or national law;
p.(None): 7) third-country nationals holding a temporary residence permit granted in connection with
p.(None): circumstance referred to in art. 151 section 1, art. 151b paragraph 1, art. 157a paragraph 1 or art. 157g paragraph 1 of the Act of
p.(None): on December 12, 2013 on foreigners;
p.(None): 8) third-country nationals who have a national visa for the purpose of undergoing first-degree studies
p.(None): second degree or uniform master's studies or doctoral school education, with annotation
p.(None): "Student", national visa for the purpose of scientific research or development work, national visa for the internship
p.(None): or a national visa to participate in the European Voluntary Service program;
p.(None): 9) third-country nationals staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with the use
p.(None): on short-term mobility of the researcher under the conditions specified in art. 156b paragraph 1 of the Act of December 12, 2013
p.(None): on foreigners;
p.(None): 10) third-country nationals residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with
p.(None): making use of student mobility under the conditions specified in art. 149b paragraph 1 of the Act of
p.(None): December 12, 2013 about foreigners.
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p.(None): pp. 4/140
p.(None): 4. Whenever the act refers to an electronic specialization training card, called
p.(None): hereinafter "EKS", it means electronic representation of the specialization training card which
p.(None): the pattern is determined by the regulations issued on the basis of 16x paragraph 1 point 10 and par. 2–4 as confirmation
p.(None): 6) voivods - in the scope of tasks specified in this Act, in particular in the scope of the training process
p.(None): specialization doctors;
p.(None): 7) the Minister of National Defense - in the scope of tasks specified in this Act and the Act of 11 September
p.(None): 2003 on the military service of professional soldiers (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 330, 730 and 1726), in particular in
p.(None): specialization training process for physicians who are soldiers in active military service, as well as
p.(None): serving or employed in medical entities established and supervised by the Minister of Defense
p.(None): national;
p.(None): 8) the minister competent for internal affairs - in the scope of tasks specified in this Act, in
p.(None): in particular as regards the process of specialist training for doctors on duty or
p.(None): employed in medical entities, created by the minister competent for internal affairs;
p.(None): 9) entities referred to in art. 19 paragraph 1, within the scope of tasks specified in this Act;
p.(None): 10) district medical councils and the Supreme Medical Council - within the scope of tasks specified herein
p.(None): the Act and the Act of December 2, 2009 on Medical Chambers (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 965).
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p.(None): pp. 6/140
p.(None): Chapter 2
p.(None): The right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): Art. 5. 1. The Regional Medical Council shall grant, subject to para. 2-6 and art. 5a-5c, the right to exercise
p.(None): the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of dentist for a person who:
p.(None): 1) is a Polish citizen or a citizen of a Member State of the Union other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): European Union;
p.(None): 2) has:
p.(None): a) a medical diploma issued by a Polish university confirming completion of at least
p.(None): six-year medical studies, including at least 5500 teaching hours
p.(None): theoretical and practical, including two-semester practical teaching in clinical fields for the 6th year of study,
p.(None): or a diploma of a dentist issued by a Polish university confirming the completion of at least five years
p.(None): studies in medicine and dentistry, covering at least two semesters practical teaching on 5.
p.(None): year of study, or
p.(None): b) a medical diploma issued by a Polish university confirming the completion of studies
p.(None): medical service started before October 1, 2012 or a diploma of a dentist issued by a Polish school
p.(None): higher confirming the completion of studies in medicine and dentistry started before day 1
p.(None): October 2012, or
p.(None): c) a document confirming the formal qualifications of a physician or dentist satisfying
p.(None): minimum educational requirements set out in European Union law, issued by
p.(None): a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland, included in the list,
p.(None): referred to in art. 6b, and the relevant certificate accompanying it, as set out in the list in question
p.(None): in art. 6b, or
p.(None): (d) a diploma of a doctor or dentist issued by a country other than a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European, provided that the diploma was recognized in the Republic of Poland as equivalent in accordance with separate ones
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p.(None): regulations and that it meets the minimum training requirements specified in the provisions of European Union law;
p.(None): 3) has full legal capacity;
p.(None): 4) has a health condition allowing him to practice the profession of a physician or dentist;
p.(None): 5) has an impeccable ethical attitude.
p.(None): 2. A person who meets the conditions specified in para. 1 district medical council grants the right to exercise
p.(None): of the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist if he speaks Polish in speech and in
p.(None): writing to the extent necessary to practice the profession of a physician or dentist as specified in regulations
p.(None): issued on the basis of art. 7a point 1.
p.(None): 3. A person who meets the conditions specified in para. 1 point 1, point 2 lit. a, b or d, as well as points 3-5 and par. 2
p.(None): the District Medical Council grants the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist,
p.(None): if he completed post-graduate internship or received recognition of post-graduate internship completed outside the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polska for the equivalent of a postgraduate internship in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 4. A person who meets the conditions specified in para. 1 point 1, point 2 lit. a, b or d, as well as points 3-5 and par. 2
p.(None): the District Medical Council grants the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): dentist, if she passed the Medical Final Exam or Medical-Dental Examination
p.(None): Final in Polish or in the language in which the studies are conducted at Polish medical universities
p.(None): in the field of medicine or medicine
p.(None): -dentical, if she graduated in this language.
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p.(None): 1) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of the physician, the attendant
p.(None): on starting education before:
p.(None): a) December 20, 1976 in the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the French Republic and the Kingdom
p.(None): The Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Federal Republic of Germany,
p.(None): Italian Republic or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
p.(None): b) January 1, 1981 in the Hellenic Republic,
p.(None): c) on 1 January 1986 in the Kingdom of Spain or the Republic of Portugal,
p.(None): (d) 3 October 1990 in the former German Democratic Republic, provided that the document entitles to
p.(None): practice the medical profession in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany under the same conditions as the document
p.(None): confirming this type of qualification awarded by the appropriate authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany,
p.(None): (e) 1 January 1994 in the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Iceland or
p.(None): The Kingdom of Norway,
p.(None): f) on 1 May 1995 in the Principality of Liechtenstein,
p.(None): g) on June 1, 2002 in the Swiss Confederation,
p.(None): h) 1 May 2004 in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): The Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta or the Republic
p.(None): Cyprus,
p.(None): i) 1 January 2007 in the Republic of Bulgaria or Romania,
p.(None): j) 1 July 2013 in the Republic of Croatia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the European Union confirming that
p.(None): in fact and lawfully practiced the profession of medicine for at least three consecutive years over a period of five years
p.(None): immediately prior to the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 2) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of the physician, the attendant
p.(None): on starting education before:
p.(None): a) August 20, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Estonia,
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p.(None): b) August 21, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Latvia,
p.(None): c) on March 11, 1990 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): d) June 25, 1991 in the former Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic of Slovenia, da) October 8, 1991 in the former
p.(None): Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Croatia,
p.(None): e) 1 January 1993 in former Czechoslovakia in the case of the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of, respectively: the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia,
p.(None): The Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic or the Republic
p.(None): Slovakian confirming that this document has the same force on the territory of these countries as the documents listed in
p.(None): for these countries in the list referred to in art. 6b, and that she actually and lawfully performed
p.(None): medical profession for at least three consecutive years in the five years immediately preceding the issue
p.(None): certificate or
p.(None): 3) has a document confirming formal qualifications of a doctor issued by other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): a Member State of the European Union, other than documents listed in the list referred to in Art. 6b,
p.(None): and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the European Union confirming that
p.(None): her document confirming formal qualifications was obtained as a result of completion
p.(None): education that meets the minimum requirements set out in European Union legislation and is in that country
p.(None): considered to correspond to the documents confirming the qualifications listed in the list,
p.(None): referred to in art. 6b.
p.(None): Art. 5b. 1. A person who meets the conditions specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 points 1 and 3-5 and par. 2, district council
p.(None): medical doctor grants the right to practice the profession of dentist if:
p.(None): 1) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a dentist, indicating the commencement
p.(None): education before:
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p.(None): (a) 28 January 1980 in the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic
p.(None): France, the Republic of Ireland, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Federal Republic of Germany or the United States
p.(None): The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
p.(None): b) January 1, 1981 in the Hellenic Republic,
p.(None): c) on 1 January 1986 in the Republic of Portugal,
p.(None): d) October 3, 1990 in the former German Democratic Republic, provided that the document authorizes
p.(None): to practice the profession of dentist in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany in the same
p.(None): conditions such as a document confirming this type of qualification awarded by the competent authorities of the Republic
p.(None): Federal Germany,
p.(None): e) 1 January 1994 in the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland or the Kingdom of Norway,
p.(None): f) on 1 May 1995 in the Principality of Liechtenstein,
p.(None): g) on June 1, 2002 in the Swiss Confederation,
p.(None): h) 1 May 2004 in the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Estonia,
p.(None): The Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta or the Republic of Cyprus,
p.(None): i) 1 January 2007 in the Republic of Bulgaria,
p.(None): j) 1 July 2013 in the Republic of Croatia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the European Union confirming that
p.(None): she actually and legally practiced the profession of dentist for at least three consecutive years in
p.(None): the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 2) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a dentist, indicating the commencement
p.(None): education before:
p.(None): a) August 20, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Estonia,
p.(None): b) August 21, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Latvia,
p.(None): c) on March 11, 1990 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): d) June 25, 1991 in the former Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic of Slovenia,
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p.(None): e) October 8, 1991 in the former Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic of Croatia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of, respectively: the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia,
p.(None): Of the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Slovenia or the Republic of Croatia confirming that this document is intended for
p.(None): their territory with the same power as the documents listed for those countries in the list,
p.(None): referred to in art. 6b, and that she has actually and legally practiced the profession of dentist for at least
p.(None): three consecutive years during the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 3) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a dentist, indicating the commencement
p.(None): medical education before:
p.(None): a) January 28, 1980 in the Italian Republic,
p.(None): b) 1 January 1986 in the Kingdom of Spain,
p.(None): c) on January 1, 1994 in the Republic of Austria,
p.(None): d) October 1, 2003 in Romania,
p.(None): e) May 1, 2004 in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic or former Czechoslovakia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of: the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic respectively
p.(None): Austria, Romania, the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic confirming that they are actually and lawfully
p.(None): she practiced the profession of a dentist in their territory for at least three consecutive years during the period
p.(None): five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate and that he is entitled to practice the profession
p.(None): dentist under the same conditions as the holders of the documents listed in the list referred to in
p.(None): Art. 6b, or
p.(None): 4) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor issued in the Italian Republic,
p.(None): certifying the commencement of education between 28 January 1980 and 31 December 1984, and
p.(None): a certificate issued by the competent authorities of the Italian Republic confirming that:
p.(None): (a) passed an aptitude test before the relevant Italian authorities to establish that it was held by
p.(None): her knowledge and skills correspond to the qualifications confirmed in the documents
p.(None): listed
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p.(None): in relation to the Italian Republic, in the list referred to in Article 6b, excluding persons who have completed at least
p.(None): three years of studies for which the competent authorities of the Italian Republic have confirmed that they are equivalent to
p.(None): education referred to in the provisions of European Union law,
p.(None): b) actually and lawfully practiced the profession of dentist in the territory of the Italian Republic for which
p.(None): at least three consecutive years in the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate,
p.(None): c) is entitled to practice the profession of dentist under the same conditions as
p.(None): holders of documents listed for Italy in the list referred to in Article 6b, or
p.(None): 4a) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor issued in the Kingdom of Spain,
p.(None): certifying the commencement of education between 1 January 1986 and 31 December 1997, and
p.(None): a certificate issued by the competent authorities of the Kingdom of Spain confirming that:
p.(None): a) has completed at least three years of studies recognized by the competent authorities of the Kingdom of Spain as equivalent
p.(None): with education referred to in the provisions of European Union law,
p.(None): b) actually and lawfully practiced the profession of dentist in the territory of the Kingdom of Spain
p.(None): for at least three consecutive years during the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate,
p.(None): c) is entitled to practice the profession of dentist under the same conditions as
p.(None): holders of documents listed in relation to the Kingdom of Spain in the list referred to in
p.(None): Art. 6b, or
p.(None): 5) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a dentist issued by other than
p.(None): Republic of Poland, a Member State of the European Union other than those listed in the list,
p.(None): referred to in art. 6b, and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European confirming that her document confirming formal qualifications was
p.(None): obtained as a result of completing education meeting the minimum requirements specified in the regulations
p.(None): Of the European Union and is recognized in this country as
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): corresponding to the documents confirming the qualifications listed in the list referred to in Art. 6b.
p.(None): 2. Persons referred to in para. 1 point 3 who have completed at least three years of studies as to which they are competent
p.(None): authorities in a given Member State of the European Union confirmed that they are equivalent to
p.(None): training specified in the provisions of European Union law are exempted from the obligation to provide
p.(None): a certificate issued by the competent authorities of, respectively: the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the Republic of Austria,
p.(None): Romania, the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic confirming that they actually and lawfully performed
p.(None): the profession of dentist in their territory for at least three consecutive years over a period of five years
p.(None): immediately prior to the issue of the certificate.
p.(None): 3. The requirements specified in para. 1 point 4 lit. a-c also apply to people who started their studies after day 31
p.(None): December 1984, provided that the three-year study period began before December 31, 1994.
p.(None): Article 5c 1. A person who meets the conditions specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 points 1 and 3-5 and par. 2 and:
p.(None): 1) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor or dentist, as referred to in art.
p.(None): 5a points 1 and 2, art. 5b paragraph 1 points 1-4, but may not submit a certificate issued by the competent authorities
p.(None): authorities of a Member State of the European Union confirming the factual and lawful
p.(None): practicing the profession of dentist or dentist in the territory of that Member State for at least three
p.(None): consecutive years during the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 2) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor or dentist issued by
p.(None): other than the Member State of the European Union and may provide a certificate that
p.(None): has three years of professional experience in the profession of a doctor or dentist obtained in the territory of the state
p.(None): a member state of the European Union which has recognized this confirmation of professional qualifications in accordance with
p.(None): internal regulations of this country and confirmed the acquired professional experience
p.(None): - the regional medical council grants the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist,
p.(None): if the minister competent for health has recognized the qualification of that person for practicing the profession of doctor or physician
p.(None): dentist
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p.(None): as a result of proceedings specified in separate provisions on the principles of recognition of professional qualifications acquired in
p.(None): Member States of the European Union, subject to paragraph 2.
p.(None): 2. In the cases referred to in para. 1 permission to choose an adaptation period or aptitude test
p.(None): within the meaning of the provisions on the recognition of professional qualifications acquired in EU Member States
p.(None): European can be turned off.
p.(None): Art. 5d (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 5e. (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 5f. A doctor who was referred for an adaptation internship or to take a test
p.(None): skills referred to in art. 5c paragraph 2, the regional medical council shall grant the right to practice the profession on time
p.(None): required to complete this internship or to take this test.
p.(None): Art. 6. 1. In order to obtain the right to practice the profession referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1, doctor or physician
p.(None): the dentist presents the district medical council in which he intends to practice his profession appropriate documents
p.(None): confirming compliance with the requirements:
p.(None): 1) referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 and 2 and stating a post-graduate internship or
p.(None): obtaining a decision issued on the basis of art. 15 paragraph 8 or 9 and passing the Medical Final Exam or
p.(None): Medical-Dental Final Exam with a positive result - in the case of persons referred to in art. 5 paragraph 3, 4
p.(None): and 6, or
p.(None): 2) referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 and 2 - in the case of persons referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and point
p.(None): 2 lit. c, or
p.(None): 3) specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and points 3-5 and in para. 2 and in art. 5a item 1 or item 2 or item 3 - in
p.(None): in the case of persons referred to in art. 5a, or
p.(None): 4) specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and points 3-5 and in para. 2 and in art. 5b paragraph 1 point 1 or point 2 or point
p.(None): 3 or point 4 or point 4a or point 5 - in the case of persons referred to in art. 5b, or
p.(None): 2) referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 5 - submitting the following statement is considered:
p.(None): "Aware of criminal liability for submitting a false statement, I declare that I have not been
p.(None): punished for intentional crime or intentional tax offense and that no proceedings are pending against me
p.(None): criminal in a case of intentionally committed crime or tax offense, and that they do not occur
p.(None): circumstances that, in accordance with the Code of Medical Ethics and other legal provisions, within the meaning of the requirement
p.(None): specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 5 of the Act of December 5, 1996 on the professions of physician and dentist,
p.(None): could affect the exercise of the profession of doctor or dentist in the territory of the Republic of Poland. "
p.(None): The statement should also include the surname and first name of the doctor, place marking and date of submitting the statement and
p.(None): doctor's signature.
p.(None): 3) (repealed)
p.(None): 2a. Confirmation of compliance with the requirement referred to in art. 5 paragraph 2, is submission with a positive result
p.(None): Polish language exam, referred to in art. 7 item 3. The requirement to pass the Polish language exam does not apply
p.(None): persons who completed medical studies in Polish, as well as persons who have citizenship
p.(None): Polish or citizenship of a Member State of the European Union and present a document confirming the knowledge
p.(None): Polish language, listed in the list referred to in paragraph 2b.
p.(None): 2b. The minister competent for health will announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', a list of documents confirming knowledge of the Polish language.
p.(None): 3. In the case of a physician or dentist of a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, the District Council
p.(None): medical, to meet the requirement referred to in Article. 5 paragraph 1 point 5, considers it sufficient
p.(None): presentation of documents issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
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p.(None): European Union other than the Republic of Poland, confirming that the attitude requirements are met
p.(None): ethical physician and that he is not punished and has not been suspended or deprived of his right
p.(None): practicing a profession due to serious professional misconduct or crime. If the competent state authorities
p.(None): of a European Union Member State other than the Republic of Poland do not issue such documents, shall apply
p.(None): the provision of paragraph 2 point 2.
p.(None): 4. Document confirming the fulfillment of the requirement specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 4 is the decision on
p.(None): health condition allowing the practicing of the profession of doctor or dentist within the scope specified in art. 2, issued
p.(None): by a doctor authorized under the provisions of the medical examination of employees in the field of
p.(None): preventive healthcare for employees and decisions issued for the purposes provided for in the Code
p.(None): work.
p.(None): 5. In the case of a citizen of a European Union Member State, it is sufficient to the extent
p.(None): meeting the requirement specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 4 documents referring to
p.(None): physical or mental health required for the medical profession or dental practitioner in the country concerned
p.(None): member states of the European Union. Where such documents are not issued by the country from which
p.(None): the doctor or dentist arrives, the relevant certificate issued by the competent authorities is sufficient
p.(None): this country.
p.(None): 6. In order to obtain the right to practice the profession referred to in art. 5 paragraph 7, doctor or physician
p.(None): the dentist presents the regional medical council in which he intends to do post-graduate internships, documents
p.(None): confirming compliance with the requirements referred to in:
p.(None): 1) art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and point 2 lit. a, b or d as well as points 3-5 and par. 2 or
p.(None): 2) art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1, 3-5 and par. 2, and a document confirming formal qualifications
p.(None): doctor or dentist referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 2 lit. c.
p.(None): 7. In order to obtain the right to practice the profession for a specified period necessary to complete an adaptation period
p.(None): or taking an aptitude test within the meaning of the provisions on the recognition of qualifications
p.(None): professional acquired in the Member States of the European Union - doctor or dentist referred to in art.
p.(None): 5c paragraph 1, presents the regional medical council in the area of which
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p.(None): intends to take an adaptation internship or take an aptitude test, documents confirming compliance with requirements,
p.(None): referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 points 1 and 3-5, par. 2 and in art. 5c paragraph 1 point 1 or 2, and the minister's decision
p.(None): competent for health in the matter of undergoing an adaptation period or taking a test
p.(None): skills.
p.(None): 8. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): ordinances, specimen documents of the right to practice a profession, referred to in para. 10, having regard to
p.(None): in particular, the necessary personal data of the doctor, the number of the right to practice, annotations
p.(None): about entry into the district register of doctors and data on the qualifications of the doctor.
p.(None): 9. The documents referred to in par. 3-5, may be presented within 3 months of the date of issue.
p.(None): 10. On the basis of submitted documents and declarations referred to in para. 1-7, District Medical Council
p.(None): grants the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist pursuant to art. 5
p.(None): paragraph. 1 or paragraph 7 or art. 5f and issues the document "The right to practice the medical profession" or
p.(None): "The right to practice the profession of dentist".
p.(None): 10a. In the case of granting the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist, o
p.(None): referred to in art. 5 paragraph 7, art. 5f or art. 7 item 2, in the document "The right to practice the medical profession" or
p.(None): "The right to practice the profession of dentist" shall include information on the granting of this right in
p.(None): the purpose of a post-graduate internship for the duration of this internship or for a definite period necessary to complete the internship
p.(None): adaptive or take an aptitude test.
p.(None): 11. The District Medical Council, at the request of a doctor or dentist, issues:
p.(None): 1) certificate stating that the doctor or dentist is qualified in accordance with the requirements
p.(None): arising from the provisions of European Union law and that the diploma, certificate or other supporting document held
p.(None): formal formal qualifications correspond to documents confirming formal qualifications of a physician or
p.(None): dentist arising from European Union law;
p.(None): 2) certificate confirming that the doctor and dentist have specialization
p.(None): equivalent to the specialization listed in the regulations
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p.(None): applicable in the European Union in relation to the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 3) certificate confirming that the doctor, dentist has the right to practice the profession,
p.(None): which he has not been deprived of or suspended, and that he has not been punished by a medical court,
p.(None): no proceedings are pending against him in respect of professional liability or initiated by
p.(None): District Medical Council that may result in suspension of the right to practice a profession or a restriction on
p.(None): performing specific medical activities;
p.(None): 4) certificate of professional work;
p.(None): 5) other certificates required by competent authorities of other Member States of the Union than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): European in accordance with the provisions of European Union law.
p.(None): 12. The Supreme Medical Council shall issue the certificates referred to in par. 11 if it is not possible to determine the correct one
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 13. For each certificate referred to in para. 11 and 12, a minimum fee of 3% is charged
p.(None): remuneration for work determined on the basis of the provisions of the Act of 10 October 2002 on the minimum
p.(None): remuneration for work (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 2177 and of 2019, item 1564), applicable in the year of issue
p.(None): certificate. The fee shall be paid to the bank account of the council that issued the certificate.
p.(None): Art. 6a. 1. The regional medical council grants the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession
p.(None): dentist or refuses to grant this right immediately after submitting all documents specified by law,
p.(None): no later than within one month of the date of their submission.
p.(None): 1a. If there are formal deficiencies in the documents, the District Medical Council within 14 days of
p.(None): day of receipt of documents, calls for their completion.
p.(None): 2. If the regional medical council has information about an important event that occurred before
p.(None): taking up a business in the Republic of Poland by a citizen of another Member State of the European Union outside
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and which may affect the taking up or pursuit of the medical profession,
p.(None): inform the European Union Member State of this event,
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p.(None): whose citizenship the foreigner owns or comes from and applies for verification of these
p.(None): information and notification about actions that have been taken in relation to this event.
p.(None): 2a. The regional medical council cooperates with the competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union
p.(None): and provides the competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union with information on pending
p.(None): disciplinary or criminal proceedings and other serious circumstances,
p.(None): which may affect the practice of the profession of doctor or dentist, taking into account the provisions on
p.(None): protection of personal data and in the event of a request from these authorities regarding the transmission of this information
p.(None): verifies the factual circumstances and notifies these bodies of the findings made.
p.(None): 2b. The exchange of information referred to in paragraph 2 and 2a, takes place via the Exchange System
p.(None): Information on the IMI Internal Market referred to in Regulation (EU) No. 1024/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
p.(None): on 25 October 2012 on administrative cooperation through the information exchange system on
p.(None): internal market and repealing Commission Decision 2008/49 / EC ("IMI Regulation") (Official Journal EU L 316 of
p.(None): November 14, 2012, p. 1, as amended d.).
p.(None): 3. (repealed)
p.(None): 4. In case of justified doubts regarding the authenticity of diplomas or documents issued by
p.(None): competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union, the regional medical council asks the relevant competent authorities
p.(None): authorities of this country for confirmation of the authenticity of formal supporting documents
p.(None): qualifications, including those related to specializations, issued in that country, as well as certification of a doctor
p.(None): intending to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland obtained full education in accordance with
p.(None): regulations in force in a specific Member State of the European Union.
p.(None): 5. Documents submitted as part of verification shall remain valid for a period of three months from the date of issue.
p.(None): Art. 6b. The minister competent for health will announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish "Monitor Polski" list
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p.(None): diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming formal qualifications to practice the medical profession or
p.(None): dentist by citizens of European Union member states.
p.(None): Art. 7. 1. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, a district council
p.(None): medical competent for the intended place of the profession grants the right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): or the right to practice the profession of dentist for an indefinite period or for a definite period if he meets
p.(None): the following conditions:
p.(None): 1) has a doctor's or dentist's diploma issued:
p.(None): a) by a Polish university or
p.(None): b) in a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland, or
p.(None): c) in a country other than a Member State of the European Union, provided that the diploma has been
p.(None): recognized in the Republic of Poland as equivalent in accordance with separate provisions and that it meets the minimum
p.(None): educational requirements set out in European Union legislation;
p.(None): 2) has full legal capacity;
p.(None): 3) has a health condition allowing him to practice the profession of a physician or dentist;
p.(None): 4) has an impeccable ethical attitude;
p.(None): 5) shows knowledge of the Polish language referred to in paragraph. 3;
p.(None): 6) completed post-graduate internship;
p.(None): 7) passed the Medical Final or Medical-Dental Examination
p.(None): Final exam; provision of art. 5 paragraph 5 shall apply accordingly;
p.(None): 8) obtained the right to stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland, in accordance with separate provisions.
p.(None): 1a. The foreigner referred to in par. 1, intending to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Poland solely for the purpose of undergoing postgraduate education in a specific form or undergoing education at school
p.(None): doctoral in order to obtain a degree or participate in scientific research and development works,
p.(None): the right to practice the profession for a specified period is granted if it meets the conditions set out in paragraph 1.
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p.(None): 1b. The right to practice the profession referred to in paragraph 1a, is granted only for the period of education
p.(None): postgraduate in a specific form or duration of study, or conduct of scientific research and development work in
p.(None): indicated place of education, studies or research.
p.(None): 2. The foreigner referred to in par. 1, shall be awarded for the post-graduate internship
p.(None): doctor, dentist and keeping a register of doctors.
p.(None): Art. 8a. Partial access to the professions of physician and dentist is not granted, both
p.(None): in the professional activities of a doctor or dentist without specialization, as well as a doctor or a physician
p.(None): specialist dentist.
p.(None): Art. 9. 1. A physician with sufficiently high qualifications, not having the right to practice in the territory
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland, but having this right in another state, may conduct theoretical and
p.(None): practical teaching of the medical profession or take part in a medical consultation and perform the treatments needed
p.(None): results from this consulium or the curriculum if:
p.(None): 1) was invited by a doctor who has the right to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish, each time after obtaining the consent of the appropriate regional medical council, or
p.(None): 2) was invited by a physician practicing the profession of a therapeutic entity within the meaning of the provisions on operations
p.(None): medical treatment, each time after obtaining the consent of the head of this entity and the appropriate regional medical council, or
p.(None): 3) was invited by a clinical hospital or entity referred to in art. 7 item 1 point 1, 2
p.(None): and 4-8 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science, leader
p.(None): activity in the field of medical sciences or health sciences, which informs the appropriate regional medical council.
p.(None): 2. Doctor, dentist who is a citizen of a Member State of the European Union who has the right
p.(None): to practice medicine or physician
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p.(None): dentist in a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland, maybe temporarily
p.(None): and occasionally practice the profession of a doctor or dentist without having to obtain the right to practice
p.(None): doctor or the right to practice the profession of dentist or without having to obtain an entry in the register
p.(None): individual medical practices or a register of individual specialized practices
p.(None): medical, if he submits to the regional medical chamber competent for the place of intended performance
p.(None): profession:
p.(None): 1) a written statement of the intention to temporarily and occasionally pursue the profession of a doctor, dentist,
p.(None): providing the place and, if possible, the time of its performance on the territory of the Republic of Poland, and
p.(None): 2) a document confirming citizenship, and
p.(None): 3) a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the European Union stating that
p.(None): has the right to practice the medical profession or dentist in that country at the time the declaration is made
p.(None): is not suspended or restricted and that he carries out the medical profession, and
p.(None): 4) a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor or dentist. 2a. The provision of para. 2 shall not apply
p.(None): to a foreigner holding a permit
p.(None): temporary stay granted in connection with the circumstance referred to in art. 159 paragraph 1 point 1
p.(None): point c or d of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners and a foreigner who in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): granted refugee status or subsidiary protection.
p.(None): 3. The statement referred to in para. 2 point 1, is submitted before starting to practice for the first time
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and repeats each year in which the doctor or dentist intends to perform
p.(None): in a temporary and occasional occupation in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 4. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, the documents referred to in para. 2 points 2-4 present
p.(None): the competent regional medical council before starting the profession for the first time
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and each time a significant change in the information contained therein.
p.(None): 5. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, upon submission of the statement and documents,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2, shall be entered in the register of doctors temporarily and occasionally practicing the profession
p.(None): run by the appropriate regional medical council.
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p.(None): 6. The register referred to in par. 5, is kept in the form of information and IT and
p.(None): contains the following data:
p.(None): 1) entry number in the register;
p.(None): 2) professional title;
p.(None): 3) names and surname;
p.(None): 4) gender;
p.(None): 5) date of birth;
p.(None): 6) place of birth;
p.(None): 7) citizenship;
p.(None): 8) number of the identity document;
p.(None): 9) name and designation of the document confirming the right to practice medicine in the country
p.(None): a member of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 10) specializations held;
p.(None): 11) place, period, form and scope of health services provided on a temporary and occasional basis
p.(None): practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland, if their identification is possible;
p.(None): 12) date of issue of the certificate by the regional medical board on the fulfillment of its obligation to submit
p.(None): statements;
p.(None): 13) correspondence address.
p.(None): 7. The District Medical Council shall enter the physician, dentist in the register referred to in par. 6, and appears
p.(None): doctor, dentist certificate
p.(None): about his compliance with the obligation to submit a certificate and documents,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2. Entry in the register and issue of the certificate may not cause delays or
p.(None): difficulties in the temporary and occasional pursuit of the profession.
p.(None): 8. Regional medical council, whenever a physician or dentist temporarily and occasionally
p.(None): performs a profession in the area of its activity, may apply to the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European, in which this doctor has the right to practice, to provide information
p.(None): confirming that he is exercising his profession lawfully in that country and that he has not been punished in connection with
p.(None): practicing profession.
p.(None): 9. The provision of art. 6a section 4 shall apply accordingly.
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p.(None): 10. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, makes a statement that the premises, appliances and equipment
p.(None): medical, if it has them, meet the requirements set out in provisions issued based on Art. 50b paragraph 3.
p.(None): 11. To the doctor, dentist referred to in par. 2, the provisions of Art. 54 and
p.(None): 56.
p.(None): 12. The regional medical council can always assess the temporary and occasional nature
p.(None): practicing the profession, taking into account its period, frequency, regularity and continuity.
p.(None): 13. The doctor referred to in par. 2, is released from the obligation to register with the Social Insurance Institution
p.(None): to make settlements related to the temporary and occasional exercise of the medical profession. In this case
p.(None): the physician informs about the temporary and occasional performance of the profession in writing appropriate for the place
p.(None): practice a branch of the Social Insurance Institution or, prior to commencing professional activities
p.(None): or in an emergency after they have been performed.
p.(None): 14. To the doctor referred to in par. 2, the provisions of Art. 31 and 45 of the Act of December 2, 2009 on
p.(None): medical chambers.
p.(None): 15. The doctor referred to in par. 2, providing benefits temporarily and occasionally only as part of
p.(None): international agreements concluded with a Member State of the European Union for cross-border cooperation
p.(None): in the field of emergency medical services, he does not submit to the regional medical council competent for the place
p.(None): the intended pursuit of the profession of documents referred to in paragraph 2. The provisions of para. 3-13 shall not apply.
p.(None): Art. 9a. In cases where the doctor or dentist temporarily and occasionally practices on
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland on the principles referred to in art. 9 item 2 and 3–12, District Medical Council
p.(None): or the Supreme Medical Council may require the physician or dentist to pass on to patients all or
p.(None): some of the following information:
p.(None): 1) if a doctor, dentist is entered in the register of entrepreneurs or a similar register
p.(None): public - an indication of this register, the number under which it appears in the register, or other contained in it
p.(None): register of data allowing identification of a doctor, dentist;
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p.(None): 2) the name and address of the competent authority granting authorization to practice in the Member State
p.(None): office;
p.(None): 3) an indication of the professional association or similar institution in which the doctor, dentist is
p.(None): registered;
p.(None): 4) professional title;
p.(None): 5) if the doctor, dentist conducts business subject to VAT -
p.(None): VAT identification number;
p.(None): 6) details of the insurance policy or other individual measures or
p.(None): collective security in relation to professional liability.
p.(None): Art. 9b. 1. A doctor who permanently provides health services to members of the national team participating in the Games
p.(None): Regional Medical Chamber in Warsaw:
p.(None): 1) a written declaration of intention to temporarily practice the medical profession in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): and
p.(None): 2) a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country in which he practices the medical profession that he has in it
p.(None): the right to practice medicine, which is not suspended or restricted at the time of making the declaration,
p.(None): and
p.(None): 3) a document confirming formal qualifications to practice the medical profession.
p.(None): 2. The statement and documents referred to in para. 1, the physician submits through the event organizer
p.(None): no later than 60 days before the start of this event.
p.(None): 3. The District Medical Chamber in Warsaw after receiving the statement and documents referred to in par. 1
p.(None): issues a doctor a certificate confirming the fulfillment of the obligation to submit a declaration and the documents referred to in par. 1.
p.(None): 4. The issue of the certificate referred to in para. 3, is subject to a fee of not more than
p.(None): 1.5% of the average monthly salary in the enterprise sector without payment of awards from profit for the previous year,
p.(None): published
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p.(None): by the President of the Central Statistical Office in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): "Monitor Polski", by way of announcement, by January 15 each year.
p.(None): 5. The fee is the revenue of the Regional Medical Chamber in Warsaw.
p.(None): 6. The provisions of para. 1-5 do not apply to citizens of other European Union Member States providing services
p.(None): cross-border pursuant to Directive 2005/36 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on
p.(None): recognition of professional qualifications (Official Journal of the EU L 255 of 30.09.2005, p. 22, as amended).
p.(None): Art. 10. 1. A doctor who intends to take up the profession 5 years after obtaining a medical diploma or
p.(None): A dentist is obliged to undergo training before granting the right to practice the profession
p.(None): theoretical, whose mode, program, place and period will be determined by the district medical council, by way of resolution,
p.(None): given the length of time since the diploma was obtained. The costs of this training are borne by the doctor.
p.(None): 2. (repealed)
p.(None): 3. A doctor with the right to practice a profession, who does not practice it for more than 5 years, but intends
p.(None): undertake its performance, it is required to notify the competent regional medical council and to carry it out
p.(None): training.
p.(None): 4. The provisions of para. 1 and 3 shall not apply to a doctor who is a citizen of a European Union Member State,
p.(None): who has a diploma or other documents confirming formal qualifications listed in the list,
p.(None): referred to in art. 6b, and so far he has not obtained the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession
p.(None): dentist in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): Art. 11. 1. If the regional medical council finds that there is a reasonable suspicion of insufficient
p.(None): vocational training, appoints a commission of physicians with appropriate professional qualifications, which
p.(None): gives an opinion on the professional preparation of this doctor.
p.(None): 2. The District Medical Council on the basis of the opinion of the commission referred to in par. 1 may oblige the physician to serve
p.(None): complementary training. The physician concerned is entitled to attend the district meeting
p.(None): medical council while examining his case.
p.(None): 3. The doctor is obliged to appear before the commission referred to in para. 1.
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p.(None): 4. In the event of an unjustified failure to appear before the commission referred to in para. 1, or
p.(None): evading participation in the training referred to in para. 2 and art. 10 paragraph 3, district council
p.(None): medical doctor adopts a resolution to suspend the doctor's right to practice the profession or to restrict him
p.(None): performing specific medical activities until the end of training.
p.(None): 5. The regional medical council shall determine the mode, place and training program referred to in par. 2 and in
p.(None): Art. 10 paragraph 3. The costs of this training shall be borne by the doctor.
p.(None): doctor while examining his case.
p.(None): 4. If the doctor refuses to undergo examination by the commission or if the district medical council based on the results
p.(None): the investigation will find that the continued pursuit of the profession or specific medical activities by
p.(None): a doctor is in danger of being treated by him, the district medical council adopts a resolution on
p.(None): suspension of a physician in the right to practice a profession or on limitation in performing certain activities
p.(None): medical pending the termination of the proceedings.
p.(None): 5. A doctor in respect of whom a resolution was adopted to suspend the right to practice a profession or
p.(None): limiting the performance of specific medical activities, may apply to the district medical board for waiver
p.(None): resolutions if
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p.(None): the reasons for suspension or limitation cease to exist, however not earlier than 6 months after the adoption of the resolution
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 6. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): of the regulation, the procedure for appointing and operating the committee referred to in para. 1, and the procedure for adjudicating
p.(None): inability to practice the medical profession or being restricted in performing specific activities
p.(None): medical, bearing in mind the need for a doctor to properly practice his profession.
p.(None): Art. 13. Proceedings in matters referred to in art. 11 and 12, is confidential.
p.(None): Art. 14. The doctor loses the right to practice a profession in the event of:
p.(None): 1) loss of Polish citizenship or another Member State of the European Union, if not
p.(None): acquired simultaneously the citizenship of another Member State of the European Union;
p.(None): 2) total or partial incapacitation;
p.(None): 3) elapse of time for which it was granted.
p.(None): Chapter 2a
p.(None): Medical Final Exam and Medical-Dental Final Exam Art. 14a. 1. Medical Final Exam (LEK)
p.(None): and Medical and Dental
p.(None): The Final Exam (LDEK) is organized and conducted by the Medical Examination Center, hereinafter referred to as "CEM". CEM
p.(None): is a state budget unit subordinated to the minister competent for health matters.
p.(None): 2. LEK and LDEK take place twice a year, simultaneously, in accordance with the order regulations of LEK and
p.(None): LDEK referred to in art. 14f paragraph 2, in places and dates fixed by the director of CEM.
p.(None): 3. A doctor may join the drug.
p.(None): 4. A dentist may join LDEK.
p.(None): 5. A person intending to join the LEK or LDEK shall submit to the director of CEM, via SMK, an application to the LEK or LDEK,
p.(None): until:
p.(None): 1) 15 July of the calendar year in which the given exam is carried out - in the case of examinations designated in
p.(None): the period from September 1 to September 30;
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p.(None): 2) November 30 of the calendar year preceding the year in which it is carried out
p.(None): exam - in the case of examinations scheduled in the period from February 1 to February 28.
p.(None): 5a. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status, the minister competent for health may
p.(None): change the dates referred to in paragraph 2 and 5. If the circumstances causing the change cease to exist
p.(None): deadlines, the minister competent for health shall change these deadlines again, but the total period
p.(None): postponing a given date cannot be longer than 5 months. Information on changing these dates the minister competent
p.(None): for health announces on its website.
p.(None): 6. By the dates referred to in para. 5 or 5a, the provisions of Art. 58-60 of the act of
p.(None): June 14, 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 256). In case of
p.(None): SMK failure lasting more than an hour, preventing the submission of a notification within a week before the expiry
p.(None): deadlines referred to in paragraph 5 or 5a, this period is extended by the duration of the failure. The extension is made with
p.(None): office by the system operator.
p.(None): 7. The notification to LEK or LDEK referred to in para. 5, contains the following data:
p.(None): 1) first name (names) and surname;
p.(None): 2) date of birth;
p.(None): 3) place of birth;
p.(None): 4) PESEL number, and in the absence of it - the features of a document confirming identity: the name and number of the document and
p.(None): country of issuance;
p.(None): 5) citizenship (citizenship);
p.(None): 6) correspondence address and e-mail address and phone number, if available;
p.(None): 7) number of the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist, if he has one;
p.(None): 8) number and date of issue of the medical diploma or dentist diploma or certificate of graduation from
p.(None): medical or dental studies, if on the day of submitting the application he / she has such a document;
p.(None): 9) the name of the university at which the applicant graduated from medicine or medicine and dentistry, and
p.(None): date of their completion, and in the case of a doctor
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p.(None): or a dentist who completed his studies in medicine or medicine.
p.(None): - an tourist in a country other than a Member State of the European Union
p.(None): - the name of the Polish university which recognized the diploma of completion of these studies;
p.(None): 10) an indication of the regional medical council, which in the case of a doctor or a completed dentist
p.(None): a university in a Member State of the European Union, granted the applicant the right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): or the right to practice the profession of dentist;
p.(None): 11) an indication of the preferred place for submitting LEK or LDEK from among those indicated by CEM;
p.(None): 12) an indication of the language in which the applicant intends to submit LEK or LDEK.
p.(None): 8. In the event of submitting the application to the LEK or LDEK referred to in para. 5, for the second and subsequent time and for LEK
p.(None): or LDEK submitted in a foreign language referred to in art. 5 paragraph 4, the applicant shall pay a fee
p.(None): examination fee in an amount not exceeding 10% of the average monthly salary in the sector
p.(None): enterprises without payment of awards from profit for the previous year, announced by the President of the Central Office
p.(None): Statistical Report in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', on the way
p.(None): notice, by January 15 each year. The exam fee is collected by the CEM director and is income
p.(None): the state budget. The fee is paid to the bank account indicated by CEM, provided via SMK in the course of
p.(None): submitting the notification referred to in paragraph 5. The fee shall be paid immediately after submitting the application, no
p.(None): later than 5 days from the date of expiry of the deadline for submitting applications referred to in para. 5.
p.(None): 9. In the event of failure to pay the fee referred to in para. 8, or to lodge it in an amount lower than due,
p.(None): the director of CEM calls on the applicant to fill the formal deficiencies by means of SMK or
p.(None): electronic means of communication, using the e-mail address provided by
p.(None): 4) independent use commissioned by a doctor authorized to practice the profession
p.(None): indefinite period of diagnostic and therapeutic methods whose practical skill has been
p.(None): ascertained by a guardian;
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p.(None): 5) jointly with the doctor possessing the right to practice the profession of indefinite use of methods
p.(None): diagnostic and therapeutic methods that pose an increased risk to the patient and jointly perform procedures with him
p.(None): operational, covered by the postgraduate internship program;
p.(None): 6) keeping a medical history and other medical documentation in cooperation with the caregiver;
p.(None): 7) providing information on the patient's state of health;
p.(None): 8) ordering care operations;
p.(None): 9) in emergencies for urgent administration or for medication to be administered to a patient, and if they are strongly or
p.(None): very strong - after seeking, if possible, the opinion of one doctor;
p.(None): 10) confirmation of death;
p.(None): 11) issuing prescriptions and issuing medical opinions and certificates after agreeing with the guardian of the content contained therein
p.(None): information.
p.(None): 3c. (Deleted)
p.(None): 3d. Doctor, dentist undergo post-graduate internship on the basis of an employment contract concluded on time
p.(None): determined for the purpose of vocational preparation including the implementation of the postgraduate internship program, with
p.(None): subject to paragraph 7a.
p.(None): 3e. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a European Union Member State takes a post-graduate internship
p.(None): on the terms applicable to Polish citizens, if it meets at least one of the following conditions:
p.(None): 1) has a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Poland or a long-term resident's residence permit
p.(None): The European Union;
p.(None): 2) has refugee status in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 3) has a valid Pole's Card.
p.(None): 3f. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a European Union Member State and does not comply
p.(None): the conditions referred to in paragraph 3e, takes a post-graduate internship under a civil law contract for a post-graduate internship,
p.(None): concluded with the unit referred to in art. 5 paragraph 9, in which the agreement defines the scope of mutual relations
p.(None): obligations for the duration of its serving.
p.(None): 3g. (Deleted)
p.(None): 4. Organization, financing and ensuring conditions for post-graduate internships for graduates
p.(None): medical and dental care
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p.(None): who are Polish citizens intending to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland,
p.(None): having permanent residence in the voivodship, and in the case of persons who are citizens of another
p.(None): than the Republic of Poland of a Member State of the European Union intending to take a postgraduate internship at
p.(None): area of this province is the task of the province's marshal in the field of government administration. The cost of service
p.(None): this task amounts to PLN 123 for each intern financed by a doctor.
p.(None): 4a. In 2009, the funds allocated to finance the post-graduate internship referred to in para. 4, communicate
p.(None): Marshal of the voivodship, minister competent for health matters from the Labor Fund.
p.(None): 4b. In 2010, the funds allocated to finance the post-graduate internship referred to in para. 4, communicate
p.(None): Marshal of the voivodship, minister competent for health matters from the Labor Fund.
p.(None): 4c. In 2011, funds allocated to finance the post-graduate internship referred to in para. 4, communicate
p.(None): Marshal of the voivodship, minister competent for health matters from the Labor Fund.
p.(None): 4d. In 2012, the funds allocated to finance the post-graduate internship referred to in para. 4, communicate
p.(None): Marshal of the voivodship, minister competent for health matters from the Labor Fund.
p.(None): 4e. In 2013, funds allocated to finance the post-graduate internship referred to in para. 4, communicate
p.(None): Marshal of the voivodship, minister competent for health matters from the Labor Fund.
p.(None): 4f. In 2014, funds allocated to finance the post-graduate internship referred to in para. 4, communicate
p.(None): Marshal of the voivodship, minister competent for health matters from the Labor Fund.
p.(None): 4g. In 2015, funds allocated to finance the post-graduate internship referred to in para. 4, communicate
p.(None): Marshal of the voivodship, minister competent for health matters from the Labor Fund.
p.(None): 4h. In 2016, funds allocated to finance the post-graduate internship referred to in para. 4, communicate
p.(None): 6a. The District Medical Council, by resolution, in consultation with the voivodship marshal, directs to undergo an internship
p.(None): postgraduate in your area
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p.(None): actions of doctors, dentists, whom she granted the right to practice and whom she entered on the list of members
p.(None): chambers.
p.(None): 6AA. The post-graduate internship is extended for the duration of this part of the internship program
p.(None): postgraduate study, which was not implemented, in consultation with the appropriate regional medical council. It doesn't last
p.(None): duration of post-graduate internship, if 5 years have elapsed from the date of obtaining the right to practice the profession.
p.(None): 6b. The voivode oversees the completion of post-graduate internships for doctors, dentists and in the field of
p.(None): compliance by the internship entities with the requirements and conditions referred to in paragraph 5 point 6.
p.(None): 6c. The voivode as part of the supervision referred to in para. 6b, is entitled to:
p.(None): 1) visitation of an entity entered on the list referred to in para. 6;
p.(None): 2) request documentation regarding the implementation of the internship program and financing;
p.(None): 3) demand explanations regarding the implementation of the internship program by a doctor;
p.(None): 4) issuing post-control recommendations;
p.(None): 5) providing information on the inspection carried out to the voivodship marshal and the regional chamber
p.(None): medical;
p.(None): 6) requesting the voivodship marshal to delete an entity entered on the list referred to in para. 6.
p.(None): 6d. The provisions of para. 1-3d and 4-6c shall apply mutatis mutandis to persons who are nationals of a Member State
p.(None): The European Union.
p.(None): 7. The Minister of National Defense, after consulting the Military Medical Council, shall establish the list
p.(None): subordinate health care entities authorized to conduct postgraduate internships for doctors and physicians
p.(None): dentists appointed to the professional military service and provides the funds necessary for these internships.
p.(None): 7a. The doctor, dentist referred to in paragraph 7, takes a postgraduate internship as an intern or
p.(None): trainee dentist, to whom he is appointed by the competent military authority in agreement with
p.(None): Military Medical Council.
p.(None): 7b. An intern doctor who has not completed or did not complete the post-graduate internship within 5 years from the date
p.(None): obtaining the right to practice the profession, may again undergo a post-graduate internship under a training contract
p.(None): concluded with the entity
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p.(None): conducting postgraduate internship. The competent district medical council again grants the doctor the right
p.(None): practicing the profession referred to in art. 5 paragraph 7.
p.(None): 8. In justified cases, the minister competent for health may recognize post-graduate internship
p.(None): abroad as equivalent to a postgraduate internship completed in the country, subject to paragraph 9.
p.(None): 8a. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status, the trainee physician may be referred
p.(None): through:
p.(None): 1) a voivode to work in combating an epidemic based on art. 47 of the Act of 5 December 2008 on prevention
p.(None): and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1239 and 1495 and of 2020, items 284, 322 and
p.(None): 374) to the entity in which the internship takes place or to another entity, or
p.(None): 2) the employer to perform tasks other than those resulting from the contract referred to in paragraph 3d if he doesn't stay
p.(None): issued decision referred to in item 1.
p.(None): 8b. Tasks referred to in par. 8a, must be adapted to the level of knowledge and skills of the managed person
p.(None): an intern and be subject to the supervision and management of a specialist appointed by the manager
p.(None): the unit to which the intern doctor was referred.
p.(None): 8c. At the request of the trainee doctor, the minister competent for health may decide, by decision, the period in
p.(None): which the doctor did not carry out the postgraduate internship program as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if
p.(None): at that time carried out the tasks assigned pursuant to paragraph 8a.
p.(None): 8d. The provisions of para. 8a-8c shall apply accordingly to an intern doctor appointed for professional military service.
p.(None): 9. Postgraduate internship in a Member State of the European Union by a national doctor
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland or another Member State of the European Union, minister competent for matters
p.(None): health is recognized as equivalent in whole or in part to the postgraduate internship completed in
p.(None): Polish Republic.
p.(None): 10. (repealed)
p.(None): 11. Marshal of the voivodship, Minister of National Defense and voivode, in order to perform tasks related to
p.(None): implementation of doctors' post-graduate internship
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p.(None): and dentists, in accordance with their property, process the data of doctors and dentists including:
p.(None): 1) rank of soldier in active duty;
p.(None): 2) name and surname;
p.(None): 3) PESEL number, and in the absence thereof - the type and number of the document confirming identity;
p.(None): 4) date of birth;
p.(None): 5) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 6) professional license number;
p.(None): 7) specializations held;
p.(None): 8) reasons and periods of absence from work;
p.(None): 9) expected and actual date of delivery;
p.(None): 10) information about the disability certificate;
p.(None): 11) information on the procedure for terminating the employment contract.
p.(None): 12. The data referred to in par. 11 points 8-11, may not be processed for a purpose other than financing
p.(None): post-graduate internship, extension of post-graduate internship and supervision of post-graduate internship, and access to
p.(None): only persons with a written authorization to process these data issued by the marshal may have them
p.(None): voivodship, Minister of National Defense or voivode. Persons who have a written authorization are obliged to
p.(None): keep this data confidential.
p.(None): 8. The composition of the team referred to in para. 7, include:
p.(None): 1) national consultant competent in a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 2) head of specialization;
p.(None): 3) a representative of a scientific society competent for a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 4) a representative of the Supreme Medical Council holding the title of specialist in a given field of medicine and degree
p.(None): scientific habilitated doctor.
p.(None): 9. In justified cases, the minister competent for health may recognize the achievements to date
p.(None): professional and scientific doctor as equivalent to the implementation of a specialization program in a new field
p.(None): medicine, not covered by the current specialization training system, and decide about
p.(None): admission of a doctor to PES. The provisions of para. 7 and 8 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 9a. The decisions referred to in paragraph 7 and 9, are transmitted via SMK and additionally include in it:
p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 10. The minister competent for health shall specify, by regulation, a list of the specializations referred to
p.(None): in paragraph 2 point 2, as well as the manner and procedure for recognizing a doctor's professional and scientific achievements, guided by
p.(None): equivalence of the professional and scientific achievements of a doctor with a given specialization program.
p.(None): Art. 16a. 1. Document confirming formal qualifications in the field of medical specialization or
p.(None): medical or dental doctor or dentist who is a citizen of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European, issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union other than the Republic of Poland
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p.(None): European, meeting the minimum educational requirements set out in European Union regulations, listed in
p.(None): the list referred to in par. 3, is equivalent to a document confirming the title of specialist.
p.(None): 2. Confirmed qualifications are also considered equivalent to the title of specialist in medicine:
p.(None): 1) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): proving the commencement of education before:
p.(None): a) December 20, 1976 in the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the French Republic and the Kingdom
p.(None): The Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Federal Republic of Germany,
p.(None): Italian Republic or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
p.(None): b) January 1, 1981 in the Hellenic Republic,
p.(None): c) on 1 January 1986 in the Kingdom of Spain or the Republic of Portugal,
p.(None): d) 3 April 1992 in the former German Democratic Republic, which authorizes to practice the profession
p.(None): specialist doctor in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany on the same terms as the document
p.(None): confirming the qualifications awarded by the competent authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany and included in the list,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 3
p.(None): (e) 1 January 1994 in the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Iceland or
p.(None): The Kingdom of Norway,
p.(None): f) on 1 May 1995 in the Principality of Liechtenstein,
p.(None): g) on June 1, 2002 in the Swiss Confederation,
p.(None): h) 1 May 2004 in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): The Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta or the Republic
p.(None): Cyprus,
p.(None): i) 1 January 2007 in the Republic of Bulgaria or Romania,
p.(None): j) 1 July 2013 in the Republic of Croatia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European confirmation that the doctor actually and lawfully practiced the profession as a specialist in the given
p.(None): field through
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p.(None): at least three consecutive years during the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 2) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): proving the commencement of education before:
p.(None): a) August 20, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Estonia,
p.(None): b) August 21, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Latvia,
p.(None): c) on March 11, 1990 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): d) June 25, 1991 in the former Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic of Slovenia, da) October 8, 1991 in the former
p.(None): Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Croatia,
p.(None): e) 1 January 1993 in former Czechoslovakia in the case of the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Latvia, respectively,
p.(None): The Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic or the Republic
p.(None): Słowacka confirming that this document has the same force on the territory of these countries as the documents listed in
p.(None): for these countries in the list referred to in para. 3, and that the doctor actually and lawfully performed
p.(None): profession as a specialist in a given field for at least three consecutive years in a five-year period directly
p.(None): preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 3) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given specialty
p.(None): medical and dental care, confirming the commencement of education before:
p.(None): a) January 28, 1980 in the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland and the Republic
p.(None): Federal Germany or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
p.(None): b) January 28, 1980 in the French Republic in the field of orthodontics,
p.(None): c) on January 1, 1981 in the Hellenic Republic in the field of orthodontics,
p.(None): d) October 3, 1990 in the former German Democratic Republic, which authorizes to practice the profession
p.(None): specialist dentist
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p.(None): the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany on the same terms as the document confirming the qualifications
p.(None): granted by the competent authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany and included in the list referred to in para. 3
p.(None): e) 1 January 1994 in the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Finland or the Kingdom of Norway,
p.(None): f) on June 1, 2002 in the Swiss Confederation in the field of orthodontics,
p.(None): g) on January 1, 2003 in the Hellenic Republic in the field of dental surgery,
p.(None): h) 1 May 2004 in the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta or
p.(None): The Republic of Cyprus,
p.(None): i) 1 May 2004 in the Republic of Estonia or the Republic of Latvia in the field of orthodontics,
p.(None): j) on 27 January 2005 in the Kingdom of Belgium in the field of orthodontics,
p.(None): k) May 21, 2005 in the Italian Republic
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European confirmation that the dentist was actually and lawfully practicing the profession as
p.(None): a specialist in the field for at least three consecutive years in the five immediately preceding years
p.(None): issuing a certificate, or
p.(None): 4) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given specialty
p.(None): medical and dental care, confirming the commencement of education before:
p.(None): a) August 20, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Estonia,
p.(None): b) August 21, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Latvia,
p.(None): c) on March 11, 1990 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): d) June 25, 1991 in the former Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic of Slovenia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Estonia and the Republic, respectively
p.(None): Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic
p.(None): confirming that
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p.(None): this document has the same force in the territory of these States as the documents listed in relation to these
p.(None): countries on the list referred to in para. 3, and that the dentist actually and lawfully practiced the profession of
p.(None): specialist in the field for at least three consecutive years in a five-year period directly
p.(None): preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 5) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): providing specialist training prior to 1 January 1995 in the Kingdom of Spain, and
p.(None): a certificate, issued by the competent Spanish authorities, that he passed the specialization exam,
p.(None): carried out to confirm that the physician's qualifications correspond to those within the given scope
p.(None): specialties referred to in par. 3;
p.(None): 5a) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): proving the commencement of education after December 31, 1983 and before January 1, 1991 in the Republic
p.(None): Italian, if the document is accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent Italian authority stating that
p.(None): the physician concerned was actually and lawfully performing the activities of a physician in the specialization in Italy by
p.(None): at least seven consecutive years in the ten years preceding the issue of this certificate, a
p.(None): these qualifications are considered equivalent to those attested by the documents listed in
p.(None): the list referred to in par. 3;
p.(None): 6) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty or
p.(None): medical and dental practice issued by a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): other than documents listed in the list referred to in para. 3, or within a specialization other than
p.(None): mentioned in the list referred to in art. 20a paragraph 2, and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of another
p.(None): than the Commonwealth of Poland of a Member State of the European Union stating that the document confirming
p.(None): formal qualifications for a given medical or dental specialist have been issued after completion
p.(None): appropriate education that meets the minimum requirements set out in European Union legislation, and
p.(None): these qualifications are considered equivalent to qualifications
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p.(None): certified documents listed in the list referred to in paragraph 3.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for health shall announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', list of documents confirming formal qualifications in
p.(None): medical specialties of a doctor and dentist who is a citizen of a state
p.(None): of the European Union.
p.(None): Art. 16b. 1. In the case of:
p.(None): 1) physician, dentist possessing a document confirming formal qualifications in the field
p.(None): medical specialties of a doctor, dentist other than listed in the list referred to in art. 16a paragraph
p.(None): 3, solely for the purpose of recognizing this specialization, or
p.(None): 2) physician, dentist possessing a document confirming formal qualifications in the field
p.(None): medical specialties of a doctor, dentist listed in the list referred to in art. 16a paragraph 3
p.(None): which cannot provide a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State
p.(None): Of the European Union confirming the actual and lawful pursuit of the profession as a specialist
p.(None): in the field concerned on the territory of that Member State for at least three consecutive years in
p.(None): the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 3) physician, dentist possessing a document confirming formal qualifications in the field
p.(None): medical specialties of a physician, dentist issued by a state other than a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European and who can provide a certificate that he has three years of professional experience
p.(None): as a specialist in a given field, obtained on the territory of a Member State of the European Union that has recognized it
p.(None): confirmation of professional qualifications in accordance with the internal regulations of that country, and
p.(None): confirmed the acquired professional experience
p.(None): - the minister competent for health matters applies the rules on the recognition of professional qualifications
p.(None): acquired in the Member States of the European Union, specified in separate provisions, subject to paragraph 2.
p.(None): 2. In the cases referred to in para. 1 permission to choose an adaptation period or aptitude test
p.(None): within the meaning of the provisions on recognition principles
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p.(None): professional qualifications acquired in the Member States of the European Union may be excluded.
p.(None): Art. 16c. 1. The physician submits, using SMK, an application for specialist training in a selected field
p.(None): medicine according to:
p.(None): 1) the voivode competent for the area of the voivodship in which he intends to undergo training
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 2) the Minister of National Defense - in the case of physicians who are soldiers in active military service, and
p.(None): also serving or employed in medical entities established and supervised by
p.(None): Minister of National Defense;
p.(None): 3) the minister competent for internal affairs - in the case of doctors on duty or employed in
p.(None): medical entities created by the minister responsible for internal affairs.
p.(None): 1a. The application referred to in para. 1 shall be submitted within the period from February 1 to February 28 - for the proceedings
p.(None): qualifying tests carried out from March 1 to March 31, or from September 1 to September 30 -
p.(None): for the qualification procedure carried out from October 1 to October 31. In case of
p.(None): SMK failure lasting more than an hour, preventing the submission of the application within a week before the expiry
p.(None): appropriate deadlines, these deadlines are extended by the duration of the failure from its removal. Extension of the deadline
p.(None): ex officio by the system operator.
p.(None): 1b. By the dates referred to in paragraph 1a, the provisions of art. 58-60 of the Act of June 14, 1960 -
p.(None): Code of Administrative Procedure.
p.(None): 1c. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status being announced, the minister competent for health
p.(None): may change the dates referred to in paragraph 1a. In the absence of circumstances being
p.(None): the reason for changing the deadlines, the minister competent for health shall change these deadlines again, however
p.(None): the total period of postponing a given date may not be longer than 5 months. For these terms shall not apply
p.(None): provisions of art. 58-60 of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure. Information about the change
p.(None): these terms are announced by the minister competent for health on his website.
p.(None): 2. The application referred to in para. 1, includes:
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p.(None): 1) first name (names) and surname of the doctor;
p.(None): 2) surname at birth;
p.(None): 3) place and date of birth;
p.(None): 4) gender;
p.(None): 5) PESEL number, and in the absence of it - the features of a document confirming identity: the name and number of the document and
p.(None): country of issuance;
p.(None): 6) citizenship (citizenship);
p.(None): 7) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 8) features of the document on the basis of which a foreigner who is not a citizen of the European Union resides in the territory
p.(None): Polish Republic;
p.(None): 9) professional license number;
p.(None): 10) serial number, date and entity issuing the right to practice a profession;
p.(None): 11) specialist titles and year of obtaining them, as well as the mode of undergoing specialist training;
p.(None): 12) specialist training held so far not completed by obtaining the title of specialist and their mode
p.(None): event;
p.(None): 13) LEK or LDEK result; provision of art. 5 paragraph 5 shall apply accordingly;
p.(None): 14) academic degree or academic title;
p.(None): 15) number of publications and their list;
p.(None): 16) period of employment in an accredited body, in accordance with the direction of the application
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 17) the proposed course of specialist training.
p.(None): 3. The voivode electronically confirms the recording of the applications submitted in the application referred to in para. 1 point 1 of the data.
p.(None): 4. The Minister of National Defense electronically confirms the recording of the applications submitted in the application referred to in para. 1 point 2,
p.(None): data.
p.(None): 5. The minister competent for internal affairs or the organizational unit designated by him confirms
p.(None): electronically saving the applications submitted in the application referred to in para. 1 point 3 of the data.
p.(None): 6. (repealed)
p.(None): 7. In order to qualify a physician for specialist training, it is carried out with the help of SMK and
p.(None): using the data provided
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p.(None): in SMK, the qualification procedure, which includes formal assessment of the application
p.(None): to start specialization training and competition proceedings.
p.(None): 8. Qualification proceedings are carried out twice a year by the voivode and the Minister of National Defense, respectively
p.(None): The Supreme Medical Council and CMKP.
p.(None): 6. The team referred to in para. 5, include:
p.(None): 1) a national consultant in a given medical field or his representative or representatives, or
p.(None): national consultants in related fields or their representatives;
p.(None): 2) national consultant or consultants in the fields of medicine related to the implementation of state tasks
p.(None): related only to the country's defense over time
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p.(None): war and peace or their representatives - in the areas to which it applies;
p.(None): 3) a representative or representatives of scientific societies competent in a given field of medicine, and in the case of
p.(None): absence - in a related field;
p.(None): 4) a representative of the Supreme Medical Council;
p.(None): 5) CMKP representative.
p.(None): 7. The chairman of the expert team shall be appointed by the CMKP director as the national consultant in the given
p.(None): the field of medicine for which a specialization program is to be developed and, if not appointed, in the field
p.(None): related.
p.(None): 8. CMKP publishes specialization programs approved by the minister competent for health matters on its own
p.(None): website and using SMK.
p.(None): Art. 16g. 1. The minister competent for health matters shall determine, by regulation:
p.(None): 1) list of basic modules appropriate for a given specialization training and list
p.(None): specializations with a common core module,
p.(None): 2) a list of uniform modules appropriate for a given specialization training
p.(None): - having regard to the links between the fields of medicine within modules and within the specialization, fields of medicine and
p.(None): minimum training periods in these fields, as defined in European Union legislation, as well as
p.(None): current state of medical knowledge;
p.(None): 3) templates of applications for the start of specialization training for Polish citizens and foreigners,
p.(None): 4) regulations of the qualification procedure
p.(None): - taking into account the need to ensure the objectivity and transparency of the selection procedure.
p.(None): 2. The Minister of National Defense in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): Military Medical Council, will determine, by regulation, supplementary programs for a specific specialization,
p.(None): containing the scope of theoretical knowledge required and the practical skills required, their forms and methods
p.(None): acquisition, duration and manner of undergoing complementary training, and forms and methods of assessment
p.(None): knowledge and skills acquired by the doctor, as well as the way of completing the supplementary training, bearing in mind
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p.(None): the need for the physician to acquire additional knowledge for the provision of health services in a specified manner
p.(None): medicine, in the scope and conditions resulting from the specifics of military service and defense needs
p.(None): country.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the National Council of Laboratory Diagnosticians, shall determine, in
p.(None): by way of an ordinance, a list of specializations entitling a doctor to carry out activities independently
p.(None): laboratory diagnostics in the laboratory, taking into account the appropriate range of knowledge and skills
p.(None): administrator, co-finance costs related to specialization training.
p.(None): 1a. In 2012, specialist training is co-financed by the minister competent for health
p.(None): Labor Fund.
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p.(None): 1b. In 2013, specialization training is co-financed by the minister competent for health with funds
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 1c. In 2014, specialized training is co-financed by the minister competent for health with funds
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 1d. In 2015, specialized training is co-financed by the minister competent for health with funds
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 1e. In 2016, specialist training is co-financed by the minister competent for health
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 1f. In 2017, specialist training is co-financed by the minister competent for health
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 1g. In 2018, specialized training is co-financed by the minister competent for health with funds
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 1h. In 2019, specialized training is co-financed by the minister competent for health matters from
p.(None): Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund resources.
p.(None): 1i. In 2020, specialization training is co-financed by the minister competent for health with funds
p.(None): Labor Fund.
p.(None): 2. Financial resources for co-financing the costs related to specialization training shall be transferred to
p.(None): based on the contract concluded between the minister competent for health matters and the entity conducting the specialized training.
p.(None): 3. Where the measures referred to in para. 2 constitute for the entity conducting the training
p.(None): specialist, being an entrepreneur, public aid within the meaning of art. 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the Union
p.(None): European, it will be provided as de minimis aid in accordance with the conditions set out
p.(None): in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1998/2006 of 15 December 2006 on the application of Art. 87 and 88
p.(None): Of the Treaty to de minimis aid (Official Journal EU L 379 of 28.12.2006, p. 5).
p.(None): 4. The Minister of National Defense may, within the limits of the state budget, which he disposes of,
p.(None): co-finance the costs associated with the specialization training of physicians who are soldiers in active
p.(None): military service or those serving in medical entities established and supervised by the Minister
p.(None): National Defense.
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p.(None): Article 16l 1. The period of specialization training is extended by the doctor's absence from work:
p.(None): 1) in the cases provided for in art. 2 of the Act of June 25, 1999 on cash benefits from
p.(None): social security in the event of sickness and maternity (Journal of Laws of 2019, items 645 and 1590);
p.(None): 2) due to unpaid leave granted by the employer for a period not longer than 3 months during the period
p.(None): specialization training;
p.(None): 3) in cases specified in art. 92, 176-179, 1823, 185, 187 and 188 of the Labor Code;
p.(None): 4) due to unpaid leave, not exceeding 2 years, granted by the employer for the purpose of serving
p.(None): foreign internship in accordance with the program of specialization training, after obtaining permission
p.(None): head of specialization;
p.(None): 5) due to a break of not more than 14 days resulting from the procedures used to change the mode or place
p.(None): undergoing specialist training;
p.(None): 6) due to a break of not more than 12 months resulting from the implementation of the specialization held in
p.(None): 16. A doctor undergoing specialist training who was referred pursuant to para. 15 to perform
p.(None): work other than that resulting from the contract under which the specialist training takes place, performs work under
p.(None): supervision of a specialist appointed by the head of the unit to which he was referred. Medical specialist
p.(None): supervising the work of a doctor during specialization training acquires the appropriate qualifications of a manager
p.(None): specializations referred to in par. 7.
p.(None): 17. At the request of a doctor undergoing specialist training, the director of the CMKP may decide, by decision, the period of
p.(None): which the doctor did not implement the specialization program, as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if during the period
p.(None): he carried out the tasks referred to in paragraph 15.
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p.(None): 18. A doctor undergoing specialization training who has been canceled a specialization course because of his condition
p.(None): epidemic threat or epidemic status, is exempted from following this course if:
p.(None): 1) the implementation of this course requires the extension of specialization training for a period longer than 3 months and
p.(None): 2) completed all other courses covered by the specialization program.
p.(None): 19. The provisions of para. 15-18 shall apply accordingly to a physician who is a soldier in active military service.
p.(None): Art. 16 Shortening the period of specialist training that meets the minimum requirements
p.(None): education specified in European Union legislation may not cover more than 1/2 of the minimum time
p.(None): the duration of a given specialization program as defined in European Union legislation.
p.(None): Article 16n 1. A doctor who has the title of specialist obtained outside the territory of the Republic of Poland,
p.(None): not subject to recognition as equivalent on the basis of the provisions referred to in art. 16a and 16b, minister
p.(None): competent for health shall recognize the title of specialist as equivalent to the title of specialist in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Poland, if the following conditions have been jointly met:
p.(None): 1) the doctor has the right to practice the profession of the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 2) the duration of specialization training completed abroad corresponds to the duration
p.(None): specialization training specified in the specialization program in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 3) a specialization program in the field of theoretical knowledge and practical skills required,
p.(None): the method of confirming the acquired knowledge and skills corresponds in significant elements to the specified program
p.(None): specialization in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 4) the manner and procedure for passing the exam or other form of confirmation of acquired knowledge and skills are appropriate
p.(None): submission by a PES doctor in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 2. The doctor referred to in par. 1, applies for recognition of the title of specialist to the minister competent for
p.(None): health matters, through the director of the CMKP.
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p.(None): 3. The application shall be accompanied by the original or a certified copy of the original:
p.(None): 1) the right to practice a profession;
p.(None): 2) a document confirming the right to practice medicine in the country in which the doctor obtained
p.(None): specialist title;
p.(None): 3) a document confirming the title of specialist;
p.(None): 11. In the event of failure to implement post-audit recommendations within a specified period, the CMKP director shall take
p.(None): decision to remove a unit from the list containing the list of units authorized to specialize education.
p.(None): 12. Persons performing control activities are entitled to:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for carrying out control activities in an amount not exceeding PLN 300;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of June 26, 1974 - Code
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p.(None): work due to employees on business trips within the country;
p.(None): 3) dismissal from work on the days of performing control activities without retaining the right to
p.(None): remuneration.
p.(None): 13. The amount referred to in para. 12 point 1, is subject to indexation with regard to
p.(None): average annual wage growth rate in the state budgetary sphere adopted in the Budget Act.
p.(None): Art. 19j. The monitoring of the specialization training system consists in particular in recording
p.(None): data specified in art. 16p paragraph 2 and information on the number of units authorized to
p.(None): conducting specialized training and the number of training places, as well as correctness testing
p.(None): the functioning of individual specialization procedures on the basis of those collected this way
p.(None): information.
p.(None): Art. 20. The doctor has the right to use the academic title and degree as well as the specialist title as added
p.(None): defined by separate provisions.
p.(None): Art. 20a. 1. A doctor who is a citizen of a European Union Member State and has it
p.(None): documents referred to in art. 16a, has the right to use specific specialist titles in the given
p.(None): medicine obtained in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 2. The minister competent for health shall announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', list of medical specialties obtained in the countries
p.(None): member states of the European Union, which correspond to specialties obtained in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): Article 20b 1. Doctor, dentist who is a citizen of a European Union Member State
p.(None): has the right, subject to paragraph 2, use the original on the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): a title of education obtained in a country other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): member states of the European Union or its abbreviation.
p.(None): 2. The regional medical council may require that a title indicating the education of a physician or dentist be used
p.(None): along with an indication of the name and seat of the institution which awarded the title.
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p.(None): 3. If the title specifying the training of a doctor, a dentist who is a national of a Member State
p.(None): The European Union is the same as the title for which use is required in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): additional training that this doctor does not have, the District Medical Council may determine the wording of this
p.(None): title that the doctor may use on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): Chapter 4
p.(None): Medical experiment
p.(None): Art. 21. 1. A medical experiment conducted on humans may be a therapeutic or research experiment.
p.(None): 2. The therapeutic experiment is the introduction by the doctor of new or only partially tried
p.(None): diagnostic, therapeutic or prophylactic methods to achieve direct benefit
p.(None): for the health of the treated person. It can be carried out if the medical methods used so far
p.(None): they are not effective or if their effectiveness is not sufficient.
p.(None): 3. The research experiment is primarily aimed at expanding medical knowledge. It can be him
p.(None): carried out on both sick and healthy people. Conducting a research experiment
p.(None): acceptable when participation in it is not associated with risk or the risk is small and not
p.(None): it is disproportionate to the possible positive results of such an experiment.
p.(None): Art. 22. A medical experiment may be conducted if the expected therapeutic or cognitive benefit is significant
p.(None): significance, and the expected achievement of this benefit, and the purposefulness and manner of conducting the experiment
p.(None): reasonable in the light of current knowledge and in line with the principles of medical ethics.
p.(None): training to acquire skills in narrower fields of medicine or specific provision
p.(None): health benefit.
p.(None): 3. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, is obliged to inform the authority
p.(None): keeping a register on the employment of a physician, dentist.
p.(None): 4. The provisions of para. 1-3 shall not apply to individual medical and individual practice
p.(None): specialist medical practice carried out only at the place of call or only at the factory
p.(None): therapeutic entity.
p.(None): Art. 54. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 55. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 56 (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 57. 1. From resolutions of the regional medical councils or the Military Medical Council on matters referred to
p.(None): referred to in art. 5, 6, 7 paragraph 1-5, art. 8 clause 1
p.(None): Art. 9 item 1 points 1 and 2, art. 11 paragraph 1, 2 and 4, art. 12 paragraph 1 and 3-5 and art. 14, a doctor may appeal
p.(None): to the Supreme Medical Council. These resolutions are signed by the president or vice president and secretary of the regional medical council.
p.(None): 1a. Resolutions of the Supreme Medical Council referred to in para. 1 shall be signed by the president or vice president and secretary
p.(None): The Supreme Medical Council.
p.(None): 2. To resolutions of the self-government of doctors in matters referred to in para. 1, the provisions of the Code of Conduct shall apply
p.(None): administrative matters relating to administrative decisions.
p.(None): 3. On the resolution of the Supreme Medical Council referred to in para. 1, a complaint may be submitted to the court to the person concerned
p.(None): Administration.
p.(None): Art. 57a. 1. A doctor who is a citizen of a European Union Member State intending to perform
p.(None): medical or practicing profession
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p.(None): doctor permanently or temporarily in the territory of the Republic of Poland, necessary information in the field
p.(None): general principles of practicing the medical profession, including protection regulations
p.(None): health is provided by an entity authorized by the minister competent for health.
p.(None): 2. The minister competent for health matters shall, by regulation, specify the list of entities referred to in para. 1
p.(None): having regard to the detailed scope of information necessary to practice the medical profession in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish.
p.(None): Chapter 6
p.(None): Penal provisions
p.(None): Art. 58. 1. Whoever without authorization provides health services consisting in the diagnosis of diseases and their treatment,
p.(None): subject to a fine.
p.(None): 2. If the perpetrator of the act specified in para. 1 acts to achieve financial gain or is misleading as to
p.(None): having such permission,
p.(None): subject to a fine, restriction of liberty or imprisonment for a year.
p.(None): 3. Proceedings in matters referred to in para. 1, is pending according to the provisions of the Code of Conduct in
p.(None): misdemeanor cases.
p.(None): Chapter 7
p.(None): Amendments to binding provisions, transitional and final provisions Articles 59–62. (Omitted)
p.(None): Art. 63. 1. Certificates of the right to practice medicine and certificates of law
p.(None): practicing the profession of dentist, issued on the basis of existing regulations, expire on 31
p.(None): December 2002
p.(None): 2. A doctor who has obtained the right to practice the medical profession or the right under current regulations
Social / Women
Searching for indicator women:
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p.(None): of participation in a therapeutic experiment, it is also necessary to obtain the written consent of that person.
p.(None): 5. In the case of a person who has full legal capacity but is not able to know
p.(None): express an opinion on your participation in the experiment, consent to the participation of that person in the experiment
p.(None): medical court expresses the guardianship court competent for the seat of the subject conducting the experiment.
p.(None): 6. If the statutory representative refuses to consent to the patient's participation in a therapeutic experiment, he can be returned
p.(None): to the guardianship court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the subject conducting the experiment, for expression
p.(None): consent.
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p.(None): 7. With the application for permission to participate in the medical experiment of the person about whom
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2-5, the entity conducting the experiment may appear to the court of guardianship competent
p.(None): due to the seat of this entity.
p.(None): 8. In urgent cases and due to imminent danger to life, obtaining consent, Fr.
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1-6 is not necessary.
p.(None): Art. 26. 1. Participation in the therapeutic experiment of pregnant women requires a particularly thorough assessment related to
p.(None): this risk to the mother and conceived child.
p.(None): 2. Pregnant and lactating women may participate only in risk-free research experiments or
p.(None): associated with low risk.
p.(None): 3. Conceived children, incapacitated persons, soldiers of the basic service and persons deprived of liberty may not
p.(None): participate in research experiments.
p.(None): Art. 27. 1. A person or other entity authorized to consent to a medical experiment may do so
p.(None): undo at every stage of the experiment. The doctor should then stop the experiment.
p.(None): 2. The physician conducting the therapeutic experiment is obliged to interrupt it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): risk to the patient's health exceeding the expected benefits for the patient.
p.(None): 3. The physician conducting the research experiment is obliged to stop it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): unforeseen danger to the health or life of the person participating in it.
p.(None): Art. 28. Information obtained in connection with a medical experiment may be used for scientific purposes,
p.(None): without the consent of the person subjected to this experiment in a way that prevents identification of that person.
p.(None): Art. 29. 1. A medical experiment may be carried out only after expressing a positive opinion on the project
p.(None): by an independent bioethics commission. Persons with high moral authority and are appointed to the commission
Social / Youth/Minors
Searching for indicator minor:
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p.(None): Art. 22. A medical experiment may be conducted if the expected therapeutic or cognitive benefit is significant
p.(None): significance, and the expected achievement of this benefit, and the purposefulness and manner of conducting the experiment
p.(None): reasonable in the light of current knowledge and in line with the principles of medical ethics.
p.(None): Art. 23. A medical experiment is managed by a physician with sufficiently high qualifications.
p.(None): Art. 24. 1. A person who is to undergo a medical experiment shall be previously informed of the purposes,
p.(None): methods and conditions for conducting the experiment, expected therapeutic or cognitive benefits,
p.(None): risk and the possibility of withdrawing from participation in the experiment at any stage.
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p.(None): 2. In the event that the immediate termination of the experiment could be dangerous
p.(None): the participant's life or health, the doctor is obliged to inform him.
p.(None): Art. 25. 1. Conducting a medical experiment requires the written consent of the person examined in it
p.(None): participate. If written consent cannot be expressed, oral consent shall be considered equivalent
p.(None): made in the presence of two witnesses. Such consent should be recorded in the medical records.
p.(None): 2. The participation of a minor in a medical experiment is only permitted with the written consent of his representative
p.(None): statutory. If the minor is at least 16 years old or under 16 years of age and is able to terminate with discernment
p.(None): opinion on your participation in the experiment, you must also agree in writing.
p.(None): 3. The participation of a minor in a research experiment is admissible if the expected benefits have
p.(None): direct relevance to the health of the minor, and the risk is small and not disproportionate to
p.(None): possible positive results. A research experiment involving a minor is not allowed when it exists
p.(None): the possibility of conducting such an experiment with comparable effectiveness with the participation of a full person
p.(None): legal capacity.
p.(None): 4. In the case of a totally incapacitated person, he consents to his participation in a therapeutic experiment
p.(None): legal representative of that person. If such a person is able to discern an opinion on the matter
p.(None): of participation in a therapeutic experiment, it is also necessary to obtain the written consent of that person.
p.(None): 5. In the case of a person who has full legal capacity but is not able to know
p.(None): express an opinion on your participation in the experiment, consent to the participation of that person in the experiment
p.(None): medical court expresses the guardianship court competent for the seat of the subject conducting the experiment.
p.(None): 6. If the statutory representative refuses to consent to the patient's participation in a therapeutic experiment, he can be returned
p.(None): to the guardianship court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the subject conducting the experiment, for expression
p.(None): consent.
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p.(None): 7. With the application for permission to participate in the medical experiment of the person about whom
p.(None): health condition and prognosis if, according to the physician's assessment, the patient's well-being speaks for it. In these
p.(None): cases, the physician informs the patient's legal representative or a person authorized by the patient.
p.(None): However, at the patient's request, the physician is obliged to provide him with the requested information.
p.(None): 5. The doctor's obligation referred to in para. 1 also applies to patients who are at least 16 years old.
p.(None): 6. If the patient is under 16 years of age or is unconscious or unable to understand the meaning
p.(None): information, the doctor provides information to a loved one within the meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 2 of the Act of 6
p.(None): November 2008 on patient rights and the Ombudsman for Patients' Rights (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1127, 1128, 1590, 1655 and 1696).
p.(None): 7. The patient who is under 16 years of age, the doctor provides information in the scope and form needed for
p.(None): the correct course of the diagnostic or therapeutic process and listens to his sentence.
p.(None): 8. Whenever the provisions of the Act refer to an actual guardian, it should be understood as an actual guardian in
p.(None): meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 1 of the Act of November 6, 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman.
p.(None): Art. 32. 1. A physician may conduct an examination or provide other health services, subject to exceptions
p.(None): provided for in the Act, after the patient's consent.
p.(None): 2. If the patient is a minor or unable to give informed consent, his consent is required
p.(None): legal representative, and if the patient does not have a legal representative or communication with him is
p.(None): impossible - permission from the guardianship court.
p.(None): 3. If there is a need to examine a person referred to in para. 2, permission to carry out
p.(None): the actual guardian may also express the examination.
p.(None): 4. In the case of a totally incapacitated person, consent shall be given by the legal representative of that person.
p.(None): If such a person is able to discern an opinion on the examination, it is also necessary
p.(None): obtaining the consent of that person.
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p.(None): 5. If the patient is over 16 years old, his consent is also required.
p.(None): 6. However, if a minor who is at least 16 years old, incapacitated person or mentally ill patient
p.(None): or mentally retarded but with sufficient insight, he / she opposes medical activities,
p.(None): except with the consent of his legal representative or actual guardian or in the event of no expressing
p.(None): consent is required by their guardianship court.
p.(None): 7. Unless the Act provides otherwise, the consent of the persons mentioned in para. 1, 2 and 4 may be expressed orally
p.(None): or even through such behavior which clearly indicates the will to surrender
p.(None): medical activities suggested by the doctor.
p.(None): 8. If the patient referred to in par. 2, there is no legal representative or actual guardian either
p.(None): it is impossible to communicate with these people, the doctor after conducting the examination may proceed to giving
p.(None): further health services only after obtaining the consent of the guardianship court, unless otherwise stated in
p.(None): provisions of the Act.
p.(None): 9. The activities referred to in par. 1, the provisions of art. 34 section 7.
p.(None): 10. The guardianship court competent for granting consent to perform medical activities is
p.(None): the court in which district these activities are to be carried out.
p.(None): Art. 33. 1. Examination or providing a patient with another health service without his consent is admissible if
p.(None): it requires immediate medical attention, and due to health or age can not agree and does not have
p.(None): the possibility of communicating with his legal representative or actual guardian.
p.(None): 2. The decision to undertake medical activities in the circumstances referred to in para. 1, the physician should
p.(None): consult with another physician if possible.
p.(None): 3. The circumstances referred to in par. 1 and 2, the physician records in the patient's medical records.
p.(None): Art. 34. 1. A physician may perform surgery or apply a treatment or diagnostic method
p.(None): increased risk to the patient after obtaining his written consent.
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p.(None): 2. Before the patient's consent in the situation referred to in para. 1, the doctor is required to give him
p.(None): information in accordance with art. 31.
p.(None): 3. The doctor may perform the procedure or apply the method referred to in par. 1, towards a minor patient,
p.(None): incapacitated or unable to knowingly consent in writing after obtaining his consent
p.(None): legal representative, and if the patient has no representative or when it is impossible to communicate with him - after
p.(None): obtaining a guardianship permit.
p.(None): 4. If the patient is over 16 years old, his written consent is also required.
p.(None): 5. In the situation referred to in para. 1, the provisions of art. 32 section 6.
p.(None): 6. If the legal representative of a minor, incapacitated patient or
p.(None): unable to give informed consent does not agree to the doctor's performance of activities
p.(None): listed in paragraph 1, and necessary to remove the danger of the patient losing his life or
p.(None): serious bodily injury or serious health disorder, the physician may perform such activities after obtaining permission
p.(None): guardianship court.
p.(None): 7. The doctor may perform the activities referred to in par. 1, without the consent of the patient's legal representative, or
p.(None): consent of the competent guardianship court, if the delay is caused by the procedure for obtaining consent
p.(None): would threaten the patient with the danger of losing his life, severe bodily injury or severe upset
p.(None): health. In this case, the doctor is obliged, if possible, to consult a second doctor, in
p.(None): if possible, the same specialty. The doctor immediately notifies about performed activities
p.(None): statutory representative, actual guardian or guardianship court.
p.(None): 8. About the circumstances referred to in par. 3-7, the physician informs the patient and his legal representative or
p.(None): actual guardian or guardianship court, and also makes an appropriate annotation together with the justification in
p.(None): medical records.
p.(None): Art. 35. 1. If during surgery or the use of a therapeutic method or
p.(None): diagnostic, there will be circumstances which, if not taken into consideration, could endanger the patient
p.(None): loss of life, serious bodily injury or serious health disorder, and there is no way
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p.(None): 2) Amendments to the consolidated text of the said Act have been announced in the Official Of Laws of 2019, item 1394, 1590, 1694, 1726,
p.(None): 1818, 1905, 2020 and 2473.
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p.(None): 5) third-country nationals who apply for admission to the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish in order to work in a profession requiring high qualifications, within the meaning of the provisions of the Act
p.(None): of December 12, 2013 on foreigners;
p.(None): 6) third-country nationals who have been admitted to the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish for purposes other than performing work in accordance with European Union law or national law
p.(None): and have the right to work and have a residence permit issued in accordance with the Regulation
p.(None): Council (EC) No 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 establishing a uniform format for residence permits for
p.(None): third-country nationals (Official Journal of the EU L 157 of 15.06.2002, p. 1, as amended), and third-country nationals who
p.(None): were admitted to the territory of the Republic of Poland for the purpose of performing work in accordance with Union law
p.(None): European or national law;
p.(None): 7) third-country nationals holding a temporary residence permit granted in connection with
p.(None): circumstance referred to in art. 151 section 1, art. 151b paragraph 1, art. 157a paragraph 1 or art. 157g paragraph 1 of the Act of
p.(None): on December 12, 2013 on foreigners;
p.(None): 8) third-country nationals who have a national visa for the purpose of undergoing first-degree studies
p.(None): second degree or uniform master's studies or doctoral school education, with annotation
p.(None): "Student", national visa for the purpose of scientific research or development work, national visa for the internship
p.(None): or a national visa to participate in the European Voluntary Service program;
p.(None): 9) third-country nationals staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with the use
p.(None): on short-term mobility of the researcher under the conditions specified in art. 156b paragraph 1 of the Act of December 12, 2013
p.(None): on foreigners;
p.(None): 10) third-country nationals residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland in connection with
p.(None): making use of student mobility under the conditions specified in art. 149b paragraph 1 of the Act of
p.(None): December 12, 2013 about foreigners.
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p.(None): pp. 4/140
p.(None): 4. Whenever the act refers to an electronic specialization training card, called
p.(None): hereinafter "EKS", it means electronic representation of the specialization training card which
p.(None): the pattern is determined by the regulations issued on the basis of 16x paragraph 1 point 10 and par. 2–4 as confirmation
p.(None): implementation of the specialization program and its completion.
p.(None): 5. Account in the Monitoring System of the Training of Medical Workers referred to in art. 30 paragraph 1 of the Act
p.(None): of April 28, 2011 on the information system in healthcare (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 408, 730, 1590 and
p.(None): 1905), hereinafter referred to as "SMK", assumes in order to perform activities in this system:
p.(None): 1) doctor or dentist;
p.(None): 2) head of specialization.
p.(None): 6. A condition for making by the persons referred to in para. 5 steps using SMK is authentication
p.(None): the person who created the account, and verification of the person's permissions.
p.(None): 7. The authentication referred to in para. 6, is made on the basis of an application for authorization,
p.(None): through:
p.(None): 1) signing with a qualified electronic signature, trusted signature or personal signature or
p.(None): 2) confirmation by the appropriate regional medical chamber or the Supreme Medical Chamber of the identity of the person who
p.(None): she created the account.
p.(None): 8. Verification of the rights referred to in para. 6, shall perform in relation to:
p.(None): 1) the physician or dentist referred to in para. 5 point 1, the competent regional chamber
p.(None): medical, and if it is not possible to determine the appropriate regional medical chamber - the Supreme Medical Chamber;
p.(None): 2) specialization manager - a competent unit authorized to conduct specialization training.
p.(None): Art. 4. The doctor is obliged to practice the profession in accordance with the current medical knowledge available
p.(None): methods and means of preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases in accordance with the principles of professional ethics
p.(None): and with due diligence.
p.(None): Art. 4a. Data published in SMK, pursuant to this Act, may be made available:
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p.(None): 1) physician - in the scope of tracking the course of own education;
p.(None): 2) universities - within the scope of the tasks specified in this Act and monitoring the professional careers of graduates, about
p.(None): referred to in the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 85);
p.(None): 3) national consultants and voivodship consultants - to the extent that they participate in education
p.(None): doctors, in particular as regards the tasks specified in this Act and the Act of 6
p.(None): November 2008 on consultants in health care (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 886);
p.(None): 4) Medical Examinations Center - within the scope of tasks specified in this Act, in particular
p.(None): organizing and conducting state examinations and other examinations in the field of doctor training;
p.(None): 5) Medical Center of Postgraduate Education - within the scope of tasks specified in this Act,
p.(None): in particular, accreditation of organizational units, coordination of the organization of courses
p.(None): training and control and monitoring of the implementation of specialized training;
p.(None): 6) voivods - in the scope of tasks specified in this Act, in particular in the scope of the training process
p.(None): specialization doctors;
p.(None): 7) the Minister of National Defense - in the scope of tasks specified in this Act and the Act of 11 September
p.(None): 2003 on the military service of professional soldiers (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 330, 730 and 1726), in particular in
p.(None): specialization training process for physicians who are soldiers in active military service, as well as
p.(None): serving or employed in medical entities established and supervised by the Minister of Defense
p.(None): national;
p.(None): 8) the minister competent for internal affairs - in the scope of tasks specified in this Act, in
p.(None): in particular as regards the process of specialist training for doctors on duty or
p.(None): employed in medical entities, created by the minister competent for internal affairs;
p.(None): 9) entities referred to in art. 19 paragraph 1, within the scope of tasks specified in this Act;
p.(None): 10) district medical councils and the Supreme Medical Council - within the scope of tasks specified herein
p.(None): the Act and the Act of December 2, 2009 on Medical Chambers (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 965).
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p.(None): Chapter 2
p.(None): The right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): Art. 5. 1. The Regional Medical Council shall grant, subject to para. 2-6 and art. 5a-5c, the right to exercise
p.(None): the District Medical Council grants the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): dentist, if she passed the Medical Final Exam or Medical-Dental Examination
p.(None): Final in Polish or in the language in which the studies are conducted at Polish medical universities
p.(None): in the field of medicine or medicine
p.(None): -dentical, if she graduated in this language.
p.(None): 5. As equivalent to passing the examination referred to in para. 4, submission with a result is considered
p.(None): positive the State Medical Examination or the State Dental Medical Examination or the final exam
p.(None): post-graduate internship of a doctor or final exam completing a post-graduate internship of a dentist.
p.(None): 6. The requirement referred to in para. 3 and 4, also applies to a person who meets the conditions specified in para. 1 point 1 i
p.(None): 3-5 and par. 2 and has a document confirming the formal qualifications of the doctor or dentist about whom
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1 point 2
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p.(None): point c, but does not have an accompanying certificate listed in the list referred to in Art. 6b.
p.(None): 7. In order to undergo a post-graduate internship, the regional medical council shall grant the right to practice the medical profession or
p.(None): the right to practice the profession of dentist for the duration of this internship.
p.(None): 8. (repealed)
p.(None): 9. The practical teaching referred to in para. 1 point 2 lit. a, is done in:
p.(None): 1) universities providing medical and medical education
p.(None): -dentical in simulated clinical conditions;
p.(None): 2) medical entities that have concluded agreements with universities in this respect, as referred to in point 1.
p.(None): 10. Health care entities referred to in par. 9 point 2:
p.(None): 1) provide health services enabling the implementation of the framework program of practical classes;
p.(None): 2) employ doctors or dentists with professional qualifications corresponding to the type of classes
p.(None): theoretical and practical in the practical curriculum;
p.(None): 3) have a diagnostic and therapeutic base enabling the implementation of the framework program of practical classes.
p.(None): 11. A person undergoing practical teaching shall keep an internship journal.
p.(None): 12. A person undergoing practical teaching performs activities resulting from the framework program of practical classes
p.(None): under the direct supervision of a guardian.
p.(None): 13. The guardian may be a doctor or a dentist who is an academic teacher or another doctor or physician
p.(None): dentist with at least 3 years' professional experience or specialization in the relevant field of medicine
p.(None): relevant to the part of the practical curriculum.
p.(None): 14. The minister competent for health shall specify, by regulation, the framework program of practical classes and
p.(None): the manner of conducting, documenting and crediting them, including the scope of data that should be included in the internship book,
p.(None): taking into account the need to provide knowledge and skills necessary for independent pursuit of the profession
p.(None): doctor.
p.(None): Art. 5a. A person who meets the conditions set out in art. 5 paragraph 1 points 1 and 3-5 and par. 2, district medical council
p.(None): grants the right to practice the medical profession if:
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p.(None): 1) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of the physician, the attendant
p.(None): on starting education before:
p.(None): a) December 20, 1976 in the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the French Republic and the Kingdom
p.(None): The Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Federal Republic of Germany,
p.(None): Italian Republic or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
p.(None): b) January 1, 1981 in the Hellenic Republic,
p.(None): c) on 1 January 1986 in the Kingdom of Spain or the Republic of Portugal,
p.(None): (d) 3 October 1990 in the former German Democratic Republic, provided that the document entitles to
p.(None): practice the medical profession in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany under the same conditions as the document
p.(None): confirming this type of qualification awarded by the appropriate authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany,
p.(None): (e) 1 January 1994 in the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Iceland or
p.(None): The Kingdom of Norway,
p.(None): f) on 1 May 1995 in the Principality of Liechtenstein,
p.(None): g) on June 1, 2002 in the Swiss Confederation,
p.(None): h) 1 May 2004 in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): The Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta or the Republic
p.(None): Cyprus,
p.(None): i) 1 January 2007 in the Republic of Bulgaria or Romania,
p.(None): j) 1 July 2013 in the Republic of Croatia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the European Union confirming that
p.(None): in fact and lawfully practiced the profession of medicine for at least three consecutive years over a period of five years
p.(None): immediately prior to the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 2) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of the physician, the attendant
p.(None): on starting education before:
p.(None): a) August 20, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Estonia,
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p.(None): b) August 21, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Latvia,
p.(None): c) on March 11, 1990 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): d) June 25, 1991 in the former Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic of Slovenia, da) October 8, 1991 in the former
p.(None): Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Croatia,
p.(None): e) 1 January 1993 in former Czechoslovakia in the case of the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of, respectively: the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia,
p.(None): The Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic or the Republic
p.(None): Slovakian confirming that this document has the same force on the territory of these countries as the documents listed in
p.(None): for these countries in the list referred to in art. 6b, and that she actually and lawfully performed
p.(None): medical profession for at least three consecutive years in the five years immediately preceding the issue
p.(None): certificate or
p.(None): 3) has a document confirming formal qualifications of a doctor issued by other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): a Member State of the European Union, other than documents listed in the list referred to in Art. 6b,
p.(None): and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the European Union confirming that
p.(None): her document confirming formal qualifications was obtained as a result of completion
p.(None): education that meets the minimum requirements set out in European Union legislation and is in that country
p.(None): considered to correspond to the documents confirming the qualifications listed in the list,
p.(None): referred to in art. 6b.
p.(None): Art. 5b. 1. A person who meets the conditions specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 points 1 and 3-5 and par. 2, district council
p.(None): medical doctor grants the right to practice the profession of dentist if:
p.(None): 1) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a dentist, indicating the commencement
p.(None): education before:
p.(None): 04/10/2020
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p.(None): (a) 28 January 1980 in the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic
p.(None): France, the Republic of Ireland, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Federal Republic of Germany or the United States
p.(None): The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
p.(None): b) January 1, 1981 in the Hellenic Republic,
p.(None): c) on 1 January 1986 in the Republic of Portugal,
p.(None): d) October 3, 1990 in the former German Democratic Republic, provided that the document authorizes
p.(None): to practice the profession of dentist in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany in the same
p.(None): conditions such as a document confirming this type of qualification awarded by the competent authorities of the Republic
p.(None): Federal Germany,
p.(None): e) 1 January 1994 in the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland or the Kingdom of Norway,
p.(None): f) on 1 May 1995 in the Principality of Liechtenstein,
p.(None): g) on June 1, 2002 in the Swiss Confederation,
p.(None): h) 1 May 2004 in the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Estonia,
p.(None): The Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta or the Republic of Cyprus,
p.(None): i) 1 January 2007 in the Republic of Bulgaria,
p.(None): j) 1 July 2013 in the Republic of Croatia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the European Union confirming that
p.(None): she actually and legally practiced the profession of dentist for at least three consecutive years in
p.(None): the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 2) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a dentist, indicating the commencement
p.(None): education before:
p.(None): a) August 20, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Estonia,
p.(None): b) August 21, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Latvia,
p.(None): c) on March 11, 1990 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): d) June 25, 1991 in the former Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic of Slovenia,
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p.(None): e) October 8, 1991 in the former Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic of Croatia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of, respectively: the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia,
p.(None): Of the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Slovenia or the Republic of Croatia confirming that this document is intended for
p.(None): their territory with the same power as the documents listed for those countries in the list,
p.(None): referred to in art. 6b, and that she has actually and legally practiced the profession of dentist for at least
p.(None): three consecutive years during the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 3) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a dentist, indicating the commencement
p.(None): medical education before:
p.(None): a) January 28, 1980 in the Italian Republic,
p.(None): b) 1 January 1986 in the Kingdom of Spain,
p.(None): c) on January 1, 1994 in the Republic of Austria,
p.(None): d) October 1, 2003 in Romania,
p.(None): e) May 1, 2004 in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic or former Czechoslovakia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of: the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic respectively
p.(None): Austria, Romania, the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic confirming that they are actually and lawfully
p.(None): she practiced the profession of a dentist in their territory for at least three consecutive years during the period
p.(None): five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate and that he is entitled to practice the profession
p.(None): dentist under the same conditions as the holders of the documents listed in the list referred to in
p.(None): Art. 6b, or
p.(None): 4) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor issued in the Italian Republic,
p.(None): certifying the commencement of education between 28 January 1980 and 31 December 1984, and
p.(None): a certificate issued by the competent authorities of the Italian Republic confirming that:
p.(None): (a) passed an aptitude test before the relevant Italian authorities to establish that it was held by
p.(None): her knowledge and skills correspond to the qualifications confirmed in the documents
p.(None): listed
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p.(None): in relation to the Italian Republic, in the list referred to in Article 6b, excluding persons who have completed at least
p.(None): three years of studies for which the competent authorities of the Italian Republic have confirmed that they are equivalent to
p.(None): education referred to in the provisions of European Union law,
p.(None): b) actually and lawfully practiced the profession of dentist in the territory of the Italian Republic for which
p.(None): at least three consecutive years in the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate,
p.(None): c) is entitled to practice the profession of dentist under the same conditions as
p.(None): holders of documents listed for Italy in the list referred to in Article 6b, or
p.(None): 4a) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor issued in the Kingdom of Spain,
p.(None): certifying the commencement of education between 1 January 1986 and 31 December 1997, and
p.(None): a certificate issued by the competent authorities of the Kingdom of Spain confirming that:
p.(None): a) has completed at least three years of studies recognized by the competent authorities of the Kingdom of Spain as equivalent
p.(None): with education referred to in the provisions of European Union law,
p.(None): b) actually and lawfully practiced the profession of dentist in the territory of the Kingdom of Spain
p.(None): for at least three consecutive years during the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate,
p.(None): c) is entitled to practice the profession of dentist under the same conditions as
p.(None): holders of documents listed in relation to the Kingdom of Spain in the list referred to in
p.(None): Art. 6b, or
p.(None): 5) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a dentist issued by other than
p.(None): Republic of Poland, a Member State of the European Union other than those listed in the list,
p.(None): referred to in art. 6b, and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European confirming that her document confirming formal qualifications was
p.(None): obtained as a result of completing education meeting the minimum requirements specified in the regulations
p.(None): Of the European Union and is recognized in this country as
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p.(None): corresponding to the documents confirming the qualifications listed in the list referred to in Art. 6b.
p.(None): 2. Persons referred to in para. 1 point 3 who have completed at least three years of studies as to which they are competent
p.(None): authorities in a given Member State of the European Union confirmed that they are equivalent to
p.(None): training specified in the provisions of European Union law are exempted from the obligation to provide
p.(None): a certificate issued by the competent authorities of, respectively: the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the Republic of Austria,
p.(None): Romania, the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic confirming that they actually and lawfully performed
p.(None): the profession of dentist in their territory for at least three consecutive years over a period of five years
p.(None): immediately prior to the issue of the certificate.
p.(None): 3. The requirements specified in para. 1 point 4 lit. a-c also apply to people who started their studies after day 31
p.(None): December 1984, provided that the three-year study period began before December 31, 1994.
p.(None): Article 5c 1. A person who meets the conditions specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 points 1 and 3-5 and par. 2 and:
p.(None): 1) has a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor or dentist, as referred to in art.
p.(None): 5a points 1 and 2, art. 5b paragraph 1 points 1-4, but may not submit a certificate issued by the competent authorities
p.(None): disciplinary or criminal proceedings and other serious circumstances,
p.(None): which may affect the practice of the profession of doctor or dentist, taking into account the provisions on
p.(None): protection of personal data and in the event of a request from these authorities regarding the transmission of this information
p.(None): verifies the factual circumstances and notifies these bodies of the findings made.
p.(None): 2b. The exchange of information referred to in paragraph 2 and 2a, takes place via the Exchange System
p.(None): Information on the IMI Internal Market referred to in Regulation (EU) No. 1024/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
p.(None): on 25 October 2012 on administrative cooperation through the information exchange system on
p.(None): internal market and repealing Commission Decision 2008/49 / EC ("IMI Regulation") (Official Journal EU L 316 of
p.(None): November 14, 2012, p. 1, as amended d.).
p.(None): 3. (repealed)
p.(None): 4. In case of justified doubts regarding the authenticity of diplomas or documents issued by
p.(None): competent authorities of the Member States of the European Union, the regional medical council asks the relevant competent authorities
p.(None): authorities of this country for confirmation of the authenticity of formal supporting documents
p.(None): qualifications, including those related to specializations, issued in that country, as well as certification of a doctor
p.(None): intending to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland obtained full education in accordance with
p.(None): regulations in force in a specific Member State of the European Union.
p.(None): 5. Documents submitted as part of verification shall remain valid for a period of three months from the date of issue.
p.(None): Art. 6b. The minister competent for health will announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish "Monitor Polski" list
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p.(None): diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming formal qualifications to practice the medical profession or
p.(None): dentist by citizens of European Union member states.
p.(None): Art. 7. 1. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, a district council
p.(None): medical competent for the intended place of the profession grants the right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): or the right to practice the profession of dentist for an indefinite period or for a definite period if he meets
p.(None): the following conditions:
p.(None): 1) has a doctor's or dentist's diploma issued:
p.(None): a) by a Polish university or
p.(None): b) in a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland, or
p.(None): c) in a country other than a Member State of the European Union, provided that the diploma has been
p.(None): recognized in the Republic of Poland as equivalent in accordance with separate provisions and that it meets the minimum
p.(None): educational requirements set out in European Union legislation;
p.(None): 2) has full legal capacity;
p.(None): 3) has a health condition allowing him to practice the profession of a physician or dentist;
p.(None): 4) has an impeccable ethical attitude;
p.(None): 5) shows knowledge of the Polish language referred to in paragraph. 3;
p.(None): 6) completed post-graduate internship;
p.(None): 7) passed the Medical Final or Medical-Dental Examination
p.(None): Final exam; provision of art. 5 paragraph 5 shall apply accordingly;
p.(None): 8) obtained the right to stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland, in accordance with separate provisions.
p.(None): 1a. The foreigner referred to in par. 1, intending to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Poland solely for the purpose of undergoing postgraduate education in a specific form or undergoing education at school
p.(None): doctoral in order to obtain a degree or participate in scientific research and development works,
p.(None): the right to practice the profession for a specified period is granted if it meets the conditions set out in paragraph 1.
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p.(None): 1b. The right to practice the profession referred to in paragraph 1a, is granted only for the period of education
p.(None): postgraduate in a specific form or duration of study, or conduct of scientific research and development work in
p.(None): indicated place of education, studies or research.
p.(None): 2. The foreigner referred to in par. 1, shall be awarded for the post-graduate internship
p.(None): the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist for the duration of this internship,
p.(None): if it meets the conditions set out in paragraph 1 points 1-5 and 8.
p.(None): 3. The foreigner referred to in par. 1, the right to practice the profession referred to in para. 1, 1a and 2,
p.(None): if he graduated from medical studies in Polish or if he showed the knowledge of Polish necessary for
p.(None): practicing the profession of doctor or dentist confirmed by an exam in Polish.
p.(None): 3a. (Deleted)
p.(None): 4. (repealed)
p.(None): 5. The provisions of art. 6 clause 1-3 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 6. The exam referred to in par. 3, carried out by the Supreme Medical Council. 6a. In order to conduct the exam about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 3, the Supreme Council
p.(None): Lekarska appoints an examination board of six, which consists of physicians of sufficiently high levels
p.(None): qualifications, including at least two holders of a specialist title in a selected field
p.(None): medical, and at least one person with a university degree in Polish philology. Committee
p.(None): the examination board elects its chairman and secretary from among its members. The commission secretary prepares
p.(None): examination report, signed by members and chairman.
p.(None): 7. The fee for the exam referred to in par. 3, shall be borne by the applicant, and the proceeds from this title shall be the income of the Chief
p.(None): Medical Council.
p.(None): 8. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 7a. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): Regulation:
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 2. The Supreme Medical Council shall determine the detailed procedure for granting the right to practice the profession
p.(None): doctor, dentist and keeping a register of doctors.
p.(None): Art. 8a. Partial access to the professions of physician and dentist is not granted, both
p.(None): in the professional activities of a doctor or dentist without specialization, as well as a doctor or a physician
p.(None): specialist dentist.
p.(None): Art. 9. 1. A physician with sufficiently high qualifications, not having the right to practice in the territory
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland, but having this right in another state, may conduct theoretical and
p.(None): practical teaching of the medical profession or take part in a medical consultation and perform the treatments needed
p.(None): results from this consulium or the curriculum if:
p.(None): 1) was invited by a doctor who has the right to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish, each time after obtaining the consent of the appropriate regional medical council, or
p.(None): 2) was invited by a physician practicing the profession of a therapeutic entity within the meaning of the provisions on operations
p.(None): medical treatment, each time after obtaining the consent of the head of this entity and the appropriate regional medical council, or
p.(None): 3) was invited by a clinical hospital or entity referred to in art. 7 item 1 point 1, 2
p.(None): and 4-8 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science, leader
p.(None): activity in the field of medical sciences or health sciences, which informs the appropriate regional medical council.
p.(None): 2. Doctor, dentist who is a citizen of a Member State of the European Union who has the right
p.(None): to practice medicine or physician
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p.(None): dentist in a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland, maybe temporarily
p.(None): and occasionally practice the profession of a doctor or dentist without having to obtain the right to practice
p.(None): doctor or the right to practice the profession of dentist or without having to obtain an entry in the register
p.(None): individual medical practices or a register of individual specialized practices
p.(None): medical, if he submits to the regional medical chamber competent for the place of intended performance
p.(None): profession:
p.(None): 1) a written statement of the intention to temporarily and occasionally pursue the profession of a doctor, dentist,
p.(None): providing the place and, if possible, the time of its performance on the territory of the Republic of Poland, and
p.(None): 2) a document confirming citizenship, and
p.(None): 3) a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the European Union stating that
p.(None): has the right to practice the medical profession or dentist in that country at the time the declaration is made
p.(None): is not suspended or restricted and that he carries out the medical profession, and
p.(None): 4) a document confirming the formal qualifications of a doctor or dentist. 2a. The provision of para. 2 shall not apply
p.(None): submitting the notification referred to in paragraph 5. The fee shall be paid immediately after submitting the application, no
p.(None): later than 5 days from the date of expiry of the deadline for submitting applications referred to in para. 5.
p.(None): 9. In the event of failure to pay the fee referred to in para. 8, or to lodge it in an amount lower than due,
p.(None): the director of CEM calls on the applicant to fill the formal deficiencies by means of SMK or
p.(None): electronic means of communication, using the e-mail address provided by
p.(None): the applicant in the application referred to in paragraph 7 point 6. The provision of art. 64 of the Act of June 14, 1960 -
p.(None): The Code of Administrative Procedure does not apply. If the formal deficiencies are not completed on time
p.(None): 7 days from the date of the request, the affected application to LEK or LDEK is treated as not filed. ABOUT
p.(None): consequently, the director of CEM informs in the call to make up for formal deficiencies.
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p.(None): 10. The director of CEM shall notify the applicant of the place and time of the LEK or LDEK and
p.(None): given code number. The notification is sent via SMK or electronic means of communication to the address
p.(None): electronic mail indicated by the applicant in the application referred to in paragraph 7 point 6, no later than 14
p.(None): days before the date of the given LEK or LDEK.
p.(None): Art. 14b. 1. LEK and LDEK shall be submitted to the Examination Board.
p.(None): 2. The members of the Examination Board shall be appointed and dismissed by the director of CEM. Candidates for the Examination Board
p.(None): report by the director of CEM, rectors of universities providing medical education or
p.(None): medical and dental practice, voivods and regional medical councils.
p.(None): 3. A person convicted by a final judgment of a court cannot be a member of the Examination Board
p.(None): intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional fiscal offense.
p.(None): 4. The chairman of the Examination Board is a person appointed by the director of CEM.
p.(None): 5. In order to conduct LEK and LDEK at agreed times and places, the director of CEM shall appoint from among
p.(None): members of the Examination Board Examination Teams.
p.(None): 6. A member of the Examination Team may not be a person in relation to whom the candidate to submit a LEK or
p.(None): LDEK in this Examination Team is:
p.(None): 1) his spouse;
p.(None): 2) a person in relation to him:
p.(None): a) relationship or affinity to the second degree,
p.(None): b) adoption;
p.(None): 3) a person living together with him;
p.(None): 4) a person in relation to him in a business relationship.
p.(None): 7. The reasons for exclusion referred to in par. 6 points 1 and 2 continue despite the termination of marriage or adoption.
p.(None): 8. Members of the Examination Team before the start of LEK or LDEK shall submit to the CEM director a written statement,
p.(None): under pain of criminal liability that they do not remain with any of the applicants for LEK or LDEK before that
p.(None): The Examination Team in the relation referred to in par. 6, and they did not stay
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p.(None): convicted by a final judgment of a court for a deliberate offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional crime
p.(None): Art. 14e paragraph 2
p.(None): 3) the template of the declaration referred to in art. 14b paragraph 8
p.(None): 4) the manner and detailed procedure for conducting LEK and LDEK, including the period in which they should be determined
p.(None): their dates,
p.(None): 5) the amount of the fee referred to in art. 14a paragraph 8, and the method of payment,
p.(None): 6) the amount of remuneration for members and chairmen of Examination Teams and committees,
p.(None): referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2
p.(None): 7) detailed procedure for canceling LEK or LDEK,
p.(None): 8) detailed method of determining LEK and LDEK results,
p.(None): 9) specimens of the LEK submission certificate and LDEK submission certificate,
p.(None): 10) procedure for issuing by the CEM director of a duplicate or copy of a LEK certificate of deposit or certificate of deposit
p.(None): LDEK and how to pay the fee referred to in art. 14e paragraph 6
p.(None): 11) the procedure for the CEM director to correct the LEK submission certificate or LDEK submission certificate, and
p.(None): way of paying the fee referred to in art. 14e paragraph 6
p.(None): - having regard to the scope of knowledge and skills which applicants should possess, and
p.(None): taking into account the proper preparation and course of LEK and LDEK and maintaining impartiality of the teams' work
p.(None): Examination about which
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p.(None): referred to in art. 14b paragraph 5 and the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2, their workload, and the need to ensure
p.(None): correctly create documentation regarding the submission of LEK or LDEK.
p.(None): 2. The CEM Director issues the LEK and LDEK ordinance regulations, approved by the minister competent for health.
p.(None): Chapter 3
p.(None): Postgraduate education
p.(None): Art. 15. 1. The period of post-graduate doctor's internship may not be shorter than 12 months.
p.(None): 2. The period of post-graduate dentist internship is 12 months.
p.(None): 3. (repealed)
p.(None): 3a. The doctor takes a postgraduate internship under the supervision of a doctor with specialization referred to in art. 64
p.(None): paragraph. 1, the title of specialist in a specific field of medicine or a dentist practicing his profession for the period of every
p.(None): at least 5 years, hereinafter referred to as "guardian".
p.(None): 3b. The doctor referred to in paragraph 3a, is entitled to practice only in the place of the internship, from
p.(None): subject to art. 30, and in a situation where he conducts research in the field of medical sciences under the guidance of
p.(None): a doctor with the right to practice. The intern doctor is entitled in particular to:
p.(None): 1) subject and subjective examination of the patient and giving medical advice after consultation with
p.(None): guardian;
p.(None): 2) issuing medical orders after consulting the guardian;
p.(None): 3) issuing referrals for laboratory tests and other diagnostic tests, and after consulting a doctor
p.(None): having the right to practice the profession for an indefinite period of time for tests requiring diagnostic methods and
p.(None): medicinal products posing an increased risk for the patient;
p.(None): 4) independent use commissioned by a doctor authorized to practice the profession
p.(None): indefinite period of diagnostic and therapeutic methods whose practical skill has been
p.(None): ascertained by a guardian;
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p.(None): 5) jointly with the doctor possessing the right to practice the profession of indefinite use of methods
p.(None): 1) the basic module, corresponding to the basic scope of theoretical knowledge and skills
p.(None): practical in a given field of medicine or common to related fields of medicine, and
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p.(None): 2) a specialized module corresponding to the profile of specialization in which the doctor can continue
p.(None): specialization training after completing a specific basic module, or
p.(None): 3) a uniform module appropriate for a given specialization.
p.(None): 3. A doctor undergoing specialization training may change after completing the basic module
p.(None): the field of medicine in which he wants to continue specialization training, subject to qualification
p.(None): for her under the qualification procedure referred to in art. 16c paragraph 7.
p.(None): 4. A doctor with a postdoctoral degree and having relevant professional achievements and
p.(None): scientific within the scope of the specialist module referred to in par. 2 point 2, and having the title of specialist
p.(None): or a 2nd degree specialization in the field corresponding to the basic module referred to in para. 2 point 1,
p.(None): may apply, via SMK, for referral to this specialist module without proceedings
p.(None): qualification, with the consent of the competent national consultant in a given field of medicine. For this purpose, the doctor submits
p.(None): the application referred to in art. 16c paragraph 1.
p.(None): 4a. In the case of a physician referred to in par. 4, provisions of art. 16c paragraph 2-5 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 5. In the case of a physician referred to in par. 4, who started specialization training, manager
p.(None): specialization may apply to the director of the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education, hereinafter referred to as
p.(None): "CMKP", for recognition of the current scientific and professional achievements of the doctor as equivalent to implementation
p.(None): by him in part or in full in the specialized module.
p.(None): 6. In the case of a doctor with a postdoctoral degree and having relevant achievements
p.(None): professional and scientific in the scope of the specialist module referred to in par. 2 point 2 and having a title
p.(None): specialist or 2nd degree specialization in the field corresponding to the basic module referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 2 point 1 qualified for undergoing specialist training in the course of procedure
p.(None): qualification manager, specialization manager in consultation with the relevant national consultant in a given field
p.(None): medicine may apply to the director of the CMKP for recognition of the current scientific and professional achievements of the doctor as equivalent
p.(None): with the implementation of part or all of the specialized module program.
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p.(None): 7. The Director of the CMKP, based on the opinion of the team he appointed, may recognize, by way of a decision, the existing one
p.(None): scientific and professional achievements of the doctor referred to in paragraph 4-6, equivalent to his implementation in part
p.(None): or in full the detailed program of the specialized module, and if recognized as equivalent in full -
p.(None): decide to admit this doctor to PES.
p.(None): 8. The composition of the team referred to in para. 7, include:
p.(None): 1) national consultant competent in a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 2) head of specialization;
p.(None): 3) a representative of a scientific society competent for a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 10. The minister competent for health shall specify, by regulation, a list of the specializations referred to
p.(None): in paragraph 2 point 2, as well as the manner and procedure for recognizing a doctor's professional and scientific achievements, guided by
p.(None): equivalence of the professional and scientific achievements of a doctor with a given specialization program.
p.(None): Art. 16a. 1. Document confirming formal qualifications in the field of medical specialization or
p.(None): medical or dental doctor or dentist who is a citizen of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European, issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union other than the Republic of Poland
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p.(None): European, meeting the minimum educational requirements set out in European Union regulations, listed in
p.(None): the list referred to in par. 3, is equivalent to a document confirming the title of specialist.
p.(None): 2. Confirmed qualifications are also considered equivalent to the title of specialist in medicine:
p.(None): 1) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): proving the commencement of education before:
p.(None): a) December 20, 1976 in the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the French Republic and the Kingdom
p.(None): The Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Federal Republic of Germany,
p.(None): Italian Republic or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
p.(None): b) January 1, 1981 in the Hellenic Republic,
p.(None): c) on 1 January 1986 in the Kingdom of Spain or the Republic of Portugal,
p.(None): d) 3 April 1992 in the former German Democratic Republic, which authorizes to practice the profession
p.(None): specialist doctor in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany on the same terms as the document
p.(None): confirming the qualifications awarded by the competent authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany and included in the list,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 3
p.(None): (e) 1 January 1994 in the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Iceland or
p.(None): The Kingdom of Norway,
p.(None): f) on 1 May 1995 in the Principality of Liechtenstein,
p.(None): g) on June 1, 2002 in the Swiss Confederation,
p.(None): h) 1 May 2004 in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): The Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta or the Republic
p.(None): Cyprus,
p.(None): i) 1 January 2007 in the Republic of Bulgaria or Romania,
p.(None): j) 1 July 2013 in the Republic of Croatia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European confirmation that the doctor actually and lawfully practiced the profession as a specialist in the given
p.(None): field through
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p.(None): at least three consecutive years during the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 2) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): proving the commencement of education before:
p.(None): a) August 20, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Estonia,
p.(None): b) August 21, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Latvia,
p.(None): c) on March 11, 1990 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): d) June 25, 1991 in the former Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic of Slovenia, da) October 8, 1991 in the former
p.(None): Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Croatia,
p.(None): e) 1 January 1993 in former Czechoslovakia in the case of the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Latvia, respectively,
p.(None): The Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic or the Republic
p.(None): Słowacka confirming that this document has the same force on the territory of these countries as the documents listed in
p.(None): for these countries in the list referred to in para. 3, and that the doctor actually and lawfully performed
p.(None): profession as a specialist in a given field for at least three consecutive years in a five-year period directly
p.(None): preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 3) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given specialty
p.(None): medical and dental care, confirming the commencement of education before:
p.(None): a) January 28, 1980 in the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland and the Republic
p.(None): Federal Germany or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
p.(None): b) January 28, 1980 in the French Republic in the field of orthodontics,
p.(None): c) on January 1, 1981 in the Hellenic Republic in the field of orthodontics,
p.(None): d) October 3, 1990 in the former German Democratic Republic, which authorizes to practice the profession
p.(None): specialist dentist
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p.(None): the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany on the same terms as the document confirming the qualifications
p.(None): granted by the competent authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany and included in the list referred to in para. 3
p.(None): e) 1 January 1994 in the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Finland or the Kingdom of Norway,
p.(None): f) on June 1, 2002 in the Swiss Confederation in the field of orthodontics,
p.(None): g) on January 1, 2003 in the Hellenic Republic in the field of dental surgery,
p.(None): h) 1 May 2004 in the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta or
p.(None): The Republic of Cyprus,
p.(None): i) 1 May 2004 in the Republic of Estonia or the Republic of Latvia in the field of orthodontics,
p.(None): j) on 27 January 2005 in the Kingdom of Belgium in the field of orthodontics,
p.(None): k) May 21, 2005 in the Italian Republic
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European confirmation that the dentist was actually and lawfully practicing the profession as
p.(None): a specialist in the field for at least three consecutive years in the five immediately preceding years
p.(None): issuing a certificate, or
p.(None): 4) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given specialty
p.(None): medical and dental care, confirming the commencement of education before:
p.(None): a) August 20, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Estonia,
p.(None): b) August 21, 1991 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic
p.(None): Latvia,
p.(None): c) on March 11, 1990 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): d) June 25, 1991 in the former Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic of Slovenia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Estonia and the Republic, respectively
p.(None): Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic
p.(None): confirming that
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p.(None): this document has the same force in the territory of these States as the documents listed in relation to these
p.(None): countries on the list referred to in para. 3, and that the dentist actually and lawfully practiced the profession of
p.(None): specialist in the field for at least three consecutive years in a five-year period directly
p.(None): preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 5) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): providing specialist training prior to 1 January 1995 in the Kingdom of Spain, and
p.(None): a certificate, issued by the competent Spanish authorities, that he passed the specialization exam,
p.(None): carried out to confirm that the physician's qualifications correspond to those within the given scope
p.(None): specialties referred to in par. 3;
p.(None): 5a) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): proving the commencement of education after December 31, 1983 and before January 1, 1991 in the Republic
p.(None): Italian, if the document is accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent Italian authority stating that
p.(None): the physician concerned was actually and lawfully performing the activities of a physician in the specialization in Italy by
p.(None): at least seven consecutive years in the ten years preceding the issue of this certificate, a
p.(None): these qualifications are considered equivalent to those attested by the documents listed in
p.(None): the list referred to in par. 3;
p.(None): 6) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty or
p.(None): medical and dental practice issued by a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): other than documents listed in the list referred to in para. 3, or within a specialization other than
p.(None): mentioned in the list referred to in art. 20a paragraph 2, and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of another
p.(None): than the Commonwealth of Poland of a Member State of the European Union stating that the document confirming
p.(None): formal qualifications for a given medical or dental specialist have been issued after completion
p.(None): appropriate education that meets the minimum requirements set out in European Union legislation, and
p.(None): these qualifications are considered equivalent to qualifications
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p.(None): certified documents listed in the list referred to in paragraph 3.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for health shall announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', list of documents confirming formal qualifications in
p.(None): medical specialties of a doctor and dentist who is a citizen of a state
p.(None): of the European Union.
p.(None): Art. 16b. 1. In the case of:
p.(None): 1) physician, dentist possessing a document confirming formal qualifications in the field
p.(None): medical specialties of a doctor, dentist other than listed in the list referred to in art. 16a paragraph
p.(None): 3, solely for the purpose of recognizing this specialization, or
p.(None): 2) physician, dentist possessing a document confirming formal qualifications in the field
p.(None): medical specialties of a doctor, dentist listed in the list referred to in art. 16a paragraph 3
p.(None): which cannot provide a certificate issued by the competent authorities of a Member State
p.(None): Of the European Union confirming the actual and lawful pursuit of the profession as a specialist
p.(None): in the field concerned on the territory of that Member State for at least three consecutive years in
p.(None): the five years immediately preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 3) physician, dentist possessing a document confirming formal qualifications in the field
p.(None): using the data provided
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p.(None): in SMK, the qualification procedure, which includes formal assessment of the application
p.(None): to start specialization training and competition proceedings.
p.(None): 8. Qualification proceedings are carried out twice a year by the voivode and the Minister of National Defense, respectively
p.(None): or the minister competent for internal affairs, hereinafter referred to as "bodies conducting the qualification procedure".
p.(None): 9. The competition procedure is carried out if the number of candidates for undergoing specialist training
p.(None): meeting the conditions set out in paragraph 6 is greater than the number of training places.
p.(None): 10. The competition procedure shall take into account:
p.(None): 1) in the case of a doctor who applies to start specialization in the residency procedure, the LEK result, or, in
p.(None): case of dentist - LDEK;
p.(None): 2) in the case of a doctor who applies to start specialization in non-resident mode, if he has one
p.(None): appropriate first or second degree specialization or specialist title, result of the examination in the scope of appropriate specialization
p.(None): I or II degree or PES, or LEK / LDEK result and additional points - for having a degree
p.(None): scientific doctor in the field of medical sciences, appropriate period of employment in an accredited body
p.(None): in line with the direction of specialization, publications in scientific journals included in the list
p.(None): scientific journals included in the list prepared in accordance with the provisions issued on the basis of art. 267 paragraph 2
p.(None): point 2 lit. b of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science;
p.(None): 3) in the case of a doctor who applies to start specialization in non-resident mode, if not
p.(None): has the appropriate specialization I or II degree or specialist title, LEK / LDEK result and additional points - for
p.(None): having a doctoral degree in medical sciences, appropriate period of employment in an accredited body
p.(None): in line with the direction of specialization, publications in scientific journals included in the list of journals
p.(None): scientific entities included in the list prepared in accordance with the regulations issued on the basis of art. 267 paragraph 2 point 2 lit. b of the act
p.(None): of July 20, 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science.
p.(None): 10a. If two or more doctors seek a training place in the same
p.(None): an identical result in the proceedings
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p.(None): competitive, average grade obtained in the period of studies counted to two decimal places with an indication of the scale of grades,
p.(None): which was in force at the university.
p.(None): 10b. If two or more doctors seek a training place in the same
p.(None): field, an identical result in the qualification procedure conducted by the Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): priority is given to the doctor who remains on the day of the qualification procedure
p.(None): in active service.
p.(None): 10c. In the case of doctors who are soldiers on active military service, as well as on duty or employed
p.(None): in medicinal entities established and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, are included
p.(None): additional points - for a period of at least 3 years of service in a military unit
p.(None): in connection with the appointment to this position or stay on the missions of Polish Military Contingents.
p.(None): 11. The result of the competition procedure is a percentage of the maximum number of points obtained for LEK / LDEK, o
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 10 points 1 or percentage of the maximum number of points obtained from the LEK / LDEK or exam in
p.(None): the scope of the relevant specialization I or II degree or PES and additional points referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 10 points 2 or a percentage of the maximum number of points obtained from LEK / LDEK and points
p.(None): additional ones referred to in para. 10 point 3.
p.(None): 4. The minister competent for health may determine, by regulation, priority fields of medicine,
p.(None): guided by the needs in the implementation of health services.
p.(None): 5. The Minister of National Defense may define, by regulation, priority fields of medicine for
p.(None): Of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, guided by the needs of the Armed Forces in the provision of benefits
p.(None): health.
p.(None): Art. 16h. 1. The doctor undergoes specialist training on the basis of a contract
p.(None): for a job concluded with an entity conducting specialist training for a specified period of time in the program
p.(None): specialization under residency.
p.(None): 2. The physician, at his / her request, may also undergo specialist training within free training places,
p.(None): in entities conducting specialized training:
p.(None): 1) on the basis of an employment contract or civil law contract in the dimension corresponding to the dimension
p.(None): full-time employment concluded with an entity conducting specialist training in a given job
p.(None): medicine in which the course of specialist training and mutual scope are defined
p.(None): commitments for the duration of the specialization training;
p.(None): 2) as part of paid training leave granted to the employee for the duration of the training
p.(None): specialization based on separate regulations;
p.(None): 3) on the basis of an employment contract concluded with an entity other than the entity conducting the training
p.(None): specialization, ensuring the implementation of part of the specialization program in the field of self-education and training
p.(None): and participating in the performance and performance of a fixed number of specific treatments or procedures
p.(None): medical, medical duty, which the doctor is
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p.(None): obliged to perform during the implementation of the specialization program during work allowed by the provisions of
p.(None): medical activity and as part of paid training leave granted to the employee on time
p.(None): necessary to implement the remaining part of the program in the entity conducting the specialist training or
p.(None): respectively in the subject conducting the field internship;
p.(None): 4) on the basis of a civil law contract for specialization training concluded with the operator
p.(None): specialization training, which specifies the detailed mode of specialization training and scope
p.(None): mutual obligations for its duration;
p.(None): 5) as part of extending the postgraduate program curriculum with a specialization program in the same
p.(None): unit, in accordance with the scope of these studies, and as part of training leave or unpaid leave, and
p.(None): after completing these studies - according to the procedure specified in para. 1 or paragraph 2 points 1-4.
p.(None): 3. A foreign doctor referred to in art. 7 item 1 and 1a may undergo specialist training
p.(None): specified in the provisions on the pursuit of studies and participation in scientific research and training by persons
p.(None): who are not Polish citizens.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who is a soldier on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): healing and created by the Minister of National Defense, undergoes specialist training
p.(None): specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 16x paragraph 2.
p.(None): specialization, if the decision referred to in item 1 is not issued.
p.(None): 16. A doctor undergoing specialist training who was referred pursuant to para. 15 to perform
p.(None): work other than that resulting from the contract under which the specialist training takes place, performs work under
p.(None): supervision of a specialist appointed by the head of the unit to which he was referred. Medical specialist
p.(None): supervising the work of a doctor during specialization training acquires the appropriate qualifications of a manager
p.(None): specializations referred to in par. 7.
p.(None): 17. At the request of a doctor undergoing specialist training, the director of the CMKP may decide, by decision, the period of
p.(None): which the doctor did not implement the specialization program, as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if during the period
p.(None): he carried out the tasks referred to in paragraph 15.
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p.(None): 18. A doctor undergoing specialization training who has been canceled a specialization course because of his condition
p.(None): epidemic threat or epidemic status, is exempted from following this course if:
p.(None): 1) the implementation of this course requires the extension of specialization training for a period longer than 3 months and
p.(None): 2) completed all other courses covered by the specialization program.
p.(None): 19. The provisions of para. 15-18 shall apply accordingly to a physician who is a soldier in active military service.
p.(None): Art. 16 Shortening the period of specialist training that meets the minimum requirements
p.(None): education specified in European Union legislation may not cover more than 1/2 of the minimum time
p.(None): the duration of a given specialization program as defined in European Union legislation.
p.(None): Article 16n 1. A doctor who has the title of specialist obtained outside the territory of the Republic of Poland,
p.(None): not subject to recognition as equivalent on the basis of the provisions referred to in art. 16a and 16b, minister
p.(None): competent for health shall recognize the title of specialist as equivalent to the title of specialist in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Poland, if the following conditions have been jointly met:
p.(None): 1) the doctor has the right to practice the profession of the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 2) the duration of specialization training completed abroad corresponds to the duration
p.(None): specialization training specified in the specialization program in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 3) a specialization program in the field of theoretical knowledge and practical skills required,
p.(None): the method of confirming the acquired knowledge and skills corresponds in significant elements to the specified program
p.(None): specialization in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 4) the manner and procedure for passing the exam or other form of confirmation of acquired knowledge and skills are appropriate
p.(None): submission by a PES doctor in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 2. The doctor referred to in par. 1, applies for recognition of the title of specialist to the minister competent for
p.(None): health matters, through the director of the CMKP.
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p.(None): 3. The application shall be accompanied by the original or a certified copy of the original:
p.(None): 12. A physician who has obtained a certificate informs the appropriate district medical board, which enters information about it
p.(None): fact to the district register of doctors.
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p.(None): 13. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): Regulation:
p.(None): 1) types of skills in narrower fields of medicine or the provision of specific services
p.(None): health benefits in which a certificate can be obtained,
p.(None): 2) the qualifications that a doctor intending to undergo training should possess;
p.(None): 3) the mode of preparing and approving training programs,
p.(None): 4) the mode of entering the list and the manner of its keeping,
p.(None): 5) the procedure for conducting the exam and the amount of the fee for conducting it,
p.(None): 6) the amount of the fee for issuing the certificate,
p.(None): 7) detailed conditions and procedure for recognition of training received in the country or abroad,
p.(None): 8) the method of recording issued certificates
p.(None): - having regard to the current state of medical knowledge and the need to ensure the proper conduct of training and
p.(None): exams in this area.
p.(None): 14. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council and the National Council
p.(None): Laboratory Diagnostics may determine, by regulation, a list of skills entitling to
p.(None): independent performance of laboratory diagnostics in the laboratory at the appropriate level
p.(None): knowledge and skills in the performance of laboratory diagnostics.
p.(None): Art. 18. 1. A physician has the right and obligation to professional development, in particular in various forms
p.(None): postgraduate education.
p.(None): 1a. The district medical council confirms the fulfillment of the obligation to train a doctor by means of SMK
p.(None): and by making an entry in the district register of doctors. Confirmation is made on the basis of the submitted
p.(None): by the physician individual records of the professional development course and documentation confirming the completion
p.(None): specific forms of professional development.
p.(None): 2. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): of the Regulation, the method of fulfilling the obligation referred to in para. 1.
p.(None): Art. 19. 1. Postgraduate education of doctors and dentists may be conducted by:
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p.(None): 1) entities authorized to conduct specialized training or training in obtaining
p.(None): skills in narrower fields of medicine or the provision of specific health services;
p.(None): 2) entities other than those mentioned in point 1 entitled to postgraduate education at
p.(None): based on separate regulations, in particular: medical colleges, leading schools
p.(None): didactic and research activity in the field of medical sciences, medical units
p.(None): development;
p.(None): 3) entities other than those listed in items 1 and 2 after obtaining an entry in the register of leading entities
p.(None): post-graduate training of doctors and dentists, hereinafter referred to as "training providers".
p.(None): 2. The conditions for postgraduate education are:
p.(None): 1) having a training plan implemented at a specific time containing in particular:
p.(None): a) the purpose (s) of education,
p.(None): b) subject and scope of education, consistent with current medical knowledge,
p.(None): c) the form (s) of education,
p.(None): d) required qualifications of the participants,
p.(None): e) the way (ways) to verify the learning results,
p.(None): f) method of confirming participation and completion of education;
p.(None): 2) providing teaching staff with qualifications appropriate for the type of education;
p.(None): 3) ensuring a didactic base suitable for implementation of the curriculum, including for
p.(None): practical training;
p.(None): 4) having an internal system for assessing the quality of education, including tools for assessing the quality of education
p.(None): and the methods of this assessment;
p.(None): 5) ensuring the provision of health services included in the scope of education by authorized persons
p.(None): entities and persons with qualifications and appropriate qualifications to perform them.
p.(None): 3. Meeting the conditions for conducting education specified in para. 2 by the entities referred to in para. 1
p.(None): point 3, is confirmed by the regional medical council competent for the place of education or the Supreme
p.(None): Medical Council in relation to the regional medical chamber being the organizer of education and
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p.(None): an education organizer intending to provide education throughout the country.
p.(None): Art. 19a. Postgraduate education provided by the entrepreneur is a regulated activity within the meaning
p.(None): provisions of the Act of March 6, 2018 - Entrepreneurs' Law (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1292 and 1495).
p.(None): Art. 19b. 1. An education organizer intending to perform post-graduate education activities
p.(None): presents data confirming that the conditions referred to in art. 19 paragraph 2, and shall submit to the appropriate council
p.(None): medical application for entry in the register of entities providing post-graduate education of doctors and physicians
p.(None): dentists, hereinafter referred to as the "register", containing the data referred to in art. 19c paragraph 3 points 1-6.
p.(None): 2. Along with the application, the applicant shall submit the following statement:
p.(None): "I declare, that:
p.(None): 1) data contained in the application for entry in the register of entities providing post-graduate education of doctors
p.(None): and dentists are complete and truthful;
p.(None): 2) I know and meet the conditions for carrying out activities in the field of postgraduate education of doctors
p.(None): and dentists - defined in the Act of December 5, 1996 on the professions of physician and dentist. "
p.(None): 3. The statement should also contain:
p.(None): 1) name of the applicant, address of his place of residence or registered office;
p.(None): 2) the place and date of submitting the declaration;
p.(None): 3) the signature of the person authorized to represent the applicant, indicating the name and surname
p.(None): function.
p.(None): 3a. (repealed) 3b. (Deleted)
p.(None): 4. Entry in the register, with the exception of the register kept by the Supreme Medical Council, is subject to a fee.
p.(None): 5. The fee referred to in para. 4, constitutes the revenue of the regional medical chamber that made the entry in the register.
p.(None): 6. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): Regulation:
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p.(None): 1) detailed procedure in matters of making an entry in the register, specimen documents: application for entry
p.(None): to the register, information on the form of education, a certificate of entry in the register and the manner of keeping the register,
p.(None): Bearing in mind the need to standardize the documentation regarding postgraduate education;
p.(None): 2) the amount of the fee referred to in para. 4, including costs related to the proceedings in
p.(None): regarding the entry and changes to the entry and related to the keeping of the control register by the authority
p.(None): conducting education by the training organizer.
p.(None): 7. The register keeping authority issues ex officio a certificate confirming the entry in the register.
p.(None): Art. 19c. 1. The body keeping the register is the regional medical council competent for the seat of the organizer
p.(None): education, and in the case of the regional medical chamber being the organizer of education, the Supreme Medical Council.
p.(None): 1a. The education organizer is obliged to provide the information referred to in paragraph 5, also regional
p.(None): medical board competent for the place of education, if it intends to provide education for
p.(None): area not covered by the activity of the registry authority.
p.(None): 2. The register may be kept in an IT system.
p.(None): 3. The following data shall be entered in the register:
p.(None): 1) the number of the education organizer's entry in the register;
p.(None): 2) the name of the training organizer;
p.(None): 3) place of residence or seat and address of the training organizer;
p.(None): 4) organizational and legal form of the education organizer;
p.(None): 5) specification of the subject, scope and forms of postgraduate education;
p.(None): 6) the beginning and end of the period of planned post-graduate education;
p.(None): 7) number in the register of entrepreneurs in the National Court Register, if the education organizer - such number
p.(None): has and tax identification number (NIP);
p.(None): 8) number and date of the resolution on entry in the register;
p.(None): 9) number and date of the resolution on changing the entry in the register;
p.(None): 10) number and date of issuing the certificate of entry in the register;
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p.(None): 11) dates and results of controls carried out, referred to in art. 19e;
p.(None): 12) data referred to in art. 19c paragraph 5 points 1-6;
p.(None): 13) date and number of the resolution on removal from the register.
p.(None): 4. The training organizer entered in the register is obliged to notify the authority keeping the register
p.(None): any changes to the data referred to in paragraph 3 points 2-7 and in para. 5 points 1-6, within 14 days from their date
p.(None): uprising.
p.(None): 5. The training organizer entered in the register is obliged to forward it to the authority keeping the register, no
p.(None): later than 30 days before the start of the training, the following information regarding the specific form
p.(None): training:
p.(None): 1) subject and detailed post-graduate education program;
p.(None): 2) the date of commencement and completion of postgraduate education;
p.(None): 3) place and address of postgraduate education;
p.(None): 4) post-graduate education regulations, including in particular:
p.(None): a) the manner and mode of education,
p.(None): b) the rules and procedure for recruiting participants,
p.(None): c) the rights and obligations of persons participating in education,
p.(None): d) detailed method of verification of learning outcomes,
p.(None): e) the amount of the fee for participation in education;
p.(None): 5) detailed data on the qualifications of lecturers and other persons providing theoretical teaching
p.(None): and practical classes;
p.(None): 6) detailed data on the qualifications of the head of scientific education;
p.(None): 7) model document confirming the completion of education.
p.(None): Art. 19ca. The register keeping authority shall ex officio rectify the entry in the register containing obvious errors or
p.(None): inconsistencies with the facts.
p.(None): Art. 19cb. 1. The register keeping body is obliged to enter the applicant in the register within the time limit
p.(None): 7 days from the date of receipt of the application for entry together with the declaration referred to in art. 19b paragraph 2.
p.(None): 2. If the register keeping authority fails to make an entry within the time limit referred to in para. 1, and from the date of receipt of the application by
p.(None): of this authority has expired 14 days, the applicant may start business. This does not apply if
p.(None): the authority called on the applicant to supplement the entry application no later than within 7 days
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p.(None): from the day of its receipt. In such a situation, the deadline referred to in the first sentence runs
p.(None): respectively from the date of receipt of the supplement to the entry.
p.(None): Art. 19d 1. The registry keeping authority shall refuse an applicant to be entered in the register if:
p.(None): 1) a final judgment is issued prohibiting the applicant from carrying out the activity covered by the entry;
p.(None): 2) the training organizer has been removed from the register pursuant to para. 2 points 1, 4 or 5 over a period of 3 years
p.(None): before submitting the application;
p.(None): 3) the applicant does not meet the conditions referred to in art. 19 paragraph 2.
p.(None): 2. The entry of the training organizer in the register shall be deleted in the case of:
p.(None): 1) submitting the declaration referred to in art. 19b paragraph 2, inconsistent with the facts;
p.(None): 2) issuing a final judgment prohibiting the organizer of education from carrying out the covered activity
p.(None): entry in the register;
p.(None): 3) liquidation or declaration of bankruptcy of the training organizer;
p.(None): 4) gross violation of the conditions required to perform the activities covered by the entry;
p.(None): 5) failure to comply with post-inspection recommendations referred to in art. 19e paragraph 11 point 2;
p.(None): 6) submission by the training organizer of an application for removal from the register;
p.(None): 7) obtaining by the authority keeping the register of information from the Central Register and Information on Activities
p.(None): Economic or National Court Register
p.(None): on the removal of the training organizer.
p.(None): 3. In the cases referred to in para. 2 points 1, 4 and 5, removal from the register takes place after passing a resolution
p.(None): on the prohibition of activities covered by an entry in the register by the authority keeping the register.
p.(None): 3a. In the event of adopting a resolution referred to in para. 3, if the training organizer carries out activities
p.(None): economic activity covered by the entry also on the basis of entries in other registers of regulated activities, including
p.(None): in the same scope of economic activity, the education organizer is also removed from these registers ex officio
p.(None): regulated activity.
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p.(None): 4. The organizer of education, which was removed from the register, pursuant to para. 2 points 1, 4 or 5 may obtain
p.(None): re-entry in this register not earlier than after 3 years from the date of adopting a resolution on removal from the register.
p.(None): 5. To resolutions of the regional medical council or the Supreme Medical Council regarding the entry, refusal to enter and
p.(None): deleting an entry from the register, the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure regarding decisions shall apply
p.(None): administration.
p.(None): Art. 19e. 1. The register keeping body is authorized to control education organizers in
p.(None): range:
p.(None): 1) compliance with the facts of the information referred to in art. 19c paragraph 5;
p.(None): 2) fulfilling the conditions specified in art. 19 paragraph 2;
p.(None): 3) the correctness of the documentation of the course of education;
p.(None): 4) ensuring the right quality of education.
p.(None): 2. The control is carried out by persons authorized by the authority keeping the register to perform
p.(None): control activities.
p.(None): 3. Persons referred to in para. 2, carrying out control activities, upon presentation of authorization, have the right to:
p.(None): 1) access to teaching rooms;
p.(None): 2) participate in the classes as an observer;
p.(None): 3) access to the documentation of the course of education kept by the training organizer;
p.(None): 4) demand from the organizer of oral and written explanations;
p.(None): 5) research on the opinions of education participants and teaching staff.
p.(None): 4. A report shall be made of the inspections carried out, which should contain:
p.(None): 1) name and address of the headquarters of the training organizer;
p.(None): 2) place of training;
p.(None): 3) date of commencement and completion of control activities;
p.(None): 4) names of persons performing these activities;
p.(None): 5) description of the actual state;
p.(None): 6) irregularities found;
p.(None): 7) applications of persons performing control activities;
p.(None): 8) date and place of the report;
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p.(None): 9) information about no objections or information about the refusal to sign the report by the training organizer, and
p.(None): about the reason for this refusal.
p.(None): 5. The protocol shall be signed by persons performing control activities and the training organizer.
p.(None): 6. If, after preparing the report and before signing, the training organizer submits a reasoned opinion
p.(None): objections to the facts found during the inspection and described in the report, executing persons
p.(None): control activities are required to examine these facts and complete the report.
p.(None): 7. The refusal to sign the report by the training organizer shall not prevent the signing of the report
p.(None): by persons performing control activities.
p.(None): 8. One copy of the report shall be handed over to the training organizer.
p.(None): 9. Persons performing control activities are required to keep information confidential
p.(None): subject of organization and conducting post-graduate education and results of conducted proceedings.
p.(None): 10. The training organizer has the right to raise objections within 7 days of receiving the report
p.(None): as to how to carry out control activities and the findings contained in the report.
p.(None): 11. On the basis of the findings contained in the report, the registry authority:
p.(None): 1) remove the organizer of education from the register - in the event of the circumstances referred to above
p.(None): in art. 19d paragraph 2 points 1, 4 or 5;
p.(None): 2) in cases other than those referred to in point 1, issue training post-inspection recommendations to the organizer,
p.(None): to remove the irregularities found and specify the deadline for their implementation.
p.(None): Art. 19f. 1. Specialization training may be conducted by organizational units referred to in
p.(None): Art. 19 paragraph 1 which meet the conditions specified in para. 2 and obtained accreditation for training
p.(None): specialization. Confirmation of accreditation is an entry on the list of accredited units to be kept
p.(None): specialization training in a given field.
p.(None): 2. The organizational unit referred to in para. 1, applying for accreditation to conduct training
p.(None): specialization, is obliged to meet the following conditions:
p.(None): 1) to carry out activities corresponding to the profile of specialized training conducted or possess
p.(None): branches in its organizational structure
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p.(None): hospital or other organizational units with a profile corresponding to this training;
p.(None): 2) provide substantive and organizational conditions enabling the implementation of the specialization program
p.(None): a certain number of doctors;
p.(None): 3) ensure supervision within the existing organizational structure:
p.(None): a) in the case of hospitals - on the quality of teaching and treatment activities in the field
p.(None): postgraduate education of doctors or dentists,
p.(None): b) for other organizational units - on the quality of teaching activities in the field of education
p.(None): postgraduate doctors or dentists;
p.(None): 4) ensure monitoring of specialist physician training documentation;
p.(None): 5) employ under an employment contract or under a civil law contract or have employees
p.(None): in the official position in hospital wards or in organizational units referred to in point 1:
p.(None): a) at least one doctor with the title of specialist or with a second degree of specialization in the relevant
p.(None): medicine or
p.(None): b) at least two doctors with the title of specialist or II degree of specialization in the field
p.(None): related, in the case of specialties for which the provisions in force before the date of entry into force
p.(None): the Act did not provide for obtaining the 2nd degree of specialization or specialist title, or
p.(None): c) at least one doctor with the title of specialist or II degree specialization in
p.(None): relevant field of dentistry, in the case of organizational units or organizational units
p.(None): implementing specialized training in the field of dentistry
p.(None): - who have agreed to be the head of specialization;
p.(None): 6) have the staff, medical equipment and apparatus necessary to carry out the tasks specified in the program
p.(None): specialization in accordance with the accreditation standards referred to in art. 16f paragraph 3 point 7;
p.(None): 7) provide health services of the appropriate type, scope and number,
p.(None): enabling the implementation of the specialization program to a certain number of doctors;
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p.(None): 8) provide round-the-clock health services to persons hospitalized or not requiring hospitalization, in
p.(None): health and life threatening situations and in other urgent cases, if it results from
p.(None): by CMKP at SMK.
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p.(None): 7. After submitting the data referred to in para. 6 in SMK, CMKP generates an electronic document using SMK
p.(None): confirming completion of the course, including:
p.(None): 1) the name and registered office of the organizational unit or name, surname and address of the person who conducted the course
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 2) name and surname, professional title or academic degree, or academic title of the person who was the manager
p.(None): scientific specialization course;
p.(None): 3) course title;
p.(None): 4) date of start and end of the course;
p.(None): 5) name and surname as well as the number of the right to practice the profession of a doctor who completed and completed the course;
p.(None): 6) document number.
p.(None): 8. An electronic document confirming the completion of the course is made available to system users via SMK.
p.(None): Art. 19h. 1. The minister competent for health matters supervises the implementation of specialization training.
p.(None): 2. The supervision shall cover in particular:
p.(None): 1) compliance of classes with the specialization program;
p.(None): 2) the correctness of the documentation of the course of specialization training;
p.(None): 3) ensuring the appropriate quality of specialist training.
p.(None): 3. As part of the supervision referred to in para. 1, control and monitoring of the implementation of the training shall be carried out
p.(None): specialization.
p.(None): 4. The activities referred to in par. 3, performed by the director of CMKP.
p.(None): 5. The CMKP Director based on the control activities carried out and the available forms of system monitoring
p.(None): specialization prepares a report on the state of implementation of specialization education in a given year and presents
p.(None): him competent for health matters.
p.(None): 6. CMKP conducts cyclical knowledge trainings about the specialization system, intended for
p.(None): specialization managers, managers of units conducting specialization trainings and
p.(None): representatives of the voivode financed from the state budget from the part managed by the minister competent for matters
p.(None): health.
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p.(None): Art. 19i. 1. Control of the implementation of specialization training is conducted by a control team appointed
p.(None): by the director of CMKP. The team may include, apart from CMKP employees:
p.(None): 1) a national or voivodship consultant in the relevant field of medicine or his representative or
p.(None): 2) a representative or representatives of a consultant or national consultants in the fields of medicine
p.(None): related to the implementation of state tasks related solely to the defense of the country during war and peace;
p.(None): 3) a representative of a scientific society competent for a given field of medicine and
p.(None): 4) a representative of the competent voivode.
p.(None): 2. The control team, composed of at least 3 members, performing control activities, subject to authorization, has
p.(None): right:
p.(None): 1) access to teaching rooms;
p.(None): 2) participate in the classes as an observer;
p.(None): 3) inspect the documentation of the course of training kept by the unit conducting the training
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 4) demand from the head of the unit conducting specialization training oral and written explanations;
p.(None): 5) research on the opinions of participants of specialization training and teaching staff.
p.(None): 3. A report shall be made of the inspections carried out, which shall contain:
p.(None): 1) name and address of the unit conducting the specialized training;
p.(None): 2) place of specialist training;
p.(None): 3) date of commencement and completion of control activities;
p.(None): 4) names of persons performing control activities;
p.(None): 5) description of the actual state;
p.(None): 6) irregularities found;
p.(None): 7) applications of persons performing control activities;
p.(None): 8) date and place of the report;
p.(None): 9) information about no objections or information about the refusal to sign the report by the head of the unit
p.(None): conducting specialized training.
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p.(None): 4. The protocol shall be signed by persons performing control activities and the head of the unit conducting the training
p.(None): Specialization.
p.(None): 5. If, after preparing the report and before signing, the head of the unit conducting the training
p.(None): specializations will raise reasoned objections to the facts found during the inspection and described in
p.(None): in the protocol, persons performing control activities are obliged to examine and supplement these facts
p.(None): protocol.
p.(None): 6. The refusal to sign the report by the head of the unit conducting specialization training does not constitute
p.(None): obstacles to signing the report by persons performing control activities.
p.(None): 7. One copy of the report shall be handed over to the head of the unit conducting the training
p.(None): Specialization.
p.(None): 8. Persons performing control activities are obliged to keep information confidential
p.(None): subject of organization and conducting post-graduate education and results of conducted proceedings.
p.(None): 9. The head of the unit conducting the specialized training, within 7 days of receiving the report, has
p.(None): the right to raise objections as to the manner of conducting control activities and the arrangements contained in
p.(None): protocol.
p.(None): 10. The CMKP director provides the head of the training unit with post-audit recommendations regarding
p.(None): finding irregularities during the inspection and obliges him to remove these irregularities
p.(None): within the prescribed period; copies of the letter with post-audit recommendations to the national consultant for information
p.(None): appropriate for a given field of medicine and competent voivodship consultant in a given field of medicine.
p.(None): 11. In the event of failure to implement post-audit recommendations within a specified period, the CMKP director shall take
p.(None): decision to remove a unit from the list containing the list of units authorized to specialize education.
p.(None): 12. Persons performing control activities are entitled to:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for carrying out control activities in an amount not exceeding PLN 300;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of June 26, 1974 - Code
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p.(None): work due to employees on business trips within the country;
p.(None): 3) dismissal from work on the days of performing control activities without retaining the right to
p.(None): remuneration.
p.(None): 13. The amount referred to in para. 12 point 1, is subject to indexation with regard to
p.(None): average annual wage growth rate in the state budgetary sphere adopted in the Budget Act.
p.(None): Art. 19j. The monitoring of the specialization training system consists in particular in recording
p.(None): data specified in art. 16p paragraph 2 and information on the number of units authorized to
p.(None): conducting specialized training and the number of training places, as well as correctness testing
p.(None): the functioning of individual specialization procedures on the basis of those collected this way
p.(None): information.
p.(None): Art. 20. The doctor has the right to use the academic title and degree as well as the specialist title as added
p.(None): defined by separate provisions.
p.(None): Art. 20a. 1. A doctor who is a citizen of a European Union Member State and has it
p.(None): documents referred to in art. 16a, has the right to use specific specialist titles in the given
p.(None): medicine obtained in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 2. The minister competent for health shall announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', list of medical specialties obtained in the countries
p.(None): member states of the European Union, which correspond to specialties obtained in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): Article 20b 1. Doctor, dentist who is a citizen of a European Union Member State
p.(None): has the right, subject to paragraph 2, use the original on the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): a title of education obtained in a country other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): member states of the European Union or its abbreviation.
p.(None): 2. The regional medical council may require that a title indicating the education of a physician or dentist be used
p.(None): along with an indication of the name and seat of the institution which awarded the title.
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p.(None): 3. If the title specifying the training of a doctor, a dentist who is a national of a Member State
p.(None): The European Union is the same as the title for which use is required in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): additional training that this doctor does not have, the District Medical Council may determine the wording of this
p.(None): title that the doctor may use on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): Chapter 4
p.(None): Medical experiment
p.(None): Art. 21. 1. A medical experiment conducted on humans may be a therapeutic or research experiment.
p.(None): 2. The therapeutic experiment is the introduction by the doctor of new or only partially tried
p.(None): diagnostic, therapeutic or prophylactic methods to achieve direct benefit
p.(None): for the health of the treated person. It can be carried out if the medical methods used so far
p.(None): they are not effective or if their effectiveness is not sufficient.
p.(None): 3. The research experiment is primarily aimed at expanding medical knowledge. It can be him
p.(None): carried out on both sick and healthy people. Conducting a research experiment
p.(None): acceptable when participation in it is not associated with risk or the risk is small and not
p.(None): it is disproportionate to the possible positive results of such an experiment.
p.(None): risk to the patient's health exceeding the expected benefits for the patient.
p.(None): 3. The physician conducting the research experiment is obliged to stop it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): unforeseen danger to the health or life of the person participating in it.
p.(None): Art. 28. Information obtained in connection with a medical experiment may be used for scientific purposes,
p.(None): without the consent of the person subjected to this experiment in a way that prevents identification of that person.
p.(None): Art. 29. 1. A medical experiment may be carried out only after expressing a positive opinion on the project
p.(None): by an independent bioethics commission. Persons with high moral authority and are appointed to the commission
p.(None): high specialist qualifications.
p.(None): 2. The bioethical commission shall express an opinion on the design of the medical experiment, by way of a resolution, with
p.(None): taking into account ethical criteria as well as the purposefulness and feasibility of the project.
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p.(None): 2a. Bioethics Committees and the Appeal Bioethics Committee also issue opinions on clinical trials, if different
p.(None): Acts so provide, to the extent specified in those Acts.
p.(None): 3. Bioethical committees shall appoint:
p.(None): 1) the regional medical council in the area of its activity, excluding entities referred to in art
p.(None): points 2 and 3;
p.(None): 2) the rector of the university providing medical education or health sciences;
p.(None): 3) director of a research institute supervised by the minister competent for health.
p.(None): 4. The composition of the bioethics committees referred to in para. 3 points 2 and 3, also includes a representative
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 5. The minister competent for health shall, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, appoint an Appeal Board
p.(None): Bioethics, reviewing appeals against resolutions of bioethics committees referred to in para. 2.
p.(None): 6. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): regulations, detailed rules for appointing and financing as well as the mode of operation of bioethics commissions.
p.(None): Chapter 5
p.(None): Rules for practicing the medical profession
p.(None): Art. 30. A physician is obliged to provide medical assistance whenever a delay in her treatment
p.(None): giving could cause danger of loss of life, serious injury or severe
p.(None): health disorder, and in other urgent cases.
p.(None): Art. 31. 1. The physician is obliged to provide the patient or his statutory representative with accessibility
p.(None): information about his state of health, diagnosis, proposed and possible diagnostic methods,
p.(None): medicinal, foreseeable consequences of their use or withdrawal, results of treatment and
p.(None): prognosis.
p.(None): 2. The doctor may provide the information referred to in para. 1 to other people with the consent of the patient or his representative
p.(None): statutory.
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p.(None): 3. At the patient's request, the physician is not obliged to provide the patient with the information referred to in para. 1.
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p.(None): 10) district medical councils and the Supreme Medical Council - within the scope of tasks specified herein
p.(None): the Act and the Act of December 2, 2009 on Medical Chambers (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 965).
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p.(None): pp. 6/140
p.(None): Chapter 2
p.(None): The right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): Art. 5. 1. The Regional Medical Council shall grant, subject to para. 2-6 and art. 5a-5c, the right to exercise
p.(None): the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of dentist for a person who:
p.(None): 1) is a Polish citizen or a citizen of a Member State of the Union other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): European Union;
p.(None): 2) has:
p.(None): a) a medical diploma issued by a Polish university confirming completion of at least
p.(None): six-year medical studies, including at least 5500 teaching hours
p.(None): theoretical and practical, including two-semester practical teaching in clinical fields for the 6th year of study,
p.(None): or a diploma of a dentist issued by a Polish university confirming the completion of at least five years
p.(None): studies in medicine and dentistry, covering at least two semesters practical teaching on 5.
p.(None): year of study, or
p.(None): b) a medical diploma issued by a Polish university confirming the completion of studies
p.(None): medical service started before October 1, 2012 or a diploma of a dentist issued by a Polish school
p.(None): higher confirming the completion of studies in medicine and dentistry started before day 1
p.(None): October 2012, or
p.(None): c) a document confirming the formal qualifications of a physician or dentist satisfying
p.(None): minimum educational requirements set out in European Union law, issued by
p.(None): a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland, included in the list,
p.(None): referred to in art. 6b, and the relevant certificate accompanying it, as set out in the list in question
p.(None): in art. 6b, or
p.(None): (d) a diploma of a doctor or dentist issued by a country other than a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European, provided that the diploma was recognized in the Republic of Poland as equivalent in accordance with separate ones
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p.(None): regulations and that it meets the minimum training requirements specified in the provisions of European Union law;
p.(None): 3) has full legal capacity;
p.(None): 4) has a health condition allowing him to practice the profession of a physician or dentist;
p.(None): 5) has an impeccable ethical attitude.
p.(None): 2. A person who meets the conditions specified in para. 1 district medical council grants the right to exercise
p.(None): of the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist if he speaks Polish in speech and in
p.(None): writing to the extent necessary to practice the profession of a physician or dentist as specified in regulations
p.(None): issued on the basis of art. 7a point 1.
p.(None): 3. A person who meets the conditions specified in para. 1 point 1, point 2 lit. a, b or d, as well as points 3-5 and par. 2
p.(None): the District Medical Council grants the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist,
p.(None): regulations in force in a specific Member State of the European Union.
p.(None): 5. Documents submitted as part of verification shall remain valid for a period of three months from the date of issue.
p.(None): Art. 6b. The minister competent for health will announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish "Monitor Polski" list
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p.(None): pp. 21/140
p.(None): diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming formal qualifications to practice the medical profession or
p.(None): dentist by citizens of European Union member states.
p.(None): Art. 7. 1. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, a district council
p.(None): medical competent for the intended place of the profession grants the right to practice the medical profession
p.(None): or the right to practice the profession of dentist for an indefinite period or for a definite period if he meets
p.(None): the following conditions:
p.(None): 1) has a doctor's or dentist's diploma issued:
p.(None): a) by a Polish university or
p.(None): b) in a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland, or
p.(None): c) in a country other than a Member State of the European Union, provided that the diploma has been
p.(None): recognized in the Republic of Poland as equivalent in accordance with separate provisions and that it meets the minimum
p.(None): educational requirements set out in European Union legislation;
p.(None): 2) has full legal capacity;
p.(None): 3) has a health condition allowing him to practice the profession of a physician or dentist;
p.(None): 4) has an impeccable ethical attitude;
p.(None): 5) shows knowledge of the Polish language referred to in paragraph. 3;
p.(None): 6) completed post-graduate internship;
p.(None): 7) passed the Medical Final or Medical-Dental Examination
p.(None): Final exam; provision of art. 5 paragraph 5 shall apply accordingly;
p.(None): 8) obtained the right to stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland, in accordance with separate provisions.
p.(None): 1a. The foreigner referred to in par. 1, intending to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Poland solely for the purpose of undergoing postgraduate education in a specific form or undergoing education at school
p.(None): doctoral in order to obtain a degree or participate in scientific research and development works,
p.(None): the right to practice the profession for a specified period is granted if it meets the conditions set out in paragraph 1.
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p.(None): 1b. The right to practice the profession referred to in paragraph 1a, is granted only for the period of education
p.(None): postgraduate in a specific form or duration of study, or conduct of scientific research and development work in
p.(None): scientific habilitated doctor.
p.(None): 9. In justified cases, the minister competent for health may recognize the achievements to date
p.(None): professional and scientific doctor as equivalent to the implementation of a specialization program in a new field
p.(None): medicine, not covered by the current specialization training system, and decide about
p.(None): admission of a doctor to PES. The provisions of para. 7 and 8 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 9a. The decisions referred to in paragraph 7 and 9, are transmitted via SMK and additionally include in it:
p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 10. The minister competent for health shall specify, by regulation, a list of the specializations referred to
p.(None): in paragraph 2 point 2, as well as the manner and procedure for recognizing a doctor's professional and scientific achievements, guided by
p.(None): equivalence of the professional and scientific achievements of a doctor with a given specialization program.
p.(None): Art. 16a. 1. Document confirming formal qualifications in the field of medical specialization or
p.(None): medical or dental doctor or dentist who is a citizen of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European, issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union other than the Republic of Poland
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p.(None): European, meeting the minimum educational requirements set out in European Union regulations, listed in
p.(None): the list referred to in par. 3, is equivalent to a document confirming the title of specialist.
p.(None): 2. Confirmed qualifications are also considered equivalent to the title of specialist in medicine:
p.(None): 1) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): proving the commencement of education before:
p.(None): a) December 20, 1976 in the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the French Republic and the Kingdom
p.(None): The Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Federal Republic of Germany,
p.(None): Italian Republic or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
p.(None): b) January 1, 1981 in the Hellenic Republic,
p.(None): c) on 1 January 1986 in the Kingdom of Spain or the Republic of Portugal,
p.(None): d) 3 April 1992 in the former German Democratic Republic, which authorizes to practice the profession
p.(None): specialist doctor in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany on the same terms as the document
p.(None): confirming the qualifications awarded by the competent authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany and included in the list,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 3
p.(None): (e) 1 January 1994 in the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Iceland or
p.(None): The Kingdom of Norway,
p.(None): f) on 1 May 1995 in the Principality of Liechtenstein,
p.(None): g) on June 1, 2002 in the Swiss Confederation,
p.(None): h) 1 May 2004 in the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Lithuania,
Social / employees
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p.(None): 2b. The minister competent for health will announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', a list of documents confirming knowledge of the Polish language.
p.(None): 3. In the case of a physician or dentist of a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, the District Council
p.(None): medical, to meet the requirement referred to in Article. 5 paragraph 1 point 5, considers it sufficient
p.(None): presentation of documents issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
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p.(None): European Union other than the Republic of Poland, confirming that the attitude requirements are met
p.(None): ethical physician and that he is not punished and has not been suspended or deprived of his right
p.(None): practicing a profession due to serious professional misconduct or crime. If the competent state authorities
p.(None): of a European Union Member State other than the Republic of Poland do not issue such documents, shall apply
p.(None): the provision of paragraph 2 point 2.
p.(None): 4. Document confirming the fulfillment of the requirement specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 4 is the decision on
p.(None): health condition allowing the practicing of the profession of doctor or dentist within the scope specified in art. 2, issued
p.(None): by a doctor authorized under the provisions of the medical examination of employees in the field of
p.(None): preventive healthcare for employees and decisions issued for the purposes provided for in the Code
p.(None): work.
p.(None): 5. In the case of a citizen of a European Union Member State, it is sufficient to the extent
p.(None): meeting the requirement specified in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 4 documents referring to
p.(None): physical or mental health required for the medical profession or dental practitioner in the country concerned
p.(None): member states of the European Union. Where such documents are not issued by the country from which
p.(None): the doctor or dentist arrives, the relevant certificate issued by the competent authorities is sufficient
p.(None): this country.
p.(None): 6. In order to obtain the right to practice the profession referred to in art. 5 paragraph 7, doctor or physician
p.(None): the dentist presents the regional medical council in which he intends to do post-graduate internships, documents
p.(None): confirming compliance with the requirements referred to in:
p.(None): 1) art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1 and point 2 lit. a, b or d as well as points 3-5 and par. 2 or
p.(None): 2) art. 5 paragraph 1 point 1, 3-5 and par. 2, and a document confirming formal qualifications
p.(None): doctor or dentist referred to in art. 5 paragraph 1 point 2 lit. c.
p.(None): 7. In order to obtain the right to practice the profession for a specified period necessary to complete an adaptation period
p.(None): or taking an aptitude test within the meaning of the provisions on the recognition of qualifications
p.(None): professional acquired in the Member States of the European Union - doctor or dentist referred to in art.
p.(None): 5c paragraph 1, presents the regional medical council in the area of which
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p.(None): Treasury. The person submitting the statement is obliged to include the following clause in it: "I am
p.(None): aware of the criminal liability for making a false declaration. " This clause replaces the instruction
p.(None): a criminal liability authority for making false statements.
p.(None): 9. The CEM Director shall dismiss a member of the Examination Board in the event of:
p.(None): 1) resignation;
p.(None): 2) illness preventing him from performing the function of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 3) failure to perform or improper performance of the duties of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 4) conviction by a final judgment of a court for an intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional
p.(None): tax offense;
p.(None): 5) submitting a false statement referred to in para. 8.
p.(None): 10. Members of the Examination Teams referred to in para. 5, and the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2
p.(None): entitled:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for participation in the works of this Team or committee, in an amount not exceeding PLN 500 for
p.(None): Chairman and not more than PLN 300 for a member;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1040, 1043 and 1495) entitled to employees from
p.(None): title of business trip within the country;
p.(None): 3) dismissal from work on the day of performing the activities of the Examination Team referred to in par. 5, or
p.(None): the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2, without retaining the right to remuneration when organizing
p.(None): LEK or LDEK on a business day.
p.(None): 11. The detailed manner of payment of remuneration referred to in para. 10 point 1 and the reimbursement of costs referred to in para.
p.(None): 10 point 2, is determined by way of an ordinance, the director of CEM.
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p.(None): Art. 14c. 1. LEK and LDEK are submitted in the form of written tests, separate for the medical profession and the medical profession
p.(None): dentist, developed for each exam date by experts on issues covered by LEK and LDEK.
p.(None): 2. The LEK and LDEK test questions cover issues in the fields of medicine specified in regulations
p.(None): issued on the basis of art. 14f paragraph 1, with particular emphasis on diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
p.(None): 3. LEK and LDEK tests and test questions are developed, processed, distributed and stored in
p.(None): a way preventing access to them by persons other than those participating in their development, processing,
p.(None): distribution and storage, performing or supervising LEK or LDEK.
p.(None): 4. LEK and LDEK tests and test questions may be made available only to the person taking the exam,
p.(None): at its request, after their use in LEK or LDEK. The director of CEM makes tests and test questions available through them
p.(None): presentations at the CEM headquarters. It is forbidden to take available tests and test questions outside the CEM headquarters
p.(None): medicine and the Supreme Medical Council.
p.(None): 3. PKE consists of specialist doctors in the field of medicine covered by PES or, in justified cases, in
p.(None): related field of medicine:
p.(None): 1) a representative or representatives of a national consultant competent in a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 2) a representative or representatives of scientific societies competent in a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 3) a representative or representatives of the Supreme Medical Council.
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p.(None): 4. The provisions of Art. 14b paragraph 3 and 6-9.
p.(None): 5. The Director of CEM, in order to conduct PES in agreed places and dates, shall appoint from among
p.(None): members of PKE examination teams. The examination team consists of at least three members of PKE,
p.(None): with the representation of the entities listed in paragraph 3.
p.(None): 6. The tasks of the PKE or an examination team separated from its members include:
p.(None): 1) providing CEM with test cards after conducting the test exam, maintaining the secrecy of the procedure;
p.(None): 2) assessing the oral exam;
p.(None): 3) providing CEM with the PES assessment and other documentation related to the PES carried out,
p.(None): no later than within 14 days from the end of PES.
p.(None): 7. The members of the PKE or the examination team conducting a given PES are entitled to:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for participation in the work of this team, in an amount not exceeding PLN 500 for the chairman and
p.(None): not higher than PLN 300 for a member;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code, due to employees due to business travel on
p.(None): area of the country;
p.(None): 3) dismissal from work on the day of the PKE meeting or the examination team, without retaining the right to remuneration in
p.(None): case of organizing PES on a business day.
p.(None): 8. The detailed mode of payment of remuneration referred to in para. 7 point 1, and the reimbursement of costs referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 7 point 2, is determined by way of an ordinance, the director of CEM.
p.(None): Article 16 1. CEM sets PES results and publishes them in SMK, and publishes them in the scope of the test exam
p.(None): on your website. The PES result does not constitute a decision within the meaning of the Act of June 14, 1960.
p.(None): - Code of Administrative Procedure.
p.(None): 2. A doctor who did not join PES within the prescribed period or obtained a negative result from PES may join
p.(None): PES in the next exam session.
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p.(None): 3. In the case referred to in para. 2, the physician submits to the CEM director the application referred to in art. 16rb
p.(None): paragraph. 1. The provisions of art. 16 item 2-6 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 4. Positive PES result is considered to be positive results from both parts referred to in art. 16rc paragraph
p.(None): 2.
p.(None): 5. If the PES in a given examination session consists of a test exam and an oral exam, and
p.(None): when the director of CEM has determined, pursuant to art. 16rc paragraph 2, that the exam is conducted first
p.(None): test, the condition for taking the oral exam is passing the test. Score
p.(None): the positive from the PES part is recognized in the next six examination sessions after the session in which he stayed
p.(None): gained. In the event of failure to obtain a positive result from one part of PES or failure to join a part
p.(None): to remove the irregularities found and specify the deadline for their implementation.
p.(None): Art. 19f. 1. Specialization training may be conducted by organizational units referred to in
p.(None): Art. 19 paragraph 1 which meet the conditions specified in para. 2 and obtained accreditation for training
p.(None): specialization. Confirmation of accreditation is an entry on the list of accredited units to be kept
p.(None): specialization training in a given field.
p.(None): 2. The organizational unit referred to in para. 1, applying for accreditation to conduct training
p.(None): specialization, is obliged to meet the following conditions:
p.(None): 1) to carry out activities corresponding to the profile of specialized training conducted or possess
p.(None): branches in its organizational structure
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p.(None): hospital or other organizational units with a profile corresponding to this training;
p.(None): 2) provide substantive and organizational conditions enabling the implementation of the specialization program
p.(None): a certain number of doctors;
p.(None): 3) ensure supervision within the existing organizational structure:
p.(None): a) in the case of hospitals - on the quality of teaching and treatment activities in the field
p.(None): postgraduate education of doctors or dentists,
p.(None): b) for other organizational units - on the quality of teaching activities in the field of education
p.(None): postgraduate doctors or dentists;
p.(None): 4) ensure monitoring of specialist physician training documentation;
p.(None): 5) employ under an employment contract or under a civil law contract or have employees
p.(None): in the official position in hospital wards or in organizational units referred to in point 1:
p.(None): a) at least one doctor with the title of specialist or with a second degree of specialization in the relevant
p.(None): medicine or
p.(None): b) at least two doctors with the title of specialist or II degree of specialization in the field
p.(None): related, in the case of specialties for which the provisions in force before the date of entry into force
p.(None): the Act did not provide for obtaining the 2nd degree of specialization or specialist title, or
p.(None): c) at least one doctor with the title of specialist or II degree specialization in
p.(None): relevant field of dentistry, in the case of organizational units or organizational units
p.(None): implementing specialized training in the field of dentistry
p.(None): - who have agreed to be the head of specialization;
p.(None): 6) have the staff, medical equipment and apparatus necessary to carry out the tasks specified in the program
p.(None): specialization in accordance with the accreditation standards referred to in art. 16f paragraph 3 point 7;
p.(None): 7) provide health services of the appropriate type, scope and number,
p.(None): enabling the implementation of the specialization program to a certain number of doctors;
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p.(None): 8) provide round-the-clock health services to persons hospitalized or not requiring hospitalization, in
p.(None): health and life threatening situations and in other urgent cases, if it results from
p.(None): specialization program;
p.(None): 9) provide physicians undergoing specialization training with medical roster in the specified number
p.(None): specialization program or shift work or equivalent working time at maximum working time
p.(None): 6) document number.
p.(None): 8. An electronic document confirming the completion of the course is made available to system users via SMK.
p.(None): Art. 19h. 1. The minister competent for health matters supervises the implementation of specialization training.
p.(None): 2. The supervision shall cover in particular:
p.(None): 1) compliance of classes with the specialization program;
p.(None): 2) the correctness of the documentation of the course of specialization training;
p.(None): 3) ensuring the appropriate quality of specialist training.
p.(None): 3. As part of the supervision referred to in para. 1, control and monitoring of the implementation of the training shall be carried out
p.(None): specialization.
p.(None): 4. The activities referred to in par. 3, performed by the director of CMKP.
p.(None): 5. The CMKP Director based on the control activities carried out and the available forms of system monitoring
p.(None): specialization prepares a report on the state of implementation of specialization education in a given year and presents
p.(None): him competent for health matters.
p.(None): 6. CMKP conducts cyclical knowledge trainings about the specialization system, intended for
p.(None): specialization managers, managers of units conducting specialization trainings and
p.(None): representatives of the voivode financed from the state budget from the part managed by the minister competent for matters
p.(None): health.
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p.(None): Art. 19i. 1. Control of the implementation of specialization training is conducted by a control team appointed
p.(None): by the director of CMKP. The team may include, apart from CMKP employees:
p.(None): 1) a national or voivodship consultant in the relevant field of medicine or his representative or
p.(None): 2) a representative or representatives of a consultant or national consultants in the fields of medicine
p.(None): related to the implementation of state tasks related solely to the defense of the country during war and peace;
p.(None): 3) a representative of a scientific society competent for a given field of medicine and
p.(None): 4) a representative of the competent voivode.
p.(None): 2. The control team, composed of at least 3 members, performing control activities, subject to authorization, has
p.(None): right:
p.(None): 1) access to teaching rooms;
p.(None): 2) participate in the classes as an observer;
p.(None): 3) inspect the documentation of the course of training kept by the unit conducting the training
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 4) demand from the head of the unit conducting specialization training oral and written explanations;
p.(None): 5) research on the opinions of participants of specialization training and teaching staff.
p.(None): 3. A report shall be made of the inspections carried out, which shall contain:
p.(None): 1) name and address of the unit conducting the specialized training;
p.(None): 2) place of specialist training;
p.(None): 3) date of commencement and completion of control activities;
p.(None): 4) names of persons performing control activities;
p.(None): 5) description of the actual state;
p.(None): 6) irregularities found;
p.(None): 7) applications of persons performing control activities;
p.(None): 8) date and place of the report;
p.(None): 9) information about no objections or information about the refusal to sign the report by the head of the unit
p.(None): conducting specialized training.
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p.(None): 7. One copy of the report shall be handed over to the head of the unit conducting the training
p.(None): Specialization.
p.(None): 8. Persons performing control activities are obliged to keep information confidential
p.(None): subject of organization and conducting post-graduate education and results of conducted proceedings.
p.(None): 9. The head of the unit conducting the specialized training, within 7 days of receiving the report, has
p.(None): the right to raise objections as to the manner of conducting control activities and the arrangements contained in
p.(None): protocol.
p.(None): 10. The CMKP director provides the head of the training unit with post-audit recommendations regarding
p.(None): finding irregularities during the inspection and obliges him to remove these irregularities
p.(None): within the prescribed period; copies of the letter with post-audit recommendations to the national consultant for information
p.(None): appropriate for a given field of medicine and competent voivodship consultant in a given field of medicine.
p.(None): 11. In the event of failure to implement post-audit recommendations within a specified period, the CMKP director shall take
p.(None): decision to remove a unit from the list containing the list of units authorized to specialize education.
p.(None): 12. Persons performing control activities are entitled to:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for carrying out control activities in an amount not exceeding PLN 300;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of June 26, 1974 - Code
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p.(None): work due to employees on business trips within the country;
p.(None): 3) dismissal from work on the days of performing control activities without retaining the right to
p.(None): remuneration.
p.(None): 13. The amount referred to in para. 12 point 1, is subject to indexation with regard to
p.(None): average annual wage growth rate in the state budgetary sphere adopted in the Budget Act.
p.(None): Art. 19j. The monitoring of the specialization training system consists in particular in recording
p.(None): data specified in art. 16p paragraph 2 and information on the number of units authorized to
p.(None): conducting specialized training and the number of training places, as well as correctness testing
p.(None): the functioning of individual specialization procedures on the basis of those collected this way
p.(None): information.
p.(None): Art. 20. The doctor has the right to use the academic title and degree as well as the specialist title as added
p.(None): defined by separate provisions.
p.(None): Art. 20a. 1. A doctor who is a citizen of a European Union Member State and has it
p.(None): documents referred to in art. 16a, has the right to use specific specialist titles in the given
p.(None): medicine obtained in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 2. The minister competent for health shall announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', list of medical specialties obtained in the countries
p.(None): member states of the European Union, which correspond to specialties obtained in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): Article 20b 1. Doctor, dentist who is a citizen of a European Union Member State
p.(None): has the right, subject to paragraph 2, use the original on the territory of the Republic of Poland
Social / gender
Searching for indicator gender:
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p.(None): to a foreigner holding a permit
p.(None): temporary stay granted in connection with the circumstance referred to in art. 159 paragraph 1 point 1
p.(None): point c or d of the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners and a foreigner who in the Republic of Poland
p.(None): granted refugee status or subsidiary protection.
p.(None): 3. The statement referred to in para. 2 point 1, is submitted before starting to practice for the first time
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and repeats each year in which the doctor or dentist intends to perform
p.(None): in a temporary and occasional occupation in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 4. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, the documents referred to in para. 2 points 2-4 present
p.(None): the competent regional medical council before starting the profession for the first time
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland and each time a significant change in the information contained therein.
p.(None): 5. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, upon submission of the statement and documents,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2, shall be entered in the register of doctors temporarily and occasionally practicing the profession
p.(None): run by the appropriate regional medical council.
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p.(None): 6. The register referred to in par. 5, is kept in the form of information and IT and
p.(None): contains the following data:
p.(None): 1) entry number in the register;
p.(None): 2) professional title;
p.(None): 3) names and surname;
p.(None): 4) gender;
p.(None): 5) date of birth;
p.(None): 6) place of birth;
p.(None): 7) citizenship;
p.(None): 8) number of the identity document;
p.(None): 9) name and designation of the document confirming the right to practice medicine in the country
p.(None): a member of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 10) specializations held;
p.(None): 11) place, period, form and scope of health services provided on a temporary and occasional basis
p.(None): practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland, if their identification is possible;
p.(None): 12) date of issue of the certificate by the regional medical board on the fulfillment of its obligation to submit
p.(None): statements;
p.(None): 13) correspondence address.
p.(None): 7. The District Medical Council shall enter the physician, dentist in the register referred to in par. 6, and appears
p.(None): doctor, dentist certificate
p.(None): about his compliance with the obligation to submit a certificate and documents,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2. Entry in the register and issue of the certificate may not cause delays or
p.(None): difficulties in the temporary and occasional pursuit of the profession.
p.(None): 8. Regional medical council, whenever a physician or dentist temporarily and occasionally
p.(None): performs a profession in the area of its activity, may apply to the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European, in which this doctor has the right to practice, to provide information
p.(None): confirming that he is exercising his profession lawfully in that country and that he has not been punished in connection with
p.(None): practicing profession.
p.(None): 9. The provision of art. 6a section 4 shall apply accordingly.
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p.(None): 1a. The application referred to in para. 1 shall be submitted within the period from February 1 to February 28 - for the proceedings
p.(None): qualifying tests carried out from March 1 to March 31, or from September 1 to September 30 -
p.(None): for the qualification procedure carried out from October 1 to October 31. In case of
p.(None): SMK failure lasting more than an hour, preventing the submission of the application within a week before the expiry
p.(None): appropriate deadlines, these deadlines are extended by the duration of the failure from its removal. Extension of the deadline
p.(None): ex officio by the system operator.
p.(None): 1b. By the dates referred to in paragraph 1a, the provisions of art. 58-60 of the Act of June 14, 1960 -
p.(None): Code of Administrative Procedure.
p.(None): 1c. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status being announced, the minister competent for health
p.(None): may change the dates referred to in paragraph 1a. In the absence of circumstances being
p.(None): the reason for changing the deadlines, the minister competent for health shall change these deadlines again, however
p.(None): the total period of postponing a given date may not be longer than 5 months. For these terms shall not apply
p.(None): provisions of art. 58-60 of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure. Information about the change
p.(None): these terms are announced by the minister competent for health on his website.
p.(None): 2. The application referred to in para. 1, includes:
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p.(None): 1) first name (names) and surname of the doctor;
p.(None): 2) surname at birth;
p.(None): 3) place and date of birth;
p.(None): 4) gender;
p.(None): 5) PESEL number, and in the absence of it - the features of a document confirming identity: the name and number of the document and
p.(None): country of issuance;
p.(None): 6) citizenship (citizenship);
p.(None): 7) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 8) features of the document on the basis of which a foreigner who is not a citizen of the European Union resides in the territory
p.(None): Polish Republic;
p.(None): 9) professional license number;
p.(None): 10) serial number, date and entity issuing the right to practice a profession;
p.(None): 11) specialist titles and year of obtaining them, as well as the mode of undergoing specialist training;
p.(None): 12) specialist training held so far not completed by obtaining the title of specialist and their mode
p.(None): event;
p.(None): 13) LEK or LDEK result; provision of art. 5 paragraph 5 shall apply accordingly;
p.(None): 14) academic degree or academic title;
p.(None): 15) number of publications and their list;
p.(None): 16) period of employment in an accredited body, in accordance with the direction of the application
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 17) the proposed course of specialist training.
p.(None): 3. The voivode electronically confirms the recording of the applications submitted in the application referred to in para. 1 point 1 of the data.
p.(None): 4. The Minister of National Defense electronically confirms the recording of the applications submitted in the application referred to in para. 1 point 2,
p.(None): data.
p.(None): 5. The minister competent for internal affairs or the organizational unit designated by him confirms
p.(None): electronically saving the applications submitted in the application referred to in para. 1 point 3 of the data.
p.(None): 6. (repealed)
Social / philosophical differences/differences of opinion
Searching for indicator opinion:
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p.(None): cross-border pursuant to Directive 2005/36 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on
p.(None): recognition of professional qualifications (Official Journal of the EU L 255 of 30.09.2005, p. 22, as amended).
p.(None): Art. 10. 1. A doctor who intends to take up the profession 5 years after obtaining a medical diploma or
p.(None): A dentist is obliged to undergo training before granting the right to practice the profession
p.(None): theoretical, whose mode, program, place and period will be determined by the district medical council, by way of resolution,
p.(None): given the length of time since the diploma was obtained. The costs of this training are borne by the doctor.
p.(None): 2. (repealed)
p.(None): 3. A doctor with the right to practice a profession, who does not practice it for more than 5 years, but intends
p.(None): undertake its performance, it is required to notify the competent regional medical council and to carry it out
p.(None): training.
p.(None): 4. The provisions of para. 1 and 3 shall not apply to a doctor who is a citizen of a European Union Member State,
p.(None): who has a diploma or other documents confirming formal qualifications listed in the list,
p.(None): referred to in art. 6b, and so far he has not obtained the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession
p.(None): dentist in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): Art. 11. 1. If the regional medical council finds that there is a reasonable suspicion of insufficient
p.(None): vocational training, appoints a commission of physicians with appropriate professional qualifications, which
p.(None): gives an opinion on the professional preparation of this doctor.
p.(None): 2. The District Medical Council on the basis of the opinion of the commission referred to in par. 1 may oblige the physician to serve
p.(None): complementary training. The physician concerned is entitled to attend the district meeting
p.(None): medical council while examining his case.
p.(None): 3. The doctor is obliged to appear before the commission referred to in para. 1.
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p.(None): 4. In the event of an unjustified failure to appear before the commission referred to in para. 1, or
p.(None): evading participation in the training referred to in para. 2 and art. 10 paragraph 3, district council
p.(None): medical doctor adopts a resolution to suspend the doctor's right to practice the profession or to restrict him
p.(None): performing specific medical activities until the end of training.
p.(None): 5. The regional medical council shall determine the mode, place and training program referred to in par. 2 and in
p.(None): Art. 10 paragraph 3. The costs of this training shall be borne by the doctor.
p.(None): Art. 12. 1. If the regional medical council finds that there is a reasonable suspicion of inability
p.(None): a physician to practice or limit the performance of specific medical activities from
p.(None): due to the state of health making it impossible to practice the medical profession, he appoints a commission composed of specialist doctors
p.(None): from relevant fields of medicine. The commission issues a medical disability certificate
p.(None): to practice or limit any strictly defined medical activities.
p.(None): 2. The doctor is obliged to appear before the commission referred to in para. 1 and undergo the necessary examinations.
p.(None): 3. The District Medical Council, on the basis of the commission's ruling, may adopt a resolution to suspend the right to exercise
p.(None): a doctor with the right to practice. The intern doctor is entitled in particular to:
p.(None): 1) subject and subjective examination of the patient and giving medical advice after consultation with
p.(None): guardian;
p.(None): 2) issuing medical orders after consulting the guardian;
p.(None): 3) issuing referrals for laboratory tests and other diagnostic tests, and after consulting a doctor
p.(None): having the right to practice the profession for an indefinite period of time for tests requiring diagnostic methods and
p.(None): medicinal products posing an increased risk for the patient;
p.(None): 4) independent use commissioned by a doctor authorized to practice the profession
p.(None): indefinite period of diagnostic and therapeutic methods whose practical skill has been
p.(None): ascertained by a guardian;
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p.(None): 5) jointly with the doctor possessing the right to practice the profession of indefinite use of methods
p.(None): diagnostic and therapeutic methods that pose an increased risk to the patient and jointly perform procedures with him
p.(None): operational, covered by the postgraduate internship program;
p.(None): 6) keeping a medical history and other medical documentation in cooperation with the caregiver;
p.(None): 7) providing information on the patient's state of health;
p.(None): 8) ordering care operations;
p.(None): 9) in emergencies for urgent administration or for medication to be administered to a patient, and if they are strongly or
p.(None): very strong - after seeking, if possible, the opinion of one doctor;
p.(None): 10) confirmation of death;
p.(None): 11) issuing prescriptions and issuing medical opinions and certificates after agreeing with the guardian of the content contained therein
p.(None): information.
p.(None): 3c. (Deleted)
p.(None): 3d. Doctor, dentist undergo post-graduate internship on the basis of an employment contract concluded on time
p.(None): determined for the purpose of vocational preparation including the implementation of the postgraduate internship program, with
p.(None): subject to paragraph 7a.
p.(None): 3e. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a European Union Member State takes a post-graduate internship
p.(None): on the terms applicable to Polish citizens, if it meets at least one of the following conditions:
p.(None): 1) has a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Poland or a long-term resident's residence permit
p.(None): The European Union;
p.(None): 2) has refugee status in the Republic of Poland;
p.(None): 3) has a valid Pole's Card.
p.(None): 3f. A foreigner who is not a citizen of a European Union Member State and does not comply
p.(None): the conditions referred to in paragraph 3e, takes a post-graduate internship under a civil law contract for a post-graduate internship,
p.(None): concluded with the unit referred to in art. 5 paragraph 9, in which the agreement defines the scope of mutual relations
p.(None): obligations for the duration of its serving.
p.(None): 3g. (Deleted)
p.(None): 4. Organization, financing and ensuring conditions for post-graduate internships for graduates
p.(None): medical and dental care
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p.(None): qualification, with the consent of the competent national consultant in a given field of medicine. For this purpose, the doctor submits
p.(None): the application referred to in art. 16c paragraph 1.
p.(None): 4a. In the case of a physician referred to in par. 4, provisions of art. 16c paragraph 2-5 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 5. In the case of a physician referred to in par. 4, who started specialization training, manager
p.(None): specialization may apply to the director of the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education, hereinafter referred to as
p.(None): "CMKP", for recognition of the current scientific and professional achievements of the doctor as equivalent to implementation
p.(None): by him in part or in full in the specialized module.
p.(None): 6. In the case of a doctor with a postdoctoral degree and having relevant achievements
p.(None): professional and scientific in the scope of the specialist module referred to in par. 2 point 2 and having a title
p.(None): specialist or 2nd degree specialization in the field corresponding to the basic module referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 2 point 1 qualified for undergoing specialist training in the course of procedure
p.(None): qualification manager, specialization manager in consultation with the relevant national consultant in a given field
p.(None): medicine may apply to the director of the CMKP for recognition of the current scientific and professional achievements of the doctor as equivalent
p.(None): with the implementation of part or all of the specialized module program.
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p.(None): 7. The Director of the CMKP, based on the opinion of the team he appointed, may recognize, by way of a decision, the existing one
p.(None): scientific and professional achievements of the doctor referred to in paragraph 4-6, equivalent to his implementation in part
p.(None): or in full the detailed program of the specialized module, and if recognized as equivalent in full -
p.(None): decide to admit this doctor to PES.
p.(None): 8. The composition of the team referred to in para. 7, include:
p.(None): 1) national consultant competent in a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 2) head of specialization;
p.(None): 3) a representative of a scientific society competent for a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 4) a representative of the Supreme Medical Council holding the title of specialist in a given field of medicine and degree
p.(None): scientific habilitated doctor.
p.(None): 9. In justified cases, the minister competent for health may recognize the achievements to date
p.(None): professional and scientific doctor as equivalent to the implementation of a specialization program in a new field
p.(None): medicine, not covered by the current specialization training system, and decide about
p.(None): admission of a doctor to PES. The provisions of para. 7 and 8 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 9a. The decisions referred to in paragraph 7 and 9, are transmitted via SMK and additionally include in it:
p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 10. The minister competent for health shall specify, by regulation, a list of the specializations referred to
p.(None): in paragraph 2 point 2, as well as the manner and procedure for recognizing a doctor's professional and scientific achievements, guided by
p.(None): pp. 62/140
p.(None): war and peace or their representatives - in the areas to which it applies;
p.(None): 3) a representative or representatives of scientific societies competent in a given field of medicine, and in the case of
p.(None): absence - in a related field;
p.(None): 4) a representative of the Supreme Medical Council;
p.(None): 5) CMKP representative.
p.(None): 7. The chairman of the expert team shall be appointed by the CMKP director as the national consultant in the given
p.(None): the field of medicine for which a specialization program is to be developed and, if not appointed, in the field
p.(None): related.
p.(None): 8. CMKP publishes specialization programs approved by the minister competent for health matters on its own
p.(None): website and using SMK.
p.(None): Art. 16g. 1. The minister competent for health matters shall determine, by regulation:
p.(None): 1) list of basic modules appropriate for a given specialization training and list
p.(None): specializations with a common core module,
p.(None): 2) a list of uniform modules appropriate for a given specialization training
p.(None): - having regard to the links between the fields of medicine within modules and within the specialization, fields of medicine and
p.(None): minimum training periods in these fields, as defined in European Union legislation, as well as
p.(None): current state of medical knowledge;
p.(None): 3) templates of applications for the start of specialization training for Polish citizens and foreigners,
p.(None): 4) regulations of the qualification procedure
p.(None): - taking into account the need to ensure the objectivity and transparency of the selection procedure.
p.(None): 2. The Minister of National Defense in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): Military Medical Council, will determine, by regulation, supplementary programs for a specific specialization,
p.(None): containing the scope of theoretical knowledge required and the practical skills required, their forms and methods
p.(None): acquisition, duration and manner of undergoing complementary training, and forms and methods of assessment
p.(None): knowledge and skills acquired by the doctor, as well as the way of completing the supplementary training, bearing in mind
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p.(None): the need for the physician to acquire additional knowledge for the provision of health services in a specified manner
p.(None): medicine, in the scope and conditions resulting from the specifics of military service and defense needs
p.(None): country.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the National Council of Laboratory Diagnosticians, shall determine, in
p.(None): by way of an ordinance, a list of specializations entitling a doctor to carry out activities independently
p.(None): laboratory diagnostics in the laboratory, taking into account the appropriate range of knowledge and skills
p.(None): specified in the specialization program necessary for independent performance of laboratory diagnostics.
p.(None): 4. The minister competent for health may determine, by regulation, priority fields of medicine,
p.(None): guided by the needs in the implementation of health services.
p.(None): 5. The Minister of National Defense may define, by regulation, priority fields of medicine for
p.(None): day of commencement of the next year of specialization training, in agreement with
p.(None): head of the entity conducting specialized training. The head of specialization immediately notes
p.(None): any change to the annual detailed specialization training plan. Annual detailed training plans
p.(None): specialization and its changes are posted in SMK.
p.(None): 6a. The head of specialization immediately confirms the doctor's implementation of individual elements
p.(None): specialization training using SMK, in particular by confirming entries completed on
p.(None): currently by a doctor at EKS.
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p.(None): 7. The head of specialization supervises the implementation of the specialization program by the attending physician
p.(None): specialization training. As part of the supervision, the head of specialization, and in relation to points 2-4 a doctor
p.(None): Head of internship:
p.(None): 1) sets, using SMK, a detailed plan of specialization training; 1a) supervises the fulfillment of the obligation
p.(None): ongoing replenishment of EKS;
p.(None): 2) consult and evaluate diagnostic tests proposed and performed by a doctor
p.(None): interpretation, diagnosis of the disease, methods of treatment, prognosis and recommendations for the patient;
p.(None): 3) supervises the doctor's performance of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation procedures
p.(None): covered by the specialization program until the physician acquires the skills to perform them himself;
p.(None): 4) participates in the surgery performed by the doctor or the treatment method used, or
p.(None): diagnostics posing an increased risk for the patient until the doctor acquires skills
p.(None): make or use them yourself;
p.(None): 5) issues professional opinion, including skills and aptitudes, skills
p.(None): manual, attitude towards patients and colleagues, organizational skills and working skills in
p.(None): team;
p.(None): 6) applies accordingly to the voivode, the Minister of National Defense or the minister competent for
p.(None): internal affairs for discontinuation of specialist training by a doctor who is not implementing the program
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 7) applies accordingly to the voivode, the Minister of National Defense or the minister competent for matters
p.(None): internal for extension of the duration of specialization training;
p.(None): 8) confirms, through SMK, that individual elements of the specialization program have been implemented and
p.(None): complete the specialization training in accordance with the specialization program.
p.(None): 8. A doctor undergoing specialization training may apply after obtaining a positive opinion of the head of specialization
p.(None): to the director of the CMKP with a request for recognition as equivalent to the implementation of elements of the specialization program
p.(None): training internship, including training and participation in the performance and implementation of procedures or
p.(None): medical procedures as well as major internships or
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p.(None): training courses completed abroad or in the country, in entities providing specialized training, and
p.(None): possible shortening of the period of specialized training, if the period from the day of their completion to
p.(None): the day on which the doctor commences specialized training is not longer than 5 years.
p.(None): 9. (repealed)
p.(None): 10. A doctor undergoing specialization training, after obtaining a positive opinion of the head of specialization, may
p.(None): apply to the director of the CMKP for recognition for the period of specialization training, internship
p.(None): training, including training and participation in the performance and implementation of medical procedures or procedures,
p.(None): as well as field internships or training courses completed abroad in the current period
p.(None): specialization training.
p.(None): 11. A doctor who is a soldier in active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, established and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, specializing,
p.(None): obtaining the opinion of a specialization manager and consultant in a given medical field or fields
p.(None): medicine related to the implementation of state tasks related solely to the defense of the country during war and peace,
p.(None): may apply to the director of the CMKP for recognition of part of the period of specialization in
p.(None): the scope of the relevant module if he was serving outside the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish, provided that the nature of this service, including participation in performance and performance
p.(None): medical procedures and procedures, corresponded to the relevant specialization program.
p.(None): 12. Based on the opinion of the team he appointed, the CMKP director may recognize, by way of a decision, internships and courses, about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 8, equivalent to the implementation of part of the specialization program and shorten the period of the doctor
p.(None): undergoing this training, but not more than by 1/2 the duration of the specialization training or modules about which
p.(None): referred to in art. 16 clause 2.
p.(None): 13. Based on the opinion of the team he appointed, the CMKP director may recognize, by way of decision, internships and courses, about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 8 and 10, equivalent to the implementation of part of the specialization program.
p.(None): 13a. The decisions referred to in paragraph 12 and 13, are placed in SMK and additionally include in it:
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p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 14. The composition of the team referred to in para. 12 and 13, include:
p.(None): 1) national consultant competent in a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 2) head of specialization;
p.(None): 3) a representative of a scientific society competent for a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 4) a representative of the Supreme Medical Council holding the title of specialist in a given field of medicine and degree
p.(None): scientific habilitated doctor.
p.(None): 15. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status, a medical practitioner undergoing training
p.(None): specialization may be directed by:
p.(None): 1) a voivode to work in combating an epidemic based on art. 47 of the Act of 5 December 2008 on prevention
p.(None): and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans to the subject in which the specialist training takes place or to
p.(None): other entity, or
p.(None): 2) the employer to perform tasks other than those resulting from the contract under which the training takes place
p.(None): specialization, if the decision referred to in item 1 is not issued.
p.(None): practical knowledge and skills;
p.(None): 6) a document containing information about the place, duration and type of professional activities
p.(None): performed after obtaining the title of specialist.
p.(None): 4. The application is subject to substantive assessment by a team of experts appointed by the CMKP director.
p.(None): 5. The team referred to in para. 4, include doctors with the title of specialist in a given field of medicine:
p.(None): 1) a national consultant competent in a given field of medicine or his representative;
p.(None): 2) two doctors holding the academic title or academic degree of habilitated doctor;
p.(None): 3) a representative of the Supreme Medical Council;
p.(None): 4) a representative of a scientific society competent for a given field of medicine.
p.(None): 6. The team shall meet as necessary, but at least once every three months, unless it has not been submitted
p.(None): no request.
p.(None): 7. If, on the basis of the documents presented by the doctor, the team determines the duration of the training
p.(None): or forms of acquiring practical knowledge and skills do not correspond in essential elements to the program
p.(None): specialization in a given specialty in the Republic of Poland, substantive assessment issued by the team
p.(None): is negative or includes an indication for a follow-up internship, including time
p.(None): duration and substantive scope of this internship and indication of the entity conducting the specialist training,
p.(None): which should be completed by an internship.
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p.(None): 8. On the basis of the substantive assessment referred to in para. 7, the director of CMKP shall issue an opinion within 30 days, which together
p.(None): with files, it is immediately forwarded to the minister competent for health.
p.(None): 9. The minister competent for health shall, by means of a decision, recognize or refuse to recognize the title of specialist obtained as
p.(None): abroad as equivalent to the title of specialist in the Republic of Poland.
p.(None): 10. If the opinion referred to in para. 8, includes an indication for completing an internship,
p.(None): the minister competent for health shall direct a doctor to undergo this internship, taking into account the duration and scope
p.(None): substantive of this internship and an indication of the entity conducting the specialist training in which the complementary internship
p.(None): should be done.
p.(None): 11. The supplementary internship cannot last longer than 3 years.
p.(None): 12. The doctor takes a supplementary internship as part of a paid training leave, a fixed-term employment contract
p.(None): undergoing a supplementary internship or a civil law contract for a supplementary internship concluded with the indicated
p.(None): entity conducting specialized training, under the conditions specified in the contract.
p.(None): 13. The supplementary internship ends with obtaining a professional opinion issued by the head of the appropriate unit
p.(None): organizational entity conducting specialized training.
p.(None): 14. On the basis of the professional opinion, the minister competent for health issues a decision in which he recognizes the title
p.(None): specialist as equivalent to the title of specialist in the Republic of Poland, or refuses to recognize this title.
p.(None): 15. Decisions referred to in para. 9 and 14, shall be placed in SMK and additionally include in it:
p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) citizenship of the person concerned;
p.(None): 4) country obtaining the title of specialist;
p.(None): 5) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 6) type of settlement;
p.(None): 7) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): Art. 16o. 1. The doctor may not implement or continue specialization training in the case of:
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p.(None): 1) suspension of the right to practice a medical profession or a prohibition to practice a medical profession;
p.(None): 2) doctor's limitations in performing specific medical activities covered by the specialization program;
p.(None): 3) the doctor's failure to take specialized training within a period of 3 months from the day indicated as the day
p.(None): commencing this training on a referral issued by the steering body for training, for reasons
p.(None): lying on the doctor's side;
p.(None): 4) the doctor's discontinuation of specialist training;
p.(None): 5) discontinuation of the specialist training for a doctor at the request of the head of specialization after
p.(None): obtaining the opinion of a competent voivodship consultant in a given field of medicine or a consultant
p.(None): national in a given field of medicine or fields of medicine related to the implementation of the tasks of the state
p.(None): related solely to the defense of the country during war and peace and the relevant regional chamber
p.(None): medical;
p.(None): 6) the end of the period in which he was obliged to complete specialization training. 1a. By giving up by
p.(None): doctor undergoing specialist training,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1 point 4, it should be understood that the physician ceases to implement the specialization program,
p.(None): in accordance with the annual detailed plan of specialization training referred to in art. 16m paragraph 6, or not completing
p.(None): entries, via SMK, in EKS by a doctor, referred to in art. 16m paragraph 6a, within 3 months of
p.(None): make the last entry, for reasons attributable to the doctor.
p.(None): 2. The relevant entity is obliged to notify via voivode, Minister of Defense, via SMK, respectively
p.(None): Narodowa or the minister competent for internal affairs on the occurrence of the circumstances referred to in para. 1 point
p.(None): 1-5.
p.(None): 3. (repealed)
p.(None): 4. The voivode, the Minister of National Defense or the minister competent for internal affairs shall issue a decision accordingly
p.(None): deletion of a doctor from the register of doctors undergoing specialist training, hereinafter referred to as the "register", on
p.(None): the basis of:
p.(None): 1) notification by the relevant entity of the occurrence of the circumstances referred to in para. 1 points 1-4, or
p.(None): information on the occurrence of circumstances referred to in par. 1 points 1-4 by other authorized entities;
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p.(None): 2) the application of the head of specialization for the interruption of specialization training after obtaining by the voivode,
p.(None): Minister of National Defense or minister competent for internal affairs competent opinion
p.(None): voivodship consultant in a given field of medicine or consultant in a given field of medicine or
p.(None): medicine fields related to the implementation of state tasks related solely to national defense over time
p.(None): war and peace and the appropriate regional medical chamber.
p.(None): 5. The decision referred to in para. 4, shall be placed in SMK and additionally include in it:
p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 6. The decision referred to in para. 4, the provisions of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code shall apply
p.(None): administrative proceedings. On the decision, the entities referred to in paragraph 4, shall also notify the doctor in writing.
p.(None): Art. 16p. 1. The register is kept by CMKP, using SMK, using data
p.(None): immediately published in SMK directly by voivods, the Minister of National Defense and the minister
p.(None): competent for internal affairs.
p.(None): 2. The register is kept in the information and IT system according to a specific data system:
p.(None): 1) registration number consisting of a sequence of consecutive characters:
p.(None): a) a two-digit voivodship symbol being the first element of the division unit identifier
p.(None): territorial defined in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 49 of the Act of 29 June 1995 on
p.(None): public statistics (Journal of Laws of 2019, items 649, 730 and 2294),
p.(None): b) a four-character specialization code, in accordance with the list of specialization codes specified in the regulations issued on
p.(None): based on art. 8 clause 2
p.(None): c) the seven-digit number "The right to practice the profession of medicine" or "The right to practice the profession of dentist";
p.(None): 1) the voivode competent for the area of the voivodship in which the applicant underwent training
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 2) Minister of National Defense - in the case of applicants who are soldiers on active duty
p.(None): military, as well as those on duty or employed in medical entities established by the Minister
p.(None): National Defense;
p.(None): 3) the minister competent for internal affairs or an organizational unit designated by him - in the case of
p.(None): applicants on duty or employed in medical entities set up by the minister
p.(None): competent for internal affairs.
p.(None): 3. Entities referred to in para. 2, carry out the verification referred to in para. 1, and they ask, using
p.(None): SMK, to competent national consultants
p.(None): for substantive verification whether the applicant has undergone specialization training in accordance with the specialization program,
p.(None): within 14 days from the day the doctor receives confirmation of completion of the specialist training in accordance with
p.(None): with a specialization program by a head of specialization. The national consultant verifies
p.(None): by means of SMK, within 14 days of receiving the occurrence of the given entity. In case of lack
p.(None): a national consultant in a given field is a national consultant in a related field.
p.(None): 4. In the case of applicants who are soldiers on active military service, as well as on duty or
p.(None): employed in medicinal entities created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense,
p.(None): the competent national consultant before performing the verification referred to in para. 3 may apply to
p.(None): competent national defense consultant for an opinion.
p.(None): 5. If the applicant fails to complete the specialization program, the relevant national consultant will be charged
p.(None): SMK's help indicates missing elements of a specialization program.
p.(None): 6. The entities referred to in par. 2, immediately after obtaining information from a national consultant:
p.(None): 1) confirm the completion of specialization training;
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p.(None): 2) in the case referred to in para. 5, refuse to confirm the completion of specialization training and
p.(None): they direct to the missing element of the specialization program and extend the training period in the mode
p.(None): pozarezydenckim
p.(None): o the time necessary to implement this element, taking into account the period of interruption resulting from the verification procedure
p.(None): implementation of the specialization program.
p.(None): 7. The entities referred to in para. 2, notify the applicant of the decision about which
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 6, using SMK. On refusal to confirm the completion of specialization training
p.(None): entities referred to in par. 2 shall also notify the applicant in writing. For delivery
p.(None): written notification of the provisions of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure
p.(None): shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 8. In the event of refusal to confirm the completion of specialization training,
p.(None): the applicant, within 14 days from the date of delivery of the decision referred to in para. 6, maybe
p.(None): apply to the entity referred to in paragraph 2, for verification of the settlement.
p.(None): 9. In the case referred to in para. 5, the entities referred to in para. 2, perform formal verification of the completion
p.(None): by a specialized training doctor in accordance with the specialization program, after completing the missing element
p.(None): 10) models of documents confirming the implementation of the specialization program and its completion, taking into account
p.(None): the need to ensure the proper conduct of the specialization program;
p.(None): 11) procedure for recognizing professional and scientific achievements in a new field of medicine not covered by the system
p.(None): specialization training as equivalent
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p.(None): with specialization training, including criteria for the evaluation of professional and scientific achievements,
p.(None): 12) the procedure for recognizing the professional and scientific achievements of doctors with a doctoral degree
p.(None): postdoctoral degree as equivalent to completed specialization training, including criteria for assessing professional and academic achievements
p.(None): - having regard to the scope of training completed in the country or abroad,
p.(None): 13) procedure for issuing by the CEM director of a duplicate or copy of a PES diploma and the manner of paying the fee for issuing
p.(None): duplicate or copy of a PES diploma,
p.(None): 14) the procedure for making the PES diploma by the CEM director and the method of paying the fee
p.(None): diploma corrections,
p.(None): 15) template of the document referred to in art. 19g paragraph 7, confirming completion of the course,
p.(None): 16) the amount of remuneration for performing control activities referred to in art. 19i paragraph 12 point 1
p.(None): - aiming to ensure efficient implementation of tasks by CEM, ensuring document transparency, o
p.(None): referred to in art. 19g paragraph 7 and taking into account the workload associated with carrying out control activities.
p.(None): 2. The Minister of National Defense in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): Of the Military Medical Council, shall determine, by regulation, the regulations of the qualification procedure, procedure and manner
p.(None): undergoing specialist training by a physician who is a soldier in active military service, as well as
p.(None): performing service or employed in a medical entity, for which the entity creating and supervising is
p.(None): The Minister of National Defense, and sample documents referred to in para. 1 point 10, taking into account necessity
p.(None): ensuring the proper course and specificity of specialist training for a physician who is a soldier in active health
p.(None): military service and on duty or employed in a medical entity for which the subject
p.(None): the creation is the Minister of National Defense.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for internal affairs in consultation with the minister competent for health, after
p.(None): consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine, by regulation, the mode and manner
p.(None): undergoing specialist training by a physician who is an officer in relation to the service in
p.(None): organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister
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p.(None): competent for internal affairs or employed under an employment contract or civil law contract, or
p.(None): serving in a therapeutic entity, established by the minister competent for internal affairs,
p.(None): and model documents referred to in paragraph 1 point 10, taking into account the need to ensure
p.(None): the correct course and specificity of the training of a specialist physician who is an officer in relation
p.(None): services in organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs
p.(None): either employed under a contract of employment or a civil law contract, or serving in a medical entity,
p.(None): created by the minister responsible for internal affairs.
p.(None): 4. The Minister of Justice in consultation with the minister competent for health, after consulting the opinion
p.(None): The Supreme Medical Council will determine, by regulation, the mode and manner of training
p.(None): specialization by a doctor who is an officer of the Prison Service or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, established by the Minister of Justice or the Prison Service, and designs
p.(None): documents referred to in paragraph 1 point 10, taking into account the need to ensure proper course
p.(None): and the specifics of the specialist training for a doctor who is an officer of the Prison Service or
p.(None): employed in a medical entity established by the Minister of Justice or the Prison Service authorities.
p.(None): Art. 17. 1. A physician may obtain a certificate confirming possession of narrower skills
p.(None): medical fields or the provision of specific health services, hereinafter referred to as "certificate".
p.(None): 2. The doctor obtains a certificate after undergoing training and passing a state examination after its completion.
p.(None): 3. The conditions of conducting the training, including the amount of training fees, are specified in the contract concluded between the entity
p.(None): training and doctor.
p.(None): 4. The training may be conducted by an entity entered on the list of entities authorized to train in
p.(None): obtaining skills in narrower fields of medicine or providing specific services
p.(None): health, hereinafter referred to as
p.(None): "List" kept by the minister competent for health who meets the following conditions:
p.(None): control activities.
p.(None): 3. Persons referred to in para. 2, carrying out control activities, upon presentation of authorization, have the right to:
p.(None): 1) access to teaching rooms;
p.(None): 2) participate in the classes as an observer;
p.(None): 3) access to the documentation of the course of education kept by the training organizer;
p.(None): 4) demand from the organizer of oral and written explanations;
p.(None): 5) research on the opinions of education participants and teaching staff.
p.(None): 4. A report shall be made of the inspections carried out, which should contain:
p.(None): 1) name and address of the headquarters of the training organizer;
p.(None): 2) place of training;
p.(None): 3) date of commencement and completion of control activities;
p.(None): 4) names of persons performing these activities;
p.(None): 5) description of the actual state;
p.(None): 6) irregularities found;
p.(None): 7) applications of persons performing control activities;
p.(None): 8) date and place of the report;
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p.(None): 9) information about no objections or information about the refusal to sign the report by the training organizer, and
p.(None): about the reason for this refusal.
p.(None): 5. The protocol shall be signed by persons performing control activities and the training organizer.
p.(None): 6. If, after preparing the report and before signing, the training organizer submits a reasoned opinion
p.(None): objections to the facts found during the inspection and described in the report, executing persons
p.(None): control activities are required to examine these facts and complete the report.
p.(None): 7. The refusal to sign the report by the training organizer shall not prevent the signing of the report
p.(None): by persons performing control activities.
p.(None): 8. One copy of the report shall be handed over to the training organizer.
p.(None): 9. Persons performing control activities are required to keep information confidential
p.(None): subject of organization and conducting post-graduate education and results of conducted proceedings.
p.(None): 10. The training organizer has the right to raise objections within 7 days of receiving the report
p.(None): as to how to carry out control activities and the findings contained in the report.
p.(None): 11. On the basis of the findings contained in the report, the registry authority:
p.(None): 1) remove the organizer of education from the register - in the event of the circumstances referred to above
p.(None): in art. 19d paragraph 2 points 1, 4 or 5;
p.(None): 2) in cases other than those referred to in point 1, issue training post-inspection recommendations to the organizer,
p.(None): to remove the irregularities found and specify the deadline for their implementation.
p.(None): Art. 19f. 1. Specialization training may be conducted by organizational units referred to in
p.(None): Art. 19 paragraph 1 which meet the conditions specified in para. 2 and obtained accreditation for training
p.(None): specialization. Confirmation of accreditation is an entry on the list of accredited units to be kept
p.(None): specialization training in a given field.
p.(None): implementing specialized training in the field of dentistry
p.(None): - who have agreed to be the head of specialization;
p.(None): 6) have the staff, medical equipment and apparatus necessary to carry out the tasks specified in the program
p.(None): specialization in accordance with the accreditation standards referred to in art. 16f paragraph 3 point 7;
p.(None): 7) provide health services of the appropriate type, scope and number,
p.(None): enabling the implementation of the specialization program to a certain number of doctors;
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p.(None): 8) provide round-the-clock health services to persons hospitalized or not requiring hospitalization, in
p.(None): health and life threatening situations and in other urgent cases, if it results from
p.(None): specialization program;
p.(None): 9) provide physicians undergoing specialization training with medical roster in the specified number
p.(None): specialization program or shift work or equivalent working time at maximum working time
p.(None): allowed in the provisions on medical activities;
p.(None): 10) conclude an agreement with entities to enable physicians to complete the specialization program, in
p.(None): including field internships referred to in para. 3, the implementation of which cannot be provided as part of its own
p.(None): organizational structure.
p.(None): 11) (repealed)
p.(None): 3. Directional internships may be conducted by:
p.(None): 1) organizational units referred to in para. 1, or
p.(None): 2) other organizational units meeting the conditions referred to in para. 2, after they obtain accreditation for
p.(None): conducting internships.
p.(None): 4. The organizational unit referred to in art. 19 paragraph 1 presents CMKP, by means of SMK, for an opinion
p.(None): a team of experts appointed by the director of CMKP to meet the conditions referred to in art
p.(None): paragraph. 2, information containing the data specified in para. 2 and data on entities referred to in para. 3.
p.(None): 5. The team of experts referred to in para. 4, the director of CMKP appoints five specialist doctors
p.(None): in a given field of medicine or in a related field:
p.(None): 1) team chair - a doctor proposed by a national consultant in a given field
p.(None): medicine;
p.(None): 2) four team members:
p.(None): a) one - from persons proposed by a national consultant in a given medical field,
p.(None): b) one - among persons proposed by the scientific society for the field of medicine,
p.(None): c) one - from among persons proposed by the Supreme Medical Council,
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p.(None): d) a representative of a consultant in a given medical field or a consultant or national consultants in
p.(None): medicine fields related to the implementation of state tasks related solely to national defense over time
p.(None): war and peace.
p.(None): 6. The team of experts shall meet as necessary, at least once every three months. Information provided by
p.(None): the organizational unit can be reviewed in circulation, using available systems
p.(None): ICT or communication systems.
p.(None): 7. The CMKP director, based on the opinion of the expert team, makes the entry of the unit via SMK
p.(None): organizational unit referred to in paragraph 1, on the list of accredited bodies he maintains and specifies
p.(None): the maximum number of training places in a given specialization for doctors who can undergo training
p.(None): specialization or field internship in the organizational unit within it, for a period of 5 years.
p.(None): 7a. The CMKP Director applies to the organizational unit entered on the list referred to in paragraph 1, out of 6
p.(None): months before the date of expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 7, for verification of accreditation, having regard to
p.(None): the need to ensure doctors continuity of specialized training in this unit. The provisions of para. 1-7
p.(None): shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 8. Lists of accredited bodies referred to in para. 1 and 3, the director of CMKP publishes and updates on his
p.(None): website and in SMK.
p.(None): 9. In the event of a change in the legal form of an accredited body referred to in para. 1 and 3, or its reorganization
p.(None): this unit may conduct specialization training or field internship if it submits to the voivode and
p.(None): the minister competent for health, by means of SMK, a statement on meeting the requirements set out in paragraph 2. Recipe
p.(None): paragraph. 10 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 10. The unit referred to in para. 1 and 3, immediately after changing the legal form, applies to the CMKP for issue
p.(None): the opinion referred to in para. 4.
p.(None): 11. In the event of a negative opinion of a team of experts issued to the unit referred to in para. 1 and 3, director
p.(None): The CMKP, by way of a decision, deletes an organizational unit from the list of accredited bodies referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 1 and 3. A decision may be made regarding a review of the case.
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p.(None): 12. If the entity referred to in par. 1 and 3, ceased to meet the conditions necessary to obtain
p.(None): accreditation for specialization training or conducting a specialized internship, informs about it
p.(None): immediately the voivode and director of the CMKP.
p.(None): 13. The maximum number of training places referred to in para. 7, decreases in the given range
p.(None): specialization in the event of failure to admit a doctor for specialist training by
p.(None): a unit with free training places in a given specialization, depending on the number
p.(None): unaccepted persons.
p.(None): Art. 19g. 1. Training courses included in the program of a given specialization may be conducted by units
p.(None): organizational matters referred to in art. 19 paragraph 1, after approval of the course program
p.(None): by a national consultant in a given medical field, and in the absence of a competent consultant
p.(None): voivodship in a given medical field and after entering, by means of SMK, on the list kept by CMKP, about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 5.
p.(None): 2. The entity intending to conduct a specialization course covered by the program of a given specialization shall be presented by CMKP
p.(None): by 1 October each year, the following information:
p.(None): 1) name and registered office of the organizational unit or name, surname and address of the person intending to carry out
p.(None): specialization course;
p.(None): 2) name and professional qualifications (specialization and degree or academic title) of the person
p.(None): Art. 23. A medical experiment is managed by a physician with sufficiently high qualifications.
p.(None): Art. 24. 1. A person who is to undergo a medical experiment shall be previously informed of the purposes,
p.(None): methods and conditions for conducting the experiment, expected therapeutic or cognitive benefits,
p.(None): risk and the possibility of withdrawing from participation in the experiment at any stage.
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p.(None): 2. In the event that the immediate termination of the experiment could be dangerous
p.(None): the participant's life or health, the doctor is obliged to inform him.
p.(None): Art. 25. 1. Conducting a medical experiment requires the written consent of the person examined in it
p.(None): participate. If written consent cannot be expressed, oral consent shall be considered equivalent
p.(None): made in the presence of two witnesses. Such consent should be recorded in the medical records.
p.(None): 2. The participation of a minor in a medical experiment is only permitted with the written consent of his representative
p.(None): statutory. If the minor is at least 16 years old or under 16 years of age and is able to terminate with discernment
p.(None): opinion on your participation in the experiment, you must also agree in writing.
p.(None): 3. The participation of a minor in a research experiment is admissible if the expected benefits have
p.(None): direct relevance to the health of the minor, and the risk is small and not disproportionate to
p.(None): possible positive results. A research experiment involving a minor is not allowed when it exists
p.(None): the possibility of conducting such an experiment with comparable effectiveness with the participation of a full person
p.(None): legal capacity.
p.(None): 4. In the case of a totally incapacitated person, he consents to his participation in a therapeutic experiment
p.(None): legal representative of that person. If such a person is able to discern an opinion on the matter
p.(None): of participation in a therapeutic experiment, it is also necessary to obtain the written consent of that person.
p.(None): 5. In the case of a person who has full legal capacity but is not able to know
p.(None): express an opinion on your participation in the experiment, consent to the participation of that person in the experiment
p.(None): medical court expresses the guardianship court competent for the seat of the subject conducting the experiment.
p.(None): 6. If the statutory representative refuses to consent to the patient's participation in a therapeutic experiment, he can be returned
p.(None): to the guardianship court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the subject conducting the experiment, for expression
p.(None): consent.
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p.(None): 7. With the application for permission to participate in the medical experiment of the person about whom
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2-5, the entity conducting the experiment may appear to the court of guardianship competent
p.(None): due to the seat of this entity.
p.(None): 8. In urgent cases and due to imminent danger to life, obtaining consent, Fr.
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1-6 is not necessary.
p.(None): Art. 26. 1. Participation in the therapeutic experiment of pregnant women requires a particularly thorough assessment related to
p.(None): this risk to the mother and conceived child.
p.(None): 2. Pregnant and lactating women may participate only in risk-free research experiments or
p.(None): associated with low risk.
p.(None): 3. Conceived children, incapacitated persons, soldiers of the basic service and persons deprived of liberty may not
p.(None): participate in research experiments.
p.(None): Art. 27. 1. A person or other entity authorized to consent to a medical experiment may do so
p.(None): undo at every stage of the experiment. The doctor should then stop the experiment.
p.(None): 2. The physician conducting the therapeutic experiment is obliged to interrupt it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): risk to the patient's health exceeding the expected benefits for the patient.
p.(None): 3. The physician conducting the research experiment is obliged to stop it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): unforeseen danger to the health or life of the person participating in it.
p.(None): Art. 28. Information obtained in connection with a medical experiment may be used for scientific purposes,
p.(None): without the consent of the person subjected to this experiment in a way that prevents identification of that person.
p.(None): Art. 29. 1. A medical experiment may be carried out only after expressing a positive opinion on the project
p.(None): by an independent bioethics commission. Persons with high moral authority and are appointed to the commission
p.(None): high specialist qualifications.
p.(None): 2. The bioethical commission shall express an opinion on the design of the medical experiment, by way of a resolution, with
p.(None): taking into account ethical criteria as well as the purposefulness and feasibility of the project.
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p.(None): 2a. Bioethics Committees and the Appeal Bioethics Committee also issue opinions on clinical trials, if different
p.(None): Acts so provide, to the extent specified in those Acts.
p.(None): 3. Bioethical committees shall appoint:
p.(None): 1) the regional medical council in the area of its activity, excluding entities referred to in art
p.(None): points 2 and 3;
p.(None): 2) the rector of the university providing medical education or health sciences;
p.(None): 3) director of a research institute supervised by the minister competent for health.
p.(None): 4. The composition of the bioethics committees referred to in para. 3 points 2 and 3, also includes a representative
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 5. The minister competent for health shall, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, appoint an Appeal Board
p.(None): Bioethics, reviewing appeals against resolutions of bioethics committees referred to in para. 2.
p.(None): 6. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): regulations, detailed rules for appointing and financing as well as the mode of operation of bioethics commissions.
p.(None): Chapter 5
p.(None): Rules for practicing the medical profession
p.(None): Art. 30. A physician is obliged to provide medical assistance whenever a delay in her treatment
p.(None): giving could cause danger of loss of life, serious injury or severe
p.(None): health disorder, and in other urgent cases.
p.(None): November 2008 on patient rights and the Ombudsman for Patients' Rights (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1127, 1128, 1590, 1655 and 1696).
p.(None): 7. The patient who is under 16 years of age, the doctor provides information in the scope and form needed for
p.(None): the correct course of the diagnostic or therapeutic process and listens to his sentence.
p.(None): 8. Whenever the provisions of the Act refer to an actual guardian, it should be understood as an actual guardian in
p.(None): meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 1 of the Act of November 6, 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman.
p.(None): Art. 32. 1. A physician may conduct an examination or provide other health services, subject to exceptions
p.(None): provided for in the Act, after the patient's consent.
p.(None): 2. If the patient is a minor or unable to give informed consent, his consent is required
p.(None): legal representative, and if the patient does not have a legal representative or communication with him is
p.(None): impossible - permission from the guardianship court.
p.(None): 3. If there is a need to examine a person referred to in para. 2, permission to carry out
p.(None): the actual guardian may also express the examination.
p.(None): 4. In the case of a totally incapacitated person, consent shall be given by the legal representative of that person.
p.(None): If such a person is able to discern an opinion on the examination, it is also necessary
p.(None): obtaining the consent of that person.
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p.(None): 5. If the patient is over 16 years old, his consent is also required.
p.(None): 6. However, if a minor who is at least 16 years old, incapacitated person or mentally ill patient
p.(None): or mentally retarded but with sufficient insight, he / she opposes medical activities,
p.(None): except with the consent of his legal representative or actual guardian or in the event of no expressing
p.(None): consent is required by their guardianship court.
p.(None): 7. Unless the Act provides otherwise, the consent of the persons mentioned in para. 1, 2 and 4 may be expressed orally
p.(None): or even through such behavior which clearly indicates the will to surrender
p.(None): medical activities suggested by the doctor.
p.(None): 8. If the patient referred to in par. 2, there is no legal representative or actual guardian either
p.(None): it is impossible to communicate with these people, the doctor after conducting the examination may proceed to giving
p.(None): further health services only after obtaining the consent of the guardianship court, unless otherwise stated in
p.(None): provisions of the Act.
Social / public official
Searching for indicator public official:
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p.(None): paragraph. 3, with current medical knowledge.
p.(None): 5. Permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death) is confirmed unanimously by two specialist doctors
p.(None): possessing the second degree of specialization or
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p.(None): specialist title, including one specialist in the field of anesthesiology and intensive care or neonatology,
p.(None): and the other in the field of neurology, pediatric neurology or neurosurgery.
p.(None): 6. Irreversible cardiac arrest prior to organ procurement states unanimously two
p.(None): specialist doctors with a second degree of specialization or specialist title, including one specialist in
p.(None): anesthesiology and intensive care or neonatology, and the other in emergency medicine,
p.(None): internal medicine, cardiology, pediatric cardiology or pediatrics.
p.(None): 7. Finding permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death) or irreversible
p.(None): cardiac arrest prior to organ procurement is synonymous with death.
p.(None): Art. 44. A doctor who:
p.(None): 1) performs activities as part of emergency relief services or in the case referred to in art. thirty,
p.(None): 2) performs the profession in an entity performing medical activity that has concluded a contract for the provision of benefits
p.(None): healthcare financed from public funds in connection with the provision of health services
p.(None): in this entity
p.(None): - entitled to legal protection due to a public official.
p.(None): Art. 45. 1. A doctor may prescribe medicines, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses, which
p.(None): are admitted to trading in the Republic of Poland on the principles set out in separate regulations, and products
p.(None): medical, equipment for medical devices, in vitro diagnostic medical devices, equipment for devices
p.(None): in vitro diagnostic medical devices and active implantable medical devices within the meaning of the provisions
p.(None): Act of 20 May 2010 on medical devices (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 186).
p.(None): 1a. The doctor issues prescriptions for medicines on the principles set out in art. 95b-96b of the Act of September 6, 2001 -
p.(None): Pharmaceutical Law.
p.(None): 2. The doctor may also issue prescriptions for drugs to persons referred to in art. 43-46 of the Act of 27
p.(None): August 2004 on healthcare services financed from public funds, under the principles set out in
p.(None): this Act and in the Act of May 12, 2011 on the reimbursement of medicines and foodstuffs
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p.(None): special nutritional uses and medical devices. The doctor is obliged to record
p.(None): the rights of these people on the prescription in the manner specified in art. 96a section 8 point 3 of the Act of September 6, 2001 -
p.(None): Pharmaceutical Law.
p.(None): 2a. In the case of prescriptions for medicines, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses, products
p.(None): medical specified in the lists referred to in Article. 37 of the Act of May 12, 2011 on refunds
p.(None): medicines, foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses and medical devices, the doctor is obliged to
p.(None): notes on the prescription, in the manner specified in art. 96a section 8 point 7 of the Act of 6 September 2001 - Law
p.(None): pharmaceutical, payment, if medicine, food for particular nutritional uses, product
General/Other / Dependent
Searching for indicator dependent:
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p.(None): sharing is discontinued. The sharing process can be monitored using devices
p.(None): recording image and sound.
p.(None): 5. Release on the terms set out in the Act of September 6, 2001.
p.(None): only test questions with correct answers are subject to access to public information
p.(None): used for the needs of LEK or LDEK, after 5 years from the date of this exam.
p.(None): Art. 14d 1. Presents to the LEK or LDEK directly before the exam to the Examination Team,
p.(None): referred to in art. 14b paragraph 5, proof of identity. In case of lack
p.(None): a document confirming the applicant's identity cannot take the exam.
p.(None): 2. LEK and LDEK consists in solving an appropriate test consisting of 200 questions containing 5
p.(None): answers, of which only one is correct. One point is obtained for each correct answer. In case of
p.(None): no answer, the wrong answer was selected, or more than one answer was selected
p.(None): points are not awarded.
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p.(None): 3. The course of LEK and LDEK can be documented using image and sound recording devices, about which
p.(None): applicants for LEK or LDEK are informed in the exam notice or immediately before starting
p.(None): exam.
p.(None): 4. The test is solved by the applicant. During the passing of LEK and LDEK, the candidate may not use
p.(None): no teaching and teaching aids, and may not use copying devices and
p.(None): forwarding and receiving information. Violation of this ban or termination of test
p.(None): it constitutes the basis for disqualification of the applicant, which is equivalent to obtaining by
p.(None): negative result.
p.(None): 5. In the event of a breach of the prohibition referred to in para. 4, or solve the test
p.(None): dependent, the chairman of the Examination Team referred to in art. 14b paragraph 5, makes
p.(None): disqualification of the applicant and notes the fact of disqualification together with an indication of its reason and the time of interruption
p.(None): test exam in the examination report.
p.(None): 6. If it is found after the exam, based on image and sound analysis recorded for
p.(None): using video and sound recording devices referred to in paragraph 3 that the applicant has violated the prohibition, Fr.
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 4 or solved the test independently, the Chairman of the Committee
p.(None): Examination referred to in art. 14b paragraph 4, will disqualify the applicant. The fact of disqualification
p.(None): along with an indication of its causes are noted in the examination report.
p.(None): 7. On the disqualification referred to in para. 6, the director of CEM shall notify the disqualified person in writing.
p.(None): The director of CEM publishes information on disqualification in SMK.
p.(None): 8. The director of CEM notifies the competent regional ombudsman of professional liability about disqualification.
p.(None): if the doctor or dentist is a member of a regional medical chamber or a competent one
p.(None): District Ombudsman for professional liability of the military medical chamber, if the doctor or dentist
p.(None): is a member of the military medical chamber.
p.(None): 9. A disqualified person may not join LEK or LDEK at the next nearest date
p.(None): exam after the day of disqualification.
p.(None): Art. 14e. 1. Candidate LEK or LDEK in a given time may bring it during the examination or immediately after it
p.(None): finished before leaving the room
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p.(None): of which only one is valid. The doctor can choose only one answer. A doctor for every correct answer
p.(None): gets 1 point. If no answer or more than one answer is selected, no points will be awarded.
p.(None): 3a. A PES candidate within a given time limit may bring during the exam or immediately after its completion,
p.(None): before leaving the examination room, substantive reservation on the test question used during
p.(None): this PES. The reservation shall be submitted to the CEM director on the form, a template of which is prepared by CEM. In case of recognition
p.(None): of the objection, the test task covered by the objection is skipped when determining the result of the exam
p.(None): test in relation to all candidates, which reduces the number of points possible.
p.(None): Points for canceled tasks are not awarded.
p.(None): 4. The PES test part is considered passed with a positive result after the physician obtains at least 60%
p.(None): the maximum number of points that can be obtained.
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p.(None): 4a. The course of PES can be documented using video and audio recording devices, about which people
p.(None): participants taking the exam are informed in the notice of the exam or immediately before the start
p.(None): exam.
p.(None): 4b. The test is solved by the applicant. During the PES passing the candidate cannot use
p.(None): no teaching and teaching aids, and may not use copying devices and
p.(None): forwarding and receiving information. Violation of this ban or termination of test
p.(None): it constitutes the basis for disqualification of the applicant, which is equivalent to obtaining by
p.(None): negative result.
p.(None): 4c. If it is found, during the exam, that the prohibition referred to in para. 4b, or test solution
p.(None): dependent, the chairman of the examination team referred to in art. 16u paragraph 5, makes
p.(None): disqualification of the applicant and notes the disqualification together with an indication of its reason and the time of interruption
p.(None): test exam in the examination report.
p.(None): 4d. If it is found after the exam, based on the analysis of images recorded with
p.(None): image and sound recording devices referred to in paragraph 4a that the applicant has violated the prohibition referred to in para.
p.(None): 4b, or solved the test independently, chairman of the State Examination Board, Fr.
p.(None): referred to in art. 16u paragraph 1 disqualifies the applicant and notes the disqualification together with
p.(None): an indication of its reasons in the examination report.
p.(None): 4e. In the case referred to in paragraph. 4d, the director of CEM shall notify in writing about disqualification
p.(None): disqualified. The director of CEM also publishes information on disqualification in SMK.
p.(None): 4f. The director of CEM notifies the competent of the disqualification:
p.(None): 1) the district commissioner for professional liability if the doctor or dentist is a member
p.(None): regional medical chamber;
p.(None): 2) the regional spokesperson for professional liability of the military medical chamber, if a doctor or
p.(None): the dentist is a member of the military medical chamber.
p.(None): 4g. A disqualified person may not join the PES in the next nearest exam session from
p.(None): disqualification.
p.(None): 5. (repealed)
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p.(None): 6. The doctor may submit PES after presenting a document confirming his identity.
p.(None): 3. In the case referred to in para. 2, prescriptions or orders, and in the case of an electronic prescription -
p.(None): printout referred to in art. 96b paragraph 2 point 3 of the Act of 6 September 2001 - Pharmaceutical Law (Journal of Laws of
p.(None): 2019 item 499, with later changes 5)), may be transferred:
p.(None): 1) the patient's legal representative or a person authorized by the patient to collect a prescription
p.(None): or order, and in the case of issuing a prescription in electronic form - a printout;
p.(None): 2) to a third party, if the patient declares to the healthcare provider that prescriptions or
p.(None): orders, and in the case of an electronic prescription - the printout can be picked up by people
p.(None): third without specifying these people in detail.
p.(None): 4. The authorization or statement referred to in para. 3 shall be recorded in the patient's medical records either
p.(None): attaches to this documentation.
p.(None): 5. Information on issuing a prescription or order referred to in para. 2 shall be included in the documentation
p.(None): medical patient. Information about the person whom
p.(None): 5) Amendments to the consolidated text of the said Act have been announced in the Official Of Laws of 2019, item 399, 959, 1495, 1542,
p.(None): 1556, 1590, 1818 and 1905.
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p.(None): such a prescription or order was provided, is noted in the patient's medical records or attached to this
p.(None): documentation.
p.(None): Art. 43. 1. A doctor may declare death on the basis of personally performed examinations and findings.
p.(None): 2. In justified cases, a physician, except for a dentist, may make the issuing of a death certificate dependent on
p.(None): autopsy.
p.(None): 3. The doctor, except for the dentist, may issue a death certificate based on the examination documentation
p.(None): post mortem carried out by another doctor or other authorized person, and also on the basis of documentation
p.(None): finding permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death) or irreversible
p.(None): cardiac arrest preceding the procurement of organs referred to in art. 43a.
p.(None): Art. 43a. 1. Statement:
p.(None): 1) permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death),
p.(None): 2) irreversible cardiac arrest preceding organ procurement
p.(None): - followed by specialists referred to in paragraph 5 or 6, proceedings in accordance with the current
p.(None): medical knowledge, including the method and criteria referred to in paragraph 3.
p.(None): 2. The method and criteria referred to in para. 3 shall be determined in accordance with current medical knowledge by
p.(None): specialists in relevant fields of medicine appointed and dismissed by the minister competent for matters
p.(None): health.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for health shall announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', method and criteria for establishing:
p.(None): 1) permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death);
p.(None): 2) irreversible cardiac arrest preceding organ procurement.
p.(None): 4. The minister competent for health, shall entrust specialists in relevant fields at least once every 5 years
p.(None): medicine appointed and dismissed by that minister, to assess the compliance of the manner and criteria referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 3, with current medical knowledge.
General/Other / Incapacitated
Searching for indicator incapacitated:
(return to top)
p.(None): participate. If written consent cannot be expressed, oral consent shall be considered equivalent
p.(None): made in the presence of two witnesses. Such consent should be recorded in the medical records.
p.(None): 2. The participation of a minor in a medical experiment is only permitted with the written consent of his representative
p.(None): statutory. If the minor is at least 16 years old or under 16 years of age and is able to terminate with discernment
p.(None): opinion on your participation in the experiment, you must also agree in writing.
p.(None): 3. The participation of a minor in a research experiment is admissible if the expected benefits have
p.(None): direct relevance to the health of the minor, and the risk is small and not disproportionate to
p.(None): possible positive results. A research experiment involving a minor is not allowed when it exists
p.(None): the possibility of conducting such an experiment with comparable effectiveness with the participation of a full person
p.(None): legal capacity.
p.(None): 4. In the case of a totally incapacitated person, he consents to his participation in a therapeutic experiment
p.(None): legal representative of that person. If such a person is able to discern an opinion on the matter
p.(None): of participation in a therapeutic experiment, it is also necessary to obtain the written consent of that person.
p.(None): 5. In the case of a person who has full legal capacity but is not able to know
p.(None): express an opinion on your participation in the experiment, consent to the participation of that person in the experiment
p.(None): medical court expresses the guardianship court competent for the seat of the subject conducting the experiment.
p.(None): 6. If the statutory representative refuses to consent to the patient's participation in a therapeutic experiment, he can be returned
p.(None): to the guardianship court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the subject conducting the experiment, for expression
p.(None): consent.
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p.(None): 7. With the application for permission to participate in the medical experiment of the person about whom
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 2-5, the entity conducting the experiment may appear to the court of guardianship competent
p.(None): due to the seat of this entity.
p.(None): 8. In urgent cases and due to imminent danger to life, obtaining consent, Fr.
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1-6 is not necessary.
p.(None): Art. 26. 1. Participation in the therapeutic experiment of pregnant women requires a particularly thorough assessment related to
p.(None): this risk to the mother and conceived child.
p.(None): 2. Pregnant and lactating women may participate only in risk-free research experiments or
p.(None): associated with low risk.
p.(None): 3. Conceived children, incapacitated persons, soldiers of the basic service and persons deprived of liberty may not
p.(None): participate in research experiments.
p.(None): Art. 27. 1. A person or other entity authorized to consent to a medical experiment may do so
p.(None): undo at every stage of the experiment. The doctor should then stop the experiment.
p.(None): 2. The physician conducting the therapeutic experiment is obliged to interrupt it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): risk to the patient's health exceeding the expected benefits for the patient.
p.(None): 3. The physician conducting the research experiment is obliged to stop it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): unforeseen danger to the health or life of the person participating in it.
p.(None): Art. 28. Information obtained in connection with a medical experiment may be used for scientific purposes,
p.(None): without the consent of the person subjected to this experiment in a way that prevents identification of that person.
p.(None): Art. 29. 1. A medical experiment may be carried out only after expressing a positive opinion on the project
p.(None): by an independent bioethics commission. Persons with high moral authority and are appointed to the commission
p.(None): high specialist qualifications.
p.(None): 2. The bioethical commission shall express an opinion on the design of the medical experiment, by way of a resolution, with
p.(None): taking into account ethical criteria as well as the purposefulness and feasibility of the project.
p.(None): 04/10/2020
p.(None): information, the doctor provides information to a loved one within the meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 2 of the Act of 6
p.(None): November 2008 on patient rights and the Ombudsman for Patients' Rights (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1127, 1128, 1590, 1655 and 1696).
p.(None): 7. The patient who is under 16 years of age, the doctor provides information in the scope and form needed for
p.(None): the correct course of the diagnostic or therapeutic process and listens to his sentence.
p.(None): 8. Whenever the provisions of the Act refer to an actual guardian, it should be understood as an actual guardian in
p.(None): meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 1 of the Act of November 6, 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman.
p.(None): Art. 32. 1. A physician may conduct an examination or provide other health services, subject to exceptions
p.(None): provided for in the Act, after the patient's consent.
p.(None): 2. If the patient is a minor or unable to give informed consent, his consent is required
p.(None): legal representative, and if the patient does not have a legal representative or communication with him is
p.(None): impossible - permission from the guardianship court.
p.(None): 3. If there is a need to examine a person referred to in para. 2, permission to carry out
p.(None): the actual guardian may also express the examination.
p.(None): 4. In the case of a totally incapacitated person, consent shall be given by the legal representative of that person.
p.(None): If such a person is able to discern an opinion on the examination, it is also necessary
p.(None): obtaining the consent of that person.
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p.(None): 5. If the patient is over 16 years old, his consent is also required.
p.(None): 6. However, if a minor who is at least 16 years old, incapacitated person or mentally ill patient
p.(None): or mentally retarded but with sufficient insight, he / she opposes medical activities,
p.(None): except with the consent of his legal representative or actual guardian or in the event of no expressing
p.(None): consent is required by their guardianship court.
p.(None): 7. Unless the Act provides otherwise, the consent of the persons mentioned in para. 1, 2 and 4 may be expressed orally
p.(None): or even through such behavior which clearly indicates the will to surrender
p.(None): medical activities suggested by the doctor.
p.(None): 8. If the patient referred to in par. 2, there is no legal representative or actual guardian either
p.(None): it is impossible to communicate with these people, the doctor after conducting the examination may proceed to giving
p.(None): further health services only after obtaining the consent of the guardianship court, unless otherwise stated in
p.(None): provisions of the Act.
p.(None): 9. The activities referred to in par. 1, the provisions of art. 34 section 7.
p.(None): 10. The guardianship court competent for granting consent to perform medical activities is
p.(None): the court in which district these activities are to be carried out.
p.(None): Art. 33. 1. Examination or providing a patient with another health service without his consent is admissible if
p.(None): it requires immediate medical attention, and due to health or age can not agree and does not have
p.(None): the possibility of communicating with his legal representative or actual guardian.
p.(None): 2. The decision to undertake medical activities in the circumstances referred to in para. 1, the physician should
p.(None): consult with another physician if possible.
p.(None): 3. The circumstances referred to in par. 1 and 2, the physician records in the patient's medical records.
p.(None): Art. 34. 1. A physician may perform surgery or apply a treatment or diagnostic method
p.(None): increased risk to the patient after obtaining his written consent.
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p.(None): 2. Before the patient's consent in the situation referred to in para. 1, the doctor is required to give him
p.(None): information in accordance with art. 31.
p.(None): 3. The doctor may perform the procedure or apply the method referred to in par. 1, towards a minor patient,
p.(None): incapacitated or unable to knowingly consent in writing after obtaining his consent
p.(None): legal representative, and if the patient has no representative or when it is impossible to communicate with him - after
p.(None): obtaining a guardianship permit.
p.(None): 4. If the patient is over 16 years old, his written consent is also required.
p.(None): 5. In the situation referred to in para. 1, the provisions of art. 32 section 6.
p.(None): 6. If the legal representative of a minor, incapacitated patient or
p.(None): unable to give informed consent does not agree to the doctor's performance of activities
p.(None): listed in paragraph 1, and necessary to remove the danger of the patient losing his life or
p.(None): serious bodily injury or serious health disorder, the physician may perform such activities after obtaining permission
p.(None): guardianship court.
p.(None): 7. The doctor may perform the activities referred to in par. 1, without the consent of the patient's legal representative, or
p.(None): consent of the competent guardianship court, if the delay is caused by the procedure for obtaining consent
p.(None): would threaten the patient with the danger of losing his life, severe bodily injury or severe upset
p.(None): health. In this case, the doctor is obliged, if possible, to consult a second doctor, in
p.(None): if possible, the same specialty. The doctor immediately notifies about performed activities
p.(None): statutory representative, actual guardian or guardianship court.
p.(None): 8. About the circumstances referred to in par. 3-7, the physician informs the patient and his legal representative or
p.(None): actual guardian or guardianship court, and also makes an appropriate annotation together with the justification in
p.(None): medical records.
p.(None): Art. 35. 1. If during surgery or the use of a therapeutic method or
p.(None): diagnostic, there will be circumstances which, if not taken into consideration, could endanger the patient
p.(None): loss of life, serious bodily injury or serious health disorder, and there is no way
Searching for indicator incapacity:
(return to top)
p.(None): complementary training. The physician concerned is entitled to attend the district meeting
p.(None): medical council while examining his case.
p.(None): 3. The doctor is obliged to appear before the commission referred to in para. 1.
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p.(None): 4. In the event of an unjustified failure to appear before the commission referred to in para. 1, or
p.(None): evading participation in the training referred to in para. 2 and art. 10 paragraph 3, district council
p.(None): medical doctor adopts a resolution to suspend the doctor's right to practice the profession or to restrict him
p.(None): performing specific medical activities until the end of training.
p.(None): 5. The regional medical council shall determine the mode, place and training program referred to in par. 2 and in
p.(None): Art. 10 paragraph 3. The costs of this training shall be borne by the doctor.
p.(None): Art. 12. 1. If the regional medical council finds that there is a reasonable suspicion of inability
p.(None): a physician to practice or limit the performance of specific medical activities from
p.(None): due to the state of health making it impossible to practice the medical profession, he appoints a commission composed of specialist doctors
p.(None): from relevant fields of medicine. The commission issues a medical disability certificate
p.(None): to practice or limit any strictly defined medical activities.
p.(None): 2. The doctor is obliged to appear before the commission referred to in para. 1 and undergo the necessary examinations.
p.(None): 3. The District Medical Council, on the basis of the commission's ruling, may adopt a resolution to suspend the right to exercise
p.(None): profession for the duration of the incapacity or on limiting the performance of certain medical activities for a period
p.(None): duration of incapacity. The physician concerned is entitled to attend the district council meeting
p.(None): doctor while examining his case.
p.(None): 4. If the doctor refuses to undergo examination by the commission or if the district medical council based on the results
p.(None): the investigation will find that the continued pursuit of the profession or specific medical activities by
p.(None): a doctor is in danger of being treated by him, the district medical council adopts a resolution on
p.(None): suspension of a physician in the right to practice a profession or on limitation in performing certain activities
p.(None): medical pending the termination of the proceedings.
p.(None): 5. A doctor in respect of whom a resolution was adopted to suspend the right to practice a profession or
p.(None): limiting the performance of specific medical activities, may apply to the district medical board for waiver
p.(None): resolutions if
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p.(None): the reasons for suspension or limitation cease to exist, however not earlier than 6 months after the adoption of the resolution
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 6. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): of the regulation, the procedure for appointing and operating the committee referred to in para. 1, and the procedure for adjudicating
p.(None): inability to practice the medical profession or being restricted in performing specific activities
p.(None): medical, bearing in mind the need for a doctor to properly practice his profession.
p.(None): Art. 13. Proceedings in matters referred to in art. 11 and 12, is confidential.
p.(None): Art. 14. The doctor loses the right to practice a profession in the event of:
General/Other / Public Emergency
Searching for indicator emergency:
(return to top)
p.(None): difficulties in the temporary and occasional pursuit of the profession.
p.(None): 8. Regional medical council, whenever a physician or dentist temporarily and occasionally
p.(None): performs a profession in the area of its activity, may apply to the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European, in which this doctor has the right to practice, to provide information
p.(None): confirming that he is exercising his profession lawfully in that country and that he has not been punished in connection with
p.(None): practicing profession.
p.(None): 9. The provision of art. 6a section 4 shall apply accordingly.
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p.(None): 10. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, makes a statement that the premises, appliances and equipment
p.(None): medical, if it has them, meet the requirements set out in provisions issued based on Art. 50b paragraph 3.
p.(None): 11. To the doctor, dentist referred to in par. 2, the provisions of Art. 54 and
p.(None): 56.
p.(None): 12. The regional medical council can always assess the temporary and occasional nature
p.(None): practicing the profession, taking into account its period, frequency, regularity and continuity.
p.(None): 13. The doctor referred to in par. 2, is released from the obligation to register with the Social Insurance Institution
p.(None): to make settlements related to the temporary and occasional exercise of the medical profession. In this case
p.(None): the physician informs about the temporary and occasional performance of the profession in writing appropriate for the place
p.(None): practice a branch of the Social Insurance Institution or, prior to commencing professional activities
p.(None): or in an emergency after they have been performed.
p.(None): 14. To the doctor referred to in par. 2, the provisions of Art. 31 and 45 of the Act of December 2, 2009 on
p.(None): medical chambers.
p.(None): 15. The doctor referred to in par. 2, providing benefits temporarily and occasionally only as part of
p.(None): international agreements concluded with a Member State of the European Union for cross-border cooperation
p.(None): in the field of emergency medical services, he does not submit to the regional medical council competent for the place
p.(None): the intended pursuit of the profession of documents referred to in paragraph 2. The provisions of para. 3-13 shall not apply.
p.(None): Art. 9a. In cases where the doctor or dentist temporarily and occasionally practices on
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland on the principles referred to in art. 9 item 2 and 3–12, District Medical Council
p.(None): or the Supreme Medical Council may require the physician or dentist to pass on to patients all or
p.(None): some of the following information:
p.(None): 1) if a doctor, dentist is entered in the register of entrepreneurs or a similar register
p.(None): public - an indication of this register, the number under which it appears in the register, or other contained in it
p.(None): register of data allowing identification of a doctor, dentist;
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p.(None): 2) the name and address of the competent authority granting authorization to practice in the Member State
p.(None): office;
p.(None): 3) an indication of the professional association or similar institution in which the doctor, dentist is
p.(None): registered;
p.(None): 4) professional title;
p.(None): 5) if the doctor, dentist conducts business subject to VAT -
p.(None): VAT identification number;
p.(None): 6) details of the insurance policy or other individual measures or
p.(None): collective security in relation to professional liability.
p.(None): Art. 9b. 1. A doctor who permanently provides health services to members of the national team participating in the Games
p.(None): Olympic, Paralympic, Deaf Games, World or European Championships, hereinafter referred to as
p.(None): "Sporting event" organized on the territory of the Republic of Poland, maybe during this time
p.(None): Art. 14. The doctor loses the right to practice a profession in the event of:
p.(None): 1) loss of Polish citizenship or another Member State of the European Union, if not
p.(None): acquired simultaneously the citizenship of another Member State of the European Union;
p.(None): 2) total or partial incapacitation;
p.(None): 3) elapse of time for which it was granted.
p.(None): Chapter 2a
p.(None): Medical Final Exam and Medical-Dental Final Exam Art. 14a. 1. Medical Final Exam (LEK)
p.(None): and Medical and Dental
p.(None): The Final Exam (LDEK) is organized and conducted by the Medical Examination Center, hereinafter referred to as "CEM". CEM
p.(None): is a state budget unit subordinated to the minister competent for health matters.
p.(None): 2. LEK and LDEK take place twice a year, simultaneously, in accordance with the order regulations of LEK and
p.(None): LDEK referred to in art. 14f paragraph 2, in places and dates fixed by the director of CEM.
p.(None): 3. A doctor may join the drug.
p.(None): 4. A dentist may join LDEK.
p.(None): 5. A person intending to join the LEK or LDEK shall submit to the director of CEM, via SMK, an application to the LEK or LDEK,
p.(None): until:
p.(None): 1) 15 July of the calendar year in which the given exam is carried out - in the case of examinations designated in
p.(None): the period from September 1 to September 30;
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p.(None): 2) November 30 of the calendar year preceding the year in which it is carried out
p.(None): exam - in the case of examinations scheduled in the period from February 1 to February 28.
p.(None): 5a. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status, the minister competent for health may
p.(None): change the dates referred to in paragraph 2 and 5. If the circumstances causing the change cease to exist
p.(None): deadlines, the minister competent for health shall change these deadlines again, but the total period
p.(None): postponing a given date cannot be longer than 5 months. Information on changing these dates the minister competent
p.(None): for health announces on its website.
p.(None): 6. By the dates referred to in para. 5 or 5a, the provisions of Art. 58-60 of the act of
p.(None): June 14, 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 256). In case of
p.(None): SMK failure lasting more than an hour, preventing the submission of a notification within a week before the expiry
p.(None): deadlines referred to in paragraph 5 or 5a, this period is extended by the duration of the failure. The extension is made with
p.(None): office by the system operator.
p.(None): 7. The notification to LEK or LDEK referred to in para. 5, contains the following data:
p.(None): 1) first name (names) and surname;
p.(None): 2) date of birth;
p.(None): 3) place of birth;
p.(None): 4) PESEL number, and in the absence of it - the features of a document confirming identity: the name and number of the document and
p.(None): country of issuance;
p.(None): 5) citizenship (citizenship);
p.(None): 6) correspondence address and e-mail address and phone number, if available;
p.(None): 7) number of the right to practice the medical profession or the right to practice the profession of a dentist, if he has one;
p.(None): 8) number and date of issue of the medical diploma or dentist diploma or certificate of graduation from
p.(None): medical or dental studies, if on the day of submitting the application he / she has such a document;
p.(None): 9) the name of the university at which the applicant graduated from medicine or medicine and dentistry, and
p.(None): The European Union.
p.(None): 7. The Minister of National Defense, after consulting the Military Medical Council, shall establish the list
p.(None): subordinate health care entities authorized to conduct postgraduate internships for doctors and physicians
p.(None): dentists appointed to the professional military service and provides the funds necessary for these internships.
p.(None): 7a. The doctor, dentist referred to in paragraph 7, takes a postgraduate internship as an intern or
p.(None): trainee dentist, to whom he is appointed by the competent military authority in agreement with
p.(None): Military Medical Council.
p.(None): 7b. An intern doctor who has not completed or did not complete the post-graduate internship within 5 years from the date
p.(None): obtaining the right to practice the profession, may again undergo a post-graduate internship under a training contract
p.(None): concluded with the entity
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p.(None): conducting postgraduate internship. The competent district medical council again grants the doctor the right
p.(None): practicing the profession referred to in art. 5 paragraph 7.
p.(None): 8. In justified cases, the minister competent for health may recognize post-graduate internship
p.(None): abroad as equivalent to a postgraduate internship completed in the country, subject to paragraph 9.
p.(None): 8a. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status, the trainee physician may be referred
p.(None): through:
p.(None): 1) a voivode to work in combating an epidemic based on art. 47 of the Act of 5 December 2008 on prevention
p.(None): and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1239 and 1495 and of 2020, items 284, 322 and
p.(None): 374) to the entity in which the internship takes place or to another entity, or
p.(None): 2) the employer to perform tasks other than those resulting from the contract referred to in paragraph 3d if he doesn't stay
p.(None): issued decision referred to in item 1.
p.(None): 8b. Tasks referred to in par. 8a, must be adapted to the level of knowledge and skills of the managed person
p.(None): an intern and be subject to the supervision and management of a specialist appointed by the manager
p.(None): the unit to which the intern doctor was referred.
p.(None): 8c. At the request of the trainee doctor, the minister competent for health may decide, by decision, the period in
p.(None): which the doctor did not carry out the postgraduate internship program as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if
p.(None): at that time carried out the tasks assigned pursuant to paragraph 8a.
p.(None): 8d. The provisions of para. 8a-8c shall apply accordingly to an intern doctor appointed for professional military service.
p.(None): 9. Postgraduate internship in a Member State of the European Union by a national doctor
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland or another Member State of the European Union, minister competent for matters
p.(None): health is recognized as equivalent in whole or in part to the postgraduate internship completed in
p.(None): Polish Republic.
p.(None): 10. (repealed)
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p.(None): professional qualifications acquired in the Member States of the European Union may be excluded.
p.(None): Art. 16c. 1. The physician submits, using SMK, an application for specialist training in a selected field
p.(None): medicine according to:
p.(None): 1) the voivode competent for the area of the voivodship in which he intends to undergo training
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 2) the Minister of National Defense - in the case of physicians who are soldiers in active military service, and
p.(None): also serving or employed in medical entities established and supervised by
p.(None): Minister of National Defense;
p.(None): 3) the minister competent for internal affairs - in the case of doctors on duty or employed in
p.(None): medical entities created by the minister responsible for internal affairs.
p.(None): 1a. The application referred to in para. 1 shall be submitted within the period from February 1 to February 28 - for the proceedings
p.(None): qualifying tests carried out from March 1 to March 31, or from September 1 to September 30 -
p.(None): for the qualification procedure carried out from October 1 to October 31. In case of
p.(None): SMK failure lasting more than an hour, preventing the submission of the application within a week before the expiry
p.(None): appropriate deadlines, these deadlines are extended by the duration of the failure from its removal. Extension of the deadline
p.(None): ex officio by the system operator.
p.(None): 1b. By the dates referred to in paragraph 1a, the provisions of art. 58-60 of the Act of June 14, 1960 -
p.(None): Code of Administrative Procedure.
p.(None): 1c. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status being announced, the minister competent for health
p.(None): may change the dates referred to in paragraph 1a. In the absence of circumstances being
p.(None): the reason for changing the deadlines, the minister competent for health shall change these deadlines again, however
p.(None): the total period of postponing a given date may not be longer than 5 months. For these terms shall not apply
p.(None): provisions of art. 58-60 of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure. Information about the change
p.(None): these terms are announced by the minister competent for health on his website.
p.(None): 2. The application referred to in para. 1, includes:
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p.(None): 1) first name (names) and surname of the doctor;
p.(None): 2) surname at birth;
p.(None): 3) place and date of birth;
p.(None): 4) gender;
p.(None): 5) PESEL number, and in the absence of it - the features of a document confirming identity: the name and number of the document and
p.(None): country of issuance;
p.(None): 6) citizenship (citizenship);
p.(None): 7) address of the place of residence;
p.(None): 8) features of the document on the basis of which a foreigner who is not a citizen of the European Union resides in the territory
p.(None): Polish Republic;
p.(None): 9) professional license number;
p.(None): 10) serial number, date and entity issuing the right to practice a profession;
p.(None): 11) specialist titles and year of obtaining them, as well as the mode of undergoing specialist training;
p.(None): 12) specialist training held so far not completed by obtaining the title of specialist and their mode
p.(None): event;
p.(None): 13) LEK or LDEK result; provision of art. 5 paragraph 5 shall apply accordingly;
p.(None): 3. A doctor who has been qualified to undergo residency may not submit another application for admission
p.(None): residency, except if he has a medical certificate on the existence of contraindications to
p.(None): continuing the current specialization.
p.(None): 4. A doctor who has been qualified for residency twice cannot submit another application for
p.(None): residency.
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p.(None): Art. 16f. 1. The doctor shall undergo specialization training on the basis of the specialization program established for
p.(None): given field of medicine, including the appropriate module.
p.(None): 2. A doctor who is a soldier in active military service, as well as on duty or employed in an entity
p.(None): therapeutic, created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, as part of specialization training
p.(None): is required to undergo and complete supplementary training appropriate to the specific specialization in the field
p.(None): resulting from the specifics of military service and national defense needs, based on a supplementary program
p.(None): specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 16g paragraph 2.
p.(None): 3. The specialization program includes:
p.(None): 1) the scope of required theoretical knowledge and required practical skills that the doctor
p.(None): is required to master during specialization training, including elements of a given field of medicine
p.(None): and related fields, in particular elements of clinical pharmacology, pharmacoeconomics, oncology,
p.(None): palliative medicine, emergency medicine, public health and public health promotion, medical certification and
p.(None): medical law;
p.(None): 2) forms and methods of deepening and supplementing theoretical knowledge as well as the acquisition and improvement of skills
p.(None): practical, in particular:
p.(None): a) introductory specialization course in the first year of specialist training,
p.(None): covering introduction to issues, goals and area of activity of a given specialty, as well as tasks and competences
p.(None): and the expected results of training a specialist in this field,
p.(None): b) necessary specialization courses covering a specific range of theoretical knowledge required in a given field
p.(None): medicine and related fields,
p.(None): c) emergency medical training course,
p.(None): d) a course in public health,
p.(None): e) course in medical law,
p.(None): f) training and participation in the performance and performance in a specified number of specific treatments or procedures
p.(None): medical,
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p.(None): g) field internships covering a specific range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills,
p.(None): h) on-call medical duties specified in the program of a given specialization or work in
p.(None): shift system or equivalent working time in the maximum working time allowed by law
p.(None): about medical activity,
p.(None): i) guided self-study;
p.(None): 3) the duration of the specialization training;
p.(None): 4) forms and methods of control, including assessment of theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills;
p.(None): 5) the method and procedure for obtaining confirmation of practical skills specified in the program
p.(None): specialization;
p.(None): 6) substantive scope of PES;
p.(None): 7) accreditation standards of training entities, corresponding to the conditions to be met by units in
p.(None): to ensure the implementation of a given specialization program.
p.(None): 4. The specialization program shall be developed and updated in accordance with the progress of medical knowledge by a team of experts appointed
p.(None): by the director of CMKP. The specialization program is edited by CMKP and approved by the minister competent for health.
p.(None): 5. Members of the team of experts referred to in para. 4, is appointed and dismissed by the director of CMKP. Band members
p.(None): experts are appointed from among physicians with the title of specialist or second degree specialization in the field
p.(None): medicine for which a specialization program is to be developed, or in related fields, among persons
p.(None): 12. Based on the opinion of the team he appointed, the CMKP director may recognize, by way of a decision, internships and courses, about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 8, equivalent to the implementation of part of the specialization program and shorten the period of the doctor
p.(None): undergoing this training, but not more than by 1/2 the duration of the specialization training or modules about which
p.(None): referred to in art. 16 clause 2.
p.(None): 13. Based on the opinion of the team he appointed, the CMKP director may recognize, by way of decision, internships and courses, about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 8 and 10, equivalent to the implementation of part of the specialization program.
p.(None): 13a. The decisions referred to in paragraph 12 and 13, are placed in SMK and additionally include in it:
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p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 14. The composition of the team referred to in para. 12 and 13, include:
p.(None): 1) national consultant competent in a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 2) head of specialization;
p.(None): 3) a representative of a scientific society competent for a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 4) a representative of the Supreme Medical Council holding the title of specialist in a given field of medicine and degree
p.(None): scientific habilitated doctor.
p.(None): 15. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status, a medical practitioner undergoing training
p.(None): specialization may be directed by:
p.(None): 1) a voivode to work in combating an epidemic based on art. 47 of the Act of 5 December 2008 on prevention
p.(None): and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans to the subject in which the specialist training takes place or to
p.(None): other entity, or
p.(None): 2) the employer to perform tasks other than those resulting from the contract under which the training takes place
p.(None): specialization, if the decision referred to in item 1 is not issued.
p.(None): 16. A doctor undergoing specialist training who was referred pursuant to para. 15 to perform
p.(None): work other than that resulting from the contract under which the specialist training takes place, performs work under
p.(None): supervision of a specialist appointed by the head of the unit to which he was referred. Medical specialist
p.(None): supervising the work of a doctor during specialization training acquires the appropriate qualifications of a manager
p.(None): specializations referred to in par. 7.
p.(None): 17. At the request of a doctor undergoing specialist training, the director of the CMKP may decide, by decision, the period of
p.(None): which the doctor did not implement the specialization program, as equivalent to the implementation of this program, if during the period
p.(None): he carried out the tasks referred to in paragraph 15.
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p.(None): 18. A doctor undergoing specialization training who has been canceled a specialization course because of his condition
p.(None): epidemic threat or epidemic status, is exempted from following this course if:
p.(None): due, the director of CEM calls the applicant to fill formal deficiencies, by means of SMK or by means
p.(None): electronic communication at the e-mail address indicated by the applicant in the application referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 2. The provision of art. 64 of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure shall not apply. IN
p.(None): in the event of failure to complete formal deficiencies within 7 days of sending the request, the affected application
p.(None): is treated as not composed. The director of CEM informs about the consequence of this consequence in the call to make up for the shortcomings
p.(None): formal.
p.(None): 5. The application referred to in para. 1 shall be submitted by 31 July each year for sessions
p.(None): autumn or until December 31 of each year for the spring session. The notification deadline does not apply
p.(None): provisions of art. 58-60 of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure. In case of SMK failure
p.(None): lasting more than an hour, preventing submission of the application within a week before the expiry
p.(None): appropriate deadlines, these deadlines are extended by the duration of the failure from the moment the failure is removed. Extension
p.(None): ex officio by the system operator.
p.(None): 6. The CEM Director notifies the applicant about the place and date of the exam and the assigned code number.
p.(None): The notification is sent via SMK or electronic means of communication to the postal address
p.(None): electronic
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p.(None): indicated by the applicant in the application referred to in paragraph 1, not later than 14 days before the date of the given exam.
p.(None): 7. In the event of an epidemic emergency or an epidemic being declared, the minister competent for health may
p.(None): change the dates referred to in paragraph 5. If the circumstances causing the change of dates cease to exist
p.(None): the minister competent for health again changes these deadlines, however the total period of the shift in question
p.(None): the deadline cannot be longer than 5 months. The provisions of Art. 58-60 of the Act
p.(None): of June 14, 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure. Information on changing these dates
p.(None): the minister competent for health announces on his website.
p.(None): Article 16 1. CEM organizes PES twice a year in places determined by the director of CEM.
p.(None): 2. PES for each specialty is submitted in the form of a test and oral exam, in order
p.(None): these exams determined by the director of CEM, covering the scope of completed specialist training,
p.(None): with particular emphasis on diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, excluding performance
p.(None): invasive medical procedures and procedures.
p.(None): 3. In justified cases, the minister competent for health may, at the request of the director of CEM, agree to
p.(None): withdrawal from conducting the PES test exam for all doctors admitted to the PES in a given
p.(None): field in a specific exam session, with an oral exam, or decide about
p.(None): conducting PES once a year - with all its parts retained in one of the exam sessions.
p.(None): 4. Tests and test questions shall be developed and determined by CEM in consultation with the competent national consultant
p.(None): for a given field of medicine, and in the absence of such a consultant - in a related field or his
p.(None): representative separately for each field of medicine and for each examination session.
p.(None): 5. Tests, questions and exam tasks are developed, processed, distributed and stored in a manner
p.(None): medical knowledge, including the method and criteria referred to in paragraph 3.
p.(None): 2. The method and criteria referred to in para. 3 shall be determined in accordance with current medical knowledge by
p.(None): specialists in relevant fields of medicine appointed and dismissed by the minister competent for matters
p.(None): health.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for health shall announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', method and criteria for establishing:
p.(None): 1) permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death);
p.(None): 2) irreversible cardiac arrest preceding organ procurement.
p.(None): 4. The minister competent for health, shall entrust specialists in relevant fields at least once every 5 years
p.(None): medicine appointed and dismissed by that minister, to assess the compliance of the manner and criteria referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 3, with current medical knowledge.
p.(None): 5. Permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death) is confirmed unanimously by two specialist doctors
p.(None): possessing the second degree of specialization or
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p.(None): specialist title, including one specialist in the field of anesthesiology and intensive care or neonatology,
p.(None): and the other in the field of neurology, pediatric neurology or neurosurgery.
p.(None): 6. Irreversible cardiac arrest prior to organ procurement states unanimously two
p.(None): specialist doctors with a second degree of specialization or specialist title, including one specialist in
p.(None): anesthesiology and intensive care or neonatology, and the other in emergency medicine,
p.(None): internal medicine, cardiology, pediatric cardiology or pediatrics.
p.(None): 7. Finding permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death) or irreversible
p.(None): cardiac arrest prior to organ procurement is synonymous with death.
p.(None): Art. 44. A doctor who:
p.(None): 1) performs activities as part of emergency relief services or in the case referred to in art. thirty,
p.(None): 2) performs the profession in an entity performing medical activity that has concluded a contract for the provision of benefits
p.(None): healthcare financed from public funds in connection with the provision of health services
p.(None): in this entity
p.(None): - entitled to legal protection due to a public official.
p.(None): Art. 45. 1. A doctor may prescribe medicines, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses, which
p.(None): are admitted to trading in the Republic of Poland on the principles set out in separate regulations, and products
p.(None): medical, equipment for medical devices, in vitro diagnostic medical devices, equipment for devices
p.(None): in vitro diagnostic medical devices and active implantable medical devices within the meaning of the provisions
p.(None): Act of 20 May 2010 on medical devices (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 186).
p.(None): 1a. The doctor issues prescriptions for medicines on the principles set out in art. 95b-96b of the Act of September 6, 2001 -
p.(None): Pharmaceutical Law.
p.(None): 2. The doctor may also issue prescriptions for drugs to persons referred to in art. 43-46 of the Act of 27
p.(None): August 2004 on healthcare services financed from public funds, under the principles set out in
p.(None): this Act and in the Act of May 12, 2011 on the reimbursement of medicines and foodstuffs
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p.(None): special nutritional uses and medical devices. The doctor is obliged to record
p.(None): the rights of these people on the prescription in the manner specified in art. 96a section 8 point 3 of the Act of September 6, 2001 -
p.(None): Pharmaceutical Law.
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p.(None): 3. In justified cases, a physician may order medicines authorized in other countries, with
p.(None): simultaneous detailed justification in the medical documentation.
p.(None): 4. The physician is obliged to provide detailed reasons in the medical documentation for the reasons for making the annotation,
p.(None): referred to in art. 44 section 2 sentence 2 of the Act of May 12, 2011 on the reimbursement of medicines and foodstuffs
p.(None): special nutritional uses and medical devices.
p.(None): 5. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 45a. 1. The physician is obliged to notify the entity responsible for placing the medicinal product on
p.(None): market and the President of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, operation
p.(None): undesirable medicinal product.
p.(None): 2. The applications referred to in para. 1, the physician makes an action notification form
p.(None): an undesirable medicinal product submitted in paper or electronic form.
p.(None): Art. 45b. (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 46. 1. A doctor may not sell medicinal products, medical devices or equipment
p.(None): medical devices, in vitro diagnostic medical devices, accessories for diagnostic medical devices
p.(None): in vitro, active implantable medical devices within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 20 May 2010 on
p.(None): medical devices and auxiliaries.
p.(None): 2. The provision of para. 1 shall not apply if the physician provides the patient with a medicinal product or device on an ad hoc basis
p.(None): medical, medical device equipment, in vitro diagnostic medical device, medical device equipment for
p.(None): in vitro diagnostics or active implantable medical device within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 20 May 2010.
p.(None): about medical devices in connection with emergency assistance.
p.(None): 3. The provision of para. 1 shall not apply to custom made products referred to in art. 2 clause 1 point 42
p.(None): Act of 20 May 2010 on medical devices.
p.(None): Art. 47. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, may determine in
p.(None): by regulation, rules of procedure
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p.(None): physicians in situations related to a particular threat to public health, taking into account in particular the type and
p.(None): scope of danger.
p.(None): Art. 48. 1. A practicing physician may be appointed by an authorized body to provide medical assistance in
p.(None): to combat the effects of disasters, epidemics and natural disasters for their duration.
p.(None): 2. The rules and procedure for appointing a doctor in the situation referred to in para. 1, are specified in separate provisions.
p.(None): Article 48a (Deleted)
p.(None): Article 48b (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 49. 1. A practicing physician is required to participate in the work of medical appointing committees
p.(None): ability of persons subject to military qualification to perform active military service, on the terms specified
p.(None): in separate regulations.
p.(None): 2. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 49a. (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 50 (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 50a. Group medical practice cannot be performed in a medical entity under a contract
p.(None): civil law for the provision of health services.
p.(None): Article 50b (repealed) Article 50c. (repealed) Article 51. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 52. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 52a. (Deleted)
p.(None): Art. 52b 1. The regional medical chamber is entitled to visit in order to assess the profession of doctors
General/Other / Relationship to Authority
Searching for indicator authority:
(return to top)
p.(None): Lekarska appoints an examination board of six, which consists of physicians of sufficiently high levels
p.(None): qualifications, including at least two holders of a specialist title in a selected field
p.(None): medical, and at least one person with a university degree in Polish philology. Committee
p.(None): the examination board elects its chairman and secretary from among its members. The commission secretary prepares
p.(None): examination report, signed by members and chairman.
p.(None): 7. The fee for the exam referred to in par. 3, shall be borne by the applicant, and the proceeds from this title shall be the income of the Chief
p.(None): Medical Council.
p.(None): 8. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 7a. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): Regulation:
p.(None): 1) the scope of knowledge of the Polish language in speech and writing, necessary to practice the profession
p.(None): physician, dentist, in particular with regard to the scope of professional rights specified in
p.(None): Art. 2;
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p.(None): 2) the manner and procedure for conducting the exam, referred to in art. 7 item 3, the amount of the fee for this
p.(None): exam and sample certificate confirming successful passing of the exam, with a view to assurance
p.(None): the correct course of the exam and the cost of organizing the exam.
p.(None): Art. 7b. SMK contains information about the granted rights to practice the profession, referred to in art. 5–5c, art. 5f
p.(None): and art. 7.
p.(None): Art. 8. 1. A physician who obtained the right to practice the profession shall be subject to entry in the register kept by the competent authority
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 2. The Supreme Medical Council shall determine the detailed procedure for granting the right to practice the profession
p.(None): doctor, dentist and keeping a register of doctors.
p.(None): Art. 8a. Partial access to the professions of physician and dentist is not granted, both
p.(None): in the professional activities of a doctor or dentist without specialization, as well as a doctor or a physician
p.(None): specialist dentist.
p.(None): Art. 9. 1. A physician with sufficiently high qualifications, not having the right to practice in the territory
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland, but having this right in another state, may conduct theoretical and
p.(None): practical teaching of the medical profession or take part in a medical consultation and perform the treatments needed
p.(None): results from this consulium or the curriculum if:
p.(None): 1) was invited by a doctor who has the right to practice in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish, each time after obtaining the consent of the appropriate regional medical council, or
p.(None): 2) was invited by a physician practicing the profession of a therapeutic entity within the meaning of the provisions on operations
p.(None): medical treatment, each time after obtaining the consent of the head of this entity and the appropriate regional medical council, or
p.(None): 3) was invited by a clinical hospital or entity referred to in art. 7 item 1 point 1, 2
p.(None): and 4-8 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science, leader
p.(None): activity in the field of medical sciences or health sciences, which informs the appropriate regional medical council.
p.(None): practice a branch of the Social Insurance Institution or, prior to commencing professional activities
p.(None): or in an emergency after they have been performed.
p.(None): 14. To the doctor referred to in par. 2, the provisions of Art. 31 and 45 of the Act of December 2, 2009 on
p.(None): medical chambers.
p.(None): 15. The doctor referred to in par. 2, providing benefits temporarily and occasionally only as part of
p.(None): international agreements concluded with a Member State of the European Union for cross-border cooperation
p.(None): in the field of emergency medical services, he does not submit to the regional medical council competent for the place
p.(None): the intended pursuit of the profession of documents referred to in paragraph 2. The provisions of para. 3-13 shall not apply.
p.(None): Art. 9a. In cases where the doctor or dentist temporarily and occasionally practices on
p.(None): the territory of the Republic of Poland on the principles referred to in art. 9 item 2 and 3–12, District Medical Council
p.(None): or the Supreme Medical Council may require the physician or dentist to pass on to patients all or
p.(None): some of the following information:
p.(None): 1) if a doctor, dentist is entered in the register of entrepreneurs or a similar register
p.(None): public - an indication of this register, the number under which it appears in the register, or other contained in it
p.(None): register of data allowing identification of a doctor, dentist;
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p.(None): 2) the name and address of the competent authority granting authorization to practice in the Member State
p.(None): office;
p.(None): 3) an indication of the professional association or similar institution in which the doctor, dentist is
p.(None): registered;
p.(None): 4) professional title;
p.(None): 5) if the doctor, dentist conducts business subject to VAT -
p.(None): VAT identification number;
p.(None): 6) details of the insurance policy or other individual measures or
p.(None): collective security in relation to professional liability.
p.(None): Art. 9b. 1. A doctor who permanently provides health services to members of the national team participating in the Games
p.(None): Olympic, Paralympic, Deaf Games, World or European Championships, hereinafter referred to as
p.(None): "Sporting event" organized on the territory of the Republic of Poland, maybe during this time
p.(None): a sporting event to pursue the medical profession without having to obtain the right to practice the profession if he submits
p.(None): Regional Medical Chamber in Warsaw:
p.(None): 1) a written declaration of intention to temporarily practice the medical profession in the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): and
p.(None): 2) a certificate issued by the competent authority of the country in which he practices the medical profession that he has in it
p.(None): the right to practice medicine, which is not suspended or restricted at the time of making the declaration,
p.(None): and
p.(None): 3) a document confirming formal qualifications to practice the medical profession.
p.(None): 2. The statement and documents referred to in para. 1, the physician submits through the event organizer
p.(None): no later than 60 days before the start of this event.
p.(None): 3. The District Medical Chamber in Warsaw after receiving the statement and documents referred to in par. 1
p.(None): issues a doctor a certificate confirming the fulfillment of the obligation to submit a declaration and the documents referred to in par. 1.
p.(None): 4. The issue of the certificate referred to in para. 3, is subject to a fee of not more than
p.(None): 1.5% of the average monthly salary in the enterprise sector without payment of awards from profit for the previous year,
p.(None): published
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p.(None): by the President of the Central Statistical Office in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): "Monitor Polski", by way of announcement, by January 15 each year.
p.(None): 5. The fee is the revenue of the Regional Medical Chamber in Warsaw.
p.(None): 6. The provisions of para. 1-5 do not apply to citizens of other European Union Member States providing services
p.(None): cross-border pursuant to Directive 2005/36 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on
p.(None): recognition of professional qualifications (Official Journal of the EU L 255 of 30.09.2005, p. 22, as amended).
p.(None): 5. In order to conduct LEK and LDEK at agreed times and places, the director of CEM shall appoint from among
p.(None): members of the Examination Board Examination Teams.
p.(None): 6. A member of the Examination Team may not be a person in relation to whom the candidate to submit a LEK or
p.(None): LDEK in this Examination Team is:
p.(None): 1) his spouse;
p.(None): 2) a person in relation to him:
p.(None): a) relationship or affinity to the second degree,
p.(None): b) adoption;
p.(None): 3) a person living together with him;
p.(None): 4) a person in relation to him in a business relationship.
p.(None): 7. The reasons for exclusion referred to in par. 6 points 1 and 2 continue despite the termination of marriage or adoption.
p.(None): 8. Members of the Examination Team before the start of LEK or LDEK shall submit to the CEM director a written statement,
p.(None): under pain of criminal liability that they do not remain with any of the applicants for LEK or LDEK before that
p.(None): The Examination Team in the relation referred to in par. 6, and they did not stay
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p.(None): convicted by a final judgment of a court for a deliberate offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional crime
p.(None): Treasury. The person submitting the statement is obliged to include the following clause in it: "I am
p.(None): aware of the criminal liability for making a false declaration. " This clause replaces the instruction
p.(None): a criminal liability authority for making false statements.
p.(None): 9. The CEM Director shall dismiss a member of the Examination Board in the event of:
p.(None): 1) resignation;
p.(None): 2) illness preventing him from performing the function of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 3) failure to perform or improper performance of the duties of a member of the Examination Board;
p.(None): 4) conviction by a final judgment of a court for an intentional offense prosecuted by public indictment or intentional
p.(None): tax offense;
p.(None): 5) submitting a false statement referred to in para. 8.
p.(None): 10. Members of the Examination Teams referred to in para. 5, and the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2
p.(None): entitled:
p.(None): 1) remuneration for participation in the works of this Team or committee, in an amount not exceeding PLN 500 for
p.(None): Chairman and not more than PLN 300 for a member;
p.(None): 2) reimbursement of travel expenses in the amount and under the conditions specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 775 § 2
p.(None): of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labor Code (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1040, 1043 and 1495) entitled to employees from
p.(None): title of business trip within the country;
p.(None): 3) dismissal from work on the day of performing the activities of the Examination Team referred to in par. 5, or
p.(None): the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2, without retaining the right to remuneration when organizing
p.(None): LEK or LDEK on a business day.
p.(None): 11. The detailed manner of payment of remuneration referred to in para. 10 point 1 and the reimbursement of costs referred to in para.
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 4 or solved the test independently, the Chairman of the Committee
p.(None): Examination referred to in art. 14b paragraph 4, will disqualify the applicant. The fact of disqualification
p.(None): along with an indication of its causes are noted in the examination report.
p.(None): 7. On the disqualification referred to in para. 6, the director of CEM shall notify the disqualified person in writing.
p.(None): The director of CEM publishes information on disqualification in SMK.
p.(None): 8. The director of CEM notifies the competent regional ombudsman of professional liability about disqualification.
p.(None): if the doctor or dentist is a member of a regional medical chamber or a competent one
p.(None): District Ombudsman for professional liability of the military medical chamber, if the doctor or dentist
p.(None): is a member of the military medical chamber.
p.(None): 9. A disqualified person may not join LEK or LDEK at the next nearest date
p.(None): exam after the day of disqualification.
p.(None): Art. 14e. 1. Candidate LEK or LDEK in a given time may bring it during the examination or immediately after it
p.(None): finished before leaving the room
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p.(None): examination subject, substantive reservation on the test question used during this LEK or LDEK.
p.(None): The reservation shall be made to the director of CEM on the form, a template of which is prepared by CEM.
p.(None): 2. The reservation referred to in para. 1, examine within 3 days from the day on which the exam took place, the commission
p.(None): appointed by the director of CEM from persons whose knowledge, experience and authority guarantee the correct one
p.(None): consideration of objections. If the objection is accepted, the committee will cancel the test question
p.(None): subject to the reservation. This decision lowers the maximum number of points possible
p.(None): from the test. No points are awarded for an annulled question.
p.(None): 3. The decision referred to in para. 2, is inconsistent with the law.
p.(None): 4. A positive LEK or LDEK result is obtained by the applicant who obtained at least 56% of the maximum number
p.(None): points from the test. The result of the exam is not a decision within the meaning of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code
p.(None): administrative proceedings.
p.(None): 5. A person who submitted a LEK or LDEK with negative results, or who submitted a LEK or LDEK with unsatisfactory results
p.(None): result, he can take the exam again at another time.
p.(None): 6. To the person who submitted the LEK or LDEK, the CEM director issues the certificate of LEK or LDEK in
p.(None): 21 days from the date of passing the exam. The signature of the CEM director may be on the certificate
p.(None): mechanically reproduced. The result of an individual's exam is made available to them via SMK. At the request of that person
p.(None): the director of CEM issues a duplicate of the LEK certificate of deposit or LDEK certificate of deposit against payment
p.(None): correction. The fee for these activities is PLN 50. Fees are not paid if the correction is due to a CEM error.
p.(None): 7. The results of LEK and LDEK are made available by the CEM director via SMK to the bodies referred to in art. 16c paragraph 8, universities in
p.(None): regarding their graduates and the Supreme Medical Council.
p.(None): 8. In the event of gross misconduct regarding the LEK or LDEK procedure or unforeseen situations
p.(None): 6b. The voivode oversees the completion of post-graduate internships for doctors, dentists and in the field of
p.(None): compliance by the internship entities with the requirements and conditions referred to in paragraph 5 point 6.
p.(None): 6c. The voivode as part of the supervision referred to in para. 6b, is entitled to:
p.(None): 1) visitation of an entity entered on the list referred to in para. 6;
p.(None): 2) request documentation regarding the implementation of the internship program and financing;
p.(None): 3) demand explanations regarding the implementation of the internship program by a doctor;
p.(None): 4) issuing post-control recommendations;
p.(None): 5) providing information on the inspection carried out to the voivodship marshal and the regional chamber
p.(None): medical;
p.(None): 6) requesting the voivodship marshal to delete an entity entered on the list referred to in para. 6.
p.(None): 6d. The provisions of para. 1-3d and 4-6c shall apply mutatis mutandis to persons who are nationals of a Member State
p.(None): The European Union.
p.(None): 7. The Minister of National Defense, after consulting the Military Medical Council, shall establish the list
p.(None): subordinate health care entities authorized to conduct postgraduate internships for doctors and physicians
p.(None): dentists appointed to the professional military service and provides the funds necessary for these internships.
p.(None): 7a. The doctor, dentist referred to in paragraph 7, takes a postgraduate internship as an intern or
p.(None): trainee dentist, to whom he is appointed by the competent military authority in agreement with
p.(None): Military Medical Council.
p.(None): 7b. An intern doctor who has not completed or did not complete the post-graduate internship within 5 years from the date
p.(None): obtaining the right to practice the profession, may again undergo a post-graduate internship under a training contract
p.(None): concluded with the entity
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p.(None): conducting postgraduate internship. The competent district medical council again grants the doctor the right
p.(None): practicing the profession referred to in art. 5 paragraph 7.
p.(None): 8. In justified cases, the minister competent for health may recognize post-graduate internship
p.(None): abroad as equivalent to a postgraduate internship completed in the country, subject to paragraph 9.
p.(None): 8a. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status, the trainee physician may be referred
p.(None): through:
p.(None): 1) a voivode to work in combating an epidemic based on art. 47 of the Act of 5 December 2008 on prevention
p.(None): and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1239 and 1495 and of 2020, items 284, 322 and
p.(None): 374) to the entity in which the internship takes place or to another entity, or
p.(None): 2) the employer to perform tasks other than those resulting from the contract referred to in paragraph 3d if he doesn't stay
p.(None): issued decision referred to in item 1.
p.(None): 8b. Tasks referred to in par. 8a, must be adapted to the level of knowledge and skills of the managed person
p.(None): an intern and be subject to the supervision and management of a specialist appointed by the manager
p.(None): the unit to which the intern doctor was referred.
p.(None): with the implementation of part or all of the specialized module program.
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p.(None): 7. The Director of the CMKP, based on the opinion of the team he appointed, may recognize, by way of a decision, the existing one
p.(None): scientific and professional achievements of the doctor referred to in paragraph 4-6, equivalent to his implementation in part
p.(None): or in full the detailed program of the specialized module, and if recognized as equivalent in full -
p.(None): decide to admit this doctor to PES.
p.(None): 8. The composition of the team referred to in para. 7, include:
p.(None): 1) national consultant competent in a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 2) head of specialization;
p.(None): 3) a representative of a scientific society competent for a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 4) a representative of the Supreme Medical Council holding the title of specialist in a given field of medicine and degree
p.(None): scientific habilitated doctor.
p.(None): 9. In justified cases, the minister competent for health may recognize the achievements to date
p.(None): professional and scientific doctor as equivalent to the implementation of a specialization program in a new field
p.(None): medicine, not covered by the current specialization training system, and decide about
p.(None): admission of a doctor to PES. The provisions of para. 7 and 8 shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 9a. The decisions referred to in paragraph 7 and 9, are transmitted via SMK and additionally include in it:
p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 10. The minister competent for health shall specify, by regulation, a list of the specializations referred to
p.(None): in paragraph 2 point 2, as well as the manner and procedure for recognizing a doctor's professional and scientific achievements, guided by
p.(None): equivalence of the professional and scientific achievements of a doctor with a given specialization program.
p.(None): Art. 16a. 1. Document confirming formal qualifications in the field of medical specialization or
p.(None): medical or dental doctor or dentist who is a citizen of a Member State of the Union
p.(None): European, issued by the competent authorities of a Member State of the Union other than the Republic of Poland
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p.(None): European, meeting the minimum educational requirements set out in European Union regulations, listed in
p.(None): the list referred to in par. 3, is equivalent to a document confirming the title of specialist.
p.(None): 2. Confirmed qualifications are also considered equivalent to the title of specialist in medicine:
p.(None): 1) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): proving the commencement of education before:
p.(None): a) December 20, 1976 in the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the French Republic and the Kingdom
p.(None): The Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Federal Republic of Germany,
p.(None): Italian Republic or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
p.(None): b) January 1, 1981 in the Hellenic Republic,
p.(None): Latvia,
p.(None): c) on March 11, 1990 in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the case of the Republic of Lithuania,
p.(None): d) June 25, 1991 in the former Yugoslavia in the case of the Republic of Slovenia
p.(None): - and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of Estonia and the Republic, respectively
p.(None): Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Slovenia, the Czech Republic or the Slovak Republic
p.(None): confirming that
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p.(None): this document has the same force in the territory of these States as the documents listed in relation to these
p.(None): countries on the list referred to in para. 3, and that the dentist actually and lawfully practiced the profession of
p.(None): specialist in the field for at least three consecutive years in a five-year period directly
p.(None): preceding the issue of the certificate, or
p.(None): 5) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): providing specialist training prior to 1 January 1995 in the Kingdom of Spain, and
p.(None): a certificate, issued by the competent Spanish authorities, that he passed the specialization exam,
p.(None): carried out to confirm that the physician's qualifications correspond to those within the given scope
p.(None): specialties referred to in par. 3;
p.(None): 5a) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty,
p.(None): proving the commencement of education after December 31, 1983 and before January 1, 1991 in the Republic
p.(None): Italian, if the document is accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent Italian authority stating that
p.(None): the physician concerned was actually and lawfully performing the activities of a physician in the specialization in Italy by
p.(None): at least seven consecutive years in the ten years preceding the issue of this certificate, a
p.(None): these qualifications are considered equivalent to those attested by the documents listed in
p.(None): the list referred to in par. 3;
p.(None): 6) a document confirming formal qualifications in a given medical specialty or
p.(None): medical and dental practice issued by a Member State of the European Union other than the Republic of Poland
p.(None): other than documents listed in the list referred to in para. 3, or within a specialization other than
p.(None): mentioned in the list referred to in art. 20a paragraph 2, and a certificate issued by the competent authorities of another
p.(None): than the Commonwealth of Poland of a Member State of the European Union stating that the document confirming
p.(None): formal qualifications for a given medical or dental specialist have been issued after completion
p.(None): appropriate education that meets the minimum requirements set out in European Union legislation, and
p.(None): these qualifications are considered equivalent to qualifications
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p.(None): certified documents listed in the list referred to in paragraph 3.
p.(None): 3. The minister competent for health shall announce, in a notice, in the Official Journal
p.(None): Of the Republic of Poland 'Monitor Polski', list of documents confirming formal qualifications in
p.(None): medical specialties of a doctor and dentist who is a citizen of a state
p.(None): in connection with the appointment to this position or stay on the missions of Polish Military Contingents.
p.(None): 11. The result of the competition procedure is a percentage of the maximum number of points obtained for LEK / LDEK, o
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 10 points 1 or percentage of the maximum number of points obtained from the LEK / LDEK or exam in
p.(None): the scope of the relevant specialization I or II degree or PES and additional points referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 10 points 2 or a percentage of the maximum number of points obtained from LEK / LDEK and points
p.(None): additional ones referred to in para. 10 point 3.
p.(None): 12. In the case of persons having the result of the State Medical Examination or
p.(None): The Medical-Dental State Examination in the competitive procedure recognizes the result of these examinations
p.(None): is equivalent to the result of LEK or LDEK, respectively.
p.(None): 13. Physicians are qualified to undergo specialized training in a number corresponding to the number of free
p.(None): places allocated for a given qualification procedure in a given field of medicine in a given field
p.(None): voivodship or owned by a given entity, in order from the highest result obtained in the proceedings
p.(None): competition.
p.(None): 14. The doctor may request verification from the body conducting the qualification procedure
p.(None): qualifying procedure, within 7 days from the day of announcing the list of qualified doctors and
p.(None): not qualified for
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p.(None): start a given specialization training. The list shall be announced on the relevant website
p.(None): authority and by means of SMK.
p.(None): 15. List of physicians not qualified to undergo specialized training in a specific one
p.(None): the medical field contains information on verification, referred to in par. 14.
p.(None): 16. The detailed manner and procedure for conducting the qualification procedure are set out in the regulations of the procedure
p.(None): qualification specified in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 16g paragraph 1 point 4.
p.(None): 16a. Detailed method and procedure for conducting qualification proceedings
p.(None): by the Minister of National Defense determines the regulations of the qualification procedure set out in the regulations issued on
p.(None): based on art. 16x paragraph 2.
p.(None): 17. Body conducting the qualification procedure, taking into account the result of the procedure
p.(None): qualifying, he directs the doctor, via SMK, to undergo specialist training in the entity referred to in
p.(None): Art. 19f paragraph 1, with a free training place. For doctors who are soldiers in active
p.(None): military service, as well as those on duty or employed in medical entities
p.(None): created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense, body conducting the proceedings
p.(None): qualifying, taking into account the result of the qualification procedure, indicates to the doctor, for
p.(None): SMK help, a free training place and issues a referral for specialist training in
p.(None): the entity referred to in art. 19f paragraph 1, with a free training place.
p.(None): 17a. In order to enable specialist training in the entity referred to in art. 19f paragraph 1 after
p.(None): completed qualification procedure, the voivode may apply for free access
p.(None): a training place at the disposal of the Minister of National Defense or the minister competent for matters
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p.(None): doctors who are soldiers on active military service, as well as on duty or employed in entities
p.(None): medicinal products created and supervised by the Minister of National Defense may be expressed by the Minister of National Defense.
p.(None): 5. Duration of specialization training for doctors who are officers in relation to the service in
p.(None): organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs may
p.(None): be extended additionally by the minister competent for internal affairs for the duration of service outside the territory
p.(None): Polish Republic.
p.(None): 5a. In justified cases, other than specified in par. 1, 2 and 5, consent to the additional extension of the duration
p.(None): specialization training in relation to physicians who are officers in relation to the service in
p.(None): organizational units subordinated to or supervised by the minister competent for internal affairs, or
p.(None): employed under an employment contract or civil law contract, or serving in the entity
p.(None): therapeutic, established by the minister competent for internal affairs, may be expressed by the minister competent for matters
p.(None): Interior.
p.(None): 5b. Information about the extension of the period of specialization training to the physician is placed in SMK by the competent
p.(None): entities with an additional indication:
p.(None): 1) extension period;
p.(None): 2) first name (s) and surname of the person to whom the extension applies;
p.(None): 3) subject of the settlement;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) extension body.
p.(None): 6. The doctor or competent entity is obliged to inform the competent authority referred to in art. 16c paragraph 1, st
p.(None): planned absence by the doctor, in particular for the reasons referred to in paragraph 1, 2, 4-5, ongoing
p.(None): longer than 3 months.
p.(None): 7. A voivode who has information on absence referred to in para. 6, or other ongoing absence of a physician
p.(None): for more than 3 months he may refer another doctor qualified for the period of this absence
p.(None): undergoing specialized training, to undergo this training at the entity conducting specialized training,
p.(None): considering the possibility of completing part or all of the specialization program and the possibility of using it
p.(None): training places.
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p.(None): 8. Referrals referred to in para. 7, is done using SMK.
p.(None): Art. 16m 1. The doctor undergoes specialization training under the guidance of a doctor employed under a contract of
p.(None): work or civil law contract or practicing profession on the basis of the service relationship with the entity
p.(None): conducting specialized training, appointed by the manager of this entity, hereinafter referred to as the "manager
p.(None): specialization ".
p.(None): 2. The head of specialization may be a doctor possessing the second degree of specialization or title
p.(None): specialist in the field of medicine which is the subject of specialized training, and in justified cases
p.(None): in a related field of medicine.
p.(None): 3. The doctor undergoes a specialist internship under the direction of a doctor with a 2nd degree of specialization or title
p.(None): a specialist in a given medical field appointed by the head of the unit conducting a field internship,
p.(None): who agreed to perform this function, hereinafter referred to as "internship manager".
p.(None): medicine related to the implementation of state tasks related solely to the defense of the country during war and peace,
p.(None): may apply to the director of the CMKP for recognition of part of the period of specialization in
p.(None): the scope of the relevant module if he was serving outside the territory of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish, provided that the nature of this service, including participation in performance and performance
p.(None): medical procedures and procedures, corresponded to the relevant specialization program.
p.(None): 12. Based on the opinion of the team he appointed, the CMKP director may recognize, by way of a decision, internships and courses, about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 8, equivalent to the implementation of part of the specialization program and shorten the period of the doctor
p.(None): undergoing this training, but not more than by 1/2 the duration of the specialization training or modules about which
p.(None): referred to in art. 16 clause 2.
p.(None): 13. Based on the opinion of the team he appointed, the CMKP director may recognize, by way of decision, internships and courses, about
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 8 and 10, equivalent to the implementation of part of the specialization program.
p.(None): 13a. The decisions referred to in paragraph 12 and 13, are placed in SMK and additionally include in it:
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p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 14. The composition of the team referred to in para. 12 and 13, include:
p.(None): 1) national consultant competent in a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 2) head of specialization;
p.(None): 3) a representative of a scientific society competent for a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 4) a representative of the Supreme Medical Council holding the title of specialist in a given field of medicine and degree
p.(None): scientific habilitated doctor.
p.(None): 15. In the event of an epidemic emergency or epidemic status, a medical practitioner undergoing training
p.(None): specialization may be directed by:
p.(None): 1) a voivode to work in combating an epidemic based on art. 47 of the Act of 5 December 2008 on prevention
p.(None): and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans to the subject in which the specialist training takes place or to
p.(None): other entity, or
p.(None): 2) the employer to perform tasks other than those resulting from the contract under which the training takes place
p.(None): specialization, if the decision referred to in item 1 is not issued.
p.(None): 16. A doctor undergoing specialist training who was referred pursuant to para. 15 to perform
p.(None): work other than that resulting from the contract under which the specialist training takes place, performs work under
p.(None): supervision of a specialist appointed by the head of the unit to which he was referred. Medical specialist
p.(None): supervising the work of a doctor during specialization training acquires the appropriate qualifications of a manager
p.(None): specializations referred to in par. 7.
p.(None): 17. At the request of a doctor undergoing specialist training, the director of the CMKP may decide, by decision, the period of
p.(None): 10. If the opinion referred to in para. 8, includes an indication for completing an internship,
p.(None): the minister competent for health shall direct a doctor to undergo this internship, taking into account the duration and scope
p.(None): substantive of this internship and an indication of the entity conducting the specialist training in which the complementary internship
p.(None): should be done.
p.(None): 11. The supplementary internship cannot last longer than 3 years.
p.(None): 12. The doctor takes a supplementary internship as part of a paid training leave, a fixed-term employment contract
p.(None): undergoing a supplementary internship or a civil law contract for a supplementary internship concluded with the indicated
p.(None): entity conducting specialized training, under the conditions specified in the contract.
p.(None): 13. The supplementary internship ends with obtaining a professional opinion issued by the head of the appropriate unit
p.(None): organizational entity conducting specialized training.
p.(None): 14. On the basis of the professional opinion, the minister competent for health issues a decision in which he recognizes the title
p.(None): specialist as equivalent to the title of specialist in the Republic of Poland, or refuses to recognize this title.
p.(None): 15. Decisions referred to in para. 9 and 14, shall be placed in SMK and additionally include in it:
p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) citizenship of the person concerned;
p.(None): 4) country obtaining the title of specialist;
p.(None): 5) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 6) type of settlement;
p.(None): 7) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): Art. 16o. 1. The doctor may not implement or continue specialization training in the case of:
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p.(None): 1) suspension of the right to practice a medical profession or a prohibition to practice a medical profession;
p.(None): 2) doctor's limitations in performing specific medical activities covered by the specialization program;
p.(None): 3) the doctor's failure to take specialized training within a period of 3 months from the day indicated as the day
p.(None): commencing this training on a referral issued by the steering body for training, for reasons
p.(None): lying on the doctor's side;
p.(None): 4) the doctor's discontinuation of specialist training;
p.(None): 5) discontinuation of the specialist training for a doctor at the request of the head of specialization after
p.(None): obtaining the opinion of a competent voivodship consultant in a given field of medicine or a consultant
p.(None): national in a given field of medicine or fields of medicine related to the implementation of the tasks of the state
p.(None): related solely to the defense of the country during war and peace and the relevant regional chamber
p.(None): medical;
p.(None): 6) the end of the period in which he was obliged to complete specialization training. 1a. By giving up by
p.(None): doctor undergoing specialist training,
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1 point 4, it should be understood that the physician ceases to implement the specialization program,
p.(None): in accordance with the annual detailed plan of specialization training referred to in art. 16m paragraph 6, or not completing
p.(None): entries, via SMK, in EKS by a doctor, referred to in art. 16m paragraph 6a, within 3 months of
p.(None): make the last entry, for reasons attributable to the doctor.
p.(None): 2. The relevant entity is obliged to notify via voivode, Minister of Defense, via SMK, respectively
p.(None): Narodowa or the minister competent for internal affairs on the occurrence of the circumstances referred to in para. 1 point
p.(None): 1-5.
p.(None): 3. (repealed)
p.(None): 4. The voivode, the Minister of National Defense or the minister competent for internal affairs shall issue a decision accordingly
p.(None): deletion of a doctor from the register of doctors undergoing specialist training, hereinafter referred to as the "register", on
p.(None): the basis of:
p.(None): 1) notification by the relevant entity of the occurrence of the circumstances referred to in para. 1 points 1-4, or
p.(None): information on the occurrence of circumstances referred to in par. 1 points 1-4 by other authorized entities;
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p.(None): 2) the application of the head of specialization for the interruption of specialization training after obtaining by the voivode,
p.(None): Minister of National Defense or minister competent for internal affairs competent opinion
p.(None): voivodship consultant in a given field of medicine or consultant in a given field of medicine or
p.(None): medicine fields related to the implementation of state tasks related solely to national defense over time
p.(None): war and peace and the appropriate regional medical chamber.
p.(None): 5. The decision referred to in para. 4, shall be placed in SMK and additionally include in it:
p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 6. The decision referred to in para. 4, the provisions of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code shall apply
p.(None): administrative proceedings. On the decision, the entities referred to in paragraph 4, shall also notify the doctor in writing.
p.(None): Art. 16p. 1. The register is kept by CMKP, using SMK, using data
p.(None): immediately published in SMK directly by voivods, the Minister of National Defense and the minister
p.(None): competent for internal affairs.
p.(None): 2. The register is kept in the information and IT system according to a specific data system:
p.(None): 1) registration number consisting of a sequence of consecutive characters:
p.(None): a) a two-digit voivodship symbol being the first element of the division unit identifier
p.(None): territorial defined in the regulations issued on the basis of art. 49 of the Act of 29 June 1995 on
p.(None): public statistics (Journal of Laws of 2019, items 649, 730 and 2294),
p.(None): b) a four-character specialization code, in accordance with the list of specialization codes specified in the regulations issued on
p.(None): based on art. 8 clause 2
p.(None): c) the seven-digit number "The right to practice the profession of medicine" or "The right to practice the profession of dentist";
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the doctor;
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p.(None): 3) physician's home address;
p.(None): 4) place and date of birth in the case of a foreign doctor;
p.(None): 5) PESEL number, and in the absence of it - the features of a document confirming identity: the name and number of the document and
p.(None): country of issuance;
p.(None): 6) citizenship (citizenship);
p.(None): 7) number of the right to practice the profession;
p.(None): meeting the prerequisites for recognition of the European exam
p.(None): scientific society as equivalent to the entire PES, the director of CEM issues a diploma confirming the title
p.(None): specialist. If the conditions for recognition of the exam organized by
p.(None): European scientific society as equivalent to a part of PES, the director of CEM issues a confirmation certificate
p.(None): such recognition. The director of CEM refuses to recognize the exam organized by the European scientific society as
p.(None): equivalent to all or part of PES by way of decision. The provisions of the Act of June 14, 1960 - Code
p.(None): Administrative proceedings shall apply accordingly.
p.(None): 6. A doctor cannot be recognized as an exam organized by a European scientific society
p.(None): equivalent to passing with a positive PES result in whole or in part if he submitted with a positive result
p.(None): PES in whole or in part, respectively.
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p.(None): 7. The doctor cannot join PES in whole or in part if he has obtained the recognition of the exam
p.(None): organized by the European Scientific Society as equivalent to a positive PES exam
p.(None): in whole or in part respectively.
p.(None): 8. For the matters referred to in par. 6 and 7, Art. 105 of the Act of June 14, 1960 - Code
p.(None): administrative proceedings.
p.(None): 9. The CEM Director informs about the decision on recognition of the European exam
p.(None): scientific society as equivalent with a positive PES credit in whole or in part, using
p.(None): SMK and additionally provides in it:
p.(None): 1) date of settlement;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned by the decision;
p.(None): 3) subject of the settlement;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): Article 16 1. A doctor who has obtained confirmation of the completion of the specialist training in question
p.(None): in art. 16r paragraph 6 point 1, and a doctor who has recognized achievements pursuant to art. 16 clause 7 or paragraph 9, maybe
p.(None): apply to the director of CEM with a request to join the PES.
p.(None): 2. The application referred to in para. 1, contains the following data:
p.(None): 1) first name (names) and surname;
p.(None): 2) PESEL number, and in the absence of it - the features of a document confirming identity: name and number of the document and
p.(None): country of issuance;
p.(None): 3) correspondence address, telephone number and e-mail address if the applicant has one;
p.(None): 4) an indication of the unit in which the applicant underwent specialization training, if applicable;
p.(None): 5) date of the decision and the authority issuing the decision referred to in art. 16 clause 7 or
p.(None): paragraph. 9, if the applicant possesses such;
p.(None): 6) name of the university which the applicant graduated from;
p.(None): 7) information on the right to practice the profession: its number, date of issue and issuing authority;
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p.(None): 8) name and surname, professional title or academic degree, or academic title of the head of specialization;
p.(None): 9) an indication of the entity referred to in art. 16r paragraph 2;
p.(None): 10) an indication of the field in which the applicant intends to submit PES;
p.(None): 11) an indication of the part of PES that the applicant intends to join;
p.(None): 12) information on the specialization held;
p.(None): 13) date and number of the certificate confirming the examination organized by the European scientific society as
p.(None): equivalent to PES part, if applicable.
p.(None): 3. The application referred to in para. 1, shall be submitted using SMK.
p.(None): 4. The fee referred to in art. 16t paragraph 1 shall be paid into the bank account indicated by CEM, provided by
p.(None): SMK during the submission of the application referred to in para. 1. The fee should be paid immediately after
p.(None): submitting the application, not later than within 5 days from the deadline for submitting the applications referred to in para. 5. W
p.(None): in the event of failure to pay the fee referred to in art. 16t paragraph 1, or to bring it in an amount lower than
p.(None): due, the director of CEM calls the applicant to fill formal deficiencies, by means of SMK or by means
p.(None): electronic communication at the e-mail address indicated by the applicant in the application referred to in
p.(None): paragraph. 2. The provision of art. 64 of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure shall not apply. IN
p.(None): in the event of failure to complete formal deficiencies within 7 days of sending the request, the affected application
p.(None): is treated as not composed. The director of CEM informs about the consequence of this consequence in the call to make up for the shortcomings
p.(None): formal.
p.(None): 11. Invalidation of PES or a part thereof means that PES or a part thereof is treated as non-PES, respectively.
p.(None): The annulled exam is repeated no later than three months from the day on which the decision on
p.(None): annulment has become final. In the event of annulment of the entire PES, all parts thereof shall take place in
p.(None): no later than three months from the date on which the decision
p.(None): annulment became final.
p.(None): 11a. PES annulment, in whole or in part, occurs when the person who took the exam was not
p.(None): authorized to do so. Annulment of PES or its part for reasons attributable to the applicant causes that
p.(None): PES or part of it is null and void accordingly. The provisions of para. 11 and art. 16 in paragraph 6 does not apply
p.(None): a.
p.(None): 11b. In the event of annulment of PES for reasons not attributable to the applicant, no fee shall be charged
p.(None): the fee referred to in art. 16t paragraph 1, from the person applying for the next exam, who
p.(None): took an annulled exam.
p.(None): 12. The decision on annulment shall be taken by the Director of CEM within 14 days from the date of becoming aware of the reasons
p.(None): justifying the annulment of PES or part thereof.
p.(None): 13. Information on the decision to annul PES or part thereof is published on the CEM website. For service
p.(None): the decision referred to in paragraph 12, regulations
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p.(None): of the Act of June 14, 1960 - Code of Administrative Procedure shall apply accordingly. He publishes the decision
p.(None): in SMK and additionally provides in it:
p.(None): 1) date of decision;
p.(None): 2) first name (names) and surname of the person concerned;
p.(None): 3) subject of the decision;
p.(None): 4) type of settlement;
p.(None): 5) authority issuing the decision.
p.(None): 14. The decision to annul PES or part thereof may be appealed to the minister competent for health
p.(None): within 14 days of its delivery, submitted via the CEM director.
p.(None): Article 16t 1. When reporting to PES for the second and subsequent time, the doctor shall pay a fee of not more than 25%
p.(None): average monthly salary in the enterprise sector without payment of awards from profit for the previous year,
p.(None): announced by the President of the Central Statistical Office in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland
p.(None): Polish "Monitor Polski" by announcement, by January 15 each year.
p.(None): 2. The fee referred to in para. 1, are downloaded by the director of CEM.
p.(None): 3. The fee referred to in para. 1 shall constitute the income of the state budget.
p.(None): 4. (repealed)
p.(None): Article 16u 1. PES is carried out by the State Examination Board, hereinafter referred to as "PKE".
p.(None): 2. The chairman and members of PKE are appointed and dismissed by the director of CEM from among persons proposed by
p.(None): national consultant competent in a given field of medicine, scientific society competent in a given field
p.(None): medicine and the Supreme Medical Council.
p.(None): 3. PKE consists of specialist doctors in the field of medicine covered by PES or, in justified cases, in
p.(None): related field of medicine:
p.(None): 1) a representative or representatives of a national consultant competent in a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 2) a representative or representatives of scientific societies competent in a given field of medicine;
p.(None): 3) a representative or representatives of the Supreme Medical Council.
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p.(None): 4. The provisions of Art. 14b paragraph 3 and 6-9.
p.(None): 2) I know and meet the conditions for carrying out activities in the field of postgraduate education of doctors
p.(None): and dentists - defined in the Act of December 5, 1996 on the professions of physician and dentist. "
p.(None): 3. The statement should also contain:
p.(None): 1) name of the applicant, address of his place of residence or registered office;
p.(None): 2) the place and date of submitting the declaration;
p.(None): 3) the signature of the person authorized to represent the applicant, indicating the name and surname
p.(None): function.
p.(None): 3a. (repealed) 3b. (Deleted)
p.(None): 4. Entry in the register, with the exception of the register kept by the Supreme Medical Council, is subject to a fee.
p.(None): 5. The fee referred to in para. 4, constitutes the revenue of the regional medical chamber that made the entry in the register.
p.(None): 6. The minister competent for health, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): Regulation:
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p.(None): 1) detailed procedure in matters of making an entry in the register, specimen documents: application for entry
p.(None): to the register, information on the form of education, a certificate of entry in the register and the manner of keeping the register,
p.(None): Bearing in mind the need to standardize the documentation regarding postgraduate education;
p.(None): 2) the amount of the fee referred to in para. 4, including costs related to the proceedings in
p.(None): regarding the entry and changes to the entry and related to the keeping of the control register by the authority
p.(None): conducting education by the training organizer.
p.(None): 7. The register keeping authority issues ex officio a certificate confirming the entry in the register.
p.(None): Art. 19c. 1. The body keeping the register is the regional medical council competent for the seat of the organizer
p.(None): education, and in the case of the regional medical chamber being the organizer of education, the Supreme Medical Council.
p.(None): 1a. The education organizer is obliged to provide the information referred to in paragraph 5, also regional
p.(None): medical board competent for the place of education, if it intends to provide education for
p.(None): area not covered by the activity of the registry authority.
p.(None): 2. The register may be kept in an IT system.
p.(None): 3. The following data shall be entered in the register:
p.(None): 1) the number of the education organizer's entry in the register;
p.(None): 2) the name of the training organizer;
p.(None): 3) place of residence or seat and address of the training organizer;
p.(None): 4) organizational and legal form of the education organizer;
p.(None): 5) specification of the subject, scope and forms of postgraduate education;
p.(None): 6) the beginning and end of the period of planned post-graduate education;
p.(None): 7) number in the register of entrepreneurs in the National Court Register, if the education organizer - such number
p.(None): has and tax identification number (NIP);
p.(None): 8) number and date of the resolution on entry in the register;
p.(None): 9) number and date of the resolution on changing the entry in the register;
p.(None): 10) number and date of issuing the certificate of entry in the register;
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p.(None): 11) dates and results of controls carried out, referred to in art. 19e;
p.(None): 12) data referred to in art. 19c paragraph 5 points 1-6;
p.(None): 13) date and number of the resolution on removal from the register.
p.(None): 4. The training organizer entered in the register is obliged to notify the authority keeping the register
p.(None): any changes to the data referred to in paragraph 3 points 2-7 and in para. 5 points 1-6, within 14 days from their date
p.(None): uprising.
p.(None): 5. The training organizer entered in the register is obliged to forward it to the authority keeping the register, no
p.(None): later than 30 days before the start of the training, the following information regarding the specific form
p.(None): training:
p.(None): 1) subject and detailed post-graduate education program;
p.(None): 2) the date of commencement and completion of postgraduate education;
p.(None): 3) place and address of postgraduate education;
p.(None): 4) post-graduate education regulations, including in particular:
p.(None): a) the manner and mode of education,
p.(None): b) the rules and procedure for recruiting participants,
p.(None): c) the rights and obligations of persons participating in education,
p.(None): d) detailed method of verification of learning outcomes,
p.(None): e) the amount of the fee for participation in education;
p.(None): 5) detailed data on the qualifications of lecturers and other persons providing theoretical teaching
p.(None): and practical classes;
p.(None): 6) detailed data on the qualifications of the head of scientific education;
p.(None): 7) model document confirming the completion of education.
p.(None): Art. 19ca. The register keeping authority shall ex officio rectify the entry in the register containing obvious errors or
p.(None): inconsistencies with the facts.
p.(None): Art. 19cb. 1. The register keeping body is obliged to enter the applicant in the register within the time limit
p.(None): 7 days from the date of receipt of the application for entry together with the declaration referred to in art. 19b paragraph 2.
p.(None): 2. If the register keeping authority fails to make an entry within the time limit referred to in para. 1, and from the date of receipt of the application by
p.(None): of this authority has expired 14 days, the applicant may start business. This does not apply if
p.(None): the authority called on the applicant to supplement the entry application no later than within 7 days
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p.(None): from the day of its receipt. In such a situation, the deadline referred to in the first sentence runs
p.(None): respectively from the date of receipt of the supplement to the entry.
p.(None): Art. 19d 1. The registry keeping authority shall refuse an applicant to be entered in the register if:
p.(None): 1) a final judgment is issued prohibiting the applicant from carrying out the activity covered by the entry;
p.(None): 2) the training organizer has been removed from the register pursuant to para. 2 points 1, 4 or 5 over a period of 3 years
p.(None): before submitting the application;
p.(None): 3) the applicant does not meet the conditions referred to in art. 19 paragraph 2.
p.(None): 2. The entry of the training organizer in the register shall be deleted in the case of:
p.(None): 1) submitting the declaration referred to in art. 19b paragraph 2, inconsistent with the facts;
p.(None): 2) issuing a final judgment prohibiting the organizer of education from carrying out the covered activity
p.(None): entry in the register;
p.(None): 3) liquidation or declaration of bankruptcy of the training organizer;
p.(None): 4) gross violation of the conditions required to perform the activities covered by the entry;
p.(None): 5) failure to comply with post-inspection recommendations referred to in art. 19e paragraph 11 point 2;
p.(None): 6) submission by the training organizer of an application for removal from the register;
p.(None): 7) obtaining by the authority keeping the register of information from the Central Register and Information on Activities
p.(None): Economic or National Court Register
p.(None): on the removal of the training organizer.
p.(None): 3. In the cases referred to in para. 2 points 1, 4 and 5, removal from the register takes place after passing a resolution
p.(None): on the prohibition of activities covered by an entry in the register by the authority keeping the register.
p.(None): 3a. In the event of adopting a resolution referred to in para. 3, if the training organizer carries out activities
p.(None): economic activity covered by the entry also on the basis of entries in other registers of regulated activities, including
p.(None): in the same scope of economic activity, the education organizer is also removed from these registers ex officio
p.(None): regulated activity.
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p.(None): 4. The organizer of education, which was removed from the register, pursuant to para. 2 points 1, 4 or 5 may obtain
p.(None): re-entry in this register not earlier than after 3 years from the date of adopting a resolution on removal from the register.
p.(None): 5. To resolutions of the regional medical council or the Supreme Medical Council regarding the entry, refusal to enter and
p.(None): deleting an entry from the register, the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure regarding decisions shall apply
p.(None): administration.
p.(None): Art. 19e. 1. The register keeping body is authorized to control education organizers in
p.(None): range:
p.(None): 1) compliance with the facts of the information referred to in art. 19c paragraph 5;
p.(None): 2) fulfilling the conditions specified in art. 19 paragraph 2;
p.(None): 3) the correctness of the documentation of the course of education;
p.(None): 4) ensuring the right quality of education.
p.(None): 2. The control is carried out by persons authorized by the authority keeping the register to perform
p.(None): control activities.
p.(None): 3. Persons referred to in para. 2, carrying out control activities, upon presentation of authorization, have the right to:
p.(None): 1) access to teaching rooms;
p.(None): 2) participate in the classes as an observer;
p.(None): 3) access to the documentation of the course of education kept by the training organizer;
p.(None): 4) demand from the organizer of oral and written explanations;
p.(None): 5) research on the opinions of education participants and teaching staff.
p.(None): 4. A report shall be made of the inspections carried out, which should contain:
p.(None): 1) name and address of the headquarters of the training organizer;
p.(None): 2) place of training;
p.(None): 3) date of commencement and completion of control activities;
p.(None): 4) names of persons performing these activities;
p.(None): 5) description of the actual state;
p.(None): 6) irregularities found;
p.(None): 7) applications of persons performing control activities;
p.(None): 8) date and place of the report;
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p.(None): 9) information about no objections or information about the refusal to sign the report by the training organizer, and
p.(None): about the reason for this refusal.
p.(None): 5. The protocol shall be signed by persons performing control activities and the training organizer.
p.(None): 6. If, after preparing the report and before signing, the training organizer submits a reasoned opinion
p.(None): objections to the facts found during the inspection and described in the report, executing persons
p.(None): control activities are required to examine these facts and complete the report.
p.(None): 7. The refusal to sign the report by the training organizer shall not prevent the signing of the report
p.(None): by persons performing control activities.
p.(None): 8. One copy of the report shall be handed over to the training organizer.
p.(None): 9. Persons performing control activities are required to keep information confidential
p.(None): subject of organization and conducting post-graduate education and results of conducted proceedings.
p.(None): 10. The training organizer has the right to raise objections within 7 days of receiving the report
p.(None): as to how to carry out control activities and the findings contained in the report.
p.(None): 11. On the basis of the findings contained in the report, the registry authority:
p.(None): 1) remove the organizer of education from the register - in the event of the circumstances referred to above
p.(None): in art. 19d paragraph 2 points 1, 4 or 5;
p.(None): 2) in cases other than those referred to in point 1, issue training post-inspection recommendations to the organizer,
p.(None): to remove the irregularities found and specify the deadline for their implementation.
p.(None): Art. 19f. 1. Specialization training may be conducted by organizational units referred to in
p.(None): Art. 19 paragraph 1 which meet the conditions specified in para. 2 and obtained accreditation for training
p.(None): specialization. Confirmation of accreditation is an entry on the list of accredited units to be kept
p.(None): specialization training in a given field.
p.(None): 2. The organizational unit referred to in para. 1, applying for accreditation to conduct training
p.(None): specialization, is obliged to meet the following conditions:
p.(None): 1) to carry out activities corresponding to the profile of specialized training conducted or possess
p.(None): branches in its organizational structure
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p.(None): hospital or other organizational units with a profile corresponding to this training;
p.(None): 2) provide substantive and organizational conditions enabling the implementation of the specialization program
p.(None): a certain number of doctors;
p.(None): 3) ensure supervision within the existing organizational structure:
p.(None): a) in the case of hospitals - on the quality of teaching and treatment activities in the field
p.(None): postgraduate education of doctors or dentists,
p.(None): associated with low risk.
p.(None): 3. Conceived children, incapacitated persons, soldiers of the basic service and persons deprived of liberty may not
p.(None): participate in research experiments.
p.(None): Art. 27. 1. A person or other entity authorized to consent to a medical experiment may do so
p.(None): undo at every stage of the experiment. The doctor should then stop the experiment.
p.(None): 2. The physician conducting the therapeutic experiment is obliged to interrupt it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): risk to the patient's health exceeding the expected benefits for the patient.
p.(None): 3. The physician conducting the research experiment is obliged to stop it if it occurs during its duration
p.(None): unforeseen danger to the health or life of the person participating in it.
p.(None): Art. 28. Information obtained in connection with a medical experiment may be used for scientific purposes,
p.(None): without the consent of the person subjected to this experiment in a way that prevents identification of that person.
p.(None): Art. 29. 1. A medical experiment may be carried out only after expressing a positive opinion on the project
p.(None): by an independent bioethics commission. Persons with high moral authority and are appointed to the commission
p.(None): high specialist qualifications.
p.(None): 2. The bioethical commission shall express an opinion on the design of the medical experiment, by way of a resolution, with
p.(None): taking into account ethical criteria as well as the purposefulness and feasibility of the project.
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p.(None): 2a. Bioethics Committees and the Appeal Bioethics Committee also issue opinions on clinical trials, if different
p.(None): Acts so provide, to the extent specified in those Acts.
p.(None): 3. Bioethical committees shall appoint:
p.(None): 1) the regional medical council in the area of its activity, excluding entities referred to in art
p.(None): points 2 and 3;
p.(None): 2) the rector of the university providing medical education or health sciences;
p.(None): 3) director of a research institute supervised by the minister competent for health.
p.(None): 4. The composition of the bioethics committees referred to in para. 3 points 2 and 3, also includes a representative
p.(None): District Medical Council.
p.(None): 5. The minister competent for health shall, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, appoint an Appeal Board
p.(None): Bioethics, reviewing appeals against resolutions of bioethics committees referred to in para. 2.
p.(None): 6. The minister competent for health matters, after consulting the Supreme Medical Council, shall determine by way of
p.(None): regulations, detailed rules for appointing and financing as well as the mode of operation of bioethics commissions.
p.(None): Chapter 5
p.(None): Rules for practicing the medical profession
p.(None): Art. 30. A physician is obliged to provide medical assistance whenever a delay in her treatment
p.(None): 5. If the post-visit statement found proceedings contrary to the principles of medical ethics or
p.(None): regulations related to the exercise of the medical profession, the district medical council notifies
p.(None): District Ombudsman.
p.(None): 6. If it is found during a visit that a physician practicing the profession within the entered professional practice
p.(None): to the register of entities performing medical activities within the meaning of the provisions on operations
p.(None): therapeutic grossly violates the conditions of the activity covered by the entry, the District Medical Council deletes this
p.(None): practice from the register of entities performing medical activities.
p.(None): Art. 53. 1. A physician performing an individual medical practice, an individual specialized medical practice,
p.(None): individual medical practice or individual specialized medical practice at the place of call may
p.(None): employ non-physicians to perform auxiliary activities (cooperation).
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p.(None): 2. Physician, dentist performing individual medical practice or individual specialist practice
p.(None): medical or group medical practice or specialist group medical practice, leading
p.(None): respectively post-graduate internship, specialization training or training to obtain skills in the field
p.(None): narrower fields of medicine or the provision of specific health services, may employ a doctor,
p.(None): a dentist for a post-graduate internship, specialization training or
p.(None): training to acquire skills in narrower fields of medicine or specific provision
p.(None): health benefit.
p.(None): 3. The doctor, dentist referred to in para. 2, is obliged to inform the authority
p.(None): keeping a register on the employment of a physician, dentist.
p.(None): 4. The provisions of para. 1-3 shall not apply to individual medical and individual practice
p.(None): specialist medical practice carried out only at the place of call or only at the factory
p.(None): therapeutic entity.
p.(None): Art. 54. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 55. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 56 (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 57. 1. From resolutions of the regional medical councils or the Military Medical Council on matters referred to
p.(None): referred to in art. 5, 6, 7 paragraph 1-5, art. 8 clause 1
p.(None): Art. 9 item 1 points 1 and 2, art. 11 paragraph 1, 2 and 4, art. 12 paragraph 1 and 3-5 and art. 14, a doctor may appeal
p.(None): to the Supreme Medical Council. These resolutions are signed by the president or vice president and secretary of the regional medical council.
p.(None): 1a. Resolutions of the Supreme Medical Council referred to in para. 1 shall be signed by the president or vice president and secretary
p.(None): The Supreme Medical Council.
p.(None): 2. To resolutions of the self-government of doctors in matters referred to in para. 1, the provisions of the Code of Conduct shall apply
p.(None): administrative matters relating to administrative decisions.
p.(None): 3. On the resolution of the Supreme Medical Council referred to in para. 1, a complaint may be submitted to the court to the person concerned
p.(None): Administration.
p.(None): Art. 57a. 1. A doctor who is a citizen of a European Union Member State intending to perform
p.(None): medical or practicing profession
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p.(None): doctor permanently or temporarily in the territory of the Republic of Poland, necessary information in the field
Orphaned Trigger Words
p.(None): consideration of objections. If the objection is accepted, the committee will cancel the test question
p.(None): subject to the reservation. This decision lowers the maximum number of points possible
p.(None): from the test. No points are awarded for an annulled question.
p.(None): 3. The decision referred to in para. 2, is inconsistent with the law.
p.(None): 4. A positive LEK or LDEK result is obtained by the applicant who obtained at least 56% of the maximum number
p.(None): points from the test. The result of the exam is not a decision within the meaning of the Act of 14 June 1960 - Code
p.(None): administrative proceedings.
p.(None): 5. A person who submitted a LEK or LDEK with negative results, or who submitted a LEK or LDEK with unsatisfactory results
p.(None): result, he can take the exam again at another time.
p.(None): 6. To the person who submitted the LEK or LDEK, the CEM director issues the certificate of LEK or LDEK in
p.(None): 21 days from the date of passing the exam. The signature of the CEM director may be on the certificate
p.(None): mechanically reproduced. The result of an individual's exam is made available to them via SMK. At the request of that person
p.(None): the director of CEM issues a duplicate of the LEK certificate of deposit or LDEK certificate of deposit against payment
p.(None): correction. The fee for these activities is PLN 50. Fees are not paid if the correction is due to a CEM error.
p.(None): 7. The results of LEK and LDEK are made available by the CEM director via SMK to the bodies referred to in art. 16c paragraph 8, universities in
p.(None): regarding their graduates and the Supreme Medical Council.
p.(None): 8. In the event of gross misconduct regarding the LEK or LDEK procedure or unforeseen situations
p.(None): affecting the conduct of the LEK or LDEK director of CEM, after obtaining the consent of the minister competent for
p.(None): make it happen
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p.(None): health, may issue an order canceling the exam for individual or all candidates.
p.(None): 9. In the event of annulment of LEK or LDEK for reasons not attributable to the applicant, no fee shall be charged
p.(None): the fee referred to in art. 14a paragraph 8, from the person applying for the next exam, who
p.(None): took an annulled exam.
p.(None): 10. Documentation regarding LEK and LDEK is stored by relevant entities in accordance with the provisions of Art. 5 and
p.(None): Art. 6 of the Act of 14 July 1983 on the National Archives and Archives (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 164).
p.(None): Art. 14f. 1. The minister competent for health matters shall determine, by regulation:
p.(None): 1) list of medical fields and scope of issues taken into account when developing test questions
p.(None): LEK and LDEK,
p.(None): 2) the procedure for appointing members of the Examination Board referred to in art. 14b paragraph 1, and the commission referred to in
p.(None): Art. 14e paragraph 2
p.(None): 3) the template of the declaration referred to in art. 14b paragraph 8
p.(None): 4) the manner and detailed procedure for conducting LEK and LDEK, including the period in which they should be determined
p.(None): their dates,
p.(None): 5) the amount of the fee referred to in art. 14a paragraph 8, and the method of payment,
p.(None): 6) the amount of remuneration for members and chairmen of Examination Teams and committees,
p.(None): referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2
p.(None): 7) detailed procedure for canceling LEK or LDEK,
p.(None): 8) detailed method of determining LEK and LDEK results,
p.(None): 9) specimens of the LEK submission certificate and LDEK submission certificate,
p.(None): 10) procedure for issuing by the CEM director of a duplicate or copy of a LEK certificate of deposit or certificate of deposit
p.(None): LDEK and how to pay the fee referred to in art. 14e paragraph 6
p.(None): 11) the procedure for the CEM director to correct the LEK submission certificate or LDEK submission certificate, and
p.(None): way of paying the fee referred to in art. 14e paragraph 6
p.(None): - having regard to the scope of knowledge and skills which applicants should possess, and
p.(None): taking into account the proper preparation and course of LEK and LDEK and maintaining impartiality of the teams' work
p.(None): Examination about which
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p.(None): referred to in art. 14b paragraph 5 and the commission referred to in art. 14e paragraph 2, their workload, and the need to ensure
p.(None): correctly create documentation regarding the submission of LEK or LDEK.
p.(None): longer than 3 months.
p.(None): 7. A voivode who has information on absence referred to in para. 6, or other ongoing absence of a physician
p.(None): for more than 3 months he may refer another doctor qualified for the period of this absence
p.(None): undergoing specialized training, to undergo this training at the entity conducting specialized training,
p.(None): considering the possibility of completing part or all of the specialization program and the possibility of using it
p.(None): training places.
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p.(None): 8. Referrals referred to in para. 7, is done using SMK.
p.(None): Art. 16m 1. The doctor undergoes specialization training under the guidance of a doctor employed under a contract of
p.(None): work or civil law contract or practicing profession on the basis of the service relationship with the entity
p.(None): conducting specialized training, appointed by the manager of this entity, hereinafter referred to as the "manager
p.(None): specialization ".
p.(None): 2. The head of specialization may be a doctor possessing the second degree of specialization or title
p.(None): specialist in the field of medicine which is the subject of specialized training, and in justified cases
p.(None): in a related field of medicine.
p.(None): 3. The doctor undergoes a specialist internship under the direction of a doctor with a 2nd degree of specialization or title
p.(None): a specialist in a given medical field appointed by the head of the unit conducting a field internship,
p.(None): who agreed to perform this function, hereinafter referred to as "internship manager".
p.(None): 4. The head of specialization and the head of internship may simultaneously conduct specialization training no more than
p.(None): three doctors, and in cases justified by staffing needs, with the consent of the national consultant in question
p.(None): field of medicine - four doctors.
p.(None): 5. The head of specialization may simultaneously supervise a directional internship of no more than two doctors.
p.(None): 6. The head of specialization is responsible for establishing and transferring to the doctor, in particular for
p.(None): with the help of SMK, annual specific specialized training plans, including in particular the place
p.(None): undergoing specialist internships in a manner ensuring the implementation of the specialization program, within one month of
p.(None): day of commencement of the next year of specialization training, in agreement with
p.(None): head of the entity conducting specialized training. The head of specialization immediately notes
p.(None): any change to the annual detailed specialization training plan. Annual detailed training plans
p.(None): specialization and its changes are posted in SMK.
p.(None): 6a. The head of specialization immediately confirms the doctor's implementation of individual elements
p.(None): specialization training using SMK, in particular by confirming entries completed on
p.(None): currently by a doctor at EKS.
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p.(None): 7. The head of specialization supervises the implementation of the specialization program by the attending physician
p.(None): specialization training. As part of the supervision, the head of specialization, and in relation to points 2-4 a doctor
p.(None): Head of internship:
p.(None): 1) sets, using SMK, a detailed plan of specialization training; 1a) supervises the fulfillment of the obligation
p.(None): ongoing replenishment of EKS;
p.(None): 2) consult and evaluate diagnostic tests proposed and performed by a doctor
p.(None): interpretation, diagnosis of the disease, methods of treatment, prognosis and recommendations for the patient;
p.(None): listed in paragraph 1, and necessary to remove the danger of the patient losing his life or
p.(None): serious bodily injury or serious health disorder, the physician may perform such activities after obtaining permission
p.(None): guardianship court.
p.(None): 7. The doctor may perform the activities referred to in par. 1, without the consent of the patient's legal representative, or
p.(None): consent of the competent guardianship court, if the delay is caused by the procedure for obtaining consent
p.(None): would threaten the patient with the danger of losing his life, severe bodily injury or severe upset
p.(None): health. In this case, the doctor is obliged, if possible, to consult a second doctor, in
p.(None): if possible, the same specialty. The doctor immediately notifies about performed activities
p.(None): statutory representative, actual guardian or guardianship court.
p.(None): 8. About the circumstances referred to in par. 3-7, the physician informs the patient and his legal representative or
p.(None): actual guardian or guardianship court, and also makes an appropriate annotation together with the justification in
p.(None): medical records.
p.(None): Art. 35. 1. If during surgery or the use of a therapeutic method or
p.(None): diagnostic, there will be circumstances which, if not taken into consideration, could endanger the patient
p.(None): loss of life, serious bodily injury or serious health disorder, and there is no way
p.(None): immediately obtain the consent of the patient or his legal representative, the doctor has
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p.(None): the law, without obtaining this consent, change the scope of the procedure or method of treatment or diagnosis in a manner
p.(None): to take account of these circumstances. In this case, the doctor is obliged, if possible,
p.(None): Consult a second doctor, if possible the same specialty.
p.(None): 2. About the circumstances referred to in par. 1, the physician shall make an appropriate note in the medical documentation
p.(None): and informs the patient, legal representative or actual guardian or guardianship court.
p.(None): Art. 36. 1. When providing health services, a doctor is obliged to respect intimacy and dignity
p.(None): personal patient.
p.(None): 2. (repealed)
p.(None): 3. The doctor is obliged to ensure that other medical personnel adhere to the principle in the management of the patient
p.(None): referred to in paragraph 1.
p.(None): 4. To clinics and hospitals of medical academies, medical research and development units and others
p.(None): units authorized to educate students of medical sciences, doctors and other medical personnel in the field of
p.(None): necessary for teaching purposes, Art. 22 paragraph 2 of the Act of November 6, 2008 on patient rights and
p.(None): Patient Rights Ombudsman.
p.(None): Art. 37. In the event of diagnostic or therapeutic doubts, the physician either on his own initiative or upon request
p.(None): a patient or his statutory representative, if he considers it justified in the light of the requirements of medical knowledge,
p.(None): should consult the appropriate specialist or organize a medical consultation.
p.(None): Art. 38. 1. The physician may refrain from initiating or withdrawing from the patient's treatment, unless the case referred to in
p.(None): Art. 30, subject to paragraph 3.
p.(None): 2. In the event of withdrawal from treatment, the doctor is obliged to inform the patient sufficiently early
p.(None): or his legal representative or actual guardian and indicate the real possibilities of obtaining this
p.(None): benefits from another doctor or therapeutic entity.
p.(None): 3. If a doctor practices his profession on the basis of an employment relationship or as part of a service, he may refuse or withdraw
p.(None): from treatment, if there are serious reasons, after obtaining the consent of your supervisor.
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p.(None): 4. In the event of withdrawal from treatment, the doctor is required to justify and record this fact in the documentation
p.(None): medical treatment.
p.(None): Art. 39. The physician may refrain from providing health services contrary to his conscience, from
p.(None): subject to art. 30, except that he is required to indicate the real possibilities of obtaining this benefit from
p.(None): another physician or medical entity and justify and record this fact in the documentation
p.(None): 3) A physician practicing his profession on the basis of an employment relationship or as part of his duty also has
p.(None): an obligation to notify the supervisor in writing.
p.(None): Art. 40. 1. The physician is obliged to keep confidential information related to the patient, a
p.(None): obtained in connection with the exercise of a profession.
p.(None): 2. The provision of para. 1 shall not apply if:
p.(None): 1) this is the law;
p.(None): 2) the medical examination was carried out at the request of the entitled persons, on the basis of separate ones
p.(None): laws, bodies and institutions; then the doctor is obliged to inform about the patient's state of health
p.(None): only these bodies and institutions;
p.(None): 3) secrecy may endanger the life or health of the patient or other persons;
p.(None): 4) the patient or his legal representative agrees to disclose the secret, after having made a request
p.(None): informing the patient about the adverse effects of its disclosure;
p.(None): 5) there is a need to provide the necessary information about the patient to the forensic doctor;
p.(None): 6) there is a need to provide necessary information about the patient related to the provision of services
p.(None): health care to another doctor or authorized persons participating in the provision of these services.
p.(None): 3) The first sentence declared unconstitutional on 16 October 2015 to the extent it imposes
p.(None): on the doctor's obligation to perform health services contrary to his conscience in "other cases
p.(None): urgent delay "and in which it imposes on the doctor refraining from providing the service
p.(None): health obligation inconsistent with his conscience to indicate the real possibility of obtaining such a benefit
p.(None): with another doctor or other therapeutic entity, based on the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of
p.(None): on October 7, 2015 reference number file K 12/14 (Journal of Laws, item 1633).
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p.(None): 2a. In the situations referred to in paragraph 2, disclosure of the secret may take place only to the extent necessary. IN
p.(None): the situation referred to in paragraph 2 point 4, the scope of disclosure of the secret may be determined by the patient or his representative
p.(None): statutory.
p.(None): 3. The doctor, subject to the situations referred to in par. 2 points 1-5, is also bound by the secret after
p.(None): death of the patient, unless consent to disclose the secret is expressed by a close person within the meaning of art. 3 clause
p.(None): 1 point 2 of the Act of November 6, 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman. A close person
p.(None): who agrees to disclose the secret may specify the scope of disclosure referred to in paragraph 2a.
p.(None): 3a. Exemptions from medical confidentiality referred to in paragraph 3 shall not apply if the disclosure of a secret
p.(None): another close person within the meaning of Art. 3 clause 1 point 2 of the Act of November 6, 2008.
p.(None): on the rights of the patient and the Patient Ombudsman or objected to it, in accordance with art. 14 paragraph 4 of this Act, the patient for
p.(None): life, subject to paragraph 3b and 3c. The objection shall be attached to the patient's medical record.
p.(None): 3b. In the event of a dispute between close relatives within the meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 2 of the Act of
p.(None): November 6, 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman for disclosure of confidentiality or scope
p.(None): its disclosure, consent to disclose the secret is expressed by the court referred to in art. 628 of the act of
p.(None): November 17, 1964 - Code of Civil Procedure (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1460, as amended4)), in proceedings
p.(None): non-litigious at the request of a loved one or doctor. The doctor may also apply to the court in the case of
p.(None): reasonable doubt as to whether the person requesting or opposing the disclosure of the secret is
p.(None): a close person. The court, by agreeing to disclose a secret, may specify the scope of its disclosure referred to in paragraph
p.(None): 2a.
p.(None): 3c. If the patient during his life objected to the disclosure of medical confidentiality referred to in paragraph 3
p.(None): the court referred to in art. 628 of the Act of November 17, 1964 - Code of Civil Procedure,
p.(None): in non-litigious proceedings at the request of a close person within the meaning of art. 3 clause 1 point 2 of the Act of 6
p.(None): November 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman, may
p.(None): 4) Amendments to the consolidated text of the said Act have been announced in the Official Of Laws of 2019, item 1469, 1495, 1649, 1655,
p.(None): 1798, 1802, 1818, 2070, 2089, 2128 and 2217 and from 2020, item 288.
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p.(None): agree to the disclosure of the secret and specify the scope of its disclosure, if necessary:
p.(None): 1) for the purpose of claiming compensation in respect of the death of a patient;
p.(None): 2) to protect the life or health of a loved one.
p.(None): 3d. In the event of an application to the court referred to in paragraph 3b or 3c, the court examines:
p.(None): 1) interest of participants in the proceedings;
p.(None): 2) the actual relationship of a loved one with the deceased patient;
p.(None): 3) the will of the deceased patient;
p.(None): 4) circumstances of objection.
p.(None): 4. The physician cannot disclose to the public the data enabling the patient to be identified without his consent.
p.(None): Art. 41. 1. The physician is obliged to keep individual medical records of the patient.
p.(None): 2. The manner in which medical records are kept and made available is set out in the provisions of the Act of 6 November
p.(None): 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman.
p.(None): 3. (repealed)
p.(None): 4. (repealed)
p.(None): 5. (repealed)
p.(None): 6. (repealed)
p.(None): 7. (repealed)
p.(None): 8. (repealed)
p.(None): 9. (repealed)
p.(None): Art. 41a. 1. The doctor may authorize the issuing of prescriptions referred to in art. 2 point 6
p.(None): point and the Act of 28 April 2011 on the information system in health care, or referrals referred to in
p.(None): provisions issued based on art. 59aa paragraph 2 of the Act of 27 August 2004 on care benefits
p.(None): health care funded by public funds on behalf of the person performing:
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p.(None): 1) the medical profession referred to in art. 2 clause 1 point 2 of the Act of 15 April 2011 on medical activities;
p.(None): 2) ancillary activities for the provision of health services referred to in art. 24 paragraph 2 point 2 of the Act of
p.(None): on November 6, 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman.
p.(None): 2. Persons authorized to issue prescriptions referred to in art. 2 point 6 lit. and the Act of
p.(None): on April 28, 2011 on the health care information system, or referrals specified in regulations
p.(None): issued on the basis of art. 59aa paragraph 2 of the Act of 27 August 2004 on healthcare services
p.(None): financed from public funds, may be allowed to process personal data contained in
p.(None): these documents after the medical entity is issued with the authorization to
p.(None): personal data processing. These people may be present when providing health services and are obliged to
Indicator List
Indicator | Vulnerability |
access | Access to Social Goods |
age | Age |
armedXforces | Soldier |
arrest | person under arrest |
authority | Relationship to Authority |
child | Child |
children | Child |
cognitive | Cognitive Impairment |
conviction | Religion |
crime | Illegal Activity |
criminal | criminal |
dependent | Dependent |
disability | Mentally Disabled |
drug | Drug Usage |
education | education |
educational | education |
emergencies | patients in emergency situations |
emergency | Public Emergency |
employees | employees |
family | Motherhood/Family |
gender | gender |
healthy people | Healthy People |
home | Property Ownership |
hospitalized | hospitalized patients |
ill | ill |
illness | Physically Disabled |
incapacitated | Incapacitated |
incapacity | Incapacitated |
job | Occupation |
language | Linguistic Proficiency |
liberty | Incarcerated |
mentally | Mentally Disabled |
military | Soldier |
minor | Youth/Minors |
occupation | Occupation |
officer | Police Officer |
opinion | philosophical differences/differences of opinion |
party | political affiliation |
pregnant | Pregnant |
prison | Incarcerated |
property | Property Ownership |
prosecuted | Prosecuted |
public official | public official |
refugee | Refugee Status |
restricted | Incarcerated |
sick | Physically Ill |
soldier | Soldier |
student | Student |
threat | Threat of Stigma |
unconscious | Unconscious People |
union | Trade Union Membership |
women | Women |
Indicator Peers (Indicators in Same Vulnerability)
Indicator | Peers |
armedXforces | ['military', 'soldier'] |
child | ['children'] |
children | ['child'] |
disability | ['mentally'] |
education | ['educational'] |
educational | ['education'] |
home | ['property'] |
incapacitated | ['incapacity'] |
incapacity | ['incapacitated'] |
job | ['occupation'] |
liberty | ['prison', 'restricted'] |
mentally | ['disability'] |
military | ['armedXforces', 'soldier'] |
occupation | ['job'] |
prison | ['liberty', 'restricted'] |
property | ['home'] |
restricted | ['liberty', 'prison'] |
soldier | ['armedXforces', 'military'] |
Trigger Words
Applicable Type / Vulnerability / Indicator Overlay for this Input