BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CURRENT TEXT New Law published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on March 18, 2005 On the margin a seal with the National Shield, which says: United Mexican States.- Presidency of the Republic. VICENTE FOX QUESADA, President of the United Mexican States, to its inhabitants know: May the Honorable Congress of the Union, has served to address the following DECREE "THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES, DECREE: THE BIOSEGURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS IS ISSUED. SINGLE ARTICLE: The Law of Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms is issued, to read as follows: BIOSEURITY ACT OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS FIRST TITLE General disposition CHAPTER I Object and Purposes ARTICLE 1.- This Law is of public order and of social interest, and is intended to regulate the activities of Confined use, experimental release, pilot program release, commercial release, marketing, import and export of genetically modified organisms, in order to prevent, avoid or reduce the possible risks that these activities could cause to human health or to the environment and to the biological diversity or animal, plant and aquaculture health. ARTICLE 2.- To fulfill its purpose, this order has the following purposes: I. Ensure an adequate and efficient level of protection of human health, the environment and diversity biological and animal, plant and aquaculture health, regarding the adverse effects that could cause them to carry out activities with genetically modified organisms; II. Define the principles and national policy on biosafety of GMOs and instruments for its application; III. Determine the powers of the various agencies of the Federal Public Administration in matters of Biosecurity of GMOs; IV. Establish the basis for concluding agreements or coordination agreements between the Federation, through the competent Secretariats and the governments of the federal entities, for the best compliance the purpose of this Law; 1 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 V. Establish the basis for the functioning of the Inter-Secretariat Biosafety Commission of the Organizations Genetically Modified, through which the Secretariats that integrate it must collaborate in a way coordinated, within the scope of its competences, in relation to the biosecurity of genetically engineered organisms modified; SAW. Establish administrative procedures and criteria for the evaluation and monitoring of possible risks that may be caused by activities with genetically modified organisms in human health or in the environment and biological diversity or in animal, plant or aquaculture health; VII. Establish the permit regime for carrying out experimental release activities, for release in pilot and commercial release program of genetically modified organisms, including the importation of those agencies to carry out these activities; VIII. Establish the system of notices for carrying out activities of confined use of genetically modified organisms, in the cases referred to in this Law; IX. Establish the authorization regime of the Ministry of Health of organizations genetically modified that are determined in this Law; X. Create and develop the National Biosafety Information System and the National Biosafety Registry of Genetically Modified Organisms; XI Determine the basis for the case-by-case establishment of GMO-free geographic areas where prohibits and those in which the performance of activities with certain genetically restricted organisms is restricted modified, as well as crops of which Mexico is the center of origin, especially corn, which will maintain a special protection regime; XII. To establish the bases of the content of the official Mexican norms regarding biosafety; XIII Establish control measures to guarantee biosecurity, as well as sanctions corresponding in cases of non-compliance or violation of the provisions of this Law, their Mexican regulations and official norms that derive from it; XIV Establish mechanisms for public participation in biosafety aspects of this Law, including access to information, participation of the private, social and productive sectors to through the CIBIOGEM Joint Consultative Council, and the public consultation on applications for the release of GMOs to environment, and XV. Establish instruments to promote scientific and technological research in biosafety and biotechnology. ARTICLE 3.- For the purposes of this Law, it is understood by: I. Accident: The involuntary release of genetically modified organisms during their use and that may involve, based on technical criteria, possible risks to human health or the environment Environment and biological diversity. II. Activities: Confined use, experimental release, pilot program release, release trade, marketing, import and export of genetically modified organisms, in accordance with this law. 2 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 III. Authorization: It is the administrative act through which the Ministry of Health, within the scope of its competence pursuant to this Law, authorizes genetically modified organisms expressly determined in this ordering, so that it can be carried out its commercialization and import for its commercialization, as well as its use for public health or bioremediation purposes. IV. Bioremediation: The process in which genetically modified microorganisms are used for degradation or disintegration of pollutants that affect resources and / or natural elements, in order to convert them into simpler components and less harmful or not harmful to the environment. V. Biosecurity: The actions and measures of evaluation, monitoring, control and prevention that must be assumed in carrying out activities with genetically modified organisms, in order to prevent, avoid or reduce the possible risks that such activities could cause to human health or the environment and biological diversity, including safety aspects of said organisms that are intended for use or consumption human. SAW. Modern biotechnology: The application of in vitro nucleic acid techniques, including acid, is understood recombinant deoxyribonucleic (DNA and RNA) and direct injection of nucleic acid into cells or organelles, or the cell fusion beyond the taxonomic family, which overcomes the natural physiological barriers of reproduction or recombination and that are not techniques used in traditional reproduction and selection, which are applied to give rise to genetically modified organisms, which are determined in the official Mexican standards that derive from this law. VII. Case by case: Individual assessment of genetically modified organisms, based on the available scientific and technical evidence, considering, among other aspects, the recipient organism, the area of ​​release and the characteristics of the genetic modification, as well as the background that exist on carrying out activities with the agency in question and the benefits compared to alternative technological options to contend with the specific problem. VIII. Center of origin: It is that geographical area of ​​the national territory where the process of domestication of a particular species. IX. Center of genetic diversity: It is that geographical area of ​​the national territory where there is morphological diversity, genetic or both of certain species, which is characterized by housing populations of wild relatives and that constitutes a genetic reserve. X. Marketing: It is the introduction to the market for distribution and consumption of genetically organisms modified as products or merchandise, without intentional release purposes environment and regardless of the profit motive and the legal title under which it is carried out. XI CIBIOGEM: The Inter-secretarial Commission of Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms. XII. CONACyT: The National Council of Science and Technology. XIII Biological diversity: The variability of living organisms from any source, including, among others things, terrestrial and marine ecosystems and other aquatic ecosystems and ecological complexes of those who are part; It includes the diversity within each species, between species and ecosystems. 3 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 XIV Safety: The sanitary evaluation of genetically modified organisms that are for use or consumption human or for food processing for human consumption, whose purpose is to ensure that such organisms do not cause risks or damage to the health of the population. XV. Release: The introduction into the environment of an organism or combination of organisms genetically modified, without containing containment measures, such as physical barriers or a combination thereof with chemical or biological barriers, to limit their contact with the population and the environment. XVI. Commercial liberation: It is the introduction, intentional and permitted in the environment, of a organism or combination of genetically modified organisms, without measures of containment, such as physical barriers or a combination of these with chemical or biological barriers, to limit its contact with the population and the environment, which is carried out for commercial, production, of bioremediation, industrial and any other than experimental release and the release in pilot program, in the terms and conditions contained in the respective permit. XVII Experimental release: It is the introduction, intentional and permitted in the environment, of an organism or combination of genetically modified organisms, provided containment measures have been taken, such as physical barriers or a combination of these with chemical or biological barriers, to limit your contact with the population and the environment, exclusively for experimental purposes, under the terms and conditions that contain the respective permission. XVIII. Release in pilot program: It is the introduction, intentional and permitted in the environment, of a organism or combination of genetically modified organisms, with or without containment measures, such as physical barriers or a combination of these with chemical or biological barriers, to limit your contact with the population and the environment, which constitutes the stage prior to the commercial release of said agency, within the authorized areas and in the terms and conditions contained in the respective permit. XIX. Environment: The set of natural and artificial or man-induced elements that make possible the existence and development of human beings and other living organisms that interact in a space and time determined, outside the area of ​​the facilities or the scope of the confined use of genetically engineered organisms modified. XX. Organism: Any living biological entity capable of reproducing or transferring or replicating material genetic, being included in this concept the sterile organisms, the microorganisms, viruses and viroids, whether or not cellular. Human beings should not be considered organisms for the purposes of this Law. XXI. Genetically modified organism: Any living organism, with the exception of human beings, which has acquired a novel genetic combination, generated through the specific use of biotechnology techniques modern that is defined in this Law, provided that techniques that are established in this Law or in the standards are used Mexican officers that derive from it. XXII. GMOs or GMOs: Genetically modified organism or organisms. XXIII. Step by step: Methodological approach according to which, any GMO that is destined to be released Commercially it must be previously submitted to satisfactory tests according to risk studies, evaluation of risks and reports of results applicable in the conduct of experimental release activities and release in pilot program of said organizations, in the terms of this Law. 4 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 XXIV Permission: It is the administrative act that corresponds to the SEMARNAT or SAGARPA, within the scope of their respective competences under this Law, necessary for the realization of the experimental release, the release in pilot program, commercial release and import of GMOs to perform these activities, in the cases and terms established in this Law and in the official Mexican norms that derive from it. XXV Products that contain genetically modified organisms: Are those that contain some or some Genetically modified organisms in their composition for commercialization. XXVI Derived products: Are those in which genetically modified organisms have intervened as inputs in their production process, including their extracts, provided they do not contain in their composition for marketing genetically modified living organisms and, therefore, do not have the capacity to transfer or replicate your genetic material. XXVII. Registry: The National Biosafety Registry of Genetically Modified Organisms. XXVIII. Waste: Any waste material generated in the confined use of genetically engineered organisms modified, including genetically modified organisms themselves. XXIX Secretariats: The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Health, regarding their respective areas of competence established in this Law. XXX SAGARPA: The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food. XXXI SEMARNAT: The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. XXXII SHCP: The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. XXXIII SSA: The Ministry of Health. XXXIV Confined use: Any activity by which the genetic material of an organism is modified or by the one that, thus modified, is cultivated, stored, used, processed, transported, commercialized, destroyed or eliminate, provided that physical barriers or a combination of these with chemical or biological barriers, in order to effectively limit their contact with the population and the environment environment. For the purposes of this Law the area of ​​the facilities or the scope of the confined use does not form part of the environment. XXXV Authorized areas: The geographic areas or regions that are determined on a case by case basis in the resolution of a permission, in which genetically modified organisms that may have been released into the environment analyzed. XXXVI Restricted areas: Centers of origin, centers of genetic diversity and areas protected areas, within which the performance of activities with organisms is restricted genetically modified, in the terms of this Law. ARTICLE 4.- The subject of this Law is the biosecurity of all GMOs obtained or produced through the application of the techniques of modern biotechnology referred to in this ordinance, which be used for agricultural, livestock, aquaculture, forestry, industrial, commercial, bioremediation and any other, with the exceptions established by this Law. ARTICLE 5.- The authorization of GMOs that are intended for human use or consumption is also the subject of this Law. to the processing of food for human consumption, in order to carry out its 5 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 marketing and import for marketing. Likewise, the authorization of GMOs, other than the above, that are intended for public health purposes or bioremediation. ARTICLE 6.- The following are excluded from the scope of this Law: I. Activities of confined use, experimental release, pilot program release and Commercial release, commercialization, import and export of GMOs, when the genetic modification of such organisms are obtained by traditional mutagenesis or cell fusion techniques, including protoplasts of plant cells, in which the resulting organisms can also be produced by traditional methods of multiplication or culture in vivo or in vitro, provided that these techniques do not involve the use of genetically modified organisms such as receptor or parental organisms; II. The use of in vitro fertilization techniques, conjugation, transduction, transformation or any other natural process and polyploid induction, provided that no acid molecules are used recombinant deoxyribonucleic (DNA) or genetically modified organisms; III. The production and process of medicines and drugs with GMOs generated from confined processes whose regulation corresponds to the General Health Law; IV. The sanitary control of derived products and the confined production processes in which GMOs intervene authorized under this Law, for human or animal use or consumption, which are subject to the provisions of the General Health Law and its regulations applicable to all products and processes; V. The human genome, the culture of stem cells of humans, the modification of human germ cells and the biosafety of hospitals, whose regulation corresponds to the General Health Law, and to the International Treaties in which the United Mexican States are a party; SAW. The collection and use of biological resources, whose regulation corresponds to the General Law of Ecological Balance and Protection of the Environment, the General Wildlife Law, and the Treaties Internationals in which the United Mexican States are a party, and VII. The intellectual property of biotechnological products and processes, which is the subject of the Property Law Industrial, Federal Law on Plant Varieties and International Treaties in which the United States Mexicans be part. ARTICLE 7.- The activities, organizations and products subject to the scope of this Law, will not require, in matters of biosecurity and safety, of other permits, authorizations, notices and, in general, requirements, procedures and restrictions than those established in this system. It is excepted from the provisions of the preceding paragraph: I. The measures that in the matter of general health correspond to adopt to the Secretariat of Health in the terms of the General Health Law and its regulations, except for the processing and issuance of authorizations regulated by this Law; II. The measures that in the matter of animal, vegetable and aquaculture health correspond to adopt to the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, under the terms of the Federal Health Law Animal, the Federal Plant Health Law, the Fishing Law, the Sustainable Rural Development Law, and of the other applicable provisions, and 6 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 III. The corresponding environmental measures to adopt to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources under the terms of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, of the General Law of Wildlife, the General Law on Sustainable Forest Development and other applicable laws in that area, except for: A) The environmental impact assessment and risk study regulated in Section V of Chapter IV of the Title First and in Chapter V of Title Four, of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, and B) The processing and issuance of permits and other control and monitoring instruments that regulate this law. ARTICLE 8.- In the absence of express provision in this ordinance, the provisions of the Federal Law shall be followed. of Administrative Procedure. CHAPTER II Principles in Biosafety ARTICLE 9.- For the formulation and conduct of the biosafety policy and the issuance of regulations and of the official Mexican norms that derive from this Law, the following principles will be observed: I. The Mexican Nation has a biodiversity of the largest in the world, and its territory is find areas that are the center of origin and genetic diversity of species and varieties that must be protected, used, empowered and sustainably exploited, for being a valuable reservoir of wealth in molecules and genes for the sustainable development of the country; II. The State has the obligation to guarantee the right of every person to live in an environment suitable for their food, health, development and well-being; III. The biosecurity of GMOs aims to ensure an adequate level of protection in the area of Confined use, experimental release, pilot program release, commercial release, commercialization, importation and exportation of said organisms resulting from biotechnology modern that may have adverse effects for the conservation and sustainable use of the environment and the biological diversity, as well as human health and animal, plant and aquaculture health; IV. In order to protect the environment and biological diversity, the Mexican State must apply the precautionary approach according to their abilities, taking into account the commitments established in international treaties and agreements to which the United Mexican States are a party. When there is a danger of serious or irreversible damage, the lack of absolute scientific certainty should not be used as reason to postpone the adoption of cost-effective measures to prevent degradation of the environment and biological diversity. Such measures shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions and administrative procedures established in this Law; V. The protection of human health, the environment and biological diversity requires that attention be paid due to the control and management of the possible risks derived from the activities with GMOs, through an evaluation prior to said risks and the post-release monitoring; SAW. The knowledge, opinions and experience of scientists, particularly those of the country, constitute a valuable element of guidance for the regulation and administration of activities 7 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 with GMOs they are based on scientifically based studies and opinions, so it should be encouraged scientific research and technological development in biosafety and biotechnology; VII. In the confined use of GMOs for teaching, scientific research and technological, industrial and commercial, the provisions of this Law, its Mexican regulations and official norms that derive from it, as well as the norms and principles of prevention that establish the institutions, centers or companies, whether public or private, that carry out these activities; VIII. The possible risks that activities with GMOs could produce to human health and diversity Biological will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. This evaluation will be based on the best scientific evidence and available technique; IX. The release of GMOs into the environment must be done "step by step" according to which, all GMOs that is intended to be released commercially must be previously subjected to satisfactory tests according to risk studies, risk assessment and reports of results applicable in the carrying out experimental release and pilot program release activities of said organizations, in the terms of this Law; X. Adverse effects that the release of GMOs could cause to biological diversity should be monitored, also taking into account the possible risks to human health; XI Administrative procedures to grant permits and authorizations to perform activities with GMOs must be effective and transparent; in the issuance of regulations and official standards Mexican that derive from this Law, the commitments established in treaties and agreements must be observed internationals in which the United Mexican States are a part, so that its content and scope are compatible with said treaties and agreements; XII. It is necessary to support technological development and scientific research on organisms genetically modified that can contribute to meet the needs of the Nation; XIII For the analysis of solutions to particular problems, benefits and possible benefits will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. risks of the use of GMOs. This analysis may also include the risk assessment of technological options alternates to contend with the specific problem for which the GMO was designed. Said comparative analysis It must be based on scientific and technical evidence, as well as background on use, production and consumption, and may be an additional element to the risk assessment study to decide, casuistically, on the release to the environment of the GMO in question; XIV Adequate capacity and regulations must be provided to prevent accidental release to the environment of GMOs coming from residues of any type of processes in which they have been used organisms; XV. The application of this Law, administrative procedures and criteria for the evaluation of possible risks that could be generated by the activities regulated by this Law, the control instruments of said activities, the monitoring of them, their regulations and the official Mexican norms that derive from it, the procedures of inspection and surveillance to verify and verify compliance with this Law and the provisions that they derive, the implementation of security measures and urgent application, and the application of sanctions for violations of the precepts of this Law and the provisions that emanate from it, are the form in which the Mexican State acts with caution, prudently and with scientific and technical bases to prevent, reduce or avoid the possible risks that activities with GMOs could cause to human health or to environment and biological diversity; 8 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 XVI. The biosecurity of agricultural, fishery and aquaculture products is closely related to plant, animal and aquaculture health, so the policy in these subjects should include environmental, biological diversity, human health and plant health aspects and animal; XVII The Mexican State will cooperate in the area of ​​information exchange and research on the effects socioeconomic status of GMOs, especially in indigenous and local communities; XVIII. The Mexican State will guarantee public access to biosafety and biotechnology information to referred to in this Law, in accordance with the provisions of this system and the provisions applicable to the matter of access to government public information, and XIX. Experimentation with GMOs or with any other body for manufacturing and / or use purposes of biological weapons is prohibited in the national territory. CHAPTER III Of the Biosafety Competencies ARTICLE 10.- Are competent authorities in the field of biosafety: I. The SEMARNAT; II. SAGARPA, and III. SSA The SHCP will have the powers established in this Law, regarding the import of GMOs and of products that contain them. ARTICLE 11.- It corresponds to the SEMARNAT the exercise of the following faculties regarding activities with all types of GMOs, except in the case of GMOs that correspond to SAGARPA: I. Participate in the formulation and implementation of the general biosafety policy; II. Analyze and evaluate on a case-by-case basis the possible risks that activities with GMOs could cause the environment and biological diversity, based on risk studies and reports of results elaborated and presented by the interested parties, in the terms of this Law; III. Resolve and issue permits for carrying out activities for the release of GMOs into the environment, as well as establish and follow up on the conditions and measures to which these activities must be subject, according to the provisions of this ordinance, including the release of GMOs for bioremediation; IV. Monitor the effects that could be caused by the release of GMOs, permitted or accidental, to the environment and to biological diversity, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the regulations Mexican officers derived from it; V. Participate in the preparation and issuance of the lists referred to in this Law; SAW. Suspend the effects of permits, when you have scientific and technical information from which it follows that the permitted activity involves risks higher than those expected, which may affect 9 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 negatively to the environment, biological diversity or human health or animal health, Vegetable or aquaculture These last two cases, at the express request of SAGARPA or the SSA, according to their competence in accordance with this Law, with support in technical and scientific elements; VII. Order and apply the relevant security or urgent application measures, with bases scientific and technical and in the precautionary approach, in the terms of this Law; VIII. Inspect and monitor compliance with this Law, its regulations and official Mexican standards that derive from it; IX. Impose administrative sanctions on people who violate the precepts of this Law, their Mexican regulations and official regulations that derive from it, without prejudice, where appropriate, of the penalties correspond when the acts or omissions constituting infractions to this system are also constitutive of crime, and of the civil and environmental responsibility that may result, and X. The others that this Law confers. ARTICLE 12.- It is the responsibility of SAGARPA to exercise the powers conferred on it by this Law, in the case of activities with GMOs in the following cases: I. Vegetables that are considered agricultural species, including seeds, and any other organism or product considered within the scope of the Federal Plant Health Law, with the exception of wild and forest species regulated by the General Wildlife Law and the General Forest Development Law Sustainable, respectively, and those that are under some protection regime by official standards Mexicans derived from these laws; II. Animals that are considered livestock species and any other considered within the scope of the Federal Animal Health Law, with the exception of wild species regulated by the General Life Law Wild and those that are under some protection regime by official Mexican standards derived from those laws; III. Phytozoosanitary and animal and plant nutrition inputs; IV. Fishing and aquaculture species, with the exception of those that are under some protection regime for official Mexican standards; V. GMOs used in immunization to protect and prevent the spread of animal diseases; SAW. GMOs that are fungi, bacteria, protozoa, viruses, viroids, spiroplasmas, phytoplasms, and others microorganisms, which have productive agricultural, livestock, aquaculture or phytozoosanitary purposes, and VII. In the other organizations and products determined by the regulations of this Law. ARTICLE 13.- In the cases established in the previous article, it is up to SAGARPA the exercise of The following attributions: I. Participate in the formulation and implementation of the general biosafety policy; II. Analyze and evaluate on a case-by-case basis the possible risks that activities with GMOs could cause animal, plant and aquaculture health, as well as the environment and biological diversity, based on the risk studies and the results reports that are elaborated and presented by the interested parties, in the terms of this Law; 10 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 III. Resolve and issue permits to carry out activities with GMOs, as well as establish and monitor the conditions and measures to which these activities must be subject, in accordance with the provisions of this ordering; IV. Monitor the effects that could be caused by the release of GMOs, permitted or accidental, to animal, plant and aquaculture health, and to biological diversity, in accordance with what they have this Law and the official Mexican norms that derive from it; V. Participate in the preparation and issuance of the lists referred to in this Law; SAW. Suspend the effects of permits, when you have scientific and technical information supervening from which it is deduced that the permitted activity entails higher risks than expected, which may negatively affect animal, plant or aquaculture health, biological diversity or human health. These two last cases, at the express request of the SEMARNAT or the SSA, depending on their competence under this Law, with support in technical and scientific elements; VII. Order and apply the relevant security or urgent application measures, with technical bases and scientific and in the precautionary approach, in the terms of this Law; VIII. Inspect and monitor compliance with this Law, its regulations and official Mexican standards that derive from it; IX. Impose administrative sanctions on people who violate the precepts of this Law, their Mexican regulations and official regulations that derive from it, without prejudice, where appropriate, of the penalties correspond when the acts or omissions constituting infractions to this system are also constitutive of crime, and of the civil liability that may result, and X. The others that this Law confers. ARTICLE 14.- In the cases in which SEMARNAT is responsible for the knowledge, processing and resolution of a permission application, in the case of wild and forest species, you must send the respective file to the SAGARPA to issue the corresponding opinion. ARTICLE 15.- In cases that fall within the competence of SAGARPA, SEMARNAT will The following will apply: I. Issue the corresponding biosafety opinion, prior to the resolution of SAGARPA, as a result of the analysis and evaluation of risks that you carry out based on the study developed and presented by the interested, about the possible risks that the activity with GMOs in question may cause to the environment and biological diversity, in the case of applications for permits for experimental release of said organisms, or based on the results reports and the information that the interested parties attach to their requests for permits for release in pilot program and for commercial release; II. Require SAGARPA to suspend the effects of the permits issued by said Secretariat, when available of scientific and technical information from which it is deduced that the permitted release involves risks higher than expected that may adversely affect the environment and biological diversity, and III. The exercise of the powers established in sections I, II, IV, V, VII and VIII of article 11 of this Law. 11 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 The biosafety opinion referred to in section I of this article shall be binding, prior to granting of the corresponding permits to be issued to SAGARPA, and will be issued in the terms of article 66 of this law. ARTICLE 16.- It is the responsibility of the SSA to exercise the following powers in relation to GMOs: I. Participate in the formulation and implementation of the general biosafety policy; II. Evaluate on a case-by-case basis the studies prepared and presented by stakeholders on safety and possible risks of GMOs subject to authorization under the terms of Title Five of this Law; III. Resolve and issue the authorizations of GMOs referred to in the previous section; IV. Participate in the preparation and issuance of the lists referred to in this Law; V. Order and apply the relevant security or urgent application measures, with technical and scientific basis and in the precautionary approach, in the terms of this Law; SAW. Request from SEMARNAT or SAGARPA, as appropriate, with support from technical and scientific elements, the suspension of the effects of the release of GMOs to the environment, when available information from which it is deduced that the activity permitted by these Secretariats involves risks greater than expected to affect human health; VII. Inspect and monitor compliance with this Law, its regulations and official standards Mexican VIII. Impose administrative sanctions on people who violate the provisions of this Law, its regulations and Mexican official norms that derive from this Law, without prejudice, where appropriate, of the corresponding penalties when the acts or omissions constituting violations of this system are also constitutive of crime, and of the civil liability that may result, and IX. The others that this Law confers. The SSA will carry out the actions of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance of GMOs and the products that contain and derived products, in accordance with the General Health Law and its provisions Regulatory ARTICLE 17.- In case of accidental release of GMOs, the Secretariats will coordinate so that, within the scope of their respective powers in accordance with this Law, impose the necessary measures to avoid negative effects on the biological diversity, to human health or to animal, plant and aquaculture health, as appropriate. ARTICLE 18.- It corresponds to the SHCP the exercise of the following faculties, with respect to the import of GMOs and products containing them: I. Check in the customs of entry of the national territory, that the GMOs that are imported and destined for their release to the environment or for the purposes established in article 91 of this Law, have the permission and / or authorization respectively, as the case may be in the terms of this system; II. Check that the documentation that accompanies the GMOs that are imported into the country, contains the requirements of identification established in the official Mexican norms that derive from this Law; 12 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 III. Participate, jointly with the Secretariats, in the issuance of official Mexican standards related to storage or storage of GMOs or products containing them in the customs premises of the National territory; IV. Give immediate notice to SEMARNAT, SAGARPA and / or SSA, about the probable commission of violations of precepts of this Law, regarding the import of GMOs, and V. Prevent the entry into the national territory of GMOs and products containing them, in cases where such organisms and products do not have permission and / or authorization, as appropriate, for importation, pursuant to this Law. The SHCP will exercise the previous powers, without prejudice to those conferred by customs legislation, applicable to the import of all merchandise. CHAPTER IV Coordination and Participation ARTICLE 19.- The CIBIOGEM is an Intersecretarial Commission whose purpose is to formulate and coordinate the Federal Public Administration policies related to the biosafety of GMOs, which will have the functions that establish the regulations that derive from this Law, in accordance with the following bases: I. The CIBIOGEM will be integrated by the head of the Secretariats of Agriculture, Livestock, Development Rural, Fishing and Food; Environment and Natural Resources; Health; Public education; Treasury and Public Credit, and Economy, as well as by the General Director of CONACyT; II. The CIBIOGEM will have a Presidency that will be rotating among the holders of the Secretariats of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, Environment and Natural Resources and Health, and whose exercise, functions and duration will be determined in the corresponding regulations. There will also be a Vice Presidency whose head will be the General Director of CONACyT, who will chair the sessions in the absence of the President, he will assist the Commission and the Executive Secretary in the exercise of their functions and will carry out the activities entrusted to it by CIBIOGEM itself in the terms established by the regulatory provisions derived from this Law; III. CIBIOGEM may invite other agencies to participate, with voice, in agreements and decisions of matters related to its purpose, as well as to the members of the Advisory Council; IV. The CIBIOGEM will have an Executive Secretary who will be appointed by the President of the Republic, at the proposal of the General Director of CONACyT, approved by CIBIOGEM itself. It will have the powers and powers that are determined in the regulatory provisions that derive from this system, and will execute and give follow up on the agreements of the Commission itself and exercise the other functions entrusted to it; V. The Executive Secretariat of the CIBIOGEM will have the organic structure approved in the terms of the applicable provisions, and will be considered an administrative unit by function of CONACyT, in accordance with the Organic Law of said parastatal entity, and SAW. The CIBIOGEM will also have a Technical Committee composed of coordinators, general directors or competent equivalents in the matter designated by the heads of the dependencies and entities that form part of the CIBIOGEM. Said Committee may propose the creation of subcommittees. 13 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 specialized for the attention of specific matters and will have the attributions that are determined in the dispositions regulations that derive from this Law. ARTICLE 20.- The Scientific Advisory Council of the CIBIOGEM is created, which will function as a mandatory consultation body of CIBIOGEM itself in technical and scientific aspects in modern biotechnology and biosafety of GMOs. I know integrate by a group of experts in different disciplines, from centers, institutions of research, academies or scientific societies of recognized prestige, which will exercise their function to personal title, regardless of the institution, association or company of which they are part or in the one that provide their services. These experts will expressly express in commitment letter, at the time of being designated as members of the Scientific Advisory Board, not having any conflict of interest. The selection of the members of the Scientific Advisory Board will be made through a public call issued jointly the CONACyT and the Scientific and Technological Consultative Forum foreseen in the Law of Science and Technology. Among the functions of the Advisory Council, the formulation of research protocols, analysis and methodologies and technical opinions, which may be remunerated. The specific functions of the Advisory Council and the mechanisms so that the renewal of its members is progressive and staggered, will be established in the regulatory provisions derived from this Law. The technical opinions issued by the Council Scientific Consultant should be considered by the CIBIOGEM in the decisions adopted. ARTICLE 21.- The CIBIOGEM Joint Consultative Council is created, which will act as an auxiliary organ of consultation and opinion of CIBIOGEM itself. It will be made up of representatives of associations, chambers or companies of the private, social and productive sectors. Its fundamental function will be to know and comment on social aspects, economic, and other aspects related to regulatory and promotion policies, as well as priorities in the standardization and improvement of procedures and procedures regarding Biosecurity of GMOs. The specific functions of the Joint Advisory Council and the mechanisms for the incorporation of its members will be established by the CIBIOGEM. ARTICLE 22.- The CIBIOGEM will issue its rules of operation in which the mechanisms of participation so that members and representatives of the academic, scientific, technological, social and productive, of recognized prestige and experience in the subjects directly related to the activities that are the subject of this Law, may participate through opinions, studies and consultations in the knowledge and evolution of biosafety policies and promotion of biosafety research and biotechnology, as well as to receive opinions, studies and consultations in these matters. ARTICLE 23.- CONACyT will have in its budget the necessary resources for the development of the activities of the CIBIOGEM, the Executive Secretariat and the Scientific Advisory Board, in accordance with budget authorized under the terms of the applicable provisions. These resources will be administered and exercised by the Executive Secretary of the CIBIOGEM. The programs, projects, supports, as well as the other actions that are carried out by the application of the present Law and other provisions in the matter, in which federal resources are exercised, are subject to the availability of resources determined for this purpose in the Expenditure Budget of the Federation of the corresponding fiscal year, and must observe the applicable provisions in budgetary matter ARTICLE 24.- The Secretariats may establish scientific technical committees that provide support in the resolution of applications for permits and authorizations, as well as notices. The Regulatory provisions of this Law shall determine the basis for the organization and operation of said committees 14 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 CHAPTER V Of the Coordination with the Federative Entities ARTICLE 25.- The Federation, through the Secretariats within the scope of its competence and in the terms of the applicable provisions, with the knowledge of the CIBIOGEM, may conclude agreements or agreements of coordination with the governments of the federal entities, in order to: I. Establish concurrent collaboration in monitoring the risks that could be caused by the activities of release of GMOs to the environment, whether experimental or in a pilot program, determined in said agreements or agreements, and II. Where appropriate, in carrying out actions to monitor compliance with the provisions of this Law. ARTICLE 26.- The agreements or coordination agreements signed by the Federation with the governments of The federative entities for the purposes referred to in the previous article must comply with the applicable provisions and to the following bases: I. They will define precisely the subjects and activities that constitute the object of the agreement or agreement; II. The purpose of the agreements or agreements must be consistent with the policy regarding biosecurity; III. The assets and resources provided by the parties will be described, clarifying their destination. specific and its form of administration, for which the Federation will contribute to the strengthening of its capabilities financial and institutional; IV. The necessary means, procedures and resources provided by the Secretariats will be determined competent, so that the governments of the federal entities can carry out the actions and activities subject to coordination agreements or agreements; V. The validity of the agreement or agreement, its forms of termination and dispute resolution and, where appropriate, extension; SAW. Define the body or bodies that will carry out the actions resulting from the agreements or agreements of coordination; VII. They will determine the actions to promote and participate jointly in supporting the scientific and technological research in biosafety and biotechnology; VIII. The obligation to submit detailed reports on compliance with the object of the agreements and coordination agreements, and IX. They will contain the other stipulations that the parties consider necessary for the correct fulfillment of the agreement or agreement. The agreements referred to in this article must be published in the Official Gazette of the Federation and in the official dissemination body of the respective local government. ARTICLE 27.- The governments of the federal entities will have permanent access to the information that is register in the National Biosafety Registry of Genetically Organized Organisms 15 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 Modified Likewise, the CIBIOGEM, through its Executive Secretariat, will notify the applications for permits from commercial release to the environment of GMOs, to the governments of the federal entities in which it is intended carry out this activity, so that they have knowledge of that situation and can issue their opinions in the terms of this Law. The notification must be made within twenty days following that in which the CIBIOGEM has received the corresponding permit application for registration in the Registry. CHAPTER VI From the Promotion to Scientific and Technological Research in Biosafety and Biotechnology ARTICLE 28.- The Federal Executive shall promote, support and strengthen scientific research and technology in biosafety and biotechnology through policies and instruments established in this Law and in the Law of Science and Technology. In biotechnology, these supports will be oriented to promote research and development and innovation projects, human resources training specialized and strengthening of groups and infrastructure of universities, education institutions superior and public research centers, which are carried out to solve productive needs country-specific and that directly benefit national producers. In the field of biosafety, research will be encouraged to obtain sufficient knowledge to assess the possible risks of GMOs in the environment, biological diversity, human health and animal health, vegetable and aquaculture; to generate socio-economic considerations of the effects of these organisms for the conservation and exploitation of biological diversity, and to assess and verify the information provided for the promoters. Likewise, the creation of human, institutional and infrastructure capacities will be promoted. for risk assessment and monitoring. ARTICLE 29.- To achieve the promotion of scientific and technological research in the field of Biosafety and biotechnology will establish a program for the development of biosafety and biotechnology which will be considered as a program whose formulation will be in charge of CONACyT based on the proposals that present the Secretariats and other agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration that support or carry out scientific research and technological development. In this process opinions will be taken into account and proposals of the scientific, academic, technological and productive sector communities, convened by the Forum Scientific and Technological Consultant, and of the CIBIOGEM. Said program will be part of the Special Program of Science and Technology established by the Law of Science and Technology. ARTICLE 30.- The program for the development of biosafety and biotechnology must contain, at least, diagnoses, policies, strategies and general and sectoral actions regarding: I. Scientific research; II. Innovation and technological development; III. Training of researchers, technologists and high level professionals; IV. Support to public research centers; V. Scientific research projects and solution-oriented innovation and technological development of national problems and activities that benefit the agricultural producers, forestry and aquaculture of the country; 16 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 SAW. New research and technology transfer centers in primary areas of national development, of according to local or regional needs for environmental conservation and protection or forestry production, agricultural and industrial; VII. Dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge; VIII. National and international collaboration; IX. Strengthening the biosafety culture, and X. Decentralization and regional development. The Federal Executive, through the competent Secretariats, will make sure to make available to the seed companies of farmers 'and producers' organizations, preferably and accessible, the results of scientific research and innovation and technological development contained in the Program for the development of biosafety and biotechnology. ARTICLE 31.- CONACyT will constitute a Fund for the Promotion and Support of Scientific Research and Technology in Biosafety and Biotechnology in accordance with the Law of Science and Technology, to which the fiscal resources provided by the agencies and entities for this purpose, third party resources and income that The concept of rights determines the tax provisions, which derive from acts carried out in application of this Law. SECOND TITLE Permissions CHAPTER I Common Provisions ARTICLE 32.- The following activities will be required for permission: I. The experimental release into the environment, including the importation for that activity, of one or more GMOs; II. The release into the environment in a pilot program, including the import for that activity, of GMOs, Y III. The commercial release to the environment, including the import for that activity, of GMOs. ARTICLE 33.- Once the corresponding Secretariats receive a request for permission to release to the environment of GMOs, and as long as it complies with the information and requirements established in this Law, they must send it to the Registry for their respective registration and publicity. Once the above is done, the Secretariat to which it corresponds to resolve the request for the release of GMOs to the environment, will put public provision of said request, for public consultation, and must observe the forecasts on confidentiality established in this Law. Said Secretariat may make use of the means it deems suitable for the purpose of making the respective permit application available to the public. Any person, including the governments of the federal entities in which it is intended to carry out the respective release, may express their opinion, which must be supported by technical and 17 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 scientifically, within a period of no more than twenty business days from the date on which the respective request be made available to the public in the terms of this article. Opinions that are issued in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph will be considered by the corresponding Secretariats for the establishment of additional biosecurity measures, in case it is appropriate to issue the release of GMOs to the corresponding environment, in the terms of this Law. ARTICLE 34.- The corresponding Secretariat shall issue its resolution, duly founded and motivated, once analyzed the information and documentation provided by the interested party, the opinion or opinion they had issued the Secretariats that are responsible for issuing them in accordance with this Law and, where appropriate, the GMO authorization issued by the SSA under the terms of this system. The corresponding Secretariat in its resolution you can: I. Issuing the permit for carrying out the release activity to the environment in question, being able to establish additional monitoring, control, prevention and security measures to those proposed by the interested party in the permit application, or II. Deny permission in the following cases: A) When the request does not comply with the provisions of this Law or the official Mexican regulations such as requirements for the granting of the permit; B) When the information provided by the interested party, including that related to the possible risks that could cause GMOs to be false, incomplete or insufficient, or C) When the corresponding Secretariat concludes that the risks that may be presented by the GMOs in question, negatively affect human health or biological diversity, or animal, plant or aquaculture health, may cause serious or irreversible damage. ARTICLE 35.- The deadlines established in this Law for the resolution of a request for a release permit at GMO environment, whether experimental or pilot program, will be extendable, in case the interested party does not count with the authorization issued by the SSA in the terms of this ordinance, as long as said authorization is required for the issuance of the respective permit. ARTICLE 36.- The permits for experimental release, in the pilot or commercial program of GMOs to the environment, will be supplied effects of import permits of said organisms to be released experimentally, in pilot or commercial program, as the case may be, under the terms and conditions established in the own permissions The foregoing, notwithstanding that the import of the GMOs in question, is subject to the regime phytosanitary or aquaculture established in the corresponding legislation of the matter. ARTICLE 37.- The monitoring, prevention, control and safety measures of the possible risks of using the GMO established by the corresponding Secretariat in the permits, may include, among others, the following aspects: I. Management of the GMO; II. Safety measures so that the possible risk remains within the tolerance limits accepted in the evaluation, and 18 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 III. Monitoring of the activity in question, in relation to the possible risks that such activity could generate. ARTICLE 38.- The Secretariat that issues the permit may modify the monitoring, control and prevention, require the interested party to implement new measures, as well as suspend or revoke said permit, prior hearing granted to interested parties, when available scientific or technical information of the It follows that the activity may involve higher or lower risks than originally provided for the corresponding studies. The foregoing must be established in the permits issued by the Secretariats competent. ARTICLE 39.- The permit holder shall be obliged to observe and comply with the monitoring, prevention, control and security established by the permit, as well as the provisions of this system, its Mexican regulations and official norms that derive from it, that are applicable to the release concerned. Failure to comply with the measures and provisions referred to in this article will give place for the determination of the respective responsibility and the application of the corresponding sanctions according this law. ARTICLE 40.- The importation of GMOs or products containing them into the territory will not be allowed national, in cases where such organizations are prohibited in the country of origin or are found classified in the lists as not allowed for commercial release or for importation for that exercise. ARTICLE 41.- It is prohibited to carry out activities with GMOs or with any other body whose purpose is the manufacture and / or use of biological weapons. CHAPTER II Requirements for Obtaining Permits SECTION I Permission for experimental release to the environment ARTICLE 42.- The application for permission to perform the experimental release to the environment of GMOs, including its importation for that activity, it must be accompanied by the following information: I. Characterization of the GMO, which should consider what the official regulations establish for each case Mexicans that derive from this Law; II. The identification of the area where the GMO is intended to be experimentally released, including the specification of the total area on which the release will take place; III. A study of the possible risks that the release of GMOs could generate to the environment and to biological diversity. In addition, in cases that fall within the competence of SAGARPA, the study must contain what is related to the possible risks that the release of these organisms could cause to the animal, vegetable or aquaculture health; IV. The measures and procedures for monitoring activity and biosafety, which will be carried out at the time of carry it out and post-release ones; V. Where appropriate, the history of release of the GMOs concerned in other countries; 19 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 SAW. Where appropriate, considerations on the risks of the technological alternatives that are available will be presented. to contend with the problem for which the genetically modified organism that is intended to be released was constructed, Y VII. The information that for each case determines the official Mexican norms that derive from this Law. It will be a requirement to obtain the experimental release permit to the environment, which the applicant has with the authorization of the GMO issued by the SSA in accordance with this Law, when said agency has Public health purposes or be destined to bioremediation. The interested party may start the process to obtain such permission before the competent Secretariat, but it will not be granted until it is accredited in the respective file have obtained the authorization of the SSA. ARTICLE 43.- Those interested in importing GMOs for experimental release into the environment, in addition to the established in the previous article, they must attach to their request the information and documentation that prove that the GMO is allowed under the legislation of the country of origin, for its release, at least, in experimental stage, attaching for this purpose the authorization or official documentation that covers said situation. ARTICLE 44.- The resolution to a request for permission for experimental release of GMOs shall be be issued within a maximum period of six months from the day following that in which the Secretariat must To resolve has received the permit application and the information provided by the interested party is complete. ARTICLE 45.- In the event that, after the granting of the permit, in the realization of the release Experimental of a GMO into the environment the following is presented: I. There is any modification in the release that may increase or decrease the possible risks to the environment and biological diversity, or II. New scientific and technical information on these risks is available. In these cases, the permit holder will be obliged to: A. Inform the corresponding Secretariat immediately of this situation; B. Review the monitoring and biosafety measures specified in the documentation, and C. Adopt the necessary biosafety measures. ARTICLE 46.- The holder of the experimental release permit to the environment must inform the Secretariat that issued it, through a report, the results of the release (s) made in relationship with the possible risks to the environment and biological diversity. The characteristics and content of The report referred to in this article will be established in the official Mexican regulations derived from this Law. ARTICLE 47.- The permit holder shall be obliged to inform the Secretariat immediately. corresponding, any situation that in the realization of the permitted release, could increase or decrease the possible risks to the environment, biological diversity and / or human health. ARTICLE 48.- The corresponding Secretariat may limit the validity of the release permit. Experimental to the environment considering the elements of the file. 20 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 ARTICLE 49.- The experimental releases to the environment of GMOs will be made under cover and in accordance with the terms and conditions established by the permit. In the event that such permission includes the realization of various releases of the same GMO in the same geographical area established in the permit, in the same may establish the requirement of notice of each release. SECTION II Permission for release to the environment in pilot program ARTICLE 50.- The application for permission to release GMOs into the environment in a pilot program, including its import for that activity, must be accompanied by the following information: I. The permission for the experimental release of the GMO in question; II. Reference and considerations on the report of the results of the release (s) Experimental carried out in relation to the possible risks to the environment and biological diversity and, additionally, to animal, plant or aquaculture health in cases that fall within the competence of SAGARPA in accordance with this law; III. Information related to: A) The total amount of the GMO to be released; B) The driving conditions that will be given to the GMO, and C) Identification of the areas where the GMO is intended to be released, including the specification of the surface or total areas on which the release will take place. IV. The monitoring and biosafety measures to be carried out during the release and after said activity, and V. The information that for each case determines the official Mexican norms that derive from this Law. The foregoing, in order that the corresponding Secretariats have the information to carry out the analysis and evaluation of possible risks to the environment and biological diversity or to animal health, vegetable or aquaculture, as appropriate according to this Law. It will be a requirement to obtain the permit for release to the environment in a pilot program, that the applicant has the authorization of the GMO issued by the SSA in accordance with this Law, when said agency is for use or human consumption The interested party may initiate the process to obtain said permission from the Secretariat competent, but will not be granted until you prove in the respective file to have obtained the SSA authorization. ARTICLE 51.- Those interested in importing GMOs for their release into the pilot program environment, in addition to the established in the previous article, they must attach to their request the information and documentation that prove that the GMO is allowed under the legislation of the country of origin, for its release, at least, in this stage class, attaching for that purpose the authorization or official documentation that covers said situation. ARTICLE 52.- The resolution to a request for permission to release GMOs into the pilot program must be issued within a maximum period of three months from the day following 21 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 the one in which the Secretariat to resolve has received the permit application and information provided by the interested party is complete. The validity of the permit will be determined considering the elements of the file. ARTICLE 53.- The holder of the permit for release to the environment in a pilot program must inform the Secretariat that it was issued by means of a report, the results of the release (s) made in relation to the possible risks to the environment and biological diversity. The characteristics and content of the report referred to This article will be established in the official Mexican norms that derive from this Law. ARTICLE 54.- The permit holder shall be obliged to immediately inform the Secretariat corresponding, any situation that in the realization of the permitted release, could increase or decrease the possible risks to the environment, biological diversity and / or human health. SECTION III Permission for commercial release to the environment ARTICLE 55.- The application for permission to carry out the commercial release to the environment of GMOs, including their import for that activity, must be accompanied by the following information: I. Permits for experimental and pilot program release of the GMO in question; II. Reference and considerations on the reports of the results of the experimental release and the release in pilot program that has been carried out, in terms of the permits referred to in the previous section; III. Specific instructions or recommendations for storage, transport and, where appropriate, handling; IV. Where applicable, conditions for release and commercialization; V. Where appropriate, considerations on the risks of the technological alternatives that are available will be presented to contend with the problem for which the GMO that was intended to be released was built; SAW. Where appropriate, the information available to the applicant on data or results of the marketing of the same GMO in other countries, and VII. The other information determined by the official Mexican regulations derived from this Law. The foregoing, in order that the corresponding Secretariats have the information to carry out the analysis and evaluation of possible risks to the environment and biological diversity or to animal health, vegetable or aquaculture, as appropriate according to this Law. ARTICLE 56.- Those interested in importing GMOs for commercial release, in addition to what is established in in the previous article, they must attach the information and documentation proving that the GMO is allowed according to the legislation of the country of origin for its commercialization, attaching for this purpose the authorization or official documentation that covers this situation. ARTICLE 57.- The resolution to a request for permission for commercial release to the environment must be issued within four months from the day following that in which the 22 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 Secretariat to be resolved has received the permit application and the information provided by the interested be complete. ARTICLE 58.- The activities and imports subsequent to the commercial release permit to the environment will be carried out subject to the terms and conditions established therein, and without requiring successive permits. I know understand that subsequent imports are made under the same terms and conditions established in the respective commercial release permit, in the case of the same GMO and the same release area. The above, regardless of whether such activities and imports may be subject to monitoring and inspection actions and vigilance, in the terms of this Law. ARTICLE 59.- The permission of commercial release to the environment of a GMO implies the authorization of commercialization of the body in question and the products that contain it, in the terms of this Law. CHAPTER III Study and Risk Assessment ARTICLE 60.- The risk assessment is the process by which they are analyzed on a case-by-case basis, based on studies scientifically and technically based that the interested parties should elaborate, the possible risks or effects that experimental release into the environment of GMOs can cause the environment and biological diversity, as well as to animal, vegetable and aquaculture health. The possible risks to human health will be subject to risk study to obtain the authorization of the GMO in question, in the terms of this Law. ARTICLE 61.- To carry out the study and risk assessment, the following must be observed. following guidelines: I. They must be carried out on a case-by-case basis in a transparent manner and based on scientific principles and the approach of caution, in the terms of this Law, taking into account expert advice; II. They will be carried out in the relevant fields of expertise; III. Lack of knowledge or scientific consensus will not necessarily be interpreted as an indicator of a given level of risk, absence of risk, or the existence of an acceptable risk; IV. They should have as a minimum basis the possible risks that would be imposed by the release of host organisms not genetically modified or from parental organisms, when released in that environment; V. The recipient organism, the genetic modification, including the genetic construction and the insertion method, and the environment in which the GMO is intended to be released, and SAW. The nature and level of detail of the information they contain may vary from case to case, depending of the GMO in question, its intended use and the likely receiving environment. ARTICLE 62.- The basic steps to be followed in the study and risk assessment are the following: I. The identification of new characteristics associated with the GMO that could have possible risks in biological diversity; 23 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 II. The assessment that these possible risks actually occur, taking into account the level and type of exposure from the GMO; III. The evaluation of the consequences if possible risks actually occur; IV. The estimation of the possible global risk represented by the GMO, based on the evaluation of the probability that the possible risks and consequences identified actually occur, and V. The recommendation as to whether the possible risks are acceptable or manageable, or are not, including the determination of strategies for managing these possible risks. ARTICLE 63.- When there is uncertainty about the level of the possible risk that GMOs may cause to the biological diversity, the corresponding Secretariats will request within the administrative procedure of permission for the release of GMOs into the environment, additional information on issues specific risk study or will adopt appropriate strategies for risk management and / or monitoring of GMO in the receiving environment. In case of danger of serious or irreversible damage, uncertainty about the level of possible risks that GMOs can cause to biological diversity or human health, should not be used as a reason so that the corresponding Secretariat postpones the adoption of effective measures that prevent the affectation negative biological diversity or human health. In the adoption of such measures, the Secretariat corresponding will take into account the existing scientific evidence that serves as the basis or criteria for the establishment of the measure or measures; the administrative procedures established in this Law, and the regulations commercial contained in international treaties and agreements to which the United Mexican States are a party. ARTICLE 64.- The interested party may submit additionally to the study of possible risks, other studies or considerations that analyze both the contribution of the GMO to the solution of environmental, social problems, productive or otherwise, the socioeconomic considerations that exist regarding the release of GMOs to the environment, as an assessment of the risks of alternative technology options to contend with the specific problem for which the GMO was designed. These analyzes should be supported by scientific and technical evidence, in the background on use, production and consumption, and may be considered by the competent Secretariats as additional elements to decide on the release experimental to the environment, and consequent releases to the environment in pilot and commercial program, respectively, of the GMO in question. ARTICLE 65.- The characteristics and requirements of the studies to evaluate the possible risks shall be established. in the official Mexican norms that derive from this Law. CHAPTER IV Of the opinions ARTICLE 66.- The opinions that the SEMARNAT must issue will only be required in the case of experimental release activities, pilot program release and commercial release of GMOs that are the responsibility of SAGARPA. These opinions must be issued within a period of sixty days from after SEMARNAT receives the administrative file sent by SAGARPA. This term includes both the issuance of the corresponding opinion, and its referral to SAGARPA. SAGARPA will issue the permit of release of GMOs to the appropriate environment, provided that the opinion issued by SEMARNAT is favorable. 24 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 CHAPTER V On the Reconsideration of Negative Resolutions ARTICLE 67.- Those interested in whom the corresponding Secretariat has denied the requested permission may request said Secretariat to reconsider the respective resolution, when it is considered that: I. There has been a change in circumstances that may influence the outcome of the study of possible risks on which the resolution was based, or II. New relevant scientific or technical information is available from which it follows that Possible risks identified are not those originally intended. The competent Secretariat may issue a resolution within two months. In case of not doing so, it will consider the reconsideration dismissed. ARTICLE 68.- The reconsideration referred to in the preceding article does not constitute any remedy or means of defense, and may be promoted by interested parties regardless of whether they enforce the means of challenge established in This Law against the resolution that affects them. CHAPTER VI From the Permit Review ARTICLE 69.- The corresponding Secretariat, at any time and on the basis of new information scientific or technical about the possible risks that GMOs can cause to public health or the environment and to biological diversity, they may review the permits granted and, where appropriate, suspend their effects or revoke said permits, in accordance with the procedures established by the regulations that derive from this Law, when considering as causes that: I. There is a change in the circumstances of the activities that may influence the outcome of the study of the assessment of possible risks on which the permit was based, or II. Have additional scientific or technical information that could modify any conditions, limitations or permit requirements. CHAPTER VII Confidentiality ARTICLE 70.- Those interested may clearly identify in their permit application, that information that should be considered confidential according to the industrial property or copyright regime. The Corresponding secretariat shall be subject to the provisions of the laws of the matter and shall refrain from ordering to register and to provide third parties with information and data that are protected by these laws. ARTICLE 71.- They shall not be confidential: I. The general description of GMOs; II. The identification of the interested party or person responsible for the activity; III. The purpose and place or places of the activity; 25 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 IV. Biosafety, monitoring, control and emergency systems and measures, and V. Studies on possible risks to human health or the environment and biological diversity. Access to the information referred to in the previous sections shall be governed, in addition, by the provisions applicable in matters of access to government public information. CHAPTER VIII Export of GMOs destined for release to the environment in other countries ARTICLE 72.- Those interested in exporting GMOs that are destined for their release to the environment in other countries, will notify by itself, as determined in the regulations that derive from this Law, its intention to export said organisms to the competent authorities of the respective country Such notification only it will be carried out in cases where international treaties and agreements in which the United Mexican States are a party, establish that requirement to export to the country of try. The information that the interested party attaches to the notification referred to in this article must be exact, Reliable and in accordance with what is established in these international treaties and agreements. THIRD TITLE Confined Use and Notices CHAPTER I Confined use ARTICLE 73.- The confined use of GMOs may be for educational purposes, of scientific and technological, industrial or commercial research. ARTICLE 74.- Those who carry out confined use activities subject to the requirement of presentation of notice in the terms of this Law, must comply with the following: I. Keep a log book of the activities of confined use they carry out, which must be provided to the corresponding Secretariats when they request it; II. Apply confinement measures whose execution should be adapted to scientific knowledge and more modern and advanced technicians in risk management and treatment, final disposal and elimination of GMO residues generated during the activity, and III. In the case of the use confined for teaching or scientific research purposes and technology, integrate an internal biosafety commission and apply the principles of good practice of scientific research, as well as the biosafety rules defined by the internal commission of Biosafety This internal commission will be responsible for the security of the facilities and the good practices and safety in the management of GMOs used in the indicated activity. The official Mexican norms that derive from this Law will establish: A) The requirements and general characteristics that must be contained in the log book referred to in this article, for each type of activity; B) The requirements and characteristics related to confinement, treatment, final disposal, destruction and GMO waste disposal; 26 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 C) The driving conditions that are required in the various forms of confined use of said organisms, and D) Actions to be taken in case of accidental release of GMOs. ARTICLE 75.- The storage or deposit of GMOs or products containing them, which is carried out at customs of the national territory, will be subject to what the respective official Mexican standards that jointly issue the competent Secretariats, with the participation of the SHCP. ARTICLE 76.- The transport of GMOs or products containing them, as well as the transit of said organisms and Products throughout the national territory, when they have another country as their destination, will be governed by the rules Mexican officials who jointly issue the competent Secretariats, with the participation of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation. CHAPTER II Of the Notices ARTICLE 77.- The notice is the communication that the subjects indicated in this Law, to SEMARNAT or SAGARPA, as appropriate according to this order, with respect to the Confined use of GMOs in the cases established in this chapter. ARTICLE 78.- Notices must be submitted to SEMARNAT or SAGARPA, in accordance with the attributions of this Law. confers them, in the official formats that are issued for this purpose. The content of the formats They will determine said Secretariats, with the prior approval of the Federal Regulatory Improvement Commission. In sayings formats will determine the information and documentation that the interested party must submit. The formats must be publish in the Official Gazette of the Federation. ARTICLE 79.- Require notice submission: I. GMOs that are managed, generated and produced for scientific and technological teaching and research purposes; II. The integration of internal biosafety commissions, including the name of the responsible for said commissions; III. The first use of laboratories or specific teaching or research facilities scientific and technological in which GMOs are managed, generated and produced; IV. The production of GMOs used in industrial processes, and V. The first use of specific facilities where the GMOs referred to occur the previous fraction. ARTICLE 80.- The import of GMOs for use is also required for presentation of notice. confined for industrial or commercial purposes, only when the following assumptions are met: I. That they are GMOs that do not require permission, by virtue of which they are destined exclusively for their use confined and therefore not imported for release to the environment, and 27 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 II. That they are GMOs that do not require sanitary authorization because they will not be used for human use or consumption or for public health purposes. ARTICLE 81.- The subjects that must present the corresponding notice to the corresponding Secretariat are the following: I. In the cases referred to in sections I, II and III of article 79, the head of the internal commission of biosafety of the institution, center or company where the teaching activities are carried out and scientific and technological research in which the GMO in question is generated and produced; II. In the cases referred to in sections IV and V of article 79, the legal representative of the company in the that the GMOs in question occur, and III. In the case referred to in the previous article, the importer of the GMO. ARTICLE 82.- It is excepted from the presentation of notice, the use confined or imported for that activity, in if the GMO in question exempts from said requirement in the lists issued by the Secretariats under this Law. ARTICLE 83.- The confined use of GMOs and the importation of said organisms for that activity, may be made from the moment the internal biosafety commission or the importer, according to try, present the respective notice to the corresponding Secretariat. ARTICLE 84.- Once the notice has been submitted, the corresponding Secretariat may determine, where appropriate, with support scientific and technical: I. That in consideration of the genetically modified organism and the possible risks in its management, the exercise; II. If applicable, it may resolve that the confined use requires the adoption and implementation of requirements and Biosafety measures additional to those indicated by the interested party in the notice, which will be determined by said Secretariat, and must be observed and complied with by the interested party to continue the completion of the activity, or III. The prohibition of the confined use of the genetically modified organism in question or its importation For that activity. Said resolution may be challenged through the appeal for review established herein. ordering ARTICLE 85.- Persons whose activity of confined use is subject to the requirement of Notice submission will be required to observe and comply with the other provisions of this ordinance and the official Mexican norms that derive from it, as applicable. FOURTH TITLE Restricted Areas CHAPTER I Centers of Origin and Genetic Diversity 28 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 ARTICLE 86.- The species of which the United Mexican States is a center of origin and genetic diversity as well as the geographical areas in which they are located, will be determined jointly through agreements by the SEMARNAT and SAGARPA, based on the information they have in their files or in their databases, including the one that provides, among others, the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics, the National Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research, the National Institute of Ecology, the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity and the National Commission Forestry, as well as international agreements and treaties related to these matters. SEMARNAT and SAGARPA they will establish in the agreements that issue, the necessary measures for the protection of said species and geographic areas. ARTICLE 87.- For the determination of the centers of origin and genetic diversity, the following criteria: I. That they are considered centers of genetic diversity, understanding by them the regions that currently they host populations of the wild relatives of the GMO in question, including different races or varieties thereof, which constitute a genetic reserve of the material, and II. In the case of crops, the geographical regions where the organism in question was domesticated, as long as these regions are centers of genetic diversity. ARTICLE 88.- In the centers of origin and genetic diversity of animal and plant species only allowed the release of GMOs in the case of GMOs other than native species, always that their release does not cause a negative impact on human health or biological diversity. CHAPTER II Of the Activities with GMOs in Protected Natural Areas ARTICLE 89.- In the protected natural areas created in accordance with the provisions of the matter, only activities with GMOs will be allowed for bioremediation purposes, in cases where pests appear or pollutants that could endanger the existence of animal, vegetable or aquaculture species, and GMOs have been created to avoid or combat this situation, provided that the scientific elements and necessary technicians who support the environmental benefit that is intended to be obtained, and such activities are allowed by SEMARNAT in the terms of this Law. For the purposes of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it is prohibited to carry out activities with GMOs in the areas core of protected natural areas. In the event that any center of origin or center of genetic diversity is located within a natural area protected, the declarations of creation and the management programs of these areas will be modified in the terms of the legislation of the matter, as the determinations referred to in Article 86 of This Law CHAPTER III GMO Free Zones ARTICLE 90.- GMO-free zones may be established for the protection of agricultural products organic and others of interest to the requesting community, in accordance with the following general guidelines: 29 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 I. Free zones will be established in the case of GMOs of the same species to which they are Produce through production processes of organic agricultural products, and be proven scientifically and technically that their coexistence is not viable or that they would not comply with the regulatory requirements for their certification; II. These areas will be determined by SAGARPA through agreements that will be published in the Journal. Official of the Federation, previous opinion of the CIBIOGEM, with the opinion of the National Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity, taking into account what is established in official regulations Mexican relative to organic agricultural products; III. The determination of free zones will be made based on the following requirements: A. It will be made at the written request of the communities concerned, through their legal representative; B. This request must be accompanied by the favorable opinion of the governments of the entities federation and municipal governments of places or regions to be determined as free zones; C. Evaluations of the effects that GMOs may cause to the production processes of organic agricultural products or biodiversity, through which it is demonstrated, scientifically and technically, that its coexistence is not viable or does not meet the regulatory requirements for its certification, in accordance with the official Mexican standards issued by SAGARPA. The evaluations mentioned shall be carried out as established by said Secretariat in official Mexican standards, and IV. SAGARPA will establish in the agreements the security measures that may be adopted in GMO-free zones, in order to ensure adequate protection of organic agricultural products. FIFTH TITLE On the Protection of Human Health in relation to GMOs CHAPTER I Of GMO Authorizations ARTICLE 91.- The GMOs subject to authorization are the following: I. Those that are intended for human use or consumption, including grains; II. Those that are used for food processing for human consumption; III. Those with public health purposes, and IV. Those that are destined to bioremediation. For the purposes of this Law, GMOs for human use or consumption are also considered to be those for consumption animal and that can be consumed directly by the human being. ARTICLE 92.- The request for authorization of a GMO must be accompanied by the following requirements: I. The study of the possible risks that the human use or consumption of the GMO in question could represent the human health, which will include scientific and technical information related to its safety, and 30 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 II. The other requirements that are determined in the official Mexican norms that derive from this Law. The guidelines, criteria, characteristics and requirements of the studies of the possible risks that GMOs may cause to human health, will be determined by the SSA in the official Mexican standards issued in accordance with this Law. ARTICLE 93.- In the case of authorization requests from a GMO to be able to import for the purposes referred to in article 91 of this Law, in addition to what is established in the previous article, the interested party must attach the information and documentation proving that the GMO is authorized according to the legislation of the country of origin. Failing that, the interested party will manifest the absence of said situation, and will expose the elements of consideration that support the SSA can resolve the request for authorization. ARTICLE 94.- Once the SSA receives an authorization request, and as long as it complies with the information and the requirements established in this Law, you must send it to the Registry, for its registration and publicity respective. ARTICLE 95.- Authorizations must be issued within a period not exceeding six months from after the SSA receives the authorization request from the interested party and the information provided in said application is complete. ARTICLE 96.- The SSA will issue its resolution, once it has analyzed the information and documentation contributed by the interested party. Said Secretariat in its resolution may, founded and motivated: I. Issue the authorization, or II. Deny authorization in the following cases: A) When the request does not comply with the provisions of this Law or the official Mexican regulations such as requirements for the granting of authorization; B) When the information provided by the interested party is false, incomplete or insufficient, or C) When the SSA concludes that the risks that such organisms may present will negatively affect human health, which can cause serious or irreversible damage. The SSA will base its resolutions in accordance with the scientifically and technically supported identification of the possible risks that GMOs could generate, and the real possibility of affecting human health by these organisms. ARTICLE 97.- GMOs authorized by the SSA may be freely marketed and imported for commercialization, as well as products containing said organisms and products derived therefrom. The foregoing without prejudice to said authorized bodies, the products containing them and the products derivatives are subject to the general health control regime established by the General Health Law and its regulations and, if applicable, the corresponding phytozoosanitary requirements. 31 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 ARTICLE 98.- The relative provisions shall apply to the administrative authorization procedure. of the Second Title, regarding the Reconsideration of Negative Resolutions, Review of Permits and Confidentiality CHAPTER II Additional Provisions ARTICLE 99.- The packaging of GMOs and products containing them, for human use or consumption, is will be governed by the official Mexican regulations issued by the SSA, together with the Secretariat of Economy, in accordance with the General Health Law and its regulatory provisions, and with the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization. ARTICLE 100.- The development, production, commercialization and in general process of GMOs with effects Therapeutics, in addition to what is established in this Law, will be subject to the provisions of the General Health Law and other regulations applicable to medicines and drugs. SIXTH TITLE Labeling and Identification of GMOs ARTICLE 101.- GMOs or products containing genetically modified organisms, authorized by the SSA for its safety in the terms of this Law and that are for direct human consumption, must guarantee the explicit reference of genetically modified organisms and indicate on the label the information of their nutritional composition or its nutritional properties, in those cases in which these characteristics are significantly different from conventional products, and also comply with the Additional general labeling requirements in accordance with official Mexican standards issued by the SSA, in accordance with the provisions of the General Health Law and its regulatory provisions, with the participation of the Secretariat of Economy. The information contained in the labels, in accordance with the provisions of this article, must be truthful, objective, Clear, understandable, useful for the consumer and supported by scientific and technical information. The labeling of GMOs that are seeds or vegetative material intended for sowing, cultivation and production agricultural, will be subject to the official Mexican standards issued by SAGARPA with the participation of the Secretariat of Economy. Regarding this type of GMOs, it will be mandatory to record on the label that these are organisms genetically modified, the characteristics of the acquired genetic combination and its relative implications to special conditions and crop requirements, as well as changes in reproductive characteristics and productive. The conformity assessment of said official Mexican standards will be carried out by the SSA, SAGARPA and the Ministry of Economy within the scope of their respective competencies and the persons accredited and approved according to the provisions of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization. ARTICLE 102.- The information requirements that must be included in the documentation that accompanies the GMOs that are Import according to this Law, they will be established in official Mexican norms that derive from this ordinance, considering in its expedition the purpose to which said organisms are destined and what is establish in international treaties to which the United Mexican States are a party. The rules Mexican officials referred to in this article will be issued jointly by SAGARPA, SSA and the Ministry of Economy In the event that the import of GMOs is carried out for the purpose of their release into the environment, The official Mexican standards referred to in this article will be issued by the designated Secretariats jointly with SEMARNAT. SEVENTH TITLE 32 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 From the Lists of GMOs ARTICLE 103.- The lists of GMOs that are issued and published under this Law shall be the following: I. Those of GMOs that have permission for their commercial release or for their importation for that activity; II. Those of GMOs that do not have permission for their commercial release or for their importation for that activity; III. Those of GMOs authorized by the SSA, and IV. Those of GMOs to carry out activities of confined use of GMOs for teaching and research purposes Scientific and technological The lists of GMOs referred to in this article will be issued and published by the competent Secretariats with the periodicity established by the regulations that derive from this Law and in accordance with established in this Title. They will have the purpose of making the interested parties and the public known in general, the result of the resolutions issued regarding permit applications and authorizations ARTICLE 104.- The list of GMOs referred to in sections I and II of the previous article shall be prepared considering the results of the case-by-case evaluation and issued jointly by SEMARNAT, the SSA and SAGARPA, and will be published for its knowledge and dissemination in the Official Gazette of the Federation. The purposes of the list referred to in this article will be: I. Indicate the legal status of those GMOs, and II. Determine the cases in which the GMOs allowed for commercial release or for importation for that activity they can be released and imported freely in the geographic areas that are determined according to Case by case analysis. In this list, the corresponding Secretariats may indicate the cases in which the import, use, handling and The release of these organisms can be carried out without conditions, as well as the cases in which they must be met Specific conditions. ARTICLE 105.- The list of GMOs that have authorization will be prepared and issued by the SSA, considering the Results of the case-by-case evaluation of the possible risks of these health agencies human, and will be published for knowledge and dissemination in the Official Gazette of the Federation. Its purposes will be indicate the legal situation in which these GMOs are, and determine the cases in which the GMOs authorized under this Law may be marketed and imported. ARTICLE 106.- The list of GMOs to carry out activities of confined use of said organisms for teaching and scientific and technological research purposes it will be issued jointly by the Secretariats, and will be published for their knowledge and dissemination in the Official Gazette of the Federation. 33 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 ARTICLE 107.- In the formulation, issuance and modification of the GMO information lists, the following shall be observed. that is established in the regulatory provisions that derive from this ordinance, taking into account the following guidelines: They will be formulated according to: I. The nature of the genetically modified organism; II. The presence in the country or region of interest, of sexually compatible species with the organism genetically modified; III. The type of sexual reproduction of the genetically modified organism and native species sexually compatible; IV. The nature of the receiving or parental organism; V. The characteristics of the vector and the insert of genetic material used in the operation; SAW. The capacity and form of propagation of genetically modified organisms; VII. The existence of wild relatives in any area or region of the national territory that is its center originally; VIII. The scale or volume of handling, and IX. The possible effects or risks that the different activities with these organisms could cause to the environment and biological diversity or human health or animal, plant or aquaculture health. EIGHTH TITLE About Biosafety Information CHAPTER I From the National Biosafety Information System ARTICLE 108.- The CIBIOGEM, through its Executive Secretariat, will develop the National Information System on Biosafety that will aim to organize, update and disseminate information on biosafety. In said System, CIBIOGEM must integrate, among other aspects, the information corresponding to the Registry. The CIBIOGEM will gather relevant reports and documents resulting from scientific, academic, work activities technicians or any other type of biosafety, including the safety of GMOs, carried out by natural or legal persons, national or foreign, who will be referred and organized by the National System Information on Biosafety. In addition, it will prepare and publish annually a detailed report of the situation general existing in the country regarding biotechnology and biosafety subject of this Law. The CIBIOGEM will also carry out the studies and socio-economic considerations resulting from the effects of the GMOs that are released to the environment in the national territory, and will establish the mechanisms to carry out the consultation and participation of indigenous peoples and communities settled in areas where liberation is sought of GMOs, considering the value of biological diversity. 34 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 Likewise, the CIBIOGEM Executive Secretariat will serve as the National Focal Center before the Secretariat of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity, being responsible for liaising with said Secretariat and for complying with the provisions of Article 19 of said International Treaty. The CIBIOGEM Executive Secretariat will also be responsible for providing Biosafety Information Exchange Center established in the aforementioned Protocol, any information about: I. Existing national laws, regulations and guidelines for the application of the Protocol, as well as information and documentation required, in terms of this Law, for the administrative permit procedure of import of GMOs to be released experimentally, in pilot program or commercially; II. Bilateral, regional and multilateral agreements and arrangements; III. Summaries of GMO risk assessments, as well as relevant product information GMO derivatives; IV. Final resolutions on the importation or release into the environment of GMOs, as well as the modification of resolutions derived from its revision in accordance with this Law; V. The socioeconomic effects of GMOs, especially in indigenous and local communities, and SAW. Reports on compliance with the obligations established in the Protocol, including those relating to the application of the procedure for importing GMOs to be released into the environment experimentally, in program pilot or commercial The competent Secretariats may provide directly to the Information Exchange Center on Biosafety, the information referred to in the previous sections, informing simultaneously to the Executive Secretariat of the CIBIOGEM. CHAPTER II From the National Biosafety Registry of GMOs ARTICLE 109.- The Registry, which will be in charge of the CIBIOGEM Executive Secretariat, will be public and Its purpose is to register information related to activities with GMOs, as well as their own organisms. Its operation and what may be subject to registration will be determined in the provisions regulations that derive from this Law. SEMARNAT, SAGARPA and SSA will contribute to the organization and Registry operation. NINTH TITLE Of the Official Mexican Standards in Biosafety ARTICLE 110.- To guarantee the biosecurity of activities with GMOs, the Secretariats, jointly or with the participation of other agencies of the Federal Public Administration, they will issue regulations Mexican officials whose purpose is to establish guidelines, criteria, technical specifications and procedures in accordance with the provisions of this Law. ARTICLE 111.- In the formulation of official Mexican standards regarding biosafety, it should be considered that the compliance with its forecasts must be carried out in accordance with the characteristics of each activity or production process with GMOs. 35 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 ARTICLE 112.- The application of the official Mexican norms regarding biosafety, as well as the Inspection and surveillance acts will correspond exclusively to the competent Secretariats under the terms of this Law. Compliance with these standards may be evaluated by certification bodies, units of verification and testing laboratories approved by said Secretariats in accordance with the provisions regulations that derive from this ordinance and with the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization. TENTH TITLE Inspection and Surveillance and Security or Urgent Measures Application CHAPTER I Inspection and Surveillance ARTICLE 113.- To verify and verify compliance with this Law, its regulations and standards Mexican officers derived from it, the competent Secretariats may carry out through duly authorized personnel, the inspection and surveillance acts they deem necessary, by through the Administrative Units legally authorized to do so, in accordance with this Law. ARTICLE 114.- Regarding the requirements and formalities that must be observed in the realization of inspection and surveillance visits, the provisions are supplementary to this Chapter of the Eleventh Chapter of the Third Title of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure. In matter of restoration or compensation of damage to the environment or biological diversity, the provisions may apply in the second paragraph of Article 168 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection. CHAPTER II Security or Urgent Measures Application ARTICLE 115.- The Secretariats, within the scope of their competence under this Law, will order some or some of the measures that are established in this article, in the event that in carrying out activities with GMOs the next: I. Risks not originally foreseen arise, which could cause damage or adverse effects and significant to human health or biological diversity or animal, plant or aquaculture health; II. Damage or adverse and significant effects are caused to human health or biological diversity or health animal, vegetable or aquaculture, or III. GMOs not allowed and / or unauthorized into the environment are accidentally released. In these cases, the measures may be the following: A. Temporary, partial or total closure of the places and / or facilities in which they are handled or store GMOs or develop activities that give rise to the assumptions that give rise to taxation of the measure; B. The precautionary assurance of GMOs, in addition to goods, vehicles, utensils and instruments directly related to the action or omission that gives rise to the measure; C. The temporary, total or partial suspension of the activity that motivates the imposition of the measure; 36 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 D. The repatriation of GMOs to their country of origin; E. The performance of the necessary actions and measures to avoid continuing to present the assumptions that motivate the imposition of the measure, and F. The destruction of GMOs in question, at the expense of the interested party, for which the following should be addressed: a) Proceed only if the risks or damages are serious or irreparable, and only by the imposition of this measure is possible to avoid, mitigate or mitigate the risks or damages that motivated it; b) To determine the imposition of the measure, the competent Secretariat must issue an opinion, based on technical and scientifically, by means of which the origin of the destruction of the GMO in question is justified, having to make it known to the interested party, so that the latter within five days exposes what is convenient for you and, where appropriate, provide the evidence you have, and c) As long as the competent Secretariat dictates the corresponding resolution, it may order, in advance, the precautionary assurance of GMOs, which can be carried out by the Secretariat itself or through the interested. Likewise, the competent Secretariat that imposes the measures referred to in this article may promote before the other competent Secretariats, the execution of some or some measures established in Other systems. ARTICLE 116.- When the competent Secretariats order any of the measures provided for in the previous article, they will indicate to the interested party the actions that must be carried out to correct the irregularities that motivated the imposition of said measures, as well as the deadlines for their realization, so that once these have been fulfilled, Order the withdrawal of the measures imposed. If the interested party will refuse to carry out the actions to correct the irregularities that motivated the imposition of the measure (s) in question, the Secretariat that has imposed them will perform immediately, with full charge to the reluctant interested party. In the event that the interested party carries out security measures or urgently applied or remedies irregularities incurred, prior to the competent Secretariat imposing some or some of the sanctions established in this Law, said Secretariat shall consider such situation as mitigating the infraction. committed. ARTICLE 117.- In case of accidental releases of GMOs that are verified in the national territory, and that they could have significant adverse effects on the biological diversity or human health of another country, the competent Secretariat shall notify such situation to the corresponding authority of the country that could be affected by such release. Such notification must include: I. Information on the estimated quantities and the characteristics and / or important features of the GMO; II. Information on the circumstances and the estimated date of the accidental release, as well as the use of the GMO in the national territory; III. Information available on possible adverse effects for biological diversity and human health; 37 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 IV. Information available on possible regulatory measures, attention and risk control, and V. A point of contact for additional information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Secretariats, within the scope of their powers under this Law, will carry out the actions and measures necessary to minimize any risk or adverse effect that the GMOs released They could accidentally cause. Such actions and measures will be ordered by the Secretariats to whom there are caused the accidental release of GMOs to the environment, who must comply immediately. In case Otherwise, the Secretariats will proceed in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of the previous article. ARTICLE 118.- The provisions of the Single Chapter of Title Five are supplementary to this Chapter. of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure, except for the provisions of the previous article. Twelve eleventh Infractions, Sanctions and Responsibilities CHAPTER I Of the Infractions ARTICLE 119.- The person who, in full, incurs administrative violations of the provisions of this Law. knowledge that it is about GMOs: I. Perform activities with GMOs without the respective permits and authorizations; II. Perform activities with GMOs in breach of the terms and conditions established in the permits and respective authorizations; III. Perform activities of confined use of GMOs, without presenting the notices in the terms established in this Law; IV. Carry out activities with GMOs that are subject or exempt from the notice submission, in breach of the other provisions of this Law, its regulations and the official Mexican norms that derive therefrom, that are applicable to the activity in question or that are common to all activities in biosecurity matter; V. Present to the competent Secretariats, information and / or documentation referred to in this system that is false, including the one related to the possible risks that activities with GMOs could cause human health or biological diversity; SAW. Breaches the sanitary, monitoring, control and prevention measures indicated by those interested in the information and documentation provided to obtain the respective permits and authorizations, and those established by the Secretariats in their own permits and authorizations; VII. Breaches the control and response measures in case of emergency indicated by the interested parties in their studies of the possible risks that activities with GMOs may cause to human health or biological diversity or animal, plant or aquaculture health; VIII. Breaches the obligation to inform or inform the Secretariats, in the cases established in this law; 38 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 IX. Breaches the obligation to adopt and implement additional biosecurity requirements and measures determined by the Secretariats, in cases of confined use activities subject to notice, in so be determined; X. Failure to review, implement or adopt new sanitary, monitoring, control and prevention, in the cases in which the competent Secretariats so determine in accordance with the provisions of this Law; XI Carry out activities with GMOs or with any other body whose purpose is the manufacture and / or use of biological weapons; XII. Make releases of GMOs in centers of origin and genetic diversity, outside the cases established in this Law; XIII Carry out activities with GMOs in the protected natural areas indicated in this Law, outside the cases established by it; XIV Failure to inform the SEMARNAT or SAGARPA, according to their field of competence pursuant to this Law, through the corresponding report, the results of the release experimental or pilot program releases, which have the respective permit; XV. Import GMOs that are prohibited in the country of origin or are classified as not allowed for its commercial release or for its importation for that activity in the lists referred to in this Law, when Corresponding secretariats would not have positively determined that these prohibitions are not applicable in the National territory; XVI. Present the notices to the corresponding Secretariats without being signed by the person who must do it compliance with this Law; XVII Do not carry and / or do not provide the corresponding Secretariat with the logbook of the activities that are perform in confined use, in the terms established in this Law and in the official norms Mexicans that derive from it; XVIII. Do not suspend the activity of use confined in cases where the Secretariats corresponding, once the notice has been submitted by the interested party, determine said situation and, in its case, that the activity requires additional biosecurity requirements or measures to continue its realization; XIX. Perform confined utilization activities by ceasing to apply confinement and treatment measures, final disposal and disposal of GMO residues generated in carrying out the activity; XX. Breaches the provisions regarding the generation, treatment, confinement, final disposal, destruction or GMO waste disposal, established in the official Mexican regulations derived from this ordering; XXI. Do not integrate the internal biosafety commissions in the cases, forms and deadlines established by the regulatory provisions derived from this Law; XXII. Breaches the obligation to carry out security or urgent actions and measures application established by the competent Secretariats, in the cases and terms established in this Law; 39 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 XXIII. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Law and the official Mexican regulations derived therefrom, related to the labeling of products containing GMOs and products derived from said organisms; XXIV Fail to comply with the provisions of this ordinance and the official Mexican regulations derived therefrom, related to the identification of GMOs; XXV Perform activities of confined use of GMOs, other than those expressed in the notices presented in the terms of this Law; XXVI Perform activities with GMOs other than those allowed, or allocate GMOs for purposes other than those allowed or authorized; XXVII. Intentionally release GMOs to the environment without having release permits and, where appropriate, authorizations, that correspond according to this Law, and XXVIII. Release GMOs into the environment that have been imported or produced in the national territory, in the terms of This Law, for direct human or animal consumption, for food processing for human consumption, or for other uses other than its release to the environment. CHAPTER II Of the Sanctions ARTICLE 120.- The infractions to the precepts of this Law, its regulations and the official Mexican norms that of they derive, indicated in the previous article, will be sanctioned administratively by the competent Secretariats, with one or more of the following penalties: I. Fine of five hundred to fifteen thousand days of general minimum wage in force in the Federal District to who commits the infractions provided for in sections IV, V, VIII, XIV, XVI, XVII, and XXI of article 119 of this Law; II. Fine of fifteen thousand one to thirty thousand days of general minimum wage in force in the Federal District to whom it commits the infractions foreseen in fractions I, II, III, VI, VII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XV, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI and XXVII of article 119 of this system. In the case of recidivism, the amount of the corresponding fine will be doubled. For the purposes of this fraction, it considers the offender to be a repeat offender who commits more than once in conduct that involves infractions to a same precept, in a period of two years, counted from the date on which the competent Secretariat determines by means of a definitive resolution the commission of the first infraction, and provided that this had not been distorted; III. Temporary or definitive closure, partial or total, of the facilities in which the infractions when: A) The infractions generate possible risks or adverse effects to human health or biological diversity or animal, vegetable or aquaculture health; B) The offender has not complied with the deadlines and conditions imposed by the Secretariats competent, with the security measures or urgently ordered, or C) It is a matter of repeated disobedience to the fulfillment of some or some security measures or urgent application imposed by the competent Secretariats; 40 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 IV. Confiscation of instruments, copies, organisms obtained or directly related products with the offenses committed; V. The suspension or revocation of permits and corresponding authorizations; SAW. Administrative arrest for up to thirty-six hours, and VII. Prohibition of experimental release, pilot program release or marketing of GMOs or the products that contain them. ARTICLE 121.- Regardless of the provisions of the preceding Article, any person who, with full knowledge of that these are GMOs, cause damage to third parties in their property or to their health, due to the improper use or handling of said agencies, will be responsible and will be obliged to repair them under the terms of federal civil legislation. The same obligation will be assumed by the person who damages the environment or biological diversity, due to improper use or handling of GMOs, for which the provisions of Article 203 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and the Environmental Protection Those directly affected in their property may request the judge to request the Secretariat competent so that, through its respective scientific technical committee that establishes according to this order, prepare a technical opinion whose purpose is to prove the existence of the damage, and serve as the basis for the judge to determine, where appropriate, the form of its repair. The technical opinion issued will not generate any cost to Applicants charge. In the case of damage to the environment or biological diversity, the SEMARNAT, through the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection, will exercise the responsibility action, being able to do it in any in the following ways: I. Ex officio, based on the file relating to inspection and surveillance acts that have been finalized, the commission of infractions to this Law has been determined and this determination has not been distorted by any means of challenge, or II. By complaint, filed by members of the affected community, of acts that could contravene the established in this Law and other provisions that emanate from it. The complaint must be accompanied by the information technical and scientific support, with the participation of the Scientific Advisory Board of the CIBIOGEM, previous opinion of the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity. In the cases referred to in the previous sections, the Federal Attorney General's Office Ambiente will proceed to exercise the action of responsibility based on the technical opinion that for such effect elaborates the scientific technical committee of the SEMARNAT. For the formulation of the opinion, the scientific technical committee will evaluate the information and the elements available to the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection, whether that work in the administrative file or those provided by the complainants, respectively, and determine, where appropriate, the existence of the damage. They will be competent to know about the actions of liability for damage to the environment or biological diversity in the terms of this Article, the district courts in civil matters, in accordance with the territorial jurisdiction established in the respective provisions. The administrative sanctions established in the previous Article shall apply without prejudice, where appropriate, of the corresponding penalties when the acts or omissions constituting violations of this Law, are also constitutive of crime in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Federal Criminal Code. 41 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 ARTICLE 122.- They are additionally applicable to this Chapter regarding administrative responsibilities, the provisions of the Single Chapter of the Fourth Title of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure, with the exception of article 70-A of said system. TITLE TENTH Review Resource ARTICLE 123.- The final resolutions issued in the administrative procedures on the occasion of the application of this Law, its regulations and the rules that derive from it, may be challenged by the affected by the appeal for review, within fifteen days following the date of its notification, or before the competent jurisdictional instances. The appeal for review will be filed directly with the Secretariat that issued the contested decision, who in his case, will grant his admission, and the granting or the denial of the suspension of the act appealed, taking turns the recourse to your superior in the same Secretariat for final resolution. ARTICLE 124.- As regards the other procedures related to the substantiation of the appeal for review to referred to in the previous article, the provisions of Title Six of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure. TRANSITORY FIRST ARTICLE.- This Law shall enter into force within thirty business days of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation. SECOND ARTICLE.- The competent Secretariats shall issue and publish in the Official Gazette of the Federation the notice formats referred to in this order, within twenty days following the approval of the themselves by the Federal Regulatory Improvement Commission. THIRD ARTICLE.- Once the formats referred to in the transitory article have been issued and published above, those interested in accordance with this Law have the obligation to submit notices, must do so within a period of ninety days from the publication of said formats in the Official Gazette of the Federation FOURTH ARTICLE.- The holders of the authorizations granted prior to the issuance of this Law shall not be affected by virtue of the entry into force of this system in the rights and obligations set forth in the same. ARTICLE FIVE.- The authorization requests whose processing has been initiated previously to the issuance of this Law, and that are pending resolution, must be resolved in accordance with the legal and administrative provisions in force at the time these applications were entered. ARTICLE SIX.- The SHCP will perform the necessary acts to transfer the resources necessary for the operation of the Executive Secretariat and the Scientific Advisory Board of the CIBIOGEM, and will approve the places that are necessary for the operation of the Executive Secretariat of said CIBIOGEM, charged to the resources that has approved said Commission, as well as those that the dependencies and entities that integrate said Commission, have them approved for such purposes, under the terms of the applicable provisions. 42 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 The actions that derive from the fulfillment of this Law and other dispositions that derive from it, will be attended with charge to the budget availability approved for this purpose to the dependencies and entities of the Administration Federal Public that make up the CIBIOGEM. The Presidential Agreement by which the CIBIOGEM was created will continue in force in what does not oppose this Law, until as long as the corresponding regulatory provisions of this system are issued. ARTICLE SEVEN.- The regulatory provisions relating to the provisions of Chapter IV of Title One of the This Law, as well as those corresponding to Chapters I and II of the Eighth Title of this same system, shall must issue within six months from the entry into force of this ordering The CIBIOGEM will issue its rules of operation within sixty days after entering vigor of the regulatory provisions indicated in this article. ARTICLE EIGHT.- The call to integrate the Advisory Council will be issued within thirty days following the entry into force of this Law, and will be integrated within three months following the Publication of the call. NINTH ARTICLE.- CONACyT will do what is necessary to modify the trust it has established for the management of resources of the Intersecretarial Commission created through the Presidential Agreement published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on November 5, 1999, to comply with this Law, so that it operates in the future as the Fund for the Promotion and Support of Scientific Research and Technology in Biosafety and Biotechnology that establishes the present order. ARTICLE TEN.- The program for the development of biosafety and biotechnology referred to in article 29 of this Law, it will be formulated and issued in a period not exceeding one year from the entry into force of this ordering ARTICLE ELEVENTH.- The preliminary draft of the official Mexican standards referred to in the articles 42, section VII, 50 section V, 55 section VII, 74, 101 and 102 of this Law, must be presented to the Committees Corresponding National Standardization Consultants and joining the National Standardization Program, within a term not exceeding six months from the entry into force of this ordinance, in accordance and for the effects established in the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization. The preliminary draft of the other official Mexican standards referred to in this Law shall be submitted within the term of one year from the entry into force of this ordinance, for the purposes indicated in the paragraph previous. While the official Mexican standards referred to in articles 42, section VII, 50 section V and 55 are issued Section VII of this Law, SEMARNAT and SAGARPA, in their respective fields of competence, may determine the information deemed necessary, with the participation that corresponds to the Federal Improvement Commission Regulatory, and within a period not exceeding one year from the entry into force of the present order, in order to issue the corresponding permits. TENTH ARTICLE.- All legal provisions that oppose this Law are repealed. 43 of 44 BIOSEURITY LAW OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES OF THE H. CONGRESS OF THE UNION General Secretary Secretariat of Parliamentary Services New Law DOF 03-18-2005 Mexico, D.F., February 15, 2005.- Dip. Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, President.- Sen. Diego Fernández de Cevallos Ramos, President.- Dip. Marcos Morales Torres, Secretary.- Sen. Sara I. Castellanos Cortés, Secretary.- Rubrics. " In compliance with the provisions of section I of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for due publication and observance, I issue this Decree in the Residence of Federal Executive Power, in Mexico City, Federal District, on the seventeenth day of the month of March two One thousand five.- Vicente Fox Quesada.- Rubric.- The Secretary of the Interior, Santiago Creel Miranda.- Rubric. 44 of 44