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Standard Back Next Standard: Decree 30 Version: Unique From: JAN 14, 2013 Publication Date: JAN 14, 2013 Promulgation Date: Jul 5, 2012 Agency: MINISTRY OF HEALTH; UNDERSECRETARIAT OF PUBLIC HEALTH DECREE 30 HEADER ARTICLE PROMULGATION Text | SEARCH CLEAN Text Versions Options Data CHANGES DECREE N ° 114, OF 2010, WHICH APPROVES REGULATION OF LAW No. 20,120, ON SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION IN THE BEING HUMAN, ITS GENOME AND PROHIBITS HUMAN CLONING No. 30.- Santiago, July 5, 2012.- Seen: The provisions of Law No. 20.120, on scientific research on humans, their genome, and prohibits human cloning, published in the Official Gazette of September 22, 2006; in decree No. 114 of 2010, Regulation of the aforementioned regulations; at DFL N ° 1, of 2005, of the Ministry of Health, which fixes the consolidated text, coordinated and systematized of the decree law N ° 2.763, of 1979, and of the laws N ° 18,933 and No. 18,469; in articles 7 and 8 of decree No. 136 of 2004, Organic Regulation of the Ministry of Health; in resolution No. 1,600 of 2008, from the Comptroller General of the Republic, and Considering: 1. That the Ministry of Health is responsible for exercising the corresponding function The State to guarantee free and equal access to promotional actions, protection and recovery of the health and rehabilitation of the sick person; as well as coordinate, control and, when appropriate, execute such actions. 2. That, in accordance with the foregoing, it corresponds to this Secretary of State formulate, set and control health policies, for which it has, among others functions, the power to issue general standards in technical matters to which the organisms and entities of the System must adhere, to execute activities prevention and health protection. 3. That, in this order of ideas, the President of the Republic, through the Ministry of Health, issued decree No. 114 of 2010, which approves the Regulation of Law No. 20,120, on scientific research in the being human, its genome, and prohibits human cloning. 4.- That, on April 24, 2012, Law No. 20.584 that "Regulates the Rights and Duties that People have in Relationship with Actions Linked to Your Health Care "that regulates matters related to this regulation, which implies the need to update its standards. Bearing in mind: The powers granted to me by Articles 32 No. 6 and 35 of the Political Constitution of the Republic, I dictate the following: Decree: Decree No. 114 of 2010, which approves the Regulations of the law, is amended No. 20,120, on scientific research in humans, their genome, and prohibits human cloning, as follows: 1.- Replace article 1 with the following: "Article 1 .- The purpose of these Regulations is to establish the standards that complement and develop the provisions in force in Law No. 20,120 and the relevant ones of Law No. 20,584, regarding biomedical scientific research in humans and its clinical applications, within the framework of the protection of life, physical and mental integrity of the individual and his diversity and genetic identity. " 2.- Add in the second paragraph of article 6, after the word investigation and preceded by a comma (,) the expression "diagnosis". 3.- Make in article 8 the following modifications: A) Replace letter a) with the following: "a) Biomedical scientific research in humans: all research that implies a physical or psychic intervention or interaction with beings human, with the aim of improving prevention, diagnosis, treatment, management and rehabilitation of people's health or to increase the biological knowledge of the human being. Biomedical scientific research in human beings includes the use of human material or available information identifiable; ". B) Add a new letter b.1) of the following tenor: "b.1) Contract Research Organization (OIC; CRO): Person natural or legal, commercial, academic or otherwise, hired as intermediary by the sponsor, to carry out one or more of the tasks and Functions of the sponsor related to the clinical trial. " C) Replace letter e) by the following: "e) Establishment or research site: physical place or geographic space where the researcher plans to contact potential participants and / or where the intervention (s) it includes is carried out. " D) Replace letter g) with the following: "g) Research or multicenter study: biomedical research conducted according to the same protocol that involves two or more establishments or research sites. " 4.- Replace article 10 with the following articles 10 and 10 bis: "Article 10.- All scientific research in human beings to be carried out in the country can only be carried out if it has a favorable review and report of a Scientific Ethical Committee accredited by the Health Authority and independent of the research team. In the cases of multicenter studies, the scientific and ethical review is will be carried out by a single accredited committee, and must be complemented by a local assessment related to researchers and institutions involved at that level to verify the feasibility of the study in their communities, including infrastructure, level of training and considerations significant local ethics. " "Article 10 bis: All scientific research to be carried out on human beings You must have the express authorization of the director or directors of the establishments within which it is carried out, which will be evacuated within of the term of 20 working days counted from the conformity evaluation of the Committee Relevant Scientific Ethics and the Institute of Public Health in the case of the article 7th, second paragraph; the refusal of this authorization must be founded. Said authorization will become effective once the terms in which will carry out the research by the sponsor and its intermediary in its case, and of the investigators, person in charge or main participant, depending on relevant. Any serious adverse event that occurs in the course of the investigation, must be informed promptly by the investigator responsible to the Director of the establishment where the investigation and to the Committee as appropriate. " 5.- Replace the first paragraph of article 11 by the following: "Article 11.- All scientific research carried out with human beings You must have the prior, express, free, informed, personal and written. In the case of minors, it must be ensured that their participation in the study does not violate your essential rights or constitute a risk to your physical and mental health and integrity. The minor's refusal to participate or continuing the investigation must be respected. " 6.- Replace article 12 by the following: "Article 12.- Informed consent is understood as acquiescence achieved through a communication process and formalized through a written record, issued by the person in whom the investigation will be conducted or by your legal representative, in which explicit mention is made of the knowledge that it has about the essential aspects of the research, especially its purpose, potential benefits and risks, and procedures or alternative treatments. In relation to scientific research with subjects with mental disabilities or intellectual, you must take into account the provisions of Law No. 20,584 and its pertinent regulations, as appropriate. " 7.- Replace article 16 with the following: "Article 16.- The Scientific Ethical Committees, hereinafter the Committees, are collegiate entities, constituted in public or private institutions in conformity to the standards established in these Regulations, which have essential responsibility to protect the rights, safety and well-being of research subjects. The Committees must be accredited by the Health Authority. Corresponds to the superior authority of the entity in which they are constituted ensure the access of its members to scientific and technical information of the matters related to ethics and biomedical research and ensuring support of resources necessary for its proper functioning, in terms of infrastructure and facilities that facilitate their work, guarantee the confidentiality of the treated subjects as well as to provide the personnel administrative and logistical support that this entails. " 8.- In article 18 make the following modifications: A) In the first paragraph, after the expressions "Ethical Committees Scientists ", add the word" accredited: " B) Add the following numerals: "3) Observe the development of the protocols in progress, in order to recommend any modifications that may be necessary for protection of people participating in the research. 9.- Add a new article 18 bis, the tenor of which is as follows: "Article 18 bis.- The Committee must request from each of its members a declaration of the interests that could affect their participation in order to avoid conflicts of interest. In the event that a member declares a conflict of Interest regarding the protocol to be evaluated, must be withdrawn from its review. Also, at the time that a researcher or group of researchers present for review to a Committee a research project must reveal before it, potential or apparent conflicts of interest. " 10.- Replace article 25 with the following: "Article 25.- It will correspond to the sponsor, by itself or through its intermediary choose suitable researchers with experience and qualification professional according to the level of complexity of the research and adopt the receipts that appear in the protocol of the investigation. In said protocol The necessary safeguards must be expressly stated to protect through the appropriate insurance and guarantees, the adverse events that could foresee or that without being foreseeable cause harm to the person. " Sign up, take reason and publish yourself.- SEBASTIÁN PIÑERA ECHENIQUE, President of the Republic.- Jaime Mañalich Muxi, Minister of Health. I am transcribing for your knowledge affection decree No. 30 of 07-05-2012.- Yours sincerely, Jorge Díaz Anaiz, Undersecretary of Public Health. 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